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Jim Hawkins

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Everything posted by Jim Hawkins

  1. Well I would have to say that my least favorite anime character would have to be Hercule from Dragon Ball Z. I say this because in the show alot of people think of him as the greatest fighter in the world when almost anyone else could beat him in a fight. I really hate him because during the Cell Saga ss2 Gohan was my all time favorite anime character ever and still is today. Hercule took all the credit for the defeat of Cell even though Gohan used all his energy and soul into defeating Cell and this just pissed me off to no end. This is why I really hate Hercule and still do to this day!
  2. I just have one question! In the PS2 Games of .Hack The ingame creature Mia transforms into one of the eight phases called Macha. Is this the same Macha from the show just in another form. So that means Mia has three forms right?
  3. What is this thread about. I mean is it us telling the person who made is how we liked or did not like his poem?
  4. In every battle scene I've ever seen with Inuyasha no tonce have I ever seen him give up, even when he knows it is hopless. I one episode Miroku was about to die because his windtunnel was screwed up and he was surrounded by like 100 demons he said " It's over and I won't delay my death like Inu Yasha would." but Inu Yasha comes in and saves him so you don't have to worry about that. Anyway this proves that Inu Yasha never run's or gives up in a fight.
  5. I seen a man today As I was walking down the stairs I seen a man staring right back at me. Todat I seen a man who wan't there again today how I wish he'd go away. How I fear and hate him so and how he know's not even I know. I made this up when I was bored how do you all like it?
  6. awsome job with the Epitaph of Twilight I really like it. So I guess it's pretty obvious you beat all four of the games because you kbow all the epitaph. I have but one question what is this thread about?
  7. This is a pretty good show and I was wondering if anyone besides me watches it? This show is about a boy named Yoh Asakura who is your every day local shaman. A shaman is a link between this world and the next or a person who has the ability to allow ghosts to posses them ad use their power. Later he gets into the shaman tournament which takes place every 500 years and the victor becomes shaman king which is the person who is allowed to save the world and also rule it. If anyone has seen or even heard of it let me know what you think of it me personally I like it.
  8. Mine would be about all tha animes and mangas going to war. All the good guy's verses the bad guy's from all the animes combined like Yoh Asakura and Vegaeta as generals and stuff. There would also be like betrayals like Lady Cubaru betraying the good army or something like that what do you all think?
  9. I am sorry but I just started playing and I got my deck for free from a friend. He gave me alot more cards and if you give me advice on what ones I should use that are not in my deck I will take it thank you.
  10. Now that I think about it I would like to live in the Out Law Star universe. I say this because I would love to be in space because its it's always been my dream. I would also like to live there because I couldn't think of any better way to die than in space fighting from onboard one of the ships because it's like I always say GO OUT WITH A BANG!
  11. My deck only has 40 cards because I have all 5 cards of and the smaller the deck tbetter the chances and the reason I have witch of the black forest is because after she dies you pick 1 card from your deck. All I need is two more god card I'm almost there.I also have 3 Penguin Soldiers because once they die you pick 2 cards. Exodia The Forbidden One x1 Left Arm Of The Forbidden One x1 Right Arm Of The Forbidden x1 Left Leg Of The Forbidden One x1 Right Leg Of The Forbidden One x1 Dark Magician x3 Blue Eyes White Dragon x3 Ultimate Blue Eyes White Dragon x1 Mirror Force x3 Magic Cylinder x3 Dark Girl x2 Obelisk The Tormentor x1 Monster Rebon x3 Trap Hole x3 Rageki x3 anti Rageki x2 Witch of the Black Forest x3 Penguin soldier x3 Man Eater Bug x2 :devil: :flaming: :mad:
  12. My favorite anime couple would have to be Inu Yasha and Kagome. There is just one thing that makes me mad KIKIO. I am beggining to wonder if they ever truly get together. You can tell though there is alot of tension between them becauhe of Kikio but you can still see lot of love between them as well.
  13. I can't really decide because I'm at a cross between Out Law Star and Dragon Ball Z. I would like to be in the Dragon Ball Z universe because of the huge number of characters, I might get to see some of the battles, And I would also like to be there because death is never really permanent, and I would finally get my question answered which is WHAT HAPPENED TO LAUNCH?
  14. Inu Yasha is the fith anime I ever watched and it is now my second favorite anime I ever seen and i've watched at least 14 anime series. I have just one question is demon Inu Yasha stronger than normal Inu Yasha? I ask this because it seems like when Inu Yasha fights Sesshumaru when he isn't a demon he does alot better than when he is a demon.
  15. My mother thinks that I am to old to be watching cartoons as she calls them. One night I was watching Inu Yasha ahe walked in when there was a nude scene and now she never lets me hear the ned of it. Now all she does is yell at me when I watch anime but I don't care I only have to put up with it for four more years.
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