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Everything posted by Nehszriah
I do not hate. I [i]deplore[/i]. A vocabulary is one of the most splendid posessions you could have, my dear Whatsupmon. Punctuation might help too. Now what cheezes me off about anime is probably most likely a majority of the shojo genre. If I wanted to read a dime novel for females, I'd go to the used bookstore down the street and leave the Borders trips and internet browsing for some good shonen or action. I firstly enjoy anime because it is interesting and different, not cute, adorable and girly-emotional. So many girls in anime are so idiotic and stereotypical that I would simply rather read something where it is men kicking arse and being all macho than read something that's good soap oprea material. It becomes old quite quickly. I'm also not digging the huge shift to emo in popular culture as a whole. I can only take so much before it feels as if I am being slapped by a herring. ...and then there's [u]Reign the Conquerer[/u], because it melted my mind as a twelve-year-old. I do believe that there is just more than enough said there.
Dude, take it easy man. Even if the ultimate future is not the one in "Five Years Gone", I'm sure the writers will make up for it [i]somehow[/i]. I mean, they're dealing with sci-fi fans here. I don't think that even as a whole we're too easy to please... ...but I think we can all do without the romance. It was seriously cool last season when it was just some Hiro/Charlie, buddy-buddy Zach/Claire subtext and random Nikkica flailing about for money. Romance is best left to soap operas. *nod*
[quote name='Raiyuu'][spoiler]Flying Sylar would own[/spoiler].[/QUOTE] Didn't the alternate-future episode prove that theory? ^_~
I'm just ticked at myself for calling Hiro's storyline. [spoiler]I know he's going to be the real Kensei, or even the duo will be Kensei in a collective sense, since he already had to kickstart the Drunk Brit just in order to get the Fire Scroll.[/spoiler] The story is so lame, I want to kick myself in the face... like Peter's story. Ugh. It makes me want listen to Flogging Molly so that I don't hate [spoiler]the Irish in general[/spoiler] as much. I like [spoiler]*insert name of Micah's female cousin here*[/spoiler] too. She makes me smile, just 'cause she looked like she would kick *** [i]before[/i] when she was supposedly normal. [u]Comic Spoilers[/u]: [spoiler]Chuffa chuffa?[/spoiler] *rolls on the floor in laughter* So, is he [spoiler]a cat or a tanuki or an "other"[/spoiler]?
[quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] [spoiler]Kensei does not kick ***. Hiro kicks *** for Kensei. :p[/spoiler][/font][/QUOTE] I second that motion. Being [spoiler]a drunk-arse gaijin[/spoiler] is only flashy for so long. [spoiler]F***ing pansy.[/spoiler]
Without a doubt [spoiler]West equals EVIL![/spoiler] I call him [spoiler]Adam West,[/spoiler] but that's 'cause I wasn't paying too close attention when he introduced himself. I don't like him one bit... not from the start. Seems like a total d*uche to me. [spoiler]Peter's IdentiBox Problem[/spoiler]: not fun. [spoiler]Old Mr. Parkman Subplot[/spoiler]: buckets of fun. [spoiler]Political commentary with the Honduran Wonder Twins and New Orleans[/spoiler]: I can live without. [spoiler]Noah's Gonna Die![/spoiler]: priceless. There's just so much else, but I'm too wrapped up in the episode that is about an hour old.
Manga One Piece Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
Nehszriah replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Tatsubei Yagyu'] I just get the feeling that Kuma's gonna do something...[/spoiler][/QUOTE] Yeah, I get that feeling too, but I think it's more along the lines of [spoiler] bringing Luffy awful-bad news about this brother.[/spoiler] I could be wrong though. Only time will tell. -
Manga One Piece Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
Nehszriah replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Otaku Central
Docking incomplete! Docking INCOMPLETE! *giggles* [spoiler]All these team attacks really show how in-tune the Mugiwaras are with one another. I'm rather glad that they're doing this... although if too many more happen during just this arc, I might become slightly annoyed. Oh, and Kuma would just sit there.[/spoiler] At least, that's what I think. -
Manga One Piece Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
Nehszriah replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Aceburner'] Anyway, If you all have read this week's chapter, you know that [spoiler]BARTHOLOMEW FRIGGING KUMA[/spoiler] has arrived in Thriller Barque. Also, as per chapter 453 spoilers, he seems to have news of our favorite [spoiler]pyrokinetic[/spoiler] (Hint, hint.) [/QUOTE] That part worries me. [spoiler]Ace[/spoiler] is one of my favorite characters and what [spoiler]Kuma[/spoiler] said to [spoiler]Nami[/spoiler], plus previous knowledge of [spoiler]chapter 442 ([i]was it 442?[/i])[/spoiler] completely puts me into panic mode. Why? [spoiler]Hardly anyone freakin' dies in One Piece![/spoiler] [u]Best-case Senario[/u]: [spoiler]Whitebeard[/spoiler] needing to use his Pimp Powers and sharing his [spoiler]nurses of doom[/spoiler]. -
Okay, okay... I'll take up the challenge. The new dub was f***ing amazing. That is just about the only way to put it. With the junk that was had, we should concidered ourselves blessed to have such a thing as the FuniDub. Why? Let's see... [u]Voices[/u]: Oh, where do I start? After watching two of the FuniDub episodes, I am totally head-over-heels for this new system. Sure Usopp sounds a little weenie-ish ([i]totally not the fault of the actor, it's just nobody can top Kappei-san in my book[/i]) and Masira wasn't as goofy as I had hoped, but the rest of the characters were close to being spot on. They even improved upon Ace and the Buggy/Alvida crew. My ears did not bleed and all was good. [u]Music[/u]: It made me giddy when I heard the opening for the first time. I think the English version of "Hikari E" ranks right up there alongside the Sogeking theme when it comes to fun One Piece songs. That was an incredible piece of work, plus I smiled at the original BGM. The synthesizer is dead! Long live orchestral music! [u]Editing[/u]: Not as much editing done as I expected. I noticed boobs ([i]quite on accident, mind you[/i]) and weaponry that resembled weaponry and no lollipop. I understand that Sanji's cigarette was totally edited out, but have been told it will come back in the uncut DVDs next year. Whether this is true or not, I guess we will have to see, but I will expect to hear things like "Zoro" and "Portgas D Ace" in the DVDs, so frankly I am simply glad for the fact that I know better things are coming my way. Now also, I am thrilled by the prospect of a new anime filler arc to air come Sunday. One Piece fillers for me have been rather fun, although pointless. I'm thinking they might have to draw this one out for a while so that Thriller Bark can end. :animestun
This thread just makes me smile. Personally, I've watched a lot of what is being mentioned. I also remember watching Thundercats, Reboot and Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?. I don't know what came over me to make those three shows the ones that stick out. I'm too upset at current children's programming. I also used to watch old Merry Melodies cartoons... the ones that are now off the air for being wrought with propaganda... yeah... those were the days. "You know you're a 90's kid if you [i]knew[/i] Tommy (or Jason) and Kimberly were perfect for each other."
[QUOTE=Sara][color=#db2007] [i][b]Corpse Bride[/b][/i] certainly isn't [i]The Nightmare Before Christmas[/i], but it's quite good. The people I went to see it with (who, like everyone in our generation, were huge TNBC fans) were all very disappointed in it, which surprised me, because I had a great time watching the film. [/color][/QUOTE] I agree with the underrating of Corpse Bride. I've had people tell me it was bad because it "tried to be like Nightmare Before Christmas" and I just scoffed and rolled my eyes. It's just really morbid fun. Besides, stop-motion animation that makes it to the silver screen is always fun to watch, no matter how "lame" the story. You just don't get that kind of quality in CGI movies.
Personally, I have no favorite skit. It's all funny. I do own on DVD Life of Brian and The Meaning of Life. I think if anyone requires initation into anything, those two movies might do the trick... though there is something about the series of Bruce sketches that always made me smile.
[QUOTE=Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1] Also, why does Hiro have to go back to [spoiler]T. rex[/spoiler] time? [/size][/color][/QUOTE] [spoiler]...because Issac painted him fighting a dino. It was seen in "Fallout" and was also the one ripped by Kaito. Where else would he fight a dinosaur?[/spoiler] This week's comic = awww [u]Edit[/u]: Spoil my fun, Nerdsy. I still would think it's cool if he does [spoiler]fight a dinosaur[/spoiler]. Now I guess I can only wish.
Oh, jeezum... another black-box post. [spoiler]...but how else would Dino Time happen unless he finds a way to bring creatures from other times and places to the point where he is at? Besides, the whole dinosaur fight with him is pretty sketchy to begin with since Issac painted it. It would of had to be a painting of Hiro's personal future instead of the general one. My general theory on the Kensei matter though is that Hiro goes along his merry way in feudal Japan and slowly, instances from the old bedtime stories pop up that are actually happening to him. Since Kensei is only a [i]title[/i] of sorts, for all we know, there could be multiple people with the name. The Kensei of the Heroes legend had a power that he could not control: ala Hiro. The theory of Kaito being immortal does not really fit with an ability that is uncontrollable. Also, since I do believe that the sword was present in the sneak-peek, Hiro might have to go on a quest in order to retrieve said sword, fullfilling prophecy and likewise gaining some form of control over his ability, maybe even gaining a new aspect to his powers. Then, once he realizes he's completed his mission, he knows that he has to fake a death in order to get back to his present without freaking out the feudal Japanese people. Then, in a classic Hiro move, he goes backwards in time instead of forwards simply because he's so geeked out. I doubt he will die until the very end of the series, if at all. He's too much of a fan-pull and is the balance for everyone. Most of the other heroes were many different shades of apprehensive about their abilities while Hiro was flippin' estatic. We need Hiro as a character, or need a character like Hiro in his place. With the feudal Japan thing though, I'm certain that he will find people in that time frame that resemble people from the present. Kimiko could be the princess, a Kaito-look-alike could be another Kensei and I'm sure an Ando will be wandering about simply because he can.[/spoiler]
[quote name='Revelation][size=1][color=#9907BB][spoiler]However, it is inferred that Kaito Nakamura [underline]MAY[/underline] have a power. It's also inferred that he might be Kensei which would basically make Kaito immortal. This inference came from a discussion board. The post can be found here: [URL=http://www.9thwonders.com/boards/index.php?s=&showtopic=51969&view=findpost&p=258702]Link[/URL][/spoiler][/size'][/color][/quote] See, I don't agree. I have a feeling that [spoiler]Hiro is Kensei. Now, I've not read the thread in the link, but I just have this gut feeling that was strengthened by the sneak-preview. Kensei was rumored to have a mysterious power and, well, since Hiro is stuck in, erm, Tokugawa Japan, he could be doing himself a favor and creating the legend of Kensei. It would be very poetic that Hiro's favorite tale as a child would have been the story of his "death", which would have to be faked. Then, when Hiro goes to try to get back to the future, he instead does something wrong... T-Rex Time... you know...[/spoiler]
[quote name='Raiyuu]There's a nasty theory going around that [spoiler']Sylar may have munched Claude off-camera[/spoiler][/quote] I haven't read anything like that, but it would be sad if it was true. I wonder about the [spoiler]multiple-empath[/spoiler] theory though. [spoiler]So far, there have been unique talents for every new character shown. This create diversity in the sort of strengths and weaknesses every character has and makes each one of them unique. If there are multiple empaths in the world, would that mean that there are more people that can fly, slice heads open and become a blonde She-Hulk sans green skin...? Are the empaths the only ones who share a power with someone else? Can one empath absorb the powers and abilities that another has absorbed? Are they emo like Peter or straight out of the mafia like Peter v2.0? Are these empaths, if multiple ones exist, going to eventually become the "Master Race", everyone else in the world with abilities simply just in-betweens for their powers?[/spoiler] I'll shut up now.
I don't know about the whole [spoiler]power alliance theory. Yes, there needs to be some explaination for why Nathan, Peter and Hiro got powers (whether it be a spontaneous mutation or an inherited trait from a parent(s), but I don't think [i]everyone[/i] in that alliance had powers.[/spoiler] Add one more to the list: [spoiler]the late Charles Deveraux[/spoiler] Why? [spoiler][u]He could see Peter[/u]. I doubt that was some sort of dream that Peter had as he was laying on the street. I think that maybe part of Peter's soul/mind/essence was sent backwards in time temporarily and made to view the last conversation between Angela and Charles through an invisible avatar. The invisibility was most likely proving that he could still use his empath powers, but Charles saw through it. Maybe he has/d the ability to see through traps/deciet/illusions. That would have been a highly useful tool in the Vietnam War. Late Mr. Petrelli could or could not of had a power. I don't think it was really mentioned at all. Keito could also have an ability too, but I have a feeling he might just be where the money to run everything comes from. Granted all this is simply speculation with canon-material support, but I've had a fair thought about it. Also, Chandra Suresh could have been in too.[/spoiler] All this would mean is: [spoiler]Keito was for money, Linderman was for tracking and dealing, late Mr. Petrelli was for the polotics and keeping everyone out of legal trouble, Angela was for managing everything, Charles had some role that required sickening amounts of optimism (maybe killing or another public relations) and Chandra was in charge of isolating the gene that caused the mutation and creating a list of everyone who was effected.[/spoiler] Then Claude... he just hopped in the TARDIS and went *POOF*.
Why would it be so frightening for [spoiler]Mr. Sauron to see Molly when she finds him?[/spoiler] What could he/she/it be able to do besides see?
Nerdsy was right. [spoiler]Total ownage calling that DL's still alive. I think I did a major geek-spasm at the last fifteen minutes or so. Sneak preview of Generations... Niiiiice.[/spoiler] Oh, woe that we need to use spoiler tags.
[quote name='Nerdsy][color=deeppink]We don't actually know [spoiler] if DL is dead yet. He's been shot, yes, but we didn't see him die, and it's possibly he could get to safety. Unlikely, I say, but still possible.[/spoiler'][/color][/quote] *has finally caught up due the greatness that is Sci-fi* [spoiler]Ehh... he's presumed dead. I mean, Nikkica was all crying and stuff like that.[/spoiler] You are right though Nerdsy, that we can't make assumptions yet. Not until about nine hours from now at least.
[spoiler]Linderman = Austin Late Mr. Petrelli = Dallas[/spoiler] I missed the last episode against my will, so I'm going on spoilers until I check it out for real. [spoiler]This still does not stop me from wanting to see Au Co. I'm a minor-character geek. I can't help it.[/spoiler] ^_^'
[QUOTE=Dodeca][SIZE=1] [I]Worst. Decision. Ever.[/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Amen to that. Ando is not there for the Japanese yaoi fangirls--He's there to make me whine about how he's not cool enough. [spoiler]I want Au Co to pop up. Seriously, I want to know where in the hell she is, because I don't think she died in the online comic. Correct me if I'm wrong.[/spoiler]
My first concert wasn't even too much a concert. It was three years ago when my dad took me to see Da Yoopers at a state fiarground. They're this wierd humor group that are similar to Jeff Foxworthy in the fact that they make fun of the less sophisticated side of life, except instead of targeting Southerners, they target residents of the Upper Pennisula of Michigan, or "Yoopers". Let's just say songs about diarreah, rusty Chevorlets and two-ton mosquitos were not what most of the audience had in mind when they sat down in the bleacher. I, in my high school freshman glory-- was singing along.
Well, there went my theory. [spoiler]I couldn't help just being a little creeped out by the fingerpaint of Sylar's choice. o.O[/spoiler]