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Everything posted by r2vq
[quote name='Kenshin XS']But seeing how me and you pretty much killed the topic at hand. This is not to be broguht up again.Seeing as our posts will result in lock, ban, or deletion.[/quote][COLOR=DarkRed]You got it right on the nose. Keep on the topic at hand. If anymore posts go off topic like this , I'm going to close this thread.[/COLOR] But about the topic: Something I missed watching was the Samurai Pizza Cats dub. It wasn't just the episodes that got to me, but the whole experience of having to wake up early in the morning to catch this quirky cartoon that nobody else knew about. It's one of the first anime series that I've seen, but I've seen very little of it since. If it were any other series, I could easily go out there and purchase the DVDs without hesitation. The problem is that without the actual [i]experience[/i] of surprise and accomplishment that came with catching an episode at its daybreak timeslot, it will just be another anime in my collection. Even if I miss the series that much, I would never want to diminish what I feel for it to just that. -r2
The only reason I'm not closing this thread is because there aren't any other [i]Dead Leaves[/i] threads. If you want to create a thread about [b]anything[/b] you have to improve your post quality. This includes spelling, grammar, and proper use of spacing and punctuation. Furthermore, the content of these posts are close to nil. Nobody explained [b]what[/b] Dead Leaves is, or what it's about. There have been comparisons to FLCL, but no explanations of [b]why[/b]. If post quality and content continue in this fashion, it won't be difficult to close this thread, even if it is the only thread for Dead Leaves. -r2
RockLeesChick, I merged your two posts together. Double Posting is not permitted at Otakuboards. Not only that, there is already a Naruto thread. If you wish to talk about Naruto, you can do so there. Check out [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37269][b]How to Post in Anime Lounge[/b][/url] and the site [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules[/url][/b] before continuing to post. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -r2
[strike]Like Manic said, check the front and second page before posting a new thread. Also, when you want to discuss a specific Anime, check the [b][url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]Official Threads Directory[/url][/b] since only [i]one[/i] thread is allowed per series. You may want to read [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37269][b]How to Post in Anime Lounge[/b][/url] and the General [url=http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?][b]Rules[/b][/url] for more guidelines before continuing to post in Anime Lounge. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other mods. Thread Closed. -r2[/strike] Oops. It's a four year old thread. sesshisgrl01 do not to post in threads so old, especially if a current one for the same topic already exists. The current Inuyasha thread is [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=39612]here[/url]. Thread Closed. -r2
[quote name='Fasteriskhead']If the entire internet (not just the fansub folks, but apparently also the homegrown nihonjin) is really abuzz about this thing, for once it's because it's really deserved.[/quote]Agreed on all accounts. I took a look at this series and immediately fell in love with it. Like Lindus, the first episode was more than a little surprising, but I think it was a great way to start the series. My favourite character so far is Yuki Nagato, but I can't help but feel sorry for the poor Mikuru Asahina. How could she [spoiler]abuse such a pretty girl.[/spoiler] And she always has tears in her eyes too. :animedepr So far, the plot seems to be taking a turn for the weirder. This is emphasized by [spoiler]what Yuki said[/spoiler] at the end of the third episode and the as of yet unexplained [spoiler]talking cat[/spoiler] from the first episode. -r2
Welcome to Otakuboards. The first thing you need to know is that introduction threads are not permitted. OB emphasizes quality and intelligent conversation. Check out the rules before continuing to post. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. -r2
Despite my better judgement, I split the cost of this game with a friend today. Honestly, I am impressed. It may be because I had low expectations, but I am no less than shocked at how much fun I had when playing this. The game starts out like an episode of Samurai Champloo, Opening Theme and all. The CG, as well as lot of the scenes from the series, are recreated pretty well in CG. The game continues with jokes and action that does justice to the series. The writing is weak at times (especially when it comes to the [spoiler]prophecy[/spoiler]) and the backgrounds can be a little plain, but the graphics do stand up and give a Champloo-ish effect. The fighting is fast paced, wild, and can at times be crazy. There are times where you fight with the typical square and triangle combos. The combo system and its "map" take a little getting used to, but they're pretty self explanatory. Although that can be fun at times, the most fun I had with my friends would be during the "bonus" sections that had you mash all the buttons as many times as you could, and the fights that come if you get 100 or more... :) I haven't seen the dub of the Anime but it might have the same voices. Listening to them made me wish I could switch the audio to Japanese, but they were decent at times. I've only played this game for about an hour, but I'm sure I'll be playing it again. It's not amazing, but it's not horrible. A decent game, definately better than the Cowboy Bebop game for the same console. I know everybody's worried about the CG (~heck, even I was) but I found the in game graphics to be decent, and the Cinematics to be pretty good. I wish they had a nicer environment, but that would be the biggest flaw I felt the graphics had. edit: [quote name='FLCLdude0189][COLOR=Navy']Hay dude I know what your saying I like Samurai's to but Bandai really blow at making games the only good ones that came out & that are comming out, were Drangonball Z Budakai 3, the .Hack games, & that's all, the new once that are good are the 3 new Naruto games coming out, & .Hack//G.U. so don't get your hopes up for Samurai Champloo ok?[/COLOR][/quote]Your post quality is so bad I don't understand what you're saying about Naruto. o.O But yeah, Bandai does get a lot of bad rap from gamers. I can see why with the games that are available in the United States, but I like a lot of the Japanese Games Bandai produced. Gundam SEED Destiny was fun, as was Ichinen Sensou (One Year War), and I totally love Narutimate Hero 3. Bandai can make good games. And hey, they just became Namco Bandai too. -r2
[quote name='bloody winter17']they start something then in the middle of it..(or good part of it) they stop the show :animecry: and i know it's for new shows[/quote]Well, I wouldn't blame this on the station. I don't have Cartoon Network in my area, but YTV does the same thing. The thing is, whenever I contacted the station about it, they would say it's because they don't have the tapes sent to them yet. ;) And that's why it's only for new shows. [quote name='BKstyles']I believe that mixing them within a day's lineup (just for example FMA at 11, Evangelion at 11:30, then venture brothers at 12) is a bad idea but there is neccesity for the other shows because they attract another portion of the AS audience that completes their full statistics.[/quote]I disagree with this actually. Using your example, if I were a Venture Brothers fan and I tuned in ten minute early, I would get to see Evangelion. This might spark an interest in Japanimation. The same can go the other way. This creates more Anime fans, and more American Cartoon fans. [quote name='Avenged666fold']Well technically "cartoon" network should not be showing at all. Cartoon's are not anime so they should be seperate. So no Cartoon network is very fair(even caters t) to anime. Don't complain or they might kill there fairly small fanbase from anime goers altogether.[/quote] Actually, I disagree with everything you said. The name "[i]Cartoon[/i] Network" implies that everything on the network is animated. [SIZE=1][indent][Merriem Webster]Main Entry: car·toon 1 : a preparatory design, drawing, or painting (as for a fresco) 2 a : a drawing intended as satire, caricature, or humor b : COMIC STRIP 3 : ANIMATED CARTOON 4 : a ludicrously simplistic, unrealistic, or one-dimensional portrayal or version
feintfury, The illegal distribution of copyrighted materials is not permitted at Otakuboards. This includes copyrighted materials, anime episodes, and manga chapters. If you wish to look for Dragonball songs, check your local music or anime store. Also, your post quality is terrible. Otakuboards emphasizes conversation and qualitative posts. Make an effort to add more content to your post to feed conversation. This is especially important for the first post in a thread. Finally, there is already a Dragonball thread located [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38679]here[/url]. If you wish to discuss Dragonball you can do so there. Thread Closed. -r2
You could try checking {[url=http://www.google.com]this site[/url]}. It has everything. Otakuboards emphasizes conversation and qualitative posts. Since this thread is of such a low quality, it constitutes as spam. Not to mention that there is already a thread for Full Metal Alchemist. If you wish to talk about FMA, please post there. Thread Closed. -r2
According to ANN Macross Zero was (unofficially) announced to be licensed by Pioneer. [url=http://animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=3486]Link[/url]. Granted that was 2 years ago, but since there are no other news items concerning an English company, I'd have to assume that they'll be the ones bringing the series over. Since none of the Macross Zero DVDs have the Pioneer Logo on them (and one of them actually has Chinese subtitles on it) I'm going to say it's a bootleg. Since the Macross Dynatmite 7 has the same logo as one of the Macross Zero DVDs, it must have been bootlegged by the same group. Not to mention that there are no English companies listed for it at Anime News Network. And once again, there are Chinese Subtitles. Macross: Do You Remember Love? has the same logo on it, and Chinese subtitles. So bootleg again. In fact, the whole website that these DVDs are on seem to be bootleg. [COLOR=DarkRed]Because these are all bootlegs, I'm going to have to remove the links from your post. Please do not post links to bootlegs of copyrighted material. In the future, and make sure to read the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]rules[/URL].[/COLOR] Thread Closed. -r2
This thread lacks content and any structure at all. Favourites threads are not permitted because they perpetuate spammy posts like this, and having such a short first post makes things even worse. Gundam fan, please read the [b][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]rules[/URL][/b] and [b][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37269]How to Post in Anime Lounge[/URL][/b] before continuing to post. Thread Closed. -r2
Okay, it [i]has been 9 days[/i]. If Raphael doesn't judge within 3 more days, Sinistra has 3 days to post a picture. Sinistra doesn't post a picture within 6 days from now (3 days for Sinistra to post a picture) Gaara kun has 3 days to post a picture. If Gaara kun doesn't post within 9 days from now (3 days for Gaara kun to post a picture) Ikillion has 3 days to post a picture (since he was the one who brought this up.) There. Foolproof. -Arvi
Anime What anime do you wish you never saw in the first place?
r2vq replied to serenayasha's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='ceath']i hate most commercial anime like pokemon[/quote]To be fair, everything you watch out there is commercial. There isn't an Anime out there that doesn't hope to make some sort of profit. Pokémon was a marketing giant, but all the Anime you've seen has some sort of merchandise they want to sell. There are card games, video games, keychains, plushies, posters, cds, tissue holders, chopsticks, and anything else you can think of for any anime you want to think of. I'm not saying that Anime doesn't have any artistic merit at all, but in the end the animators need to eat. In fact, I think I remember reading something about Rumiko Takahashi being one of the most paid people in Japan. ...Here it is. ^^ [quote]As in previous years, Rumiko Takahashi is the highest taxed anime or manga creator in Japan. In fact she was the second highest taxed individual on Mainichi's list, paying 142.7 million yen (US$1.3 million) in taxes in 2004.[/quote][URL=http://animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=6753]Link[/URL]. -Arvi -
I vote for making Gaara kun the official Narutard of Otakuboards. ;) ([SIZE=1]in a good way of course [/SIZE] :p ) Actually, I noticed how the ANBU in the book looks like [spoiler]Itachi[/spoiler] when I first read the chapter, but I dismissed it since [spoiler]ANBU Itachi looked a little different when I last saw him...[/spoiler] Though the whole part of the theory with [spoiler]Uchiha Shisui[/spoiler] would be a really great twist in the plot. The part I disagree with, though not a big deal, is... [quote][spoiler]It is totally obvious, especially since Orochimaru said Sai and Sasuke can reminiss about their old town directly implies Sai is Uchiha.[/spoiler][/quote]Well... I don't think this really implies that [spoiler]Sai is Uchiha... Orochimaru could have said that if just about anybody from Konohagakure was there with him. Especially since Orochimaru never said anything about the Uchiha, just Konohagakure. Though I just realized now that all four of the Ninjas present are from Konohagakure. xD[/spoiler] edit: Oh yeah. According to Itachi only three people [spoiler]would be able to handle the Mangekyou Sharingan right? This third person probably isn't Kakashi right?[/spoiler] -Arvi
Hey folks, Same deal as the Bleach Thread. Because the Naruto Manga contains spoilers for those who only watch the Anime, members who didn't read the Manga had no place to discuss Naruto. Since Manga conversation should only be taking place in the Manga Lounge anyway, I split the Naruto Thread into Anime and Manga. Unlike the Bleach Thread, I only went back to the beginning of this year. This is due to the sheer amount discussion about the Naruto manga taking place in this thread since March of 2004, and the amount of time it would take to split the entire thread. If you wish to discuss Naruto [B]Anime[/B], you can continue to do so in the thread you are currently viewing. If you wish to discuss Naruto [b]Manga[/b], [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?goto=lastpost&t=52889]please {click here} and feel free to continue the discussion in the Manga Lounge[/url]. (This may change in the near future if there is already a Naruto Thread in Manga Lounge). If any posts fell slipped through as I seperated the threads, or if any members post in the wrong forum, please use the "Report Post" feature to contact the moderators of the respective forums. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Happy posting. -Arvi
Actually, I don't think this elf is from any Anime. You can find more on her by looking up the Playstation game "Ys: The Ark of Napishtim". I know that's the sixth in a series, but I don't know if the characters you're looking for are in the previous games or just in this game. I'll move you over to "Play It" the video game lounge to see if anyone can help you out over there. -Arvi
Hey folks, Because the Bleach Manga contains spoilers for those who only watch the Anime, members who didn't read the Manga had no place to discuss Bleach. Since Manga conversation should only be taking place in the Manga Lounge anyway, I split the Bleach Thread into Anime and Manga. If you wish to discuss Bleach [B]Anime[/B], you can continue to do so in the thread you are currently viewing. If you wish to discuss Bleach [b]Manga[/b], [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?goto=lastpost&t=52859]please {click here} and feel free to continue the discussion in the Manga Lounge[/url]. (This may change in the near future if there is already a Bleach Thread in Manga Lounge). If any posts fell slipped through as I seperated the threads, or if any members post in the wrong forum, please use the "Report Post" feature to contact the moderators of the respective forums. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Happy posting. -Arvi
Wow, this thread is a year old. hyuuga_hinata, try not to bring back threads that are this old. Threads that are about one specific Anime, you can bring back, but general threads like this one die for a reason. Let's keep them dead. ;) Thread Closed. -Arvi
[quote name='Avenged666fold']Im actually asking what is reedemable. //snip// Also I love the manga for Naruto and one peice.[/quote]Actually, I find the Naruto Anime to be the most faithful adaptation of a Manga I've ever read. So much so that I see them both as pretty much the same entity. I read the manga because I like to follow the story. The Anime (even during regular arcs) has a lot of fillers and extensions that the Manga doesn't have. Sometimes this is good. But a lot of times it can get pretty tedious to watch an extended battle scene for, really, no purpose but to give the Manga more time to get ahead. When I watch the Anime, it's because like an enhanced version of the Manga for me. All the fights from the Manga are in there, it has the same characters and follows the same story. Though, moving pictures, background music, sound effects, and voice acting are something that you can't find in a Manga chapter. What's also nice is that some of the fights that are glazed over in the Manga are shown in full in the Anime. Take for example the Chuunin Exam Preliminary [spoiler]Ten Ten vs Temari[/spoiler] fight. In the Manga, they only showed the aftermath of the battle, while the Anime had the whole thing. I'm sure they'll have the Team Gai [spoiler]Clone Wars[/spoiler] in the Anime too. I felt cheated when we didn't get to see that fight in the Manga. If you like the Manga and you want to find qualities in the Anime you might like, ask yourself a few questions. What do you like about the Manga? Is it in the Anime? and What do you not like about the Anime? Is it really something worth hating the Anime over? If you still find yourself not liking the Anime, don't sweat it. Like Shinjitsu said, not everyone has to like the same things. [quote name='Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Does anybody feel that Kishimoto-sensei's art style was a little different in this picture as opposed to the one under it?//snip//[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Everything I say is aimed at you Tatsu. ;) Except that. And that. And this. and. *cough*. Personally, I don't see much of a difference in the two pictures. In one Naruto's forhead seems to be a little bigger, but I blame perspective. What is it that you see? [quote name='Lunox][spoiler']*also crosses fingers for a small fight between Sasuke and Sai*[/spoiler][/quote]I'd like to see that too, but for some reason I don't see it happenning anytime soon. Why would Orochimaru pit his new [spoiler]spy against his child prodigy[/spoiler]? Though, actually, I'd like to see [spoiler]Sasuke fight[/spoiler] anybody at this moment. -Arvi
Anime What is the one anime show that you can't get enough of?
r2vq replied to a topic in Otaku Central
Naruto_1317, Post quality is very important at Otakuboards. Dagger already warned you twice, [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=718377#post718377][B]here[/B][/url] and [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=718397#post718397][B]here[/B][/url]. If you fail to follow through on warnings, you will be moderated, or even banned from the site. Thread Closed. -Arvi -
[quote name='Avenged666fold']Now its coming to the point where it takes weeks to get out of the horrible depression. This is getting unmanagable. I might have to take a couple years off of anime as a whole just so I can recover.[/quote]o.O I'm not sure if you're joking or if you're serious. If you're joking.., Great one, you got me there. ;) If you're not... I don't mean to be rude, but you should get a life. I assure you that I only have the kindest intentions when saying this... Anime is first and foremost a form of entertainment. Most have been created so you can enjoy your time while watching them. If your life is centered around the medium so much that you it can make you depressed for long stretches at a time, you're obsessing way too much over it. That "empty feeling" that comes from completing something and knowing nothing comes after is understandable, but an unmanagable depression? You shouldn't rely on Anime alone to pass your time or make you happy. This way, if you get depressed from Anime, you can get away from it and to your other interests and past times. But yeah, once again, if you're joking. ^^ heh, you got me. -Arvi
[quote name='Avenged666fold']Wow im am countered by "gaara rocks" I am officially ashamed of reading this manga.[/quote]First off, don't expect everyone who replies to be replying to your comment. [QUOTE]Hey there was a new naruto game out a couple days ago and it blew( not that im suprised). Now it seems to me that these people should just stick with manga beacause everytime they try to make naruto on any other media format they screw up(ex TV show,game....) I love this manga but everything else is kind of embarrasing.[/QUOTE]Second, I assume that you're talking about the gamecube game "Naruto Clash of the Ninja" (Gekitou Ninja Taisen). It's the one that came out on March 7. I haven't played it myself, but I know of the series. Even if it isn't that great, I wouldn't throw away my console just yet. Compared to many Anime-to-Game releases, the Naruto games are actually gems in the rough. Games made from Anime aren't usually very good, only recently have the video game companies started putting a little more elbow grease into these adaptations. That fact doesn't make "CotN" any more fun, but you also have to keep in mind that it's a pretty dated game. It came out just under three years ago, and it has actually spawned three sequels. "Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 3" is supposed to have a pretty good fighting engine. As the games get made, they get better and better. Personally I follow the "Narutimate Hero" series, currently on its third installment, and I haven't been disappointed with how the series is upgraded. The graphics were totally amazing the first time I saw it, only to be beaten by the sequel I recently purchased. The gameplay is stunningly fast and also gets better every new release. An example of how much they improve a series can be shown with how many playable characters there are in each game. In Narutimate Hero you can play twelve characters. In Narutimate Hero 2 they expanded it to 33. In Narutimate Hero 3 they blew it up to 42 different characters (51 if you include the transformations) each with a full set of unique moves. I'm not saying that you should "take it and like it" but be patient and you'll see the nicer games come out in time. The dated games have to come out first, but hopefully the nicer games will follow quickly. [quote name='Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]She used to be uber insensitive to Naruto, and totally ruthless to his face...right? :animeswea[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Oh yeah, I forgot about that. About that Akatsuki thing... I'm going to agree with Gaara kun on all accounts. I liked Sasori when he appeared, but I'm not going to choose an "OMGHE'SSOHAWTILUVHIMZOOOOMCUH" favourite until all of them make their appearance. [quote name='Hisao']Do you guys notice their blood type just knowing their character?Seriously? :animedepr kinda creepy though[/quote]Actually, I just looked it up in their bios. xP They even have their bloodtypes in their Wikipedia biographies. -Arvi
Anime Where is the best place to buy anime?
r2vq replied to animeloyalist91's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]...but now with school just trying to [spoiler]rape[/spoiler] me with so many projects...[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]Is that the English or Latin version? ;) I like to buy Anime, but my pockets aren't as deep as they could be. This results in bargain hunting and patiently waiting for sales and clearances. Recently, I bought a couple DVDs from HMV because they were on sale, but usually I get what I can from conventions. I love buying things from conventions because not only are they (usually) marked down, but I can bargaining and haggling for a better price is totally acceptable. ^^ It also goes without saying that the quantity of Anime at a convention is a lot nicer than what they have in stock at the local video store. ;) [URL=http://img127.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img01180kl.jpg][IMG]http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/3366/img01180kl.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img01191ll.jpg][IMG]http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/1310/img01191ll.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] -Arvi -
[quote name='Lord Dante']Zorro: Thaaaaaank you Cleaveland! Good night![/quote] HAHAHA, This one definately has my vote. -Arvi