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Everything posted by dMage

  1. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Courier New]Mage had been extending his hand as he asked her for her name, but when she said "Artemis" his while stance changed. He was caught by surprise for only a few seconds before he let out a chuckle. Artemis' eyes narrowed as she watched him laugh. [B]"I'm sorry sir, but I don't find anything amusing about my name."[/B] Mage looked at her with a smile on his lips [B]"I'm sorry dear lady. You see, I have been travelling through these parts in search of a sword master whose skill can challenge my own. I have searched throughout many parts of the world, learning and challenging those whose abilities and skills would provide an adequate workout. I was told by the Roman legionnaires that you are such a person, and I found it amusing that both things I sought...a fire for tonight, and a good spar before sleep, are right in front of me[/B]." As he said this, he extended his arm again, reaching for the lady. [B]"So, if you would do me the pleasure of agreeing to a spar, till one of us has a clear advantage (as in right before a killing stroke) I'd be most obliged."[/B] Artemis glanced at him, slowly sizing him up, studying his body and the way he carried himslef. After a few seconds of thought, she smiled in return and offered the warrior standing in front of her her hand. [B]"I agree to your conditions Mage...now, lets not wait and begin now."[/B] As she said this, her hands plunged into her sheathe as she drew her broadsword from its usual home at her side. She was curious when he did nothing but stand with his hands at his sides, as if waiting for her to make the first move. Shrugging, she drew her short sword and leapt at her oppponent with a forward slash. She watched, surprise in her eyes as he still stood rooted to the same spot. Her blades were about to slash him when suddenly she saw a blur of a very dark gray, and heard the ringing sound that signifies sword upon sword. She was even more surprised when she felt a kick on her rump that almost sent her sprawling to the ground. Regaining her balance, she saw her opponent standing coolly, waiting for her next attack. Her smile disappeared as she watched Mage with new respect. He was fast...but the question was, would he be as fast as her?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Courier New]He walked with a calm air, eating some nuts and berries that he had picked up along the road side. Yet inside, he was cautious and alert to any new action that would take place in his surroundings. He had passed a few tribal skirmishes earlier on, and had had to teach both the barbarians and legionnaires to respect him as someone they should not harass. He was becoming tired of simply walking, and the cold air of the woodland nights was something he most definitely wished to avoid today. His search for a competent opponent was proving fruitless, the only helpful information being that which he gleaned from a pair of Legionnaires who claimed that his swordmastery came close to that of "Artemis". He was thinking about this fabled warrior when he caught sight of smoke a bit ahead of him. Smiling, he increased his pace, hoping that the owner of the fire wouldn't mind having some company for a while...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Courier New]hmmm...It seems that almost everyone else in currently engaged in a battle, and to be honest, I really want to stretch out my sparring muscles, so if you would be so kind, I challenge Astdis to battle. You may create the thread if you so wish, and if not, just accept and let me know that you want me to set everything up, and I will do so. Until we meet again...[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Courier New]Name: Mage Age: 27 Place of Origin: Euskal Herria (Basque Homeland) Appearance: [URL=http://img.ragnarokonline.com/download/wallpaper/wallpaper_28_800.jpg]here[/URL] Has darker clothing (mostly brown and gray) with green piping Occupation: Traveler...mercenary...herbalist. Body: Lean and muscular, while his clothing denotes to a somewhat slim body, it does hide the lean endurance muscles he has honed since the age he could walk. He is about 5'8 in stature, and weighs in at a clean 165. Fighting Style: Chaotically precise. His life philosophy believes in winning, no matter what, meaning that he is willing to use any method necessary (as long as it is with a sword and on the battlefiled). He is a master of the Chinese iajitsu form, making his sword draw among the fastest. Weapons: [URL=http://www.a2armory.com/images/bast-sword-large.jpg]short sword,[/URL] [URL=http://www.thesteelsource.com/html/gledcid.htm]El Cid[/URL] blade is a bit darker in color, as its made of a nickel and steel. Skill: Mage is incredibly skilled in the art of the sword. Its the only thing that he's ever used. His culture and life philosophy demands that he die in glory, and to do so, he must give all he can to every battle. He has traveled the world, and picked up various different martial arts, combining them to make his own unique style. Has a good understanding of herbs, and carries a small puch with crushed herbs to heal wounds. During battle, his battlecry of "Modi" often gives him great focus, allowing him to shrug off the immediate pain of wounds, and fighting through it. His mastery of the iajitsu form has also increased his sword weilding speed immensely, allowing him at times to even deflect objects that come flying at him. Blade God: Glad to oblige.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [FONT=Courier New][COLOR=DarkGreen]The Gand moved slowly, taking small steps, but always ensuring that he had a firm connection to the ground as he shuffled around the pratice mat. Master Fargal had accepted his invitation to a spar, and the Gand knew that in this situation, his Master would put much more emphasis and concentration into defeating him, rather than instruction. Watching his opponent, Exador dropped his gaurds and let the Force flow fully through his body. The feelings that came from letting oneself drop fully into the river of life that the Force represented were more intoxiacting than anything else anybody could ever feel. As he let his mind and body fuse with it, he felt his vision change. No longer was his Master just standing before him, rather he saw a myriad of images, each an avenue of attack that the Noghri could use. While the Force enhanced his senses, and gave him a bit more warning time, Exador knew it was his own manipulation and judgement of what he sensed that would allow him to challenge his master.[/COLOR] ================================ [COLOR=DimGray]Master Fargal stood , saber at the ready, in a defensive posture that allowed superior manueverability. His young charge was ready, full of the Force and confident in his abilities. The Gand would prove to be a great swordsmaster, and the knack and abilities he showed now promised much to Fargal. The only thing the Gand lacked was open offensiveness. While he was a great dueler, the Gand tended to prefer patience and defense, he would rather riposte than attack. It was the only bad tendency that the Noghri weaponsmaster had ever noticed the Gand to be weak of, and it was one that he was ready to change. While he almost never allowed himself this luxury, the Fargal kept his defensive posture, waiting for Exador to make the first move. [/COLOR] ================================ [COLOR=DarkGreen]Exador felt it strange when his master did not attack outright. Fargal never let an opponent attack first, constantly telling Exador that to do so was to allow the enemy to dictate the battle, something that was never good. As this thought crept into his mind, the Gand's mandibles formed into the equivalent of a smile. Well, if his master wanted him to dictate the battle, he would. Once again immersing himself into the Force, the Gand switched his handling on his blade, and attacked.[/COLOR] ================================ [COLOR=DimGray]Fargal stepped into the oncoming blow. Sweeping his blade in an arc, he blocked the Gands looping blow and shifted his grip, stabbing straight to where the Gand stood. He was surprised when the Gands blade appeared diretcly opposite to where he had placed it, and watched as Exador effortlessly blocked his attacked and swept back to a neutral gaurd. It took him longer than he thought necessary to realize what had happened, but when he did so, his feline features blossomed into a [I]very[/I] toothy smile. The Gand had simply rotated the blade, using the curved haft in a way that made the block come out from nowhere. He berated himself silently for forgetting his opponents weapon, and the advantages it would give him. Yet the battle wasn't over yet, and by the way Exador was standing, at the ready he knew it was his turn to attack.[/COLOR] ================================ [COLOR=DarkGreen]Exador felt excited that he had been able to pull off the block succesfully. It was one of the minor adjustments he had made with Gartrek, and it was most definitely worth the time he and the blade-builder had spent on it. When he was sure that his master had recovered, he swept in again, putting his Master again on the defensive. The II form of lightsabre combat relied on sweeping slashes, and Exador employed all the tactics he knew. He came in towards the Nogrhi in a sweeping mid-blow, that his master easily blocked. Using the momentum gathered from the counter-blow, Exador redirected his blade into a low cut meant to severe the Noghri from his feet. Yet, quicker than anyone ever could, the noghri twirled into the air and brought his blade into a fast blow meant to take Gands head. Exador shifted his wieght and brought his own blade up to parry the oncoming blow. Yet as he moved his head back up, he felt a sudden weight hit his head, dizzying him momentarily. Looking up, he saw his master stading in the neutral gaurd, clearly waiting for him to recover. The gand shook his head and sqaured his shoulders, clearing out the stars the Force-blow had caused. When he was ready again, he nodded his head towards his master, signalling his readiness. [/COLOR] ================================== [COLOR=DimGray]Fargal waited patiently as his student recovered from the his attack. Exador was proving to be a very worthy opponent, but he woul have to remember to be ready for all attacks, not just those that came physically, but also those that emanted from the Force. He was about to lunge into another attack when suddenly, the ships comm system blared. [B]"Attention Passengers. We will be reaching our destination point in exactly 1 minute and 30 seconds. All passengers, please ready yourself for our drop out of hyperspace."[/B] Looking over at Exador, Fargal watched as the Gand faced his master, and then bent down on one knee. Fargal nodded, and reached over to pull his student up. "You have done well Exador. Soon, your people shall recognize your prowess, and have you pass through the rite of Individuality."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. Hahaha...that is usually the reaction I have after picking up a Calvin and Hobbes collection. Bill Watterson is simply a genius. I currently obly have "There's treasure everywhere" in my possesion, but I hope to expand this as soon as i can. I did a google search, and found that there is a shop in Ohio which actually carried all the titles, autographed by Watterson himself. I got really excited, searched for the shop, and found that it has closed down :animecry: I was pretty let down, but m'eh, what can you do. [QUOTE][B]Quote by[/B]: [I]Hatake Kakashi[/I] I have...almost everything C & H related. Posters, stuff animals, the books, mousepads, I even have a bed set (sheets, pillows, blanket). [/QUOTE] How did you get all that merchandise? I was under the impression that Watterson never sold the rights to Calvina and Hobbes being marketed, and is in fact really set in his belief of doing so for as long as he can.
  7. OOC: Not sure how to work the Posting of the two characters out yet, but for the time being, I will post both characters, only using different colors to represent them. Also, I know that I have taken some liberties with two of the characters, but I felt that due to the description that you gave of them, the Forms they practice are reflective of their personalities. ============================ [FONT=Courier New][COLOR=DarkGreen]Exador was quiet as he sat in the ship, meditating over the plans that Master Kaith had given them. The Gand felt honored that his skill had been recognized, and that he would be joining the expedition, but a small sense of dread also gnawed at his mind. He had been in combat with Master Fargal when the disturbance had occured, and the loss of so much life force, in small area, had been dramatic. Fargal himself, a Master who almost never showed any loss of composure had taken a step back as if somebody had slapped him. This more than anything else worried the Gand, but he knew that to walk into any situation with fear and dread overpowering you waws worng. He was a Jedi, and as such, he trusted the Force to guide his life. If anything were to happen, it was because fate had dictated it to be so, and he would employ all the knowledge and skill he had to try and make the outcome be the best he could make of it. Sighing, he got up and made his way to the small room Master Gartrek had established as her shop. Exador knew that his skill in combat was competent, and while he would soon go and practice some more with his Master, he felt that a clean and well maintained weapon was necessary for it to go well. Not just that, but there were a few delicate adjustments he wanted to try on his fencing saber, which Master Gartrek would need to help him with.[/COLOR]-------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Roo's sat, watching his students practice against the remotes. Cedrax and Mimishi were faring well against them, but Fargal could not help but wonder if what he had taught them was enough. He watched as both reflected the bolst coming at them, not letting one bolt through, but each employing the different styles he felt best reflected their personalities. Cedrax had always been a competent student, very powerful, but also very rash. And this rashness might prove his end thought the Noghri as he watched his student hack and slash with great gusto. Cedrax, with more temperance and patience, would have had the ability to maybe even have followed Master Qel Droma's and Windu's (as well as himslef) in mastering the VII form of lightsaber combat. But his wild temperance meant that he did not have the will and concentration to attempt such a feat. Instead, Fargal had felt that the way of the Krayt Dragon, with its concentration on "peace through superior firepower" suited him better. Watching him now, Fargal knew it had been the right choice. Cedrax could hold his own against the 12 remotes pitted against him, and used his abilities to knock the bolts back at the remotes to control them, and keep them from tagging him. Looking at Mimishi fight, Fargal could not help but feel a small sense of pride. The Chiss was small and agile, making her defense against the remotes seem more like a dance than a battle. She moved with great grace, and used her speed and agility to keep herself free from harm. Her natural inclination to be protetive, along with her natural grace, had been what had led Fargal to choose Form III as the one which best suited her. While many in the order felt that it is too defensive of a form, Fargal knew that sometimes, with some people, defense was simply the best thing. And if people argued against that, then Fargal would simply have to say "Obi-wan" and most people would shut up. A form that could put up against 3 Sith Lords and still have the weilder come out both victorious and unscathed had to be good. Chuckling lightly, the Noghri looked over at his student once again as she effortlessly blocked every bolt coming towards her. Yes, the Noghri weapons master thought silently to himself, I have done almost all I can to prepare these Knights for the trials ahead.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. Name: Roo's Fargol Age: 40 Gender: Male Personality: Cold, distant, and calculating, Roo's is a Jedi who has sworn complete integrity and honor to the Order of the Jedi. Like all his people, he is quiet and collected, yet always taut, and ready to attack when necessary. His fealty to the Order is second to none, and he would happily give his life to protect his charges, and the Order that whose honor he has. Grave and reserved, he is one of the best weilders of the lightsaber due to the rigorous practice and maintenace he gives to his abilities. Appearance: A flat face face with features similar to a feline, Roo's is a Noghri with dark brown fur. Though he stands at a little less than 1.5 meters, his presence is always immeadiately felt by anyone who shares a room with him. His dark eyes are constantly roving, and his ears swivel and twitch constantly, as picks out new sounds. He wears a loose fitting brown robe, under which he can move with the maximum amount of moblilty. Bio: Roo's has always been a warrior. His clan is among the few who have stayed on the planet of Honoghr, watching it blossom once again into the beautiful planet it once was. As a child, he showed a great aptitude while on the hunt, and was more accurate in his hunting skills than most Noghri children of his age, and quite often, even more than some of the adults. His clan was proud, and when Luke Skywalker, traveling on his last trips through the New Republic, stopped by Honoghr, they took Roo's with them, to offer his services as the Master's bodyguard. Skywalker looked at the young Noghri once, before proclaiming to his clan that Roo's had the power of the Force flowing through his veins. He then took Roo's to the Praxeum, where he began his formal training as a Jedi Knight. Roo's abilities in the Force were always martial. He could never truly comprehend the lessons on History and Diplomacy that all the young Padawans were introduced too. He did not understand meditation and Force-sight, but when it came to his lessons with the lightsaber, few stuudents could best him. His natural grace, and already martially-tuned mind absorbed the techniques and forms of lightsaber combat, and did much to improve on them. When it came time for him to apprentice to a single Master, Master Kyp Halycon proved to be the only one who could satisfy the Noghri's thirst for combat knowledge. By the time he was ready to ascend to Knighthood, Roo's was a master of 5 of the 7 lightsaber forms. He has chosen lightsaber form VII as his own, following in the steps of Ulic Qel-Droma, and Mace Windu, the only other two Jedi who proved strong enough to employ the chaotically precise lightsaber form. Lightsaber colour and type: Being a Jedi Weapons Master, Fargol always carries more lightsabers than necessary, but currently he only has 4 in his possesion. One curved blade (purple), 2 adjustable blades (white and red) and a dual sided (or bo) blade (blue). Most likely to turn to: Light side (honour bound)
  9. Name: Exador Quyr'gg Age: 25 Gender:male Personality: Exador is a humble, quiet, and patient. Like all of his species, he is constantly aware of his actiohns, and very conscious of the repurcussions they may have. This sometimes exasperates the others, as he tends to be slow in conversation and tries to pick the answer he knows will pacify his friends best. Yet when it comes to the battlefiled, natural intinct takes over, making him a fierce and very competent fighter. Appearance: (in search of a decent Gand picture...but, think large green insectoid, with 3 fingers, and green exoskelton. And Exador is regenerative gand, so he doesn't need breathing gear.) Bio: {edit} Lightsaber colour and type: A white normal lightsaber (which he uses to practice lightsaber form 5), and (if allowed) a curved lightsaber, which is green. (Exador practices "Form II" with Master Fargol, who believes the Gands patience and eye for precision will make him an excellent figher in this style) Most likely to turn to: Light Side ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also, if you need more NPC players, I wouldn't mind taking over Master Fargol for you.
  10. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow][QUOTE]Quote by [B]Harry[/B] According to the Jedi Order love leads to the dark side so yes, love is wrong.[/QUOTE] Dude, did you not listen to Anakin's little reasoning monologue? If anything, love is what a Jedi stands for...unconditional love. Of course...is it's lust, than yes, that is a part of the darkside. And as for loving someone, their truly is nothing wrong with it. As long as the love you feel is truly love (and not some form of lust, or something similar) than you should continue with those feelings. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  11. OOC: My apologies for having taken so long with this, I have been busy with midterms, but all is over, and its nothing but smooth sailing from now on. It seems like we?re still in the same day, so I will continue were I left off from. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Arial Narrow]Xander smiled wistfully as he glanced at his watch and noticed the time. If all was to go according to plan, than the oh-so lovely curator would be walking out of the cleverly hidden door to his immediate left in less than a minutes time. He smiled as he ran over the initial dialogue and the bridges he would form in this first meeting. Curator Viviana Wei, it turned out, was a sucker for smart men. She loved intellects, and while she was a bit active, a good discussion left her more impressed than anything else. This had only reinforced Xander in keeping the professor?s outfit. He was currently wearing tan slacks, with a blue shirt and a khaki colored coat. His glasses were a sleek rectangular shape, framing his eyes with a pensive and reflective look. Just as expected, Ms. Wei walked out of the door, and he gave a small leap of surprise as she he saw her come out. Noticing his reaction, the curator gave him a warm apologetic smile, ?I?m so sorry about that sir, most people tend to ignore this corridor, and I?m sure my sudden appearance startled you? She spoke in a soft sweet voice, which had a slight musical lilt, due to her French upbringing. Xander couldn?t help but smile back at the lovely lady. ?Easy here tiger,? he thought to himself as he looked her over for the first time, ?there?s a mission you?re on, and you can?t be compromising yourself.? Regaining his composure, he smiled back. ?Oh no, there is no need for any apologies. I was simply so engrossed in this work of art that I failed to note the doors outline.? The curator gave him a curious gaze as she moved over to the vase that Xander had pointed out. ?You mean this Etruscan vase?? Smiling inwardly, he moved forward with a small frown on his face as he contemplated her answer. ?Well, yes, this vase, but it seemed to me that it was an early-style Greek vase. I mean, there were no identifying labels near it, and seeing as the artwork uses a bit less of an angular motif, which, if I remember correctly was what separated Etruscan art from Greek art. Of course, you being the curator, you would know better than myself.? Viviana broke out into a smile as he finished his answer. ?No, you?re right, its just that often, people tend to just look at art and really not appreciate it for what its worth, nor for its history.? Still smiling, she looked him over and with a quick glance at the notebook she carried in her hands and asked ?You know, its not often that I ever meet anyone who actually knows how to differentiate Greek and Etruscan art, and much less truly appreciate it. If you have no plans, how would you feel about meeting for lunch?? Xander smiled as he offered his hand to the beautiful lady. ?It would be my pleasure.? =========================================== Whistling lightly to himself, Xander made his way back to the apartment, reveling in the fresh air and slight victory he had just gained. Lunch with Viviana in the museum?s restaurant had gone better than planned. He had established himself as an Art instructor from Berkeley, who was currently on a field trip woth some of his graduate students. Though he had a Masters in Impressionism and taught this course, he had always been fascinated with Greek sculpture and metal-work. She had eaten up the story easily enough, and they had spent the rest of the lunch discussing differences between Greek metalworking styles and those of other cultures. After the lunch, she had given him a brief tour of the museum, which she promised to finish the following day and maybe some dinner, if he was nice. Feeling accomplished, he almost didn?t notice the tail he had apparently picked up. It was only when a small boy from Max?s gang.... a kid named Pietro if he wasn?t mistaken, bumped him as he went running by, dropping a small note. Bending down quickly, he picked up the paper and read it over once and continued on his way. Sergei?s men were in town?no doubt with the same intention as his own Society, and unlike the members of the Society, Sergei would use [I]very[/I] unorthodox methods to get things done. He was mulling this over when he noticed the tail, who was speeding up to catch up with him. Thinking quickly, Xander moved into an alley, looked around, and found a nook that he could hide behind. Waiting patiently, he saw the tail come into the alleyway, and then look around, wondering where his prey had disappeared to. Gripping the cane in his hand lightly, Xander watched as the tail un holstered his gun and walked down the alley cautiously. Right before he reached his hiding spot, Xander jumped out and struck the man hard in the shins. As he doubled over in pain, he slammed the cane against the back of the man?s head, knocking him out cold. He then proceeded to disarm him and bind him with zip the zip ties he always carried in case a situation like this presented itself. After searching the man?s pockets and only finding a piece of paper with a phone number on it, he got up, threw the man unceremoniously into the nearest dumpster, and then jumped into a taxi, quickly making his way back to headquarters.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. OOC: My apologies to all about the confusion I have caused. Though I would like to have kept Edel, we have all used Xander in our posts, and thus, to save us the headache of going back and editing, we'll make Xander stick. Oh, and Reiku, I'm sure xander will find this lady quite suitable ^_^ =============================== [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial Narrow]Xander sighed wistfully as he gazed at various photos of the lovely curator, a Ms. Viviana Wei. Selene had, as usual left him with quite the comprehensive list on information about the lovely lady. She had Japanese parentage, but had been born in Paris, France, where she grew up. Like most of the cities habitants, she had fallen in love with Art, and had studied Art history, majoring in Greek Art, primarily vases and metalwork. She was a Capricorn, apparently enjoyed good theatre and attended concerts by the Athenian symphony. Xander mulled silently as he picked up another manila folder lying next to him. The moment he had gotten a description and name he had forwarded the information to Max, an old friend who led a small gang here in Athens. He had retrieved the information and had put his boys to tail her, recording her daily movements for the past 3 days. She was all clockwork, methodical and very smart. Breakfast at Rubinno's, lunch at the museum restaurant, and dinner at home, in the company of a calico. In all, a very intelligent lady, probably bored with all the guys she worked with, and ready for some "controlled" adventure. Seduction was a dangerous game, and while their exists a certain amount of rules for attraction, Xander knew that even the smallest thing could screw it up. While it wasn't all that difficult to find a woman and get her to bed, it was [I]much more[/I] difficult to get a [I]specific[/I] women into bed, and much less trust you, especially in the time frame of three days. Not that he couldn't do it, Xander thought with a rueful smile, it was just about doing it the right way. He sat their contemplating his options, and whic ones would allow him to get in, and make her not freeze up so much. He had narrowed it down to three guises, either the intellectual professor come to see the new art, the rich heir who also wanted in, or the transferred art history expert. After weighing the pros and cons of each, he made his decision. Getting up from his chair, he headed towards Fashion Ave. He would need some coats, and a new pair of glasses to help his teacher act out.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. I won't try to argue the "scientific" and "natural" points you believe exist within the Qu'ran, as I believe there are others arguing that point more effectively than I could. One thing I would like to talk about is the origins of the Qu'ran, and how it had maintained itself "pure" while others have not. I have been told that the Qu'ran has maintained itself pure, and that copies of it written before would be exactly like those that exist today. That this is the reason why Islam prefers for al of its followers to speak Arabic, as this was the language in which it was decided that the Qu'ran be written, and therefore is the purest, as things tend to get lost in translation. Yet the thing that I would like to point out is that the Qu'ran was the third of the Holy books to be written. When it comes to the Monotheistic western religions, it is the baby. I would also like to point out that the oral tradition of both the Torah and Gospels were all over, and that it is more than probable that the prophet Muhammad overheard these tales, and felt like putting his own together, to help band his people under one new faith. We know this is possible due to the fact that Muhammad was both quite the cunning man and well traveled. If thats not enough, than why is it that the Qu'ran has mention of pretty much all the major players who were first introduced in the Torah? and also, why is it that it contains the story of Jesus? If the case is that the Qu'ran is the word of God, than that would mean that the Torah, which precedes it and heavily influenced it, and the Gospels, which also influenced and form a part of it, are also the word of God.
  14. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]Edel smiled to himself as he pulled up his Aston-Marten Vanquished in to the one of the various car-ports that surrounded the mansion. The night had been more than productful, and it had been with a slightly sad heart that he had left his company so early. Still, duty called, and he was sure that if Selene had asked for little Robbie's contact info, than their had to be a scheme of sorts brewing in that oh-so beautiful mind of hers. And if something was about to go down, he knew for certain he should be easily accessible. Whistling lightly, he made his way to his room, making sure to tread silently once he got near the sleeping quarters. He was sure that more than one of the members was awake, and having one of them come out commando style ready to shoot first and ask questions later, was not something he looked forward too. He got into his room and walked straight to the shower. He figured he would probably be able to get at least a few hours rest before Selene would call them together in the afternoon. He was towelling off and getting ready to hit the sack when he noticed the envelope lying in front of his door. Retrieving, he read the contents quickly, and let out an exasperated sigh. Looks like no time to sleep today. He put on some slacks and threw a simple shirt on, taking off at a brisk trot to the meeting. He was halfway to the breakfast hall when he noticed hack walking out the front door in a hurry. Probably meant that Selene had already given them parameters and tasks to meet. He slowed into a walk and was about to reach the door when it opened and out walked Lai and Amaya. They gave him a brisk nod as he made his way into the dining hall. As he looked around, he saw Selene standing by the window, talking silently to Robbie. He gave her a quick smile, and picked up some oatmeal. Bowl in hand he walked over to his boss, and said with a cheeky smile, [B]"So, what did I miss?"[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]This sounds excellent! ------------------------------------------------ [B]Name[/B]: Colbey Calistinsson [B]Avatar[/B]: Kyndig [B]Culture[/B]: Norse [B]Description[/B]: [B]Casual[/B]: Colbey sports a healthy tan due to his very competitve and active nature. He has a very well defined musculature which he hides under business suits while out in the mortal world. His eyes are a hard icy-blue and this coupled with his blonde locks (worn slightly long, but not allowing it to hamper his vision) make him quite the hearthrob to most women. [B]Avatar Form[/B]:[URL=http://www.mickeyzuckerreichert.com/cvr_rc_03.html]Here[/URL] [B]Personality[/B]: Colbey is very energetic, and makes his judgements in mere milliseconds. Though many of his mortal traits still survive, his immortalilty has made him a bit more reflective and less judging of others. His charge is that of balance and equality, making him more wary of those he kills and those whom he lets survive. He is very confident in his abilities, which may make him seem cocky to others. [B]Powers[/B]: Once having been a member of the Cardinal Four, Colbey gained telepathic abilities, which he has learned to use for both communication and offensively. Though he respects the thoughts of all those whom he considers friends and allies, his fighters ethic allows him to use his mental weapons against the enemy, be it by reading their minds, or crippling their minds outright. Also, having been one of the Cardinal Four, Colbey gained the aid of the avian world, all of whom share a special empathic sense of communcation with him. [B]Armament[/B]: Kyndig is the master of swordcraft. His name translates to "Skill" which he has more than enough in when it comes to swordplay. Always with him is the sword Harval, which can measure the balance of the world at any time he chooses, and which can cut through any being or material in existence. He carries another exquisitely crafted longsword, both of which he can weild precisely and skillfully, either in concert or alone. [B]Past Containment of Auroboros[/B]: In the year 1862 A.D. Auroboros felt a sense of hatred, battlelust, and greed that he could not help but try to break free, using the powerful emotions running high in Puebla, Mexico, to aid him. The French, under the orders of the Emperor Napoleon III attacked with a force of 6,000 strong the small bad of Native Americans and Mexicans in the small town. Colbey, who had been searching the world for any of Auroboros movements, was alerted by one of his pet hawks, and quickly made his way to the soon to be battlefield. He alerted the Mexican calvary and persuaded the Native Americans to help, making his troops greater, but not by much. He had the Native Indians attack first, and just as the French Army grew cocky, he rode in with Colonel Diaz cavalry, pushing back the French attack. Leaving the mop up to the Colonel, he rode back to Auroboros spot and with the aid of Pantheon sorcerers, began to place a seal of containment over the spot. Auroboros was furious, and sent many of his lesser demons up to try and stop the sorcerors from finishing their incantations. Colbey engaged the demons the moment they began to show their heads, and was winning, but only by a small margin, when Auroboros claw suddenly pierced through the earth. The sorcerors became frightened, and all seemed lost when suddenly, a great cheer of pure, unbridled happiness was heard coming from the Mexican army. This lent heart to the sorcerors, and diminished Auroboros power, allowing Colbey and the Patheon members enough time to finish the incantation, and seal the spot.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: Sorry about my lack of posting...seems a lot has developed, but lets see if I can throw myself back into the mix... -------------------------------------------------- Xander sighed as he wondered what to do. He had meant to go over to the local amusement park and maybe just hang out for a while, but figured it'd be kind of lame if he showed up by himself. He was thinking about working on the 1969 Mustang he was rebuilding when his cell phone rang. "This is Xander." he said curtly, wondering as to who would be calling his phone from an Unknown #. "Hey Xander, this is Alex...Alexis brother. Master O'kien told me that you were one of the advance students in his Jeet Kune Do class, and I was wondering if you would be willing to give me some private classes." Xander smiled as he replied. "I have no problem with that man. But I was under the impression that you had quite the bodyguard in Javen. Isn't she enough cover for you?" Alex chuckled nervously. "Oh yea, she is a great fighter, but she's not always around you know. Not just that, but I really don't care much for guys picking on me and thinking I can't defend myself." "Fair enough then. How about I meet you at the dojo in half an hours time? That good for you?" "Umm...sure, but, isn't the dojo closed...?" "Don't worry about that. I'll just meet you there in a half-hour. See you then" Xander clicked off the cell and walked over to get his gi and other training materials together. At least he sould have something to keep him busy for the next couple of hours.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]Name: Edel Hawke Nickname: The Charmer (or Charming) Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://www.wizards.com/d20modern/images/d20m_gallery/610_088190_12.jpg]The one with the shades[/URL] Edel is often dressed in a very fashionable manner. He loves looking good, but can get down and dirty with the rest of the members when necessary. Biography: Edel was always told that he was one of the fastest and most charming talkers that people had ever met. He has the uncanny ability of gaining the trust and respect of just about anyone, which makes him a very well connected man. He had used his fast-talk and witty mind to outfox and con quite a # of people while getting through college, and had been working on a job when he had run into the Guild. The members, impressed with his abilities, were quick to offer him a job, and this, coupled with his extensive self-defense knowledge and underworld contacts have made him quite the valuable member ever since. Profeesional Trade: Edel is the Guilds most well connected contact. Not only is he the one who usually does the digging, finding out the history and anything else useful for a job, but his connections with the underworld keep him well informed as to whats going on in the dangerous occupation he and his friends partake in. He's also one great smooth-talker and fast-wit, making him one of the best con-artists in the group. Weapons: "[URL=http://www.greyeagletrader.com/files/575cane.jpg]Sword Cane[/URL]" , "[URL=http://www.wizards.com/d20modern/images/wl_gallery/78457.jpg]pistol, but with skeleton grip[/URL]" The best weapon is the one that usually isn't first seen, or at least, thats what his father always told him. The cane, a family relic, holds both a small dagger and a longsword, both which Edel knows how to use more than adequately. The gun, while also equally dangerous in his hands, is mostly for show, as he's usually patted down and its taken away. The sword always passes the inspection.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]OOC: I believed we were supposed to stay in a certain posting order, which is the reason why my post was delayed, if there is any problems with it, my apologies in advance. ---------------------------------------------------- Xander smiled lightly as he walked out of his Anat-Phys class and into the massive waves of oncoming students. Professor Kayda, had, as usual turned the class into a fun one. Who ever could have thought that learning about bones of the body could be so fun? Since his next class was in the same building, Xander could afford just standing around, watching the interaction of his fellow classmates. Glancing around in search of a familiar face, Xander noticed a new face walking out of Ms Morganson's U.S. history class. He watched with some curiosity as the newcomer came out of his class, and bumped into the little asian girl who was walking disinteretedly throught the hall. She was a cute one, little Genevive, and a person that most people passed by. Of course, the fact that she tried pretty hard to [I]not[/I] stand out was what had drawn his attention to her in the first place. Xander slowly started to count under his breathe and before he reached the count of ten, another smile blossomed on his lips as smart girl Jenny came up to talk to her best friend. They were like pea's and carrots, those two, almost never out of each others sight when they could help it. He watched them talk for a little bit, and noticed Genevive glance over at the newcomer again, after he had been staring at her for a almost a full minute. The boy, after seeing that he had almost been caught, moved away, probably in search of his new class. Feeling that the kid could probably use some guidance, in more than just getting around campus, Xander started walking towards him, ready to offer some general Middleton High pointers.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]I remebered something completely fascinating today, and, seeing as it has yet to be shared here, I wanted to mention the following "other": GHOSTBUSTERS! I was watching #2 today, and remebered how it was one of the things I used to pretend to be when I was a little kid. I remember begging my parents for a proto-gun and then cool clean thing that they had (sry, don't remeber its name) sadly, I never got them, but my next door neighbor did, and we always had a blast running around catching ghosts and other paranormal whatnot. who you gonna call?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]Ohh...the memories that this sparks... I too engaged in many of the aforementioned idiotic games. Quarters (what has been described here as bloody knuckles) I remeber well, seeing as their is a small scar on my right hand which I got from playing this game. Hot hands was also very popular. This is a 2 player game where you one player has his hands on the bottom (palm up)(known as the oven) and the other player lays his hands over the other (plams down) and whose object it is too smack the others hand before it moves away from yours. Played a game of that thet left me with a welt in the form of my friends finger on my hand. Tipping (or Balance) was another that we engaged in. The whole point of this game was too stay flat-footed. The way we played is that we stood in front of each other, and tried to push the other over. The trick was that, if you pushed too hard, and your opponent didn't offer resistance, than you would tip over, or lose your balance. Another was a game we would play in class. The whole point was to say an uncomfortable word [spoiler]like "penis" or "vagina"[/spoiler]. One of us would start in a very low voice, and the next person had to say it in a slightly louder voice. The goal was to say it but not have people (or the instructor) hear you say it. Whoever chickened out was the loser.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]It's really funny how things workout for the best sometimes. Personally, I also applied only to one college, got accepted, and then ended up not going (finanacial and family problems) Instead, I ended up stuck at the community college, which I had dreaded so much before, but am so thankful for now. I learned so much more here, how college works differently from high school, how I can use the independance of scheduling my classes towards my own benefit, as well as finally finding a field that offers just about everything I love. I'm halfway through my second year here, and moving on to getting a Masters in Communication Studies. I know its something that I enjoy and is versatile, which is more than can be said of how I was at the end of high school. [QUOTE] [I]Post by [B]Arcadia[/B][/I] I do agree with you, Tony, about the expectations of college students to have figured out exactly what they want to do. There's a lot of emphasis here to get in and out in four years, to pick a major right away and stick with it, and it's really just a load of ********. [/QUOTE] I concur. This is the major problem facing so many high school graduates. We're still kids who are just starting to get an idea of who we are, and of finding out what it is that we truly enjoy. So many people think "Oh, I want to be a doctor, so I have to here and do this, and this" without really taking the time ti see if thats really the right path. Sure, some of us have a very good idea of what it is we want and are going to do, but I think that this number falls in the minority. If more people took the time to use that first year or two in in college to get an idea of what it was they wanted to pursue, we would have more people satisfied and content with their occupations. as a side note...I feel a lot of major hostility towards college transferring and going back to college? Why is that? Personally, I know I'll probably end attending at least 3-4 different schools to attain my "academic" goal, so I was curious as to whether or not others also think they will transfer, or not.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]I would have to agree that out of all the "Tales" (which are probably some of the more interesting EU works out there) TOBTH would probably draw the best crowd. Though I think it would be far more feasible and interesting if it was animated and not RL. The stories of Boba and Dengar would be pretty cool [spoiler]especially watching the stand-off between Han and Boba, or the swoop race between Dengar and Han in the- Crystal Canyon would be pretty sweet to watch as well.[/spoiler][/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]Name: Xander Hawke Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: Xander is one of those guys whose easy to connect to. He demands respect from everyone he interacts with, but only because he respects all others. He is often seen drifting around the school, moving from one clique to another. He has friends and acquaintences(sp?) among all the student body, and is well liked by all. He excels in Academics, but has also gained an amount of popularity due to his sometimes eccentric and different character, as most never would really think he's so talented or athletic. Appearance: Xander stands at 5'9 and weighs about 150lbs. He seems to be slim, but he is quite muscular underneath, most of it stemming from his classes in Jeet Kun Do, which he's practiced since he was 8. His hair is black, which contrasts very nicely with his blue eyes. He dresses in an casual manner, opting either for a very nice well dressed look, or the casual beach bum attire. Bio: Xander moved to Middleton right at the beginning of his Freshman year. The move was a bit dramatic, as it marked the divorce between his mother and father. Saddened by the outcome of his parents relationship, and the fact that they were fighting for him, Xander decided to move in with his older brother, who attended U of M. While surprised, his parents respected his decision, and both send him money regularly. (His mother is a college professor and researcher, while his father runs a very succesful civil law firm) Living with his brother has made him quite independant, as well as allowing to have all the freedom he wants, which he uses to practice different skills, such as martial arts, sleight-of-hand, music, and other things he finds entertaining.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]Isn't sarcasm just themost beautiful thing in the world? ...back to the topic at hand. I would have to agree with most of those here. I'm pretty much the good little wholesome kid who doesn't step out of line. Doesn't mean I never had, nor that I never could, but, as of yet, society has done a good job of keeping me in place.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial][QUOTE]Post by [B]WHO?[/B] Whoa there, buddy. You ask how someone who lead a good life can go to Hell? Well, how good do you think that person's life is from the perspective of the almighty, flawless God that they want to be in the eternal prescence of? Not very. By human standards, they might have lead a great life. But Heaven isn't exactly the most human location to be, is it?[/QUOTE] Should that not matter though? If the almighty is as benevolent and loving as he is, then why should he shun a person who has done just about everything he has asked of his creation/charges? Just because this person does not believe in his/her son, or because they just never took the time to idolize and worship him? Also, shoudn't Heaven be the most humane of places? I mean, if we were created in God's image, and he tried to craft us into beings that were worthy of him, then wouldn't it follow that we try to be more like him? as opposed to just believing in him? Sometimes I think of comparing this to the whole "actions speak louder than words" saying. If you really believe, and have faith, than your actions, rather than you words, should reflect it. And how about we look at the flipside of this? What if the true way to get into Heaven/Paradise/whatever is the good place after death really is based on merit and action, rather than belief? [/FONT] [/COLOR]
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