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    I sorta helped break the shikon jewel, pretty funny you think, its not when you got kagome all the time with ya
  • Occupation
    noone gave me one

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  1. [FONT=Arial]Ill be inuyasha if the spots still open[/FONT] name: Inuyasha Age: over 50 Bio: You should all know but anyways. Im a half-hunan Half dog-demon. Main character wears red kimonouses tetsaugai an d periodeclyy transforms into full demon. he helps kagome with the shikon jewel becasuse he is forced to. well now times have changed and so has he. Weapons/Attacks: tetsaugai, the wind scar, Blades of Blood,Iron ReaverSoul Stealer Good/Evil: Nuetral still or is he Apperance: Long silver hair, bead necklace, red kimono, sword at side, fangs, claws, and other demonic features Gender:Human Male + Demon Male is that good?
  2. [FONT=Arial]the crappiest game i have ever played is the legend of dragoon. There like no stroy line to and it just plains sucks. another game that sucks is turok for the pc. i really dont see the fune in shooting the crap out of dinosaurs. whoever madde that game must be an idiot.[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Arial]my fav movies are:[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]1. Final Fantasy : Spirits within[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]2. Cowboy Bebop: The Movie[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]3. Gundam Wing: The Endless Waltz[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Arial]FFX the best game in the ff series. i like the characters. There so Human like . I like Yuna the best cuz shes pretty. Wuts with rikku's eyes people there like swirly things. And not to mention wakka's hair. Holy cow man his hair is wacked but its pretty funny. Tidus is the best i made myself look exactly the same as him and in my workplace im constructing a life size steel brotherhood sword ffx rocks. Oh and FFVII really isnt that good the graphics are really bad.[/FONT] [size=1][color=blue]This post is really off-topic o_O You don't really talk about FFX-2 at all here...try to stay on topic, please. Thanks. - Shinmaru[/size][/color]
  5. [COLOR=Black]Slayers is a good show. Espicially Gourry hes cool. i laughed so hard when they called him an idot swordsman. hes such an idiot. lina is really cool. her dragon slave attack is really cool. Zelgadis is just plain wierd. and Emilia (not sure thats right) is the most annoying character i have ever ecountered. I hate Xellos. HE IS SO DANG ANNOYING. ya but other than that Slayers is awsome show i watch it all the time.[/COLOR]
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