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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. I know everyone's tired of me and my questions by now, but I have one more. As long as we use the limited font sets, we can use any style right? ie. Bold, Italic, Regular. -r2
  2. [quote name='Diablo']...when I say I don't like seeing animals being killed, slaughtered and whatnot. I mean it, literally. I like animals over people in general. (Sad, but true)[/quote]Don't [b]ever[/b] watch the [b]Call of the Wild[/b] anime. >.
  3. I fell in love with the Narutimate Hero series at the second installment. It's a great series, but it'll be hard for me to regress when the English versions come out. Especially since I'm already used to Narutimate Hero 3. Going from wonderful graphics to something a few years old is hard enough but from 50 to 15 characters...? I'll pick up this game; it's the only one I don't have the Japanese version for. The thing I'm looking forward to the most is playing it in [b]English[/b]. It's hard to play with a dictionary in hand. xD -r2
  4. r2vq


    [QUOTE=The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm looking for somebody that only knows the basic basics of the game like i do. //snip// I just played some go maybe 5 minutes ago...it was ugly to say the least.[/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE]Playing Go against somebody who doesn't know doesn't help your game much if you don't know anything. Not only that, it is a terribly boring game. The best course of action for playing this game if you're totally new would be to get someone more experieced to teach you at first. After you become a little more competent, you can start playing others, but preferably at a slightly different level. If you or they need a handicap, don't be ashamed to use them. They're there [i]because[/i] you're different levels. If you're playing somebody better, you should be able to learn something from your opponent by imitating their moves, asking why they place stones in certain places, and learning from their experience. If you're playing against somebody weaker, you'll be able to become more familiar with the rules you already learned, and it's just fun practice. I play go, but I haven't touched a stone for a few months now. Just too darn busy. -r2
  5. [quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray]Chapter 308: [spoiler] Nice chapter. :D Did anyone notice that the Kyuubi wasn't really behind its bars? I'm taking this as a bad sign.[/spoiler'][/color][/quote]Yeah, I noticed it sort of bubbling through~ I take it as a symbol of its control over the jinchuuriki growing. I also remember somebody saying that the seal was beginning to leak? I think this is a pretty good visual representation of that. Although it's starting to leak through, all you can see is the head. [quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray][spoiler]Also, hooray for Sakura for not acting useless![/spoiler'][/color][/quote]xD Though she didn't do that much, did she? The ending when [spoiler]Sasuke just appeared beside Naruto freaked me out. It was something completely unexpected. I'll agree with you all and say it's probably a Sharingan induced Genjutsu, though the Kyuubi seems to know something about Uchiha...A connection maybe? Maybe we'll find out why it attacked Konoha in particular?[/spoiler] On a totally different note, at the convention I went to this weekend I saw FOUR (or maybe it was three...) Time-skip Sasuke's of varying quality. I was surprised they pulled their costumes so fast! I just wish I took pictures of them... -r2
  6. Yes, but if you change something in Wikipedia, I (you, editors, readers, or Bob from down the street) can always revert it back to the way it was before. It keeps a history of the edits to prevent malicious entries. As for "otaku" silver_blade has done a wonderful job at describing the term. I was going to add something, but s/he's covered everything I can think of about the proper definition. -r2
  7. What if an animation doesn't have any "fading" involved? Because I can always just switch from one frame directly to another~ Also~ Transparent frames meaning we can't have any GIFs that let you see through them in some sections? Or layers with colours that are semi-transparent? ...or are we supposed to work with only one layer... One more question~ Just like we didn't have to use all the colours last time, I'm assuming we don't have to use both, or any fonts this time, right? The only restriction is that if we want to use fonts it has to be from the selection? I would've asked all this in my thread, but since I'm already posting here... Heck, I move that we start asking questions in the HB thread [[b][url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=5333]Link[/url][/b]] instead of the Battle Threads. Just to keep it clean. Heh~ though that's obviously not my call. -r2
  8. [quote name='Xyandar']That was my first time there so to me it was awesome.[/quote] I hope I didn't sound like uptight with my description. It's just that the previous years had a lot more. I had tons of fun there and I really enjoyed myself, but it was a disappointment in comparison to them. Were you there when they locked down the hotel because a girl went missing? [quote name='Special OPS]I NEED EVERYONE TO SIT DOWN~! HEY, SIT DOWN. [b][i]SIT DOWN!!![/i'][/b][/quote] I'm glad they found her, but they didn't have to be so rude to everyone. [quote name='natsuki']I went to anime north on sunday, it was my first time and i spent 3 hours on transit to get there...unfortunitely it was not worth my travel time.[/quote]I wouldn't just the convention by Sunday alone. Sunday is usually, in this case too, the slowest day of a convention. Less cosplayers, fewer people, less things to do, even lower prices on merchendise. Saturday, on the other hand, is the best day, though that's why the entrance price is so much more expensive. edit: I forgot to mention~ If you cosplay, you should post some of your pictures at TheOtaku! I cosplayed as Kiba last year and they're posted there~ somewhere. ^^;; -r2
  9. Heh~ Thanksjuu to everyone who voted in this battle. I shake the hand of jigglyness for being such a great opponent. I look forward to more battles with you in the future. I'd also like to comment on your piece since it was so nice. Firstly, the red (gradient?) blends so well with the people, and that is my favourite part of the image. It's nice to see the contrast between the white hair, or cloth, or claws, and the red beneath it. The top part of the models, though, don't seem to blend in as well with the image as the bottom half. The shadow behind the top character's cape also looks a little strange. The font you chose, background and foreground are very nice, and I like the randomness of the background font. Though, it feels like the bottom-right side is a little empty of those fonts. I really like the border around the image. It works with it because it's as random as the image inside. The comparison between the image inside and the border also gives the inside a foggy look. Overall the messy style works, and it looks good. ^^ Now on to the comments. I really appreciate when people comment (especially if they criticize) my piece. My main reason for entering the tournament is practice and improvement, so I read every comment, and I'll try to respond to them as best I can. ^^ There was actually a lot I wanted to change before I submitted it, but I didn't have the time, since it was in effect a 1 day rush job. There were also a few things that people pointed out that I adore for pointing out. First is the "o"... [quote name='sakurasuka][size=1]Text = Near perfection [The 'O' bugs me just a little bit. It stands out too much. Maybe make it a hint more rounded?][/size][/QUOTE][QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=Sienna']The font is nice though I agree that the o in without is just a little off. It's just a little too big compared to the other letters in the word.[/COLOR][/quote]The reason the "o" stood out is because I used the square from the DS logo... which was the "o" from Nintendo. I made it smaller, but it became pixelated. In the end, it didn't work out, and I wanted to change it, but I decided to keep it~ due to fatigue. xD [quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR=SeaGreen]The only thing I don?t care for is that there is so much darkness surrounding the entire piece. Though I suppose that's the whole point right? ^_^[/COLOR][/QUOTE][QUOTE=Kune]The amount of darkness is bothersome...but like mentioned above, that is unavoidable :P.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue']I love the overall dark feeling to it.[/COLOR][/quote] The overall darkness was my main concern. There's so much black in this piece that I felt that it may be overpowering everything else in it. Even the items that weren't black mostly had black shading or were faded around the edges. Like I said, I tried gradients and borders, but in the end, there was nothing I could do without compromising the message. T_T [QUOTE=Katana][color=royalblue][size=1]Something I don't like is the shape of the (your) head. It seems like it went through the fade effect a little too much, and looks more like a floating head over an actual form. The feet note cracked me up. XD "It illuminates my head, hands, AND feet!"[/size][/color][/QUOTE]Actually, the head shape was taken from the photograph. I didn't add any black to it, just changed the brightness here and there to smooth it out. The reason my feet were supposed to be in the picture were to remove the whole "floating head" visual. I was worried about that at first, but, ironically, I decided the shape of my feet was too weird. xD [quote name='Simpson][size=1][color=darkslategray]One small complaint on the placement -- I think that maybe the face could have been brought down a few pixels to tie it into the rest of the piece. Right now, the text and the image look a bit detached.[/color'][/size][/quote] [quote name='Boo][size=1']...which didn't work out well, because it isn't placed well and the text next to it is just a lot bigger and holds your attention. And if the text doesn't, the photo does.[/size][/quote]Yeah~ I spent about four or five hours moving the words and picture around the canvas, trying to find the perfect position. I eventually settled on the current one, which wasn't my favourite, because I thought it would appeal to the masses with the least resistance. My original placement was a lot more sperated. It just never occurred to me that I should resize the text after I initially sized them. But I did size them to try to match the theme; too small would have them drowning, too large would make the whole piece not dark... The size of "lite" in comparison to DS, though, wasn't a choice that I made. I wanted it to be near official, so I the "(box)DSLite" section is from the actual DS Lite advertisements. The extra brightness and effects were the only way to make "Lite" stand out at all. [quote name='Boo][size=1]The animation isn't any special. The only real purpose the animation of the text has is to let [i]lite[/i'] stand out, which didn't work out well... //snip// The animation's speed is also not great. When it fades back to dark, it doesn't flow nicely, in (one of the) last frame(s).[/size][/quote]Yeah, I spent a lot of time on the Animation. I had to decide whether to have it fade in and out (current), have it flash, fade in and out with a flicker or two, or have it radiate. The last option was my favourite idea, but fading in and out made it a little more obvious, and I wanted the animation to stand out. The timing of the animation was funny (not haha funny xP)... I've taken a video class before, so I can work with frames, but the way InDesign does its animation frames work are a little confusing at times. [i][size=1] Each frame can be this many seconds... well if I tween this layer will this tween... [/size][/i] Making the animation smooth was my main concern, but I eventually had to give up, less spend another day on it. ^^;; [quote name='Bláse][size=1][color=slategray]...things just aren't very smooth.[/color'][/size][/quote]I'm very glad you mentioned this. I actually realized this after I rendered the final GIF. I realized that I did the text in bitmap, rather than vector. It made the letter edges very rough. It hurt, but I learned my lesson from that. xD Thanks again everyone~ -r2
  10. [color=darkred]dumbdorkbob, If you wish to talk about Naruto, we ask that you use the Naruto Thread located in the [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]Official Threads Directory[/url][/b]. This is to prevent the boards from being clogged up from pointless repeated threads and being overly spammy. So normally I would close this thread, but since you can not have polls in the official Naruto thread, and your posts are of a good quality, we can keep this thread open until the poll closes, then it will be merged with the Naruto thread. In the future, though, try to keep your Naruto conversation in the Naruto thread. ^^[/color] BTW~ I vote for Byakugan. Even though the Sharingan allows you to instantly analyze and copy the attacks of other Ninja, the Byakugan allows you to see the Chakra system of your opponent. This is extremely helpful with their Wudang-like fighting style. Granted, it's not as pretty as the Sharingan, and it causes the veins in your forehead to grow, but I think it would be the greater resource for a ninja to have. What's more important to a ninja than knowing where to hide and when their enemies are approaching? -r2
  11. Heh heh~ You just knew I would reply. Everyone knew that I would reply. And if you didn't, you should read signatures more often. ;) Anime North was HORRIBLE. Don't get me wrong, conventions are always great to go to, and it's always fun to meet people with similar interests, but this convention was one of the most, if not the most, disappointing conventions I've ever attended. And I've been attending Toronto Conventions for about 5 years now. The con-goers and dealers were as friendly as always, but the volunteers were all drowning in power and very rude to boot. There were long, long line-ups for things that ended up being disappointing or delayed/cancelled to the point that people lined up for nothing. The guests this year weren't amazing, [b]Kotoko[/b] was singing and signing autographs, but to be honest I didn't even know who she was until somebody told me. I have yet to find someone who can help me out in the same way with [b]Senno Knife[/b]. Some of the panels were fun, but panels can only be judged on a panel-by-panel basis. My highlighted panel would be the [b]Totally Lame Anime[/b]. If anybody goes to a convention and sees this on the schedule, [b]don't miss it[/b]. I got a drive home on Friday night, but Saturday night I slept in one of the viewing rooms. The late night/early morning convention gaming will go down in my books as some of the most fun I've ever had at a convention. What was with the [B]Anime Wrestling[/B]...? I can't finish this post without mentioning the dealers room. The deals you can get there are pure gold. 1-11 of Berserk Manga (Amazon Price = about $ 142 CDN) 1,3-5 of Genshiken Manga (Amazon Price = about $ 50 CDN) 1-3 of Mobile Suit Gundam - L'ecole du Ciel (Amazon Price = about $ 35 CDN) = 18 Volumes in total. (Amazon Price = about $[b]227[/b] CDN + 15% TAX + Shipping Costs) Most of the Venders were giving me a "deal" by offering it at $[b]230[/b] CDN. ($208.09 USD) @_@ But I found one guy who sold the whole set to me for $ [b]150[/b] CDN ($ 135.72 USD). =D Anime North Expense List [b]Manga[/b]-- Berserk, 1-11 Genshiken, 1-4 (I lost 5 on the way home apparently. T_T) Fullmetal Alchemist, 2 Planetes, 1-4 L'ecole du Ciel, 1-3 [b]Anime[/b] -- Fullmetal Alchemist, 5-8 Desert Punks 1 [b]Other[/b]-- Hand sewn dolls woven... Artist Alley Jewellery Food~ etc. I wanted to get Karas, but they were sold out by then. T_T [b]And I forgot to get my practice nunchaku![/b] Ah~ -r2
  12. [quote name='Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]As much as I love Scyther, I don't think he could of taken down Brock's Onix. :p [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]I don't know, wasn't Scyther a plant type? Though I guess level system makes a difference. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]The level system is sooo off.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] ...Or maybe not... ;) -r2
  13. Tical PM'd me saying that he would be busy for a few days. I guess that means this character is open to anyone~ unless Tical becomes free again and claims him again. ^^;; -r2
  14. I'll mirror what Retribution said, even about mirroring what Ezekiel said.... except about the extraction. The extraction job is beautiful, yes, but not perfect. There are hints of white the edges of the braids, grains of white pixels along her hip, and white spots near her neck. I like the motion blur at the tips of her hair, and how the background isn't too distracting. I can't find anything else to say bad about it. I can't wait to see the finished product. ^^ -r2
  15. [quote name='wishful']He's still that short kid walking around with that voice (or something like it).[/quote]There was some news earlier this month about how they'll be replacing the Pokemon VAs with sound-alikes. I find it a little sad since I'm so used to this Ash Ketchum's voice. [QUOTE]Why is Brock still like that?[/QUOTE]Because we all know that we love Brock and would choose him over Tracy Sketchit any day. ..Orange Islands what? [QUOTE]Why is Pikachu still...Pikachu when Ash uses Pikachu ALL THE TIME?[/QUOTE]Because you need a Thunder Stone to evolve a Pikachu to Raichu. d'uh~ ;) -r2
  16. [quote name='wishful']Maybe I'll watch it some time on YTV? Does anybody know what time it airs EST?[/quote]Actually, by June 2, they'll be taking it off YTV. Not a good sign for the Case Closed franchise in Canada. More information [b][url=http://www.zannen.ca/]here[/url][/b]. Edit: In fact, if you go to the YTV Website about it... the "next time it'll be playing" window has an ugly "No Episodes are Currently Scheduled" written all over it. -r2
  17. [quote name='Dagger']Okay... this might seem more than a little weird, but did anyone else find episode 8 to be incredibly sexy?[/quote]I definately saw that. The angles used in the cave scene were one thing were obvious, but like you, I was caught by the conversation between Kyon and Itsuki. I was very confused by the whole mole close-up though. [quote name='Dagger']So it turns out that episode 9 is episode 14 by Haruhi's count.[/quote]Was I the only one that was moved by what Haruhi said in the preview for that episode? I knew it's supposed to be the last one so it was more than a little sad. Even the tone of her voice was pretty touching. -r2
  18. Oh~ sorry, heh I guess I misunderstood. ^^ The 3D character models do make the game, not necessarily more fun, but unique. It's a fun to see Mario's different poses as he wall jumps, butt stomps, runs, flips, or even double/triple jumps. ^^ -r2
  19. [quote name='Raina][COLOR=Blue']Not only that I had this friend who said that his game finished (like the data got deleted) when he caught Mew.[/COLOR][/quote]He was probably using a hack like Gameshark or something, because you can't catch Mew in the game. But I digress, if you want to talk about Pokemon the game, you'll have to do it in [b][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=12]Play It[/URL][/b] because this thread is reserved for the Pokemon Anime. ^^ Sorry about that, it was my fault for going off topic in the first place. -r2
  20. [quote name='Obesepanda']I've seen the commercials for it being 3D[/quote]It makes use of 3D graphics, but the game is a 2D sidescroller. -r2
  21. I've been looking forward to this game for quite a while, and even though I usually just lurk in the Play It thread, I thought the lack of an New Super Mario Bros thread justified my posting here. New Super Mario Bros. has been called Super Mario Bros 4 an editor at 1up. It's the first side scroller in the Super Mario Bros franchise in I don't know how many years. It's very faithful to the original series, with a new style that comes, in part, from the 3D graphics that it uses. The "puzzles" in it are fun, and not too difficult. What I like most about it is its accessibility for just about anyone. Not only is the game an easy game to master, in terms of controls and feel, but the more advanced you get, the more secrets you unlock, and the more you can accomplish. If you liked the other Super Mario Bros games go ahead and grab this one. If you didn't like the other Super Mario Bros games, leave this one off your list. I actually committed myself to wait for the DS Lite to come out before I bought this game, but on the day it came out, I couldn't help looking for it. When I found it was sold out in the places I looked, I decided, once again, to wait before buying it. Though, the moment I saw it at Future Shop, I had to have it. Did anybody else get their hands on this game? I'd like to see how other people felt about it too. -r2
  22. I love them all. In fact, if you used the "Bleed Red" one during the HB, I would have voted for you instead of Kune. You work well with simplistic, bold, and high contrast. The bright yellow is a little painful on the eyes, and I'd be afraid that it would be near invisible in print, but the two images you have in that colour make good use of it. My favourite piece would definately be "Bleed Red" purely because of its ability to express itself with so few, stark colours. The splatter in the corner is scattered, yes, but stands out very well against the black. I like how the font stands out from the splatter by having corners, instead of having rounded corners. I also like how clean and simple the border is. The only thing I feel a little squeemish about for the picture is the placement of the text. I know I shouldn't, but I feel like there should have been a larger margin between the text and the left border. But altogether, I love them. Keep it up! And if we both continue in the HB, I hope I don't have to face off against your minimalist designs! -r2
  23. CoLoR_Me_EviL Firstly, I would like to say that I love your signature. Now enough with the sucking up. ;) Tatsunosuke and Susumu's reaction after seeing Episode 15, [i]Song[/i]. -r2
  24. Because there is already another Bobobo thread, you should have been posting in there. Also, the post quality of these posts are not very good. Rukia-san, you can explain why you don't like the show, why you think it's stupid and annoying. Rei Aiyaname, I would suggest you try to open your mind a little more. Just because you don't understand something it doesn't make it disgrace. I'm not saying that I love the show, I've never seen it, but it's something to keep in mind when testing out new waters. ;) The Official Threads Directory is located [b][url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]here[/url][/b], use it to find the official Bobobo thread. Thread Closed. -r2
  25. I'm going to go against the grain here and vote for [b]Kune[/b]. Sakurasuka, I love your stock photograph. It has a very high level of contrast, and a bold, beautiful amount of detail. The lyrics along the left side is also nice to see. It matches with the theme of the picture and it's balances with the photograph since the photograph is along the right side. What I don't like is what you added. The vertical lines of ^ don't appeal to me, and actually feel obtrusive. I feel like they're distracting me, even pulling my eyes around to the point of dizziness. I also don't like the text at the top. It feels like it was just dropped there, at the top of the picture without much consideration for position. Since the font is so simple, it makes the words feel almost plain. And I have an admitted bias against the use of romaji in images. Kune, I like the photograph you took, but I feel it may have done better in colour. Yes, I know the handicap requirements, but I think you could have chosen a picture that worked better with the requirements. The blue contrasts with the greyscale, but because of the random patterns in the flowers, they don't contrast as much as Sakurasuka's picture. I like the dirty/grunge effect though. It works well with the photograph since it's already pretty grainy. The text is a little distracting, but the font matches with the words. The biggest flaw would be that I'm not sure where I should be looking, or what the theme is, when I look at the picture. I vote for Kune's because Kune took a picture "of the crab apple tree in my front yard," meaning the entire thing was taken from scratch. I also like the use of text better than Sakurasuka. -r2
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