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[QUOTE=sublime2004][b][size=1][color=darkgreen] I remembered something else. The disembodied sound of marching. Like, if a platoon was marching in on my position and I didn't have a gun or couldn't see them. Food poisoning: I hate the taste of puke and sickness makes me sick. Yeah... that makes sense... right? Getting chopped into bite-sized pieces. Having those bite-sized pieces eaten. Having my eyes poked out. Having my finger and toe nails ripped out. [/b][/size][/color][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]*turns slightly green* uck. That's... rational but icky. i think the scariest sound in the world is that sound RIGHT BEFORE a tornado hits. You know that [i]whirrrrrrrrr[/i] like a billion freight trains about to hit? always makes me super-nervous... that and tornado/emergency sirens >_>[/FONT]
Bryony bounced into the inn's common room, blue hair flying. The youngest elf of the workers at the Ermwell Inn was up early, happy, and having a good time. "Good morning, Mr. Daskar! Good morning, Mr. Lysander! It looks like it's going to be a brisk day for business!" She grinned happily. "Hapless adolescents." Lysander groaned. "Morning, Bryony." "Good morning, Bryony." Van just smiled at the girl as she flounced over to the stage and began her stretching.
A kawaii girl... now for me that one is tough. She has to have the adorable looks, yes. But there are so many types of anime girl that are 'kawaii'. She could be a brainiac, or a ditz. She could be a hero or a victim or a villain. It's all in the personality, as Dagger said. She has to be kind, selfless and totally giving. A bad*** is someone who knows what they're after and will go to any lengths to get it. Two good examples are Vash the Stampede and Fujimiya Aya-kun. Each has a goal in mind and will do anything to achieve it. An imposing villain is someone who create serious fear in their opponent, and knows it. Evil-ness is an option. Legato is a good example. As we've seen, he scares the crud out of Vash, and he knows he has that power. He is evil, and he knows it. Knives, on the other hand, scares Vash, but at the same time he really isn't EVIL per se, just misunderstood and misunderstanding. A strong love relationship is the kind that endures. You can find them in many animes, but there are different types. Some are the kind that are destined, written in the stars (Sailor Moon and Damien). Some just HAPPEN, with no explanation (Vash and Meryl). And some... well, i think the best kind are the type that HAPPEN, but seem destined. i can't think of any right off the top of my head, but you know what i mean.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Sarea (Sa-RAY-ah) Age: 1500 years Species: Angel Gender: Female Appearance: Every angel has the ability to make themselves more believable to humans by appearing in a human form, and the ability to create what are called 'miracles' by appearing in their natural, angelic form. Sarea is no exception. In her human body, Sarea looks as she did when alive. She has long, slightly wavy brown hair above a pale face and huge eyes. When in this form, she tends to appear in casual clothing, jeans and t-shirts. In her angelic form, Sarea sports a pair of deep blue wings, befitting her station as the Angel of Sorrow. Her waist-length, dark brown hair is crowned by a slightly tarnished halo, and her slim body is wrapped in robes of a very pale gray. She wanders Heaven with an expression of quiet depression on her classically beautiful face. Weapons/Abilities: Sarea carries a quarterstaff made of a single piece of ash. Smoothed and strong, the wood it is created from (if anyone knows the language of flowers) gives the message "With me, you are safe." She also has mid-level healing abilities (i.e. she can heal a broken arm, but not bring a person back from the brink of death). Bio: The soul of a murdered girl, Sarea has been in Heaven for nearly two millennia. She is the angel that people speak of when they are comforted after the loss of a loved one, and yet she isn't content with this. When Marcus and Lucas began their Heavens-and-Earth-shaking war, Sarea became involved. On one hand, she knows that the balance of Good and Evil must never be allowed to swing too far to either side, but she also feels that there won't be a way to keep the evil contained in Hell from escaping before 'all Hell breaks loose'. Sarea admires Marcus' wish to save the world, and will fight for him, as well as to protect the realm of the souls that she calls home.[/COLOR] Please let me know if this isn't good enough, and i'll do whatever editing is necessary.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Rem reached across the table and squeezed Skye's hand. "You are one lucky kid, chica. What did you wish for?" Skye grinned and shook her head. "It's a secret, Rem." "Oh yeah." Rem laughed, then stood up and reached in her back pocket. "Oh man, I have this... something in my back pocket. I should really get rid of it... don't suppose you know anyone who'd want this?" She pulled out a small jewelry box and handed it to Skye. Inside rested a necklace with the words "Walk in the rain..." engraved inside and a charm locket with a picture of the family inside. Rem smiled and hugged her little sister tightly. "Happy birthday, you little goof."[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kat rubbed at the space between her eyes, and looked at Shinmaru with a pleading expression. Everyone except Valerie and Smokey was running around with panic in their voices and eyes. Shinmaru set Manic down, quickly tying his shoelaces together in a double knot, and took charge. "Everyone, head outside til we get this straightened out. Smokey, what happened here?" "The Underwear Gnomes. I had to stop them..." Shinmaru rubbed his temples, mumbling to himself, "Kill em with kindness, kill em with kindness..." Kat and Manic overheard, and Manic's lips quirked up slightly. "I'd rather kill em with a buzzsaw." "You're not helping." Smokey pulled out a small table spoon and was staring wildly into the corners of the room. A shriek came from the doorway of the apartment....[/FONT]
[quote name='misty^_^][COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I like the one where Quatre said..."War brings sorrow... but we have to fight to keep our loved ones from that sorrow" I don't know if this is correct or if I made a mistake, but its sooooo sweet!!! :love: but i still like Duo :D[/FONT'] [/COLOR][/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Quatre's pacifistic nature has influenced the way i think about war. He's so amazing... and yet so sad. Another good Quatre quote is: "I wasn't fighting so my deeds would be recognized by the people. One day they'll come to see the truth; I truly believe that's gonna happen." And you know, he's right. The men and women of our armed forces in Iraq aren't fighting because they want recognition for what they've done, they're fighting because they truly believe in the new truth that they're creating in the world, and in the hearts of the people they are sworn to protect. i just found this quote that i really love... "However. I do know of a guy who whines, cries, and throws tantrums and he somehow manages to find a way to save everyone. He's a crazy man who's not afraid of anything. Even though he's been scarred from head to toe, he'll always be there." ~ Wolfwood Or even better... "I'm sorry... darling..." ~ Wolfwood And finally, a quote to make you smile. "Bad times are here, la la la la la la la..." ~ Some random kid.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]OOC: Taurus and Tiger here ^_^ and i live in Colorado. we have those in the Skate City over here. IC: Rem hugged her little brother and sister tightly, just swaying slowly to the music. She had never liked much of the music by Evanescence, except MAYBE for 'My Immortal'. "Wait here for a sec, guys. I just thought of the perfect song for you, Skye." She moved quickly over to the DJ booth and talked to the guy for a second, then returned, grinning. "It'll play in a minute. I know you don't particularly like this band (OOC: No one i know really likes 'em) but I think you'll like the song." A few moments later, the speakers blasted an electric guitar intro, and Weezer's 'Teenage Victory Song' started playing. Rem sang along, smiling at Skye. [i]"I'm gonna bury you I'm gonna bury you I don't care what you do As long as I approve Cause you don't know the way I feel Spinning here inside this wheel I've been waiting for so long To sing my Teenage Victory Song Whoa Lord I'm comin' home! I'm gonna play all night I'm gonna beat you right And mash you in the nads And kick you outta sight Cause you don't know the way I feel Spinning here inside this wheel I've been waiting for so long To sing my Teenage Victory Song Whoa Lord I'm comin' home! Come on, everybody, Sing along (Sing along) Let's make them feel dumb 'Cause they were wrong (They were wrong) We'll dance and sing the night away (night away)..."[/i] Here Rem turned to a cute guy she'd been watching all night and winked. [i]"Say you'll stay... Cause you don't know the way I feel Spinning here inside this wheel I've been waiting for so long To sing my Teenage Victory Song Whoa Lord I'm comin' home! Come on, everybody, Sing along (Sing along) Let's make them feel dumb 'Cause they were wrong (They were wrong) We'll dance and sing the night away (night away) Say you'll stay I'm gonna play all night I'm gonna beat you right And mash you in the nads And kick you outta sight 'Cause you don't know the way I feel..."[/i] "Happy thirteenth, Skye."[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] EDIT: Edited! ^_^ Ready whenever y'all are! well, i'll give it a shot. Name: Bryony Solostaran Gender: Female Race: Elf Age: 130 Hair Color: Blue Size: Tall, Skinny Clothing Style: Simple top and pants Shoes: Leather boots Eye Color: Green Skin color: Tan Weapon: Staff Life Style: Lives in own home Job: Entertainer ^_^ Personality: Helpful, Friendly Please let me know if you need me to change anything... or if you don't need meh. i'd be content just watching this one ^_^ looks awesome.[/FONT]
[QUOTE=sublime2004][b][size=1][color=darkgreen] Death:[/b] Not dying. Death. The Grim Reaper. Joe Black. The Big Kaibash. He's comin after me and he's gonna chop off my head with the sickle. Or, is it a scythe. I don't numember.[b] Ventriloquist Dummies:[/b] Nuff said. [/size][/color][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]The Grim Reaper really isn't so bad once you get to know him. But ventriloquist dummies... *shudders* i'm scared of: [i]My brother.[/i] He's a hulking guy who has threatened my life more than once, and has attempted to kill me several times. I'm 5'7", he's 6'1", and a real jerk sometimes. [i]The dark.[/i] i'm not afraid of the dark itself, really, but being night-blind has given me a healthy respect for and fear of the dark. If there's no light at all in a room, my eyes do NOT adjust to the dark, and i can't see. [i]Being abandoned.[/i] Issues left from negligent foster families have caused me to have abandonment fears... being left alone scares me, to put it simply.[/FONT]
[i]I can hear you! Who are you?[/i] [COLOR=Blue][i]My name is Rem. My sister and I heard you... but why?[/color][/i] Rem half-relaxed, then jumped when her sister cut in. [COLOR=DarkRed][i]REM! ¿Qué usted está haciendo? ¿Qué le he dicho sobre hablar con la gente que no conocemos?[/i] [What are you doing? What have I told you about talking to people we don't know?][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][i]Quizá pueden ayudar nos, a Aya. ¡Ser corteses![/i] [Maybe they can help us, Aya. Be polite!][/COLOR] Aya concentrated for a brief moment, and was satisfied when the voices she had heard faded from her mind. The shield had apparently closed off Rem as well, because Aya could hear soft sniffles from the upstairs room. [COLOR=DarkRed][i]No more, Rem. I don't know what or who they are, but they may be trouble, and we can't afford trouble.[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][i]I don't care. I'm going to find them, and you're coming.[/i][/COLOR] Rem walked downstairs, grabbed her sister by the arm, and left in search of the 'trail' the psychic call had left. First stop, the YMCA.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ri leaned against a tree and shoved a hand in her pocket as she watched the duel. No reason to get involved in any duels yet... not til she learned more about what they were facing. As she watched, she made notes in a small pad about what had happened, where they were, and what was happening at the moment. "At least Alex and Caleb are here with me..."[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS](OOC: quick note: Aya is in [COLOR=DarkRed]red[/COLOR], and Rem is in [COLOR=Blue]blue [/COLOR]. i'll provide translations, as sometimes my characters want to speak Spanish or Japanese. [i]¿Qué puede usted hacer?[/i] [What can you do?]) Chiana Remia Kitsune sat in her small room, toying with a book in her hand. She wasn't really in the mood to read, and her mind was buzzing with questions. She closed her eyes, laid back, and called out. [COLOR=Blue][i]Aya? ¿Dónde está usted?[/i] [Aya? Where are you?][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][i]La derecha aquí. ¿Cuál es él, Rem?[/i] [Right here. What is it, Rem?][/COLOR] a slightly annoyed voice muttered in her head. Ayane Hitomi, her elder sister, was intent on a trid game and wasn't paying much attention. [COLOR=Blue][i]Did you hear those voices?[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][i]Of course I did. Why?[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][i]Shouldn't we go find them?[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][i]Cierre para arriba y déjeme van de nuevo a mi juego. No es probablemente nuestro negocio.[/i] [Shut up and let me go back to my game. It's probably not our business.][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][i]Usted es un tirón verdadero a veces, Aya.[/i] [You're a real jerk sometimes, Aya.][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][i]Muérdame.[/i] [Bite me.][/COLOR] Rem sighed at her sister's uncaring thoughts, then opened her mind again. [COLOR=Blue][i]Can you still hear me? Please say something if you can...[/i][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well, i guess i'll join you, [i]imouto-chan[/i]... if it's all right. Name- Ayane Hitomi Kitsune (Aya) Age- 12 Gender- Female Appearance- Dark blue eyes, brownish-black hair. A nice school-outfit is her usual clothing, consisting of a blue pleated skirt; white blouse; jacket of the same material as her skirt; a red tie; and knee-high socks, with black loafers. She tends to look like a well-dressed little girl. (see attachment for picture) Personality- As people go, Aya looks very very proper. Looks are deceiving. She's rambunctious, humorous, a generally happy-go-lucky kid. Her general attitude is that of someone like Vash the Stampede: "What can go wrong as long as I do the right thing?" Power/Control- Telekinesis, telepathy (strong) Group- Sensitives Bio- One of a set of twins, the elder. Aya and her sister are bright, and tend to surprise people with how much they know about history and foreign languages (although they mainly speak English). (For more, see her sister.) Name- Chiana Remia Kitsune (Rem) Age- 12 Gender- Female Appearance- Dark blue eyes, brownish-black hair. A nice school-outfit is her usual clothing, consisting of a blue pleated skirt; white blouse; jacket of the same material as her skirt; a red tie; and knee-high socks, with black loafers. She tends to look very prim and proper. Personality- As people go, Rem looks very, very proper. Her outer shell looks something like her heart would. She's calm, gentle and inwardly strong, although not very outwardly. She remembers her friends' birthdays, loves to cuddle animals, and is very polite to senior citizens. Quiet is her thing, but when she's with her sister she has been seen to smile and (wonder of wonders) laugh. Power/Control- Telekinesis, telepathy (strong), clairvoyance/premonitions. Group- Sensitives Bio- One of a set of identical twins, the younger. Rem and her elder sister are bright, and tend to surprise people with how much they know about history and foreign languages (although they mainly speak English) Rem's first name means 'treachery', and in a way, her family is involved in Dyran's plans. Her mother was extremely bright and was working on a plan to cleanse the world of all that made it evil in her eyes (pretty much everything). After their mother mysteriously disappeared (she left Aya in charge, saying she was going out shopping, and was gone for weeks before the kids left to search for her), Aya took charge of Rem to keep them out of an orphanage, their biggest fear. Rem has been heard to say that she wishes they could be adopted, and Aya has been heard to curse at her, reminding her that no one would adopt a pair of kids. Rem and Aya are budding telepaths and telekinetics, and although their powers are limited right now, when they are together they frighten people with the way they seem to read each other's mind and communicate without any words at all. Separation is the biggest fear of the twins, and if it ever happens they won't know what to do.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Earth, 4:45 p.m. More precisely, West City, the Capsule Corp main office. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. It feels SO nice out here!" "AKUMI! Get back to work!" Rei Akumi grinned sheepishly at her boss and went back to working on the spaceship in front of her. She tapped a wrench against the side and listened for a *punkpunk* sound that would indicate that the ship was no longer space-sound. Finding nothing, she crawled on her stomach into the underside and made a few small adjustments, talking to herself as she did. "Wow, this ship is really advanced for being nearly twenty years old. The blueprints they found after the rebuilding of Cap. Corp. must have really been amazing for their time." She cracked her neck and mumbled a silent thank-you to the creators of reverse-blast engines. "AKUMI! C'mere!" "Huh?" "Congratulations, Akumi." Her boss leaned back against one of the smaller capsule-type ships. "You've been selected to begin the training for the space-exploration program. Can't say I'll really miss ya, but we'll get along." "Thank you, sir." As her boss turned to leave, she muttered "I won't miss you either, you big dumb ape."[/FONT]
"Shin, do me a favor next time we go searching for Manic?" "What's that?" "Don't let me go." Kat wrinkled her nose. "It's such a pain to follow this torn-up Trig book... hopefully... ah! Smell that?" "Huh?" Shinmaru rubbed at his nose. "Manic's one weakness." Without bothering to explain, Kat tugged Shin to the door of a small candy-shop and peeked inside. "Mmm, gummis. Awwwauauaua..." "The boy is standing there eating gummi bears?" "And here I thought his weakness was gummi worms." Shinmaru walked inside, picked up the drooling Manic, and slung him over his shoulder. "Aw, nuts, he's drooling all over me!" "That's what you get. C'mon, let's go calm down Smokey." The three left, a bit more slowly than they had arrived.
Name: Miko, short for Yomiko. Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://animekittyn.9cy.com/ayachan04.jpg]Here[/URL] [URL=http://animekittyn.9cy.com/littleaya.jpg]and here[/URL] Biography: Born in the city of Luca. Not much is really known about her, and she volunteers no information. "If you know too much, your life gets shorter." Type: Earth/Rock Side: Light Weapon: Magic Abilities/Skills: Use of Earth magic (Demi, Gravity/Gravira/Graviga), use of plants and their magic (Bio) Personality: Soft-spoken, gentle, wouldn't hurt a fly.
"Hey, Jase." Rem half-smiled and brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. "I was just watching Skye and thinking..." "About what?" He leaned back against the carpeted mushroom-thingy they were sitting on. "About TJ, Skye, Ray... everyone and everything." "You should relax, Rem. It's a party. Don't worry about anything, just come out to the floor and have some fun!" Rem grinned and the song changed to "Business" by Eminem. "Right on." She grabbed Jase's arm and dragged him out to the floor to dance with her. "Let's enjoy the time we have while we have it."
[QUOTE=Panda]Very first song that comes to mind for me is "Think of Me" by Sara Brightman from Phantom of the Opera. Her beautiful soprano voice makes me wish I could sing like her. It always gives me the chills when she hits that high note at the end of the song. It has a wonderful build up to that note. [/QUOTE] I LOVE Sarah Brightman! Another wonderful song she does is "All I Ask of You" from the same show. It's touching and simply shows that she truly loves Raoul. For newer songs, I like "Only God Knows Why" by Kid Rock. It may not be the most beautiful song, but its message is something I try to keep in my heart: Keep moving on, because you may never know why something happens to you.
"Having a friend who hurts themself deliberately is a difficult proposition. On the one hand, they're crying out for attention, but hiding it." Bull. As a person who DOES this, I have only one piece of advice for you, Mist. Stick by your friend. She needs your support more now than ever, and your hugs and smiles mean the world. Stay close, and don't let this tear your friendship apart. If she wants to talk, talk with her. If she needs to cry, be there. If she doesn't want to talk about it, just be supportive. My thoughts are with you and her. Take care of yourself. *neko-hugs*
Sign Up 22nd Century Mafia (R-17: Language/Violence/Possible Drug Content)
Balinese replied to sublime2004's topic in Theater
Name: Sophitia (The Songbird) Mariani Age: 27 Group: Vittorio Mafia Ethnicity: Italian/Mexican mix Description: 5'6"-ish, tends to wear skirts and blouses when working with the Family, but will carry out assignments in jeans/khakis and a black jacket. Her long black hair conceals a stiletto when in a chignon, and her brown eyes are mysteriously warm to everyone. Bio: The soft-spoken child of a former Mafioso, Sophie is quietly working to keep the Vittorio Mafia in the shadows. Her greatest strength, learned from an old 'family friend', is an ability to charm anyone. Born in Colorado, Sophitia took off when pressure from her family became too high. She loved astrology and different types of fortune-telling, and has a side business as "Madame Azonka, Gypsy Fortune-Teller". This also allows her to learn many secrets of the Don's enemies and be his right-hand lady. She is against getting married right now, and is a perfect lady to every man she meets: cold, polite, and coolly appraising. Weapons: Primary: A hidden stiletto. Secondary: a 9mm (kept in chest holster, as according to the Colorado concealed weapons law). Knives: 2 five-inch switchblades kept in pockets down the legs of her jeans. -
Rem yanked a brush through her thick brown hair."Yeah, he'll be home soon, Skye. Why? Expecting something special?" She winked and twisted her hair into a braid, and the braid into a bun. "Your thirteenth birthday... man, time goes fast. I remember when you were little and we used to get into tickle-fights..." Skye groaned and laughed. "Yeah, we always had fun." They both grinned. "And ofcourse, torturing TJ...." "Man, it's going to be weird without you guys when I go to college...I'm gonna miss you." Rem wrapped Skye in a huge hug as Ray walked through the door. "I'm home!" [I]"Okaerinasai, Ray,"[/I] Rem and Skye grinned together. "Ready to PARTAY!"
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]When it comes to subs vs. dubs, i think it depends on the anime. i prefer subs for certain animes such as Weiß Kreuz, Gundam Wing, and Final Fantasy:Unlimited. It's not really a question of quality, though, so much as i'm biased towards certain VAs (Koyasu Takehito, Miki Shinichirou, Ryoutaro Okiayu... yummy :luv: ) the dubs that have been done well are not necessarily BETTER than the subs, nor are the subs necessarily better than the dubs. They're just different. Dubbing can screw up a good anime, and change the story, but sometimes the dub voices can be really good and the dubbing/mouth-movement matching (whatever you call that) can be timed perfectly, and the story isn't far off. in particular, i like the dubs of Read or Die, Trigun, and Cowboy Bebop for their voice actors. (Johnny Yong Bosch's voice is wonderful, and Steven Jay Blum's makes me melt.)[/FONT]
it depends on the gender of the character. i like male characters that are either manly men (Spike Spiegel) or somewhat femmy and cute (Quatre Winner). One is just yumminess personified, one is something that just makes me smile and say "Aw! That was SO cute!!!" Now, female characters... i like them like Faye. A mix of sensual and kick-***, with the know-how to handle a gun or a ship or whatever. Strong, smart, and hot. Kids... heh heh heh :sweat: i like kids like Yahiko and Ed. Fiesty and comic relief. The best type of anime, in my opinion, is the type where all of these come together and create something more than the sum of the parts.
Hana walked into the computer lab on the West Campus and sat down at her favorite comp. She signed in to her Yahoo! account and contacted a friend of hers quickly. From: Balinesekittyn Greg: I got this weird visitor from someplace at school, and she told me to talk to you... I'm headed out your way, so be prepared. Hana She sent a quick note to Ri, telling her she was leaving and to take care of her stuff until (and if) she returned to campus. That settled, she signed on to expedia.com ad bought a ticket for New York, caught the shuttle to DIA, and sat in the waiting area, musing. [i]You, my dear, are going to help save the world. Save the world... Save the world......[/i]