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Everything posted by yalborap

  1. Shotoken eventually made it back, too preoccupied to give a crap. "Well, let's get moving. We should start to see the trail again soon." As if on cue, the fireflies began to buzz around, creating a trail once more. "Okay then, we're good to go." Shotoken smiled slightly, even though anybody could tell it was fake, and grabbed his blade,sheathing it and starting to walk along the trail.
  2. " I see. At least you can remember your family..." Shotoken continued thinking about it, wishing he could figure out a way to get his memory back.
  3. Shotoken stood on top of a nearby tree, watching the kid. "The little bugger's aim sucks." To prove his point, shotoken launched a lance of flames as thin as a hair, and killed the snake in one shot. "And I even made it harder for myself. Oh well, better see if I can get a free place to sleep or if I'll be in the trees again." And with that, he jumped down and ran towards the same village the kid was going to,making sure to take a completely different path.
  4. I only read the first post in the thread, so bear with me. Who says death is an inevitability? There's gonna be a way to get past it; there already is, in fact. They've figured out how to transplant a brain to a new body. They haven't figured out how to reconnect the spinal cord to give you senses, but it's still a way to cheat the grim reaper.
  5. Shotoken watched mitzo, slowly getting more and more frustated with his own lack of memory. "I'm coming too." He got up and walked next to mitzo, occasionally making a mark in the sand with his foot. "So, why do you need to get away from them for now?"
  6. I'll be a fighter. Here we go! name: Shotoken. Race: Morphis demon(formed from the combination of fire demon and dog demon(could be any type of dog: even fox, coyote, and things like that) in a human body) age: unknown, appears roughly 15. gender: male. appearance: slightly long black hair with three red streaks in the front, usually wearing a hat backwards, and is generally wearing either a tattered t-shirt and jeans, or a ninja-esque outfit that changes colors when soaked in that color of a fluid, even though it's black. History: Standard stuff, decent home, decent family, etc. etc... Of course, the second he heard about the tournament, shotoken activated the energy projecter imbedded in his arm and ran off in the general direction of where it was going to be held. Bio: Shotoken simply wants strength and a challenge from this tournament. He might win, he might lose, but he'll be happy as long as he had a good fight. personality: Shotoken is somewhat dark and quite uncaring. If it doesn't concern him, it's not worth paying attention to. weapons: Energy weaponry, and controlling of the elements. That should be everything.
  7. Okay, now that we've got a 22nd century mafia, here's a 22nd century gang! Keep in mind I'm just creating this, I'm gonna be an average member of the gang. First person to sign up as the boss will be the boss, that's all there is to it. Here's my bio(all required fields) name: shotoken age: unknown. Some say he's only twelve and the child of the legend, others say he IS the legend. After all, the rumor is he stopped aging when he was twelve.(Yes, my character is a legend. He might not have done a lot around here, but my character's killed hundreds in under a year's use overall. You want your character to be a legend, go for it. but it's gotta be something legend-worthy.) race: morphis demon. bio: not much is really known about shotoken. He joined the gang in an attempt to get a warm place to sleep, and decided to stay instead of knocking everybody out and sprinting off. He's got a lot of strength and speed, but he doesn't think rationally. If another gang member is captured or in danger, he's gonna kill anything and everything in his way. I guess you could say he thinks with his heart. History: unknown. weapons: The akurabe, a legendary blade said to have been made by merging the powers of heaven and hell, throwing knives, and a small paintball gun modified so it can fire either marbles or modified pellets that can do everything from poison you to knock you out. powers: Element manipulation and the ability to become The Dragon, a special ability made famous by the legend. skills: Making the pellets he uses,gunplay and swordplay. Enjoy. Keep in mind you can merge skills and powers if they're one and the same. Skills is just things you can do that aren't based on a power, while powers are, well, based on powers.
  8. Shotoken watched. "This could get ugly..." He stopped watching for a while, calling shakou over and taking some more meat out of the pack, and slowly chewing on it. "There plenty of food left, just call shakou over if you want it. He can go and get more if need be. Shakou, go back and get my sword. I didn't have a chance to get it." shakou: "Yes sir!" Shakou flew off, coming back almost half an hour later, struggling with the gigantic blade and eventually letting it drop in front of shotoken. "Just how heavy IS that thing?!" shotoken: "I don't know, 50, maybe a hundred pounds." Shotoken picked up the blade effortlessly, and sheathed it, locking the straps around it again.
  9. Shotoken sighed again and smiled, a very rare thing, even in the presence of a beautiful girl, as the softness in his expression and his ears came back. "At least you can remember your family..." Shotoken stood up and looked into the sky, as the talking bird came back and landed on his shoulder. "So, Shakou, you remember to grab some food and bring it to me?" shakou: "But of course! I even managed to have a little fun with some cute girls!" shotoken: "You scare me sometimes, you know that?" shakou: "Always knew. You want the food or not?" Shakou used his beak to open a small pack he had on his back, revealing huge amounts of food, and a small bottle filled with a mystery fluid. shotoken: "I did about half an hour ago, I definately do now." Shotoken took out a small amount of meat and ate it, along with some bread and the mystery fluid. "It tastes like cherries this time. Anybody else want some food?"
  10. Shotoken sighed, his ears seeming harder and the serious expression coming back. "Dammit, how many times must I fall in love with a beautiful girl only to have her like some other dork? One of these days I'm just gonna hire a whore..." Shotoken continued walking, considering all the possible ways he could get mitzo to like him. "Hmm...Maybe if I give her my share of this whole ordeal...I won't need it anyways, I can live without a single cent to my name."
  11. "Something extra's wrong. Come on, please tell me? The thing I do best other then theivery and fighting is helping people with their problems." Shotoken smiled slightly, his ears suddenly seeming a little softer for some reason.
  12. Shotoken watched mitzo, noting several things. "Something is definately wrong. It's way too easy to figure that much out, so just tell us what's bugging you."
  13. Shotoken watched as he followed, and began thinking aboout something. *thoughts*" At least they can even remember their age. I only know my name and what happened after that day I forgot everything..."*/thoughts* "Well, this is looking like it's gonna get interesting."
  14. Name: shotoken Age: Roughly 17 Rank: Is a survivor Gender: male Description: black hair with red streaks, and a blood soaked t-shirt and pair of pants. History: Shotoken has been hiding in the apartment he was moving into right when the attacks began. By a stroke of luck, whatever the hell was doing this never came to his apartment, but he still stayed up every night the moon gained that blood red glow, clutching a large butcher knife he has attached a dagger to the handle of. Weapon(s): A butcher knife with a dagger attached to the handle, and just about anything he gets his hands on. Anything screwed up at all?
  15. Shotoken casually watched this tiny little ordeal. "This is sure to be interesting..." He looked directly at mitzo, a serious look on his face. "Just how well can you fight?"
  16. Shotoken smiled slightly, pretty much unaffected by said charm and persuasion. "I'm not sure about these idiots behind me, but I wouldn't mind having you along for my little journey. it'd be nice to be around somebody who doesn't consider dog ears abnormal." Shotoken's dog ears wiggled slightly, announcing their presence.
  17. A strange bird flew by and landed on shotoken's shoulder, and began speaking. bird: "Well, there's a legendary trail near here with HUGE amounts of riches and gold! It's protected somehow, and I couldn't get near it, but it was amazing!" shotoken: "At least we know we're finally in the right place. Now if only I could find out my own history..." Shotoken dropped the blade and walked over to mitzo. "Hey, you alright?"
  18. Shotoken released a few straps holding his broadsword in place, as it fell to the ground and broke through ever so slightly. He grabbed the blade, swinging it a bit low to the ground in the process. "So she took your damn pocket watch. People take things of a lot more value every day without it ever being cared about. Now, let's see just how good you are." Shotoken allowed himself to smirk ever so slightly as he prepared to fight. OOC: One must learn that a storyline will never stay the same for very long when more than one person is in control.
  19. Shotoken watched from a nearby rooftop, jumping down silently and walking up. "Somebody care to explain why this beautiful woman is being held by her ear?" He smirked slightly, already knowing the entire thing, and punched the man in the gut, causing him to let go of mitzo's ear. "So, you alright?"
  20. Aye aye, mon capiton! *prepares to begin the RPing* *is wondering why he just called ArunueShekamari mon capiton*
  21. I say keep writing. If you're really out of ideas, here's what I'd do: Start an RP in the adventure arena and have a few people play your characters. Sometimes having somebody else taking the wheel for a while will open up your mind to new ideas. Then, you just copy, paste, and edit it up so that it's in the same format as your story.
  22. Actually, there's a trick that'll make it smooth: You have to make it 300% the size you want, then make it 30% of the size you made it in. You do this and it's supposed to anti-alias it.
  23. Hmm... I can think of a few things... I'll take look at what you've already done, then I'll get back to ya. I already have a bit of an idea in mind. EDIT: It is completed! If you think it's too hard, I'll try again. I had to cut a tiny bit off so that it could be uploaded, so here's the full sized version: www.geocities.com/rasonjason/groovy.PNG
  24. Can I join? if so, here's my profile. Name- shotoken Age- unknown, has been guessed at either around twelve or around eighteen Gender-male Description- slightly long jet black hair with three red streaks, dog ears((think inuyasha.)), and is usually wearing a ninja-esque outfit without the mask Bio- shotoken is quite dark, although he never shows it when around a beautiful woman. he's been known to throw himself in the path of almost certain death to save those he cares for, only to leave an innocent bystander to their doom. Weapons- five foot long broadsword, throwing knives, anything he manages to grab off of somebody else or off the ground. Companion- This is unknown, as he's been said to have been seen with everything from a horse to a talking bird.
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