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Everything posted by yalborap

  1. Shatakumon was becoming quite angry and ran in, attacking apemon and getting knocked back in the process, as he slowly managed to stand again. shatakumon:" Let's see what happens!" Shatakumon quickly ran and jumped into the air towards apemon, as jace's digivice glowed and light shot out of it. "shatakumon digivolved to...Shonakimon!" As shonakimon continued his attack, leaving a bit of shock and awe, he managed to get his sword out and move it into a stalemate with apemon blocking and shonakimonuselessly trying to force his sword through. If there was going to be a surprise attack, it would be now, and it would have to be big for either side to win this fight... OOC: A digivolve and preparation for an underhanded surprise attack! Not bad, huh?
  2. Jace watched daina, laughing uncontrollably in his mind but completely calm to what everyone else could see. "That really sucks. People who do that are really cruel." He stood up and sat down next to her, smiling slightly. "I'd never do that." shatakumon was sitting there watching, staying perfectly calm as well, yet laughing even harder than jace on the inside as he began attempting to win the same girl they had just pulled a prank on over, and possibly succeeding a little bit.
  3. Has anybody seen this anime, and if so, what do you think about it? personally I think it's great, lots of comedy, nice amount of plot, good amount of action, and taishi((I think I spelled it right.)) is awesome to no end. To those that don't know about it, basically a mega-otaku gets two of his friends into a fan-comic convention where one further feels that otaku are the scum of the earth, while the other one falls in love with it instantly and begins to make his own comic while slowly pulling himself farther and farther away from his friend/girlfriend/we-don't-know-yet, who is the one that feels otaku are scum. There's only one volume out right now(number two is out may 25th), but it's really good and worth checking out, plus it's only 20 bucks at best buy.
  4. OOC: Sorry I haven't been around, folks. But at least I'm here now, right? IC: Jace watched the others and leaned against a tree, getting very rapidly bored. "Shatakumon, want to go see if there's anything to do?" shatakumon:"Sounds good to me." Jace and shatakumon quickly made their way in the general direction of daina and terren, both beginning to wonder if there was any way to work completely alone, but quickly dismissing it. jace:"Shatakumon, got any ideas on how to scare them?" shatakumon:"Already planned on it." Shatakumon quickly turned invisible as jace hid behind a tree and watched, shatakumon sneaking up behind daina and terren, only to hang a huge spider on top of daina's head and letting it drop onto her head, as she screamed and just generally freaked out, shatakumon already behind the tree with jace. jace:"Awesome dude, awesome. Now, we run. shatakumon:" Good idea." They both quickly ran as daina finally found out it was a rubber spider, making it back to the campsite and looking perfectly natural before she could realize only shatakumon could do that. OOC: Tell me if I screwed anything up continuity wise, and feel free to comment on making jace and shatakumon pranksters.
  5. Four more people, four more people....... *goes to tie up four people and force them to RP*
  6. "And she was heading back your way anyways, so I had figured we'd run back into eachother eventually. Oh well, might as well figured out which way she went." Shotoken sniffed the air like a dog, noticing mitzo's scent much more quickly, and took off, wishing he had his trademark blade to hack and slash the creatures along the way. He eventually caught up to mitzo, but instead of making his presence known, he slowly watched her from the shadows while following from a distance. [thoughts] "She's amazing. No telling why she wants to do this, probably just the greed that's driving all of us towards it. Oh well, no big deal. But why the hell did she kiss me like that? No way to tell short of asking her, and that would just seem weird. Guess it's best to just forget about it."[/thoughts] Shotoken continued following mitzo from a good distance behind, noting the fact that she seemed to be taking a seperate way towards the end of the path, and continued hoping shakou wouldn't pop up for a few more hours.
  7. Name: Jace Age: 12 Future Parent Of: Izzy((Forgot the last name, somebody toss it in for me.)) Description: Roughly five foot three with dark red, short spiky hair Personaility: He focuses on what matters to him, and doing it without fighting. He'll sneak around somebody before fighting them, or hack a PA system((In the real world)) to tell them to go somewhere else. Bio: Jace had a decent life, focusing on computers and working around passwords and encryptions and the like, and then figuring out how to manipulate computer controlled items once he was in. He had a laptop with him at all times((Or should we consider this too early for a laptop? Whatever, I'll change it if it's wanted to be changed.)), but he barely ever used it. Digivice Color: dark blue Crest: stealth((and if that doesn't work for ya, knowledge.)) Partner Digimon: shatakumon. Partner Digimon Baby: shokamon(attacks: stealth bubble. Just like bubble blow but you can't see it or hear it.) In-Training: shonakimon (attacks: stealth bubble: Same as above. Kind of weak, ain't it?) Rookie:shatakumon (attacks: invisbility. A true classic.) Champion: shonakimon(I'm making these names up as I go, but if I accidently use another person's, I'll change it.)(attacks: stealth electro sword: He's almost impossible to see, not invisible, but good at hiding, and he has an electro sword((thin broadsword, almost like a katana.)) that won't spark and stuff like that.) Ultimate: hypershonakimon (attacks: electro-manipulate: he can manipulate electricity, and hack anything even semi electronic.) Mega: Sharakenimon (attacks: Devil's tongue. It's a whip coated in electricity that feels as if you've been dipped into hell itself when you touch it.) That good, or should I change some of it?
  8. Shotoken watched, slowly wishing he had just stayed in his apartment and died with one instant of pure pain instead of risking a slow twisted death at the hands of these things. "One of these days I'm gonna learn the difference between a wild dog and one of those wolf things..." Shotoken continued following when he could, occasionally stopping to pass through an area more slowly in an attempt to not be seen by any of the twisted things. "Shouldn't we help the others out? I've always had a "save my own *** and worry about others later" look on life, but still, they're facing death and we're running. Doesn't exactly seem right." OOC: Again, sorry.
  9. I don't pay a single cent. Of course, I'm a guy so that's expected, but I haven't even gotten a haircut in over a year and I've probably been wearing the same pair of pants for almost six months, definately at least four months. But that's just me.
  10. ^_^;;; Sorry for the problem. We'll try and keep it from happening in the future.
  11. OOC: Sorry for not posting. What did I miss? IC: Shotoken watched everything fold out with some binoculars from his apartment's window. He slowly sighed and stopped watching, as he began to pack a few crucial objects he cared about and would never abandon, even putting them above the life of his family: His laptop, a sketchbook, his pencil, inking pens, and a few other random art and technology junk, until it filled a backpack. He closed it and put it on his back with one strap hanging freely and put on the hat he was always seen with: It had a strange sword-sickle weapon and the words " All must die. Nothing is sacred" placed above the picture of the weapon. he picked up the butcher knife he always kept with him even though it went against his system of attack quick and precise, and walked out the door, never expecting to see what he left behind again, and not honestly caring. "Hmm... yep, that's everything still alive or functioning in this hellhole that I care about. Now, to see if I can get out..." As he walked down the staircase and outside, his expression seemed much more serious, and his face seemed to harden and become emotionless. He walked up to the others, and smirked slightly. "Glad to see there are a few others still alive. Now, how do we escape this hellhole, or do any of you know?" OOC: If I missed anything involving my character, I'll change this. Again, sorry about not being here for a while.
  12. shotoken stood up, leaving his sword on the ground. "I'll probably be back with mitzo. Don't try using that sword if you can't lift at least a hundred pounds. It's pretty damn heavy." With that, he dashed off after the tracks that looked like mitzo, going faster than what should be possibly while sniffing the air like a dog, and following the path mitzo took perfectly. He eventually caught up, and stopped right next to her. "Looks like we're sticking together for a while. Either way, running is best no matter what. So, do we wait or keep moving?"
  13. Hmm... I can think of a few plot twists... something like an asassin who's actually the woman on the hitlist, perhaps... that could get interesting... Anyways, if you think that you can prove you're evil, then go for it.
  14. Shotoken hacked at one of them twice with his sword, as it fell to the ground, and the things began forming again. "Dammit! These things keep forming. Anybody know how to stop them for good, or do we run?!" He continued hacking, and blocking the occasional attack and dodging a few others. "Mitzo, got any ideas?" Shotoken listened for an answer as he continued to hack away, making it a point to keep the things from attacking the others, and throwing a few throwing knives out to keep a few bones away from the things and stall their reformation.
  15. Shotoken watched and laughed slightly, slowing down as shakou((he's a talking bird. I'm thinking of letting him do some more...entertaining things in the future though, so it MIGHT be worth the wait.)) flew up into the air and suddenly fell down again, landing on the ground next to shotoken. shakou: "Those monsters... They're coming for us! they moved over to this path!!!" shotoken:"well, you heard the birdy. Let's start the slaughter! Shotoken unsheathed his blade and held it out, ready to attack anything that got close. "Who's going to make sure the moronic thing was right?"
  16. Evil wasn't a word I had in mind. The girl I love, now she's evil. You, you're just mildly evil intented.(is that even a word?)
  17. Hmm... I'll play sakin jace, but is it alright if he has a nickname? ((keep in mind I'm working off of my own character standards for this. I'll change it if you had a better idea for the character.)) Name: sakin jace. nickname((assuming it's alright)): dragon. Age: roughly 19 or 20 Description: slightly long jet black hair, brownish greenish eyes, and usually either has a hat on backwards or large DJ like headphones around his neck. His only form of respect is for authority, end even then that's somewhat small. Weapons: A large broadsword and modified gloves that have what look like dragon claws. They're hooked up in this weird way so it's attached decently far up his arm with a small chain attached so he can launch it out for attacking at a distance.((Dragon claws that launch out from a chain. Doesn't get better than that.)) Small Bio: Jace didn't have a perfect life. It was pretty decent, but not perfect. For some reason he never managed to get a date: Either he was seen as a pervert or too good. He got a lightweight motorbike((Something you'd see a spy riding or something similar, like a kawasaki bike or something like that.)) at 16, and that's all there is to it. He doesn't have a home and just drives from place to place, enjoying life. Of course, now he's going to be stuck in one place for a while. That work?
  18. Shotoken smiled slightly, everything "softening" yet again. "Come on, the sun's setting. We've been out for a while." Shotoken didn't wait for mitzo's inevitable response, merely grabbing his large blade and attaching it to it's complex strap system that allowed it to be released in almost five different ways, as shakou flew onto his shoulder and landed there. "It's good to go. Come on." Shotoken held the straps tightly to keep the blade from falling off from it's huge amount of weight, and began to walk, as shakou stared at mitzo, particularly around the... chestial region.
  19. I barely ever spend any money on anime. I just don't have it to spend, even though the stuff is a gift of the gods. I just don't get a lot of money, and this month I spent all my money on art supplies(damn those prismacolor markers costing a million dollars even though they r0x0r my b0x0rs...)... 40 dollars on 12 markers... I should've just stolen the ones the people that work for my dad own...
  20. Would you mind explaining the back story a tiny bit, because right now, this is looking interesting but making NO sense whatsoever.
  21. Name: shotoken Gender: male Age: barely 20 Emblem:Knowledge. symbol: a strange rock with gold symbols embedded in it. Special Attack: knowledge suck. If shotoken touches somebody's head with his rock, he can remove as much information as he wants Weapon: a five foot long broadsword, and a small dagger. Appearance:height: 5' 6". appearance: black, short spiky hair with three red streaks, and silk ninja-esque clothing and silk shoes, allowing him to move silently. Personality: shotoken is very dark and uncaring. He's seen hell (in both a literal and figurative sense), and has no faith in humanity. He considers almost all of them idiots, and the only reason he's doing this is to save the few he cares for, if it's possible. Bio: shotoken was a theif and a bit of a spy, getting everything from info to priceless heirlooms for the highest bidder. He died while stealing a solid gold dagger(handle and all, pure gold) that just happened to be coated in poison. He slipped and accidently cut himself, and the next thing he knew, the entire world was going black. that good enough?
  22. I think I can help fix this: If you watch the tournament when they did that saga on YYH, you'll see the storyline is in the CHARACTERS, no tthe backstory and stuff. So, all that needs to happen is all of the fighters have to form a storyline of interaction between our characters. Speaking of which, I need to modify my character a bit. *goes to modify the profile so this can get interesting*
  23. Shotoken slowly watched, sitting down on a mound of sand. "In that case, we'll just stay here, right?" He smirked slightly, leaning back and attempting to fall asleep... *INSIDE SHOTOKEN'S HEAD* A young child is wandering the streets of some strange town, until... somebody grabbed his arm and forced him into a large building with lots of other kids running around, a few others sitting at tables as an adult showed them things they apparently didn't know... OOC: I only read the last few posts. I miss anything really big?
  24. shotoken hacked at the creature until it's other arm was off, and then stabbed the blade straight through the creatures heart, letting go and landing on his feet, then falling over. "That thing...was big..." He was unconscious, and probably would be out for half an hour or so. *inside his head* A young child is seen killing his parents, his eyes having a red and blue tint to them that glowed birght with each strike, then finally stopped as he realized what he had done. Shotoken shot up, still on the ground and surrouned by the others. "What was that...Was it a memory of mine?" He suddenly fell back to the ground, clenching his eyes tight in pain. "damn, that thing...got me good..."
  25. Shotoken watched, his eyes gaining a red and white tint. He slowly clutched his blade, unsheathing it as a strange aura surrounds it. "Listen, you twisted thing. Touch my friends, and I'll cut you into tiny PIECES!" Shotoken lunged at the creature in mid-word, holding his blade out and preparing to either chop it up into tiny little chunks or become tiny chunks himself.
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