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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. serenayasha, Although this is Anime related, the place to post fanfiction is the [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=87]OB Anthology[/url][/b]. I would move this thread there, but there are rules that are specific to that forum that you will have to read first. Please [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44313][B]click here[/B][/URL], and read the rules. After that feel free to post your fanfiction there as long as you follow the rules while doing so. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  2. Once again, Favourites Threads are not permitted. I may have permitted this thread if the first post was more than just a list. Remember the key to keeping your thread open is conversation. Full sentences, proper grammar, and correct spelling are encouraged. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  3. Wiccan_Erika, "Favourites Threads" are usually not permitted at Otakuboards. This is because the Anime Lounge is a conversation based forum and "Favourites Threads" are usually full of spammy posts and lists. Sometimes moderators allow this type of thread but it requires a very impressive first post, which yours isn't. Also...[quote name='The Rules']At OtakuBoards, we greatly emphasize the concept of having clear, easy to read posts. This includes correct use of spelling, grammar and punctuation. If a member is posting with very poor quality, they will be asked to clean up their future posts. If the member persists in posting poorly, they will be banned from the site.[/quote]Pleae make yourself familiar with all the rules before continuing to post. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other mods. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  4. Male Jubei Chan The Anime Lounge is a place to discuss Anime, but if the posts you make have so little content that they do not help the conversation, they will be closed. If you want to create a thread, make sure to have more than just "Tie between Nakoruru and Karen Joshua" as the content of the opening post. Ask a question. Suggest your own answer. State your reasons. Speak in full sentences. Conversation is the key. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  5. Due to the low quality of the starting post, as well how little it has to do with Anime... If you want to post in the Anime Lounge, please be sure to have a sufficient amount of content in your post to support discussion. Post quality is also important because conversation will not happen if readers don't understand what you have written. This is especially important for posts that start threads. Also, if you want to talk about something that isn't directly related to Anime, try areas of Otakuboards other than Anime Lounge. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  6. Mereiyu, Welcome to Otakuboards. This forum is a little different from most other message boards out there. We emphasize discussion and conversation. This means that posts with poor grammar or very little content is rarely accepted. When a question like your own is posted we prefer that, to entice conversation, the answers are not posted in list format. Since posting lists hardly ever gets the thread anywhere but a bunch of lists that nobody will benefit from, I'm going to have to close this thread. Remember that if you want people to know what you think, post it. Post your reasons behind it, and maybe somebody will reply. Maker sure to take a look at the rules before continuing ([URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Link[/URL]). If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other mods. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  7. First off, I find it hard to say you can truly appreciate anything without experiencing it. Honestly, if you haven't seen the Anime or read the Manga of "Ah My Goddess!" then I don't think you can say you like it. You may say that you like the artwork if you've seen pictures, or that you like the music if you've heard songs from the series, but anything less specific and your feelings towards the series will be based purely on assumptions and what other people tell you. Assumptions being inaccurate enough, what others will tell you about a series will always be full of bias and will be different from the original series in question. My bottom line is, unless you've seen the series yourself, you will like what you think the series will be, and what other people tell you about it, not the series itself. That said, considering the low conversation value in this thread, as well as the poor quality of the first post, I'm going to have to close this thread. If you wish to create another post, remember that conversation, and grammar are important. The first post of a thread, especially, has to fulfill these requirements. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  8. r2vq

    Ah My Goddess

    If you want to tell people that you changed your name, you can place the information in your signature. Creating a thread, or posting in an already existing thread (or six) just to announce this is unacceptable and may even result in a ban. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  9. The DVD for Howl's Moving Castle is coming out on March 7, 2006. You should be able to get it from retailers in your area that sell movies, but if you still can't find it, try Amazon.com As for missing it at the theaters... it's very possible that you waited too long. Movies that aren't very popular don't usually get very long theater time because the theaters want to open up room for the popular movies. Next time, go right away. xP -Arvi
  10. r2vq

    My Space

    Hey mllrygoddess14 You really have to start posting on topic. Remember that this is not only the [b]Anime Lounge[/b] but you're asking people to post lists ina forum that requires conversation. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  11. Hey D. Resurrected, It's great that you've seen this movie and like it, but maybe you could explain [i]why[/i] you like it? Remember that this forum heavily emphasizes conversation, so try to have some content in there to help aid the conversation. ^^ [quote name='hey_love']Seeing another perspective made me unusually tingly as I watched Grave of the Fireflies. We're always learning in school how the United States suffered so much, but I don't think I've heard the teacher shed much light onto what happened after the bombs in Hiroshima or Nagasaki.[/quote] It's true that history classes tend to glaze over what happens in other countries during the World Wars. In Canada, be it the first or second world war, we only learn about the Canadian home efforts and the battles that the Canadians were involved in (Vimy Ridge anyone?). -Arvi
  12. Hey folks. Regrettably, the posts in this thread don't meet with the standards of quality, grammar, and spelling that are in place for Otakuboards. Remember that posts, especially posts that open threads, should have enough content to support a real conversation (rather than just one sentence) as well as properly spelt words (as opposed to too many abbreviations or internet slang. Also, since I am a stickler for content and quality, posts that are simply "YAY WEEE WEE OOOHHH YAY!!!!" will not be accepted in Anime Lounge. If you really want to express your excitement over a specific topic, try to use proper English to explain your reasons, rather than the excessively adding letters to a word. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  13. r2vq


    [quote name='KatanaViolet']is it worth d/l'ing or buying? Also, any word if it will be hitting any TV stations?[/quote] Considering the content, I doubt it'll be on Television fairly soon, unless it was on some sort of late night schedule on a channel that doesn't primarily target children (ie. YTV and Cartoon Network). Sexual stimulating, violent, and unforgiving, this show is definately lightyears away from Naruto. My friend has this entire series on his computer, and I've been staying over just so we can marathon it until we pass out sometime after two in the morning. [B]That's how much he likes it.[/B] From what I've seen so far, it really is a good series. And I'm really looking forward to the movie based on the same novel. [url=http://animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=7364]Link[/url] -Arvi
  14. To KatanaViolet, Heh. A lot of people I know start to hate Sasuke around that point. There are only a few people who can defend what he did, but I'm not one of them. To the others, The problem I have, is that even if there is going to be [spoiler]another Chuunin Exam, wouldn't it be up to the Hokage to invite Sound? I mean, Danzou can't just go out and say "I want Orochimaru's Genin to take the test too!" Unless maybe they use Sasuke as bait... Though it is a great theory, I'm not knocking it or anything. On a similar note I remember somebody saying something about clones before. There was a lot of talk about Sai being a clone. It was pretty amazing how it turned out clones actually existed in the Naruto world. Maybe, I thought, Sai really [b]is[/b] a clone after all![/spoiler] -Arvi
  15. r2vq

    Anime Crushes

    This thread has degenerated into a series of lists or bad posts. I've posted warnings in the beginning, and throughout the thread, but nobody takes heed. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  16. Avenged666fold, Your post is a little confusing. Try to use proper grammar and punctuation, it will help... But on a Naruto note. I'm going to have to agree that the animation for Naruto isn't the best. It is at times, very good, but generally I've been let down with how the series is drawn. It seems to be that time and money are allocated to the more "important" episodes, leaving the rest of the series with animation that can be annoying. I will have to argue, though, that Naruto standards shouldn't be as high as Blood the Last Vampire. Especially since Blood was a feature length film with an extremely high budget compared to a weekly television series that often involves late nights and less family time for animators. It's the same reason Star Trek movies always look visually better than Star Trek episodes. Money and time just don't allow television the same lenience. Ikillion you were surprised about the most recent battle too? I was bracing myself for another long drawn out fight like the Akasunano Sasori one. I'm sure the Anime version will be a lot longer though. About the necklace though... it hasn't [spoiler]done anything yet has it? Or did I miss it? I've read the most recent chapter, and I even forgot about it until you mentioned it. If it hasn't been touched yet, I'm sure it will be in next weeks.[/spoiler] -Arvi
  17. Okay folks. I've had to edit enough posts in this thread. [b]Proper grammar and spelling are not an option.[/b] If nobody can read your post, then rethink about posting it. Also, post content is also important. One liners don't often help conversations. Thread closed. -Arvi
  18. [quote name='ANBU kunoichi']But then again, "dattebayo" is not an actual word. //snip// It has no real meaning (many have looked for one). What I believe it is is an accent. I've heard that Kenshin has one, too. I believe that it is something similar to a Southerner saying y'all; they don't really notice that they say it until it is pointed out to them. [/quote]Although "dattebayo" has no dictionary translation, I have to argue that there is a meaning behind it. I would even go further to say that "Believe it!" is a good translation for it. The purpose behind "dattebayo" is simply emphasis. I can go deeper into it by talking about the "iu" verb or the te-form of "desu" or even one of the many forms of "because", but in the end, it's still just Naruto emphasizing what he just said. In the same way, "Believe it!" is just Naruto emphasizing what he just said. Kenshin is a little different, I believe. I haven't seen much of Rurouni Kenshin myself, apart from the OVA, but from what I gather, Kenshin uses "gozaru" at the end of his sentences. This is an overly polite form of Japanese that can't be translated into English. [quote name='ANBU kunoichi']I just find it extremely annoying to hear him shout "Believe it!" every other sentence. While you could say the same thing about dattebayo, he doesn't stress that word, it sounds much more fluid and natural than him shouting "believe it!".[/quote]It's true that the rhythm is different in Japanese, but I don't think the aesthetic value of it can be fairly judged unless you're a native speaker. We both seem to be native speakers of English, making it fairly easy to catch how annoying and unnatural "Believe it!" is, but I don't think we can say that "Dattebayo!" would be any less annoying to a Japanese ear unless we've been speaking Japanese for years. -Arvi
  19. Cool, so your answer is received, I don't see much conversation coming out of this so... Thread Closed. -Arvi
  20. r2vq


    At these boards, there are quite a few fans of Monster, actually. You can find them [b][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46223]here[/URL][/b]. Next time use the Official Threads Directory or the search function before creating an anime specific thread. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  21. Because of the low post quality in this thread, I'm going to have to close it. Feel free to try again, but keep in mind the following pointers. Don't make lists, expand on all your posts. Make sure to speak in full sentences. Use proper grammar (though, this isn't really a problem right now). And note that the first post will be used as an example, so it especially should be a good reflection of the rules. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  22. [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=710401&postcount=572]Heh ^^.[/url]
  23. Sorry Lady_liege, EVA Unit 100 is right. Threads centered around making lists usually foster very spammy replies. For that reason I'm going to have to close this thread. If everyone posted in the same manner as Hey_love, there would be no problem, but since this isn't an ideal world, a lot of posts that are subpar will eventually surface. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  24. r2vq


    Hi Tyranidmaster, Welcome to Otakuboards. Please note that since Introduction Threads are not permitted at OB, I'm going to have to close this thread. Instead, we encourage members to just jump right into posting. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  25. Demon Dende, this could have been an acceptable thread, but there are too many spammy posts. Also, the poll has nothing to do with the topic of the thread. If you wish to try again at this thread, use proper grammar and spelling to ensure that your post is easy to read. This is especially true for the first post in a thread since it sets the example for all the replies. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Thread Closed. -Arvi
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