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Everything posted by dMage

  1. I think you're right in that thought. As for you finding faith in these forums, I think that there is adequate evidence to prove the existence of faith, but not in the form htat you were looking for it.
  2. [QUOTE]I understand now that there are no real world applications of faith, just as I suspected[/QUOTE] What has made you come to this realization? Please explain what has led you to this grand revelation. [QUOTE]If I'm going to find anything, I'll have to do it on my own.[/QUOTE] I don't understand. If you now understand that Faith has no real world application, than what are you searcing for? You apparenty have come to the conclusion that Faith as you thought, does not exist. If that is so, then what is that you trying to find?
  3. [QUOTE] you must do something, you will need everything you can draw upon, especially if the task is difficult. Necessity drives us past our normal limits, but maybe it goes beyond that.[/QUOTE] Thats all well and true, but you are still being annoyingly silent and vague on what your position is. Now, if you made this thread so that we could philosophize on this subject, thats very nice, but I wish you would have been more explicit about that in the beginning of the thread... [QUOTE]but is it possible that we can exert forces in different ways? Perhaps if more control can be achieved over one's own body (like in a desperate situation) one can draw upon rare forces.[/QUOTE] While the body does produce adrenaline in times of desperate need, it also at this time that you have the least amount of focus and control over your body. If one where to do achieve maximum control over ones body, one would do so in a [I]controlled[/I] enviorment, and not one where I think you believe faith would help spu on "greater actions".
  4. [QUOTE]Beats me, but it seems that you're trying to drive Siren to a certain conclusion, rather than hearing what he has to say. Why don't you just tell us what you think of faith, then?[/QUOTE] I concur. You are not an effective enough discussion leader to lead us to some deep revelation which you appreantly think we can come to if we think about tihs long enough. Your small little "nudges" as I guess your post are, are not leading us anywhere, so I think it would be a lot more effective if you just came out and stated your belief on the subject. And, as I stated before, I do believe Faith is a powerful "force" as you call it, but not for any spiritual or metaphysical reasons. What makes Faith so powerful is because it can lead us to cognitively reach levels that we have never reached before. Faith ends up being to a certain extent, a sort of knowledge, which assures us that the task we are atteptoing can be done. hope that makes sense.
  5. Standing around, he knew nothing better to do than to put on the clothes the kind hearted woman was offering. She clothed the women first, seeming to think that they were the ones who needed to be warmed up first. He heard the old lady mutter under her breathe "Poor dears, they might have died out there" before she went back into the small room and came back with some clothing for the males. "You're pretty lucky mister, my old Johnny was much the same size you are, so I think these clothes will fit you well" she said as she handed him a pair of pants and long sleeve shirt. He glanced at the clothes, and felt oddly comforted by them. He could tell, by touching and seeing the articles of clothing, that they would in no way hamper his movement, making him warm, and still as mobile. He found it strange that as he put on his clothes, and glanced around the room, he could calculate that in the position he was in, he could reach the door of the house in less than 3 steps, or leap straight out the window in one jump, or reach any of the bedroom and and one bathroom doors in 2 steps. He also knew that the table in the middle of this room could probably take 2 or 3 powerful shots before it splintered, which would be more than enough time for him to use it effectively to rush any enemy. And he KNEW that once he got that close, he probably wouldn't be stopped. He had just finished buttoning up his shirt when he noticed one of the guys head out of the house. He wasn't sure why, but he found himself rising and following him as well. Just as he reached the door, he looked over at the others, who seemed busy mulling in their own thoughts. Looking at them, he said in a low voice "I'm not sure what to do, but I don't think that a brief walk outside will hurt any of us, see you guys in a bit." He paused, and turned to look at the gracious owner of the house. "Thank you very much." He said curtly, before walking out into the cool crisp desert air. He walked slowly, not caring about anything that was going on. He rested his back on the wall of building and just stood there, trying to rack his brain for any memory that might help him get something useful. Nothing. Just when he was going to start heading back to the house, he heard a distant hum. Bikes. The thought came unbidden to his mind. Dirtbikes modified for the desert, in decent shape, but could be made better, by the slight pur the engine was making. He smiled at himself. If he could [I]persuade[/I] one of these guys to hand over a bike, he would find a way to travel faster. He heard the bikes hum get close, and finally stop as they reached their destination, he watched from a distance as the man who had walked out, (who was now curiously weilding a sword, of good make, and a gauntlet) take down 3 of them like they were nothing. And even as he was this, and the other 2 prepare themsleves to attack him, he also noticed 5 others come from a digonal bottom angle, ready to shoot him down. Just as they pulled their sidearms from their jackets, 3 thoughts came to his mind. 1) they were not profeesionals. 2) he was in a perfect position to ambush them, and 3) which one of them should live. That thought was still going through his mind as the rock left his hand and hit the foremost gunman straight in the temporal lobe, killing him before he hit the ground. As the others turned to face him, he had already disarmed and broken the arm of the one he had decided would survive. #3 went down with his eyes wide in shock as the blast from the shotgun sent him flying. #4 and #5 tried to react, but unfortunately, #4's shot ended up killing #5 as he was deftly manuevered to block the shot. #4 mouth was lay open in silent surprise as the quick jab he had recieved to his neck crumpled his windpipe and killed a few seconds afterwards... OOC: Sorry that it got so long. I just kind of started typing, and it happened, so yeah :) Hope thats good, and that I wasn't too confusing, in referring to Tech. (I'm still thiking about he'll make up his name.)
  6. [QUOTE]Dark Apprentice, part two in the Jedi Academy series by Kevin J. Anderson, Ackbar actually learned all his tactical knowledge from Grand Moff Tarkin. [/QUOTE] That is true, but you must also remember that Tarkin was 1) the most brilliant tactician the Empire had (save Thrawn) 2) Incredibly secretive. No one but the Emperor (and even some things were kept "supposedly" secret from him) got to talk to Tarkin much, or even learn of his battle strategies. The reason why Ackbar learned from him was because he used to like to gloat in front of Ackbar and show him how his people (the Alliance) would be defeated by him. so yea...thats all
  7. Let me know when you can bend the laws of physics.
  8. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Green]Yes, I do believe that faith is probably the most powerful force in this world. Existence in our everyday world requires faith. If you ever questioned the reality of your existence, you would most likely fall into a pit of self-doubt that could easily lead to your own demise. Yet, while I do believe in Faith as a power, I don't think that it exists in a religious sense. Faith is always connected to religion, but in all honesty, I think that there are in no way interconnected. Faith is more of a cognitive power that we posses as human beings, rather than as members of a certain order or belief.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. The whole Emperor controlling the Fleet is mentioned mostly by Zahn in the Thrawn trilogy. And, as for the bigger fleet, well...we know that tacitacally, the Rebels (under Ackbar, haha) were far more strategically adept than the Empire. Couple that, with the loss of your superweapon, and the loss of your Lords battleship (the Executor) and its no wonder that most of the Empire turned tail and ran...or just surrendered their ships.
  10. [QUOTE]Erm, 200 repetitions per week? Are you doing them all at once?[/QUOTE] Umm... When I do get on the horse about doing the abs stuff, I do about 200 reps every night for a week...but maybe I should take ur advice and just take it slow...get comfortable with the workout, hmmm... Mimmi, as to your question of doing either 50 all at once, or 25 at a time, my advie is the following: If you really want to tone your body, go with doing 3 sets of 25-35 repetitions, It will feel painful at first, but its much more effective and helps your body muscle cells break down, which is what you want, so that they grow back stronger. And repetitions are the # you do continously. A set is the # you can get to before you stop. [QUOTE]ALSO, I am thinking about taking yoga. Anyone else into that? Will it help me at all? I am very flexible, lol.[/QUOTE] I also started doing yoga this semester at my school, and there is absolutely nothing better than a good yoga lesson the day after a grueling workout. Yoga helps your body build alot of strength and endurance, along with making you more flexible. If you have the opportunity, I would most definitely recommend it, but do keep in mind that you will get pretty sweaty if you have a good session. =) Thank you all for your suggestions so far, and lets keep the questions, or other suggestions coming :)
  11. Sounds like a real fun idea, except, will u need a distinct bad/good? or can u be kinda of neutral? And what about Red X? can u be his kid? Or have 2 titans (i.e. Starfire/Robin) and inherit abilities from both? In any case, I'll be looking forward to it on the boards =)
  12. Sounds like fun...heh Name: Xander O'zare Experiment #/Name: #3715/Tech Age: 20 Appearance: About 5'11, and weighing in at about 175 lbs, when most people see Xander, they think, military kid. He is cut, with a very well toned body built for speed, strength, and endurance. He wears his dark hair at the longest the military allows, which allows it to slightly drape over the front of his brow. He has cool grey eyes, which most women find beautiful, but which his employers found cold and calculating. He prefers to wear loose fitting clothing, much like some comfortable skater pants, with a long sleeved shirt, as the allow him to have the widest range of motion. Personality: Xander is smooth, calm, and calculating. He can be quiet and reflective, or loud and demanding, whatever it is the type of individual that a group demands. He is intellingent and courageous, and knows how to take command of almost any situation. He is at heart a peoples person, and will go to any limits to protect those he cares for. Genetic Power: A perfected human body. Xander was exposed to dozens of chemicals which enhanced his brain and made his body almost perfect, giving him super human speed and strength, and which improved his resorative abilities. His mind was also enhanced, which helped not only his analytical and logical abilities, but his creative mind. This also will allow him to design futuristic and very powerful weaponry. (think Capt. America/Red X) Brief History: Xander was born to a military family. Ever since he was 5 and started school, the military noticed him and singled him out for his great intelligence and creative mind. When his parents died, the miltary cared for him, cultivating and nurtring his mind, while honing his body into a very lethal weapon. When, at 18, he was offered the chance to help keep his country in peace and make it great, he did not hesitate to give his all for those he had sworn to protect. The rest is well...an unknown history. hope that works.
  13. Hello All! I have just started weightlifting about 4 or 5 months ago, and have seen quite an improvement. I go to the gym for about an hour about 4 days out of the week, and workout almost every main muscle group. But I still have 2 problems that I would like to get rid of... 1) My stomach. I find it hard to get the motivation to keep through with my ab workout. I usually can go about one week doing about 200 reps of different ab workouts, but after that time, i get bored, or the pain gets really too intense, and I stop. Any pointers on how to get over this obstacle? 2) I really want to increase my weight, but keep it controlled. I want my diet to consist of 30% fat, 40% carb, and 40% protein, and to have it at about 3000 to 3500 calories. Any suggestions? thanks all in advance for you feedback.
  14. Hey everyone. Sign ups look real good so far, and as I really want to try this rpg out and get it off the ground, I'm willing to go with just one or two more sign-ups. I really want at least half a squadron. I hope that we can really get this RPG going within the nexr week. Thanks to all of you who have signed up so far.
  15. Keiryn was walking slowly, pleased that he had been able to pass the elimintation rounds. Some of his opponents he knew would be much better than those that he had faced today, but he didn't feel that worried. He had watched some of the other fighters while he got the chance, and many, while very good, had one or more weakness he knew he would be able to exploit when the time came. He was slowly walking, making his way the sleeping area when he heard a cry. Rushing to the cry, he suddenly saw one of the young men from the competition jump up a tree, clutching a wound on his shoulder, and saw a man on the ground look around, sheath his sword and walk away. Suddenly, the young boy jumped from the tree onto the man, crushing him. Keiryn was about to run after him when he saw the man was soon surrounded by 3 other men, who began talking in quick voices. They took off after the boy, who had just run into a young lady. Realizing their motive, Keiryn cut across the field, and reached the 2 bowled over youths before the bandits could. "What is happening sir?" asked the young girl, who instead of being bewildered, seem calm and in control. "I'm not quite sure my lady, but it seems that this young boy has been hurt, and that these men heading towards us want to finish the job. I will fend them off, but help get this young man out of here, and it wouldn't hurt if to alert the town guards of whats going on if you get the chance." Nodding her head in compliance, the young girl helped the young man get to his feet, and started helping him move away. Meanwhile, the pursuers, seeing Keiryn and the girl helping the boy slowed their pace, and walked to Keiryn, stopping well away from sword range. "What are you doing with that boy. He's just seriously injured one of our companions, and we need to show him that such behaviour is intolerable." Spoke one of the pursuers Keiryn, though still not sure of the boys total innocence, went with his gut instinct and continued defending the boy "From what I saw, ur friend there wasn't being quite peaceful, and the boy seemed only to defend himself. Now, if you dont mind, I'd rather see to the boy then be in a parley here with you." Keiryn was about to turn when Mouth (as Keiryn had quickly nicknamed him) spoke again. "If you dont give us the boy, then you'll have to suffer, you, the boy, and that pretty dame we saw dragging him away." Keiryn turned and gave the offender a very cold smile. "It'll be your graves they'd be digging up." A look of fear seemed to take the mans face, but looking at the 2 other men he had with him, his confidence came back to him, and with a furious smile, he looked at Keiryn and muttered, "Lets take him boys." They drew their swords, and rushed Keiryn, who stood in an almost indifferent stance, watching their approach. When the first of them reached him, his sword upraised but ready to swing down, Keiryn moved forward, and even before the man had thought of bringing his sword down, Keiryn had slammed his palm into his face, reached up and grabbed his hands, bringing him in closer and kneeing him in the stomach, after which the winded man was easily thrown to the side. Seeing their friend thrown down so easily and expertly seemed to take the fight out of the men, but Keiryn wasn't about to let them run away. Still unarmed, he rushed the second man, who swung his sword at Keiryn in a panicked manner. This was exactly wat Keiryn had expected, and instead of rolling outside and out of the range of the wide arc the man had made with his sword swing, he stepped in, blocked the sword swipe by stopping his arms from making the full motion. He then rapped the man's knuckles with his own, causing his opponent to almost drop his sword, which was all the opening he needed. As the man fumbled to make sure his weapon didn't fall, Keiryn threw a quick punch to his opponents throat, making him gag, which he followed up by a hard kick which hit the man directly in his sternum. He dropped like a bag of potatoes. The third man, Mouth, seeing himself alone against Keiryn, let out a small wail, dropped his sword, and started to run away. Keiryn, showing almost no mercy, reached for the small throwing dagger he carried inhis belt. He drew it up, and with an expert throw, Mouth let out a high pitched scream, and fell over, clutching at his right thigh, where Keiryn's throwing dagger was implanted. Keiryn jogged over to Mouth, a grim smile on his face. "Your lucky I'm not as cold blooded as you guys are" he said before kicking the man in the face, and making him fall unconscoius. He then picked up Mouth, headed to where the other 2 men were also lying unconscious, and tied the men up together, waiting for either the return of the young girl, or the arrival of the town guard.
  16. [COLOR=Navy][I]Over 14 years have passed since the Battl of Endor, and the beginning of the rise of the New Republic. It has been a long and ardous journey for the fledgling government, and many have been those who have opposed its creation and attempted to bring its downfall. One of the things that have lead to the success of the Republic, and provided it with protection from many of it's enemies has been the great NRI (New Republic Intelligence) Many an assasination attempt and planetary coup has been foiled by this group of men and women who stop at nothing to preserve the integrity and stability of the New Republic. The man at the head of this agency, General Airen Cracken, now has a new worry, and a new idea to stop this worry. Taking a cue from the rag-tag squadron Wedge Antilles put together to create the very adept Wraith Squadron, Cracken now wishes to create another task force much like the Wraiths. A task force that will remain covert, that will operate in a very rogue and unsupervised manner, but who won't betray the Rebuplic. Many are the problems that Cracken now faces, and he is now putting a team of specialists together who will, with very little instruction and information, get the job (whatever it be) done. Now who to pick?[/I][/COLOR] ============================= Ok ladies and gentlemen. I'm relatively new to GM'ing an adventure, but I have some really awesome ideas for this, and hopefully, the rest of you will help me along the way. I'm looking for about 7 other players, each of which whill be an expert pilot with one of the different spaceships used in the Star Wars series. (and it extends into the book universe too) The pilot will also have an expertise in some other area, which will make him worthwhile for the team. These expertises can be anything from a demo to hand to hand expert, to sharpshooter, or make-up artist. Be creative. The adventures will take place one at a time, with the team recieving vague orders from General Cracken, and carrying out the mission. I hope that everyone who signs up will enjoy this RPG ============================= This is what I need for your character: Name: Description:(pics are fine) Race: (u can be human or any type of non-human from the SW universe) Gender: Ship Pilot Expertise: Expertise: Bio: ============================= Here's mine Name: Edel Hawke Description: (soon to come) Race: Human Gender: Male Ship Pilot Expertise: Modified X-wing Expertise: Jedi Knight, Hand to Hand combat Bio: Edel was raised in the Force devoid woods of Myrkyr. His parents were Jedi, who, when they realized what was happening to the Jedi, sent their son into hiding with an old family friend, and were confident that the forests of Myrkyr would keep him safe from Darth Vader. He always knew he was different, and after the defeat of the Emperor and the passing away of his gaurdian, he left Myrkyr and applied to the New Republic Navy. He was an excellent pilot, and was soon a part of Gaurd Squadron, and squadron that usually ran cover for supply ships. He soon put down on Luke's training grounds in Yavin 4, and it was here that he was taken as a student of the Jedi ways. After completing and recieving his Knighthood, he left the Academy and became a member of the NRI, one of the few Knights in its service, and after showing an adept ability at making a mission a success, he has been asked to become a part of the new Squadron Airen Cracken is putting together.
  17. Keiryn sighed wistfully as he reached the top of the hill and looked down upon the magnificent scene that the Castle of Heaven-Mei offered from his vantage point. The Castle stood out majestically, looking more romantic and powerful than any word or description ever made it seem. He had heard countless tales from many travellers about the granduer and beauty of the castle, but it seemed that none of these tales did the castle full justice. His warriors eye was soon appraising its high walls and powerfully built gates, giving proof to the stories that the Castle was not only beautiful, but close to impenetrable from any attack ever made upon it. He was engorssed in planning defences and ways of improving its formidable defenses when he felt a slight sway, and saw that his horse was pawing the ground, as if aware that the journey was almost over, and wanted to get it done. "I'm sorry Odais." Keiryn whispered softly in to the horses ear. "It seems that I got carried away up here, we'll head on down and see if we can find that place that we need to get you stabled in." Clicking his tongue and lightly tapping the sides of the horse, they made their way down into the town. The stable owner hadn't been able to sell the horse to Keiryn, since he kept a trade with a courier service, which this horse belonged to. Odais had proven to be a sure-footed steed and Keiryn would most definitely ask the owner of the courier service if he could be bought. As they made their way down to the fair, Keiryn kept his eyes open for the fighters registration. He found the booth close to the ring, and signed up for the events of sword, unarmed, and the open forum combat, in which the different combatants could use their weapon of choice. The registration fee left his purse quite less lighter than it had been, but thats what he had kept the money for anyways. Once he had recieved his instructions and learned that the tournament would begin in 3 hours time, he made his way through the crowds, looking for the small stable he had promised to drop Odais off at.
  18. I live in the SoCal area, and am luckily close to various amusements, which I take advantege of whenever I can. I attend a community college where I plan to get rid of my GE, before advancing to a four, which will prolly end up being a cal state. (Fullerton to be exact) Besides attending school, I am currently looking for a job. I play the guitar, take martial art lessons, and like to play tcg's. I enjoy watching anime and reading manga and comics whenever I can, but its not often, to be honest. I read. Like origami too. thats about it, I think.
  19. Keiryn walked at a slow pace, enjoying the soothing sensation that the fresh air had while it whipped around his face, and taking in the beautiful scenery that the forest offered. His gait was crisp, and tho he felt seemed to be in a very relaxed state, his senses were up and ready to move at the slightest need. He had been walking for a couple of days now, taking his quest slowly, and was almost out of provisions. Still, he wasn't worried, the farmers who had last provided the ardous traveler with a meal had told him that a small village was a little more than a days walk away. True to their word, the little village appeared as the woods thinned out. Curious to find the village inn, Keiryn made his way to what he imagined would be the square that every small town and village had to serve as a meeting place. As he reached the center, he saw many people crowding around a sign posted in the middle of the square. He politely manuevered his way through the crowd of people and read the sign, which said that the Luthen Fair would be held for the next 2 weeks. A small smile spread over his face, as he finally realized why his uncle had finally decided to let him leave on his quest. He had begged to leave ever since he was 15, and it hadn't been until 2 months ago that his uncle had come to his room, and told him that he would be leaving in the morning. What better way to offer his services to his Lord and to offer to protect the Kingdom than at the Luthen Fair. Sure he had shown his prowess and ability with the sword to countless farmers and village people, but to win one of the famed Fair competitions? That would easily prove his mettle and ability to his Lord. Turning around, he made his way to the stables he had seen on his way to the square. He would buy a decent horse, and make his way to the Luthen Fair, and its famed tourneys.
  20. Name: D'enroy Hawke Age: 16 Gender: Male In your own words: It's weird, having to tell my parents and all the other people back home that I attend the Jameson's Finishing School for Young Ladies. But hey, I figure its better than letting them know that I was actually in jail for getting caught with a butterfly knife and in my pocket. I'm just happy that they caught me as I was leaving my hideout, and not with my katana or wazakashi. When they old guy came to me, telling me to come his finishing school, or face the big house, i figured a place full of polished young ladies wouldn't be to bad. Only thing i don't like is the fact that so many of the guys are all into being better than the other, or that the battery of tests they gave me when I first got here seem to be looking for something other than my smarts. still, these classes the doc arranged for me sure have helped me gain better mastery over my sci blade and empathic sensations... O yea, as for how i look, well, long slick black hair, with intense green colored eyes, i'm about 5'7 and kinda wiry, which makes me look sorta weak, but thats ok, cuz it helps me to surprise others... Student file # 5293: D'enroy Hawke: Pure luck that we found this young man. His tests are quite remarkable, especially in the fact that he has acquired such control and mastery over his abilities without even the smallest bit of guidance. While his abilities do not even come close to rivaling those of Nicole, we believe his abilities may rival and closely compare to those of # 1589 (Steven Cargen). The fact that both are quite skilled with the blade lend us to believe that the concentration and meditation required to perfect the art of the blade may be directly connected to the development of the minds psychic powers. His ability to manifest psychic objects is one of great interest, as is his ability to know quite accurately the sensations and feelings of others. While not a total mind-reader, this ability gives him quite an enhanced battle sense, which we believe allow him to wield blades with such great precision.
  21. dMage


    Name: Keiryn 'Enroy Gender: Male Age: 20 Appearance: Standing at 5'10, Keiryn has dark black hair, and opaline colored eyes. His face is considered handsome and quite attractive by many of the women who have happen to lay eyes on him. His strong features (high cheekbones, almost perfectly shaped eyebrows, and almond shaped eyes) and easy smile make him seem friendly to all those around him, yet his opaline eyes be-speak a great cunning and make you want to think twice before crossing him in any matter. His body physique is shorouded by a large cloak he has on at almost all times. Underneath he wears a close fitting suit which is a lite gray in color (think the suit type that Jackie Chan and Jet Li usually wear when they're movies are imports from China) Skills: He is among the most skilled swordfighters in all of Heaven-mei, only nobody knows it yet. His control over the bastard sword and wazakashi have lead many a stray and foolish bandit to his death. He is very agile and quick in his movements, making him a difficult target to hit, and he has trained with great martial art masters, making him almost as deadly with his hands as he is with his many blades. Near the end of his training, he learned of another latent power that began to manifest itself in him, that of the bladesinger. While not quite yet powerful, he has the ability (for a short amount of time) to manipulate the very nature of his blades,giving them elemental power. Personality: Keiryn is a kind hearted and generous soul. To those who do good. He is compassionate and quite empathic, an ability he has had since a young child. He has quite a firm grounding of what he believes to be right and wrong, and while trained with the ancient code of the samurai and the knights of Heaven-mei, he usually trusts to his gut instinct in judging others, and not always basing his assumptions and judgements on the actions/achievements of others. He can be the kindest and humblest being ti his friends (which his easy-going attitude make them many) and the greatest and most dangerous threat to his enemies (which his ability with the blade make few) He is aware that his training has a purpose, and that his parents withhold a certain knowledge from him, but he trust their judgement, and his only goal is to serve his lord's Kingdom, and punish those who commit evil. Biography: It was a very warm day when the 'Enroy family where making their way from the market, with the weeks food and baby Keiryn in the cart, when Hera happen to notice a thin plume of smoke rising to the east of them. Upon seeing the flames, Japeth urged the horses on at a quicker pace, and the family soon found the cottage of an old lady slowly succumbing to the flames of the fire. Without any hesitaition, Japeth rushed into the flaming building, searching for the old lady who had always given them a kindly wave whenever they passed. He found her half unconsious but was able to quickly pull her out of the flaming building. The family took the lady to their hame, where they cared for her, helping her reach her old strength and sense of self. Then, one morning, the family arose to find the old lady missing from her neatly made bed, which had a letter and a rose lying on it. The letter was short, and gave the couple a news that left them thunderstruck. The old lady was a fortune-teller,and besides that, left them with a prophecy, that their son would grow to be a great man, and would help deliver land from a great plight. Japeth was nothing but a simple farmer, who had renounced his sword and his ancestors way of life for a simpler one. Yet he knew that his son would need proper training. With this thought in mind, 4 years later, when Keiryn was five, he took his son too an old cottage deep in the woods, where his brother took the young boy, and trained him in the arts of the warrior, as well as practical and the artists knowledge. And thus, at the age of 20,with the knowledge of a warrior, and that he must offer the services of his blade to his King and to no one else, he left his uncle's care, ready to offer his service to his lord, and help clean out the neighberhood along the way.
  22. Edel heard the taunting words and smiled. "M'lady, if this where a race, my [I]Knight[/I] would run circles around your ship." With that, he put full accleration into the sip. "Rex, shunt laser power to thrusters, and bring up missle package 1. Lets see how effective it is, and whether it'll let us catch us a wild pirate."
  23. I have yet to read any of his fantasy books. I'm a very avid fantasy reader, and it sounds, from wat you guys say, that he is a good writer. But I must remind everyone that it was this man who killed Chewbacca in the beggining of the New Jedi Order series.
  24. I thought that Shato Khan was the american form of Karate? Of course, i'm basing this off of a hazy memory of the small little afterword they have at the end of "Bloodsport" so I could be wrong... Currently I am in Shato Khan Karate (I only started about a month ago) and its really not only alot of fun, but a great workout. A friend and I are doing it togehter, which is really helpful, as we can critique each other whenever we practice outside of class (which we do about once or twice a week) I hope to go all the way to black belt, and after that, maybe trying out another type of martial art. I dont think it's considered a martial art, but another thing that I've always really wanted to do was fence (swordfighting with epee's, foils, and sabres) The fast play of the swords looks really awesome, but, like ScirosBlade said, its really expensive. But I still think its really kool, and hope at one point or anotherin my life, to try it out.
  25. I'll gladly take a Kyle Rayner one if you're willing. Same descrip and words as those asked for the John stewart one are fine.
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