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Everything posted by dMage
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial][QUOTE]My conclusion- religion is neither ignorant nor intelligent. It is simply part of the human condition that some people need that particular crutch to lean on in order to get them through life.[/QUOTE] While I do not agree with that part about religion being whole-heartedly ignorant or intelligent, I do think that religion is a sort of crutch, an answer and escape to some of humanities deepest and most roving secrets. Everything so far has been really interesting, and, unlike some of my fellow board members, I am learning much from what is being said, and finding the viewpoints of all interesting and thought provoking...having said this, I wish to add my own 2 cents, but, i do also want to apologize in advance if anyone finds my assumptions or thoughts to be rubbish...sorry, but its really hard for me to reach universal acceptance. Firstly, I, like Siren, am interested in how you view homosexuality in today's society. The Bible, if I am not mistaken, is a transient text, in that with the coming of times and evolution of humanity has also evolved, both in the way it was written, and in the interpretation of it. This,coupled with the fact that God (in any way shape or form) has become much more low key since his OT days, would lead me to believe that he would accept all of his children, no matter what they're sexual preference may be. [QUOTE]POST BY JAPAN_86 Christianity is where you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When you believe that Jesus died on the cross for YOU to wash away YOUR sins, then you become a Christian. That's more than the simple....do good acts and you'll get to Heaven. If you don't believe Jesus died for you to wash away your sins, you'll go to Hell. I am not shoving it down your throats, I'm just telling you what is true. [/QUOTE] I'm sorry, but this is the main reason why I hate to tie myself with any Christian religion, even though is was the one that I was raised in myself (well, Catholicism, to be honest) how can anyone go to Hell if they have lead a good life. I think that Judaism is far more fair when it comes to this part in their beliefs. How can a man/woman who raped, killed, and sinned beyond belief be accepted over a humble person, when thier only difference is that one believes in Christ and the other does not? I'm sorry, but thats the most unfair sh*^&est conclusion any person could ever come up with. And as for that part about the Crusades, it was really just a real greedy Christianity trying to show how they great they were. In a quick defense of Islam...isn't it funny how everyone seems to believe that they are the most wicked, evil, and impure of religions....yet there holy text is the only one that has never gone through a revision, and they are also the only religion who haven't taken part in some of the worlds most horrible genocide's ever? (and for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, the Crusades, which were 8 in all, and the Holocaus, were both very much Christian phenomenons) I also have a question for those of you present...read on if you like...[spoiler] For those of you who saw Constantine, at the end of the movie, Gabriel gives a little monologue on how the world would be better if things were worse, seeing as those who usually reach God are unworthy, because they are sinners who only accept God in the end. Do you agree with this? Do you guys think that anyone who repents at the end should be forgiven? I know I haven't lead a perfect life, but I constantly find myself wondering why do good, when theres an easily available "Get out of Hell" card at my disposal. thoughts?[/spoiler][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]The time between being awake and asleep. Sure, if I'm in a dream, its all good, but just being in a void, in a netherworld of darkness, thats pretty creepy to me. Its like I don't exist during that time, and I feel like that is something very strange and very scary. So yea, I fear the time when my existance can be questioned and is irrelevant to the world. I also fear death, in the manner that I'm not sure whats going to happen afterwards. So in reality, it's not death itself that I fear, its just the lack of existance. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]A few things that ran through my mind while reading through this thread...I hope they meet with approval: Catholic (and other religions that observe Lent) do so to honors Jesus's sacrifice of staying 40 day and nights in the desert, fasting for some reason. Its during this time that the devil came and tempted him with a promise of world peace, or some such offer. At least, this is the knowledge given to me. If you have a certain sense of morality and respect for other SENTIENT creatures, than choosing a vegetarian/vegan lifestlye is one you would probably strongly consider. This is especially true in 1st world countries, because it is in these countries that you have the ability (i.e. riches and supply) to live a perfectly healthy and satisfying life without meat. I agree with Lore in that many people are taking things in this thread a bit too personally. We all need to just read what others said and add our two cents, without flaming other members. On a more personal level...I have greatly considered becoming vegan in the past months. I find it difficult though, seeing as the taste of meat is incredibly delicious and tasty to me. Not just this, but I live at home, and am not the primary supplier of food and head cook. This compounds my problem. Still, I find the argument (from a personal moralistic view) to be somewhat convincing (thank my philosophy prefessor/mentor for that) In conclusion...I would like to say that beer is as good, if not better than milk. It Haas less fat and calories, more fiber, and more immediate energy boost than milk (mind you, this is coming from a weightlifters experience) so, as the great Arnold would say...[spoiler] milk is for babies, real men drink beer! [/spoiler][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]Chicken Lovers of the world...I agree with you all...it is the only true great meat. Moving on...I have a couple of addictions at the moment...tests...theres this site i frequent which has all these trivia and "compatiblilty" and personality test...I don't know why, but last month I was going to that site everyday to take tests. Luckily, I have learned to control the urge, and frequent it no longer. I also have this thing with bags. Yes, yes, I know it sounds strange, but for some unknown reason, I happen to love them. Small ones, big ones, multi-pocketed ones, single pocketed ones...I have a fixation with them. Love collecting them from different places, I have over 20 different ones in my collection at the moment, all filled with some item or another. (and by bags, I mean like backpacks, knapsacks, rucksacks, and the like) Gap clothing. It is such a pain in the butt not to buy clothes from the place you work at when a) it looks so freakin great, and b) you get mad (and I mean mad!) discounts. Ahh...and finallly, I am very much addicted to spiced cider. I must have a "fix" of it every morning, or I feel lethargic and sleepy. I don't know why, but something about that apple-cinnamony sugar rush is excellent.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]I must agree with Shin in that I fell into neither of these camps. I was a ninja. A green-shelled ninja with MAD bow staff skillz!!! Yes, my youth was spent cavorting from one side of the house to the other, being incredibly brainy and treading softly with a big stick. The TMNT were my idols, my greatest heros back in those days, and I loved watching episode after episode, and then mock-fighting with my cousins. We had the whole quartet back then, and the Foot soldiers were no match for our wicked ninja grace and strength. My parents humored me with the most excellent TMNT themed birthday party ever. The cake was a cowabungalicious Michalangelo (though Donny was my favorite, I could never bring myself to eat him, so Mikey it had to be) and we had streamers, turtle-shell ballons...the whole she-bang. My cousins and I spent most of the day defeating Shredder though, as the party would not have been safe had he shown up. I'm not sure why it is that I never really picked up on pirates and cowboys when I was little. Maybe the fact that they just weren't as interesting as those hero's in a half shell. I mean, living in a sewer, eating nothing but pizza, having a rat for a sensei, and being able to beat up just about anybody seemed more important to me in those days than traveling the world, or riding a horse. I think what drew me the most though, was the fact that somebody so smart could be so freaking cool. Do you ever see any smart cowboys? Nope, most are dumb, and you do have your occasional bold and courageous hero, but he's just that, all about courage (and some luck) but no smarts their. And as for pirates...well, the coolest ones are dashingly handsome and stupid, or funny looking and clever...but never smart. But with Donatello, you had a dude who could convert a funky looking van into a sweet ride, and still wipe the floor against the foot with a sweet bow. All while looking awesome too. í í íTURTLE POWER! ! ![/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial][QUOTE]Immigration is very neccessary for the United States to continue at it's pace. Maybe people that live in the Northen States don't know this, but the border states basically thrive on illegal immigrants. At this moment I have probably 2 or 3 mowing my lawn. They're nice hard workers and they work for cheap. It's nice for you to say that it should stop, but then who would mow our lawns and cook delicious tex-mex food?[/QUOTE] I sincerely hope that this is a joke, as that is one of the worst reasons I have heard as to why the state of immigration is good in this country. How can you sincerely believe that these people are better off living the way that they do? Have you not realized that immigrants (esp here in the border states) have to work like crazy to merely survive here? And better health services? None of them use these because they are so deathly afraid of being sent back that going to a hospital is like going to jail, since it means that by going to the doctor, your also giving yourself over to the authorities that will send you back. Personally, I believe that much can be done to help the immigration problems that affect our country, and that they could be done by softening the policy. Various immigrants, while they enjoy the fact that they can make a it more money here in the States, they quite often feel uncomfortable and not at home here, preferring their own roots. If it were at all possible for a seasonal immigration to be put into place, or a program of dual citizenship, I think many problems could be alleviated.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green][FONT=Arial][QUOTE]Do I believe in soul mates? I very much do. To use an anology, I see a soul as a puzzle. There's always that one piece you can't find to fit into that one spot. You spend a long time looking for that piece; it drives you crazy to see that spot open and empty. But then one day, you find that one piece (your special someone). You place it in that empty space, and the puzzle is complete; creating a beautiful picture. That's how I see it. It just makes more sense to me, because if you lose that one piece of the puzzle, the picture is incomplete and begins the search for that piece; and that piece only. No other oddly shaped piece will do, it has to be the same piece.[/QUOTE] All I can say is that is probably one of the best analogies I have ever heard to what a soulmate is. It hits the nail on the head like nothing else I've heard before. As for the rest, well, I think that all of the inputs and views seem to do love justice. Like some many have said, love is dynamic and ever changing, yet it is a ocnstant that most of us need to survive and to also live a healthy and satisfying life. It is the essence IMHO of life and happiness. baby don't hurt me, no more.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green][FONT=Arial][QUOTE]I look at Valentine's Day not as a Capitalist Holiday. I look at it as a day where everyone is enjoying the company of the one they love. I look at Christmas not as a Capitalist Holiday, but as a day where I get to spend it with family, and the gifts are just another way of doing that. My brother and I love spending Christmas morning playing with our toys and such, and we've been doing it for our entire lives.[/QUOTE] I completely agree with what Siren has to say here. Its a pity that so many people take the commercialization of a holiday to mean that its lost its magic and or appeal. Simply because someones trying to make a quick buck off of something doesn't mean that you should lose faith in it. I know its sad and somewhat pathetic, but that doesn't mean that the original sentiment that the holiday was supposed to convey or elicit is gone. Because if thats the case, than we should just blow all damn holidays out of the water, and live life normally. Yes, a day like Valentine's, which is geared towards showing "your love" may be useless, because if you're doing it right, you should be doing it everyday, but if this is the case, than isn't celebrating Christmas hypocritical and just as useless? (from a religious perspective) And whats with this obesession over gifts that everyone seems to have? To be honest, I have found that a woman tends to enjoy and cherish more the sweet nothings that one gives, rather than the pricey, exorbitant things some tend to buy.A home-made romantic dinner, a poem expressing your feelings, or just reserving the time to spend together with you loved one seem far more effective (at least for me) than anything else. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkGreen]"Well, it seems like the shit really hit the fan this time." X muttered as he watched the three Sinners break up and heard towards different direction. Glancing over to Kage quickly, he shouted "Umm...boss, I can maybe help transport one or 2 of us out this place, but thats about the best I can two." Kage turned to look at his teammate, and X couldn't help but feel a certain sense of fear at the battle filled eyes gazing back at him. "We don't have the time. Looks like we're just going to have to give it our best." Kage replied. X nodded his head and squared his shoulders, wondering which of the three would come at them. He didn't have to wait long, as Pride came bearing down at the two of them. "Great, we get the funnest guy to hang out with." X said as he watched the once famed Teen Titan bear down on them. "Well, I think its bad form to keep the poor guy waiting for an invitation...don't you think boss." he asked Kage, as the other stood next to him. Kage smiled slightly, readying the Katana he had just formed. "I think you're absolutely right X. Dark Xenon Pattern NOW!" he shouted as Pride bore in on them. Xander nodded as both he and Kage leapt forward, both their blades drawn and blazing, Kage's illuminated by a dark fire powered by his Black Tech arm, and X's blooming a firey red, powered by his own suits Red Tech enhacements. X attacked from the left, slicing in an upward motion meant to cleave Pride from navel to crown, while Kage sliced horizantally. Reacting as if he had practiced this manuever with them all the time as he dodged X's slash, and used his wings to parry Kage's swipe. "Not too bad kids, but not good enough" Pride said in a low voice as he crouched away from them. Then, with lightning-speed he hurled three disks at both, while leaping towards X. X jumped away from one and slashed at another before the third exploded into a puff of smoke right before his eyes. X blinked, and that millisecond of lost eyesight almost cost him his life. Pride leapt at him, and with his claws, raked a gash that would have disembowled him if the new lining on the suit hadn't been lined with an almost impenetrable alloy. Though the blow didn't kill him, it left him more than winded, and unable to block the second blow, which sent him flying into a nearby wall, splintering it with a thousand cracks. Totally shaken, but not yet beat, X pulled himself up, waiting for Pride's next move. [/COLOR] [/FONT] ------- sorry about the short post, promise to make up with a better one next time.
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkGreen]"These damn things just get more and more annoying", X thought to himself as he fled from the pack Cy-drones making their way towards him. He ran swiftly, looking over his head to see if there was anything around to keep these bots busy. It's not that he would ever have a particalar problem taking out Cy-drones in combat, but he just really didn't happen to like the 20-1 odds they were giving him at the moment. Glancing up, he suddenly smiled, as the way to get rid of the drones became apparent. Increasing his speed, he began actually running up the side of a building, using his momentum to move him forward. He then jumped from edge to edge, quickly making his way to the top of the abadoned apartment. The drones, unfazed, simply looked up before calculating the height and using their enhanced legs to make the leap to the top of the building. They soon made it up, and making a quick scan became confused as their prey appeared to be missing. All of a sudden, a large beeping sound went off, and then *BOOM* the whole roof top detontated, and they came crashing down, the 8 story fall making then history. X smiled as he turned to make his way back to Kage's position. All of a sudden he leaped to the side as a large bolt of purple energy streaked him, missing his body by less than a hairs breadth. He glanced up and saw a figure cloaked in a purple robe floating about 20 ft away, and as he saw this, he felt his blood chill..."No way...there is just no freakin way Blood would have sent her after us...I mean, Wrath...then, another bolt of energy flew his way, and, as X leapt out of the way, 2 things went through his mind, 1) if this were the real Wrath, he probably would notr have had the chance to leap out of her power ball radius, even if she was only toying with him, and 2) her energy balls were black, not purple. X laughed at himself as he realized that this wasn't the famous sorcerous, but rather an old rival who had always tried to model himself after the famous Wrath. "You know Mage, this dressing like a female and trying to impress others by being someone your not even close too isn't gonna help you defeat me" The other responded only by hurling more energy bolts which X, no longer restrained by his fear, easily dodged. "Time to take out the trash" he muttered as he ran up against the spellcaster. Mage, not used to sudden and direct attacks, became flustered as X rushed him and began to hurl a barrage of weaker bolts. X suddenly drew out his blade, and began deflecting and reflecting the bolts back at Mage. The young caster began to get hit by his own energy, and fell unconscious X threw one of his electro charged bindings at him, effectively putting Mage out of commission. "Pathetic" X muttered as he quickly made his way back to his boss's current position.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow][B]Name[/B]: Xander Hawke [B]Codename[/B]: Red X [B]Age[/B]: 16 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://wf.toonzone.net/WF/teentitans/episodes/masks/12.jpg]Sans the Red X on mask[/URL] [B]Weapons[/B]: A small cylinder, which he can convert to either a sword or rod. He prefers (and is much more effective with) the sword. Various implements that ease his theiving and fighting. The Red X suit, which has been somewhat modified, and into which some of Red Tech has been added. [B]Powers[/B]: Incredibly dextrous and agile, Xander has developed his human abilities to almost uncanny heights. His reflexes are superhuman, and this coupled with his fathers suit make him more than lethal when necessary. [B]Personality[/B]: Quiet, cunning and resourceful, this is pretty much what Xander is known for. Though a great asset to a team, and a person who has relied on them before to get out of tight jams, Xander can still at times feel very vulnerable when relying on his teammates. He blames this on his father, who always taught him to never fully trust anyone, and that the best person to do a job was always yourself. [B]Biography[/B]: Xander was born into a loving family that treated him like a prince. His mother was always at home, caring for him, and his father, a quiet but proud man, would at times leave for a week or so before returning home, and spending quality time with his son. This all changed on the day Xander became 4 years old. His father had been out on one of his usual "business" trips when a huge explosion was heard near the outside of their mansion. Xander was scared, but so he left his room, and began running towards his parents room. His mother wasn't there, so he headed to the kitchen, where he found his mother lying on the floor, a pool of red liquid slowly seping from her body. He was about to go try and wake her when a man in a black suit quickly picked him up, drugged him, and took him away. It was then that Xander found out that his father was the thief known as Red X, and that he began his formal training. From that moment on, he and his father were constantly on the move, with him learning all the tricks of his fathers trade. He became incredibly proficient, and his natural dexterity and agility made him just as good, if not better, than his own father. Red X, believing that his son could be one who could help rid the world of Blood's despicable reign, took one last job to ensure his son's safety. He stole the Red Tech technology from blood and incorporated it into a suit he had designed for his son. One without the X on the mask, which, to his father, signified a new beginning, and an X who would serve humanity, instead of his own guilty needs. Together, father and son began to steal from Blood, and gave out what they could to those less fortunate. Yet, when they were preparing to steal the plans for a prototype tech that Blood was developing, they were caught, and Red X, to give his son more time, distracted the Seven so that his son could get away. Xander's last vision of his father was the seeing him go head to head with the famous Pride, before the transportation gas took him to safety. ------------------------- hope that works, please let me know if you want me to modify anything.[/FONT][/COLOR]
Sign Up (Pirates) Scourge of the Spanish Main! Yar! [M-VL]
dMage replied to Drix D'Zanth's topic in Theater
[Tahoma][COLOR=DarkGreen]April the 15th, of the year 1662 A month. Yes its been more than a months time since we were blown off course on our way way to the Caymans, and that I came to be stranded on this accursed island. The ale runs readily, the harlots be a plenty, and the damn gaurd be more corrupt than those who sold out the Lord! I've been down to my last doubloon for the last three days, and I've been waiting for the right time to let it out. I had been lookin to buy passage on one of those fancy ships that take out the rich, but it takes more gold to get some papers and your name on a list then it does to be goin. I was losin all damn hope off getting this nightmare when I saw an old matey from back when the lasses were nothin but beauties, and not the bloodthristy heathens they could turn out to be. I had walked into the tavern, ready to whet my gullet with any grog, when I saw a dark figure near the back motion me over. Skeptic that I am, I grabbed my glass and slowly loosened my rapier as I walked over to the man. As I reached him, he began to get up, but seeing where my hand was resting, he sat down again, and insted said in a low hoarse voice, "Can ye still slice an apple into quarters before it hits the ground, mate?" The look on my face must have been one of utter astonishment, as he chuckled lightly. And then L'Ollais told me about his need for a crew, and how he was lookin for real seamen, and not those little landlubbers who thought they could make it out in Davey Jones Locker, but wetted their pants and threw up their vittles before the third day out. I was felt worst for those that upped the vittles, as out in the sea, you had only one portion, and naught more. I left the tavern with a lighter step, I was gonna get off this piece o land and be crewin with some true pirates. I was sure Jean wouldn't mind makin a stopover for some treasure that needed collectin. Now, I need to head out and collect me some other booty before I'd be ready to head out to sea.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]Ah...when it comes to nicknames, I've had more than my fair share. Many of them are related with my name. I have only 2 syllables in my name (Omar) so many would take out the o and add a monosyllable in front. thus you have things like: Shop-mar Weak-mar Pimp-mar "The Man"-mar etc. I believe 2 of my friends actually came up with a whole alphabetical list once. I've also been called "the Big O" "O-mario" and "Commando" so yea, thats some of em...one cool thing to note though, a friend of mine draws comics, and some of these nick-name alter ego's are actually really cool characters.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]A friend in need is a friend indeed[/B]. -Brian Jacques sure, you can find people that will claim to know you a be around, but those who stick with you through thick and thin are the ones that count the most. [B]Do or do not, there is no try[/B]. -Yoda (the main man) If you think about it, usually when you just "try" something, many times, you might forget or fail to do it. Let your mindset be positive, and whatever result is a good one. [B]Makes sacrifices now, so that you can enjoy the rest of your life[/B]. -My father A good piece of advice, the way I see it is, study and work hard now, so that I can have fun and peace tomorrow. [B]There is more time than life[/B]. -My Father A funny thing to think, but it really helps when you just feel overloaded with things to do, and that your running out of time to do it. If you think this, then you realize that tomorrow will always come. [B]La vida es un carnaval, hay que seguir bailando[/B]. -Celia Cruz Translating too, life is a carnival, and you gotta keep on dancing, I like this one because it gives you that idea that you just gotta keep on moving with the rhythym of life.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Times New Roman]Name: Edel Hawke Nickname: The Charmer (or Charming) Age: 25 Nationality: Half Latin (Salvadorean) and half American Group Title: the Contact Transport: [URL=http://www.macrossrpg.com/~cm/Aston%20Martin%20Vanquish.jpg]"Vanquished" [/URL] His preferred method of transport, and the one that he uses most regularly while "on the job". But, unlike his mates, who usually stick to only one vehicle, Edel is quite often seen driving various different vehicles, renting a different one for every night, making him harder to track down, both by those men and [I]ladies[/I] who are constantly looking for him. Weapons: [URL=http://www.greyeagletrader.com/files/575cane.jpg]"Sword Cane"[/URL] , [URL=http://www.wizards.com/d20modern/images/wl_gallery/78457.jpg]"pistol, but with skeleton grip"[/URL] The best weapon is the one that usually isn't first seen, or at least, thats what his father always told him. The cane, a family relic, holds both a small dagger and a longsword, which Edel knows how to use more than adequately. The gun, while also equally dangerous in his hands, is mostly for show, as he's usually patted down and its taken away. The sword always passes the inspection. Appearance: [URL=http://www.wizards.com/d20modern/images/d20m_gallery/610_088190_12.jpg]The one with the shades[/URL] Edel is often dressed in a very fashionable manner. He loves looking good, but can get down and dirty with the rest of the members when necessary. Personality: Confident, savvy, and in control. This defines Edel to a point. He deals with all types of people, helping the Society obtain what they need to get a job done, as well as finding out schematics and learning the outline of a place. Because of this, he knows how to wheel and deal with the best of them, and his witty and charming personality (as well as intelligent and resourceful nature) have often helped him get out of a jam from the worst of places. He's a ladies man, but never lets it get before the job (of course, if it goes along with it...well, why deny?) He's reliable, loyal and treats the rest of those in the group like the family that he lost. While on the job, depending on the situation, he can be meek and humble, cool and indifferent, or angry and demanding. When off the job he's more of a joker, pranking the rest of the members and just trying to enjoy the good parts of life. Biography: Edel's father was a strong and humble man, honest in his dealings with others, and it was because of this well loved. His mother was a beautiful women, highly intelligent, but with one of the strongest tempers a woman could ever have. Many people, when they saw Edel growing up, often commented on how the boy had recieved the best from both parents, he had an infectious personality others found easy to love and respect, and was among the most attractive children in his neighberhood. He was an avid reader, and gifted with an almost photographic memory, which only endeared him more to his neighbors, as he was always able to refer to them on a first name basis. He was a bit chubby growing up, and when one day, his father found him beat up on the street, and asked him what had happened, he replied that, after heading into a new neighberhood, some kids had started picking on him, and had then beat him up. From that moment on, his father put him into a diverse amount of activities, including kendo, fencing, and other areas of the martial arts. Edel took to these new activities with gusto, and was soon winning county and state competitions. His pudgy frame soon changed to a very toned body, and by the time he was 17, he started lifting weights, adding a lithe musculature to his lithe and graceful body. Yet, even though he was involved in various extra curricular activities, his mother never let his studies falter, and when he graduated from high school, it was cum laude and with the highest honors. He was voted Prom King, and also chosen as having the "Best Personality". Money always being tight at home, he went to the local JC, and was soon soaring in his classes of business and communication studies. Then came the letter from Oxford. They had looked his grades over, and that along with his impressive fencing record (undefeated in all state competitions; 200-2 overall) granted him a full scholarship to the prestigious English university. Packing his bags, he said goodbye to his parents for the last time. Oxford was wonderful, and by the end of his first semester (he was 19) he was a well known student on campus and respected by his instructors. That all changed the day the man in the white suit with the Panama hat had walked up to him in the middle of the street and had calmly taken him into a coffeshop, introducing himself as the grandfather he had never met, and to also tell him that his parents were dead. He had been a majpr player with the Mafia, he said, and when he had stepped out, they had warned him not too, and he hadn't listened. So they had killed his daughter, and her husband, and would soon come looking for his grandson.(whom they knew only by name, but not by sight) Edel, full of rage and grief, listened as his only family outlined a planned to keep him safe. He left with the old man, who soon returned to his life of crime, and taught his grandson all he could along the way. Soon, the two (now under new names) weeded out the men who had ordered the hit on their family, and laid waste to their underground empire. By this time, Edel had found that his business savvy and witty charm was excellent for the underground life, which soon became his occupation. He became a contact, a liasion who could find things, win favors, and negotiate the best deals. He left his grandfathers care and by the time he was 23, he had made more contacts and a bigger network of helpers than any other operative, and one that almost rivaled the CIA's and FBI's. He returned to his dying grandfather at this time, who told him of Robin and his secret society. He told him that his grandson only deserved to work for the best, and, having dealt with Robin in times before, had given him a good recommendation. He met up with the Boss a few days afterwards, and after more than adequately pulling off a few jobs for the group, had been inducted as a very valued member. Edel's grandfather died a few months later, and now, the society is Edel's family, and one that he'll do anything to help and protect. [/FONT][/COLOR]
Life exists in various forms and ways here on the planet earth. Homo sapien is the evolution that we all believe is superior to all others. Yet other beings exist that exist in the shadows and periphery of humanities gaze. The Magical world is one of these such worlds, that exists in conjunction with humans, yet does so outside of their knowledge. The Magical Realm has existed for various centuries, yet within the last 50 years, various revolutionary events have occured, fragmenting this world. Many of the elders, seeing the times of strife that have recently affected humnaity, believe that is in the best interest of the Magical people to intervene and bring peace. Other members of the Council, and more than any other, Protectors Edel O'zare and J.P. Justian believe that humanity should be shielded from the magical world, and protected from that which they cannot defend themselves of, but nothing more. These 2 factions collided in a hearing which turned bloody when the two Protectors decided that the Council could no longer make wise decisions, and destroyed all those who stood against them. Yet, after the massacre, they disappeared, vanishing only like they two could do. For though they are known as Protectors, the foremost deeds that these two men took part in were assasinations. They are the two greatest warriors that the Magical Realm has ever produced, brilliant in the arts of their magic, more skilled then even the greatest Magical or human warrior combined. Edel, the smarter and more strategic of the two, has constantly been planning the time when his coup would occur, and now, very few pieces exist that hold his plan back, and the most dangerous of those are the Gaurdians, 5 magically imbued beings who are the essence of the elements, and among the most raw powered beings in the universe. An oracle whom Edel has kidnapped, and who now serves him unflichingly, has informed him that the 5 roam the earth again, untapped and unaware of their abilities, and if they come to their full potential, things may go against his better plans and wishes. To this information, Edel begins to plan... ------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, so theres some background. Now, sign-ups will prove to very important, so please think them out and flesh out your character fully. All of you are in your teens, between the ages of 15-18. Your parents have not told you of your abilities, or even of the fact that you are magical, so none of you know what element it is that you represent. Name: (Can be contemporary or olden. But nothing too exotic or magical, as your parents have hidden you from the magical world.) Description: (A picture or explanation will suffice, but make it good please.) Age: (15-18) Personality: (this will do much in helping me decide which element and power you have, so make it good; be creative and different) Strengths: (Again, this is another aspect that will help me decision as to which element you represent) Weakness: (everyones got one, and so does your character. This part will also help me in deciding which elemental power you recieve.) Thats all for now. Good luck on all your sign-ups. I will hopefully within the week have enough sign-ups to decide who has which powers. Be different, if you see someone sign up in a certain manner, try and be different, unless you think that you can do a better job at it. =) Good Luck to all of you, and I hope that all the signups turn out great!
2004!?!?!?!?!?!?!? umm...please say it ain't so, I'd have to hurt myself if it was out for this long and I never yet picked it up.
What would you classify your clothing style as?
dMage replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I happen to think that most of the time, my clothing depends on my mood, whether I'm tired, in a hurry, wanting to be impressive, or something. Usually, when I want to be ultra comfy, I wear some sweats, and this awesome white cotton sweater I got from my school (I was a PC) or some such combo. If I want to impress, its the slacks with a dress shirt, which my girlfriends like, since they think it makes me look cute and sexy ; ) I'm working at Gap now though, so I find myself adopting their clothing and style a bit more, as I'm required to look good while I'm working. Hence, layers, and other such "Gap" styles are now also coming into effect. so yea, a bit comfy, a bit "Gap-ish" is my stlye. -
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkGreen]I as well, have not been able to get in for a while now, but I would love to join a book club. I have various of novels which I would love to share with others, and am always open to indulging in a good read. Plus, reading with others, and sharing the various different ideas and metaphors we all catch make reading that much more of a pleasure. If its still allowed, I would like to join.[/COLOR][/FONT]
A 126, which is the borderline apparently. Like the rest of the OBer's to post before me, I don't give these things much credit.
this looks really sweet. Thanks a bunch for your work, I really appreciate it.
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Times New Roman]I think that yo[FONT=Times New Roman]undefined[/FONT]u guys are searching for your "immediate community" and not lloking at others. While it does take reponsible parents to raise a child right, the most loving, caring, and wisest of parents still need help from the community, or in other words, the other people that their children interact with, for their child to grow up strong and safe.This community includes relatives, friends, neighbors, and even online people (at least nowadays). As long as a couple of these are good, then the child has better chances of leading a happy and healthy life.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green][FONT=Times New Roman]Everyone had gone back to the house, but he had stayed behind. He wasn't sure what he needed to do, but action seemed like the wisest course, so after watching them all head steadily back to the house, he had gone to where the diverse motorcycles lay, awating there now gone masters. Smiling, he hefted them up, one by one, and moved them to the warehouse that was near the bar. He had tested them all, finding them to be competent, but not perfect. After looking about for a bit, he had found some spare tools lying around. Grinning, he picked up the tools, and set to work. Less than half an hour later, his job was done. The bikes still looked the same, but there engines would now kick up some serious speed. A couple of minor adjustments, and the engines were ready to fly. He didn't know how exactly he had known what to do, but it all came easily to him, like second nature. And not only had he known what to do, but the fixing had brought up memories. The smell of grease and the engine had stirred something in him, had reminded him of something that he thought was gone. He remembered who he was. Looking at the finished product of his labors, Lt. Colonel Xander "Tech" O'zare headed back towards the safe house, ready to tell his companions about his accomplishments. OOC: I'm not exactly sure where Albel is taking us, but I figure having the bikes around will help =)[/FONT][/COLOR]
Can anyone please put a Dark Magician banner/avatar together for me? I'm really not picky for the pics, and if you come up with some clever to put for text, feel free. thank you in advance
This movie simply rocked the house! The graphics were awesome, the voice acting was great, and the plot was really sound. I really liked the different names they had for the varoius heros, and the way they (the superheros) used their powers was just great!