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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. r2vq


    Omegia, Favourites threads are not allowed in the Anime Lounge. Also, please be sure that your posts use a proper grammar and spelling to make them easier to understand. Since post quality is emphasized at Otakuboards, the first post in a thread should always set a good example for the following posts. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  2. r2vq


    If you want the censored versions, they should come out in March. These only have the dubs on them. If you want the uncensored version, they should come out in July. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  3. EVA Unit 100, I don't think your reply was called for. It's not uncommon for new members to miss the date on a post, but members eventually get the hang of it. Also, I think that moggle claire was actually interested in the topic and wanted to contribute to the conversation, which is perfectly acceptable. The next time you see a member posting something that they shouldn't be, just report the post. -Arvi
  4. [quote name='moogle claire][COLOR=Orange']Is what I read on the very first post in this thread right?![/COLOR][/quote] Well, even if the first post was correct when written, it is still pretty dated. The first post was written on December 3 [b]2002[/b], so I doubt any of that information is still correct. You can try Toonami.com or CartoonNetwork.com for the most recent schedule but when I did a (granted, fairly quick) search through the site I didn't see anything about Cowboy Bebop. -Arvi
  5. r2vq


    [quote name='Central Fusion']I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this anime, if yes can anyone explain it to me?[/quote]Central Fusion, Welcome to Otakuboards! When posting in the Anime Lounge please make sure to use the [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]Official Threads Directory[/url] before posting about specific Anime. Because there is already a Serial Experiments Lain thread, this one will be closed. Also, since this is a conversation based forum, content and post quality are severly emphasized. Please be sure to include sufficient amounts of each the next time you post, espcially if it's the starter post for a thread. Finally, since your link had very little to do with your post, it can be considered as advertising spam. That is why I am deleting it from your post. If you wish to advertise your forum, feel free to add the link to your signature. If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  6. [quote name='Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]IAnko is hot Don't question my reasons...[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Reading those hentai doujins again Ikillion? ;) jkjk I'm with KKC about the chapters being so short. So many chapters will pass and nothing in the story progresses! [spoiler]It's no wonder they're making the Anime fillers so long.[/spoiler] xD As for 294 [spoiler]I really liked the whole "bunshin" techniques that were coming out of Naruto and Orochimaru. (How many copies of Orochimaru are inside of him anyway :animeknow )[/spoiler] -Arvi
  7. [quote name='Shi no Tenshi']I watched Full Metal Alchemist for the first time last week, whilst on my laptop and not paying attention. The result was a mish mash of misheard dialogue, dodgy misconceptions and a storyline I'm pretty sure I made up.[/quote] HAHAHA. I loved it. That was terribly creative and amazingly funny. I had to merge your thread with the Official FMA Thread (remember one Anime-specific Thread per Anime) but it definately gave me a laugh for the rest of the day. On a different note. The local HMV was having a sale on DVDs and I was able to obtain the first four volumes of Full Metal Alchemist for $15CDN each! (That's $12.96 American) Happy days! If only all Anime were this cheap! -Arvi
  8. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']I think that quoted bit was referring to the skill of being able to read subtitles while also keeping an eye on the action in general.[/color][/quote]You're probably right, and I probably read it strangely. In fact, the skill of reading fansubs while still watching the animation is something my friends and I have talked about in real life. But my comment still stands, even if it isn't specifically directed towards Suicide Jury. There do exist people out there who stereotype and prejudge dubs. I know this first hand because most of my friends do this, and a few years ago, I used to readily denounce every dub in North America. It took me a few years to learn about the dubbing industry and the history of Anime dubs, but the new information really changed my mind. I like to think of myself now as a little less ignorant and a little more open minded. -Arvi
  9. Due to the onslaught of messages with poor quality, I'm going to close this thread. Please folks, remember to state your reasons instead of just posting lists. Quality is important, or in other words, use full sentences. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  10. Vegeta143, Welcome to Otakuboards. Because this is a conversation based forum, you may want to limit your Otakuboards visits to conversation, not file searching. Also, please take a look at our rules if you wish to continue posting. Illegal file sharing is not permitted and a higher post quality is required. Posting multiple topics in different areas of the forum is also not permitted. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other Moderators. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  11. [quote name='Suicide Jury']the skill of a true anime fan will come in time[/quote] I tend to find that the attitude of Anime elitist to be, at the best of times, annoying. The concept that watching the unofficial version of something will make you more of an Anime fan is something I can no longer get my head around. I understand if the purpose is simply to enjoy something that would otherwise be chopped up and censored beyond recognition, but the majority of "subbies" make their decision based on the idea that "all subs are better than dubs". I find that basing one's decision on prejudice of any form to be a sign of ignorance, and this situation is no different. I'm with Delta on this. I can't watch censored material and enjoy it to the same extent as the original, but a translated adaptation is perfectly fine with me. -Arvi
  12. Hey Kiyonerose, Welcome to Otakuboards. I'm going to have to close this thread because it doesn't hold much conversation value. This is a conversation based forum, Questionaires and "Favourites Threads" are highly discouraged since they usually lead to short, spammy posts. This thread will be closed for now, but feel free to join in the conversations around the board and you might get your answers in a different way. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  13. r2vq


    Gaaragaara, welcome to Otakuboards. I'm going to close this thread for a few reasons. 1. Naruto Books should be discussed in the Manga workshop. 2. There already is a Naruto Forum where you can discuss anything Naruto related. (Check the Official Threads Directory) 3. Your post has considerably low post quality. Remember to keep in mind that you need high quality and content to keep a conversation moving. 4. Thread Starting Posts especially should not be of poor quality, in order to set an example for the posts that follow. Please take a look at the Otakuboards Rules before continuing to post. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other mods. Thanks. -Arvi
  14. IAmMyChem, please make sure to check the Official Threads Directory before creating a new thread that is specific to one anime. It just makes the boards a lot less spammy if we don't have 20 Naruto threads and 20 Cowboy Bebop threads floating around. If you have any questions about that, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thanks. ^^ As for the gender of Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tibrusky IV, she is a girl. I'm sure they mentioned this in one of the episodes... For more information on her click [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cowboy_Bebop#Edward_Wong_Hau_Pepelu_Tivrusky_IV]here[/url]. It is possible that she is a late bloomer, and I don't discount it. Personally, I found the whole thing pretty confusing too, but I'm sure they said "she" on the series so I just went by that. -Arvi
  15. Great news for Canadian Full Metal Alchemist fans... YTV has acquired Full Metal Alchemist! ^^ WOOT. It'll be playing every Friday right after Naruto. [quote name='"ANN"']YTV has announced in their anime bulletin that Fullmetal Alchemist will premiere Friday, March 3 at 10pm. Source: Zannen, Canada[/quote] [quote="Zannen, Canada"]Better be sitting down for this one? Full Metal Alchemist premieres Friday, March 3!! Catch it at 10pm and 1am E/P!![/QUOTE] Now I have an even better reason to take off Fridays from work. =D (wait... does that mean it'll be censored?) -Arvi
  16. r2vq


    Hey Folks, I'd move this to Otaku Lounge to discuss Black History Month, but the post quality is just too low. If you're going to talk about Black History Month, stick to that topic. ie. Don't start talking about how much you like Inuyasha. Second, try not to capitalize too many letters in one word. Yes, it may just be a typo, but doing it too many times makes a post a little harder to read. Thirdly, try to use proper spelling and grammar. Especially in your topic. "February" has an "r" after the "b" and only one "u". Fourthly, Introduction threads are deeply discouraged. Instead, just throw yourself in to the conversation and start posting. People will get to know you as time passes. Finally, try to keep your topic names related to your post. If you want to talk about "Black History Month" make that your topic! Otherwise, people might talk about other aspects of February, like Valentine's Day or Groundhog Day. The first post is very important setting an example for the posts that follow it. If you're going to start a thread, and don't want it closed, try your best to follow the OB Rules instead of making your own. Located: [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Here[/url]. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  17. IAmMyChem and AnimeRules14521 I merged your thread with the official FLCL thread. In the future please make sure to check the Official Threads Directory (it's a sticky in the Anime Lounge) before posting a general thread about Anime. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thanks. -Arvi
  18. Okay folks, this has turned into a big spammy area. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  19. Manga is to Comics, as Anime is to cartoon. Hentai is to Anime, as Pornography is to Live Action. Pretty much, Manga is the comic book medium in Japanese culture. Many periodicals release chapters to a longer story, while many comics exist as stand-alone "one shot" short stories. Althoughh there is no singular style that defines Manga, many people attribute the BESM (Big Eyes Small Mouth) to Manga, as well as Anime. Many people also closely associate Manga and Anime because many Manga series become Anime, and vice versa. Hentai or H-Anime or H-Manga can refer to Pornographic Manga or Anime respectively. It comes from the Japanese words for "Strange Appearance" Unfortunately, since the introduction of Manga to the West, many people confuse the two. You can find more information on it here: [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hentai[/url] -Arvi
  20. Okay folks, since this just seems to be a Favourites Thread, I'm going to have to close it. Favourites Threads are usually not allowed because they create spammy posts. Sometimes they are allowed if the posts are concise and well expressed. Although that was how this thread started, it seems to hae degenerated. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  21. First off, remember that if a thread is going to be closed, just don't post in it. You can always report a thread, but don't play mod. Secondly, this thread does already exist, so yes, it shall be closed. Next time, please take a look around recent threads before creating a new one. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  22. Ramen_Mido If you can't help, don't post. Star Ocean EX was based off Star Ocean 2. It was created around 2001 and was licensed around 2004 by Geneon. I haven't seen it myself, but a friend of mine tells me it isn't very good. -Arvi
  23. r2vq

    Help Me!!!!

    Sorry WingsofTsubasa, The Distribution of Copyrighted Materials is not pemitted at Otakuboards. Please read the rules before posting again. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  24. AHhh.. the scanlation for 293 finally came out. Naruto's [spoiler]transformation[/spoiler] is very cool. I never liked the appearance of [spoiler]Two-tailed Kyuubi Naruto or Curse Seal Level 2 Sasuke[/spoiler] but I think this more than makes up for it. And don't you hate it when they leave parts of the plot hanging. xD Kakashi's [spoiler]Mangekyou Sharingan[/spoiler] has been on everybody's mind recently. I really think it has something to do with a new technique... And I have to say that Mokuton Ninjutsu is pretty shway. [spoiler]Moku Bunshin no Jutsu!![/spoiler] xD -Arvi
  25. Actually, it's Alucard [spoiler]because Alucard is Dracula backwards.[/spoiler] But that's off topic. Remember that this is the One Piece thread, even if there were posts before that were off topic, try to stay on topic. (If you like you could always create a new thread about Japanese Ls and Rs but even that conversation died down a few months ago.) -Arvi
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