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Everything posted by Balinese

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Yohji dragged himself off the ground with a few curses at Amara, and gazed at the demon in front of him. He reached for his trusty wristwatch-garotte, and snugged it around the creature's neck, watching it drop to the ground as it suffocated slowly. "Why couldn't I have been one of the Schwarz... especially that one, the little one. He can make things go boom with his mind. Or what about the red-headed one, who was kinda controlling Bombay for that while..." As he spoke, he watched the demon raise itself off the ground. "Shouldn't have let the loop go, I guess." He closed his eyes, waiting for the demon to attack, and kept thinking about the Mastermind, and how he'd control the demon and make it attack or something... Noticing that the weight he had expected on his chest had never come, he sat up and watched as the demon copied his movements. "Aw, sweet!" He made it do things like pick its nose (OOC: ew.), dance around a bit, and stand on its head. "All right! I am the champ!" "Hey, champ! Quit screwing around and get rid of the thing!" "Oh yeah, huh..." Yohji concentrated for a moment and watched as the demon casually strolled over to a large rock and began bashing its head against it. "Oh yeah, who's the man now?" He turned to Amara, who was dressed in a short skirt, and winked. "The Schwarz got nothin' on this kitty. Mrrow!" (OOC: i had to do it. Yo-tan would never have survived, since he uses only the hiragane/garotte and his charm as weapons. ^_^;; i'm not trying to godmode, only to protect my beloved Yohji. [i]Gomen nasai[/i].)[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]there's one anime called [i]Saishu-Heiki Kanojo[/i] that i recently received as a present from my older brother and fell in love with. as far as i know, it's not too well known (although i live in Colorado, where very few people i know give a flying flip about anime). SaiKano is the story of Chise and Shuuji, two high school students who 'decide' to fall in love after a disastrous first few weeks of a relationship. It's World War III, but this hasn't really affected Shuuji until one shopping trip, when he discovers the surprising secret about his beloved Chise. there are a few bad points to this anime. the animation isn't all that great, more suited for a comedy such as FLCL or Excel Saga, and you never learn anything more about the war, like who is fighting whom. but on the whole, it's a very enjoyable anime. =^_^=[/FONT]
  3. [QUOTE=Undefeated]How is that an un-winnable fight? Dramatic? Granted. Traumatic? Possible. Saddening? Sure. Un-winnable? No way. ... Its very simple: Person B kills person A. Person B is the victorious one. I suppose you could stretch emotional morality and suggest that the human race as a whole and thus person B lost because one of us died, but that is merely un thinking sentimentality that is a fatal flaw in toaday's society. [/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Maybe it's just me, but a fight to the death is something no one can win in my eyes. One ends up dead, one ends up a murderer. No sentient being has the right to take the life of another. (Note, i said sentient being. i am not going to go so far as to say that killing animals for food is wrong. that would be hypocritical of me. i am against hunting and fishing for pure sport, however.) You want to call it unthinking sentimentality, go ahead. it's my belief, it doesn't have to be yours.[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Vela looked up as a man charged by her, followed by a little kid who was soaked. "O...kay." Her friend Rosa watched as the pair charged by with a dreamy expression on her face. "Ooh, that must be that black mage who lives on the outside of town. He's a real hottie." "Rosa, get your head out of the clouds." A young man leaned over the edge of the fountain, flicking water in Rosa's face. "Mages with mages, remember?" "Locke, shut up." Rosa calmly pushed on the back of Locke's head, dumping him in the water. "It was just a thought." "And your thoughts tend to be all about men, huh?" Vela shoved Rosa backwards into the water. She came up sputtering and glared at her friend. "You should talk to him. You two might get along. Besides, doesn't your dad want you to learn a little offensive magic?" "C'mon, Rosa! I can barely do a Protect spell right!" "All the more reason." Rosa gave Vela a shove after the man. "Go on. We'll cover for you if your dad comes looking for you." [I]"Veha, veha. Mad ed pa ujan ouin rayt, peydlr. [/I] (Fine, fine. Let it be over your head, biatch.)" Before Rosa could get out a suitable reply, Vela was running full tilt after the man. "HEY!"[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]a quote i heard recently that really made me think was: [i]"These Pokemon are ready to fight to the death." "That's a fight no one will win." ~Nurse Joy and some random female trainer, Pokemon the 1st movie.[/i] the fight to kill someone is a fight no one will win. in the end, you're always the loser. i also really think this one is true. [i]Sometimes I think books are the only friends worth having. ~ Susie, Calvin and Hobbes[/i] people can be mean, evil and downright twisted. at least books have SOME intellectual content, ne?[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Nari leaned her head against Kaze's back and nuzzled him, purring softly. She watched Kay doze off, and looked for a moment at Mitzo. "You know, this would probably take longer if we all split up," she said, softly enough that only Mitzo could hear. A little startled, the girl looked up and moved a bit closer so they could talk in relative privacy. "What do you mean, it would take longer?" "Well, if we split up, it would probably take longer to dispose of the creatures that attacked us. Am I right?" "Yeah, so what?" "And there's more probability of one or more of us dying in this attempt if we're on our own, individuals. With the group, we can be each other's protection, watching for danger. Safety in numbers, you know?" "But still..." "Mitzo." Nari smiled at her a little, being careful not to show teeth. "Please, just stay with the group for a little longer. I think we'll be better off together..." she nodded toward Kay, who was snoring very softly and mumbling in his sleep. "I'll think about it." Mitzo nodded a little. Nari stuck out a hand. "Truce?" Mitzo shook it. "Truce."[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]i first popped in to the OB because of boredom in school... after all, when you finish your work, you can surf the net here. Now, i love being here to talk and argue about anime, RP, give advice, and talk to people with the same interests i have =^_^= it's also awesome to find a forum with as good an RP section as the OB.[/FONT]
  8. [quote name='Cahoots34']Hm, I think Muraki might pair off better with Kurama himself. Kurama's ostensibly rather innocent, (which Muraki would probably find rather attractive, considering his past fixations on Hisoka and Tsuzuki) but probably sadistic enough to appreciate Muraki's kind of 'fun'. Besides, if Muraki and Karasu did date and actually find some sort of mutual affection, wouldn't one or both end up dead? Perhaps in Karasu's case it's no pity; Yuu Yuu Hakusho is, presumably, full of slightly lasvicious stalker type demon things, but the deranged medical technician category is rather sparse, at least in Yami no Matsuei. [/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]*smirk* Now that would be a very interesting set-up... how about a doomed love triangle between Kurama, Karasu, and Muraki? i think an interesting couple would be Hiei and Heero (Gundam Wing). Both are that kind of gruff, aloof guy, but they tend to show a little tenderness with people they get close to. They'd probably end up nearly murdering each other, then falling hopelessly in love... ah, there's a fanfic in the making. *starry eyes*[/FONT]
  9. [quote name='Mamma Vash][FONT=Verdana'] It reminds me of Carrot and Stick from Trigun (the song Vash dances to) which I also like. I'm happy to see that many other people enjoy Y. Kanno and the Seatbelts. It's new to me.[/FONT][/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][i]Carrot and Stick...[/i] is that what he's listening to in Episode 4 when he boogies into the bar? Yoko Kanno also did this one song that i am absolutely in LOVE with.. it's called [i]Nowhere and Everywhere[/i], and it's from a collection she did called [i]Song to Fly[/i]. i heard it a long time ago, but it still kind of resonates in my mind... i can't find it ANYWHERE. it's such a wonderful song... [i]i'm the feeling you feel A small voice or a chill i am here and i am there i'm that feeling inside The one that comes and then hides i'm nowhere and everywhere Don't you know me? i'm the one you used to talk to You stopped believing But still i follow everywhere you go i'm walking right behind you And i'm just around the corner i'm always down the hall and by your side You might call me your shadow Or the reason that you laugh and you don't know why i inspire, i'm aloof Spend my time just watchin' over you i am here and everywhere Don't you know me? i'm the one you used to talk to You stopped believing But still i follow everywhere you go i'm walking right behind you And i'm just around the corner i'm always down the hall and by your side You might call me your shadow Or the reason that you laugh and you don't know why i'm the feeling you feel A small voice or a chill i am here and i am there...[/i] it's sung by a guy named Steve Conte, who also did [i]Words That We Couldn't Say[/i] and [i]Diggin'[/i]... anyone know where i can get it? oh yeah, and for those of you who really love Yoko Kanno and are searching for more info on her, more music she's written, or the lyrics to your favorite songs, [URL=http://www.jameswong.com/ykproject/core.html]try this.[/URL] it's a site called the Yoko Kanno Project, and it's one of the most complete and comprehensive sites anywhere. for the Bebop fans, i recommend [URL=http://www.futureblues.net]3-2-1 Let's Jam![/URL], Emily's Bebop Site. it's nearly as complete as the official Bebop site must be! =^_^= [/FONT]
  10. [QUOTE=FirePheonix727]OK, can't resist this... has anyone else seen the news lately? There's aparently some kind of theory that a child watching too much TV causes ADD... my answer? BULL-SH**! They're just trying to find another excuse to diagnose kids with ADD, I swear it... who else has an opinion?[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]i think it's hilarious when a doctor has no clue what's with a kid, so they diagnose ADD/ADHD. i can't follow the logic there. :laugh: (man, i wish this forum had a :hahano: smiley like the other one i was on...) i have several different diagnoses, the most recent of which is Bipolar disorder. Not a big deal in itself, but before that they diagnosed me with 'atypical ADHD'. what does THAT mean? 'uh, well... um...' ha. ha. ha. idiots. so yeah. i have OCD, PTSD, and 'atypical ADHD' on top of bipolar disorder. that's my two cents. [/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Tsukiyono, Ami (Tsoo-kee-oh-no, Ah-mee) Occupation: Student, public library assistant Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://usagis-house.net/jacml/members/memberscels/pasiphae.jpg]Face.[/URL] 5'7". When she's in school, she keeps her hair in two long braids. She never looks exactly comfortable in her school uniform. Outside of school, Ami wears blue jeans with flowers sewn along the seams and t-shirts in blue or green, with a silver chain necklace. She sometimes wears a bit of makeup, but never much more than a little mascara and lipstick. Weapon(s): Small switchblade. She's never really needed it to defend herself, so it's kept in her pocket. Personality: Ami is extremely bright, and as a result of that, extremely shy. She loves to read and can most often be found in the school library, reading or quietly chatting with a few friends about school work. Her friends are mostly kids who like to read and discuss books, and all of her friends make good marks. If she smiles at you, you know that you're special in her eyes, and if you can get her to say more than five words, you're fairly close to her. She has a bit of a romantic streak, but would never admit it. Bio: Ami's background was fairly normal. She lived at home with a businessman father, a teacher mother, and twin elder brothers. She read and wrote at an early age, and enjoyed being one of the top students in her school. When Ami's friend Akiko was found murdered, Ami was distraught and more than a little afraid for her family. When the number of deaths became unnaturally high, she sought out a few people to find why the deaths were happening, and what they could do to stop it.[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Sophitia pulled back her hair from her face and sighed as she left the room. "The Don is really angry this time." She pulled a pistol from her pocket and twirled it around her left index finger, watching it rotate and thinking. [i]How did Vendetti manage to sneak a spy into our organization? I'll need to tighten security, and even that won't placate the Don for a while...[/i] She absently rubbed the tips of her fingers on her jeans, cleaning off a little bit of the dead man's blood that had remained. "Adolfo." "Yes, Songbird?" "Get Nico on the phone," Sophitia smiled, mentioning the man who did most of the dirty work for the Don's organization. "He and I need to have a... talk." "Yes, Songbird." Adolfo went to make the call, shaking his head a little as he noticed Sophitia caressing the tattoo of a wren on her left arm. [i]She's going to make him sing...[/i][/FONT]
  13. [QUOTE=Chichiri's Girl] [b][font=Book Antiqua][color=#4b0082][i]3.[/i]The Mummy Returns[/color][/font][/b] [b][font=Book Antiqua][color=#4b0082][i] First off let me say I thought the first one was awsome. Period. But then they just [/i]had[i] to make a sequal. Why? This was just...bad. Well the first thing they did was to marry the two main characters and then, if that wasn't bad enough, they gave them a kid. Why?!?!?! Did they really run out of other ideas? Of course since the whole 'romance' element was gone there goes a big 'ol chunck of plot. Say goodbye to the plot kids because you'll never see it again after where it's goin'! Then the kid had to get all up in the parent's work and you know, just create extreme worldly chaos by waking up the mummy, again. Whoops. Can't we just give them their 300 years of rest. Guess not. Oh well. There go his chances of an afterlife. Oh and just to worsen the whole deal guess who they had to throw in? That's right! The Rock! Whoo! He had a five minute role and suddenly the critics are raving about his great acting skills and how he finished off the whole movie. Ugh. It urks me how the kid, who was one of the main characters mind you, wasn't even on the cover of the dvd and video while the rock, who made a five minute cameo, was right there a little to the left(or right I don't remember) of the center! Again, whoo! Don't even get me started on that horrible Kids WB TV show. I have fears that the squal to Pirates will turn out the same way...*sighs*[/i][/color][/font][/b][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]i agree. [b]The Mummy Returns[/b] was basically a showcase for the Rock. He's a good-looking guy, but i don't see why they made this movie and hyped him so much when he barely spent five minutes in it. i disliked [b]Bring It On[/b], but that could be because i watched it fifteen times with my foster sisters in the space of three weeks. perky cheerleaders screw up. big whoop. i REALLY disliked watching [b]How High[/b]. Typical stoner movie, not funny, why bother? Redman and Method Man do not make a movie watchable simply because they're big-name artists. i liked [b]HalfBaked[/b]. Funny movie, and fun to watch. But [b]How High[/b] was pointless. Another dumb movie is [b]Baseketball[/b]. The creators of South Park made it. Fine. But it's all about stupid humor and jokes about having sex and drinking. If that's your thing, fine. i like movies with a bit more depth, like [b]A Beautiful Mind[/b] and [b]Identity.[/b][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Vela closed her eyes and mumbled the words of a Protect spell that had taken her forever to learn. It wasn't that the spell was really tough, just that the intonation of the words kept slipping her mind. She raised her hands and felt the energy flow from her to create a shield. "Very good, Vela." Her father nodded, smiling. "Can I go out to the fountain in the village? Please? I promised Rosa and Locke that I'd be there this afternoon." "I suppose. Be back in by dark. You have meditation to do, as well as practice." Her father walked into the giant library that comprised about two-thirds of the family's home. "Yes, Father." Vela bowed slightly as her father left, then muttered "You arrogant pig. Study, practice, meditate. If it was all up to you, I'd never have any friends!" She took off to the fountain in the center of her hometown, a happy seventeen-year-old girl for the time being.[/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Being of mixed Italian and Mexican heritage, i tend to use my hands a lot when i talk as well. i sing all the time. what makes that weird is i sing in Japanese when i'm at school, where no one but me understands even a few words of Japanese. i tend to use quotes from books and songs when i write. example: " 'Proof denies faith, and without faith i am nothing.' 'you speaking proves your existence.' 'oh well then.' God disappears in a puff of logic. man then tries to go on to prove black is white and ends up killed at a zebra crossing." (cookies to anyone who can get the reference from that mangled quote ^_^) icewolfeyes: you just gave me a great idea. *starts giggling and heads off to find her buddy walker*[/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]ah, the ever popular anime music question. my favorites are: The soundtrack to Weiss Kreuz. The Cowboy Bebop soundtrack and a song from Trigun. [b]Weiss Kreuz:[/b] The background music to Weiss is all done by the [i]seiyuu[/i] of the characters. Each character has their own 'image song', and the [i]seiyuu[/i] for the Weiss do the opening and ending themes. My faves: [i]It's Too Late[/i] - Ending #2. It conveys a sadness always makes me wonder what i will leave behind... [i]Yuugao[/i] - Ken's image song. one line: [i]Hora itsuka kikasareta odoki da ne:[/i] Look, the someday we were told would come is dancing, isn't it? [i]Tiny Little Song[/i] - Koyasu Takehito singing. it's almost a lullaby. "Tsuki no yurikagode, kimi wa yurete iru..." [i]Mayfly[/i] - Naoe Nagi's image song. "I'll take all their dreams away..." and a bunch more! [b]Cowboy Bebop:[/b] i honestly believe that this anime has the best soundtrack out of any. Yoko Kanno is a genius, and the singers (Mai Yamane and Steve Conte in particular) are so expressive, it's amazing. My faves: [i]Gotta Knock A Little Harder[/i] - The end theme to the movie. "Happiness is just a word to me and it mighta meant a thing or two if i'd've known the difference..." [i]Blue[/i] - i still haven't seen the episode this comes from, but it always makes me think about death and question what comes after. [i]Is It Real?[/i] - Have to love this song, if only because of the imagery it presents. "Figurines that fall like leaves and disappear..." [i]Words That We Couldn't Say[/i] - Regrets. Wishes to make it right again. [b]Trigun:[/b] Sound Life is possibly one of the coolest songs out there... "So... on the first evening a pebble from somewhere out of nowhere drops upon the dreaming world..." almost like a creation theory.[/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Yohji sat up slowly, every bone feeling like he'd been danced on by Manx's high heels. "Ugh... that must have been one bender I was on..." He looked down, and realized he wasn't in his bed in his apartment, and the sound that had awakened him hadn't been Aya's voice. "Huh?" He turned around, and got a look at a blonde girl wearing a dress, a silver-haired man, a femmy guy with pointy ears, and a good-looking dude with a scrub of beard looking down at him. "You... why d'you all look familiar?" "Heck if I know," the girl spoke up. "Last I knew, I was asleep beside Michiru. Then these guys appeared..." "Ah well... so, sweetie, you wanna go get a drink later?" Yohji moved to flip his hair away from his eyes, and realized it was the wrong color. "What the..." "Back off, buddy." The girl raised a threatening hand, then was stopped by the elf-guy. "Look, we're all here, we don't know how, might as well make the best of it." The pointy-eared man held out a hand. "Name's Orlando. Orlando Bloom." Yohji took the hand and shook. "Name's Y... uh, Balinese." "Pleased." Orli smiled that smile that makes women faint. He waved a hand at the dog-like guy. "Got any questions for this guy?"[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Yohji "Balinese" Kudou (a.k.a Yo-tan) Where from: Weiss Kreuz/Knight Hunters anime Skills: Garotte usage, flirting, being a wiseacre. Fighting Styles: Assassin to the max, babeh. Secretive, quick, and ever so clean. Description: Dark blonde hair, green eyes. Usually wears a navy blue trenchcoat with a white stripe down the middle, black boots, and a watch concealing a [i]garotte[/i] (strangling wire). Description in Cesto's World: see attachment. He tends to wear a lot of black, to conceal himself in the night. Small Bio: Yohji was a private detective before joining the assassin team known as Weiss. When his partner was killed during their escape from a prostitution ring, he joined Weiss and is usually known by the code name Balinese. Favourite Quotes: "Any enemy of a woman is an enemy of mine." "The one I've been hating all along was myself. I couldn't save the woman I loved. The anger I felt towards myself I turned onto her. I'm a pitiable man!" "Most people sell their soul for money. I did." "People who don't know what heaven is don't have the right to tell others to go to hell." Personality: He drinks, he smokes, and he hits on everything in a skirt that's over eighteen. (Actually, he hits on anything that's over eighteen.) He's very protective of his friends, and he HATES people who are abusive toward women. He never seems to get upset about anything, going about life in a lackadaisical (sp?) fashion, but he conceals a lot of pain about his life before Weiss, and something that happened while in Weiss (watch the anime).[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Nari reached into a pocket and drew out a small, round object. "Get back!" She hurled it at the approaching creature and ran, throwing herself onto the ground as the object exploded in a burst of light with a bang. She picked herself up and kept running, turning back to note that the creature was temporarily blinded. "What WAS that?" Shotoken asked, continuing to throw knives at the creature. "Home-made flash bomb. It should stall them... now I suggest we RUN FOR IT!"[/FONT]
  20. [QUOTE=0ber0n the Neko] CRAP! oh well, I can come up with another...I think... Aisha (outlaw star) and...hmmm...Spike (cowboy bebop). Opposites attract, after all. Aisha, the wildly passionate, the one with reckless abandon, and Spike, the bad*ss, the absolute cool, calm and collected character. It's so incongrouous, it just WORKS. Aisha would constantly make advances on Spike, and Spike would ignore her, until there was a very akward love scene and THEN Spike would be interested, if only on the inside.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Now THAT would be something i'd wanna see. Aisha with Spike... another couple along that line, in my mind, would be Ayeka (Tenchi Muyo) and Spike. Hyper, wildly possessive princess, and cool-as-a-cucumber bad***.[/FONT] [QUOTE]Maybe Haruko (FLCL) and Ilpalazzo (Excel Saga). Both bent on destruction![/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Funfun! What about Watanabe and... someone sweet. After all, he is a sweetie, even if he is a perv[/FONT]. [QUOTE]"So the skitzophrenic, murderous main character is in love with a hooker whose pimp was her dad...the world is ending, and the only way to beat them is with an army of CRIMINALS!?" -Patrick (my friend) commenting on my storyline...[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]*GRINS* i have to read that sometime... *twitches neko-ears at 0ber0n*[/FONT]
  21. Balinese

    Down To Earth

    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I]That...HURT![/I] The thought rang through Rem's mind, causing her to stumble. She closed her eyes for a second and reached out to find the owner of that voice, hoping to calm them. Instead, she found Aya. [COLOR=DarkRed]Rem? Are you all right?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Yeah... yeah, I'm okay. But whoever screamed most definitely isn't. Don't you think we should help them?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Yes. I see it your way, Rem. We'll help them... but if things get bad, [i]tonzura koite[/i]. You get me?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]I gotcha. Let's go.[/COLOR] The pair ran toward the source of the psychic scream, holding hands like little kids. For the first time in their twelve years of existence, they were truly frightened. The fear sped their run, and they ended up at the library in record time.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]i have many, simply because i collect those that make me think, smile or both. "Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in very large groups." ~ John Kenneth Galbraith "Guess if you can, choose if you dare." ~ Pierre Cornielle "I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." ~ Voltaire "Don't stick your tongue out unless you intend to use it." ~ David Lee Roth "There was never a saint with red hair." ~ Russian Proverb “Don’t part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.” ~ Mark Twain “While there is a lower class I am in it, while there is a criminal element I am of it; while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.” ~ Eugene Victor Debs "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup." ~ Anonymous “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.” ~ Chinese proverb “An intelligent hell would be better than a stupid paradise.” ~ Victor Hugo “A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche "The difference between reality and fiction? Fiction has to make sense." ~ Tom Clancy “I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they’ve always worked for me.” ~ Hunter Thompson “How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to.” ~ Anonymous “Reality continues to ruin my life.” ~ Calvin "My mind is so twisted, it's actually sprained." ~ Anonymous "If I ever found a church that didn't believe in knocking all the other churches, I might consider joining it." ~ Anonymous “It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I choose to accept.” ~ Calvin "You're twisted, depraved, and rotten to the core. I like that in a person." ~ Anonymous "He that will not reason is a bigot. He that cannot reason is a fool. He that dares not reason is a slave." ~ William Drummond "Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them more." ~ Oscar Wilde. "All racists who are prepared to die for their country, please do so now." ~ Anonymous "Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." ~ Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "If you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em." ~ Harry S. Truman "Heaven don't want me, and Hell is afraid I'll take over." ~ Anonymous "It is not enough to conquer, one must learn to seduce." ~ Voltaire "I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous tools out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters." ~ Frank Lloyd Wright “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” ~ Sherlock Holmes. "Well-behaved women rarely make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich “There is a fine line between ‘hobby’ and ‘mental illness’.” ~ Dave Barry "With increased knowledge comes an increased capacity for pain. So if ignorance is bliss, enlightenment must be pure hell." ~ Darien Fawkes [b]and my personal favorite:[/b] "A sense of humor is the only thing which keeps intelligent people from hanging themselves." ~ Voltaire[/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kito Kaiba rested her elbows on the table in front of her and swung her feet, listening to Seto talk on the phone to someone. She hadn't caught the name, and was extremely bored with waiting. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I'll keep it in mind.[/COLOR] Seto hung up the phone and frowned at Kito. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]You know, you look like a child, kicking the chair like that. Sit up straight.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Seto, who was that, and what are you keeping in mind?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Business matters.[/COLOR] Seto leaned against a wall and crossed his arms over his chest. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I'm going out for a while. Want to come?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Sure. Beats being here waiting for you. [/COLOR] Kito stood up, her hair dropping down her back. [COLOR=Indigo]Ready when you are.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]First, change your clothes and do your hair. I expect you to look business-like, Kito.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Fine, fine. Don't get your knickers in a knot. [/COLOR] Kito pulled on a smart black dress and drew her hair into a knot, pinning it with two black combs. [COLOR=Indigo]Let's go.[/COLOR] The two left Kaiba's manor, heading for the streets of downtown Domino. OOC: My sincerest apologies for not being here before... blasted family of mine.[/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ri crossed the fingers on her right hand, slipping her left hand into Kin's. He squeezed it reassuringly. "Don't worry. Your brother is a good duelist, and he's doing well so far." Alex looked a little nervous, chewing on a hangnail. "But..." "Don't worry. He'll be fine. We stick together, right? So we'll help him out." Ri smiled, a little unsurely.[/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Heck, why not? Name: Kito (Kee-to) Kaiba Age: 17 Gender: Female What country are you from: Japan originally, moved to Domino City about a year ago. Favorite card(s): Patrician of Darkness, Harpie Lady, Elegant Egotist Bio: The eldest cousin of Seto Kaiba, Kito is an extremely bright young woman who came under Seto's guardianship after her parents went on a business trip and never returned (she's still hoping...). When Kaiba Corp. was re-situated in Domino City, she began inventing things to better the world of Duel Monsters. She lives with the owner of Kaiba Corp., but isn't a spoiled girl; in fact, her favorite thing to do is sneak out of the house and go to parties without the security her cousin had put around her. Seto also hates the fact that Kito appears to have a crush on Jon. Description: Kito's dark hair reaches her waist when it's let down from the ponytail or bun Seto has her wear. For everyday fun, she likes to wear jeans and t-shirts or halter tops, but when she, Seto and Mokuba go into the city for an outing, Seto forces her to wear dresses. She wears a silver bracelet on her left wrist at all times. Her brown eyes sparkle with a sense of fun, and her mouth is in a semi-permanent smile. Deck Theme: She calls it a 'blender' deck, since it really doesn't have any set theme.[/FONT]
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