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Everything posted by uio

  1. It would be cool if you put in a section for video games.And also with the section for anime where there's a profile for the anime,maybe tell what station(s) the anime is on.
  2. Actully,I did like the first one better.JSRF has the same characters and levels as the first one.Jet Grind Raido was more original than JSRF.
  3. Has anyone played Jet Set Radio Future?I have and I think it's cool.I like that it's realistic and the cops do come after you.You join a gang called the GG's and you have to go around spray painting your turf.The cops though,have a nasty leader(I forgot his name) and they also have a crazy captin.He has a gun and he shoots at you.The way to beat the cops is to spray paint them.You also get new members for the team if you beat their chalenge.They have the same characters from the first game Jet Grind Raido.If you haven't played Jet Grind Raido,I suggest to get that one first to be more familer with the characters.Jet Grind Raido is on Sega Dreamcast,and Jet Set Raido Future is on Xbox.I highly recomend these two games.If you don't have a Dreamcast,just get Jet Set Raido Future.If you don't have an Xbox,just get Jet Grind Raido.I also like the game because it takes place in the future of Tokyo and it looks cool.
  4. I'm so happy people like my manga.If I keep getting more and more idea's my manga is going to be awsome.Also,thanks for the compiment Shadow Guardian!
  5. Thanks.With all your ideas I could make my manga 10 times better!I'm also happy you complmented my manga so much.Again,Thanks!
  6. Thanks for all your ideas,compliments,and suggestions!
  7. There evil because their under a spell.
  8. Project Kyoto is about a kid named Kyoto who has this weird ability to see and hurt these demons and angels that come on earth.At first,he thinks he's dreaming but he finds out he's not when a gang of angels come down from heaven and nearly kill him when Kyoto tries to attack them.Along the way,he meets two other kids named Kyokotono and Yukachin who have the same powers as him.Together,these three must defeat all the angles and demons and also defeat the most powerful demons named Satan and Lucifer.Plese tell me what you think of this manga and what I could improve and what I could add to it.
  9. uio


    Plese someone tell me they've seen Akira.I saw it and it was cool.If you saw it plese tell me if you liked it or not.
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