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jim, hawkins

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Everything posted by jim, hawkins

  1. Hello all I am curious to know if there are any others out there who practice shamanism like me and my grandmother do? My grandmother was a shaman and my grandfather was not he wasn't even japanese. But my mother was born into shamanism but chose not to accept the religion as hers so she convertd to christiananity. When she had me I chose to practice shamanism. Anyway I wondering if there were any other shamans like myself that go to this website to. If so feel free to post about anything shamanic such as your spiritual journeys that you took or are going to take and what your spirit guide may be like Bear, Butterfly, coyote, dog, Dolphin, Eagle, Fox, Frog, Hawk, Horse, Lion, Lizard, Owl, Panther, Rabbit, Raven, Snake, Spider, Turtle, Wolf which your spirit guide should be one of these. This thread is open for all to read but I would appreciate it very much if only those who practice shamanism post in it. For those of you who wish to convert to shamanism don't get your hopes up. The only way to become a shaman is to be born into it or survive a calling. And people don't pretend to practice shamanism so you can post here. Thanx
  2. I've always been a big fan of the game GO I'm glad someone has decided to make a manga about it. I reccommend that everyone here start learning how to play. Also thanx to this new anime the average children players of GO have increased by over 30% all thanx to this manga. This manga isn't the best I've ever seen like the characters for instance. Fujiwara No Sai looks like a woman when he's actually a man. Akira Toya also looks like a female. However once I looked passed all the flaws and into the story itself I realised that this was infact a great manga. I have just one question. since Hikaru was able to see Fujiwara No Sai and was possesed by him does that mean that he is a shaman or shamanic potential?
  3. The cutest anime girl is faye valentine from cowboy bebop. There is no one hotter thats a cartoon then her. I gurantee it.Cowboy bebop is the greates anime so it would only make since that the greatest anime girl would come from the greatest anime.
  4. The ending was ok... I just think they should pf added some extra stuff like after the credits it shows [spoiler]Darcia dead and all the wolves walking toward paradise. That would of been so cool. Basicaly when you say them in the city at the end it was many, many centuries later after they all died and were then reborn only to begin there quest once again. This will keep on happening until they finally succeed. For those people who think that when it showed them in a city they were in paradise your wrong. Your wrong because you could see people in the back ground when only wolves are aloud to dwell in paradise.[/spoiler] Well thats all... [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added spoiler tags. [i]Please[/i] be mindful when talking about the endings of shows which other people (like myself) haven't seen yet. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  5. Cowboy Bebop has always been my favorite anime of all time for some reason I like the fact that I can relate to the characters. This isn't just some anime focused on just one specific think like Dragon Ball Z where it focuses all on fighting and saving the earth. This anime focuses on so many different things and emotions which makes it appealing to almost anyone. But for some reason what I like best about this anime is that at the end of each episodethey always have a set of words like " See You Space Cow Girl Some Day Some Wher." For example. I don't know why but I just like that alot. Also in my opinion this anime series has the best ending I have ever seen even though it was incredibly sad. I hope you all like this anime as much as I do... anyways thats all I have to say about this anime... I'm out!
  6. To be honest I don't know why I'm guessing this mostly because of the part when you sai "with a golde treasure inside" So thats why my gues is...... An egg ------- Ok this is my 3rd riddle and is actualy kind of easy but oh well you will propbably get it right on the first try. I am he that solves riddles though long ago that was and for this i get money. There are many out there like me though we all know I was the best. I could be the one to solve the crime if the law isn't in my way. What is it that I do and who am I? [size=1][color=#ff6600]Posts merged. Jim, do not--I repeat, [i]do not[/i]--double post. If you have something you need to add, there is an option for you to [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/liquid/buttons/edit_rollover.gif[/img] your post. Use it. Posting twice in a row is against our rules. Your posts are also difficult to read. Punctuation would help. -Lore[/size][/color]
  7. I think that the answer to Eli' ridle is love jut as mine was. Because when When she says it's greater than God that is true because love is the greatest power of all. When she says eviler than the Devil it relates to my poem when I said some people lost all they had because of it. So its love i think. Thank you all for givin me the reasonsto your answers like I asked.
  8. Eli Very good I'm proud to say that your answer was correct. I'm not surprised somebody got this so soon because of the saying in the poem. I am sorry but the next riddle will come tomorrow. And from now on when you give an answer please tell me why you chose that answer like Eli did. So just dont only put the answer this goes for everyone. thanx
  9. yes the answer was dark and iw as from the hobbit. Now here is the second riddle: This thing conquers all but it can be be your toughest challenge. Many people died in its name I hope you all are willing to do the same. Some thought they had this and because of it they lost all they had which waf worse for somw than it was for others. It can be the best or the worst thing in your life but thats up for you to decide. I made this up my self.
  10. [quote name='Turdle']Hmm, my guess is 'nothing'.[/quote] your answer is not the correct one just ask yourself what is in empty holes. If three more people miss the answer I will just give the answer and add the next riddle.
  11. pleae try to anwer these riddles. Evey time someone anwers the riddle correctly I will add a new one so pleae try and answer them. Here's the first riddle. It cannot be seen, cannot be felt Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, And empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, Ends life, kills laughter. Try to answer
  12. Well here is what I think of your poem. It's pretty good to my standards but it kind of seems like it could be the anime version of Romeo and Juliet. Imean the forbidn love and all teir obstacles they went through. But I like it. Kep up the good work.
  13. Galadriel was an elven king of hich the harpers sadly sing. He traveled down the yonder roads of which the elves did in the days of old. Still he travels on until at last he enters shadow. Now none remember Galadriel the fairest king. His hair was of liquid gold his face was full of light but alas he now sees only shadow. His hair is now as black as night and his face no longer brings us hope. And so now in shadow he dwells until the days of new. So alas his star is cast in shadow from now until forever more.
  14. How do you pick up the pieces of an old life? Some wounds go to deep, and so in your heart you begin to understand .... there is no going back. Someone once told me that his part in these tales would end that all f us must come and go in the telling. And so his part in this tale has ended there would be no more adventures for him.... except one.
  15. I like this anime its real good but not that original. The artwork could be better but all in all it's ok. my favorite character in .hack//dusk would have to be the character that can transform into a wolf even though I'm beginning to suspect she's an ingame creature kind of like Mia from the PS2 games. What do you all think do you agree?
  16. To be honest I actually like the anime. It's alot better than the manga I think. The only problem with the show is Yoh's voice everything else seems ok to me. I think you all are just dissapointed because you were hoping for a real good anime when you only got a good one.
  17. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]undefined[/COLOR IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEN WIT WHAT I WROTE HERE FEEL FREE TO PM ME. I am going to write the Epitaph of Twilight in full the way it was originally to be wroye but changed in the games and tell you a little bit about Emma the authour and Harald the famous programmer after wards. Keep in mind that this Epitaph has many differences than the one in the first page of this forum. Unknown where the cursed wave was born... After the stars doth cross the heavens... The sky in the East doth darken.And air doth fills with mourning. From the chosen land beyond the Forest, to drown all that standa. Mirage of Deceit, Innis, Betray all with the flawed image, and did aid the wave. And by the power of Magus, a drop from the wave doth reach the heavens, and creates a new wave. With the Wave, Fidchell, the power to tell the dark future, hope darkens,sadness and despair rule. Gorre schemes when swallowed by the Cursed Wave. Macha seduces with the sweet trap. Wave reaches the pinnacle, and escape none can. Only a void remains. From deep within the void arrives Corbenik. Yet to return the shadowed one. Who quests for the Twilight DragonRumbles the Dark Hearth, And Helba, Queen of the Dark, has raised finally her army. Apeiron, King of Light, beckons... At the base of the rainbow they meet. Against the abominable " Wave, " together they fight. Alba's lake boils. Light's great tree doth fall. Power- all now to droplets turned in the temple of Arche Koeln. Returns to nothing, this world of shadowless ones. Never to return, the shadoless one. Who quests for the Twilight Dragon. The wife buffeted by the " Waves " turns her back on the field. The daughte that waited for the shadows repeated, " For sure... For sure I can go home. " But the girl did not know... the truth that waited at the end of the journey, The eternal mourning of her land. In the place of the calamitous, only life was known. After the circling stars When the Eastern dark void, the air full of despair In the depths of the divided forest, In the land of Kalma, Riding fast on the path is Skeith Bearing Death's shadow it eliminates all that seek to thawrt it. The Confusing Mirage, Innis Deceives those that see it with illusions, rescues the Waves The wave soaring high, When its head is smashed, A new wave will emerge To become Magus's power. When questioning the Wave, Hope's light will be lost when he speaks of the dark future of where sorrow and resignation rein Using Fiddlehiem's Technique When engulfed by the Wave of Calamity, Gorre will plan The sweet snare of conciliation is Macha The Waves, an exceeding maelstrom Nothing can escape When you think you have escaped, Tarvos exists To destroy those with his exceeding cruelty Upon violent requital, only to remain is the void, the vacant darkness is the harbinger that Corbenik is to appear. Emma Wielant had studied medical science before experiencing a " pschic phenomenom. " After which, she developed an interest in the metaphysical, and started writing poetry. Later, she died in a car crash. Her epic poem " Epitaph of Twilight. " although unfinished it was used by Harald Hoerwick as the basis of his computer game "Fragment". Harald sold "Fragment" to the Altimit Company ( Survivers of the only surviving computer operating system). Several of the Altimit programers left the company to form Cyber Connect Corp., And released the game "Fragment" under the new name called "The World". Unfortunately there has been a high turnover at both Altimit and Cyber Connecy Corp. Further more Harald and Emma were the only ones who knew what the original Epitah contained the the basis of the game was made on. The poem still exists but has been changed by fans so just like the one on the first page. I now also know that the games for the PS2 did not play all the way through the Epitaph of Twilight so it isn't over yet. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS WITH WHAT I WROTE FEEL FREE TO PM ME.
  18. um to be honest your not a complete pro until you play all the games so until then i know more than you. you should really play the games you would like them.
  19. I think I understand everything about Maha. [spoiler]Maha was an ingame creature created by Morgana to aid her whenever needed but when Tsukasa was able to leave Morgana no longer needed Maha at the time. Morgana transformed Maha and Maha'a dorment power in the new creation Mia. Morgana gave memories to Mia so that she would think she was a real player and would be able to befriend other players like Elk for example. But finally when Mia was most needed to defeat Kite because he was destroying the Eight Phases Morgana was forced to put Mia's dorment power into form to stop Kite. Morgana did this because Mia had no power against the power of Kite's bracelet and also because even if ordered she would not of attacked them because they were friends because not only did she befriend them but they befriended her so Morgana transformed Mia into the creature Macha.[/spoiler] Well I think that covers everything on Maha, Mia, and Macha. :) [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added [spoiler] tags ^_~ -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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