Has anyone played Jet Set Radio Future?I have and I think it's cool.I like that it's realistic and the cops do come after you.You join a gang called the GG's and you have to go around spray painting your turf.The cops though,have a nasty leader(I forgot his name) and they also have a crazy captin.He has a gun and he shoots at you.The way to beat the cops is to spray paint them.You also get new members for the team if you beat their chalenge.They have the same characters from the first game Jet Grind Raido.If you haven't played Jet Grind Raido,I suggest to get that one first to be more familer with the characters.Jet Grind Raido is on Sega Dreamcast,and Jet Set Raido Future is on Xbox.I highly recomend these two games.If you don't have a Dreamcast,just get Jet Set Raido Future.If you don't have an Xbox,just get Jet Grind Raido.I also like the game because it takes place in the future of Tokyo and it looks cool.