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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. Finally found it. ^^ I have recreated it as best I can, with all its incorrectly spelled glory. edit: Keane is my real name btw. >.> [quote=Orrin][SIZE=4]Keane's Quote:[/SIZE] "A solar eclipse, the cosmic ballet goes on... Does anyone wanna switch seats?..." =========================> This quote was meant to symbolize how Keane is into stuff such as Star Trek with Leonard Nemoy? Also, it is meant to show how he says something weird, and then immediately jumps back to reality. Other defining features include sudden outbursts of aggression, simsoniacness, japaneseness and any other ness'. Btw, (music note) [b]They'll never[/b] stop the Simpsons, have no fear, they'll be stories for years like Marge becomes a robot, maybe Moe gets a cell phone, has Bart ever owned a bear? How bout a crazy wedding, where something happen a-doodily-doo...sorry for the clip show...have no fear, they'll have stories for years (music note) Your acquaintanceship, [SIZE=4]OrrinV OV[/SIZE] P.S.-Cows[/quote] Another interesting signature was when somebody licked the book. o.o It'd be cool if I could show everybody the pictures that were drawn into my yearbook. There's me as a poring, there's a picture of Naruto (skillfully done), and a picture of Santa Clause for some reason. Oh, and of course a psychedelic cow. Too bad I'm too lazy to scan them in. ^^ -ArV
  2. I doubt they'll [b]allow[/b] you to download it. I don't know much officially, but I heard the following from my friends. It's a Chinese movie with famous actors in the lead roles. I forgot their names but I'm sure lots of people at the boards know them. The movie is being filmed in Japan on the mountains that inspired the anime and manga. Toyota is building Trueno Hachi Rokus just for the production of the movie. Should be a fun movie, looking forward to it. ^^ -ArV
  3. I have seen Macross Zero. It was a beautiful anime with amazing music. It was just an OVA so it was short though. I really enjoyed the realistic nature of the mecha/dog fights. ^^ It could explain how human shaped mecha came about. -ArV
  4. [quote name='Siren'] Interesting? Only if you haven't studied Descartes, Rationalism, Empiricism...basically every single thing that Zidargh listed in his post early on in the thread.[/quote] I have to stand by my old post. And it's actually because of Descartes successors that I have to. Immanuel Kant argued that we can only know objects as they "appear" in time and space rather than the "things in themselves". Transcendental Idealism. Since our minds, eyes, noses, and other sensual organs influence what we experience, they are all subjective. In that sense nothing that we experience is the "thing in itself" but an interpretation of it. We never "see" the original object because we would have to recreate it [b]exactly[/b] to call it the [u]original[/u] object. If we cannot recreate it exactly, it is not the original object, but a perception of it. [quote]Consider a person seeing a valley several miles long If he claims that he sees the original valley Then his visual center must, in the same way, occupy an area of at least several square miles.[/quote] When we see the original valley, what we are experiencing is light bouncing off the objects in front of us and into our eyes. Our eyes converts the light into impulses transferable to the brain. The brain then converts it into information. Along that process, the brain, the eye, and anything affecting the light (like glasses) affects what we experience. We can never take in its original form because of these things that affect what we see. The proof that we do not have the original valley in our minds is that what may be on the other side of a hill is still a mystery. What may be hidden beneath the grass may surprise us. If the [b]original[/b] valley were in our mind, this would not happen since we have the entire valley perceived. But since we can only see, hear, touch, smell, or taste the valley to a point, we do not know the original valley. We only know our perceptions. If I were to know the original valley, it would have to be recreated exactly in my mind. And due to subjective nature of our own senses, that is impossible. -ArV
  5. I'm not sure. Maybe they still need him for something. I really want to see the [spoiler]Naruto "Clone Wars"[/spoiler] XD. [spoiler]That little argument between the two Akatsuki was funny. I'd like to see that in Anime. XD You could see Kakashi sweatdrop.[/spoiler] -ArV
  6. Toronto had AnimeNorth at the end of May. I have pictures too. ^^ The next Anime convention in Toronto will be CNAnime. It's a mix of the Anime convention, Comic book convention, Horror convention, Sci Fi convention, and Video Game convention. This year some notable guests are Jhonen Vasquez, and Elijah Wood. A suggestion, if you're going to list a convention, maybe mention what city it's in. -ArV
  7. [quote name='Dragonboym2][COLOR=Blue']He used them to go to worlds that resisted his rule, and wiped them out, not to put them up for sale. [/COLOR][/quote] It's possible that Raditz was trying to make the life of a Saya-jin sound more appealing since he was trying to entice Goku. Later we may have found out that he was lying. Also, in a way they are wiping out planets and putting them up for sale. Just, selling them to Frieza. [quote name='Dragonboym2][COLOR=Blue']And when did "The Tree of Might" and "The World's Strongest" happen?[/COLOR][/quote] Most of the Dragonball movies don't make sense chronologically. One movie explains how Trunks got his sword, a mystical demon that is reminiscent of [b]Legend of Zelda's[/b] Link. But that doesn't explain how Mirai Trunks got his sword. In another movie, we see Hitler's ghost over a thousand years before he is supposed to be alive. Though, this was probably just a joke that the writers put in. The pattern of making a movie outside of canon timeline, unfortunately, isn't too uncommon. In the first Naruto movie, Sasuke knows Chidori and Naruto knows Rasengan. But they don't seem to be fighting. So when does this movie take place? To be fair though, I only saw the second half of this movie so it might've been explained in the first half. -ArV
  8. Interestingly enough... I'm not working on my school's yearbook right now. XD I was lucky enough to get the spread for the Anime club and Ping Pong club. Maybe it's because I work on designing pages that I remember layout more than autographs. But I had a good autograph last year... I'll have to dig it out though. -ArV
  9. I have to side with James. I used to see these signs everywhere. Natural disasters, global warming, the ill-natured attitudes of other human beings...etc. It was only after I studied history that I realized my mistake. People thought the world would end in the 1900s. Somebody claimed the world would end in the 1940s. 10 years or so ago some believed that the antichrist had come and the world would end. There was the Y2K end of the world scare. I think it's natural to be slightly paranoid but like James said, you should worry more about the more down to earth problems. [quote=The Sunscreen Song] Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by gewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.[/quote] -ArV
  10. Pranks are funny when it's something small like that. ^^ The strongest emotion I've ever felt though was anger. My family isn't that tight and at times things can get a bit rough. Though, that's all I can really say here. ^^;; heh. I just hope nobody ever has to go through the experiences my sisters and I had to with my mother. -ArV
  11. I wish you good luck soldier. Come back to North America making your country proud. -ArV
  12. When I was a child I liked Marvel better for one reason. Spiderman. Spiderman is a flawed superhero. He's not perfect and muscular like Superman. He's not rich and powerful like Batman. He's a human. A nerd. Somebody other nerds can look up to. He was also deadly funny. Superman on the other hand is pretty interesting. I HATE that he's practically a god, but I heard on TV something peculiar. They noted how Superman is the only superhero who fights crime in their 'secret identity' and is in costume when they're "mild mannered". Clark Kent is such a dork and nerdy because that's how he sees humans. It's a characature of humans. [quote]But anyways, Batman will always be a classic to me because he was something different and no, he did not win ALL the time. The joker also always got away from him. Explain that. Plus haven't you always wanted to drive the bat mobile? Come on, you know you've thought about it once.[/quote] Same with Spider-man. He even lost [spoiler]his child to the Green Goblin[/spoiler]. As for the batmobile? I always preferred riding in the Batwing. Doood that was the shiznit. Anybody hear about Watchmen? Who watches the watchmen? -ArV
  13. To add 'black it out' use the spoiler tags. Put [spoiler.] at the beginning. Put [/spoiler.] at the end. BUT take away the periods. I think if Sasuke could use kuchiyose no jutsu, Sakura should be able to use kuchiyose no jutsu. It's the only way to make it fair, unless Kishimoto-kamisama is being sexist again. ^^ I've had a lot of respect for Sakura ever since she [spoiler]'faught' against Kakashi. Narut's plan was pretty good too. XD. It's too bad though. I don't think I've seen much example of growth since then. Naruto seems to be his old self, and Sakura hasn't seemed to increase anything but skill. Although that in itself is impressive, she hasn't done anything that really impresses me.[/spoiler] What do you guys think? -ArV
  14. [quote name='Siren']Our brains aren't expanding to the size of a small country when we tour the countryside, after all.[/quote] I believe, the point isn't that our brains are supposed to be expanding. The point is that we are limited. And we just cannot experience something [i]as is[/i]. We cannot recreate something in our head [i]exactly[/i] because we would have to recreate it, practically physically. Our brains process what we perceive through our senses and convert it into knowledge and experience. Everything in our head is logic and experience and therefore we shall never experience something perfectly [i]as is[/i]. -ArV
  15. r2vq


    It's not Solo Maxwell, and yes it's from Gundam Wing. A quick reversed history lesson on Duo Maxwell. Duo stole the Deathscythe because he didn't want it being used to destroy anything. Before that he was a mechanic that worked on the Gundam. Before that he lived at the Church that took him in as an Orphen. It was from this Church that he got the name Maxwell. Before that he lived on the street with a gang. This is were he got his name Duo. The leader of the gang was a child named Solo. So Solo IS from Gundam Wing, and is related to Duo Maxwell, but it isn't Solo Maxwell. You can find him in Episode Zero (the comic). -ArV
  16. First: [quote name='Morpheus']Just because you hear a hammer doesn't mean it hits you. If that was true, then a lot more people would have died in the Boston Massacre or The Storming of the Bastille. Everyone heard gunshots, but only those in the bullets path were hit.[/quote] Morpheus, Break never said that if you perceive something you will perceive it in all aspects. All Break was saying was that perceptions exist. His comment was a reply to elfpirate. Elpirate stated that a person may be influenced by an external force even if they did not perceive it occurring. He used this as an example to prove that the world isn't just perceptions. Break argued with elpirate's last line that denounced perceptions. Break explained that anything you see is a perception. Anything you feel is a perception. Anything you smell, taste, or hear is a perception. Everything is perceived through the senses. And in that sense, even if a person did not expect it, the effects of an external force are perceived. Morpheus, I'm not sure how you came to your conclusions. I could be misinterpreting what people are saying, but it seems that most people are agreeing that this author is claiming nothing exists outside of your mind. I disagree. His arguments are reminding me of Immanuel Kant. Kant basically believed that although things exist in this world, we cannot experience something unless we experience it first through our senses, and then through our mind. Since our senses and or mind has preconceptions, the perceptions we experience are affected by these presconceptions and are never experienced in their true form. [quote=Morpheus] [i]Quote: Here we are referring only to someone who glimpses a car. Consider a person seeing a valley several miles long. If he claims that he sees the original valley, then his visual center must, in the same way, occupy an area of at least several square miles. If so, then the person' brain, internal organs, arms and legs must all be proportionate-and of colossal dimensions.[/i] [b]This is simply being an idiot. What if we see it on TV? Is our tv several miles long too?[/b][/quote] Well, no. What I believe the quote says (I'm new, correct me if I'm wrong) is that what we see is modified by our eyes and our minds so that we can perceive and understand it in time and space. Although we may /see/ something, we don't know it in its truest form because our eyes may be flawed, or the mind that interprets what our eyes see may be flawed. Also, what we see is also modified to fit our logic and reasoning. The Television that you watch something on is also modified by the camera that is recording it. The camera can only record certain things in time and space. It is not the actual subject that is inside the television set. It is not the actual subject that is being experienced. The thing I hate about Philosophy is that it takes so long to read anything. >.< -ArV
  17. I never understand how depressed people have to be with their own life that they have to care so much about a stranger. How many trials go on during the day that nobody watches? How many girls raped or murdered? The only reason Jackson has so much light is because he's a celebrity and [i]everybody[/i] cares what happens to celebrities. I say forget it. If he did it, he did it. If he didn't, he didn't. Either way, the courts made their verdict and if you care so much about his personal life, you should start caring about everybody who goes through the judicial system. Why should he get special treatment, he's still only human. -ArV
  18. [quote name='Roflocopter][size=1][color=darkred]Ahh I see now, you said underrated. I mean overated. Which is wierd, for you to say Mobile suit gundam is underrated because the older series's are overated.[/size'][/color][/quote] ^^ Ah, I just think the older series is underrated because nobody watches them. Every prefers Gundam SEED, Gundam Wing, or Gundam Z. I think this is just because of art style. [quote name='Sol-Blade']I'm sorry but you just can't get anything better than the beats of Initial D. The series is pure Grade-A quality that doesn't have a large fan base. Kinda unforunate really.[/quote] Actually, in my area, Initial D is pretty popular. Practically every arcade has a the new Initial D machines, even the movie movie theaters in the 'non-asian' mall have it. And all my friends love Initial D. [quote name='Roflocopter']The key evil guy is a dude named Takumie Fujiwara,[/quote] Takumi isn't evil. Not once in First, Second, Third, or Fourth Stage does it imply that he's evil... [spoiler]His girlfriend[/spoiler] on the other hand... Grrr.... [quote name='Roflocopter']overated- Akira. Though the art was good for its time, which was pre CG, It is still not something that I would want to base my life around. Like some people.[/quote] Well, never base your life off something. But Akira wasn't just good for its time. It was revolutionairy. Find another anime back then that had the same graphics level as Akira. Whether or not it's good on today's level, it was [i]amazing[/i] back then. Also, it was released in the United States when the most violent cartoon would be along the lines of G.I.Joe. Akira blew people's minds out because it was totally different. -ArV
  19. I'm just wondering if there's an Anime for Negima. I only heard of the manga. If there's an Anime, there's a higher chance I'd follow the series. -ArV
  20. I agree that the fillers are annoying, but I wouldn't call them pointless. It would really suck if the anime surpassed the Manga. That's what happened in FMA and they had to make a new story. At least, that's what I hear. Did you read the most recent chapter? Such cliff hangers. XD And how they identified the Jinchuuriki. XD Oooo I can't wait for next week's. It should have a good fight or two. -ArV
  21. r2vq

    Need help!

    If you're going to use paper maché you'll need chicken wire to put it on. When you're done, try to use a shiny silver spray paint. If you're wearing this the entire convention you might get really hot. Take breathing holes into account. -ArV
  22. [quote name='ffgrl_Ashe']No there aren't three episodes. I'm just saying thats how many they showed so far. But there are definantly more than 3 episodes.[/quote] ^^ of course, last i checked there were 13 episodes. i've only watched the Japanese version and I don't live in the states so I didn't know it was on TV. What channel is it on? -ArV
  23. [quote name='ffgrl_Ashe']I saw all 3 of the episodes so far.[/quote] There are only three episodes? ffgrl_Ashe, what you posted is a spoiler to those who haven't seen as much as you. You should use the spoiler tags so people who aren't as far into the series as you are wont have the series ruined for them. ^^ [quote name='BigRed99][spoiler']I believe that this confirms that he killed himself in prison.[/spoiler][/quote] I disagree with you. Although he may have [spoiler]wanted to die, the look of terror he had on his face when he died and that the detectives saw the Shounen Bat go through the wall makes me think that it wasn't suicide.[/spoiler] -ArV
  24. [quote name='Roflocopter][SIZE=1][color=darkred]Agreed, Mobile suit gundam is quite overrated.[/size'][/color][/quote] I'm not sure.. the rest of your post leads me to believe you're arguing the opposite? Did you mean overrated or underrated? -ArV
  25. r2vq

    Naruto on TV

    Master Kakashi, we already know this. And if youw ant to discuss it, you can join us in the Naruto thread. Here ==> [url]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?goto=lastpost&t=37457[/url] -ArV
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