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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. I usually love your sketches and drawings. For this one in particular, (WARNING --- This will sound wrong) there is something about the boobs. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be perverted. I find the female chest very difficult to draw realistically, and it seems to be one of the things you do with ease. I also like the way you did the fabric on the dress and the scarf. The only thing I could say I don't like would be the ear. It seems a little low and small compared to the eyes and nose. But really, I have to strain myself to find anything I don't like about this picture. I hope you don't think I was too harsh in my previous post. I just try to be as honest as I can in hopes that I can help. ~ :animedepr -r2
  2. [quote name='Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Anyways, does anyone know why they took the subtitle, "Psalm of Planets," out on the dubbed version? I guess they must of thought it unnessessary or something. Also, what's a Psalm?[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] Might be a religious thing. The psalms is a book in the bible that are lyrical and are meant to be songs praising God. Many Church hymns are composed of lines from the Book of Psalms. -r2
  3. [quote name='uchihagirl']Is there two versions of Naruto?[/quote] There's only one version of Naruto in Japan. The American DVDs will have a censored version (what you see on TV) and an uncensored, subtitled version (what you see when you download). No matter what fanboys tell you, Naruto was created for 12 year old boys and younger. Everyone else is welcome to enjoy, but there's no adult-only version. Edit: The most recent episode in Japan is 189. -r2
  4. [quote name='Avenged666fold']Just imagine walking down the street with your fly *** pink ds.[/quote]My girlfriend has a Pink DS and I had to use that for my DS games while I was waiting for the DS Lite to come out. ^^;; It has this pink hamburger DS case too. xD -r2
  5. 18,000 of the Black DS lites being shipped to Europe were swiped in Hong Kong. [url=http://www.engadget.com,%20www.engadget.com/2006/06/15/the-curious-case-of-the-2-3m-in-missing-ds-lites/]Link 1[/url] [url=http://games.kikizo.com/news/200606/088.asp]Link 2[/url] [url=http://www.nintendojo.com/infocus/view_item.php?1150383252]Link 3[/url] T_T Those poor critters. *[i]strokes my DS Lite[/i]* -r2
  6. I haven't played in a while, and it's been even longer since I've debated rulings but I took a quick look at the rules just now. I don't think you can summon Sacred Beast Uria, Lord of Searing Flames on your opponents turn. Reasoning: I'm pretty sure that Summons, even Special Summons, can only take place during your own Main Phases (either 1 or 2) unless triggered by a Trap/Effect Monster or your opponent's Trap/Magic/Effect Monster. In fact, I don't think you can do anything on your opponents turn unless you're triggered by, or responding to, something your opponent did. (ie. Your opponent summons, Your opponent attacks, etc.) -r2
  7. Sorry for the delay. Here's Bubbles from the PPGZ Anime! ^^ [URL=http://img220.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ppgz06030mn.jpg][IMG]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/6109/ppgz06030mn.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] (Click thumbnail for larger image) Have at it. ^^ -r2
  8. [quote name='Flame_Alchemist']Does anyone know when it's going to be released in the UK? I have to get one ready for Final Fantasy III![/quote]According to Wikipedia, DS Lite will be released in Europe on June 23 2006 except in Sweden and Finland. Since it's a "red day" on the 23'rd, the Swiss and and the Finns will get it a day earlier. [quote name='Hunter DX][COLOR=DarkGreen']How much are Lites selling for?[/COLOR][/quote]The DS Lite is the same price as the Nintendo DS. [quote name='Charles']I also like the way the buttons feel, with the exception of the super small "start" and "select" buttons.[/quote]I was wondering if I was the only one who felt that way about the Start/Select buttons. They're pretty small and difficult to push, though I guess that isn't a really big complaint since all the other buttons feel great. -r2
  9. I was sure that I talked about DS Lite on OB but I can't seem to find the thread. Nintendo has decided to redesign the DS Lite. With all the same functions as the NDS, DS Lite is smaller, lighter, and sleeker. The buttons are slightly repositioned (mainly Start, and Select), the power button has been moved to the side of the DS, along with the larger stylus. The GBA slot now has a slot cover, the microphone was moved to the hinge, and the buttons are now spring loaded. Altogether, though, the biggest improvement may be the screen, which is brighter and more colourful. There are even four brightness levels to choose from. My DS Lite story: [indent]I sold my DS about a month ago, and I waited to preorder my DS Lite until last week, so I was number 29 on the list. On the day that the DS Lite shipped out, the Electronics Boutique I got it from had only 28. >.< Luckily for me, the manager of the store had put himself on the list pretty early, but decided to take his name off so number 29 could get it. So now I am a proud owner of the NDS Lite.[/indent] Has anyone else grabbed the Lite? Is anyone going to grab it? I hear it's still sold out in Japan. 8) -r2
  10. I find that it depends on who you're playing with, just like Mario Kart. Because the Narutimate Hero games are pretty short (unless you include trying to collect tons of money and all the items), and the computer ai isn't great, the biggest part of the game is the versus mode. If your friends can make the vs mode fun, the game can last you a while. If you have nobody to play with, the game can get old fast. [quote name='KyuubiKhaos]i [B]will[/B] get PS3, and i [B]will[/B'] get Ultimate Ninja!!!![/quote]But Narutimate Hero is for PS2 8). -r2
  11. Sorry guys, I've been a little too busy to participate in this round. I was going to submit, but I wont have the chance anymore. -r2
  12. I don't like the way you coloured it. The colours are nice, but the lines look grainy. I think you should clean the picture up more before you colour it next time. Also, the way some of the items are outlined and some aren't irks me a bit. I guess it's not a major issue, but it feels weird that the girl is outlined, but the flower isn't. The drawing is nice, but strange in certain areas. The neck looks bent, the shoulders are twice the width of the stomach (though this could be attributed to style), and some of the areas are sketchy while some are well defined. The last complaint would be dismissable in a sketch, or line drawing, but for a CG piece, I think you should be more consitant. Lastly, although you did this fairly well, there are some horizontal lines on the swimsuit that look like they should be broken by the folds, but aren't. Again, not a big deal, and it could just be me over analyzing like I usually do. ^^ -r2
  13. [quote name='BKstyles']I never said there are legit subtitled box sets...i said there were legit boxsets. The bootlegs are fansubbed which to me make little difference. I've seen multiple providers with good quality.[/quote]Well, the "legit" DVDs that are out aren't boxsets they've only released eight episodes (on two disks, sold sperately). Anything else is a bootleg. [quote name='BKstyles']There is actually a box-set up to episode 148. As far as legit sets go, the rest would be obtained as bootlegs...[/quote]Any box-set up to episode 148 is a bootleg. If that's what you meant, you weren't very clear with what you said. Maybe the "As far as legit sets go," line threw me off, because I'm not sure what you're referring to. -r2
  14. Heh~ I know how you feel Lunox. But I'm happy I got in one round at least. ^^ -r2
  15. [quote name='BKstyles']There is actually a box-set up to episode 148. As far as legit sets go, the rest would be obtained as bootlegs, but from what i've seen they are of rather good quality.[/quote]Legitimately, Naruto hasn't come out subtitled yet. The first boxset is coming out in July, but don't expect them to be near Cartoon Network, since it will only contain 13 episodes. Any Naruto DVDs with subtitles that you see on the shelves today are bootleg, and illegal. The boxsets differentiate in number, as does the quality, because they're done by different groups. Buy bootlegs at your own risk, but don't complain about quality when you do. I always wondered why people would pay for HK Subs when they can get them for free. If you're going to be so cheap that you wont buy the official DVDs, get the fansubs. If you're going to shell out money, you might as well support the companies that are making the products. [url=http://www.animenation.com/d-nrbs1.html][b]Link[/b][/url] -r2
  16. And that's why you don't play Katamari Damacy in real life. -r2
  17. [quote name='Hunter DX][COLOR=DarkGreen']Seeing how bad the GC versions of the Naruto franchise have been.[/COLOR][/quote]The GCN version of Naruto and PS2 version of Naruto are very different. It's like comparing SSB gameplay style to Soul Calibur gameplay style. Clash of the Ninja (CotN) plays with a 2D fighting style in a 3D environment. (Think Soul Calibur, DOA, or Tekken. You and your opponent are on a 3D stage, but the camera always rotates so one of you will be on one side, and the other on the other side.) Ultimate Ninja (UN) plays on a 2D playing field with 2 layers of fighting, but encorperates 3D fighting. (Think Guilty Gear. You play on a 2D stage, but can 'teleport' over to the other stage in the background. Though, even if someone is on the other stage, you can throw weapons at them as an attack.) CotN has a basic ring that you fight in. UN has a variety of stages that you can jump on, run through, fly across, tight-rope walk on, and even hang from walls. CotN tries to be "Naruto: The Fighting Game" with better fight mechanics than UN. UN tries to be "Naruto The Anime Game" with injokes for fans from the Anime, Trivia, and a pretty good RPG to boot. GameFAQs.com had a lot of friction between fans of the Gekitou Ninja Taisen (CotN) series and the Narutimate Hero (UN) series. CotN fans played their game for the fighting, and called UN fans Naruto Anime fanboys. UN fans played their game because they thought it was more fun than CotN, and loved the connections to the Anime. Though, they called the CotN fans names too. :rolleyes: -r2
  18. Wow, that was a close race. >.< Thanks for letting me a part of this tournament Delta; 'twas great fun. And I really appreciate the comments that came in. ^^ [quote name='DeGHead]it just seems kind of... boring? No offense of course, but the plain old text just doesn't draw my attention.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=Keyblade Wielder][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Only thing is... all I see is text, text... and more text... not to be mean, but it seemed kind of plain. Maybe add a picture or something in there next time?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE][QUOTE=jigglyness]I just can't something that would catch my eye with your piece. I don't see much a distinguished style in yours. The ribbon hole and the bookmark idea is very creative. Maybe just try to make it more appealing to the eye.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=Pumpkin][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=#333333][SIZE=2]I didn't find that this piece touched me as much as Sakurasuka's did, as it seems really bland and not enough to draw one's attention too much.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]Heh~ This was actually my main concern when making the image. I wanted to put something into the bookmark that would represent [b]Ender's Game[/b], but since it's only a novel at the moment, there's not much imagery that would be instantly associated with it. I was actually going to vector a "Bean" type shadow (from the covers of [b]Ender's Shadow[/b] and [b]Shadow of the Hegemon[/b]) but they didn't work well with the text, and they weren't in any way related to the chapter I chose. This is where the colour handicap really hit me hard. If I had more colours to choose from, I may have been able to do something a little more dynamic. As Sakurasuka showed, a vectorized character can work with only three colours, but it doesn't work with the style I wanted to push forward. [quote name='bluemarble]The clashing text is really cool. It works well enough.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=Dagger]...the unconventionality of the image made me actually take a moment to look at it from several angles and try reading the text.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=Pumpkin][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=#333333][SIZE=2]I especially liked how you placed the wording at different angles that it makes you want to read all the sides.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE][QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=Sienna]The only thing I don?t like is the placement of the main words Chapter 5 Games. I don?t care for the C being cut off on the left side.[/COLOR][/QUOTE][QUOTE=Lunox][color=dimgray']The diagonal contast between the lower half and the bit in the right hand corner is sort of akward[/color][/quote]The text is the bulk of the picture, but I spent the least time on it. After typing up the pages, I decided that the text should be taken as a part of the image, and not something that will actually be read from beginning to end, so I tried to treat the text as a visual graphic, as opposed to typography. The placement of the paragraphs was the most difficult because I knew that typography alone would be very plain. That's why I cut off paragraphs, and angled the text. Doing this, though, would cause open spaces along edges and I would have to rearrange the text so that I wouldn't have open spaces everywhere. For example, the top-right hand text had very short lines, so if I moved it any further West/North/North-West, there would be white space on the right side. If I moved it any further East/South/South-East, there would be white space on the left side, or the top. Any futher North-East, and I would have very little text showing. Any further South-West, and "Ender Wiggen" would be cut off. I know the awkward angles make the text clash a little, but I decided that since it's the only for of "excitement" that I would have, I should keep it as so. ^^ [quote name='Dagger]The bookmark concept is nice, as is the hole effect (although I think it should have been more defined along its upper edge).[/QUOTE][QUOTE=Aaryanna][COLOR=SeaGreen]I like how you created a hole in the text at the top as if it was a real bookmark.[/COLOR][/QUOTE][QUOTE=Lunox][color=dimgray'] I don't know why you put a ribbon hole at the top.[/color][/quote]First, to Lunox... Not all bookmarks, but a lot have ribbon holes at the top of them. [url=http://www.futurechristianhomemakers.com/images/bookmark.jpg]Link[/url]. It's not always there, but bookmarks can be associated with them. As for the actual hole, I scanned a hole punched paper and grabbed the hole from that. I started with a drawing of one, but it wasn't easily recognizable. The real one, though, had a bit of an issue when it was converted to the handicap colours. The top edge, which was already pretty light, disappeared altogether. If I tried to make it darker, it didn't look as good in %50 grey. I really wanted the voters to know that, yes it is a bookmark. So I sort of spoonfed the audience here with "BOOKMARK" written above the image and the ribbon hole on the image. Which brings me to... [quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR=SeaGreen]What I don?t care for is the border. I don?t know if you were trying to give in some depth by having the left and bottom a bit thicker (at least that?s how it looks on my screen) but I think a solid border would have been a little nicer.[/COLOR][/QUOTE][QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]The only thing I don?t care for is the border. The shadow is fine; I just think the piece would be a little nicer with a bigger black border.[/COLOR][/QUOTE][QUOTE=Delta][COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1]I think it would look better if the border was of the same thickness on all sides. Judging by the hole you made, the rendered shadow of the bookmark (which I took to be the thick left and bottom borders) should've appeared at the top and right borders. Devil's in the details, chief.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]Edit: Whoops. Pushed the wrong button... The original design had a border. Then I went to two borders, one white, one black. I tried going for half and half borders. In fact, most of the variations I created differed only in their border. I eventually decided that since I'm feeding the audience so much (see above) that the lack of a border wouldn't be too harsh. The shadow is an honest mistake. I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out Delta. I pretty much saw "shadow South-West" on the hole and decided "shadow South-West" on the border would make it fine. xD Whoops. Thanks again for voting guys, and all your comments. If I didn't reply to your comment, I apologize and hope I replied to something similar here. >.< It was great fun, and I'll try to vote in the upcoming rounds! Good luck sakurasuka, and congratulations! -r2
  19. Hi sunate, Welcome to Otakuboards. Introduction threads are not permitted at OB because they have very little conversation value and end up making the boards terribly messy. Rather, we prefer new members to just jump right into conversations and we'll get to know you through your posts. Make sure to read the [url="http://http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][b]rules[/b][/url] before continuing to post, and if you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -r2
  20. In one episode Envy asks Scar what his real name is. I think he replied along the lines of [spoiler]his name was given by God, and he no longer follows God, so his original name has no purpose.[/spoiler] That's if I remember correctly. I call it a cop-out, but maybe the Hagaren Manga hasn't revealed his name yet, and they don't want too many indiscrepencies. (You might be able to tell, that I haven't gotten far in the Manga yet) -r2
  21. r2vq


    Hi 5ilv3r F0x This thread will have to be closed. First, Otakuboards emphasizes post quality and conversation. Meaning that posts, especially those that open threads, must have enouch fodder for the conversational fire. Your post was lacking because you never explain what it was about Gravitation that you liked. Another thing that can help when you want to create an Anime-specific thread would be to describe what the Anime is about for those who have never seen it before. Most importantly, we only allow one Anime-specific thread per Anime. There's a list of them [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]here[/url][/b] and [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=33793]Gravitation[/url] is already on that list. This process is in place to avoid confusion and thread repitition. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -r2
  22. How do you sneak up on somebody if they can see the same screen you're viewing? I'm reminded of when I played Reptile from Mortal Kombat. [quote name='Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS']I foresee if the Wiimote (I love that name!) is used in for gameplay, a lot of people will get hurt... :animedepr [/COLOR][/quote]I was wondering about that even before E3'06. When Miyamoto and Iwata were playing Tennis on stage, it dawned on me that a large room may be needed for having the most fun on this console for certain games... which leads me to worry about how well it can do in the country without any space to spare, Japan. -r2
  23. I don't know what Chad/Sado from Bleach is supposed to look like, since I don't follow the series, but I can really tell that a lot of time went into this. The hair is beautiful, but it doesn't match the rest of the picture since the rest of the picture is all blocky and all brushed cell shading-ish~. The background is my favourite part. Is that his ear that I see? I think it may be a little too low. Either that or his eyes nose and mouth may be a little too big. I can't tell which it is. What I'm really wondering is what the Katakana means... "ruchimoyuyamamechi mochitoma" ? It doesn't match the Romaji~ was it random? Once again, I don't watch Bleach so if there's some contextual meaning that I'm missing, I apologize. Actually, looking at it again... I think I see what you did. Don't do it again. Katakana is written by pronounciation, not letter by letter. (Though, I do love the colour on it.) -r2
  24. [quote name='Dagger]It's only one of my favorite books [i]ever[/i']. :catgirl:[/quote]Yay! I art not the only one~ (Well.. and SunfallE XP) [quote name='sakurasuka][size=1']I just wanted to tell r2 good luck, because your piece is just so darn pretty. I love how you even got creative and put the ribbon-hole at the top [;[/size][/quote]Aww~ thanks ^^. Good luck to you too. I'm sweating bullets right now because I really like that vector girl you have. And I'm sorry about your computer. Technology, the blessing, and bane of humanity. -r2
  25. Woo Delta, you do know that we will have our revenge on you for this round. :) [center][b]--=+BOOKMARK+=--[/b] [img]http://r2vq.yamifarao.net/pics/chapter5.gif[/img][/center] [b]The Programs+=--[/b] Microsoft Notepad 5.1 Adobe Photoshop 7.0 [B]The Jist+=--[/B] This took me considerably less time than the previous entry, but it took the same amount of effort and creative energies. I ended up using a GIF with only three colours, so [b]no alias-ing[/b] is in the image at all. [b]The Steps+=--[/B] Find appropriate text. Copy text line for line. -Notepad Moifiy text colour and font face to match handicap. -Photoshop Position text. -Photoshop Add/Position chapter title. -Photoshop Add "Ribbon Hole" at top. -Photoshop Tweak Tweak Tweak Tweak Dinner Tweak [b]Final Word+=--[/b] [strike]A chocolate Internet cookie to the first person who states which book this is from. ^^[/strike] ~[i]hands SunfallE a chocolate Internet cookie[/i]~ -r2
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