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Everything posted by Balinese

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ri watched the duel for a few more moments, then felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see an extremely good-looking guy and smiled self-consciously. "You Maria Moto?" "And if I am?" "We duel." He flashed a smile and brushed blonde hair out of his face. "You didn't think..." "No! Let's duel!" She pulled out her deck. "That's the spirit." He winked. "My name's Kin, and let's make this duel interesting. What do you say... 3 starchips apiece?" "Any other... conditions?" Ri twirled a strand of hair around a finger, following him to a holo-arena. "Hm..." Kin smiled. "You go out with me after the tournament?" "Works for me." She grinned. "Pick your Deck Master." "I choose..." He ran through his cards. "Jinzo." "Good choice. I choose Patrician of Darkness." She set the card down, then held out her right hand. "Rock, Paper, Scissors to go first?" Kin stretched out his right hand in a fist over his left. "Rock, Paper, Scissors!" they chanted. Ri opened her fist completely: Paper. Kin pointed two fingers out: Scissors. "You go first." Kin looked at his hand, then set a monster in face-down defense position. He laid two trap/magic cards face down and caught Ri's eye. "I end my turn." Ri regarded her cards with a careful eye: Waboku, Dreamsprite, Monster Reborn, Red Eyes Black Dragon, and Gyakutenno Megami. [i]Not bad. If I play my cards right, I can win this.[/i] She set the Dreamsprite face-down in defense position and smiled. "I end my turn." Kin looked at the newest card he had drawn and considered for a moment, then laid a card down in face-down defense. "Your turn, Maria." "Please, don't call me that. I much prefer Ri." She drew a card, then looked at it and smiled. [i]Baby Dragon.[/i] She silently thanked her uncle Joey for giving her the card. "Oh, guess that smile means I'm in for it?" Kin studied her cards and groaned. "A Baby Dragon? Where did you get this deck, your little sister?" "Alex would kill you if she heard you say that. Nah, I made this deck." "Hm. I don't think I want to know what that face-down card is." He drew a card and considered, then placed Change of Heart. "Guess I'll take that Baby Dragon. Geez, what if the other card you have down is 'The Unhappy Maiden'? Can't afford to take chances in a tournament like this." Kin rolled his eyes comically. "Ah well, it'll be just fine for sacrificing to use..." he paused dramatically. "Summoned Skull!" He placed the card on the field and watched as the monster appeared, large and in charge. "And I attack your face-down card." Ri watched as the card flipped and the Dreamsprite appeared. "Your mistake. I use the effect of Patrician of Darkness, which allows me to choose the target of your attacks." She grinned. "And I choose your Summoned Skull." The Summoned Skull disappeared in a burst of pixels, and Kin shrugged. "Ah, you win a battle, you lose a battle." He smiled at her, and Ri nearly melted into a puddle of happy teen girl. "Your turn." Ri lifted the top card from her deck and looked at it. [i]Griggle. Could be worse.[/i] She placed it face-down on the field and nodded. "You're up." Kin drew a card and looked at it, then looked at the cards he had laying on the field. "Hm. I choose to play Dark Hole. All monsters on the field are destroyed." Griggle and Dreamsprite disappeared from the field, along with his face-down card, revealed to be a Mask of Darkness. He laid a magic card. "Then, I'll play Tremendous Fire." Ri's Life Points counter dropped from 4000 to 3000, as Kin's dropped to 3500. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Go ahead." Ri drew a card. [i]Just Desserts. Too bad I can't use trap cards since he has Jinzo's effects working.[/i] She tapped her chin in thought, then brightened. "I play Monster Reborn." She recalled Kin's Summoned Skull from the Graveyard, then placed it face-up in attack mode on her side of the field. "And since you have no monsters on your side of the field, I attack your Life Points." The counter by Kin's side flashed, dropping from 3500 LP to 1000. She bowed a little, half-mocking him. "Your turn, Kin-san." Kin smiled tightly and drew a card, then brushed his hand back through his hair. "Hm... man, I shouldn't have chosen Jinzo, I'm thinking." He shook his head and leaned back against the rail behind him. "My deck isn't good for its use." "Well, I'll end your pain quickly." Ri smiled a little and drew a card, thanking her creative mind for the card she found. "And I won't insult you further by using your own monster to do it.I play the magic card Final Flame." As Kin's final LP drained away, she hopped down from her spot and walked around the arena to shake hands with him. "Well-played." Kin smiled and took her hand in a warm, firm grip. When she pulled her hand away, three starchips lay in her palm. "We'll duel again, Ri." He grinned, eyes laughing. "But before we do, can I have your number?"[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]*laughs* i was just planning a project i have to do... at the beginning of the school year, we had to create a collage that represented us for an art class. i went to google and picked up a few pics of anime characters including Duo Maxwell and Vash the Stampede, then pasted them to a piece of paper with a few quotes from different animes (see the Anime Quotes thread, i used most of them). i got an A too ^_^ then when we had to decorate our folders, i used Pokemon pics and anime quotes. Then when i was told to do an elective project, i created an anime website based on Weiss... got an A, even though it needs a LOT of work. Now, since i'm forced to be in afternoon school (i wasn't able to find a job before 4th quarter, and an afternoon program is a requirement), i've decided to write a paper on ethics in anime, and different philosophies in anime, using Trigun, Gundam Wing, Cowboy Bebop, and Angel Sanctuary as sources. my teacher says it'll be very good for my writing skills ( :rolleyes: )[/FONT]
  3. [QUOTE=Fushigi Rockna] Misaki from Angelic Layer and Yahiko from Roruni Kenshin. I dunno, I guess they seem pretty cute together, and they're both small but pack serius punch and are pretty 'novice' like in their fields. (Yahiko learning sword style fro Kaoru and Misaki learning the way of Angelic Layer through Icchan).[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]i really think Yahiko would be a better match for Sakura from Tenchi Muyo, if he was a little older. He'd be able to keep up with her moods better than Tenchi ever was. And Tenchi... *taps chin thoughtfully* i think he'd be a nice match for Aya-chan from Weiss. She's so soft-spoken and gentle, she'd be a welcome change for Tenchi! ^_^[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Bryony listened to William's flute, letting the music carry her as she began doing a few gymnastics across the stage. "You know, Will, you really play beautifully." She stepped down to the floor and took a pewter mug from behind the bar, filling it with cold water and drinking. She moved back into the kitchen and nimbly ducked a tossed spoon from Idgie. "What, you lovely people don't want my help?" "Ah, ge' on with you, girl." Draken grunted. "We's all the help we needs. Ge' on with yer dancin'." Idgie just looked up and shook her head. Bryony danced out to where Van and Chi were talking and listened to them, finishing off her water. Chi was explaining the plot of a romance novel to Van, who looked slightly interested when he heard that it was a war story. A patron entered the lobby, looking around for a second...[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Wow... I thought illusions in the desert were only things like oases. That was beautiful." Nari smiled a little, wrapping her arms around herself. Kaze-sama was perched in a curled position on her shoulder. "Too cold. Mrrr..." The group kept walking, noting new sights which kept appearing to either side of the trail, then disappearing as soon as they came near the firefly border. Small children would run closer to the walk, then cower away as the light touched them. A large octopus reached a tentacle toward Mitzo, then backed away. "I'm really glad I came on this expedition," Kitcho smiled. Nari and Kaze half-agreed, shivering a little in the desert night air. "L-l-l-l-let's keep m-m-m-moving... we'll warm up faster that way."[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]heh heh heh... Vash and Excel would make a cool couple, i think. They're both so nuts. i also really like the thought of Spike (Bebop) and Jessie (Pokemon). They'd balance each other out perfectly for a while... then BOOM! i can never write any good yaoi crossover fics... i can't think of any good crossovers except Omi (Weiss) and Quatre (Gundam Wing) because they're so similar.[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Miko looked up from her book to watch Shotoken pelting down the hill into the village. "Hm. Someone new?" She closed her book, laying it cover-side up on the ground, and walked up to him. "What are you running from?" "Nothin'. I'm just looking for a place to sleep." He brushed black hair back from his eyes. "Don't suppose I could get someplace's name from you?" "Eh. Come on, you can stay at my place for awhile. I'm sure that I can spare the room." She turned and walked back to her house without a second glance at him.[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Bra/Bulla Age: 17 Race: Saiyan/Human Gender: Female Height: 5'7" (her dad is approximately 5'9") Weight: Like she'd tell you. Bio: The youngest child of Vegeta and Bulma, Bra isn't as strong as her brother. She has never been seen to go SSJ, even after she found out that her mother was dead. She loves her father very much, and would go to any lengths for him. Not much is really known about Bra from her childhood. Her brother was in the spotlight, and she was relegated to her mother. Of course, this led to her becoming a whiz with computers... and a fashion slave. No matter what she wears, it's always the height of fashion and absolutely spotless; even if she's just come out of a mudslide, her clothes are neatly pressed and totally clean. Just one of the perks of having Bulma as a mother. Other Info: She and Matt are a couple. An odd factoid: She looks more like Krillin's old girlfriend Marron than a mix of her mother and father. Special Skills: Brains, not brawn, is her element. Her Ki isn't nearly as high as Vegeta's, so she uses strategy rather than fighting rough. [/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]"I think it's best that we keep moving," Nari suggested, reaching for the wakizashi at her hip. "Otherwise we may end up as food for a mean wolf." "You sure?" Mitzo gave the cat-girl a look. "The legends of Numb said that the beasts one encounters on the trail are different... meaner and stronger." Nari pointed out, dropping back a bit to stick nearer to Otto. "So unless you're cool with the idea of being doggie chow, let's keep moving." She menaced the wolf, starting to walk backwards down the trail. Mitzo blew a bit of hair out of her eyes, looking peeved. "You just want to be closer to Otto," she mumbled...[/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]i first posted this on fanfiction.net under the name Quaterine Winner... it's edited a bit. Ran looked down at Aya, smiling. It had been a week since she'd awakened from her coma, and she'd already made friends with the Weiss boys. Omi had taken a special liking to the sweet girl. "Onii-san, sing to me, like tou-san and kaa-san used to do. Please?" One look at those doe-like eyes, and Ran's icy heart melted immediately. His cool, calm exterior softened. "All right, Aya-chan. Just once." In a clear tenor, Ran began singing a lullaby that his mother and father had sung every night to Aya-chan since she was a baby. "Goodnight, my angel Time to close your eyes And save these questions for another day I think I know what you've been asking me I think you know what I've been trying to say I promised I would never leave you And you should always know Wherever you may go No matter where you are I never will be far away. . . " Aya's eyes filled with tears as she whispered into the darkness. "Kaa-san. . . tou-san. . . I miss you so. . ." Ran's eyes filled with tears as well. "It's okay, Aya. We have each other, at least." He hugged her tightly. "Shall I continue?" She nodded, tears gleaming as they made tracks down her cheeks. "Goodnight, my angel Now it's time to sleep And still so many things I want to say Remember all the songs you sang for me When we went sailing on an emerald bay And like a boat out on the ocean I'm rocking you to sleep The water's dark And deep inside this ancient heart You'll always be a part of me. . ." Ran stopped, smiling as Aya climbed into his lap as she had done when she was little. "I love you, Aya-chan. You don't know how I worried about you. . ." He unconsciously tugged at his earring. "Onii-san, I know. And I'm glad you worried about me. The others think you're cold and unfeeling, but I know better." She tapped her heart. "Here." Ran blushed. "I... Aya-chan..." "Please just keep singing, Ran... I'm so tired..." She yawned and snuggled against him. Ken peeked into the room, smiling. His eyes widened as he looked at Ran. ~ He... looks like he's been crying. So you can get tears from a stone. ~ He smiled as he saw Aya. ~ She's so beautiful... and she looks so young and peaceful like that... ~ Tears sprang to his eyes. "Goodnight, my angel Now it's time to dream And dream how wonderful your life will be Someday your child may cry And if you sing this lullabye Then in your heart There will always be a part of me..." Aya had dozed off in Ran's arms. Tears ran slowly down his face as he rocked her gently, then set her down and tucked her in, still singing. "Someday we'll all be gone, But lullabies go on and on. They never die That's how you And I Will be." Outside the room, Ken waited for Ran. ~ He might need someone to lean on. ~ Ran walked out of Aya's room, flipping off the light, and turning back to get one last glance at her. ~ Aya... you'll never know how worried I was... ~ Ken took Ran's hand as he left the room. "Ran... I'm glad she's safe." Ran wrapped the younger man in a hug, sobbing. "You don't know how glad I am, Ken. And how glad I am for friends like you to see me through this." Ken hugged back awkwardly. "I... thanks, Ran." The two left in silence, each pondering different things, their lives seeming brighter and closer.[/ FONT]
  11. hm... i like those, but i think i'm going to try to do it myself, because i can't get the concept across the way i'd like. thank you anyway. those rock.
  12. Balinese


    MXC makes a good show to watch at night when you just want something to laugh at. i love Kenny Blankenship, and i love the way they did the dubs... the names are always so weird and funny.
  13. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Nari smiled at Otto. "I'm from the city of Sapporo... just a small town girl. I'm only half-demon, though... unlike Mitzo there." She twitched her ears, and settled back to walking with him. When food was passed around, Nari split her portion with Kaze, listening to the others talk about what they'd find at the end of the trail. When Kay asked the group's motives, she and Kaze shared a grin. "We're out for adventure. Aren't you all?" She gave Otto a sweet smile, then tuned in to the rest of the group's answers.[/FONT]
  14. [QUOTE=maladjusted][color=firebrick] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hm, totally lame anime. *thinks* May I present to you [b]Final Fantasy Unlimited[/b]? So bad that it was canceled in Japan [the land of Hello Kitty vibrators, everyone.] and it just plain sucks. The use this really bad CG scene over and over and over and over again [maybe FOUR TIMES in one episode?] and after the first two episodes you get the impression that the creators of the anime were on drugs or something that was impairing their judgement. [/QUOTE] agreed. although i wouldn't say it sucks... it was better than the FF movie, IMO. [QUOTE][b]Excel Saga[/b]- I don't necessarily hate this anime, but I was disappointed after I watched it. Everyone pounded into my head that this show was the height of anime hilarity and it was going to make me laugh out loud every five second. Not. I was bored after I watched two episodes and I felt it was a waste of my time. [/color][/QUOTE] Excel Saga is funny in a stupid way. it's a laugh riot if you just pay attention to some of the dumber stuff... [QUOTE]Evangelion- so this is the "classic" anime...>.> call me shallow but I did not understand this anime at all..it was so pointless and Shiji made me want to poke out my eyes with a fork..the ending was very horrible too exspecially the TV version the movie was Ok.[/QUOTE] agreed. Eva is... i don't want to say dumb, but...[/FONT]
  15. Nari smiled at the group and stroked her cat's head. "You know, Kaze, that red-haired guy is a cutie... but what's with the odd looks he gives me?" "Mrrr..." "You may be right." She stepped over to Otto and held out a hand. "So why are you with these guys? What are you searching for in Numb?" "I...I...I...I'm just with Mitzo, and maybe I can make some money from the gold we're going to get. What about you?" "Eh, Kaze and I were looking for some adventure, and he thinks we found a bit of fun." She gave Otto a grin that nearly caused him to fall over. "C'mon, let's go! We'll have the time of our lives." She took his hand and half-pulled him to move further toward Mitzo's mouse, hissing something to Kaze, who looked a bit disappointed.
  16. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]DBZ was a phase for me, as a kid. *shudders* i still can't figure out what i loved so much about it... besides the VAs. Brad Swaile, Scott McNeil... :love: i think the original Dragonball is worthwhile though. Ruin Explorers was a disappointment for me. i borrowed it from a friend who said it was awesome, and watched it... nothing. Stupid plot, bad animation. BORING. i have to say that Neon Genesis Evangelion was a disappointment for me. *ducks thrown veggies* i watched it with my brother, who is a HUGE Rei Ayanami fan, and was asleep by the middle of episode 2. The characters are horrid and fake, and the whole thing about it being the most psychologically exploring anime is bogus. The buildup just leads to a letdown. The story was interesting once i got past episode 10, but the first episodes were dumb. i liked Mobile Suit Gundam to a point, liked 08th, and loved Wing. But G Gundam and SD Gundam are pointless, the story lines are pretty awful, and i can't find a reason to really love them. on the other hand, i can't find a reason to really loathe them either. i'm just waiting for someone to say they hated Weiss/Knight Hunters. ^_^;; my favorite anime was rather disliked on another forum i was at.[/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]They don't? Okay... *adds links from her own site* [URL=http://yuffers.250free.com/YohjiSmile.jpg]Try this[/URL] and [URL=http://yuffers.250free.com/WireYohji.jpg]this.[/URL] Thank you! ^_^[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]A girl with black hair and green eyes watched this scene from the wall across the room, then smiled and returned to her room to await the comng of night. As the sun sank behind the desert, she stepped over to the fox-child and poked her shoulder. "Did I hear you saying something about Numb? Leading an expedition?" She bared her teeth in a semi-friendly grin. "Name's Nariko, and I'm in the same boat as you are. How about letting me and Kaze-sama join you on this quest?" "Kaze-sama?" The girl looked a little confused, but shrugged. "Sure! The more, the merrier!" "Good." Nari turned toward the stairs and whistled sharply. "KAZE!" "Nyao." A black cat with bright green eyes and an enormously toothy leer hopped to her shoulder. "May I suggest we go?"[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Gack. i haven't read Wolves yet... i started out reading the Dark Tower when i was in a shelter and got it for Christmas. Of course, they gave me Wizard and Glass, but whatever. i love the story of Roland, Eddie, Jake, Oy and Susannah. it's a good escape. i've tried to explain the story and setting of the series to someone, and ended up writing a fifteen page paper about it. Got an A, but my teacher STILL didn't get it ^_^;; if you look carefully, many of King's other books tie in to the Tower. The Talisman, Black House, Eyes of the Dragon, the Stand...[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]once again, i am searching for someone with more talent for graphics than i to create a banner/av set ^_^ i'd like it if someone could use the images i'll provide to create a tag of Yohji Kudou from Weiss Kreuz. i'd like it to say "Sin... when you gonna learn?" in an oblique font like Lucida Sans MS, and "Balinese" in a script-type font, if that's possible. [URL=http://lunatic.deep-ice.com/pics/yohji/yohji07.jpg]Here's a good pic from the manga[/URL] [URL=http://lunatic.deep-ice.com/pics/yohji/yohji22.jpg]i also love this one![/URL] Thank you in advance, and have a nice day![/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ri laughed softly. "Just like Seto. He's just like his father, Dad says." She flipped a stray strand of hair back over her shoulder and watched the duel intently. "I ought to take him on later... just for fun." She smirked, looking a LOT like Yami. "Of course, it was a little dumb of him to play this girl when she is Marik's daughter, and will resort to ANYTHING to win... just like Marik." "Hey, Kaiba! Keep your eyes open for anything. One mistake and this duel is OVER!" "I don't need advice from you, [I]Alexandra[/I]. If you want me to win, let me focus on this stupid duel with Marik's kid." "Alex!" Ri hissed. "DO NOT distract Seto. This duel could mean [I]YOUR[/I] defeat... after all, you have something she might want." Alex rolled her eyes and leaned against a tree. "Yeah, yeah. Sorry." Ri looked at Seto and half-smiled, thinking. [i]You know, the boy is kind of cute....[/i] She scribbled a few more notes to herself as the duel progressed.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Shinmaru raced off to get the keg and Kat tackled Xion, knocking him to the floor. "KAT! Get off me! Manic needs to..." "Manic needs to relax and have some fun. And you need to relax. That Paige girl isn't the be-all and end-all in women." Xion mumbled something that sounded distinctly impolite, and Kat stuffed the fake tail she was wearing into his mouth. "[i]Callete[/i]." "Mmm mm mmmmmmmm mm!" "You too." Kat watched Smokey and Shinmaru put out the flames with beer, and smirked when Smokey looked a touch dispirited. "Man, that was COORS! I just used COORS to put out a fire! I coulda drunk that!" (*Shameless Colorado Plug*) Kat looked up at the doorway to see...[/FONT]
  23. Name- Nariko Tajiri Age- 17 Gender- Female Description- Green eyes, black waist-length hair, medium tan skin. Nariko wears beaten and battered jeans, a khaki button-up shirt that has seen many years, and a pair of dusty boots. Her demon side shows in the pupils of her eyes, the black cat ears poking out of her hair, and the small fangs where a human's canine teeth would be. Bio- Nari is a young woman out looking for some adventure. She heard the stories about the fountain of treasure, and thought nothing of kicking off the dust of her town and heading outward. Along the way, she picked up an odd companion, a cat she calls Kuroki Kaze. Nari is smart and clever, two different things. She loves to have fun, and she's a serious adrenaline addict. The more danger, the more she loves it. Weapons- A wakazashi. No katana, just the wakizashi. She prefers its light weight to anything else. Companion- A black cat with bright green eyes: Kuroki Kaze or Kaze-sama (i am so cliche sometimes). For some reason, Nari believes he/it is a god.
  24. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Name: Vela Age: 17 Bios: When Vela was ten her parents both decided that she would be a White Mage so she would equal the balance of White and Black Mages in the village. She still is being trained in the finer arts of White Magic such as the defensive magic spells along with offensive spells. At the current moment, Vela is also taking sword lessons and is in the advanced level of fighting. This meaning that she is best of the best in her class. Vela’s past is somewhat of a blur. She doesn’t remember when the world seemed to fall into a haze of dust and heat but she knows that it wasn’t always like this. Her family are some what aristocrats because of their massive library on ancient arts of magic spells, chants, sutras, exorcisms, etc. Vela on the other hand really doesn’t care about the “aristocracy” of her family, she just would rather go outside and hang out with her friends. Personality: One of the younger White Mages, she is very adept for her young age. She has a tendency to be an airhead but other than that she has a level mind. Vela’s weapon of choice is a medium length double-edged sword Spells: Cure, Esuna, Protect, Shield, Life Weapon of Choice: Medium Length Double-Edged Sword.[/COLOR] if it's all right, i'll see if i can find an appropriate picture for Vela. i like my characters to have faces in my mind.[/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]there are people who talk about how 'looks mean nothing to me, it's all about brains', and then start drooling when something in a little bitty skirt or sporting a six-pack walks by. i guess that for me, the most important thing in a person is the look in their eyes when we talk. Not their eyes, not their eye color. The look. If they look at me vacantly or smile insincerely, that ticks me off no end. People who aren't sincere and honest are not beautiful in my eyes, they are shallow. [b]Mental:[/b] Brains are important. A person doesn't have to be a rocket scientist, but they have to be at least intelligent enough to hold a conversation without the words 'dawg', 'like', 'whatever', and various curse words popping up every third word. Thus i have learned rather quickly to not date any of the guys or girls at my school. They must be open-minded. Open-mindedness, in my book, is willingness to consider every possibility and try anything at least once. i'd LIKE to find someone who is at my level and who has read books like [u]Don Quixote[/u] and [u]One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest[/u], and can discuss them and find the hidden nuances within them... although that's a little tough at my school. i need to find a picture of this guy who means the world to me, although we're nearly 4000 miles apart. He's smart, sweet, kind and gentle, and has my heart. he isn't an Adonis, but i love him to death and i know he loves me. i also know a guy who means a lot to me who isn't the smartest guy in the world, but is pretty cute (see the attachment with the guy holding a moogle doll). 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', right? so we may see beauty everywhere. Edit: Found a pic. See the attachment with the guy at the computer.[/FONT]
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