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Everything posted by Balinese
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]my user name comes from the anime Weiss Kreuz, which happens to be my FAVORITE, and from a particular person, Yohji "Balinese" Kudou. i love Yohji's [i]seiyuu[/i], Shinichirou Miki :love: , and i love the affect Yohji always has, as if nothing in the world matters but having a good time. so i chose this name in hopes of becoming more like my Yotan. Of course, NekoBalinese is my AIM name, and Balinese is my MyO name =^_^= Balinese is a beautiful type of cat... so soft and silky... i want one! *purrrrr*[/FONT]
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
Balinese replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]I figured I could ask this question here instead of starting a whole new topic and then having it merged with this one. Are there any characters you can think of who remind you of people you know?[/color][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS] oh Jeez. i know this guy... for his privacy, let's call him Stash. He's an exact double of Vash the Stampede, height, coloring, hair and everything. he's one of my brother's friends, but he came to my school, and we ended up realizing that we have nearly the entire main cast of Trigun in our grad. class. Vash: Stash. Even down to the donut obsession. Meryl: This kid named Rissa, who's nearly a perfect Meryl except she admits to her crush. she's two years behind us all. Wolfwood: My buddy named Walker. He drinks, he smokes, he womanizes, and he'll do anything to make money. Yes, even using a portable confessional. What a guy. Knives: A kid i call Provost. he's... creepy, to say the least. wears a black trenchcoat, laughs maniacally a lot, and would kill the entire human race if given even half a chance. he's a doll. really. Milly/Rem/Kuronekosama: Me. Depending on my mood, i go from happy-go-lucky dipstick, peacenik extrordinaire, or ankle-biting neko-chan. =^_^= i also knew this girl who reminded me of Duo Maxwell. Down to the looks, she was the happy American, and loved to be called Du-chan. She wanted to hook up with WuFei, if that would be possible at ALL... fanfics written made her dream come true. and of course, no anime group is complete without the Heero Yuy-pretender. A buddy of mine named Lee pulls it off SO well it's scary. "What d'you want to do, Lee?" "Hn." He also does a pretty good Kuroki Kaze.[/FONT] -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ami slipped into her seat in the Geometry class, listening intently to Mr. Nataka. She was so intent on the lecture, she kept writing when he told Fujima Keitaro to stand up to pay attention. "Same old routine." She scrubbed her eraser against her paper and continued to take notes, preparing them for later study. The class ended, and, in what seemed like no time at all, Ami was heading for her next class of the day, study hall. She slid into her seat beside a guy named Kisho, and flashed him a small smile. [i]"Konnichiwa, Tanaka-san. Ogenki desu ka?"[/i] (Good afternoon, Kisho. How are you?) [i]"Hai, genki desu. Tsukiyono-san wa?"[/i] (Well. And yourself?) "Things are starting to get a little scary, Kisho. There have been too many murders lately... I think something's going on." "Yeah, it seems kind of funny... I think we should go to the police, see if they'll tell us anything." "Should we?" Ami nibbled on a fingernail that was already ragged. "I don't think they'll tell anyone that's not in their ranks anything..." "Then we'll MAKE them!" At the voice coming from behind her, Ami cringed a little further into her seat and said weakly, "Hello, Cortiga."[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mina gazed for a moment at the fingernails on her left hand, contemplating. Kill a Pokemon? That went totally against her nature as a Pokemon breeder. Every Pokemon deserved life, even if they did something bad. [I]NO [/I] Pokemon was inherently [U][B][I]evil...[/I][/B][/U] Mina pulled a brush from her backpack and went to work unsnarling her hair, letting the repetitive motion carry her mind off... [I]~FLASHBACK~ "You see? The legendary Pokemon known as Entei is real. It has been seen and documented by trainers' Pokedexes in the following areas." A man with fiery red hair pointed to locations on a map that lit up as he spoke. Another man, wearing a really hideous wig, nodded and smiled. "So, James, is there a chance we could catch this not-so-legendary Pokemon?" "No, I'm afraid there really isn't..." ~END FLASHBACK~[/I] Mina came back to herself when she felt a paw tugging on the brush, and began to apply it to the back of her Pikachu.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]As soon as they reached the top, Mina reached into her pocket and drew out a notebook and pen set, opening the book and making a note of the date, the time, and, after a few moments' consultation of her Kadabra, the temperature. She gently rubbed the top of its head, and called out her Pikachu, letting it rest on her arm. She scouted the area, looking for any Pokemon that she could record. "Hey, anyone else want an autographed poster?" Mina glanced up in annoyance, ready to tell the person making all the noise to shut it, then shook her head and smiled. "Kizzie from Cell Block is on this expedition... this will be interesting." She dropped a kiss on the top of her Pikachu's head for luck, then went over to ask for a poster. It'd cost her $50 (poke-dollars, of course) to buy one on eBay, why not get one for free?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]OOC: sorry for not posting... life is busy when you're heading for college. IC: Vela woke up at six a.m. the following day, and began looking forward to a week of working her rear end off around the house, strengthening her sword skills, and generally hating life. She looked out the window and half-laughed, half-groaned, seeing the damage Bedros had left in the rosebushes confirmed his reality, and at the same time added another chore to the already long list she had to work on. [I]"Vela! Yna oui yfyga? (Vela! Are you awake?)"[/I] a stern, I'm-almost-angry-but-if-you-answer-NOW-you-won't-be-in-trouble voice called up to her room. She bolted off the pallet and rearranged the blankets quickly, calling back, [I]"Oac, Vydran! E's lusehk tufh nekrd huf! (Yes, Father! I'm coming down right now!)"[/I] A huff was the reply, and she sighed, running down the set of stairs to meet her father in the library. [I]At least Bedros is going to stop by tonight... [/I] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ami Tsukiyono kept her book in front of her face, hiding tear-tracks that had crept down her cheeks. She had just caught a few minutes of the news and heard about the latest murder in a series that had been plaguing Tokyo. "Aki-chan, forgive me." She bumped into Jim Mishima outside her next class, and quickly began to apologize, afraid that he'd smack her or be mean. Instead, to her surprise, he patted her on the back and told her to forget about it. "I heard about Akiko. I'm really sorry." Jim looked at her apologetically. Ami couldn't hold back a flood of tears and mumbled an excuse as she ran for the girls' lavatory, sinking to her knees in a bathroom stall and crying. She left the bathroom as ther bell rang, heading for her next class.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mina stretched and yawned as she approached the small hotel. With her newest acquisition, a Cleffa, staying awake all night, she had gotten approximately three and a half hours of sleep in the past two days. She was looking forward to the helicopter ride to Mount Pouliko. "Pika. Pikapi pikachu?" "Yes, yes, I know you're tired too, Pikachu. When we get out and away, we'll catch some Zs." "Pikachu." "I know. But to further the program..." Mina shrugged and shoved her glasses further up her nose, not caring that she might look totally insane talking to a Pikachu. She entered the hotel and flashed her ID. "Mina McCarron, for the Mount Pouliko team." She stifled a yawn, then came alert as the clerk directed her to the helipad atop the building. Mina walked over to the helicopter and pulled herself in, introducing herself modestly as always. "Mina McCarron, soon to be the world's greatest Pokemon breeder!" "Right. My name's Aurora, this is Nate. Oh, and you'll need to put your Pikachu in its Pokeball before we go." "Aw..." Mina gave her Pikachu a kiss on its little sparking cheek and recalled it. "Aw well, at least I can get some sleep." She curled up in a corner of the copter and relaxed." [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mina stormed in to the Rustboro police department, hair tousled and eyes snapping. "What on earth do I have to be in this place for?" She caught the words "Raikou, Entei, and Suicune," and almost instantly her expression changed. "You mean we can go after the Legendary Pokemon?" Her eyes lit with an almost dream-like glow, and she moved as quickly over to Zire, Callista and Artroa as her legs would take her. "The name's Mina. Mina McCarron. Soon to be the greatest Pokemon breeder this world has ever known!" "Right." Zire introduced himself, Callista and Artroa, and shook hands with Mina. Mina chose a place on the floor beside Callista's legs and sat down, pulling a pair of apples out of her knapsack and handing one to the Pikachu twined around her neck. "Anyone else hungry?"[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]"I came just in case you needed backup, [i]signore[/i]." The Songbird bowed her head in expectation of a chastising. "I didn't trust that slimy dog Vendetti." "Do you know anything about the hitman that was apparently dispatched earlier?" Vittorio kicked at the man on the ground. "This garbage says there was one." "If there was, he wasn't one of ours." Sophitia shrugged and pulled her hair back. "I never sent any orders, and you certainly didn't, Don." "As I thought." The Don fired a single shot into the forehead of the man cowering at his feet as Sophitia winced. "Lying is never a good idea." "Ah crap." The voice crackled through the radio at the Don's shoulder. He turned and snapped into it, "What?!" "Ah, we got some trouble here, Boss." By the voice, both Sophitia and Vittorio could tell it was the lanky Legs. "What trouble?" Legs' voice became strained." I think you should see it for yourself, Boss."[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][quote name='r2vq']Scott McNeil - So FUN! ^^ Scott played Duo Maxwell in the Gundam Dub, Wolverine in the X-Men Cartoon, and Piccolo(sp?) from some of the Dragon Ball Z episodes. He's a great voice actor and wonderful with the fans![/quote] :luv: Scott McNeil has a WONDERFUL voice, and he's come to Nan Desu Kan so many times! he played Piccolo in DBZ from the Saiyan saga to the end of the Frieza Saga, and Jeice in the Frieza saga. Fushigi Rockna: you and i agree on most of the VAs and seiyuu. Seki Toshihiko did Duo's image song Kitto OK! and i had to get the mp3 because he has such an awesome singing voice. did you know he also plays Cid in Final Fantasy: Unlimited? :love: And Kotono Mitsuishi also played Excel in Excel Saga. Dagger: Crispin Freeman has a great voice... he's in several video games that i loved. personally, i think Megumi Hayashibara is overrated. her voice isn't all that great. Aoi Tada is better =^_^=[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] why not? Name: Mina Gender: Female Age: 18 Apperance: Approximately 5'8" tall. Wears long-legged blue jean shorts (below the knees, not quite to the ankles) and a red hoodie most of the time. For this RPG, she will be wearing a t-shirt that says "Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil. :)" Mina has red (and i do mean [COLOR=DarkRed]RED[/COLOR]) hair that she keeps in a ponytail down her back. Unbound, it reaches the small of her back. Her emerald green eyes tend to look skeptical, and she wears round-framed tortoiseshell glasses. (Picture forthcoming, when i get the time -.-'') Pokemon: Meowth, Jigglypuff, Kadabra, Gloom, Totodile, Pikachu Personality: Mina is extremely intelligent, but only really pays attention to things she's interested in. She wants to become a Pokemon breeder/nurse, and has already begun a breeding program. Her Pikachu and Meowth are her own bred specimens and she is very protective of them. She is a font of information about Pokemon found only in the Johto and Kanto region, mostly because she was born and raised in the city of Cinnabar. She ends up often having crushes on guys, but will break up with a boyfriend if he thinks that her dream of becoming the world's best breeder is too far out. She can be very flirty and silly, but is very serious when the need arises. Bio: Born in Cinnabar, on Cinnabar Island in Kanto, Mina grew up pretty much on her own. Her mother and father were researchers for the gym leader, Blaine, trying to create better and stronger Fire Pokemon. On her tenth birthday, Mina got her Pokemon, packed a knapsack, and bid adieu to the island and her parents. She decided to start her own journey and begin to learn more about what she could do with breeding and care. She spent two years in Goldenrod working with the people who own the Nursery, and now lives in the center of Olivine City. The phone call was a surprise to her, but she's more than ready... and maybe she can document a brand new type of Pokemon! Why she wants to go: She wants to discover more Pokemon species and document them, just like her mentor, Professor Elm. She also wants to catch any of the new types they might encounter to further her breeding program.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mina sat in the front of her small Olivine City house, playing pika-boo with her Meowth, Jigglypuff, Totodile and Pikachu. She scooped up her Meowth and cuddled it to her chest, smiling when it nuzzled her. "You are just the sweetest thing, Meowth." She scratched it behind its ears, then called all her Pokemon except her Pikachu back into their pokeballs, letting the Pikachu climb up her arm. A strong wind knocked Mina onto her back, and she pulled herself up, yanking her unbound and now totally tangled hair into a ponytail. "Of all the..." she looked up to see a uniformed Officer Jenny above her. "Are you Mina?" "What if I am?" Mina cast an emerald glare upwards, shoving her round glasses up her nose. "You are to hereby come with me." "I didn't DO anything!" "Come on." The Officer Jenny helped Mina to her feet and looked at her. "Take your Pokemon and anything else you might need... you won't be back for a long time." Mina didn't even glance at her house. "I'm ready!" She climbed into the helicopter and prepared to take off.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]as long as i can remember, i've been fangirl-obsessed with certain voice actors and their Japanese counterparts, [i]seiyuu[/i]. now, i came from a forum where dubs were looked down on and subtitles were the only way to go, but you can see (or hear) great voice acting, no matter the language. VAs: [B]Eric Stuart. [/B] The voice of Seto Kaiba, Brock, James, and about a billion others. He's the first on my list, because he really has a versatile voice and i love the way he portrays different types of people. [B]Lia Sargent. [/B] Shion Uzuki, Milly Thompson, Kuronekosama, Judy of Bebop's Big Shot. She's also extremely versatile, and she produced the dubbed version of Trigun, something i will be forever grateful to her for. [I]Seiyuu: [/I] [B]Takehito Koyasu.[/B] Fujimiya Aya-kun, Zechs Merquise, Demon Fist... i just love the timbre of his voice, and i'd know it anywhere. he did this one song called 'Tiny Little Song' that sounds like a lullaby. [B]Midorikawa Hikaru. [/B] Schuldich, Heero Yuy, Tamahome. He just has a very cool, very smooth voice that makes him a joy to listen to. [B]Weiss (Yuuki Hiro, Tomokazu Seki, Shinichirou Miki, Takehito Koyasu).[/B] They play the lead characters in the anime Weiss Kreuz, and they are a J-Pop group with a wonderful sound. so give some praise to the voice actors you like! =^_^=[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kin got up and stretched, looking down at ClearAgumon, then turning to face Rena. "We're ready too." He half-smiled, pushing a stray strand of hair out of his eyes and casting a quick worried look in Zak's direction. Finding nothing to worry about, he began humming under his breath, casting about on the ground for a good-sized rock. "Never hurts to be prepared." He grinned, rubbing ClearAgumon's head and humming 'Simple and Clean'. "When you walk away, you don't hear me say..." he fell into step beside Rena. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: kinda seems like Kin and CA have nothing to do, really... yet.[/FONT]
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]I heard the first one from a joke involving Ghandi. But I forgot how the joke went. [/color][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]it goes something like this: Guy 1: Mahatma Ghandi went barefoot all his life. He went on many hunger strikes, and so became very frail and thin. he also had very bad breath. Guy 2: Ah! So he was a super-calloused fragile mystic plagued with halitosis! i was just listening to matchbox twenty, and there's a quote from the song [I]unwell [/I] that SO reminds me of my friends Provost, Walker, Stash, Brewer and Riss. [i]i'm not crazy, i'm just a little unwell i know right now you can't tell but stay a while and maybe then you'll see a different side of me. i'm not crazy, i'm just a little impaired i know right now you don't care but soon enough you're gonna think of me and how i used to be... i been talkin' in my sleep pretty soon they'll come to get me yeah they're takin' me away...[/i] we've all been a little weird in our times, all been called crazy, but we know who we are and we're not crazy, just a little unwell. and we gotta add another eminem quote: [I]we sing for these kids that don't have a thing/'cept for a dream and a ****in' rap magazine/who post pinup pictures on they walls all day long/idolize they favorite rappers and know all they songs/or for anyone who's ever been through **** in they lives/and they sit and they cry at night, wishin' they'd die/til they throw on a rap record/and they sit and they vibe/we may be nothin' to you, but we're the ****in' **** in they eyes.[/I] it sounds so weird to say it, but this song actually got my little brother through juvie and lockup with a minimum of trouble, 'cause he idolizes Em. he acts like this song was written especially for him.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]oldest to newest: N64. still my favorite system, and the only one that belongs solely to me in the house. such a lovely shade of baby-puke green. PS2. my brother's fave. worth using more than i do, but he uses it all the time GBA. each of us has one, though we only use 'em in conjunction with GameCube. FFCC is a cool multi-player, but aside from that we only have SCII.[/FONT]
[QUOTE=callmegoddess04] 'Tragic is when I break a nail. Funny is when you fall into a sewer and kill yourself.'[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS] the actual quote is from Mel Brooks. it says: "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die." i just went through my files and found this one that i think is cute. "You, you, and you: panic. The rest of you, come with me." ~ Anonymous and of course, we have to have an eminem quote. "i don't rap for dead presidents. i'd rather see the president dead/it's never been said but i set precedents."[/FONT]
[QUOTE=Rokuki] Another question I wanna ask to people who are already in college: Does college really make you poor? What I'm asking is that some of my college friends say that if you don't have a job during college you'd lack alot of money. Don't worry people, I still want your opinions about senior year.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS] i can't really say whether or not college makes you poor... i have basically a free ride because of my family's financial state, my ethnicity, and some other factors. if you need money for college, go to fafsa.ed.gov and apply for federal student aid. it'll help a lot =^_^=[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Mine "Chibi" Biran Race: Waska Age: 22 (about 18 in human years) Sex: Female Weapon of Choice: Wakizashi/katana pairing Brief Stat Description: Not very strong, but magically inclined and is pretty fast. Appearance Eyes: Emerald Hair: Chestnut (red/gold/brown mix) Skin: Tan/Olive Build: Short. Medium (curves in the right places) Tail: Chestnut w/black stripes Preferences Fav. Colors: Sapphire blue, emerald green, blood red. Likes: Reading, magic, music Dislikes: Small children, dogs, being told what to do when not on a job Wears: Short jean-type pants, short sleeved shirts, hair back in a braid with flowers woven in Bio: A mercenary, born and bred. Her life is whatever the highest bidder demands, and she's done many things that she isn't proud of. However, her small stature has earned her the nickname of Chibi and she can go where a larger Waska would be suspect. When not working, she loves to read and play her flute. Her eyes never seem to smile, and she has been described as 'the cutest little thing, even though she looks like her heart is gone.' She has been chasing the mayfly known as love for many many moons now, with no hope of success. All in all: The dangerous kitten. Side of Conflict: Mercenary[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]i always wonder why people think that only lustful fangirls ever watch a yaoi series (and why i get called a lustful fangirl when i talk about my favorite series). ever look at Gundam Wing? there are so many (fanfiction) stories about yaoi pairings from that series, and yet there are no hints within the series ('less you're a lust-crazed fangirl looking for any excuse to find a boy-boy pairing). Same with my favorite series, Weiss Kreuz. No yaoi pairings are even hinted. Heck, all the characters (with the possible exception of Yohji) are straight and show it plainly, yet fangirl stories are mostly yaoi pairings. (i'm not excluding my own work from this. i've written a few yaoi fics.) so here's something i dug up from one of my favorite sites, [URL=http://www.heerosferret.com/toast.html]Heero Is Not Toast (H.I.N.T.)[/URL] . Yamato-san wrote a pretty little [URL=http://www.heerosferret.com/toast_other_rant_yaoi.shtml]rant[/URL] about why no one can be right when it comes to searching out yaoi in GW, and i think it applies to bunches of 'yaoi' series. (of course, there are series like Gravi which are very yaoi and show it, but this is for the stuff like Wing.) Take a look. i think it's well worth reading and Yamato-san is right.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]i really want to see that movie... i read the original story a while ago and was on pins and needles til the end. King's an awesome writer, and the movies made from his books/stories usually turn out to be pretty cool. i kinda dislike the casting choice though: Johnny Depp just doesn't cut it for Mort Rainey in my eyes. i would have chosen someone like... oh, i don't know. someone older and less fangirl-yummy typed. i can't think of anyone right off the top of my head.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Sophitia listened outside the door of the Don's office for a moment after she heard the snap of a gun being put together, and when she heard the words 'We're going after Vendetti," she pulled her leather jacket more tightly around her body and shivered. She didn't enjoy killings any more than any other person... she had just learned to hide her feelings. [I]"Merda. Merda della merda della merda. Che cosa stanno andando fare? Che cosa se Giuseppe ottiene ucciso? Che cosa se..."[/I] she slapped herself on the cheek and prepared to follow the Don's little party, just to make sure that nothing really horrible happened. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: i applaud your replacement. now things'll get cooking! =^_^=[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]i had this weird dream the other night... i was at the supermarket with my friend Lizard, Hiei, and Kurama. Hiei disappeared and we spent like an hour looking for him... to find him in the meat department scarfing raw hamburger. *gags* then Kurama asked me if i would help him fix a special dinner for Yusuke, Kurama, Keiko, Yukina and Botan, i agreed, Hiei threatened to pound my face in, and then i woke up! it was a nice change... most of my dreams seem to involve me locked in a cage for some reason...[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kin lay back, listening intently to the sounds of the night around him and feeling more than a little homesick. "Where the heck are we?" "In the digital world." ClearAgumon sat down next to Kin's resting spot and looked at him. "What, you don't like it here?" "Oh, I like it, but I'm kind of homesick. You know?" Kin yanked a comb through his hair and bound it back. "What's homesick?" "I miss where I was born." "Oh. Why?" "Well, I have a little sister who I miss, and I miss my mother too. Don't you ever miss your mother?" "The closest any of us Digimon have to a mother is Terriermon. We never knew our 'parents' like you humans do." ClearAgumon lay down next to Kin and snuggled up. "I'm cold. Why don't we get some sleep before we have guard duty?" "Sounds good." Kin yawned, then laughed. "And I promise I won't force you to digi-whatever before your time, not like Rad." His only answer was a soft snore from ClearAgumon. (OOC: Kin's name has a meaning: Golden. Do any of you know what your characters' names mean, and did you choose them [I]because [/I] of that meaning? i'm just curious... i always do it.)[/FONT]