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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. Since this thread is posted in two forums, doesn't inspire any conversation, and is just commercial advertising (which is not permitted), this thread is closed. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  2. [quote name='Shinjitsu][color=dodgerblue]Though the A type sounds a lot like Sasuke in each manner (introverted, [u]obsessed[/u], stubborn, self conscious and [i]uptight[/i']) lol.[/color][/quote]Actually, Uchiha Sasuke is a type AB. [SIZE=1]Cool, controlled, rational. Sociable and popular. Empathic. Aloof, critical, indecisive and unforgiving.[/SIZE] Naruto's a type B. [SIZE=1]Creative and passionate. Animal loving. Optimistic and flexible. Forgetful, irresponsible, individualist. [/SIZE] Kakashi and Sakura are type O. [SIZE=1]Ambitious, athletic, robust and self-confident. Natural leaders Arrogant, vain and insensitive. Ruthless [/SIZE] ([i]doesn't sound like her though[/i]) -Arvi
  3. When I read Orochimaru and Kabuto's little conversation, I knew I must've been missing a joke about blood types, but I only had the chance to look it up now. Here are the lines from Chapter 300. They don't really talk about any plot elements, so I wont be putting spoilers.. [B]Kabuto[/B]: When we get back can I have a male body with no wounds? [B]Orochimaru[/B]: Don't you have a decent stock already? [B]Kabuto[/B]: Of course, but lately I've gotten low on males around 15-16... And if I don't keep the scroll exactly in age order it bothers me... [B]Orochimaru[/B]: Kabuto... You're an A-Type aren't you? [B]Kabuto[/B]: AB, actually. Here are the theories (from Wikipedia) [B]Type A[/B] Conservative, reserved, patient, punctual, perfectionist and good with plants. Introverted, obsessive, stubborn, self conscious, and uptight. [B]Type AB[/B] Cool, controlled, rational. Sociable and popular. Empathic. Aloof, critical, indecisive and unforgiving. In Japan, your blood type is believed to affect your personality in much the same way horoscopes are viewed in North America. Some people make relationship decisions based on bloodtypes. So... I guess, in this little conversation, Orochimaru thinks Kabuto is obsessive and perfectionistic. Though Kishimoto reveals him to be just a rational and controlled character. ^^;;; -Arvi
  4. [quote name='Dagger]Okay, I now have a new most anticipated show: [url=http://news.toonzone.net/article.php?ID=9766][u]Powerpuff Girls Z[/u][/url]. It's going to be [i]awesome[/i']. It's also coming in April, just in time for the new season. Excellent![/quote]I was waiting for this one to come out! I still have the screenshots of the clips they played when they first revealed this series... it must have been a year ago. Ah! Found the thread. {[URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46447]Link[/URL]} I really want to see how this one will play out. I doubt I'll follow it past the first few episodes though... -Arvi
  5. [quote name='Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]OH!!! I just looked at the last page while typing this, [spoiler]the giant snake behind Sasuke is DEAD!!! It has candles in where it's eyes should be!![/spoiler] Wouldn't it be funny if he killed it and then lit the candles with [spoiler]Goukakyuu no Justu?[/spoiler] :animeswea [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Oh? I thought it was stone. XD From what I could tell, [spoiler]he was wearing pretty loose sleeves...[/spoiler] So wow, he is really [spoiler]back eh?[/spoiler] I didn't expect that right now. xD I really liked that we finally got to see [spoiler]into Sai's book! The picture without the face... was he in ANBU uniform?[/spoiler] -Arvi
  6. [B]1. If your avatar has a character, what race, age (if applicable) and gender is it? (avatars without characters are neutral or asexual)[/B] er... Filipino, 18, Male. [B]2. Would you say your avatar is masculine, feminine or both? Why?[/B] Masculine. ^^ [B]3. Does it have mature or childish attributes?[/B] I'd say that pose is pretty childish. :) [B]4. What gender and race are you?[/B] That's me up there. ^^ [B]5. When you meet someone online, unless they specify, do you feel you naturally think of them as white? (Answering yes is not racist - this is much more common than you think)[/B] Actually, I think of them as Asian. ~heh. Though, I never realize I do until they tell me otherwise. It might have to do with four years of highschool where most of my friends were Chinese... Though, now that I'm out of school, that perception should change. [B]6. Do you roleplay? If yes, identify your roleplaying character in terms of race, history, gender and sexual preference (if applicable).[/B] Sometimes. When I do, I'm a small female that is straight but willing to experiment. ;) I try to be as cute as I can. I guess you can say that I'm always trying to be a "moe" character. [B]7. Have you ever been mistaken for another race or gender or have been asked due to the lack of detail in your profile?[/B] Never online. People hardly ever ask me about my race online. They sometimes ask about my gender, but have already assumed that I'm a male. [B]8. Have you mistaken others for being of another race, age or gender? How many times (if applicable)?[/B] Always in person. Often people think I'm Chinese. One person even asked me if I was from somewhere in Guyana. T__T It happens way too often to count. And age? I'm at the age where you can't tell how old I am. A lot of people at work are surprised I'm only 18. A lot of people at school are surprised I'm already that old. T__T Not since childhood have I been called a female though. xD (...I had long hair...) [B]9. What does your online nickname mean or how did you come up with it? It's derived from my real middle name and my real last name.[/B] Arvin Q because "RVQ". Since that was in use at Hotmail... I chose R2VQ. Arvi is just my middle name without the last letter. I know that a lot of people assume that I like Star Wars because of the similarity between my nickname and the name of that little blue droid. That had nothing to do with my choice though. xD [B]10. Do you think people online tend to correctly guess your age, race or gender most of the time without being told?[/B] Usually people can tell that I'm male pretty quickly. My age and race doesn't often have a big role in my conversations... If ever people are not sure, they usually assume correctly. [B]11. Do you think people tend to correctly guess your sexual preference without being told?[/B] I guess they assume. Nobody's ever asked. ^^ [B]12. Would you feel threatened if people online knew your age, gender, race or sexual preference? If so, why?[/B] Nope. If I did, I wouldn't have answerd this. ^^
  7. r2vq

    Gundam Fight

    shadowdiver23, I'm going to close this thread because of the incoherent jumble that was offered as the first post. The first post in a thread is an example for all the posts that follow, so if it leaves much to be desired, the thread is closed. Even though the question was never really asked, it seems like you're making a "who would win?" thread. Since these threads are permitted at OB, I encourage you to improve your grammar if you'd like to try again. If you have any questions, go ahead and PM me or any of the other moderators. We'll be happy to help you out. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  8. omnimaster, I'm going to have to close this thread for a number of reasons. 1) At Otakuboards we emphasize conversation, and although a post about Duel Monster decks has plenty of potential for conversation, it's more likely to attract spammy posts, and lots of posted decks without any replies. 2) Since conversation is very important, lists are not permitted at OB. Listing the cards in your deck is still listing the cards in your deck. If you had written something about your deck (strategies, why you have specific cards in their) and included it with your list, it would have been easier to allow. 3) The first post in a thread is the most important. Since your first post was so weak, many posters may feel it unnecessary for their posts to have any higher quality. Remember, that you're setting an example, so if you had put a little more work into the post, rather than just writing up the list, you could have created a good example for others to follow. Before continuing to post, please make sure to read the forum rules. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  9. [quote name='Nadeshiko']tenten(love that shes one of the only chicks who doesnt play the damsel in distress!!)[/quote]I'm going to have to dispute this. I always found TenTen to be the weakest of all of Kishimoto's characters. I don't just mean fighting strength though. She had a lot of potential, and I was looking forward to her since her first appearance, but she went down quickly during the Chuunin Exams, and his barely recovered since. The few times we [i]do[/i] see her (pre-time skip) are when she's training Neji or being his cheerleader. She is the only (former) Konoha Genin that doesn't have a backstory, or much at all. In the manga, that one fight she had with [spoiler]Temari[/spoiler] didn't even get to be seen; just the aftermath was shown. Yes, it's true that she doesn't ever call out for help like a damsel in distress, but I say that's because Kishimoto never gave her the chance to. And yes, it's true that she's had more time after the time-skip and during the filler episodes of the anime, but the former was very minimal, and the latter has hardly even been seen by most fans of the series. At best, TenTen is a disappointing character. At worst, she's worse than any stereotypical damsel-in-distress-type character I've ever seen. [quote name='Lunox]I used to dislike Sakura, but she's one of my favorite characters now. :'] I think the problem was that she was put in a team with Naruto and Sasuke, two ninjas who had enormous potential and strength. She never really got to come into her own, as Kakashi never really treated all of them equally. [/quote]It's true that Sasuke and Naruto have always overshadowed Sakura in terms of raw potential and determination, but I think being placed in that team may have actually improved her overall rating as a ninja. If she had been placed with any of the other Genin, her life would have been a lot easier. She wouldn't have been stressed by Sasuke or Naruto's life as much as she is now. The conflicts that have arisen because Sasuke is the last Uchiha and Naruto is, well, Naruto, would not have affected her life as much, if at all. If anything, she'd be another Yamanaka Ino. -Arvi
  10. [quote name='Avenged666fold']I just bougt 3 new animes and 4 more are comin on the way. I need your oppinion if I should open the boxes and watch them or send them back.[/quote]What I don't understand, is why would you buy/order Anime if you weren't intending on watching them in the first place? Shouldn't you have done at least a little preliminary research before purchasing so many? Anyway, the only one I've seen in your list is Peacemaker Kurogane. It's one of my more highly regarded series, and I hold a special place in my room for Okita Souji. ^^ It's rather slow, but when there's action, it uses full potential of the animation style. The most action, and the most blood, you'll find in the series is near the end. It's not that they censor the blood out of the story at all, quite the opposite. I find that they paced the series and refused to rush the story for the sake of violence. Of course, you seem to have received a few opinions on that series already. ;) -Arvi
  11. A series I got into recently is called [b]Ichigo Mashimaro[/b]. It's not as funny as it is cute, but it has still drawn me in like a moth to a flame. I still can't figure out what the plot is, if it even has one, but the little girls in it are so damn cute, that I've been laughing throughout all of the episodes I've seen so far. It's really slow, and at times you may be wondering "Why am I watching this?" but it's definately something to look at if you're interested in comedy. ^^ [i]Unfortunately[/i], this series doesn't seem to have been licensed yet, but with Geneon USA as one of the producers, hopefully we'll get to see it sometime soon. ^^ -Arvi
  12. If you want to talk about a specific Anime, feel free to revive the threads that already exist, no matter how old they are. There are already threads open for the hack series. [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]Click here to find them[/url]. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  13. Hey folks, I don't have much time so I'll make this fast. ^^ Third Place [spoiler][Tatsubei Yagyu] "You're gonna have to drink a lot."[/spoiler] Second Place [spoiler][_Kenshin_] *Scratches chin* Hey, how'd these get here... *Puts in pants*[/spoiler] First Place [spoiler][Awaken] A double chin gone horribly wrong.[/spoiler] Honourable Mention [spoiler][Gaara kun] What you gonna do with all those lumps...all those lumps inside that hump??[/spoiler] That means [spoiler]Awaken,[/spoiler] you're respoonsible for the next picture. Hope it's a good one. ^^ If [spoiler]Awaken[/spoiler] doesn't post one in 3 days, it goes to [spoiler]_Kenshin_[/spoiler] and eventually so on in the heirarchy. -Arvi
  14. [quote name='Sting']My question(s) are: Are these the same Saitoh and Okita that're are suppose to be in Rurouni Kenshin? If so, is this suppose to be following what happened before Rurouni Kenshin took place? Like showing the aspects of the Shinsengumi's storyline of what happened after the revolution. (or before the revolution... either or)[/quote]Rurouni Kenshin and Peacemaker Kurogane has a very interesting relationship. Most of RK takes place after the revolution (if I'm not mistaken, I haven't seen much of the series myself) and PMK takes place before the Tokugawa government collapsed. Since the two stories used whichever government was in power as the protagonist's side, it's fun to see the Shinsengumi as antagonists in one series, and the main characters the other. To answer your question, the Okita Souji and Saitou Hajime from both series were based off the same people in real Japanese history. Since they live in different universes, they're not [i]exactly[/i] the same character, but since they're based off the same people, you could say they are the same people. [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okita_S%C5%8Dji]Okita Souji[/URL] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saito_Hajime]Saitou Hajime[/url] -Arvi
  15. The Samaruimist, I'm going to close this thread because it directly violates one of the OB rules. Keep in mind that post quality and coherency are very important at Otakuboards. If your post is impossible to understand, nobody can continue a conversation from it. In the future, try to use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuations. This'll make it easier for people to read and understand your posts. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other mods. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  16. Gun Preacher, Since Otakuboards is a conversation based forum, thread quality is very important. We expect a little more in posts than what you have made available. If your post is the first in a thread, it is especially important to have post content and quality. I'm going to close this thread and encourage you to read the rules, then join in any of the other conversations. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  17. Wow, the last post for this thread was June 24 2005... Try not to bring back old threads unless they're specific to one Anime. Threads like this die for a reason. ;) Thread Closed. -Arvi
  18. Hey the Samaruimist, Like I said in [B][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=715374&postcount=18]this post[/url][/B] in [B][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52296]this thread[/URL][/B] the opening post of a thread is very important. It decides the fate of the thread. Since you have been warned before, and the opening post of this thread is still of very poor quality, I'm going to close this thread. Also, please note that three very similar thread already exist. Go ahead and click the names of the threads to be redirected to them. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52323][b]Anime Endings[/b][/URL] [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?goto=lastpost&t=49857]"Do You Ever Think of Your Own Story to an Anime Show..."[/url][/b] and [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=41137][b]Which animes should have sequels?[/b][/url] Remember, to avoid having your threads to be continually closed you should improve on your post quality. Also, if you don't read the rules or follow up on the warnings we've been giving you, you risk more moderation, even a banning from the site. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  19. Ah~ I get what you said about revenge now. xP [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25280&stc=1[/IMG] ~hai hai, this'll be the picture. From the oh so lovely Basilisk anime, we have Tokugawa Ieyasu, head honcho and Shogun. You folks'll have four days before we close this round. -Arvi
  20. [quote name='Raphael][FONT=Palatino Linotype']Hey, did envy even appear on FMA movie?[/FONT][/quote] Movie Spoilers. [spoiler]Envy was definately in the movie. At the end of the series he turns into a dragon and flies through the gate. Since he can't seem to transform in the world he was transported to, he's stuck as that dragon throughout the film. It's the dragon that Edward fought in the tower. It's the same dragon that is surrounding the gate Edward used to go back and forth in our worlds.[/spoiler]
  21. r2vq

    who are you?

    L33Totaku1, Welcome to Otakuboards. Please note that Otakuboards is a conversation based forum. Posts that are incomprehensible are going to be closed. Since your thread is almost impossible to read, I'm going to have to close the thread. For future reference, the first post in a thread is the most important. If it is of really poor quality, the thread probably wont be open for very long. So if you want your threads to stay open, try to use proper grammar and good spelling. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  22. [quote name='Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]>O I will get revenge on all of you...Espically you r2vq.. *evil laughter*[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Hey, all I did was revive a thread. xP The dog picture was terribly amusing. I don't get the "official" comment though. *suddenly has the urge to put his forehead protector on his cat* [quote name='Gaara kun][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]So anyways, chapter 298 is interesting.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote]Haha, that's one way to describe it. Though, wasn't it already confirmed that Kakashi was a member of ANBU? I mean, even his [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninjutsu_%28Naruto%29#Kuchiyose:_Doton:_Tsuiga_no_Jutsu_.28Summoning:_Earth_Release:_Tracking_Fang_Technique.29]Summon Tracking Jutsu[/URL] is specifically meant for ANBU styled hunting. I'm pretty sure he mentioned it when he was fighting Zabuza. Though yeah, I agree with you about the ending of 298. [spoiler]It's a pretty lame cliff hanger since we know Sai can't be dead already. It can be one of Kabuto's manipulated corpses but it can also be one of Sai's clones. Looks like the Moku bunshin isn't going to last very long though.[/spoiler] [quote name='Matsuko']since the filler started i've stop watching naruto, i hope it goest back to the story very soon [/quote]I don't know the exact date (though I know a lot of people here are counting down to it ;)) but I know the fillers should be ending soon. ^^ So don't worry and get your forehead protector ready. -Arvi
  23. [quote name='animegirl803][COLOR=Plum']Everything about Japan I learned from anime. [/COLOR][/quote]I'd be careful about that if I were you. Even if Anime isn't always directed towards children, it doesn't mean that it's not a work of fantasy. It's similar to judging American culture by MTV and Hollywood movies. Sometimes it may be a good reflection of a percentage of the population, but there's still a lot more too the culture than what is exported. ;) -Arvi
  24. Ah~ finally caught up in the manga. Recently, I haven't been able to much online. Even responding to threads has been a little difficult. xD But I have to say that I'm really enjoying the ending to this battle. The relationship between Naruto and Sakura is becoming tighter, Sai is finally [spoiler]off Team Kakashi,[/spoiler] and we're on to the next fight! [quote name='Gaara kun][spoiler']But why would Kishi mention at the beginning of the time skip about the Chunnin exams? Possibly Oro will try and screw it up again?[/spoiler][/quote]Well, at the time I just thought of it as a little joke to keep the chapter lighthearted, but it just may be foreshadowing. I don't seem to be good at predicting things in this series. Take the following for example. xD [quote name='Tatsubei Yagyu]Oh...and thinking back, I don't think the Akatsuki spy could have been anyone but [spoiler]Kabuto[/spoiler'].[/quote]HAHA, boy was I wrong about that... heh. heh. -.= Well, I still say it could have been a random Sound Shinobi, but then we wouldn't have that glorious (albeit extended) fight would we? -Arvi
  25. "[I]Sasuke[/I] and [I]Naruto [/I] couldn't help themselvs when their yaoi fantasies took over, [I]Ikillion [/I] was never the same again..." Heh, heh. Kage nusumu no jutsu. ;) -Arvi
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