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Everything posted by dMage
Edel couldnt help but feel exhilarated as he took the [I]Knight[/I] into a shapr turn, veering away from collision with Ariadne's ship. The woman was a good pilot, and deserved at least the honor inherent of that. NOt just that, but her ship, being close to impossible to see in the void of space helped sharpen his eyes and reflexes, making it a true challenge to fly against her. He settled in to his pilot couch, his ship speed giving him a slight edge as he turned around first, and allowing him to pepper her aft shields with a barrage of hard light. As she came around, readying herself for a a pass at his ship, he turned in a sharp 90 degree angle, exposing his belly, but at the same time, also to his belly turrets, which opened up on her fleeing ship, scoring one good hit as he came around and settled behind her ship. As he lined up his missle package for a clear shot, he couldn't help suppress a whistle. Over the comm. a cool, and very amused voice responded. "If you like my ship's backside, you should get a load of my real one." Edel laughed, as his whistle had been targeted at her good juking skills, never allowing him to get a clear shot. "I'm sorry m'lady, but you weren't meant to hear that." he replied, as he kept trying to line up his shot. Suddenly, he took a shot, and as the missle streaked away, he mimicked her roll to port, hammering mercilessly at the aft of her ship. Yet in his glee, he overshot her, flying past, and exposing his behind to wat he knew would be a fierce counter attack.
Edel watched as the pirate that had been attacking the distressed ship began to run away, moving quickly away from the engagement with the Federation ship. A small breathe of relief began to escaoe from him when a warning klaxon went off in the cockpit, warning him that some ship had a clean missle lock on him. "What the-" he cried as he broke the [I]Knight[/I] into a sharp turn, and then banked it onto its starboard side. He was rewarded with a small flare flashing by his port side, but also with a huge shudder, as 3 laser blasts hammered into his back. "Rex-" "Already on it sir. My apologies for not warning you of the incoming vessel. I was busy readying the ship for battle, and failed to alert you of its presence" "Thats fine Rex, but, just keep a sharper eye out next time. Whats status?" "Luckily, the shields went up right before the attack sir. Sheilds are currently at 87% and holding. I have aft sheilds at full." "Ok, reroute shields to full coverage, and keep 'em that way unless I tell you otherwise." "Yes sir." Rex replied, as he began to follow his orders. Edel, still angry at himslef for letting this happen, gazed out at the stars, trying to find his opponenet. According to his sensors, it was somewhere in front of him, probably readying itself for another pass. The thing was though, that while his sensors told him where the ship was, he couldn't see anything. "Rex, are signals being scrambled, or is there any type of comm. going to show that our sensors are under stress?" "No sir, sensors are perfectly fine. Why?" "Cuz I can't see any ship out there..." And then, he saw it. Or more like, the blur of it, as he noticed not a ship, but the outline of a ship. And he knew who it was. Less than a year ago, while working on a convoy mission, he and the crew had walked into a pirate ambush. He had encountered this ship and its pilot briefly, watching as it had almost effortlessly destroyed 2 of the fighters in his squad. He had raced after it, but in the ensuing firefight, lost sight of the elusive ship. He had run checks on the ship, and had found the pilot to be a quite a ruthless pirate. Snapping out of his reverie, a cool, almost cocky grin formed on his face. "Rex, give me forward shields at 115%. It appears that the Lady Ariadne wants to dance, and it would be cruel for us to deny her the pleasure, don't you think?"
Beads of sweat fell on his brow as he slowly went into a controlled pattern of breathing, keeping it smooth and steady. In front of him swayed 5 of the eight remotes programmed to attack him with their stinging little laser bolts. The 6th swayed in and out of his periphery vision, and he knew that the last 2 would be vehind him, trying to take a cheap shot while the ones on front tried to occupy his attention. A small smile formed on Edel's face before he snapped his blade forward, disabling the remote that had been swaying back and forth. Pzzt..Pzzt..Pzzt. Hi block, into a reverse swing, a quick hop, and then into a tumble, and 4 more remotes hung lifeless. The remaining 3 fired a quick succession of shots that were batted away, and reflected back, disabling 2 more. The last one fled up high, firing off ramdom shots, and moving incredibly quickly. Edel rolled left, blocked three shots before his hand, now clutching a light blaster, swung up and shot the small remote into lifelessness. "Well, besides being hit by 3 of those stinger shots, it was not that bad of a show sir" said a cool, almost detached voice. Edel glanced at his co-pilot, a RX-3000 that had been a gift given to him long ago. A small smile touched Edel's lips at the droids comment. "Well, thank you for the critique Rex, but I thougt I had you on communication detail." "Well sir, the reason I left my post was to inform you of distress signal that I located some few minutes ago. As per your orders, I have put the ship to bear on the coordinates, and came to report to you, to recieve further instruction." A frown formed on Edel's face as he jogged the short distance between his training room and the cockpit. "Could you find out anything about the ships history, a pilot log, or anything?" "No sir, though I must admit that coding on the signal reminded me of a computer dialect that is far more advanced than anything that is regularly found around these parts." Sitting in the pilots chair, Edel brought up the telescopic vision enhancer that he had installed on his ship. As he watched, he saw a small ship being slowly dragged, as if by a tractor beam, onto a federation ship. The small bit relief that he felt upon seeing this was quickly destroyed as he noticed a small sleek fighter sweep by and begin potshotting the already heavily damaged ship. He saw the Federation cruiser return fire, and was frustrated as he saw the sleek nimble fighter avoind the shots. A grim expression on his face, his hands danced on the controls as he readied the [I]Knight[/I] for battle. "Prepare for battle Rex. Something tells me that this sweet little pirate has some tricks up her sleeve.
There is more time than life. -Latin proverb my dad always uses that one when I say I dont have enuff time to get things done. Competence is infinite. -Colbey Calistinson Do or do not. There is no try. -Yoda Love is whats left from passion. -Anonymous
Name: Edel Hawke Side: Good Organiztion: Outlaw Description: [URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=gundamwing&image=9]the one in black[/URL] Weapons: Twin modified blaster pistols. Light to carry, but they pack a punch. Lightsaber that he uses in close combat. Ship: [URL=http://www.decipher.com/jediknights/cardlists/scumandvillainy/large/65Routrider.html]Errant Knight[/URL] Bio: Edel is a kinght in training from the planet Mysker. The Mysker knights are a fabled group of men and woman who dedicated their lives to the safekeeping of the galaxy and aiding those in need. The myskerians were one day targeted by a large congregation of space pirates who had found the Myskerians too annoying and disrupting their businesses, so they all banded together and annihalated their small continent on the planet. Edel and his family were off planet at the time, and from that point on, Edel's father trained his son rigorously in the warriors art. A quick learner, Edel practiced constantly, and now, after leaving his family, he has vowed to make the name of the Myskerian Knight one that shall be forever bring fear to all those who do evil. He an apt fighter, a good shot and pilot, and is close to untouchable while weilding his sword. He now roams the space lanes, upholding the honor of his father and his sacred people. Personality: Edel can seem like quite an easy going, with a quick smile forming on his lips at the most simplest of things. He is confident of his abilities, but never endangers others. He is willing to risk his life to aid others, and it is this that gives him an aura of trustworthiness. He is buond by his honor and is a man of his word. His only flaw is that many times, he is too quik to act, and not think things true. This is especially true when in the company Pirates, as he loathes them as utterly contemptible beings. He can withstand them only if he knows that revealing his position is more likely to get him and others killed.
Name: Xander O'zare Age: 27 Profession: Spec. Ops Army Side: Jin Weapons: Fire, Light, Dual LightSabers, C-10 Canister Rifle Bio: Xander was only 5 years old when the United Empire took interest in him. His father was a gov't official, and it wasn't long before Xander's "special" abilities were discovered. He is incredibly empathic, only short of being able to reads peoples minds. He was trained by the gov't as one of their elite operatives, and is incredibly good at his job. Appearance: 5'10, with a thin, almost lanky disposition, which belies his strength and increible relexes. Opaline eyes, Black hair, brown skinned, he looks as if he can easily be lst in a crowd. Usually wears special army suit, meant to look common, but which aids in concealing his weapons. Lightsaber hang on side (reminiscent of the samarui style), and his rifle slung on his back.
"Love is wats left from passion"
I've only recently started reading comics, and when it comes to the DC universe, I must admit that right behind the Green Lantern(most definitely my fav hero) is Batman. His no nonsense attitude, dark disposition, and awesome detective abilities make him one of the greatest heros, and much the fact that he's human makes him all that more intense, because he's just a regular guy taking things over the edge. [QUOTE]Hey, have you guys noticed that whenever the "who would win, Bats or Supes" topic comes up, those who say Superman will win are total morons? Not that they are necessarily wrong, but their reasons are always "Superman is super powerful, and Batman is just a normal guy." Stuff like that. It irritates me.[/QUOTE] Haven't u read "the Dark Knight Returns" that will put anybody who thinks Supes would win in their proper place.
How can u eliminate a problem u can't see?
[QUOTE]I?ll bestow the Neville Chamberlain Award to the new socialist prime minister of Italy[/QUOTE] Firstly, the Italian gov't, as far as I know, is still a Republic, I think you meant Spain. Secondly, as a leader of a country, I think that certain concessions must be made to make sure that peace will remain in the nation. Thirdly, while it seems that many won't agree with me, I must stress the following point: George Bush and other countries proclaim they are fighting terrorism. The only connection in Iraq with terrorists, that of Saddam Hussein and terrorists cells, has been dealt with, now that Saddam is in our hands. We have no real reason or right to stay in this country, our involvement in their policies and gov't have had enough lasting damage already (i.e. guess who put Saddam into power back in the day? thats right, US) [QUOTE]This is why Al Qaeda is in Iraq, fighting a losing battle to toss that country into civil war. They know that should Iraq become a democratic society, it will be the beginning of the end for their organizations. Arabs will see the prosperity that democracy offers, and reject hate groups like Al Qaeda.[/QUOTE] One of the reasons why some people put up with Al Qaeda in the Middle East is because they see them as revolutionaries and heroes, defending the way of their people. Many Middle Easterners simply want to deal with their own problems, and don't want to accept the "Westernization" of their world. With our continued occupation, we're really getting nowhere quick
The attacks of March 11th have been blamed on Al Queda (rumors persist of a videotape that Al Queda made, claiming the bombings as their work, and saying that this was retaliation towards Spain for having troops in Iraq). And while I applaud the fact that Spain is removing its troops from Iraq, I am fearful of the new socialist gov't that is now in control of Spain. Gov'ts in other parts of the world are coming to elections soon, and many are showing a tendency to side with socialistic parties. I hope that my fears here are based more on ignorance than knowledge, but haven't many Socialist gov'ts not worked? I mean, Russia sure ain't anywhere near the power it once was, and its been (was?) a Socialist gov't for some time. Sure the idea looks pretty on paper, and in the hands of a good orator, it sounds like the a great thing, but I really am not aware of any triumphs in the real world.
I haven't been in a play since junior high school, where I played he lead in the play "The Paper Bag bandit" But recently, my school held auditions for the student directed one acts, and a friend of mine is directing "12 angry Men" which is awesome play. (it was made into a movie twice, and if u watch one, watch the one with Henry Fonda, mucho awesome) So maybe I'll be acting again.
I wander through the corridors of my mind late at night. Naught else is there left for me to do. In the morning, I shall awake, and find my deceased body lying on the floor of some unknown place, that I once saw in my minds eye, but took for granted, not knowing what its true meaning was. But that?s just how things go, in this time of mine, the focus am I not, but instead, that filter, that background noise that makes you comfortable, helps you sleep at night, but not much more. Where once I was the center of my reality, I now find that I am but I bleak and distant object, forgotten, much like tha wisdom of past time. The distant speck has grown smaller and smaller on the horizon, producing no more attention, becoming lost in a sea of sand. I was somebody once, a person of import, one whom the crowds would cheer and the mighty EMBRACE. but now I am small, alone, forgotten. I have fallen into the mystical rabbit hole, but unlike Alice's it does not stop.
Man oh man, the sweetness of Sci-fi. Star Wars has to be at the absolute top of my list for best sci-fi around. Sure, the new movies have beena bit disappointing, but there still fun to watch. The expanded universe added by so many gifted authors is awesome, and the mini-series made by Cartoon Network just rocked. Other good jazz would be the Matrix (regarded by many as the Star Wars of our time)