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Everything posted by QuincyArcher

  1. I remembered seeing Last Exile air on either techtv or cartoon network a couple months ago, and after having seen the entire series with the original japanese voice acting, the english dub seemed downright horrible. I also just purchased the first few dvds in the Mahoromatic series and the english dub for that series was probably the worst i've ever heard in my life. then again, no one can substitute for Kawasumi Ayako (voice of Mahoro) who is probably one of my favorite voice actresses. For some of the best dubs, i would have to say that Neon Genesis Evangelion has some of the best english dubbing i've heard. Arc the Lad and Azumanga Daioh have pretty good dubbing as well, though i still prefer the original japanese voice actors in any case.
  2. i assume they'll do the standard 12-13 episode initial season. and if it goes well we'll get another. btw, manga-rain just released chapter 143. -------- [size=1][color=navy]Here's your second post. -Dag[/size][/color] has anyone been able to find episode 7 yet? neither lunar or anbu have released it yet. i found one by a group called shiranai, but that ended up being in spanish.
  3. [quote name='Dan Rugh] [spoiler']the shop owner. Exactly what kind of shop is that anyway if they have Shinigami stuff for sale? I guess Urahara, Tessai, Jinta and Ururu have spiritual powers also.[/spoiler][/quote] i doubt the series will get far enough within the first season to go into their backgrounds, but [spoiler] Urahara is actually an ex-high ranking shinigami, they really dont go into much detail about his shop but i assume he smuggles items from soul society and sells them. they really don't give much info on the others either but they all have pretty significant spritual powers[/spoiler]
  4. i get most of my anime from the good ol' intarweb, its free but near impossible if you dont have broadband. if i like the series i go out and by the dvd's when they release. if they get licensed that is. i really don't care for the stuff that airs on cartoon network/adult swim because the english dubs are always such poor quality IMO. btw, just watched ep. 6 and the series is getting better and better, im loving it. though they really overplayed the initial encouter with ichigo and kon more than they did in the manga. but i think it turned out for the best.
  5. [quote name='Dan Rugh'] I think Kubotite is making these changes himself because I don't see any reason that the animators would feel it needed to be changed. [/quote] actually in the credits Kubotite is only listed for the Original concept and the voice of Kon. so its whoever the director is thats making the changes
  6. [quote name='Dan Rugh] So... now that the kid has been [spoiler']sent to Soul Society, what's gonna happen to the bird? Does Chad keep him for the rest of the series?[/spoiler][/quote] you never see it again in the manga, but could be different for the tv series.
  7. just watched ep. 5, best one so far in my opinion. lots of great action. and from the preview [spoiler]it looks like kon and urahara will show up in the next episode.[/spoiler]
  8. i didnt find an existing thread for this game yet, but apparently it just released the other day and im looking for an outside opinion on it whether i should pick it up or not. i loved DOA 3, so i would assume that its just the same thing only better, how is the online mode? [size=1][color=blue]A thread on the game already existed, but since you wanted opinions on the game, I figured it would be easier if I just merged the posts, so that the thread would still be on the first page of the forum. - Shinmaru[/size][/color]
  9. [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Metatron[/B] [I]"The manga is currently up to book 14 and looking good"[/I][/QUOTE] manga-rain has finished up through volume 16 actually, and of course its much farther than that in japan. and as for what you were saying about the shinigami's (big spoilers ahoy!) [spoiler] i really dont like Byakuya Kuchiki because he really seems like a pompus *** and he betrayed Rukia. i also think he might be involved in the conspiracy around terminal duo/the execution. Though i really like Renji, even though he helps Byakuya bring Rukia in, he realizes the error of his ways and joins the "Shinigami uprising" (as i like to call it) along with Kenpachi and the others. he has the coolest sword IMO as well [/spoiler]
  10. just watched ep 4, but i got Lunar's sub this time instead of ANBU's and i personally think ANBU does a much better job. anyway watching Rukia fumble with the juice box is hilarious, especially when Keigo asked her if he could help with anything.
  11. i've read up through volume 16 of Bleach and its my favorite series to date. great characters, deep detailed storyline, good comedy and top notch action. cant ask for any more than that.
  12. i completely agree about the action sequences in bleach, they are always stellar even in the mangas. thats one of the things that i love most about this series. and as for what Dagger was saying: [QUOTE]Originally Posted By [B]Dagger IX1[/B] "I actually noticed the same thing as James regarding Tatsuki (is that right?) and Inoue--are there any [Spoiler]hints about a possible relationship between them in the manga?[/spoiler][/QUOTE] I think Tatsuki kinda sees herself as Inoue's big sister as well as her best friend, like its her duty to protect Inoue. towards the end of volume 5 [spoiler]when Inoue faces her first hollow (aside from her brother)[/spoiler] and the end of volume 8 they go into more detail about their relationship if you feel like checking it out. but its nothing huge.
  13. For me as well, Azumanga Daioh is one of the few series' that i actually own (well the first 5 dvds anyway). its the one series where you can pop in any episode at anytime for a good quick laugh without feeling that you need to watch the previous episodes to get the whole picture. I would have to say that my favorite character is Ayumu Kasuga (Osaka), her attitude and reaction for everything always makes me laugh out loud. I love the part from the 2nd year sports festival when she does the obstacle course, the part where she keeps dunking her face in the flour and laughs was hilarious.
  14. [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Dan Rugh[/B] [I]"the guy from Orphen..." would that be Orphen? lol I don't really know anyone else from that show except the blonde kid who's name, I think, is Magus. Oh well.[/I][/QUOTE] hahah oh yeah [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Dan Rugh[/B] [I]"The thing about Ishida Uryuu is that whole Jin look-a-like..."[/I][/QUOTE] bleach has been around since 2001, didnt samurai champloo just begin airing earlier this year? wouldnt that make Jin an Ishida look-alike? and as for what james was saying about the complexity of the story, i couldnt agree more. one of the things that i love about this series is how much detail Kubo gives about every little thing, especially when it comes to hollows, soul society and the shinigami order.
  15. in regards to favorite characters, i would have to say Tatsuki is one of my favorites even though she never plays a huge role in the series. I also really like Ishida (hence my screen name "QuicnyArcher"), who will probably be popping up in the anime within the next few episodes. his character really reminds me of the guy from Orphen, (his name escapes me right now) kinda the reluctant anti-hero type i guess.
  16. second episode was a bit better than the first. but one thing i didnt like was in the manga, Inoue's brother becomes a hollow because of the pain and loneliness (and a few other things that i shouldnt spoil just incase) that he feels after [spoiler]his death[/spoiler], not because he was attacked by some other hollows. it also sounds like the hollows were telling him to [spoiler]go kill ichigo too[/spoiler], so it seems like they're starting to take the series in a much different direction than the source material already, which i suppose isnt a bad thing i guess. they also cut out/shortened a lot of really funny scenes involving Inoue which bummed me out. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added spoiler tags, heh. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  17. yeah, i guess i can see your point on some of that. but if anyone liked the first episode i would highly suggest checking out the manga. you can find scanlations of the first 15-16 volumes on manga-rain's irc shonen jump released volumes 1 & 2 in english, but the translation quality isnt as good.
  18. well first off, in the manga there were never any random explosions caused by the hollows to cause an upstir in the town. in fact throughout the entire course of the manga, most common people in towns were oblivious to the existance of hollows or any actions associated with them. and there was only 1 hollow as well in the beginning, not 2 and it was the one that attacked the kurosaki house. another thing that bothered me, was in the manga, it was karin who came up to ichigo's room to warn him, not yuzu. i dont see why they would change something like that. and when i say "the animation looks a bit off" i mean the art in general, most of the characters look much different then they did, especially ichigo (mainly his face just looks kinda wierd). its as if Kubotite does not have a role in the artwork anymore. as for the music, the intro music was fine i like Orange Range. but some of the music during the episode bothered me, especially when ichi was fighting the hollow, it really just didnt fit. maybe its just me, but being a long time fan of Bleach, i just feel that the show isnt quite living up to my expectations.
  19. hmmm well i've been reading the manga for over a year now, and i just watched the first episode and i have to say that i was seriously disappointed. to me the animation looks a bit off and whoever does the music should be shot in the face.....twice. and its only the first episode yet so many things have changed from the core story of the manga. i hope that it gets better as the show goes on.
  20. hmmm the Silent Hill series is one of my fav's, i just hope they dont screw it up.
  21. My favorite would have to be a tie between Shinobu from Love Hina and Chii from Chobits. my least favorite would have to be Ms. Shimizu from Mahoromatic, something about her just annoyed the crap out of me.
  22. the best FPS for the GC is Metroid prime, but that doesnt have any multiplayer modes. if you want good FPS's switch to a different console. Halo is still the best console multiplayer FPS out there.
  23. i gotta agree with several of the others that the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack is my favorite. its the perfect blend of rock and jazz.
  24. i liked the original Jet Grind Radio for the Dreamcast much better, the gameplay was much deeper and it seemed much more innovative back in its DC days. JSRF to me just seems like a dumbed down version of the original.
  25. i just saw this movie today with a bunch of friends and i loved it, one of the best movies i've seen in a long long time. it seems like most everything being made by Focus Features these days turns out to be an excellent flick (i.e. Lost in Translation, 21 Grams, Eterernal Sunshine, etc) anywho, i highly reccomend this show to anyone and everyone. :D
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