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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. To me, you all have weird schools. Are you all in the United States? I don't know how most schools are... I go to a school that has no schedules. You can spend your day in which ever area you want. There are always people in the English area or Communications Technology Area reading Manga. The entire year, you'll find Grade Ten students working on tracing Anime Characters with Adobe Illustrator. Every Thursday after school meets the Anime Society to watch Anime and teach others how to create their own. No matter what computer I'm on, my wallpaper is Hikaru no Go. Actually... I think this is the clincher... Although it's a uniformed school, I wear my Naruto Forehead Protector practically everyday. Maybe I go to a weird school? -ArV
  2. I noticed another thread about conventions and got curious about a few things. So even if you haven't been to a convention, I'd appreciate a reply. Thanks for your time! 1. Have you ever attended an Anime related Convention? 1. a) If so, what makes you want to attend an Anime Convention? 1. b) If not, do you plan to attend one in the future? Why or Why not? 2. Have you ever attended any conventions that were /not/ Anime related? 3. Assuming you would go to an Anime related convention, how much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pass for a reasonably large convention? 4. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on commercial products? 4. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past? 4. b) What's the most you've spent? 5. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on NON-commercial products (fanart, doujin, "artists' alley," etc.) 5. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past? 5. b) What's the most you've spent? ======== Sorry if this breaks any rules. ^^;; just a really really curious type of person.. -ArV
  3. Anime is not just for kids. -.= Like Dagger-dono said, Anime can vary for many different age groups and different target audiences. Yu Yu Hakusho and most anime you see on TV is for a younger age group, but there is so much anime out there that is definately NOT for kids. Hentai for example. -.o -ArV
  4. [quote name='Phayt']Well. I want Escaflowne, R.O.D the tv, Gad Gaurd, and Card Captors. I dont agree with the people who want Gundam Wing to come back cause all it would be is re-runs and I hate those so... [/quote] Okay, so Gundam W will be reruns but the other old shows aren't going to be? Remember, just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it's not a rerun for the rest of us. XP I'm not so into Television anymore... surprisingly... I was excited when Gundam Seed was coming to TV, but when it came on I never watched it. If they were to put an anime on Television shouldn't it be something more serious? Something that doesn't have to be peppered with violence? Anyway, I'd like to see the Patlabor movies back on TV. That's the first time I saw Anime uncensored. (Well... with CCS and Pkmn at the same time... it seemed uncensored to the unknowing younger version of me) -ArV
  5. Wow A series of interesting posts. I don't understand what the problem is with bringing the Series over to the United States. I'm ecstatic. I celebrated yesterday by going out and getting my forehead protector and wearing it all over school. BWAHA Stuff that up your uniform. Also, even if Naruto is censored for the Televison, like Dagger-dono said: It'll be perfect on DVDs. Just so the noobs can understand: Pirated DVDs are _not_ real. Pirated DVDs do _not_ help support the series. Pirated DVDs do _not_ have quality subs.*** Pirated DVDs are _not_ what the Japanese people want you to see. I don't understand that whole Berserk reference... that's how the Japanese ended the series... had nothing to do with dubbing. Naruto should be great. ^^ Prove that you like Naruto by buying the DVDs. -ArV ***Hong Kong subs (the majority, if not all, of the Pirated DVDs out there) are being translated by CHINESE people from a language they are not neccesarily fluent in, to another language they are not neccesarily fluent in.
  6. Ah! So many essays! >.< I've decided to trust the ShoPro and Cartoon Network until they screw up. *clenches fist* They'd better give Haku a damn sexy voice... To those who watch Naruto Fansubs. Support the series, buy the DVDs! Watch the TVs! Eat the cheese! >.< *must get Japanese forehead protector before prices go up* -ArV
  7. Hikaru no Go Volume 15 was titled Sayonara. It was so sad when [SPOILER]Sai left and Hikaru was looking for him.[/SPOILER] It was so upsetting when I read the scanlation that I had to go out and buy the Japanese Volume at a time when I couldn't even read Hiragana. Ah... Poor [SPOILER]Hikaru.[/SPOILER] -ArV
  8. Often I forget that Sonic the Hedgehog is Anime but I guess that doesn't count. >P Although the titles I know of are more than likely heard of by frequenters of OB, I believe that the single episode of [B]Wind~ A Breath of Heart[/B] (an OVA from the shoujo game) deserves mentioning. Also, [B]Gokusen[/B] is good, but never gets the credit it deserves. Is Macross really that rare? Or are we just talking about what anime dubbies don't know about? If Macross is rare, what about [B]Patlabor[/B]? Or does that not count since it was in English (I think I saw it on TV many many years back... but I don't remember...) Oh, if you're looking for mecha... I recall an anime that nobody talks about anymore... [B]Dual: Parallel Universe Trouble[/B] (or something like that...) Not a classic in my opinion, but not mentioned often. One that many have heard of but I haven't heard talk of recently is [B]Cooking Master Boy[/B]. That showed on the local Chinese network if I remember. This one showed after some Ultraman spinnoff where a kid got Ultraman's powers... (or something?) Does anyone know what I'm talking about? It's another kiddy anime... Hm. Could Clamp series (like [B]RG Veda[/B]) or Tezuka's series like ([B]Kimba the White Lion[/B]) count? Sorry for the bad grammar and annoying punctuation. XD I'm typing this as it's thunk. -ArV
  9. First off... It's not psychological powers... psychology is the study of the mind. Second. I don't like the plotlines. Although they're very creative, they drag on. There should be a conflict which is resolved in the end. When the conflict is resolved the story ends. Example: Gundam Wing War. War ends. Story ends. Example: X/1999 World is threatened. World is saved/destroyed. Story ends. If you set up a conflict, people will become interested in seeing how the problem is solved. In one of your stories you talk about Koji, sold for slavery. --If this is the conflict, why does "the fun start" 1,580 years later? (Besides, if that's where the "fun starts" then you haven't told us the real story, have you?) --If that /is/ the conflict, it's no longer interesting to continue as audience. In the second story you mentioned an asteroid hitting the Earth. Where's the story? --Is it trying to convince people the Earth will be destroyed? Why is there so much more? --Is it that they try to build in time? Again, more after. --Is it the battle against TACO? Why take so long to get to the conflict? Examples of bad plots... Example: Dragon Ball Z The world is in danger.(conflict) The world is saved. (resolved.) (here is where the story should end) The world is in danger again! The world is saved again! The world is in danger again! The world is saved again! The world is in danger again! The world is saved again! Here we see how repetitive it becomes... since the conflict is already resolved, but the story continues. Finally, I don't believe DaggerIX1 was mean to you at all. Dagger-dono (a) answered your question (mentioning Alita) (b) corrected how your friend misinformed you and (c) kept your thread open when it was quite vague and would normally be closed. Plus she said please. I apologize if I too offend you, that is not my intention. These are just my suggestions. ^^ -ArV
  10. Because of my total stupidity when it comes to Photoshop, I'm curious about your gradient. Did you change the layer mode to "Dissolve" or did you just use the 'Noise' filter with either an overlay or selection? As the others have said the muted colours are quite appealing. They give a serene appearance while allowing Tetsu to stand out. Personally, I would have made him too bright and the quoted text too large. I applaud your work, how long did it take? -ArV
  11. Dagger-dono, You remember me! ^^ I'm flattered and surprised. I also kind of feel sorry for you. A waste of memory I am. I must admit that I never noticed Okita's melancholy nature when alone, but that may be a result of my watching the series only once through. I must get the DVDs to rewatch. =) If Okita has been traumatized, it wouldn't change his character, but instead adds depth to it. This is why I liked this series so much. Sea of Chaos666, I have to agree with you, but with a slight twist. Where you said "he feels guilty" I would say he was more hurt and damaged from all the bloodshed. I doubt after so long he would feel guilt, but there have been many that say that every person you kill eats away at your soul. Also, when you say that he turns his anger out on the battlefield, I would partially disagree with you. Rather, I believe that he feels not angry, but the professional swordsman is just trained to be ruthless. A good example of this is when the eccentric swordsman who called Tetsu "dragonboy" (shame on me for forgetting his name) snuck into the Shinsengumi headquarters to recruit the T*tsunosuke brothers. Okita intercepted and although he was at first (coughing...and at second...) his usual friendly self, he quickly turned into the hitokiri mode. He wasn't neccessarily angry at...(shame on you ArV)...but he had his duty and his training... er... >.< I lost my point. Ugh my deepest apologies. I need more sleep. See you in a few months. ;) -ArV
  12. Seems like some of these posts are just arguing against dubbing and that "Japanese is better". --I could be wrong >.< I skimmed a lot of it-- It has to remembered that all things in life have two types of descriptions, quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative can be measured and compared. Qualitative can not be measured, and therefore, can not be compared. If an argument is based on your opinion or 'how something sounds to you' it can't be compared. Therefore, even if a voice actor 'doesn't sound right to you' this thread is a great example of how it's possible for others to easily disagree. Ergo I shall lay in my assessment of the best and worst dubbed anime without inputting my opinion. == To assess a dubber, or any artist for that matter, requires the critic to know what his or her own goals are in viewing the work. For me, it's important to see the Anime creator's original ideas and artistic vision. Therefore, I rate dubs by how much they change things. If I find that the original concept and spirit of an Anime is in the dub, then I will tend to give these dubbers a higher rating. A good example of this would be Gundam Wing. Though many will argue that things were changed, I find that the spirit of the series is still in the English adaptation. Though, I know not if I can ever accept Relena as deserving to exist. ^^;; If I find that the original concept and spirit of an Anime is not in the dub, then I will... get... very... very... angry. ^^ Or just not watch the show. An example of this is the Yu-Gi-Oh! dub. Although never hearing the original voices because of my young, dubby nature at the time, I was quite a fan of the series before it came to the attention of local cardshops and cable networks. My dissappointment in the series lie not in the voice acting, although not up to my standards, but in the scripting and censoring. Especially... the usage of the word "Dark" in strategic locations and names... == A post note... I have found that many fans who have heard the Japanese voice actors of a role tend to close their mind to any other voice actors if the Japanese actor was the first they heard. But I humbly ask (I would really like to know), if the voice actors were really so bad, why do certain series become so popular? AHHH... I'm sorry to bother you. >.< Rambling post. I'll be surprised if anyone reads this far. -ArV
  13. Dagger-dono Is it possible for Okita to be putting on an act? I believe his contrasting and polar attitudes are not a result of masking or faking his beliefs. Rather, I believe that both sides of Okita are the "real" Okita Souji. Okita was only a child when he joined Shinsengumi was he not? His childhood life was rather, disturbing, to say the least. The child-like (feminine?) innocent side to Okita's personality may represent the child that Okita was before he became a monster. The child was scarred and although the childhood ended, adulthood never began. The monster-like side to Okita may show what he feels he has become. "To slay a demon, you must first become a demon." The "demon within" may exist out of necessity. Can slay a man if you are innocent? And if you can, how innocent are you? Young Souji was so traumatized that the bi-polar personality was the only way of dealing with it. To make up for what he felt like was a horrible monster, he stayed innocent and sweet, like a child, whenever he could. Just what I think off the top of my head. ^^ Sorry if it's innaccurate. >:o wow It felt so long ago when I wailed about these characters. -ArV
  14. r2vq

    Sailor Moon

    Hey Densuke I agree with you on all parts. The fight scenes in the Anime (most of them at least) were pretty repetitive, almost to the point of tedium. As I watched the dub (ow, my fricken ears!) I was entertained only as long as my patience and/or boredom for the day lasted. Don't get my wrong, I liked the show. I just found it a wee bit boring and repetitive. As I watched a sub of Stars, I was impressed, but only for the first Volume or two. It quickly developed into a similar (undeniably better, but similar) theme and style. The live action version has drawn me in through it's characters and their lives. It's not so much a fight for the crystal but a story of friends who rescue peo~ okay well, it's a good story with the fighting as a sideline. :) BTW, Densuke, I'm watching Episode 20 right now. That's where your signature is from no? :) EDIT: Okay, so I was one or two episodes off. :-\ But I'm soon! -ArV
  15. r2vq

    Sailor Moon

    Carried away? That was pretty short a post. I too like Sailor Moon. It was one of the first anime I've ever seen. I, fortunately for my unburnt hands, am not as die-hard as ChibiHorsewoman-san. (As you can tell by her lovely name :)) Though, recently I've been getting into Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, or Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Same name, translated titles) Live Action version. I think the characters are really cute as well as the actresses. I was wondering if anybody else liked this series? Compared to the other Moon series, including Stars, I find it more entertaining to watch. I find the characters have more depth and relatability. It might just be because they're people. *drools* And Hama Chisaki is the perfect Mercury. -ArV
  16. I had just watched the first episode of this anime, the ED is still playing as I type this. Oh God, this'll be the first DVD I'll ever buy for myself. What an amazing show. Everything about this series screams "Japanese". The way they do their backgrounds (ie. the sky) in a different style from the foregrounds (ie. the people) reminds me of an old Japanese movie I saw. The way they talked and acted, just like you would expect from the Heien period. The dancing Sai-sama, er I mean :) . Even the scary faces was pure Japanese. I'm not into Shouta, but the main character is sooo pretty, even when dressed as a boy! I like this series so much... I couldn't wait to post before reading everybody else's posts. ^^ Sorry. I'm just sooo excited after watching this. Oh... *getting shivers* This series is so realistic compared to Samurai Champloo, adding an air of authenticity. The fight scenes are so flawlessly conducted, creating an aura of excitement. The court scenes were so devious, you just want to stab everyone their. *stab stab stab* And the art was so pretty! They seem to be watercolour... hm... I definately can't wait to see another episode of this series. *coughitbeatskuroganecough* -ArV
  17. [quote name='No_Regrets']SG-Anime? Is that another company or channel or something?[/quote] Hey No Regrets! SG-Anime is another FanSubbing group. They're the first to fansub Naruto 90! Wow! Was it worth the early download! With new video and action in the OP and a brand spanking new ending with a GREAT song and an EVEN BETTER ED, I don't regret downloading this episode. I wonder what the name of the song is... And I don't doubt that this anime will be released late this week since there's a new ED. Unfortunately I don't understand the rest of your post. :-s -ArV
  18. [quote name='Sesshomuru']Inuyasha is what got me into anime I was at my freinds house we weny out somewhere then when we got back we started watching and ever since I liked anime.[/quote] Hey Sesshomuru, why'd you guys start watching Inuyasha? What is it about Inuyasha that makes it so appealing? What were you like pre-Inuyasha-fied? I haven't watched much Inuyasha so I don't know anything about it. :) [quote name='Chibi Devil Me']Sailor Moon. Right off the bat. #1. Why? Because Sailor Moon introduced me to the whole category of Anime. I started watching it everyday. Since then, most of my time was trying to find tapes so I could tape the episodes, rather than eating Cheese Puffs all day. Hehe... [/quote] Sailor Moon was my first anime too! It wasn't what got me into watching Anime, but it was a show that clung onto me even until now! What did you like about Sailor Moon and why did it appeal to you so much? Myself, I just liked the character development and the diversity among the scounts. That and Ami-chan was cute. *heh* (Hey, I was what.. eight? Can't blame me. :P) ___ As for myself, Anime that influenced my life would definately have to be Gundam Wing. Gundam Wing helped a friendship evolve. With Kevin, truly one of my closest friends, I would not have been able to bond or even talk had it not been for the many debates and philosphies from Gundam W. Constantly debating and idolizing, we were both Wing fanatics when it was dubbed. Without it, my life would definately be a lot different. Another might be Fushigi Yuugi... Using the Mysterious Play as a backbone of conversation, I got closer to the person who quickly became my current girlfriend and love. :) -ArV
  19. AnimeSuki says Naruto was not played on TVTokyo this week. This shouldn't come by as a doomsday prophecy because they have done this before. Though what really makes me curious is this new release... from SG-Anime... Apparently it's Episode 90 of Naruto... Does anyone know if this is real? Or if it is, where they got the episode? Hm... I guess I'll download it anyway... -ArV
  20. [quote name='Dagger IX1']Oro? Where did you hear this?[/quote] I may be mistaken. The website for the English version of Full Metal Alchemist had two previews when it came out. Only one survives. The one that has disappeared was the one that actually held the voice of the main character. The surviving Trailer only has the voice of a deep throated man with a sore throat. Gee, I hope I'm not just imagining that preview... Besides the accent (I think) I could detect, the actor seemed to suit the character. I have hopes for this series in its licensed form. -ArV
  21. As I've mentioned in other threads, I loved the movie [i]Tokyo Godfathers[/i]. It's definately not in the style of most Anime out there (Cartoon Network-only fans wont like it, and dubbies will find it a different taste from what they're used to) but it is nonetheless amazing in every aspect. The story is compellingly funny; the characters are intriguingly hillarious; and the animation is just plain [i]awesome[/i]. The setting and the story is so believable, you can't help but feel for the people out in the streets today. Basically, the movie follows three homeless people as they find a child and try to return her to the rightful parents. There is so much detail put into the feeling and setting, it's impossible not to feel for the poor characters. Although the animation is at times zany to reflect the mood, this is one of the most realistic videos I have ever seen. If anyone wants to watch a [i]true[/i] anime, watch Tokyo Godfathers. -ArV
  22. No_Regrets you liked Trigun and Bebop better in ENGLISH? JEEZ, What's [i]wrong[/i] with you??? Haven't you seen the original episodes where Vash and Spike both [spoiler]... Actually I haven't seen either of these in English. But I hear they're really good.[/spoiler]
  23. The most recent chapters of the Manga I have found to be boring. I know, I know they're character development. They show the past of Sasuke and Itachi. And they are very different... My old theory to how Itachi got strong is backed up. Theory: [spoiler]Everyone that Itachi kills makes him stronger. Like Gaara...[/spoiler] I wish they just got to the [spoiler]Naruto vs Sasuke[/spoiler] fight already. --- Speaking of Naruto Cosplays. Was anybody here at Anime North? XD Was great. Over two dozen Naruto cosplayers went on stage during the masquerade and marched around to "Viva Rocks" XD Ah, that was good. A friend of mine played TenTen and there were teams of ANBU members. -ArV
  24. As many have said, Pokémon and Digimon have suceeded in theatres. As others have said, these shows were for kids. I have to add that not only are these for kids but these shows are very heavily marketted and advertised. And although Disney did try with Spirited Away (Sen To Chihiro) I heard that that movie (as well as Princess Mononoke) did not do so well. Shame, I liked Sen To Chihiro... I didn't know they had Tokyo Godfathers in theatres, if I had known... *gr...* What a wonderful movie. Ah, I wish more Anime would work... Damn money-based philosophy. [quote name='Unborn Lord Xion][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]And, r2vq, Yu-Gi-Oh is based on a Japanese manga. It's not American in origin. The TV show may be, but it was originally Japanese, to the extent of my knowledge.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] The Anime, Manga, Card and Video games were mostly made in Japan. The movie coming out this summer was first announced by 4Kids and is a joint project with the American company and TV Tokyo. Trust me Xion-san. I know my Yugiou. :P -ArV
  25. This topic is very similar to one I debate with my girlfriend all the time. Anime in theatres. How would it work? The problem is, it wouldn't make enough money. Dream - Tons of Anime fans accross the country. People just love this "anime" thing from Japan. It's shway. Reality - Not enough people. Can you honestly say that over 50% of people you go to work/school with watch Anime? And I don't mean just people you are friends with, but the entire company/school. With Hollywood movies bringing in enough money that the number of digits is double digit... Nobody wants to start showing something that will make their company [I]look[/I] as if it's not doing well. That means unless it's making millions to billions of dollars profit, Anime isn't in. Dream - Anime in theatres will be unedited because the ratings will be fair. Thus censor boards don't have to chop the piece of art up into iddy-biddy pieces for children to swallow. People will know that anime is not just for kids. Reality - Anime in theatres will either be edited (ala Digimon) or they will be created by Americans for Americans (ala Yu-Gi-Oh!). Large corporations still consider anime as cartoons for children. Shows that adults don't want to watch. Why? I don't know. Proof? The chopping up of glorious TV shows with the result you see on your screens. Dream - Anime will be subtitled in the theatres so you don't have to put up with crappy voice actors. You get to see the work in its original form. Reality - Subtitles in movies greatly lowers the audience number. Movie companies wont want to put subtitles because many people just don't like to read while they watch. These people feel more comfortable listening and watching something in their own language, rather than a foreign language that "doesn't belong". Dream - Watching Anime will help others learn about different cultures. Reality - People miss out on jokes and cultural references that are slipped into Anime because they don't know about everyday facts about living in Japan. Go up to a person on your street and ask them what Seppuku or who Tokugawa is. They just wont know, and many people don't want to. This foreign content makes people uneasy and turn people off. --- Basically, there are enough reasons that large companies don't put Anime on the American big screen. Anime does exist on the big screen, visit the many regions of Asia, but just not in the Western world. Is this fair? Possibly. If the large companies did bring Anime to the Western screen the price would not be justified. I think that's fair as a whole. Though I don't think it's fair to indiuviduals who were just born in the wrong place. -ArV
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