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About Balinese
- Birthday 05/14/1986
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Neko-girl, and having fun! it doesn't matter what you do, so long as you remember the catnip!
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Otaku (3/6)
[QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green] To free up more money for the school system, the United States should do the following: -Cut all spending on Illegal immigrants. Find them, detain them, deport them. -If it comes to it, make sports pay-to-play. It sounds harsh, but if you cant afford to pay for sports, you should probably be spending your money elsewhere anyway. Also, we should seriously evaluate the teachers that are employed at our schools. Paying them a little more (they barely make enough money to live on as it is) and being a little more exclusive when hiring (when possible) would be good first steps.[/color][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]i quite agree. and when Bush decided to put together the revolving door policy for illegal immigrants, i was more than a little ticked off. our kids need that money, and it could be spent on so many better things! then the Democratic policy (if you haven't heard their re-writes) is to keep the immigrants in the US and let them work. Hello? jobs are needed by AMERICAN citizens, but they keep being given to illegal immigrants who hop the border to make some cash. *sigh* teachers also should be paid more (biased as i am). they pour their hearts and souls into their work, why can't they make what they deserve? because we pay for illegal immigrant upkeep, among many other unnecessary programs. *decides to shut up and wander off, because all this is getting her upset all over again*[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Oh my Lord... get this: the Denver Public School District (DPS, for short) has been forced by the Colorado legislature to drop ALL of its extracurricular programs. including field trips, choirs, and Outward Bound. i attend Cherry Creek schools, so it's no biggie to me. but it really hurts the already underprivileged kids in inner-city Denver, and it really makes me mad that Governor Owens and Mayor Hickenlooper (yes, the Hick) did something so stupid. *sigh*[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Heh... i am addicted to chocolate chip cookies. they are the BEST comfort food in the world, and they're so fun to make! i am totally in love with the language of flowers, and can put together bouquets that actually have a meaning rather than just looking pretty and smelling good. and i love to sing. especially new stuff, but songs like the ORIGINAL [i]Drift Away[/i] (Doobie Brothers, not Uncle Kracker) are the best. and if anyone gave me the chance, i'd do what one of my best friends' t-shirts says and have some fun. "Carton of eggs - $3 Ski mask - $10 Front-row tickets to a Britney Spears concert - $42 Egging the **** out of America's Pop Princess - PRICELESS."[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]my longest relationship... nine months, almost exactly. it was with this guy named Spencer, we were together for nine months, we were going to get married, then i found out that he was cheating on me with two men. yeah, i knew he was bi, but it kinda pissed me off that he'd not have the [i]cojones[/i] to tell me he wanted men as well as our relationship... the jerk. *sigh* and i still kind of miss him.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]i love rpgs, especially the Final Fantasy series. they offer things to do outside the main plot, funny characters that you can get to know deeply, and (lately) seriously cool graphics. plus, the music is always amazing (Nobuo Uematsu, i love you). and i still think the best story ever was FFVII, along with best villain (Sephiroth :love: ), coolest eyes on a main character (Aerith), and most fun character (Yuffie Kisaragi). i also like fighting games (MK: DA is my newest addiction) and sim-army (like Dynasty Warriors and ROTK). although i am a pacifist, these games really help me get out aggression that is otherwise released in less healthy ways. :sweat: when i had an SNES, i really loved Chrono Trigger and FFIII, just because they gave me a lot to do and a bunch of fun things to mess with. i really dislike racing games though. i just can never get into them. they're just.... "Vroom vroom, you win the race, yay," boring.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]......... you know he cheated on you while you were dating. yet you held on to him? i made that mistake with my ex-fiance, and it was the stupidest thing i ever did, because he continued to cheat on me for two more months. my advice: as hard as it may seem, DUMP THE DONKEY. (well, thinking a more impolite word :p, but you get my drift, i hope). not to be mean about it, but taking him back was like saying, 'go on, cheat on me, i really don't care'. call off the engagement, say goodbye, and find yourself a man who isn't a total jerk. you are worth more than this. and you don't deserve a man cheating on you because he's "fighting his feelings" for his ex. believe me. Balinese[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]The three CDs i cannot live without: [b]3. [i]Pokemon 2000: The Power of One[/i] soundtrack[/b]. Got it as a birthday present, and it has some beautiful music, especially track 7 ([i]Flying Without Wings[/i], the Westlife version) and track 1 ([i]The Power of One[/i], Donna Summer). Tied for second place: [b]2. Dennis Leary: [i]No Cure for Cancer/Lock n Load[/i][/b] and [b][i]The Eminem Show[/i][/b]. Dennis is a recent addition to my collection, thanks to a good friend, and his acerbic humor is sometimes the only thing that can make me smile. Em has been in my collection since the CD first came out, and certain songs always make me think ([i]When The Music Stops, Sing For The Moment[/i]). he has a style that no one could ever copy. [b]1. [i]Fear[/i] - Toad the Wet Sprocket[/b]. Birthday present from my pal Palmer, and it's one of the coolest CDs i've ever gotten. i think the best songs are the sadder ones ([i]Before You Were Born, Something to Say, Pray Your Gods[/i])... and [i]All I Want[/i] will always be a favorite.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]i was living with my aunt and her son (my cousin, who is a year and a half older than i am), and my little brother had brought over his Playstation and the first Silent Hill game. i was sitting in my room, which was the catbox room, and playing Silent Hill with all the lights off. Dumb idea. so i was totally engrossed in the game, and the zombie baby sneaks up behind me at the same time my cousin decides to grab my shoulder. my character got stabbed in the leg as Alex grabbed me, and i jumped about three feet and hit the PS so hard it reset (i WHACKED that sucker). now Alex thinks it's funny to remind me of that night every time i see him... thank god i never see him much anymore. :sweat: [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Heh.... My family used to have a tradition that my brother and i spend Christmas Eve with my dad and watch him get really really drunk on the bottle of Scotch we buy him as a present every year. Great fun.[/FONT]
Anime Who is the best anime character, in your opinon?
Balinese replied to King Vicious 2's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]My favorite characters are all awesome for different reasons. [b]The boys of Weiß Kreuz (Omi, Yohji, Ken, Aya)[/b]. They're all strong in their own ways, and each has had some kind of horrible traumatic past. they want to help the world by destroying the 'beasts of evil'. (Plus they're all really really hot and have really really good [i]seiyuu[/i].) [b]Vash the Stampede[/b]. Goofy, fun, absolutely wonderfully ready to laugh. Strong, silent, prepared for anything that might involve fighting. Dark, angry, waiting for a reason to find you-know-who. Vash is a perfect example of a person working to free himself from his past... and i love listening to his voice when he yells, "LOVE AND PEACE!" [b]Cosette Sara[/b]. "Hi, I'm Cosette Sara! I'm almost nine and they call me a slaughtering machine!" Nuff said. [b]Lord Il Palazzo[/b]. *hearts in eyes* HAIL LORD IL PALAZZO! Long white hair, yellow eyes with slit-pupils, and a wish to take over the world. How can you not love this creepy dictator-guy? [b]Yomiko Readman (Agent Paper from Read or Die)[/b]. She's exactly like me. same hair, same addiction to reading material, and same bedroom filled with books and papers. She rocks.[/FONT] -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mina watched Jack and David talking, rubbing her palms together and stroking the top of her Pikachu's head. When it cuddled up under her fingers, she scooped it into her arms and kissed its cheek. "What happened there, bebs?" "Pikapika." "Yeah. But could it really have happened that way? It's kind of farfetched to me." "Pikachu." "No, I'm not going to start carrying a leek around with me." David gave Mina a half-ticked off look. "Will you quit talking to that ball of electric fuzz and get over here? We need to figure out why Jack changed the way he did." "Pikachu." "Out of the question. Besides, that was more complimentary than what James used to call you, isn't it?" She walked over to stand with the group.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]a couple of my friends do extreme sports in their spare time... Jerry does extreme snowboarding and 4-wheeling, and Josh does extreme biking. when Jerry used to come to school (he graduated) he never had bruises or anything, but Josh always wanders in with half the skin missing from his arms and legs. i'd LOVE to go skydiving/bungee jumping! it looks like so much fun! they even have a ride at Elitch's that simulates bungee jumping: you get a friend, pay them $28, get strapped into this sling-thingy, then get dropped from like 90 feet up! [/FONT]
Anime Which ANime Character do you dislike/ Like the Least
Balinese replied to Chocobo Gene's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Characters i dislike: Mr. Kabapu in [I]Excel Saga[/I]. The man is just a lunatic, especially in the final episode of the series [spoiler]where he puts pheromone-laced lotion and cameras in the shower room of Matsuya's apartment, then is watching her get a massage. CREEPY OLD MAN![/spoiler] i also dislike Ru Rufusu (Final Fantasy Unlimited). While she has some pretty cool aspects [spoiler](her changing into a wolf whenever she looks into a mirror, for example)[/spoiler], her complete and utter obsession with Kuroki Kaze borders on disturbing. i have to agree with AzureWolf though. Hercule isn't TOO bad. Just a windbag. [SIZE=1]dbz characters must die[/SIZE][/FONT] -
Never thought it would happen in your neighborhood.
Balinese replied to slasher's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='slasher']I live way out in the country, about seven miles away from town. There are a few houses in this part, about 6 or 7, but my next door neighbor's house got broke into today. They are pretty sure it was someone that is close to them(okay they know) but it is still scary. So here I am, home alone with a loaded 22 in my lap ( I am the angel of daeth, I am the angel of death, the hour of purification is near, OK Im done). But for real, its scary.[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]now WHY does this sound familiar? near the end of last year, the house up the street from mine got broken into. nothing was stolen except a bunch of guns (one a modified semi-automatic). and the people who stole all this? a bunch of middle schoolers who live down the street in the opposite direction. so if you hear anything about Laredo Middle School in Aurora, CO being shot up, you know it's those kids. And as a fun fact, there's the 'Make-My-Day' law. if you have reason to believe that someone has an intent to cause you or your property harm, you can shoot them legally if you tell them three times to get off your property. my friend Pat's solution? 'getoffmylawngetoffmylawngetoffmylawn.' BAM.[/FONT] -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mina pressed her hands to her eyes, breathing slowly. "Darn... I really wanted to talk to Zaleon." Jack reappeared, and Mina had to squint against the glow of his silvery clothing. David looked more than a little suspicious, asking questions, but the only answers he recieved were, "All will be told soon." Mina just shrugged and looked around the area, searching for something. She didn't know exactly what she was really looking for until her eyes lit on an image on the wall. It was a picture of a person holding their hand out to something or someone, but half of the picture was obscured by the dirt and debris of time. She reached out and touched it, then gasped as she got a sudden mental image, strong enough to knock her to her knees. Suddenly a pair of arms lifted Mina back to her feet, and she turned to see David looking at her with a mix of concern and interest. "What happened, Mina?" "I... don't know." She pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. "I saw something... but it's all gone now."[/FONT]