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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. r2vq

    Hello there

    Moesy, welcome to Otakuboards. Introduction threads are not required, or permitted, at OB. We encourage members to just jump into conversations as best they can. Since this forum emphasizes conversation over post count, quality and content are very important aspects to a thread. Introductions aside, all you asked was a simple question that sparks very little conversation. Since you seem to have gathered the information you were looking for about the differences between Manga and Anime, there is very little value remaining in this forum. And because we don't want this thread to degenerate into a series of collection inventories, I'm going to close it right now. Please be sure to read the site rules before continuing to post, and if you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -r2
  2. [quote name='The_Mix_Breed']I thought Naruto's name meant noodle, while uzumaki meant spiral? :animestun[/quote]As said earlier, [i]naruto[/i] is a type of fishcake in [i]ramen[/i]. Which usually, has an [i]uzumaki[/i] (spiral) on it. And apparently there's a famous [i]uzumaki[/i] (whirlpool) in this town called [i]Naruto[/i] in Japan. [QUOTE]kyuubi no kitsune is nine-tailed fox, so if my knowledge is right, ichiubi no inu would be one-tailed dog right?[/QUOTE]Kyuu means 9 in Japanese. The part of "Kyuubi" for tail is just "bi". So a 1 tailed beast would be "Ichibi". A one tailed dog would then be "Ichibi no Inu". --==-- From Anime I learned that if you're in an all boys school, where all the teachers are male, everyone's probably gay. From Anime I learned that if you're the only guy living amongst a bunch girls who look like preteens, they'll eventually all fall in love with you. From Anime I learned that people who are evil usually [i]look[/i] evil (even if they're still sexi)... unless they don't... From Anime I didn't learn Japanese. I learned that in school. :p -r2
  3. [quote name='Ozymandius Jones][img']http://r2vq.yamifarao.net/pics/smallcreep.jpg[/img][/quote] MINE HE'S ALL MINE!!!! etc... Edit:The IMG didn't work when I loaded it from deviantART so I uploaded it to my server... And now Smallcreep v.r2 [img]http://r2vq.yamifarao.net/pics/patchman.jpg[/img] I would've inked, coloured, computer edited it et al, but I kinda ran out of time... ^^;; heh sorry. And now for my character.... It's me! I'm a waiter in my uniform (all black, with name tag on chest, and apron at hip) and behind me is my "dark' しにがみ self. It?s just a rip from the side of my journal so there's still a bunch of words there that you can ignore. ^^;; -r2
  4. [color=Blue]-=+[/color][b]Intro[/b][color=Blue]+=-[/color] [size=1]Submitted for the approval of the Otakuboards society, I call this piece Are You Afraid of the Dark. This piece complies with all OBHB Round 1 Regulations. This piece is no wider than 500 pixels and no taller than 500 pixels. No colours were used except those found in the pallet, that being blacks, whites, shades of grey, and red. I spent pretty much my entire day off work working on this. After 15 hours of work with 24 different versions of this on my desktop, I think it's fair to say, I need a life. That's 15 hours of... A minor tweak here, and a major shift there... The image went down the path from photographic experiment, to vector graphic, to bitmapped JPEG, to finally, an animated GIF. (edit: If you count the amount of time it took to write this post... 16 hours. xD)[/size] [color=Red]-=+[/color][b]Entry[/b][color=Red]+=-[/color] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25513&stc=1[/img] [color=Blue]-=+[/color][b]Breakdown[/b][color=Blue]+=-[/color] [size=1]+My face was photographed this morning for "conceptual" purposes. +Then I spent some time (poorly) vectoring it Illustrator 10. +After that came moving my images to Photoshop 7. (Yeah, I have to move on to CS) +I ripped the DS Lite logo from an IGN image, and modified the Arial-based text to appear a little more similar to it. (I should have used Illustrator, but I guess forgetting to do so shows how rusty I am..) D,F,T, and O are the letters I modded. +It took me five hours to position it in a decent location (first in the bottom left, then on the top right, then in the center, then the split up... then center again...) and that's when I noticed the mishapen form of vector imaging I called a head. +I used the photographs from this morning to replace my face. +I then decided to animate the bugger. That took another 5 hours.[/size] [color=Red]-=+[/color][b]Notes[/b][color=Red]+=-[/color] [size=1]+The original design had my feet reflecting the light too. That didn't work out though... +Most of the versions had gradients at the top or the bottom... but it either went against the concept, or didn't work with the lighting. +I played around with a stylus shaped logo... but it didn't make the cut. +The [color=red]red light[/color] on the DS is the battery light, and was in the original photograph.[/size] Oh whell. That's that. If I don't cease working on it now, I never will stop. It's been fun, and crazy, working on this. I wish jigglyness, and all the other competitors good luck and good night. ^^;; -r2
  5. Byakuya, Welcome to Otakuboards. Since Otakuboards emphasizes conversation, post quality and content are very important. We encourage members to speak with full and proper English, meaning correct spelling and grammar. Although we wont close a thread for a few typos, you will receive a lot more respect if considerable effort is obvious in your post. Well now this thread, for topics involving searches, like this one, the remainding posts would consist mostly of spammish "i dunno"s and a series of lists. Since neither of these are permitted, we always point creators of these types of threads to [url=http://google.com"][b]Google[/b][/url] and other search engines. This isn't to discourage you from posting in the forums. Though, please be sure to read the rules before continuing to post. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -r2
  6. >.< Whoops. Sorry about that. Thanks for reviving the thread Awaken. ^^;; At least one of us is paying attention. And now to caption the picture game... Hiei: Back off! Get your own sandwich! -r2
  7. xD This thread is so popular. I've been trying to stealth claim/quote a character for a few days now. Darn you Sara, Dodeca, etc. for beating me to it! xP -r2
  8. r2vq

    Hi I'm new,

    Hi Lestat22, Welcome to Otakuboards. The first thing I would suggest you do is read the site [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules[/url][/b]. Introduction threads are not permitted since they have no conversational value. After reading the rules, keep in mind that these forums emphasize conversation, post quality, and post content. This means that you can not post lists like you did in this thread without reasons to validate the post. If your posts don't meet up to the standards set up, they will be deleted. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -r2
  9. r2vq


    rene23, At Otakuboards we place an emphasis on conversation. This means that posts should have a certain level of post quality and content. The quality and content of a thread starter is especially important since it is an example for those who reply. If you want to start a thread about Beyblade, you'll have to do more than you have so far. Explaining what the series is about, and your views on it would be a start. Since this thread is so poor, I'm going to have to close it for now. If you can improve in the areas that I mentioned, feel free to try your thread again. If you have any questions, go ahead and PM me or any of the other moderators. We'd be happy to help. Thread Closed. -r2
  10. We had to Magazine covers for one class at school, then we had to do entire Magazines... [INDENT]-Magazines [i]usually[/i] have barcodes on the front. I think most, if not all, gaming magazines have a barcode somewhere on the bottom. ...A price is usually on the barcode too. -It's nice that you included the date, and issue number, but what about the volume number? -You have a line of text on the bottom with information of what's inside. Usually something like this is done on the top of the cover so that it can be seen when placed in a magazine rack (usually the bottom half of a magazine is covered by the magazine infront of it). -It might just be me but the second line of the Final Fantasy piece seems a little too long in comparison to the other lines. -Now I'm being nitpicky... The descriptions for SSB and Halo3 are left aligned while the FFXIII description is right aligned. The result is the ">>>" preceding each description is aligned with the text for the first two, but indented for the last item.[/INDENT] -r2
  11. This thread isn't necessarily going downhill, but that's only because it started out badly; and that's not a good thing. Keep in mind when posting that Otakuboards emphasizes post content [b]and[/b] post quality. There have been posts in this thread with no explanation for their reasons. Those are posts without content. There have been posts in this thread with poor writing quality, ie. bad grammar/spelling. Those are posts with poor post quality. There have also been posts that are far off topic. [b]None[/b] of these are allowed in an OB thread. [COLOR=Red]Because this topic still has some intelligible posts, I'm not going to close it, but if [i]any[/i] more posts that break the rules arise, this thread [b]will be closed[/b].[/COLOR] -r2
  12. [quote name='Raina][COLOR=Blue']I have never finished a single game :animeswea because if I do, all of the data would be erased, and for me, it's like all of my Pokemon dying. NOOOOOOOOO :animecry:[/COLOR][/quote]Eh~? I've beaten the Elite Four a few times... I've captured MewTwo... I haven't caught all 150 yet in my Yellow Version but I don't recall any of my friends saying that all their data was cleared when they did. [quote name='Forest']Btw, what GB game are they on now? Platinum? Honestly, I've lost track.[/quote][b]Pokemon Emerald[/b] was released for the GBA on April 30 2005. [b]Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness[/b] was released for GCN on September 28, 2005. xD [b]Pokemon Mystery Dungeon[/b] will be released for the DS on September 18 2006. (You wont be a trainer, you'll control a Pokemon.) Recently in Japan they released [b]Pokemon Rangers[/b] where you and Zordon... *cough*... where you "preserve nature and wildlife by using Pokemon" (Gamespot). This was released on March 23, 2006. -r2
  13. archergaia, As I mentioned in [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=727263#post727263]this[/url] thread, if you wish to talk about Neon Genesis Evangelion you need to use the Official NGE thread. Not only that, Otakuboards emphasizes post quality and conversation. Favourites threads are usually not permitted because they generally entice low quality posts. Some times they are permitted if the first post is exceptionally amazing, but in this case, your post is far from exemplary. If you want to talk about Evangelion, use the Official thread. If you want to create a new thread, use proper grammar and a better post quality. Thread Closed. -r2
  14. archergaia, I merged your thread with the official Neon Genesis Evangelion thread. Please note that if you want to talk about one specific anime, you should use the official thread for that anime. You can find the list as a sticky in the Anime Lounge called [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]Official Threads Directory[/url][/b]. About your question, there IS a movie being planned. It's supposed to be planned by the same guys who did Lord of the Rings. I haven't heard any news in a while, but the last I [i]did[/i] hear, they're still in the "collecting funds" stage. [url=http://www.wetaworkshop.co.nz/projects/filmography/film/neon_genesis][b]Link[/b][/url]. -r2
  15. r2vq

    New anime

    de_valentine, We encourage discussion and discourage members who use the forums as a search engine. Asking a questions that doesn't have much conversation value, like this one, doesn't justify a thread. Not only that, this post violates the Otakuboards rules by being incoherent/sloppy. We encourage users to use proper spelling, and syntax when posting to aid the reader. This is especially important for the first post in a thread. For those reasons, this thread will be closed. If you're still desperate to find new non-mainstream anime, try looking around the other threads of Anime Lounge. By exploring, you may find a series/movie that you have never even thought of trying. Thread Closed. -r2
  16. [B][COLOR=DarkRed]I deleted all the spammy posts.[/COLOR][/B] If your post was deleted it's because it had no content in it. To justify a post, [B]you need to explain your reasons[/B]. A post like: [quote]:animenose I wanna go on a date with Sasuke... :animesmil :animeshy: ... Yes I know.. I am crazy.. :animeswea[/quote]is unacceptable. As is listing a set of characters. Any posts that don't explain their reasons [b]will be deleted[/b]. If the posts without content continue [b]this thread will be closed[/B]. -r2
  17. [quote name='Monkey_Orange][COLOR=DarkOrange']I'm a full time student, so watching anime during the school week is a rare luxury.[/COLOR][/quote]You reminded me of a friend of mine. This friend would download Anime at school, hide it in one of the computers on the network, and wherever he was in the school (or the school board really, since we're all connected) he could watch the episodes. Sometimes I would catch him watching a series in one of our computer labs. He would have to have the sound turned all the way down so the teacher wouldn't catch him, but since they were subbed he didn't care all too much. The 1600 kbps connection we used at school helped a little too. ;) -r2
  18. Fear my ancient Chinese sewing technique, DOUBLE CROSS HALF STITCH! -r2
  19. [quote name='Diablo']I was also told that if I didn't go to my prom I would regret it. Well, I chanced it and didn't go, //snip// And here it is 4 years later, and I could still careless about going.[/quote]In contrast, I [i]went[/i] to my prom and I regret it. Worst $80 (CDN) I ever spent. The chicken was dry and~ anyway. I love Anime Marathons. I spend entire days or entire nights watching a series with friends. I've done it with classic series and with friends I just don't get to watch much Anime with. Then there's some series I just can't appreciate unless I watch it all at once. The most I've marathoned at once was Berserk. I will always have fond memories of sitting in a dark room watching episode after episode of badly encoded Berserk .rm's on that uncomfortable chair. The experience is irreplaceable and could never be repeated. -r2
  20. [quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray][spoiler]And the whole Naruto converting bad guys into good ones is getting sort of old. Big theme? Yeah. But still overkill? Yeah. (Even though I still love Naruto. :])[/color'][/spoiler][/quote] Eh, heh heh. What you said reminded me of this fanart I found somewhere... [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25469&stc=1[/img] Yes, it's true, Naruto's pattern of convert-the-unfaithful-until-there's-world-peace has gotten old fast, but what did you expect from a Mangaka that idolized the creator of Dragon Ball? I think the theme of Naruto is basically conversion, redemption, and giving everybody a chance anyway. Just like Dragon Ball, every major antagonist and/or opponent redeemed himself at one point or another. Zabuza redeemed himself by [spoiler]finally accepting Haku.[/spoiler] Gaara redeemed himself by [spoiler]accepting the leaf as allies and... er... stopped being crazy. (That last part is hard to do!)[/spoiler] Even the last of Orochimaru's Sound-Nins during the Chuunin Exam redeemed himself by [spoiler]trying to destroy Gaara.... when Gaara was evil of course.[/spoiler] Even the [spoiler]Princess[/spoiler] from the movie had to redeem herself. As the fanart above describes, I believe that one of the final struggles of the series will be to "convert" [spoiler]Sasuke. Evidence of this comes from when he finally fought and left Konoha and how big that event was.[/spoiler] -r2
  21. r2vq


    I'm very interested in this Manga, and I'm thinking of buying a couple volumes of it at the next convention I go to. Genshiken is a slice of life Manga with no "real" plot. Like all slife-of-life series, the story comes from the characters' interactions with each other and their daily lives. The art is supposed to be very detailed, as well as realistic. The Japanese people have small, black eyes and black hair, and realistic proportions. There do exist people with blonde hair, but that's because they bleached it. Anime News Network said this was [i]the[/i] Manga to get this quarter giving it an A for art, an A for story, and an A+ overall. In fact, the main negative comment they gave was that the [i]extras[/i] were not on par with the rest of the volume. -r2
  22. Sign Me Up. I'd like to take a crack at this. Let's see how long I can last. ^^ -r2
  23. Chapter 305 spoilers [quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray][spoiler]Seriously, changing Sai's whole attitude and beliefs with one speech?[/spoiler'][/color][/quote] [spoiler]Well, we could argue that it was Naruto's attitude during the entire mission that changed Sai, and that one speech could have been the catalyst to set it in motion. Maybe I'm just partial to Sai "converting" because the "I'm here to rescue you" line at the end was a big surprise to me. Some might wonder, though, what Sai was doing with his little snake fellows if he wasn't going to poison Sasuke. (Though he could have been poisoning him to keep him from resisting...)[/spoiler] Or maybe I should just agree with Ikillion. :p -r2
  24. r2vq


    [quote name='Avenged666fold'](they made a spinoff called mohorumatic maiden btw)[/quote][b]Mahoromatic - Automatic Maiden[/b] isn't a spin off to Chobits. The anime in question is about a super-powerful battle android that decides to live as a human, a maid to be exact, to prolong her life. Although there are many similarities between the two series, the original Manga for Mahoromatic was done by [URL=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=1518][B]Bow Ditama[/B][/URL] and [URL=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=1517][B]Bunjuro Nakayama[/B][/URL], not [URL=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=5765][B]CLAMP[/B][/URL]. -r2
  25. [quote name='Kenshin XS']Gundam SEED was aimed more at a younger audience. GW was alot more mature.[/quote]Wing was my favourite a couple of years ago. I couldn't stand SEED. I was really into the former series as well as the OVA, but I finally gave SEED a chance when it's run finished in Japan. After watching the series in its entirety, I think it is the better of the two. The SEED series seemed more realistic to me than anything Wing could offer. The pilots were more human, rather than the exagerations of anime archetypes. And while SEED explored on the issues of racism, nationalism, genetic mutation, among other things, I just couldn't feel anything as significant coming from the older series. I'd also have to disagree about which series is more or less mature. I wont go so far to say that SEED was more mature than Wing, but I wont say the opposite either. Although Wing did have a slower pace had a strong emphasis on politics, SEED dealt with themes that Wing stayed away from. A good example of this was when the otherwise quiet and kind Miriallia Haw [spoiler]attacked the killer of her boyfriend with a knife.[/spoiler] Because Wing focused on politics so much, they missed the human element that SEED had so much of. SEED's message is that war isn't just about nations and battles, there are people involved, even those who don't fight. [quote name='SeraphimRei']I too think Gundam Wing is more mature than Gundam SEED. I think Gundam SEED seems more childish than most of the other Gundam's, though I don't know why.[/quote]I think the only reason people consider SEED to be immature may be its art style. If you look at the suffering and tragedies that occur in SEED, you can't compare the series to those intended for younger viewers. But if you look at the series from a visual perspective, it's full of bright colours and big-eyes-small-mouth art style typically associated with less mature Anime. Granted, neither of these stand up to the original Gundam series when comparing realism and depth, but if you have to compare the two, I think SEED is the better series. -r2
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