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Everything posted by Balinese
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Chibi stood stock-still, a little frightened of the feelings coursing up from the pit of her stomach at Sardik's touch. She let him enfold her in his arms, listening to his voice and feeling her mind start to do a kind of reel. "Come back to me, Marra... Come... back..." [i]That voice... familiar. Memories... fear... anger... love?[/i] "S...Sardik..." Chibi stiffened slightly, pushing gently away from Sardik's embrace. As she did, she shivered slightly, more from the feeling of loss that came out of nowhere than the chill of the evening. As soon as she did, she regretted it. The emotion in his eyes was plainly readable. She hoped she didn't have anything in her face that would betray what she was feeling, and schooled her face into a carefully neutral expression. "I'm sorry, Chibi." Sardik shook his head slightly. "I shouldn't push you." "No, no, it's all right." Chibi spoke before she could catch herself. "You and I need to talk later." She allowed a small smile to cross her face. "Come on, we'd better get moving."[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][QUOTE=HetepKa][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green][I]Well, my story isn't really scary, but it's an urban legend, passed down, from geneation to generation( or at least formg rade to grade at my school). Well, here once a long time ago, people claimed that, they could hear a woman crying, adn, exactly 12 hours later, after they heard the woman crying, the people who claimed they heard her, were fournd dead, suffocated, or covered in blood; people started investigating this strange phenomenom, and whenever one of the heard the woman crying, and followed her voice, didn't find anything, they saw no one crying; and still, they'd be dead 12 hours later. Once, there was a witness to one of the deaths (well, not an eye witness, someone who heard the screams of the person before that person died) He claimed, that, he heard the voice of the woman in the room where the person died, he claimed that, the woman was asking for her lost children, and her husband, and then, after the victim told him he knew nothing, he heard the stabbing sound of a knife, when he entered the room, he only found the dead body of his friend. Now, they say that this woman was a person living in a small house here many years ago, but, one day, she lost her husband, and never found him, her children helped look for him, but, they got lost as well; legend has ti that she killed herself, and was always moaning the disappearance of her family, unable to calm herself, she's looking for them, until she finds them, dead or alive. They call it the legend of "La Llorona" (The Sobbeerr) HetepKa[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [i]La Llorona[/i] is an old Mexican folk-tale, much like the story of Bloody Mary or the Candyman. But i don't want to know if it's true or not. here, we have the story of Third Bridge. it's weird... no one knows how this one really got started. apparently, a pair of kids committed suicide on Third Bridge, and their spirits call out to people who go there. just standing by the bridge is enough to bring nightmares, and a few people have committed suicide the same way the kids did... diving off the bridge. there's also the story of the murdered nurse at the Children's Hospital... In the 1920s, there was this nurse at the hospital who was really in love with this guy. but he wasn't happy with her choice of career. so one day the nurse disappeared, and people were searching for her. they often said that they could see her, walking up and down the hall of one of the wards, flicking lights on and off. years later, they were renovating the hospital, and found the nurse's bones in a suitcase in an elevator shaft. i actually can claim to have seen SOMETHING weird when i was in the hospital... the lights kept casting person-shaped shadows, even when no one was in the hallway. creepy.[/FONT]
[QUOTE=MamoruAlpha] Oh, and have you ever met the type who thinks all anime are hentai? Those people infuriate me![/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]the fun thing to do with those people is go to an anime site while you're near them, and when they ask you what you're doing, tell them you're searching for hentai pics for a collage you're doing. they may act like they're all disgusted when they say that all anime is hentai, but i've caught people actually searching for hentai pics after i tell them that's what i'm doing. i think a quote from Kurt Vonnegut is apt (paraphrased, of course): [i]“Any person who expresses rage and loathing for an anime is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae.”[/i] People hate what they don't understand, but at the same time anyone who expresses a loathing for an anime is a loon.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Thank you." Vela's sharp ears caught her father's voice, and the scuffle of a pair of feet running from the estate. A moment later, her father entered the kitchen and dismissed the servants, pulling a chair down to sit next to Vela. This in itself was unusual, so Vela turned to face him, munching on a piece of fruit. "Vela, I've asked a friend of mine to teach you a few things." That he wasn't speaking Al Bhed was a shock, and meant something important was coming. "You leave in ten minutes. Get your things prepared and be outside. The chocobo will be waiting in the front yard, as will an escort." "Y...yes, Father. Your will." Vela stood and pushed her breakfast dishes aside, bowing slightly as a good daughter ought. She strode as quickly as she dared to her small room and gathered a few clothes and her warmest cloak, stuffing them quickly into a backpack. As she headed downstairs, she strapped her sword around her shoulders and back and went into the kitchen. Her father looked at her with a small smile. [i]"Dyga lyna, so tyikrdan." (Take care, my daughter.)[/i] She replied with a tiny smile of her own and leaned down to give him a hug. [i]"E femm. Vynafamm, Vydran." (I will. Farewell, Father.)[/i] She walked into the front yard of the house and called to a chocobo, hopping on to its back and ruffling its neck-feathers. [i]"Mad'c ku!" (Let's go!)[/i] She rode off in a cloud of dust, letting the chocobo take her where she needed to go.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Isn't that Nate coming right now?" Mina pointed as Nate ran up and looked at Shinobi and Hope. He had a tight smile on his face that Mina was nearly sure was forced. "Hi Mom, Dad." "Nate! Thank goodness." Hope gave her son a hug that he returned, not very enthusiastically. Mina listened as Hope and Shinobi asked Nate a few questions, watching Hope's face and stroking her Pikachu rhythmically. [i]I could swear she looks familiar.[/i] "So we leaving? This place isn't real safe," Kizzie said, glancing at David as though thinking how best to keep out of the guy's way. David just shook his head. "We need to get back to the others." Kizzie looked as though he was about to say something, but Mina just waved for him to come with her and nodded to David, half-smiling. "Kizzie and I are ready whenever you are." OOC: sorry about the shortness of this post. A) i'm a little confused, even though i keep reading and re-reading the posts before this. B) my mom thinks i'm working on FAFSA stuff, so i have to keep things short and sweet. -_-[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ami was quietly working in the library's main room, stocking books on the shelves and helping patrons with their selections. She yawned slightly and turned to get a look at the clock as three grade-school aged kids came up to her and asked her to help them out with selecting a book for a report. "Okay, come with me..." As she stood on her toes to reach a book, four teenagers came rushing into the library, asking the librarian where Ami was. Knowing her responsibilities, Ami handed the book to the closest of the children and walked over to see Jim, Kisho, Keitaro and Cortiga. "Hi, guys," she began, then noticed the slight strain on their faces and stopped for a second. "Something wrong?" Cortiga grabbed Ami's forearm and tugged her into an alcove so the group could talk without being overheard. "Someone just tried to kill Jim, and then Fuji here almost got run over by a car. Yeah, I think something's wrong." Jim rubbed gently at the side of his throat, where lurid bruises were beginning to form. Kisho looked more worried than usual, and Keitaro just stared at the floor. "I think... this is getting serious." Ami brushed her hair out of her eyes and gazed levelly at each group member in turn. "We need to be extra-careful. Should we stick together?" OOC: sorry about the lateness... college junk -_-[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]i practice tai chi. the grace, strength and beauty of it are a good way to relax and good training. i believe it's a form of kung-fu, although i could be wrong. i hope when i get to UNC that i can start taking Judo. they offer classes, and it looks like a lot of good, fun work.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Vela practiced her sword-skills, parrying the thrusts of her father's rapier as he tried to back her away. [I]"Lusa uh, lusa uh. (Come on, come on.)"[/I] Vela's father tried to goad her into making a mistake. She just ignored him, fencing with him. Every minute that she kept him at bay was a minute that he wouldn't be bothering her about her Shield spell, and that was good. With a clatter of metal, Vela forced her father into a corner and disarmed him. [I]"E feh, Vydran. (I win, Father.)"[/I] [I]"Famm tuha, Vela. Ku uh du dra gedlrah yht ayd pnaygvycd. Oui sicd pa rihkno. (Well done, Vela. Go on to the kitchen and eat breakfast. You must be hungry.)" [/I] The almost- happy tone in her father's voice surprised Vela and made her more cautious than if he'd been angry, but she just nodded and said, [I]"Oac, Vydran. (Yes, Father.)"[/I] When Vela left for the kitchen, her father wrote out a message and sent it to the summoner who lived on the outskirts of town, using a runner servant. The message read: [I]"Prynn - I would like Vela to meet with you, as you are a fine judge of magical talent. Send me a message if this is at all feasible."[/I][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Chibi appraised the Waska lying on her bed coolly, noting the way he looked at her and wondering what he saw in her that made him have that odd expression. "Marra?" The Waska gazed at her unbelievingly. "M..Marra? Who's Marra?" Chibi ignored the sudden stab of recognition in the pit of her stomach. "The name's Chibi, and you're in my apartment." [I]And I was an idiot to bring you here...[/I] "You're not Marra?" The Waska's eyes were a bit disbelieving, but Chibi didn't give him the benefit of the doubt. "Nope." "Funny. You look like her." "Someone you knew?" "You could say that." The Waska sat up and half-bowed. "Name's Sardik Mes, always glad to meet a pretty young lady like you." "Charmed," Chibi responded drily. [I]Why does he seem so familiar?[/I] "So I guess I'll be going." Two hours later, Chibi and Sardik had done some talking and had come to an agreement: Chibi would come work for Sardik, on a payment to be arranged later. There was SOMETHING between them, but Chibi wouldn't acknowledge the weird feeling she got whenever she looked into Sardik's eyes. "No." "No?" "I'm not letting you go just so you can spread the word of where I live all over, to the wrong people." "Well then, come on, I've got to get." Chibi tied a blindfold around Sardik's head and took him out to an alley far away from her home. She swiftly untied the rag from his face and was gone into the night.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mina moved around the area, gazing at everything with awe and smiling sunnily. Her Pikachu hopped down from her arm and wandered over to some greens to nibble, and she followed. As the Pikachu ate, a small head popped out from the vegetation again, and Mina asked the Pikachu, very quietly, to use Quick Attack. It nodded, and attacked the small Pokemon, who looked a bit stunned, but otherwise fine. "It's a plant type, so your Thunder won't do anything..." Mina called her Kadabra and half-smiled. "Kadabra, Psyshock!" [COLOR=Navy]"Kadabra!" [/COLOR] The Psychic Pokemon cast a glance at the smaller Pokemon and used its powers, leaving the little thing paralyzed. Mina tossed a Pokeball at it, watching as it struggled to escape, and breathing a sigh of relief as the ball came to rest. "Absolutely beautiful. Psychics are good against plants, usually." She grabbed the ball and released the Pokemon inside, watching as it popped into her lap. "So what's your name, little one?" [COLOR=DarkGreen]"Hana. Hanako." [/COLOR] The cute little Pokemon gazed at Mina with dark green eyes, seeming to smile. Mina measured the Hanako, and smiled in satisfaction. "Eight inches, and 1.5 pounds. You are SO cute!" [COLOR=DarkGreen]"Hana! Hanaha!"[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]A young woman named Sarea stood in the center of the city's park, watching the snow fall and rejoicing in the cool purity of the afternoon light. "There is something about the scent of a snowy day that always makes me smile." She walked through the untouched white, listening with satisfaction to the [I]crunch-crunch[/I] as her high black boots moved in a pleasing rhythm. "Someday I'll have to ask Gabriel to come with me, so we can have a nice walk in the snow. She needs all the fun she can get." An odd, chilling sense of something awry made Sarea look up at the sky, shading her eyes with one delicate-looking hand. A gathering of crows flew overhead, their raucous cries floating through the rapidly-fading afternoon. She watched as they steeled at the base of a tree, pecking at the snow as if for food. "I don't like this..." Sarea tugged her black jacket a bit more closely about her body and shivered a bit, picking up her pace as she ostensibly headed for home. She began to sing softly, a song from a composer she particularly admired. "I'm the feeling you feel, A small voice or a chill I am here and I am there...."[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mina followed the group reluctantly. "I really don't think it's a good idea for me to be going on this if we have to KILL Pokemon!" "Fine." Zire turned to her and handed her a cell phone. "Call yourself a ride and get out of here. We'll go. There's a problem and we're gonna solve it." "To Heck with that." Mina shoved the phone back into his hand. "I'll go, but I'm not killing anything. I'm strictly backup." She rubbed at the fur behind her Pikachu's ears, cuddling it. Zire rolled his eyes and stuck the phone back into his pocket, turning to talk to Artroa. Mina listened in, daydreaming a little. [i]Raikou. Entei. Suicune. Every breeder and every trainer dreams of seeing them one day... Why are they behaving this way?[/i] She dozed off on the ride, seeing the mythical Pokemon destroying city after city in her dreams...[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mina just gaped at the underground area, her heart pounding in excitement. "No. Way. This place is like... like the best Pokemon breeding ranch I have ever seen in my time as a breeder times a million!" She inhaled deeply, watching the waterfall splash and gurgle its way down. "Wow. I mean... just..." She pointed speechlessly at the vegetation, directing her Kadabra to head over to it to collect a sample for research. At her tug, a small head popped out from among the greenery, and she looked at it for a few seconds before cautiously reaching into a pocket for her Pokeball containing her Jigglypuff. The little creature watched her calmly, as it had never seen humans before. When the Jigglypuff popped out, however, it squeaked and disappeared. "Aw man..." "We're finding so many new species of Pokemon it's amazing. We have to keep going!" Aurora, Nate and David came by. "I wanted a picture of that one... it moved too fast." Ruko moved through, fiddling with his camera.[/FONT]
Writing Idiots of the Three Kingdoms (WARNING: crude humor)
Balinese replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Creative Works
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]w00t! Liu Bei is a lunatic, Zhang Bao is a horny perv, and Sun Jian is the Groovestah of Jiang Dong :rotflmao: i'm really enjoying this! keep it up, i have to see what else you do to torture these poor guys...[/FONT] -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]like chibihorsewoman said, it depends on the people. when i'm with my pals (ninelives, darkwolf, and many more) we hug and squeeze into my mom's car (which is like a tuna can with seatbelts) whenever. it gets to a point though... i can be either extremely exuberantly huggable or icy untouchable (bipolar disorder can be weird that way), and when people get to me in my icy mood and try to touch me, they can get a fist in the nose for their troubles. (Case in point, my ex-boyfriend.) i also hate it when people who can be really nice otherwise decide that you're their bestest pal and do stupid stuff. this kid... gah. he and i are pretty close, so i gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he decided to pull me in for a kiss on the lips. i wanted to sock him, but it's not fair to sock the guy... he has CP and is in a wheelchair. >.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]let's toss a Gerudo into the mix. Name: Alimia (Mia) Age: 18 Gender: Female Race: Gerudo Class: Rogue Background / Biography: When the Gerudo tribe's leader, Nabooru, was taken over by the witches Twinrova, Mia was a lowly guard of the desert surrounding their camp. With the threat to her people gone, life went back to its usual pattern of steal from some dumb villager caught on the roads, torture the bridge-builders just because she can, and fight off intruders. Life gets boring in the desert, and Mia wanted adventure. She began training in the use of swords rather than the pikes that are carried as a norm by the Gerudo women, and in time became one of the best in the tribe. She guarded the prisoners taken by the tribe, having heard the tales of the boy who bested four Gerudo warrior-guards with a sword and hookshot. Mia had never believed in dreams, but as time went on, she continued to dream of a darkness overcoming the Gerudo tribe, and of a pair of tiny lights pushing through the darkness and finally overcoming it. An undeniable link with Lake Hylia came through, and finally Mia and a good friend of hers decided to get to Lake Hylia to find the truth behind these dreams. Appearance: (it's hard to find Gerudo pics...) Mia stands about 5'8" tall, with dark-tan skin and bright red hair that reaches nearly to her waist, even when in a ponytail. Her face is extremely beautiful, as most Gerudo women tend to be, but with a slightly sorrowful cast. She has the yellow eyes one comes to expect from most of her tribe, and tends to wear long, flowing pants, dainty slippers, and barely-there tops in colors that set off the tone of her skin, hair and eyes (Blue with blue lipstick, red with scarlet, green with white). Primary Weapon: A pair of matched curved swords. (Think the Gerudo guards you face freeing the carpenters) Secondary Weapon: Deku Slingshot Items: Bottle (contains Red Potion) Deku Seed Bag (Contains 30 Deku Seeds) Spells: (Mia's names for them) [i]Move It![/i]: Increases Agility for a short time. [i]Stealth Sneak[/i]: Allows user to move nearly invisibly for a short time. [/FONT]
Writing Idiots of the Three Kingdoms (WARNING: crude humor)
Balinese replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Creative Works
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]HA HA HA. This is truly excellent. :rotflmao: i can't wait until the Wu army makes its appearance! *waves a Sun Ce banner and disappears to await the next chapter* heh heh heh heh... [/FONT] -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]From another rooftop, hidden in the shadows, a cutely tiny Waska female watched the scene with a smirk on her face. "Wow. I mean... wow. A Lyc just got Jatuk. A Waska is trying to make peace. And a Rakka caught sight of Jatuk within a moment of the crossbow bolt being fired. Most impressive." She watched her companion move as swiftly across the rooftops as he could, and beckoned to him, trying to hide herself from the Lyc. "Jatuk! Here!" She snapped her fingers and began to run, getting away from all the trouble. "That was stupid, you big goof." The pair disappeared into a small alleyway, heading back to the poorer quarter of the city. The young female kept snapping at the male. "You could have gotten yourself killed! What were you thinking?" "I'm sorry, Chibi! I'm sorry!" "We need to keep an eye on those Waska, the Lyc and others that were there. I have a feeling this may be the start of something big." OOC: let me know if i need to change anything. i apologize for the late post... college stuff :rolleyes:[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]people say that the most evocative sense is smell. i say it's hearing. music (certain songs, anyway) brings me back to a time/place when i first heard that song, down to the last detail. other songs remind me of my friends/family. back when i broke up (BADLY) with a boyfriend, the only song i'd listen to was [i]Addicted[/i] by Simple Plan. then my friend Kevin sent me a recommendation: [i]Teenage Victory Song[/i] by Weezer. i spent three days straight listening to that, and it got me to get away from feeling really upset. Music soothes the savage beast, ne? :ball:[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]in life, i try to act like a mix of Rem Saverem/Seiburem from Trigun and Quatre Raberba Winner from Gundam Wing. i guess it really started when the war in Iraq started making headlines in the paper. "Osama bin Laden is within US's grasp." "1000 Iraqis killed in bombing miss." i believe in peace, and i believe that every person, no matter who they are, has the right to life. No person has the right to take the life of another. so i began talking a lot about peace, and learning more about pacifism in school and online. as it stands right now, i am a conscientious objector to the war in Iraq, and i don't believe in the death penalty. when my teacher, Mike Leighton, was murdered on December 19 last year, the kids in my school would always talk about what they'd do if they ever caught his murderer. i was the one who kept saying that every person has a right to life, even a criminal like that. so yeah. i want to be like Rem and Quatre. 'i believe in peace that surpasses war. i believe in the soul that wishes for peace.'[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]OOC: welcome back, vicky! IC: Yohji pulled himself off the ground and watched the demonstration by Leonx and Mozart. He kept wondering why the name of the little guy sounded familiar, then snapped his fingers and walked over to Mozart, careful not to fall behind the group, and even more careful not to touch Mozart. "You're the REAL Mozart? Y'know, like..." He hummed a snatch of the Turkish March (yeah, i'm a band geek). "That Mozart?" "No, I come in six-packs." Mozart snapped back quickly, witty as ever. "Yes, I am Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart." Yohji nibbled a fingernail, thinking to himself. [I]Mozart. Orlando Bloom. Billy Boyd. Haruka. Hoichi Kano. Xion, the Unborn Lord. What do we all have in common that drew us here?[/I] He winced as, inside his head, he heard Aya yelling, "Yohji-no-baka! COME ON!"[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]After school, Ami led the group to the police station to begin to ask questions, but before they could even go in, they were confronted by the sight of a sniffling girl being half-led, half-dragged into the station by three uniformed officers. "Wait a minute... wasn't that Keitaro from school?" Jim made a move to head into the station and was rebuffed by an officer. "Hold on, son. We have a victim in there, and we can't afford to have anything happen to her." He made a shooing motion. "Go on home now, the streets aren't safe for kids." Cortiga glared menacingly at the policeman and lovingly touched the chain she had around her hand, but the policeman stared back, unfazed. "Get out of here, or we'll take you in for insubordination." "Hey, I've got to get to work!" Jim took off down a side street. "I'm going, I'm going." Cortiga sauntered off. Ami shook her head. "Well, that was a bust." Kisho patted her arm. "We'll try again some other time." She smiled and pulled out her Geometry notebook, writing a phone number down quickly and handing it to him. "Call me later, maybe we'll know something more. I've got to run." She headed toward the public library where she was an assistant, knowing that the teenage-girl gossip mill would start up soon.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mina quietly followed Aurora, using Kadabra's psychic powers, and when she caught up to her she gave the psychic girl a high-five. "Well done. Although, I don't think it required that much of a push to get them to stop." "Whatever." Aurora flipped her blond hair back from her eyes. "So how did you get the information about this expedition?" "It was an item of interest to a good friend of mine. He got the call from some man named John, he gave me a call, I called Kayin, and here we are." Mina grinned. "Besides, doesn't it give you a thrill to think that we may be the first people to see a Legendary Pokemon? Entei or Moltres or Ho-Oh or... well, any fire Pokemon may make their homes here. And it's up to us to document them all." "Right, right. I just came because it sounded like a lot of fun, and besides, my mom has done this kind of thing a lot." "Who's your mom?" "Her name's Hope." Aurora shrugged. "Doesn't really ring a bell, but I'm more into breeders than trainers... Brock is my hero." Mina's eyes got all big and shiny. "And Suzy of Scissor Street." Ruko caught up to the chattering girls and flew past, clicking his camera as he went. Mina stopped her Kadabra for a second and watched him pass. "He's a cutie."[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]when i was pretty young (i don't remember how old), i started watching DBZ at 6 am on the international channel in Spanish. my mom encouraged it, even though she didn't approve of the violence. then i turned eleven, and started watching Sailor Moon every morning before i'd leave for school... then Pokemon came on when i was twelve, and i'd watch that with mom each morning (it was time for just me and her). i remember though... when i was REALLY young (four or five) my dad rented Akira and showed it to my brother and me. i had nightmares for two weeks after that >.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]more wonderful Simpsons quotes: "The saddest day of my life was when I realized I could beat my dad at most things. Bart experienced that at the age of four." ~ Homer [i]ha ha. i beat my dad at age 3.[/i] "Your dad used to be smart as a monkey! Now he's dumb as a chimp." ~ Grandpa [i]....Grandpa is an idiot. End of story.[/i] "Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there." ~ Otomo no Yakamochi [i]yeah, i went through this with my last two boyfriends... long story short, net relationships suck royally.[/i] The God of Death? Well, it sounds much better than a hero who commits mass murder. ~ Duo Maxwell [i]Euphemisms are so much nicer than the truth sometimes.[/i][/FONT]