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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. There already is a Chobits thread. Please check the threads directory next time. Also, your post has really low quality. Try to remember that this is a discussion based forum, so you may want to improve the quality of your post in the future. ^^ Thread Closed. -Arvi
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hate to do this to you Darkruler, but I had to move your thread. Remember that if we have an official thread for an Anime already, discussion about a specific anime should be in that thread. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. ;)[/COLOR] My favourite Samurai Champloo character was ALWAYS Jin. I always found the calm, cool, stoic to be more impressive than the hot headed braggart. Jin shows this stoicism better than anyone else, in my opinion. Even in the heat of battle he's poised. Of course, if Jin was a robot, he wouldn't be interesting. Jin's does have a human side. And we see this whenever he visits prostitutes, or in that episode that he [spoiler]fell in love[/spoiler]. If there was any Champloo character I would be, it would be Jin. -Arvi
  3. r2vq


    [quote name='darkruler']if anyone knows of anyothers like it please pm me i'd like to know.[/quote] Hey Darkruler, You may want to write in more than once sentence, it helps the reader understand a little easier. ^^ Punctuations are your friends. Also, about CG/Anime. I have to admit that I'm not the most educated on the topic, but I know a few things. If you liked Appleseed, it has the same Mangaka (but I just found out, different Director) as Ghost in the Shell. [B]Ghost in the Shell[/B] was famous for being the first Anime to use cel-animation and cg animation. It was so popular that it now has two sequels. Produced by the ever acclaimed GONZO is [B]Blue Submarine No. 6[/B]. It's also a sci-fi that blends CG and Cell-shading. But it seems to take place more underwater. --- I've now watched the first half of Appleseed via Fansub. I have to say that I am not disappointed. I now want to buy the DVD. XD According to Anime News Network there is supposed to be a sequel coming out this year? As well as a Playstation game and a 26-Episode Series! [url= http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=6489]Link[/url] By the way, has anyone seen the 1988 version of this movie? -Arvi
  4. [B]wayofthewarrior[/B], almost every post you have made on Otakuboards has been exactly the same. I have warned you in PMs and I am warning you for the last time here. Improve your post quality, and read the rules. If you create spam one more time, you will have to be dealt with. -Arvi
  5. Okay, there are a few things wrong with this thread. 1. Post quality is very, very bad. One line replies usually don't have enough content to continue a discussion. "I agree" and "I disagree" are not enough for a post. Maybe you can try to explain [i]why[/i] you agree or disagree. 2. Favourites threads in Anime Lounge are discouraged. They eventually lead to spammy posts. Sometimes they are allowed if they have an exceptionally amazing opening post, but we don't have that here. 3. We already HAVE an Official Samural Champloo thread. If you wish to talk about Samurai Champloo, do so in the Samurai Champloo thread. If you do not know if your Anime has an Official Thread, please check the Official Threads Directory or use the Search OB feature. If you have any other questions, feel free to Private Message me. Thread closed. -Arvi
  6. Remember folks, as I said in other threads, explain your posts and answers. If you have content in your posts, it makes it easier to discuss and this is a discussion forum. If the post quality degrades in this thread, I may have to close it. ie. BAD: I want to go out with NAruto! BETTER: I want to go out with Naruto! I've always had a thing for blondes, and he is just sooo cute! I would try to get him to teach me Ninjutsu and all his weird Ninja powers! I think we would fit well together because we're both wild and spontanious. -Arvi
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hey folks, Remember this rule of thumb when posting: Quality over everything. If the post quality of this thread continues to decline, I may have to close it. In the future, why not [i]explain[/i] why you can watch your anime over and over? "NARUTO IS AMAZING WOW" is not a suitable post. Finally, typing in ALL CAPS is a no-no. On the Internet it's considered shouting, and is rude. -Arvi[/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='Gaara kun][spoiler][url']http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/3355/151zc.jpg[/url][/quote] Um... dude... isn't that his ear? o.O There's one on the other side too. -Arvi
  9. [QUOTE=White][color=#333333]And here I thought I was the only Canadian OBer. I updated mine to the very street. It seems as though r2vq and I live not 20 minutes away from eachother. If we [i]really[/i] wanted to, we could probably meet. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Haha. Yeah, there are a bunch of us. But there's always Anime Conventions. ;) There was another OB'er (that doesn't post here anymore) who's from Toronto. When we found out that we were close to each other we tried to meet, but things kept coming up. It was only two or three years later that we found out that she went to school two blocks away from where I live. 8) This map would have saved us two years of dodging each other. xD And no, it's not my exact location.... but it is my major intersection. Edit: I fixed mine so it's pretty much my exact location. I'm just inviting the unwanted aren't I? hm.. [quote name='celestialcharm][COLOR=DarkOrchid']I did that for another of my frappr groups, but I'm feeling a bit lazy right now.[/COLOR][/quote] I thought that if you editted it for one, it'll edit it for all your groups. Unless you have more than one Frappr account. -Arvi
  10. r2vq


    This is a beautiful movie. I have seen bits and pieces of it being screened at my local mall. I have yet to watch it, but I will be able to very soon. In all honesty, the only Masamune series I am familiar with (other than Appleseed) is the ever popular, Ghost in the Shell. It's only natural that a stunning piece like Appleseed would come from the creator of Ghost in the Shell. Not only that, the beautiful main character, in a futuristic, robot infested world doesn't seem unnatural after Ghost in the Shell. Like I said, I plan to watch this movie soon, and I will definately post what I think of it. -Arvi
  11. Hey, I reread Chapter 291 (from a higher quality scanlator) and I'm wondering what you guys meant when you said that at the end Naruto was developing the [spoiler]fourth tail.[/spoiler] I can see the first three... with the second and third being still incomplete, in their bubbly disgusting-ness. But I can't see any trace of a [spoiler]fourth tail![/spoiler] As for Shodai, I'd have to agree with Gaara kun. As Orochimaru said, [spoiler]Shodai was supposed to be able to control jinchuriki. The way Tsunade mentioned the necklace, it's obvious that it has something to do with that.[/spoiler] If it were just a scroll or a jutsu, the team captain wouldn't be the only one who could do it. It has to have something to do with his genetics... Kekkei Genkai? Nah. xD -Arvi
  12. Alchemist102, your post quality is atrocious. Because this is a discussion based forum, a single question with no elaboration or, at the very least, a personal opinion to explain your own point of view is considered spam. Not only that, there is already an official FLCL thread located [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=39306]here[/URL]. Next time, please check the threads directory and use the search option before starting an Anime-Specific thread. Thread closed. -Arvi
  13. Yeah, try [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][U]here[/U][/URL]. If you have anymore questions, feel free to PM me. Thread closed. -Arvi
  14. The election is (almost?) over! 125 Seats Conservative 102 Seats Liberal 51 Seats Bloc Quebecois 29 Seats New Democratic Party (this may change) Right now Paul Martin is making a speech about his plans post election... After 56 days of intense campaigning, full of promises and mud-slinging, the Conservatives have squeezed into leadership with another minority government. Stephen Harper, the 34th Leader of the Official Opposition, is officially the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada and the first Conservative Prime Minister in 13 years. Although he wont officially become Prime Minister until he is sworn in with the Governer General, Wikipedia has already identified him as the Right. Hon. Stephen Joseph Harper. It looks like the Conservatives voters stood up for their Canada. How do OB'ers feel about this? Personally, I'm not very happy. I never agreed with the conservative party's ideas. A lot of people are saying, though, that because it's a minority government, another election is on the horizon. -Arvi
  15. Okay folks, I'm going to have to close this thread. 1. It doesn't contain any real conversation. 2. The original poster has yet to follow up on his offer of comparing you to an Anime Character. 3. At best this is just a self description thread, which is off-topic in the anime thread. It also seems to have taken the place of an introduction thread, which is definately not allowed at Otakuboards. Therefore, the thread must go byebye. If anyone has any questions, feel free to PM me. Thread closed. -Arvi
  16. [quote name='Gaara kun']Aww it's sad nobody talks about Naruto anymore T_T well I'm here to save it!![/quote] Hey, it's not our fault there was no Naruto for weeks! :P First off, a very belated birthday to Tatsubei Yagyu. Secondly, about Chapter 291. I have to agree with Gaara kun. Though it had a lot of talking, soooo much was revealed in this chapter that it makes me drool with anticipation for the next. Yamato [spoiler]uses Mokuton (wood element) Jutsu, and that was a great hint to what was revealed in this chapter. I remember somebody (it might not have been this forum) theorizing that Yamato was a descendant of Shodai but who would've thought... he was created by Orochimaru with Shodai's cells? Who would have thought...[/spoiler] Naruto [spoiler]seems to be so much more powerful, now that he can summon four tails instead of just one. I wonder, though, why the mangaka decided to skip revealing the second and third tail.[/spoiler] That reminds me. I noticed that Kishimoto seems to have reverted to that annoying pattern of story telling where he hypes up a specific character by having other characters talk about how strong he is (in this case [spoiler]Jiraiya[/spoiler] was [i]oh so conveniently[/i] talking about [spoiler]Naruto[/spoiler]) and then continuing the fight. When Sasori was about to reveal his [spoiler]Kazekage puppet[/spoiler] Kishimoto ruined the surprise by having the Sand Council [i]oh so conveniently[/i] talking about how strong he was in life. He also did this during the Sasuke-chase-arc. Whenever one of the Genin was about to fight a Sound-nin, Orochimaru and Kabuto were [i]oh so conveniently[/i] talking about that specific Sound-nin and how horrifying they were. My friends and I all thought this was pretty poor story telling technique that slowed down the pacing of the entire arc... Did anybody else notice this? ^^ Finally, everybody's been saying "Sasuke will come in the next chapter! I can feel it!" or something along those lines. xD Is it just me, or is Kishimoto-sensei doing a great job at dragging everybody along. I think it's very possible that he will show up soon, but it doesn't seem like he'll be [spoiler]joining the ranks of Konoha[/spoiler] again very soon. Random Naruto Fact of the Day: 8) three of the five hokages are blood related. -Arvi
  17. An administrator has already answered your question [u][url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=678816]here[/url][/u] five months ago. To reiterate, because Anime Music Videos may be considered distribution of Copyrighted Materials, you shouldn't show them off at Otakuboards. Also, because Otakuboards emphasizes quality in posting, you may want to clean up your future posts. Finally, because Help Topics in Main Forums are considered [u][url=http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?#spam]spam[/url][/u], I will have to close this thread. If you have any questions, feel free to send me (or any of the other Moderators) a private message. ^^ Thanks. Thread closed. -Arvi
  18. [QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Questioner: *Random, well thought out question* Paul Martin: *Answers by discrediting Stephen Harper* Stephen Harper: *Answers by calling Paul Martin a crook and a lyer* Jack Layton: *Well thought out and articulate response. Unfortunatly for Smilin' Jack, no one gives a **** about what he thinks.* Gilles Ducceppe: *Reminds everyone not to froget about the best intrests of Quebec*[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Haha, [i]somebody[/i] is an NDP supporter. ;) The Conservatives seem to be criticizing the Liberals a lot about their past scandals and criminal affairs. They want to er... "stand up for Canada" while a lot of my Liberal friends are Liberal because they believe that Martin is the lesser of two evils... or that Harper is in love with Bush. Also, a lot of my friends are NDP supporters but think nobody else will vote NDP so their vote would be wasted. Though, I've been on a Canadian Forum where the general consensus is that Layton is an idiot. I can't say I agree with [b]any[/b] of the Conservative policies that I've heard, but I must admit that I am terribly left. -Arvi
  19. Wow Picture Caption Game sure has gotten popular. o.O [b]And that's when Ermo realized his true passion for life taxidermy.[/b] -Arvi
  20. The protaganist in Peace Maker Kurogane is very annoying. He starts off very childish and even his voice is hard to get used to. As the series progresses, though, he grows and grows on you. Eventually he becomes a whole different person. The focus may be on Tetsunosuke, but there are a whole lot of other characters to keep your mind off him if you don't like him. A lot of people I know, though, don't watch because they find the main character so annoying. -Arvi
  21. A nice display. It reminds me of all these portfolios my friends are all working on right now. All I can do is compliment and everything has been said already. I really think you made a great jump in skill level from the oldest picture to the newest. I hope to see a lot more from you in the future. =D -Arvi
  22. That is an amazing drawing. If I saw a high quality version, I would pay money for it. The few things that I can note are Naruto's hand looks a little malformed, especially his pinky. Also, the right side of his head (his left, our right) seems like the proportions were a little miscalculated. I love the bodies, and the hair. You drew Sakura really well. :drool: *wipe* -Arvi
  23. People who cosplay can seem pretty frightening, but I enjoy them because it's a chance for me to find a thousand other people who share an interest in anime with me. Even if some people are dressed rather extremely, usually the people at conventions are even nicer than people in my classroom. Not only that, the convention is a unique experience that you really can't get anywhere else. A nice thing about conventions is that there are a lot of anime-related events, like Q&A sessions with voice actors and directors (English and Japanese), or Anime screenings. Another great thing about conventions is that there are a lot of artists that sell anime fanart in many different forms of prints. But a lot of my friends use conventions to find official anime at discounted or bargained prices. -Arvi
  24. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25076[/img] And thus, the failed attempt at Sailormoon bukkake hentai. -Arvi
  25. I try to go to conventions every year. Though, I never like leaving my city. So, I only go to Anime North or CNAnime. Both of these are Toronto conventions that are pretty large. Anime North takes place in May and has had guests as popular as Midorikawa Hikaru. It's purely an Anime convention, but has had the slightly annoying problem of taking place in a convention centre... and the hotel accross the street from it. This reequires the patrons to cross the road whenever they wish to access a specific event that may not be in the first building. CN Anime is a lot larger than Anime North, but that's because it's comprised of not only Anime Fans. It's combined with the Science Fiction, Horror, Comic Book, and Gaming conventions. It's a lot more commercial than Anime North, which is fan run, and has a lot of booths from companies like FUNi and Geneon. They've had guests with Anime also, but their biggest guests are usually the science fiction guests. They've even had William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and Patrick Stuart. -Arvi
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