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Everything posted by Nehszriah

  1. I just had the most wicked idea ever. [spoiler]What if Molly Walker can take away other people's powers and leave them defenseless, just as a negation thing similar to the Hatian? The only difference would be that the Haitian's powers are erasing in nature, while Molly could be just a temporary cancellation.[/spoiler] Anyone else got an idea?
  2. [QUOTE=r2vq][color=#007520]Is anyone else annoyed that although he has a really [i]sick[/i] power (even used by one of the X-Men) DL has practically [spoiler]no heroic storyline at all? We're stuck with seeing some guy who's down on his luck, trying to pay the bills, and be super dad.[/spoiler] What happenned to his [spoiler]connections with the mob[/spoiler]? When will we be able to see more [spoiler]phase fighting[/spoiler]? I'm not against having a character with a realistic view point on life (ie. earn money, try to live a decent life, raise your kid right) but it almost feels like a waste. :-/ -r2[/color][/QUOTE] I agree that DL is a character that has so much more potential than he is given. He needs some sort of kick-arse-give-the-guy-props battle other than [spoiler]his fight with Jessenikki and the whole "I am BATMAN!" bit.[/spoiler] Ando + super-speed (or some other neat-o power) + owning some thugs and saving Hiro = my life being complete.
  3. [QUOTE=Nerdsy][color=deeppink]Yeah, that's what I was talking about. Personally, [spoiler]I hate the "new cast a year" approach. It ruined Digimon for me, heh. Not to mention my love for Hiro; I feel that he's a pretty big draw for the show anyway. Getting rid of him may be be a pretty bad idea in general.[/spoiler][/color] [color=deeppink]I don't see why, they're nothing alike. Trunks has purple hair! : P[/color][/QUOTE] See, I understand how you feel about what's under the spoiler tag. He is a HUGE draw for sci-fi nerds, otaku and awkward oddballs in general. Actually, Heroes seems to have assimilated into many, many different fandoms. A friend of mine said she sees RENT fanfiction with Heroes cameos and I keep on getting thwacked with Dr. Who crossovers. Then again, I doubt that there are many people alive today who never wished that they had some sort of "ability" when they were younger.
  4. Concerning the new season, I feel like an idiot because I got caught up in OC fanfiction goodness. I'm sure I practically just handed them three (technically five) new characters.
  5. Does anyone read the webcomic? The latest one (Chapter 30) is up. [spoiler]It explains how the future of Future Hiro came to be. Sylar's the bomb in his reality![/spoiler] It's so crazy! Heroes' second season looks [i]promising[/i], at the least. [spoiler]We would probably get to learn whatever the hell Shanti could do. Also, I think there would be more information about the late Mr. Petrelli, Mrs. Petrelli, Linderman, Au Co, the Nakamura family and maybe even some new Heroes altogether.[/spoiler] What do you guys think?
  6. You see, I look on wikipedia sometimes to see if there are any spoilers posted. One day, I saw that [spoiler]Linderman could heal people[/spoiler] one day after the third comic in the recent series came out. Then it all clicked when I remembered [spoiler]that Linderman and the late Mr. Petrelli were old war buddies.[/spoiler] [spoiler]I really liked the insight on D.L. before he "became a good guy".[/spoiler]
  7. [url]http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/video/video_display.shtml#mea=80720[/url] Wow. Just, wow. Hey, does anyone else read the webcomics on nbc.com? [spoiler]I predicted who Dallas and Austin were![/spoiler] I think the comics are great for a greater feel for the characters.
  8. Thanks Nerdsy. I had a feeling [spoiler]Harry Osborne would show up eventually and that Venom just makes sense because of the black costume, but knowing that Sandman is in there makes me feel a little better.[/spoiler] Don't know why, but it does.
  9. [QUOTE=BKstyles][font=tahoma]Probably people who are unfamiliar with the spider-man baddies. Or the pure movie spider-man fans. The black suit is the most emphasized part of all the trailers and previews so it makes sense for it to be the easiest way to identify the movie. You said you know who they are, but the newest trailer (that can be seen in the coming attractions for 300 I believe, and even if you havn't seen it then you can search for it or DL it just as easily) finally shows the [spoiler]face of Venom[/spoiler]. Spoiler tags there just in case someone really doesn't wanna see.[/font][/QUOTE] Thanks. It was just bugging me, since even though I'm not a huge fan of the comic book, I like to be on top of things. It's just sort of sad how beeing geek is somewhat "chic", or at least filmmakers attempt to make it seem that way.
  10. [quote name='Doomberg']ya i like the series alout.have you seen the movie.IT WAS ASOME.also the wemon on that show are very indowed:laugh:[/quote] Except Lina. Never mention that in front of Lina. ^_^'
  11. *just jumping into the conversation* Man, it's so difficult to explain to fellow fans of One Piece that 4Kids is the Devil. See, my brother and I actually sit through the stuff they play on Toonami, but only as long as we "Mystery Science Theatre 3000" it. We just sort of mock it and then watch the correct episode afterwards. [spoiler]When Usopp and Chopper went up against Miss Merry Christmas, Mr. 4 and Lasso outside of Alburana, I almost died spiritually listening to the bad puns that were everywhere. Then I went and watched my trusty DVDs with bad subtitles right after the show and must have counted at least twelve visual differences, not including about five extra minutes of footage that 4Kids just chopped off.[/spoiler] I don't get why people find that there is something right with that. Besides, I think when [spoiler]Franky ran around Water 7 without the speedo[/spoiler], I think everyone just threw up their arms and cursed violently. They thought they could cut [spoiler]Little Garden because of Mr. 3's sadism[/spoiler], but I'm sure enough finally became enough for them.
  12. I think any time a person on that show uses their powers, a "Holy crap!" is shouted somewhere. like when Hiro [spoiler]transported himself and Ando into the future[/spoiler], I know that got one out of me... as well as some sort of squealing sound.
  13. I am geared up for PotC3, Shrek 3 and Transformers. I might see Harry Potter once it goes to the cheap theatre, but not when it first comes out. The story is going to be too butchered to waste my money on a good theatre to see it in. Ocean's 13 and the Simpsons movie look alright too. By the way, does anyone know why no one wants to tell me who the villian is in Spiderman 3? I mean, now I know, but every time I seem to ask people all I get in reply is "Oh, it's the movie where he gets his black costume." I think that was obvious enough.
  14. Well as far as character development goes, my brother and I want Mohinder and Ando to get more attention. Mohinder's [I]fate[/I] , shall we say, is totally undeserving of him and I want Ando to sponatenously gain super-speed or some other power that makes him more than just a lackey.
  15. [QUOTE=RobinWH] I really hope they have more than one season, because there is SO much they could do with this show.[/QUOTE] I heard that they are planning five seasons, but I'm not sure how far they'll get. I'm such a Heroes fanatic, it's sad. If only I could notice things while I'm watching the episodes, I would be the trivia goddess.
  16. Does anyone around here like Heroes? There doesn't seem to be much of a calling for it on theO, but I think it is an awesome series. Who else thinks that the 23rd can't come sooner?
  17. This sounds like fun. I'm into learning about as many titles as I can, so this will really help me.
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hello newb! *hug* How are you? I don't know if there's a greeting section either, I just jumped right in! Come visit my site, if you wish and have fun here![/COLOR] ;)
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed]Yep. You talkin' 'bout Meatwad right there. Yeah, he's a pimp. A dumb pimp, but still a pimp.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed]You know, all those who are depressed about the Maraurders getting little part in the third movie can just write a Maraurder fanfic. That's what I did. I put it up on fanficton.net too. Besides, the director is already getting quite the input from the public on how bad he screwed up, so he might try to fix it. Sadly, he would be too late. :( [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed]James and Adam, how I pity thee with all the idiotic noobs who misunderstand your clear message.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed]I don't really know which character I idolize/resemble. I am basically a mix when it all comes down to it. Kuroneko-sama and Vash from 'Trigun', Ed and Spike from 'Cowboy Bebop', Sessho-maru and Kagome from 'Inu-Yasha', Nami, Zoro and Luffy from 'One Piece', I really can go on for ever. My one friend though, is for sure Vash the Stampede, another is a Naruto/Kirby mix. I guess it really all depends on what one person thinks about themselves and what others think about them when it all boils down.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed]*thinks* I guess it would be a tie between my fifth grade homeroom teacher, my old Algebra teacher, a sub I had last year and my current Physical Science teacher. Mrs. Sinda, 5th grade: Was this old hyperactive nutcase. I went to a Catholic school until 7th grade, so she kept on telling us to do stuff (pray, sing in church, ect...) with ENTHUSIASIM! (*arms go up in air* *little 5th graders moan in boredom*) She has retired and moved since and I miss her very much. :( Mr. Kopas, 8th grade Algebra: If you got him going about the pond in his backyard, he would go on FOREVER! :smirk: All his work was easy and he was really funny. He passed me only because I can teach myself math (for some odd reason) and he went along to all our fieldtrips, taking pictures everywhere and turned it into a CD that he gave every kid in the 8th a copy. Mr. Smitka, 8th grade Science sub: He made Darwin and geneology fun. (Yay Smitka! :D )We were never bored in that class and I passed it higher than I ever did with my previous teacher that year. ... and finally... Mr. Lavender, 9th grade Physical Science: He is a shaved-bald hippie vampire, people. My friend Tsuki and I created the vampire thing earlier this year and it has sort of stuck. He will bare his "fangs" at us ( :eek: ) and joke about his being a vampire. Next Halloween though, I shall invade his new P.S. class with a piece of wood, yell "DIE SPAWN OF ENKIL AND AKASHA!!", toss the wood out the window and run away, laughing hysterically. Yep. That's it out of the teacher I've had. My school is bursting with colorful teachers that shall make you laugh, love school and just worry about their sanity level.[/COLOR]
  24. Frylock. Frylock is the brains, the tech geek and probably takes pity on the idiots he lives with. I am the brains of this one group at school and ooooh man, do I pity the idiots. I am also good with electronics (except the telephone, still attempting to conquer that horrid device that makes everyone sound the same *twitch*). I also have a friend named Carl, if that counts for anything.
  25. I loved the movie! Yes! *hops up and down* Mr. Oldman was a very, very good Sirius. He was able to do the whole "I'm a crazy psychopathic murder" bit really well. I'm trying soooooooo hard not to spoil the movie for all those who didn't see it. *randomly spazes* DEMENTORS!!!!! GGGAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! :p It was real fun. See it. The Queen of Ancient Egypt commands you to see it if you haven't already. *twitch*
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