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Everything posted by Balinese

  1. [quote name='Princess_Keiko']Well...I would have to say Gundam Wing. I could fight and get my own gundam, It's a little confusing, but at the same time very interesting and besides I probably would make a good pilot.[/quote] Heh... I wouldn't mind living in the Gundam Wing universe, but for one reason only: bishonen. I'd want to live in the Trigun universe, simply because I'd LOVE to meet Vash and learn more about him. Or maybe the Weiss Kreuz universe... joining Schrient would be TOO cool. :love: There are too many animes I'd love to live in and be myself, but if I could be in any anime as an original character... man, I'd have to be in the Read or Die universe as Yomiko. No questions. Besides, I'm a lot like her anyway :sweat:
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Katerina Tabitha (Kat) Felin (Fell-IN) Gender: Female Age: 17, and loving it Description: About 5'7" tall, with dark brown hair that she keeps braided. Kat loves to wear jeans and t-shirts with weird logos on them. (Her favorite, far and away, says 'You're just jealous 'cause the voices talk to ME!' Cliche, ne? [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Shut up and tell them more."[/COLOR]) Her eyes are a weird shade of brown that changes from light to dark depending on her mood, and her general aura is that of a sweet, innocent, playful girl... well, two out of three ain't bad, right? She's brainy, witty, and absolutely crazy. Life Story: Unlike Manic, Kat was born the second of three kids, but was kept under close observation from the day she was born. This has created a few oddities in her nature, the least of which is her decision to wear cat ears and a collar all the time. She entered Local simply because her old school bored her to tears, and moved into an apartment to escape from a torturing elder brother and an annoying, boyfriend-stealing younger sister. Kat lives next door to Al, and shares an English class with Manic and Valerie. Her hobbies include playing the piano (badly), singing in the shower, and cooking all the time. Her favorite anime are [I]Excel Saga, Trigun[/I], and [I]Cowboy Bebop, [/I] and depending on her mood, she has been known to dance into a room singing, "I'm a moron! I'm a major-league dumb***!", shouting "LOVE AND PEACE!" for no apparent reason, or gazing into space with a dreamy expression and humming [I]Blue[/I]. She deeply dislikes dogs, but loves cats with a passion, and wants to get a black one that she can call KuroNekoSama. :sweat: Just remember two things: Never, ever call her Tabitha or Tabby, and [I]NEVER[/I] touch her braid. (Ala Turtle from [U]The Westing Game[/U]) Looking forward to meeting all y'all! Love the names, by the way...[/FONT]
  3. i love it! Thank you SO much, SaiyanPrincess! *neko-hugs*
  4. I'd like if someone with more skill than I could make a Rem Saverem banner for my signature with the quote "If you keep your vision clear, you will see the future. What happens in our future is our responsibility." Here are a few nice pictures of Rem... [URL=http://www.absoluteanime.com/trigun/_rem.jpg]One picture[/URL] [URL=http://www.satyrnet.it/trigun/saver.jpg]Another...[/URL] Thank you very much, and have a really nice day. :)
  5. For what it's worth, I play the trumpet and the flute (not perfectly, let me tell ya), and I do a bit of dabbling on the piano. But my heart lies in singing. I sing everything I can, and am getting a lot better as I practice. It's just hard to find songs that fit my voice range (LOW alto). Mai Yamane and I are an almost perfect match! I also write lyrics with my brother for a record label started by a friend of ours called KNI. Rap isn't my thing, but I write choruses for Shadow and KelloGz, and DJT makes the beats. They say we're gonna be big!
  6. 1. What was the first anime movie, series or OVA you ever watched? The first anime series I ever watched was Sailor Moon, in the mornings before I left for school. I also discovered that DragonBall Z was on the Spanish channel about then. 2. Do you feel that time has made you more picky about the titles which you like and/or choose to buy? Much more so. I'm more into the angsty, dramatic anime than just slapstick comedy, and I like when I can find a show that not only makes me smile, but makes me think (Trigun, Gundam Wing, things with a message) 3. If you had watched some of your current favorite shows when you first got into anime, would you have been able to appreciate them as much as you do now? Definitely not. I was just too young at the time, and now that I'm older, I can understand the politics of Wing, or the pacifistic message of Trigun.
  7. Name: Hana Shinichirou Age: 17 Sign: Capricorn - Saturn Element: Earth Special Powers: Creating anything she likes with plants. Her trademark is using vines or trailers to either whip or tie her opponent. She also likes to produce flowers from patches of earth, without any seeds planted. Description: Hana loves playing with her long, dark-purple hair, doing little things like curling it or using cute and funny barrettes. Her deep-brown eyes are usually hidden behind a thick pair of glasses, and her smile, although rare, is beautiful to see. She only stands about 5'7". Hana wears a thin silver choker with a small tag, marked "Kittyn" attached. Her usual clothing is jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie, all in cool colors like green or blue, and her favorite accessory (besides her choker) is a barrette with a removable silk flower on top, which she changes to give messages. Personality: Soft-spoken, and more than a little afraid of people, Hana believes in the philosophy of love and peace, and will try not to kill if it's at all possible. She's very kind, and will do anything to bring a smile to someone's face. Biography: The daughter of a Japanese-American florist, Hana loved flowers from an early age (and in fact, her name means 'flower'). As she grew up, she worked with her father and mother in their flower shop, putting together bouquets and tending their backyard garden. When she left for college, she began working on the creation of a genetically engineered blue rose. Her scientific experiments with plants are well-known, and her backyard garden is a marvel, as it's nearly a perfect Japanese rock garden. Others: Hana is currently single and plans to remain that way until her blue rose is perfected or she falls hopelessly in love, something she can't see happening any time soon. She is working on a Master's degree in Botany at the University of Northern Colorado. I think that's it ^_^
  8. On the recommendation of my younger brother, I bought Read or Die and watched it this weekend, and i just about hit the floor... Agent Paper is so much like me it's scary. I think that a lot of people identify with or empathize with certain anime characters, and i'd like to know who everyone identifies with. (: Personally, I identify with Agent Paper (ROD) Meryl Strife (Trigun) and Julia (Cowboy Bebop. Paper never goes anywhere without a book, her hair is always semi-messy, and she has a thing about people touching her books or her glasses, all like me. Meryl is working her tail off to keep her job, just like me :sweat: And Julia is a big believer in freedom, just like me. So do tell, and have some fun with it!
  9. [quote name='Noëlle][i][color=lightpink]My favorite anime couple....Milly and Wolfwood, and my favorite yaoi coupling is stuck between, Brad and Schuldig, to Schuldig and Youji. They are both from the anime Weiss Kreuz. ^^[/color'][/i][/quote] *hearts in eyes* You like Weiß? i agree on the Milly and Wolfwood thing, but when it comes to Weiß, Yohji and Schu just isn't my thing. my faves: trigun: Milly and Wolfwood Gundam Wing: HeeroxDuo, TrowaxQuatre, Zechs and Noin, Treize and Une... Sally and WuFei is cute too. Weiß: AyaxYohji, KenxOmi, NagixOmi, BradxSchu, Manx and Persia Cowboy Bebop: Spike and Julia, Electra and Vincent i tend to go for the sappily romantic thing...:sweat:
  10. the weirdest food i have EVER eaten is something called Rocky Mountain Oysters. If you don't know what they are, you don't want to.
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