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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. I don't see a problem with this thread as long as everyone who posts keeps their posts clean and courteous. I changed the Thread Title to make it a little more clear though. In fact, I have to agree with Sora in some aspects. Since I'm not very old, I was able to experience the Pokémon and Digimon fads as part of their main target audience when they were in their prime. I did fall into the trap of the Pokémon fad for a little while, but I like to think that I've grown since then. I've even begun to notice fads with current fans. Bleach seems to be a very big thing right now, but I refuse to be pulled into a series that I don't like. Inuyasha is big on TV right now but that, too, I cannot stomach. I think, maybe, we all follow Anime fads at one point in our Anime-lives, at least until we become more confident with our own tastes and who we really are. -Arvi
  2. Sayuri-sama, Next time, please read more than just the title of a post before replying. He wasn't looking for names of people, but names of specific Anime. -Arvi
  3. Hey Folks IAmMyChem, welcome to Otakuboards. Please make sure to read the rules before posting again. Lumpy3922, since you've been a member for a long time now, you should know the rules already. Remember, if you're going to post spoilers use the SPOILER tag. Click [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]here[/url] for instructions how. Also, since this is a Full Metal Alchemist based thread, it should be posted in the Full Metal Alchemist thread. Click [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]here[/url] to search for the FMA thread. If you still have any questions, feel free to PM me. Thanks. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  4. Okay Akita, you got your answer: Haku is a boy. One thing though, remember that there is only one thread allowed for Specific Anime talk. Since this thread only deals with Naruto, it would have done better to just post in the Naruto thread. Please read the rules before posting agian, and if you have any questions feel free to PM me. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  5. Hey naruto06 I'm going to have to close this thread too. Please take a look at our [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]rules, located here.[/url] Since we already have a General Fruits Baskets thread, this is a duplicate thread. Before creating an Anime Specific Thread in the future, check the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=563221#post563221]Official Threads Directory, located here.[/url] Thread Closed. -Arvi
  6. Whoops. Sorry about that. Didn't consider the "alias" factor. ^^ I might have, though, if I've seen the dub for Champloo. Good ear Stafal-chan. -Arvi
  7. Hey folks. I'm going to have to close this thread since Favourites Threads are not permitted at Otakuboards. There is already a [b]very[/b] similar thread located here: [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=49937]Link[/url] Just remember the "Popular" theme and to keep the post quality UP. [b]hey_love[/b] has a great example of a good post because she explained all her answers. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  8. Hey folks, A word on [b]Post Quality[/b]. Remember to keep the post quality UP. One sentence phrases that don't add to the conversation that amount to "I don't know" don't really add to the conversation and make the boards messy. Please try to refrain from this in the future. To answer your question ANBU kunoichi, the voice of Pip Bernadotte will be played by Hiroaki Hirata. If you go to AnimeNewsNetwork.com there is an encyclopedia with information on voice actors and cast members of many (if not most) anime out there. -Arvi
  9. r2vq


    different ki, Remember that the Distribution of Copyrighted Materials should never be done on the forums. So this isn't the right place to ask that. Since that kind of post is considered spam, if a link is posted, or if a similar question is asked, it may be deleted. [url=http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules[/url] -Arvi
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hey folks, if this is going to degrade into just a favourites threads, it will have to close. Since Favourites Threads aren't allowed. And you can't post just the anime/manga you think is most popular, you have to give a reason why "they are so totally awsome".[/COLOR] I think the Dragonball Series is the most popular Manga out there. It's a classic series that was lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it) enough to be one of the first earlier dubbed Anime. And Anime/Manga big-shots like Kishimoto admit to being inspired by Toriyama. Even today it's still on the Lycos Top Fifty List (and it has been since the list was formed). If you go out in the street and ask somebody about "Dragonball Z" they probably have an idea of what it is, even if they don't know what Anime is. -Arvi
  11. According to ANN: Kouichi Yamadera - Spike (Japanese) Steven Jay Blum - Spike (English) Kazuya Nakai - Mugen (Japanese) Daniel Andrews - Mugen (English) So neither Japanese or English Sike shared a Seiyuu with Mugen. -Arvi
  12. Well, if you say so. XD I haven't seen WaG or HMC yet. But I know I didn't enjoy Corpse Bride very much, even if the animation was utterly beautiful. I just felt that the Animation didn't carry the, otherwise, slow and predictable storyline. The reason I didn't think WaG would be very good (even though I loved them in the past) is because their trailers seem to be very slapstick driven, rather than actually have a plot. Of course, I know I shouldn't judge a movie by its trailer. I'll be picking this one up when the DVD comes out. Friends have told me that HMC was the best of Miyazaki's work, and that's why I assumed that it would be so great. As I was typing this, I visited IMDB and scanned through a few reviews. While many praised the film, a few called it unoriginal and a waste of ten dollars. Of course, I know they are only opinions and differ by each person, but having not seen the film yet myself, I have little else to go by. -Arvi
  13. [B]Ramen_Mido[/B], If you believe a thread is going to close, don't post in it. Let the moderators do their jobs. If you believe a thread needs to be brought to the moderator's attention, use the Report button. [B]WindFox17[/B], We already have many similar threads about this topic. [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45385]Here[/url] and [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=50074]Here[/url] Repeated threads are not allowed, as well as low quality posts. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  14. There is already an Inuyasha thread. Please take a look at our Official Threads Directory and find the Inuyasha thread if you want to talk about this series. Not only that, Otakuboards emphasizes Post Quality, especially for the first post in a thread. If you wish to create a thread, make sure the intro post is of high enough quality to spark discussion. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  15. Due to the low quality in posts in this thread I'm going to have to close it. And yes, sometimes the animation changes in Anime, even in Manga you may see a different style emerge as the story evolves. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  16. From what I can tell, Hellsing: The Dawn is a prequel of Hellsing that is currently only in Manga form. It may be included in the upcoming Hellsing OVA, but it is as of yet unknown, so I shall move this to the Manga forum. You may find it easier to find an answer there. -Arvi
  17. The_sixth_child, I merged your thread with your previous one. In the future, try not to stray off topic or create multiple threads of the same subject. Also, remember that descriptive posts are very important, especially for the opening post of a thread. As for Vic Mignogna, I adore the man. Probably because of him, Full Metal Alchemist is the only dub I can say that I enjoy more than the original Japanese version subbed. I've been to his website and I was amazed to find out that he's also a Graphic Artist. [url=http://www.vicsworld.net/graphic.htm]Link[/url] Teacher: Arvi what do you want to be when you grow up? Arvi: I want to be Vic Mignogna! -Arvi
  18. xD Renate, EVA Unit 100 beat you to it! [url=http://otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=708548&postcount=29]Click[/url] Do you really think it's tough competition? Whenever I hear about the three movies, HMC always gets compliments while the reactions seem to be mixed at best for the other two. -Arvi
  19. According to AnimeOnDVD.com ([url=http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews2/disc_reviews/4868.php]click[/url]), Howl's Moving Castle is coming out on March 7 2006. Just like you, I missed it in theaters (all my friends saw it) so I'll be buying the DVD if it's a reasonable price. Otherwise, I'll just rent it. -Arvi
  20. I'm disappointed in not posting in this thread earlier. Thank you Nekova for bringing it back to the first page. I would almost agree with you about the mandatory viewing. Seeing the Second World War from a Japanese perspective can be refreshingly different from the winner's point of view. The story is also heart warming and deeply touching. It was one of the first anime to move me to tears. (And trust me I was bawling). The only problem I had with it was the dub. I am all for dubs, but the little girl's English actress was annoying. I fell in love with the Japanese actors though. It's amazing how young they really were. It's also terribly upsetting when you find out that the movie is pretty much a true story. The only difference is that the main character [spoiler]didn't die[/spoiler] in real life. (I'll put that in spoilers even though the first line is "September 9th, 1945... [spoiler]that was the day I died.[/spoiler]" -Arvi
  21. There is already a Fruits Basket thread. Please check the threads directory before making new threads about Anime. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  22. slick9456 I edited your post to include spoiler tags. Put [.spoiler] and [/spoiler] (without the period) around the plot twists that may surprise other people. Also, your post quality needs a bit of work. Try not to use too much Internet slang, and try to use real words. Personally, it took me a wikipedia search to find out what "idk" means. Finally, this [b]does[/b] belong in the Manga Forum so I'm moving it there. Ramen_Mido Try not to play Mod. If a post isn't following the rules, use the "Report" feature to report the post. If a thread is going to be moved or closed, don't post in it. Thanks guys, if there are any other questions, feel free to send me a PM. -Arvi
  23. Thanks Arsene Lupin, but remember that if you know a thread is going to be closed you don't have to post in it. The moderators will take care of that. auramancer, like Arsene Lupin said, there's already a Full Metal Alchemist thread. Also, if you want to create a new thread about an Anime, check the Official Threads Directory first. Thread Closed. -Arvi
  24. Tatsu (and all the people I haven't acknowledge)- thx ;) NOoooooOOO! I missed Naruto again! >.< And in the process I missed Rock Lee!! Oh whell. *sighs* It was a good episode too. The episodes back then kinda blur together... did I miss Gai-sensei too? About Asuma Sarutobi and Sarutobi the Sandaime, yeah, I knew about that. I read a lot on Wiki and they mentioned it there. Though, a lot of people hypothesize that Sarutobi is Sandaime's given name, meaning that Asuma and him are not related. Remember, that's hypothesize. Actually, on a similar note... Asuma, Sandaime, and [spoiler]Sasuke[/spoiler] were all (apparently) named after the same character! There's somebody in Japanese culture named Sarutobi [spoiler]Sasuke[/spoiler] and that's who they were supposed to get their names from. About Kankuro... we already know that puppeteers can move people's limbs. We saw this when [spoiler]Sakura and Chiyobaa fought against Akasunano Sasori[/spoiler]. I just think that Kankuro isn't strong enough to do it against any of the people he fights against. He was able to use the technique on Naruto when they first met (and this surprised him) but all his opponents after that were much stronger. (of course, this is all my theory now) I love that symbolism with the kunai in water and leaf with senbon sticking through it. I never noticed that before... Maybe I should re-read too. xD KKC, are you talking about 291 or 292? I want to read your spoilers but I don't know. xD And it's amazing. From the little I heard, I was okay with Temari's. But I didn't like Kankuro's very much, and I was on the fence with Gaara. Of course, I didn't hear very much since I missed [i]this[/i] week's episode. xD -Arvi
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Ramen_Mido is correct. Invader Zim is not an anime, so it wouldn't belong in the Anime Forum. You also seem to know this since you posted the exact same thread in the Television Forum. This, by the way is against the rules. Lastly, your post quality has to improve a LOT. Your posts will have to have more content, especially if they are the first post in a thread. Thread Closed. -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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