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Everything posted by r2vq
Shinji: About that blur in Ikilion's signature... It looks like the same shape as the cat. About your signature and avatar, it's very Wrestley. I like the simplicity of the entire thing.... But the signature can be a little annoying because it keeps flashing from one image to the other. Also, the avatar seems to be a little blurry. Otherwise, a great signature for a wrestling fan. -Arvi
.hack//FRAGMENT is the first (true) online version of the .hack series. It's already out in Japan and the official website is [url]http://www.hack.channel.or.jp/fragment/[/url] From what I've read, it's not really an MMORPG like Lineage II is. But you get to find 2 other party members from online and go on quests together. So it's a little like Guild Wars, when you're on your adventure you only see your party. [quote name='IGN']When playing Online, you first create your own character. You can give your character a name, profession and gender, and even modify its physical appearance. Once you have a character, you enter a lobby and search for two other players to join you on an adventure. Gameplay in .hack//fragment takes place in groups of three.[/quote] Apparently, you can also play offline. Not only that, if you keep your save files from the first four games, it will be of use to you in //FRAGMENT. [quote]Officially, Bandai's producers were able to confirm the relationship of GU and the original four .Hack games. If you have a save file from the end of volume four, you will be able to use it at some point in GU. It's not something that you will get to benefit from right away, but the team promised that when the moment finally arrives for the connection to be made, it will be "something cool and really awesome."[/quote] -Arvi
Orange Range isn't [i]that[/i] new. But yeah, I don't get the "Romantic Version" of Asterisk. Maybe it's because I don't understand what he's saying. 8 ) I like Orange Range when they sing, but I find it amusing when they rap. -Arvi
[quote name='Lore][color=#333333][font=trebuchet ms]If anyone even [i]thinks[/i] the words "comic sans," I will personally [i]hunt him down[/i] and castrate him with a spoon.[/color'][/font][/quote] Hehe. It's official. I love you. Just like Shi no Tenshi, my choice of writing font is MS Sans Serif. I hardly ever use that in images though. I don't usually have favourite fonts. Whenever I have a project, I go to dafont.com and search for a new font that fits the theme. Though, these are a few of the fonts I've used more than once. (Except for Sans Serif, I just like it being there) [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/r2vq/fonts.jpg[/IMG] -Arvi
Hey Darklore_X It's a little hard to understand what you're saying. ^^ But thanks for the suggestion. I don't think I would wait out until the third or fourth volume because I just don't have the patience, especially for something that doesn't fit my usual preferred genre anyway. I think maybe I'll pass on this one. Maybe I'd be more convinced if you expanded on your post by explaining why it got better. Does it really get good because of art? story? character development? -Arvi
I've read the first volume of the Manga, but I've never seen an anime for it. Honestly, I can't say I like it very much. Maybe it's because it was based off a card game, maybe it's because the story doesn't appeal to me, or maybe it's because the art style totally disagrees with me, but I don't like it. The disproportionate features on the characters' bodies is bad enough, but the usage of photographic backgrounds behind drawn foregrounds doesn't work smoothly. At best, it's too distracting. I tried to give this book a chance because my girlfriend liked it, but even she didn't want to read the second volume. I like how Brocolli Books publishes though. -Arvi
I've seen an episode of Aeon Flux, as well as Chung's work on [b]The Animatrix[/b], but honestly, I couldn't find myself liking any of his pieces. Though, I did like the film adaptation to the former work, even if none my friends did. There's something about elongated people that defy physics in the strangest ways that doesn't appeal to me. Not only that, the skin-tight outfits that reveal a lot... are they supposed to be sexy? He's original, and creative. I respect Chung, but his style just doesn't appeal to me. ^^ -Arvi
Sure Sasuke, I mean Nomura... I'll sign up. ;) Heck, why not. Others should too. C'mon... You know you waaant to. [b]Why[/b]: I'm entering because it should be a fun distraction from school. I don't think I'm a big Anime-Know-It-All (I'm not elitist) but I know a fair amount of content. I'd never be able to give Dagger a run for her money, but it'd be fun trying. [b]Favourite Anime[/b]: I don't have one! I guess you could say I'm obsessed with Naruto 8D but I hardly find that to be the best Anime out there. But for the sake of choosing, I'll stick with [b]Hotaru no Haka[/b] (Grave of the Fireflies). A classic Studio Ghibli movie about World War II and family. The Japanese version of the girl was so cute. T_T [b]Two or More Anime[/b]: I guess, since I mentioned it in my previous post, I'll add [b]Naruto[/b] to my list. ^^ HEh HEh. It's really the bulk of my current Anime dosage. Mostly because it comes frequently, regularly, and most importantly, I can inhale a chapter fairly quickly. If I have to add another anime to the list, I'd say [b]Peacemaker Kurogane[/b]. I forget pretty much everything about the series, but it's the series that brought me to OtakuBoards so it deserves mentioning. ^^ Two more worth mentioning are [b]The Cat Returns[/b], because I love Miyazaki, and [b]Cowboy Bebop[/b], because I love Watanabe. -Arvi
Hey animefire13, welcome to Otakuboards! Just so you know, this isn't that kind of forum. Since this is the Naruto thread, we pretty much talk about Naruto! Also, since your post is so short, the moderators might consider it spam. So just try to join in the conversation. xP As for Sasuke, Gai, and Lee's clothing? I always assumed that they had some zipper in the back. xP Of course, it's possible they use some sort of... clothes fitting jutsu... o.O So is anyone feeling Naruto-manga withdrawl this week? I feel like I should be looking at the RAWs right now, but I'm happy because a friend of mine just got back from Japan and handed me the two most recent volumes for Christmas. =D (That and a VJump full of Narultimate Hero 3 goodness) *drools over game* -Arvi
kenshinbabe, I rate your Ed avatar 6/10. +The drawing is rather nice, and the colouring is just as nice. -I'm rather turned off by the glow/outline around it. Also, it seems a bit grainy... though I guess that may be the effect. Also, it seems to be unbalanced since it's cut off at the top and left side. Your text is funny, and your avatar is nice, but apparently that's not what Shi no Tenshi would like me to rate. ^^ -Arvi
That's nice thinking xD. I automatically assumed he was talking about Sakura. But if he [i]was[/i] talking about Sai... And what if Naruto really [b]was[/b] a [spoiler]clone[/spoiler]. Think of the irony that happens every time he uses [spoiler]Kage Bunshin no Jutsu[/spoiler]. Though it would explain his natural proficiency, wouldn't it. xD That would be such a great plot twist. Though it's slightly amusing how you found yourself at "[spoiler]Naruto's a clone![/spoiler]" after Orochimaru only said "[spoiler]I've seen that face any number of times.[/spoiler]" -Arvi
[quote name='Dark Neko-Chan']And Come Come Paradise is indeed an actual book.[/quote] I hope what you mean is that it Come Come Paradise isn't a graphic novel, but a novel. Because.. it was written by a fictitious character, so it can't really be an "actual book". Heh... I guess I'm a little anal. -Avi
wow these are nice. xD keep them up for as long as you can, but like Retribution said, don't burn yourself out doing these. ^^ -Arvi
[quote name='Viva']but you can't go on forever liking pokemon, right?[/quote] What's wrong with liking something for your entire life? Why do you haev to change your interests if you're at an older age? I think acting one's age is like what Drix said, all about responsiblity. As you get older, more responsibility is required. It's not about chasing boys, going to the mall, the way you look, or what your interests are. Even if you're 80 years old you shouldn't feel guilty about liking something. -Arvi
[quote name='Petie][font=Verdana][color=blue]Though can you really call it a Sonic game if Sonic doesn't appear in it (Or does he? I don't know actually.)?[/color'][/font][/quote] He's in it. As is Knuckles and I'm not sure how many others. The only thing is, he only runs along side with you, and tells you what to do. "X button does this, blah blah blah" You don't even get to use him in Multiplayer mode. -Arvi
[quote name='Avenged666fold']Now that there giving some american cartooons a story does that make them anime or what?Even though anime style originated from japan it is not nessecary that the creator of the has to be anime be japanese. I mean thats just dumb to even say that.[/quote] So you're saying it has nothing to do with style, but if a cartoon has a "story" it should be considered an anime? Gargoyles, Spawn, Beast Wars, Reboot, and Spiderman are just a few American Cartoons that nobody considers even close to Anime but have long spanning story arcs and involving stories. Also, there exist many an ANime that are episodic and have no big picture "story" that you claim every Anime has. You might have seen Sailor Moon? Very episodic. Excel Saga? No story at all until the end of the series! You can not call something an anime because it has "story". And as you said, you can not distinguish it because of "style". The only part of the definition that stands is the Japanese factor. You can not call it dumb, because that's all that's left to distinguish it. -Arvi
[quote name='Avenged666fold']Well my definition of anime is cool cartoons.[/quote]I am in shock ...pure and utter disbelief. You're changing the defintion of "anime" entirely. You don't even talk about Japan at all. I think that's insulting to those people who work hard on their anime projects and create a distinctive style unique to their culture and upbringing. To not include the Japanese in that definition is not only insulting, but totally ignorant. You're using the word "anime" as a superlative for an animated work. You're taking a medium, (or for some a style of drawing) and changing it to a simple compliment! That is wrong on so many levels! [quote name='Avenged666fold']Like the boondocks is made in america but its stll considered anime in my opinion beacause of the style of its animation and the way the story flows.[/quote]That's like saying Star Wars is a sci-fi because it's cool but Star Trek is not. That's like saying Tom Sawyer is a book because it's cool but Oliver Twist is not. That's like saying The Simpsons is anime because it's cool but Godannar is not. [SIZE=1](I don't mean to say that Star Trek, Oliver Twist, and Godannar are not impressive while Tom Sawyer, Star Wars, and The Simpsons are)[/SIZE] Firstly: The word "cool" can mean different things to different people. It's totally opinion based. One person can think something is cool while another person disagrees. What if I think Evangelion isn't cool? Does that mean that thousands of EVA fans are wrong in thinking that it's an Anime? What about the first Anime? Astro Boy? I know a lot of people who don't think that's cool. Secondly: The fact that you don't even bring the Japanese into the matter is ludicrous. It is a word that came from Japan, and is still, to this day, used to describe works from Japan. Automatically, thousands of people think of the BESM-style when hearing the word "anime". It's similar to me calling my roast-beef sandwhich a "hot dog". Thirdly: The entire reasoning behind your argument is that if it's "anime" it's automatically worth praise and mentioning. That is one of the biggest mistakes n00bs make. Have you heard of Sukisyo, Excel Saga, or Chosoku Spinner? Even if it's impossibly stupid it is still anime. Have you heard of Pokemon, Hamtaro, or Hello Kitty? Even if it's only cool for little kids it is still anime. Anime spans genres, it spans drawing styles, it spans target audiences. A lot of anime really IS cool. Even more anime is total CRAP. Don't worship anime anymore than you would Television, Movies, Books, or any form of media out there. Blah. I tried to stay away from this thread because I knew I'd waste my time and effort on a long post like this. -Arvi
[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']Although she did a good job of it, it was the first use of anime in the entire competition, and not the best place to begin taking such risks, lol. [/size][/quote] Not true, a person used Anime in the Elimination Round. It wasn't Kitty though... ^^ Congrats to Kitty for making it this far. Congrats to Retri on the valiant fight. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. (Just had to rhyme... heh) -Arvi
w00t!! I went to my local.. er... asian mall... and headed to my favourite Playstation 2 game store. As I was talking to the guy behind the counter, a small annoying voice caught my attention. I didn't recognize it at the time, but it spun my around nonetheless. As I stared at the television monitor that the voice had come from, all I saw was Japanese text on a black screen. Instantly my heart jumped. As if fortelling the future, I knew that I had to have this game no matter what. Finally the "keep the lights on" warning in Japanese faded, and the opening sequence of the game began... revealing nothing less than Naruto: Narutimate Hero 3. I have yet to play it, but I am so happy that the store owner decided (by chance) to stick that game in his display PS2. bweheheh. now I shall go.. play.. and review. -Arvi
I have this game. It's a load of fun watching the cinematics. They're not bad at all. Even in game graphics are pretty good. As Grave Yard said, though, the controls are really bad. It's hard to get Shadow to move straight in one direction, and because you have a choice to be "bad" or "good" throughout the game, if you touch ANYBODY you lose your rings. 'twas a terribly annoying feature. This is my first Sonic game in 3D. I got it mostly to see how well the high speed 2d platformer could adapt to 3d. but I think I'll stick to my Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for Sega Genesis. (Now if only I could find the cables for it...) -Arvi
[QUOTE=Gaara kun][COLOR=Navy] I don't think it's Naruto [spoiler]becasue you see Orochimaru's snake eat it.[/spoiler] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Was anybody else reminded of Zabuza and Haku with that rabbit? -Arvi
[quote name='Gaara kun][COLOR=Navy]As for the manga...[spoiler]So I just read chapter 289 and... HA! I was so right! It [i]was[/i'] Kabuto! *dances* :animestun Orochimaru really is a creepy guy.[/spoiler][/quote] Nooo! [spoiler]Smithers! How could you![/spoiler] lol. Well it doesn't seem like he's doing it [spoiler]willingly[/spoiler]... he mentioned Sasori and a [spoiler]seal on his mind[/spoiler]. hm... hehehe congrats for the guess Gaara-kun ^^. -Arvi
That's why I was so annoyed. -.= Anyone played any of the Naruto fighting games? For the PS2 Narutimate Hero Narutimate Hero 2 Narutimate Hero 3 (coming out soon) For the NGC Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! (Clash of the Ninja) Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 2 Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 4 I haven't played any of the NGC games, but I hear they're better than the PS2 games. ^^ I'd like to get my hands on Clash of the Ninja when it comes out (sometime 2006). It'd be nice to have the option of the original voices, but I highly doubt that will happen. Has anybody played them both? Obviously, the best character is [spoiler]Hyuuga Hinata[/spoiler]. That only comes naturally. xP -Arvi
[quote name='erozay707']im sorry if i bug u just dont get mad and yell at me but im new and have no idea what im doing could someone explain this stuff to me[/quote] Hey erozay707, Welcome to Otakuboards. Like Gaara kun said, this is the Naruto thread. We post here about Naruto and Naruto related topics. The sub-forum this thread is contained within is the Anime Lounge. There are lots of threads in the Anime Lounge, each of them related to Anime. At Otakuboards.com there are a lot of threads were you can talk about anything you want, as long as you're in the right sub-forum. ^^ For example, if you want to talk about Manga, make sure you're in the Manga sub-forum. If you want to talk about Video Games, make sure you're in the Play It sub-forum. Makes sense right? xP Anyway. I've been trying not to reply to this, but I can't help it. [quote name='Kage Hakara']but the english voices are definately messed up![/quote] Give me three VALID reasons why. -Arvi
Anime Can you name all 7 of the band of seven from Inuyasha?
r2vq replied to darkartic's topic in Otaku Central
oh oh i can! Franklin Carmichael [u][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_Carmichael]Link[/url][/u] Lawren Harris [u][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawren_Harris]Link[/url][/u] A.Y. Jackson [u][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A.Y._Jackson]Link[/url][/u] Frank Johnston [u][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Johnston_%28artist%29]Link[/url][/u] Arthur Lismer [u][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Lismer]Link[/url][/u] J. E. H. Macdonald [u][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._E._H._MacDonald]Link[/url][/u] and Frederick Varley!! [u][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Varley]Link[/url][/u] wait.. no.. wrong Group of Seven isn't it... hmm.. okay i can't. -Arvi