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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. I totally agree with you. Anime is [b]so[/b] sexist. Wherever I go I see those "sexy" people barely wearing anything, running after others, and always acting so slutty! They're so disgusting and insulting to their sex! It makes me feel inadequite when I see girls drooling over these slutty, sexistly portrayed guys! Take [URL=http://www.animate-usa.com/HTML/PB/IMAGES/GRAVITATION-0997.jpg]this guy in the background.[/URL] Or [URL=http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/9148/boynext.jpg]these guys right here.[/URL] Or even [URL=http://www.animate-usa.com/HTML/IMAGES/CF/GETBACKERS_0803AB.jpg]these guys.[/URL] Anyway. I don't agree with your point. There's slutty guys and slutty girls. I know the links above suck ***, but I'm tired. ^^ There -are- a lot of slutty guys out there. Not just girls. [quote name='Synical']Do you realise, that anime/manga mainly have women with boobs bigger than thier heads wearing skimpy bikinis (eg: love hina) or tight costumes? but you never see many blokes like that.[/quote] Probably because blokes don't have boobs or bikinis in real life. -ArV
  2. [quote name='duoikari']i think that they are going to make the moive but people say it's going to crap,[/quote] Before the original Batman movie came out, people were afraid that Tim Burton was going to make it a crappy movie similar to the Batman live-action TV Series. I say, even if you don't have high hopes, don't identify the movie as crap before you see it. Strange... I came here to ask the same question as UltimateX. -ArV
  3. There's already a thread for Bleach. If you want to talk about it please go Here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=43127[/url] Always check the Threads Directory if you're going to make a Thread for a New Anime. Don't make repeats. Threads Directory: [url]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208[/url] A moderator will probably close this thread. -ArV
  4. [QUOTE=Kawaii Seth]Yes... I do. Here they are! Sasuke: Seto Kaiba from YGO Sakura: Misty from Pok'emon Naruto: Vash from Trigun Kakashi: Spike from Cowboy Bebop I don't really like the choices... but no one said that I have to watch the dubbed version in the first place. ^.^[/QUOTE] I've been looking all around, but I haven't found anything similar to this. Can anybody actually verify these actors as the English VAs? A news article would be useful. It seems like this is just speculation. So according to Kawaii Seth: Sasuke: Eric Stuart Sakura: Rachel Lillis Naruto: Johnny Bosch Yong Kakashi: Steven Jay Blum DDG: Typo, we all do it. ^^;; -ArV
  5. I say Barbie isn't the best figure to be giving to little girls. Her body is similar to what mass media tells girls to become, skinny and big busted. Children play with this and grow up thinking, consciously or unconsciously, that this is the right body to be. This body is normal. There was a woman who got, I believe, over 30 plastic surgery operations to look like Barbie. She even had her make-up tatooed onto her face. She also paid for the plastic surgery of a mate who legally changed his last name to "Kendoll". Why? Her reason is because Barbie is the "perfect" beauty. A biology teacher at my school once said that if a girl had Barbie's proportions, she'd snap at the waist. Perfect. My sisters had Barbies because they were given to them. They never played with them though, they had them stuffed away in boxes. They even had the house for her, which, if I may add, wasn't even big enough for her. =.- Also, the working conditions for those women who make Barbies are just horrible. Mattel has serious problems when it comes to their HR department. Barbaric problems... Sweatshop problems... -ArV
  6. I've been to two different Anime Conventions in Toronto. CN Anime once. Anime North twice, and again this May. I suggest you a few things. 1. Bring water bottles and food. A lot of water bottles. Food and water is always expensive. 2. SLEEP! Don't go sleepless! You wont enjoy yourself! 3. Read your schedule and plan where you want to go so you don't miss out on things. 4. Bathe. It's important to keep your hygene up. XP 5. Go with friends! It's always best with friends! 6. Don't be shy! Meet new people! Make new friends! You never know who you'll meet. 7. Enjoy yourself. You're there to have fun. -ArV
  7. Weren't there already two topics like this? The False Assumptions of Anime and Manga [url]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45906[/url] and The Problems with School and Anime [url]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45899[/url] these two topics, as well as this one, seem just to complain about those who don't know much about Anime... If your friend doesn't like Anime, don't force it on him. But tell him to respect your tastes, just like you'll respect his. If he ever wants to learn, that's when you teach him. Otherwise, it'll be pointless. Those who which to hate will always hate. -ArV
  8. [quote name='Xx_Chaos_xX']There both great, by what i read, and there will be a other sequel when Tetsunosuke older, Right?[/quote] Well, for one, this seems to be a repeat of your description of Shinsengumi Imon Peace Maker. Peace Maker Kurogane deals with the Shinsengumi and the Ichimura boys after the Ikedaya incedent. The sequel you're talking about is the manga Peace Maker Kurogane. The english manga hasn't released Shinsengumi Imon Peacemaker for some strange reason. [quote name='sojiro']yeah i fell in love with the manga and i really wanna see the anime, does it rival the marveled raport the manga has?[/quote] The Anime mainly follows the story of Shinsengumi Imon Peacemaker but includes things from Peace Maker Kurogane, like the Samurai, Ryouma. Speaking of which. [quote name='Dagger']That's definitely the fastest normal --> oni transition I've seen yet,[/quote] I'll have to rewatch that episode, it's been so long. A friend of mine would say that [i]all[/i] of Souji's scenes are cool. XP -ArV
  9. [QUOTE=Godelsensei] There are some artistic situations where Nazi symbols can be used artistically to convey a serious message, but "Blade of the Immortal" just doesn't meet that standard. (In fact, it actually assosciates the symbol with goodness and honour, a meaning the world gave up on a long time ago.)[/QUOTE] Godel, I'm surprised in you. You have to understand that although the Western World may have "given up" on the Swastika when Hitler bastardized it, the Asian countries [I]never[/I] let Hitler steal the symbol. In Japan and in India the Swastika is a [B]holy[/B] symbol. When used in the context of Blade of the Immortal, it's very honourable. On maps in Japan they [i]always[/i] use the Swastika as a symbol for Buddhists Temples. Although the Ku Klux Klan may burn crosses, twisting them into signs of evil, Christians don't "give up" on their symbol. Although Hitler reversed the Swastika and put it at an angle, twisting it into a sign of evil, Buddhists and Hindus don't "give up" on their holy symbol. Also, remember that the Buddhist Swastika is visually different from the Nazi emblem. The symbol you see in [b]Blade of the Immortal[/b] has nothing to do with Hitler. It's symbolic, religious, and extremely powerful if you understand it. Don't take the ignorant path, or you'll be like those people who think all Anime is porn. -ArV
  10. [quote name='DDG][spoiler']Itachi's and Sasuke's are the final stage of the Sharingan, the Mangekyo, while Kakashi's is merely the third stage.[/spoiler][/quote] Hey DDG, I checked the scanlation just now and I can't find what you're talking about. In his most recent fight I can see Sasuke with [spoiler]the Sharingan with the third tome, but he definately doesn't have the Mangekyou Sharingan, Itachi's level.[/spoiler] Where did you see it DDG? Haze, I believe the [spoiler]relationship between Nara Shikamaru and Temari is probably what the author intended XP.[/spoiler] There is so much hinting for that. XP -ArV
  11. [quote name='The Monster']...I don't think that the Japs have anything with the Nazis, even though they were part of the Third Reich. And also r2vq, I see you have never seen what they did to Darwin so many Aussies proberbly share your grandmothers feelings about them...[/quote] First, don't say "japs" that's derogatory. Even if you're too lazy to write "Japanese" type something else like Jpn. Second, (and I don't mean to be rude with my ignorance) what do you mean Darwin? Who/What's Darwin and what did the Nazi's do?
  12. You mean Nanking right Alchemist? The Japanese were quite brutal in World War II. I'm from the Philippines so although in History class I learn mainly of the brutallity of German internment camps, at home my Grandmother only talks about the Japanese when it comes to World War II. I doubt the Japanese have any infatuation with the Nazis. Don't worry too much, don't get too paranoid or else you'll turn into one of those scary people that say that pokemon will crawl into your parents' mouths at night and suffocate them. -ArV Edit: to Alchemist dude, I was joking. I apologize if I offended you, that was not my intention. ^^;; I never really thought you were paranoid. -ArV
  13. Zabuza x Haku hints? They weren't homosexual... it was just that Zabuza acknowledged Haku for what he was. -.o I don't think they have a reason to change Haku's gender. Like Dagger-dono said the relationship had to be blatantly homosexual, like the brother in Card Captor Sakura. Though if they were going to hide even the hints, I'd say it'd be easier to hide them by cutting parts and changing dialogue, like they did with Sailor Uranus and Neptune. And Dagger-dono, I thought you didn't like Naruto... o.o Something about no matter how much purple eye shadow Orochimaru has... -ArV
  14. [quote name='Sanada']Sagara Sousuke from Full Metal Panic would drive a Arm Slave ^^ But he wouldn't dare to violate the traffic rules XD[/quote] It's pretty sad when your post is shorter than the quote. If you're going to quote me, at least [I]talk about my post.[/i] That and I thought OtakuBoards discouraged one-liners. -.o But I guess I'll leave that to the Ops... -.- Back on topic. I can't help but say this but [b]Takumi Fujiwara[/b] would definately drive a Black and White 1986 Toyota Sprinter Trueno, and he'd always be drifting. XD I know I'm the only one that found that funny. Samurai Champloo's [b]Mugen[/b] - Something Wild, Fast and Unpredictable. And definately loud. You don't want to get on the road when this guy's driving and spinning everywhere! Red. [b]Jin[/b] - A sleek, and fast car. Using an engine that gives off a nice quiet purr, but a powerful backing. He definately wants to get there in style. -ArV
  15. Ah, I agree a lot with PBFrontMan... Though I don't know the first woman. I always thought [b]Anna[/b] from Shaman King was impressive, powerful and pretty ^^. Her only strange physical feature would be her ankles... How can you say no to Anna? Oh right, you can't or else she'll punish you. ^^ Also a powerful girl, yet sensitive is [b]Anita[/b] from the Read or Die series! She's almost as cool as the clumsy [b]Yomiko Readman[/b] from the OVA! They're total opposites but one is as cool as the other. Although seemingly innocent at first, they both wield fierce and powerful weapons using what you'd least expect, paper! If Kazuki can be allowed... So should Griffith! That pretty boy shall always be a girl to me... -Arv
  16. [quote]This might clear up some miss conceptions[/quote] Remember not to believe everything you read. Although the author of this webpage has done a ton of research, and an impressive amount of interpretation, the webpage is nothing more than his or her interpretation of the series. It's a very good interpretation, yes. It's quite thoroughly done... definately an otaku of the series... but remember that whatever is on this page is not necessarily true or what the creator wanted. The title for FLCL is supposed to be a pun on many different things... ^^ I like how you worded it. Tries to be cool, but ends up a fool. -ArV
  17. So basically, the point of this thread is to discuss what kind of drivers Anime Characters are??? Well... first, Gaara is very, very, slow. He wouldn't be driving something fast. He'd be driving something made of sand. XD Second, reading this thread suddenly reminds me of the Dragon Ball Z scene of Piccolo and Goku getting drivers licenses. XD -- So just to clarify the point of this thread is... If Anime Characters drove, what kind of drivers would they be? right? -ArV
  18. The Manga is moving along great! Chapter 251 is out. We finally get to see [spoiler]Kankuro without his make up![/spoiler]. I seriously thought he was going to die. Well... we'll see in "[spoiler]three days[/spoiler]". Jiraiya told Naruto [spoiler]to not use "that move". That's how we know that he definately will the next chance he gets. XD[/spoiler] -ArV
  19. Thanks for all the great replies. ^^ As a supplimentary question to anyone who views this thread... [B]How many people here cosplay?[/B] I'm in the process of making an Inuzuka Kiba costume. -ArV
  20. [QUOTE=Godelsensei]Nah, my school has Astroboy comics in the library, along with actual paintings people have done of DN Angel characters on the walls. [/quote] XD maybe it's just us in "multicultural" TO [quote name='Godelsensei'](And I wear my forehead protector to school, too! But not on my forehead, because we're not permitted to wear hats etc...)[/quote] same same. Around my neck. --- Okay, to all in this thread and the "False Assumptions of Anime" thread... Why not find out why your... enemies... dislike Anime and show them what the truth is? If the only problem is ignorance shouldn't education be the answer? Anger just creates more anger and stereotypes. Plus, it's terribly childish... -ArV
  21. [quote name='Dagger]Ya know, lately I've been starting to feel as though I'm the only person here who ever has anything good to say about licensing companies. It's getting kind of lonely. And I [i]like[/i'] dubs... :animedepr //snip//[/quote] Actually I say to support dubs too. Though I have to disagree with your tastes to Okita Souji's voice. Found it quite annoying... What I have against Dubs is that they create Dubbies... which this thread reminds me of. Not only is the original post not researched, it's totally untrue. Even if the poster is talking only about Licensed Anime, how can one say that lower quality Anime is dying? Especially with all the recent licenses like the Gundam Seeds, and Shounen Jump serii...serieses... shows. -ArV
  22. Thanks for helping quench my curiosity. ^^ And for AzureWolf XP [B]1. Have you ever attended an Anime related Convention?[/B] Anime North Twice, and CN Anime Once. Both Toronto based. [B]1. a) If so, what makes you want to attend an Anime Convention?[/B] I like meeting the people there who have the same interests as me. And seeing all the events and products is always fun. [B]2. Have you ever attended any conventions that were /not/ Anime related?[/B] No, but CN Anime was merged with the Sci Fi con and the Comic Con. [B]3. Assuming you would go to an Anime related convention, how much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pass for a reasonably large convention?[/B] I've paid up to fifty dollars Canadian for a ticket. (ah hah, fifty cents american) [B]4. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on commercial products?[/B] I don't usually buy my own commercial products unless I really really want it. [B]4. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?[/B] [B]4. b) What's the most you've spent?[/B] The most I've spent was on food. -.= I'd say I spent at most twenty dollars on products. [B]5. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on NON-commercial products (fanart, doujin, "artists' alley," etc.)[/B] I always tak a look. If there's anything good I get. ^^ [B]5. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?[/B] [B]5. b) What's the most you've spent?[/B] I think the only time I've bought from Artist's Alley is a bookmark... for a friend. And it was on the last day so I got a deal. Friends get me stuff though. -ArV
  23. Actually, although his opponent said [spoiler]"if you blow your engine you lose" that wasn't considered a loss for Takumi since his opponent gave up right after.[/spoiler] At least that's what they said so in the Third Stage. o.o''' -ArV
  24. I don't think there should be too much of a difference... What I think is interesting is how many girls like anime directed towards guys, and how many guys like anime directed towards girls. Although I know many guys who watch Anime, I know way more girls who do. This might be because I hang out with girls more? Also interesting to note... is that I find a random stranger talking about anime, it's almost always a guy. hm... For the past four years, my school's Anime Society has been lead by girls. Not because of the lack of guys, it's due to the talent in Anime and Manga art that the respected leaders wield... Of course... the society was started by a guy... and the teachers who takes responsiblity of us are guys. -ArV
  25. Maybe they were pulling the wool over your eyes and saying you have double the Video because it has English and Japanese Dub? XP How many episodes is the Disc Supposed to contain? How many does it really contain? Are you not counting Special Features in your timing? -ArV
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