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Anime Samurai Champloo [from the creator of Cowboy Bebop]
r2vq replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
Ah, Samurai Champloo. Very original... I've been waiting patently for Episode 3. But it seems to be taking a while. Dan, the animation for Samurai Champloo is as good as you think it is. The fight scenes as everyone repeats are really good. They are very Spike-esque in terms of style. The flowing movements are not surprisingly very dance-like, just as Spike's are. But the fighter I liked best was the other main Samurai... his name has lost footing at the moment... Dan, I think how Fuu acted towards Oniwakamaru was not very surprising. [spoiler]He's a monster and she noticed the human side. She realised how misunderstood he really was. It was the other assailant(sp?) that she couldn't stand, with reason of course.[/spoiler] -ArV -
As with Okita-san, I have also been hooked onto Samurai Champloo. It's a funny anime even if one of the main characters is a bastage... I have also seen the promo and the beginning to Samurai 7. Though, it bores me and I have yet to see any real promise. But I promise to watch the first two episodes before deciding to discontinue. Dagger-dono you give some really good descriptions. ;_; It makes me want to see. And so, as always r2vq will follow Dagger-dono's recomendations. :) (except for Maria-sama... I don't plant on watching the first season) --- So... assuming these are series, what about the new movies for this summer? One was already mentioned... -ArV
Ah SasukeUchiha, You know how it is with school. Leave everything to the last minute. ;_; I now have to reprogram my internal Naruto clock. The most recent Naruto Manga I've read is the flashback story of Itachi and Sasuke. It's a nice chapter that shows a different side to both of the kids, and actually adds some character to the head Uchiha (HA, he reminds me of a lot of asian parents I know). Though... something about the art threw me off. :) I'll check it out now for the new chapter. -ArV
Wow, Haven't been here in a while. As we all know, Tsunade's on the show now. Unlike what a few people have mentioned (and taken back XP) I like Tsunade's voice. I like it a lot. It's almost exactly what I thought it was. Does Tsunade seem fat? Nah, just fat chested. And that's straight from the manga. A few people I've shown the most recent episodes to found them boring. I found them funny and fun to watch. Am I the only one? Is it because I read the manga? As for the people who have read Naruto in "Shonen Jump", you should try finding the Fansubbed anime online because it's not release as anime in the western world as of yet. If it is released, I would love to see it on DVD rather than TV. I don't mind Funimation doing it, just as long as it doesn't get to 4kids hands. Sorry Dagger-dono, even if the series will eventually become bilingual, I don't want 4kids to touch my Naruto at ALL after what it did to my Yu-Gi-Oh!. ;_; -ArV
Anime Samurai Champloo [from the creator of Cowboy Bebop]
r2vq replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
I loved the little Intro and Ending text scenes. They were both really funny. The sword fighting style is not really what I like to watch when looking for Samurai fighting scenes, but for some reason I just LOVED the fight scenes in Samurai Champloo. The animation was amazing, and the unique scene transitions in the first half were great, but I knew they would stop them half way through the episode. They just seemed like something you can't watch for too long. I wonder if they'll have them again. The main characters are hillarious, and I love Mugen's fighting style. Dagger-dono, I noticed the [spoiler]break dancing style[/spoiler] in his fighting too. ^^ VP-Master, having the last scene of the story as the first scene of your Episode is not uncommon. Writers do that often to build suspense. I don't think they would do this again, but considering Champloo's style, you never know... What particularly interested me was the scene RIGHT after the first scene. It was [spoiler]MODERN![/spoiler] I'm wondering why they put that in... Any ideas? -ArV Rating: 4.5/5 (Only 4.5 because it feels like they can't keep this up... if they keep up the quality, it'll be 5/5) -
o.o Wow. Welcome to OB Adora! I think we are getting our scanlations from the same site. ^^ In the anime we are given clues to Okita's [spoiler]sickness[/spoiler]. For example, when Ryouma visits the base, or when [spoiler]evil Souji[/spoiler] is there we witness the [spoiler]coughing of a sick man.[/spoiler] But it's only explained afterwards. :'( Poor us had to find out ourselves. One more thing... I didn't really understand this sentance. [quote][spoiler] Evil Souji is always hanging around, just waiting for the boy to pick up a sword. That's why he doesn't carry one with him when they go shopping/ aren't on duty and he gets called girly by Sano & Shinpattsan [/spoiler][/quote] Does that mean [spoiler]Evil Souji[/spoiler] has duty with Sano and Shinpattsan? o.O Or... [spoiler]Evil Souji doesn't wear his[/spoiler] swords either? :\ If you could clarify that would be great. :) -ArV ph43rs 7h3 f4ngur|z.
Not to be rude, but there IS something called a search engine. I've never seen Ikkyu-san myself but from what I found on Google I can tell the following. Ikkyu-san AKA Mister Ikkyu AKA Ikkyu the Little Monk AKA Ikkyusan, piccolo bonzo (Italian) Started October 15 1975 Ended June 28 1982 Genres: Comedy, Historical 296 Episodes!!! WOW. Apparently it's a biographical historical drama about Ikkyu Zenji's daily life. It's for all ages, but it doesn't seem to popular. -ArV
Wow, I hated Season 2. The only part I liked was Ken. [quote name='MistressRoxie']and it said "Can you say Kenanne?"[/quote] That's scary. Ken reminds me of a friend of mine. And the way you spelt that... so close to my real name... Keane. I personally seethed whenever I saw Davis. I found him annoying and someone you just want to punch. Something about his personality and his appearance just tore at me. Kari and TK were once cute in the first season but turned annoying in the second. I think they were more fun in the first season. I liked that they changed universes in the next seasons of Digimon instead of doing what Season 2 did, a continuation. Though I didn't watch those much after the horrors I faced with 02. I didn't even bother with the american movie. -ArV
Behind me? XD Heck I don't have a bio on Ryouma. *cough*internet*cough* lol [quote name='adora']I personally like the SI style better, though I appreciate the Kurogane style more for its atmospheric reasons, being darker and all.[/quote] I agree with this totally the most I possibly can. Um... ANN only announced ADV's licensing of PMK yesterday. ADV Films has also licensed the following (link to ANN) [url]http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/company.php?id=2[/url] :\ Judging from the series on this list that I've watched, I'm fear that ADV may change things. Well... Since we know it's ADV that licensed it, does anyone know if the DVD releases will have original tracks and uncut? -ArV
I think it's rather stupid for either Japanese or American companies to distribute the sequel to something without the first half. Though, Dagger-dono I thought you said the Anime was licensed? And JazzLady and I had our hopes up and everything. ;_; heh jk jk. I'm happier hearing the manga is coming out than the anime, only because I find the Manga art to be such beautiful line drawings I can't help but droooool... (At least in SIPM) and of course it's cheaper to buy. ^^;; What about you guys? Would you be happier if just the Manga or just the Anime was being licensed? -ArV ps. If PMK gains a following like Inuyasha, PKMN, or YGO. WE WERE FIRST!! BWAHAHAHAHA
I totally agree with Pbfrontmandvp, As I watched the episodes of X/1999 I would ride the roller coaster as closely as any fan would, but the flashback episodes and the ending ruined the series for me. The final battle was as unclimactic as all of you have described the movie's and the final scenes just made me made it seem like the writers were just tired and wanted to wrap things up as fast as possible. It's a shame for the animation, music and characters for X/1999 are up with the best I've seen. I especially liked Nataku, the soulless creature of Chinese mythology. The only unbroken wallscroll I own. ^^ -ArV
Hi Dreamseer Oona, I'm afraid to read the last two paragraphs of your post because I don't want spoilers :\ If you could use the [.spoiler] and [/spoiler] tags (without the period) that would be great so I know what I /can/ read. ^^ I'd really like to read the manga and I know a friend of mine that would go *ahem* berserk to see what happens after the Falcons arc. (excuse the lame attempt at a pun) But I wonder the worth. Since you've read the manga, can you describe its worth? Does it have better drawings and artwork than the anime? Do you have to re-read the Falcon saga again, or did the Anime do an accurate rendition of it? Is Griffith still a girl? ;_; -ArV
Whoops... Shoujo Ai... R.O.D. TV, another set of data I have on my computer never accessed via Audio/Video decompiler. I watched the RAW for the second or third episode back in September. I honestly abhorred it from what I saw. I felt the characters took away from what I liked in the OVA and I was afraid it would ruin the name of Read or Die. I was obviously wrong as I find constant lovers of the series telling me how the series just gets better and better. I have the episodes now and hopefully, I wont be as speculative and shtuupeeed so I can watch it properly this time. -ArV
Tokyo Godfathers... I have a Fansub for it, but I haven't watched it yet. I guess I should watch it and make notes to see if Dagger-dono is correct? As for the abrupt switching to comedy, although I was smiling and laughing throughout the epsidoe, something deathly eerie kept the same feeling I get when I watched any of the other Paranoia Agent episodes. Thus, I couldn't really feel as dramatic a switch as Dagger-dono spoke of. The point made was very good... Why did we see no injuries? But rethinking it, could there have been something to do with the [spoiler]gasses they inhaled before the destruction of the building? Would that have affected the young girl?[/spoiler] I'm sure whatever the meaning behind the Episode, it will be explained in upcoming episodes. Unless this is like Lain... *grr* -ArV
XD Godel-san, you forgot the [/spoiler] tag. But didn't ruin anything for me... I'm currently waiting for Episode 8 to download at the very slow speed of 30 Kbps. =.= Says I have to wait another hour and a half. I really liked Episode Seven. Every episode i this series just throws you a new twist and turn. I especially liked the ending to the show. That last shot was just totally unexpected. I hope Episode 8 will have that same factor. -ArV Edit: Episode Eight This episode was definately different from the pervious seven... The characters this episode focused on were not the main characters revealed in the OP or ED of the show, and none of those characters even cast a face, except for the ever popular pink dog doll. Where in previous episodes the story would greatly involve and interest the two detectives, this episode gives them a well deserved break. They are neither needed or shown in this episode [spoiler]except perhaps a little cameo by Horse?[/spoiler] and they'd probably want to keep it that way. The humourous music and enjoyable scenes made it seem like a walk in the park rather than an episode of death, and I really liked the occassions where they would discuss things via chat and message boards instead of by voice. The first scene, the meeting, was definately very cute and fun... but after watching this whole episode my spider-sense tells me there's confusing below the layer of story that we've seen. My theory: [spoiler]The three in this episode; Zebra, Fuyubachi and Kamome are already dead, and only Fuyubachi knows this, but doesn't believe it.[/spoiler] I have great confidence in this. Please, review the evidence as follows. [spoiler]I was first confused by Fuyubachi's little act at the end. I was wondering what he was doing and why it was so dramatic... Hm... I'll develop on this scene in a bit. The next strange thing that caused a little red light to go off in my head was the amount of crows in this episode. Crows are a symbol of death... hmm... Third, was the Shounen Bat. A person who could walk through walls and usually killed those who needed release (a) hesitated and (b) ran away; when seeing the trio. Very suspicious... Finally, the pills. After being chased by Kamamome, Fuyubachi took his last pill. And again at the end of the episode Fuyubachi had his... last pill? Well, this theory would explain why the girls at the end didn't notice the loud trio walking up behind them. It might explain the scream if the film actually caught the image of ghosts... Only after rewatching the episode did I note and confirm a few things. 1. The birds only appeard after the building collapsed. 2. The man jumping infront of the train... nobody noticed his exit... another ghost? 3. The lack of shadows. What Fuyubachi was freaking out about... the lack of shadows... The clincher.[/spoiler] Well, sorry to burst your bubble Godel-san. ^^ -ArV
The plot was summed up pretty well by Death Bug. [quote=DeathBug] The plot is simple: [spoiler]After Haruko nails Naota on the head with her guitar, his frontal lobe becomes the gateway through whichj hostile Medical mechanica robots are transported. Kanti's programing is altered after a piece of him is removed, so that he becomes one of the good guys. MM's plan involves stripping the human race of the ability to think, for reasons never revealed. Haruko doesn't care about that, though; she wants the power of the space pirate king Atamosk, who is supposed to be a prisoner of Medical Mechanica. Agent Amuro, who knew Haruko from his childhood, is trying to stop both MM and Haruko, but he's an idiot, so it doesn't matter. And, while all that's going on, the story is really a metaphor for growing up, with Naota learning about who he is in the world.[/spoiler] Cool, eh?[/quote] Although that's the most [i]interesting[/i] use of the word "simple" I've seen today, DeathBug is correct in the plot is not overly complicated if you try to pay attention and read between the jokes. Furi Kuri, FLCL, Fooly Cooly was great and horrible and confusing and relatable at the same time. It was great how the packed so much nonsense and seriousness into six episodes. It was horrible how at times you could be confused or bored or just wondering [i]why[/i]. It was confusing. That speaks for itself. It was relatable in the way you see the main character grow and have to put up with all these changes all guys (and possibly girls if you replace a few words from my list...) go through... Women, hideous things growing out of your face, girls, sudden interest in music, the female gender... and basically things going out of control and impossibly crazy when you just want peace and quiet. FLCL is actually jampacked with plot and story. This anime has more plot in 6 Episodes than Excel Saga had in its first 20. Now [i]that's[/i] an anime just meant to make people laugh... -ArV
[quote name='gendou ikari']And current american cartoons are really the ones im talking about, they are clearly TRYING to imitate anime, but doing a pathedic job of it.Anime may owe it to American cartoons but who do recent american cartoons owe it to? Thats right, anime. Anime is also like a movie. Is there ANY american cartoon that has made you cry?[/quote] There are lots of American cartoons that are imitating Anime. For example, Martin Mysteries and Totally Spies. These shows definately have the "anime" look to them, but have no plot unless corny or stereotypical. I call those Americanime. I totally dispise them. They make me cry XD JK. No, they make me want to kick the TV in. But just like others shouldn't judge Japnimation on its worst subjects one should judge American cartoons on its worst subjects. There are good cartoons out there for whatever you like. Thought-out and also intelligent and drawn well. You want brooding, dark and scary? Nobody does a better job than [b]Spawn[/b]. You want great plot, thought out, and innovative? The new [b]Spider-man[/b] is a new one that does that well. Something not repetitive, and fun to watch? [b]King of the Hill[/b] and other satirical shows, like those done by Matt Groening, are good at that. There are movies that are great, like Toy Story and An American Tale (though I liked the second one better). I really liked Mighty Mouse... I wonder if I can find my old tapes for that... And in anime there are cartoons there are [i]not[/i] thought-out well, [i]not[/i] creative, [i]not[/i] intelligent and [i]not[/i] many things that make a good story. Everything has it's up and down. You have to judge things for themselves and what they are on their own. Don't judge them because of what country they came from. -ArV Edit: As for a cartoon that made me cry? Rugrats in Paris had a scene where Chuckie is [spoiler]missing the mother son dance because his mom died.[/spoiler] That was really sad.
Ooo.. Merge caused a double post on my part. Yes, I thought FLCL was original and funny. ^^ I especially enjoyed the Manga scenes. As for Evangelion, I didn't actually misinterperate, I was just provoking you to expand a bit more. ^^ I think Evangelion is pretty original (if you don't count the copying of the bible ^^) and if I'm not mistaken, the concept of mecha in that series is quite different from other mecha series. In EVA the mecha are pretty much alive, and even have a more organic look. Very different from other mecha anime no? Back to other innovative anime... I was talking with a few friends when they brought up an interesting point... Weis Kruz (no, I don't care about speeling for that) seemed to be one of the first bishounen anime. At least in the sense of category bishounen. In today's series bishounen can usually be classified as different kinds... (aka. Brooding - Heero, Kaiba; Overly Feminine - Pegasus, Quatre; Humourous - Duo, Chichiri; etc etc) My friends believe that Weiz Kruz may have been the first series to use/create these stereotypical roles. If that were true that'd be pretty innovative no? Does anybody have anybody have any facts to support or discount this claim? I'm sure this would make an interesting conversation topic. :) -ArV [COLOR=Navy]I put a little note in your second post so that people wouldn't get the wrong impression. ^_^ ~Dagger~[/COLOR] Edit: Thx Dagger-dono ^^;
I like American Cartoons. They're fun to watch. I'm a self-proclaimed Simpsoniac. ^^ But I know people who don't like American Cartoons, like my better half. There's nothing wrong in not liking something if you know what it contains. Though, I really don't like those who prejudice and stereotype. They annoy me, those who assume they know everything about a topic just because of one attribute. It's a horrible shame I tells yah. Though... I MUST defend my Canadian Honour!!! YES WITH A U! There have been great Canadian Cartoons Shiguru! Don't go assuming Canadian Cartoons are suxors just because they are Canadian. XP That'd be an example of above. Good examples of good Canadian Cartoons are those pieces of art created by Mainframe on the west coast. That would be Reboot, Beast Wars, Beast Machines, SPIDER-MAN!!!! SPIDER-MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN *cough* sorry. ^^ -ArV
The Naruto Anime is currently only on television in Japan. I'm not sure what you mean by Pacific Time, but Japan's in the Pacific. ^^ In Japan the show airs, I believe, at 7.20 PM on Wednesdays (Local Time). For those of us who have no chance of watching Japanese Television through our American Televisions have to rely on the Internet. You can download the episodes, like many of us here, using programs like BitTorrent. Currently there are 80 Episodes out and subtitled in English by fans (most of us don't understand Japanese you see ^^) but Episode 81 should be out already. ^^ I'll go check. Episode 81 is making me drool... I'd really like to see [spoiler]the Sharingan in action. Used by a [b]natural[/b] user, [u]unlike[/u] our favourite Jounin-sensei, Kakashi.[/spoiler] *goes and checks AnimeSuki* -ArV Edit: Currently the RAW is the only release on Episode 81. :\ Guess it'll have to do.
Atashi wa Shoujo ja arimasen ga. shoujo no anime wa suki desu yo. ^^ Although I'm a guy, I like anime directed towards girls (as well as those directed towards guys XP). Of course one of the first anime I've ever seen was like you, [b]Sailor Moon[/b], or Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon was a great anime that I still watch... Have to get through those Sailor Stars Volumes ^^. The daily plot was repetitive and episodic but the story between the characters and the romances and tragedies was why one watches the series. I especially liked Mizuno Ami, but my favourite character was and always be Hotaru. ^^. I hear the manga was more detailed and beautiful, I wouldn't be surprised. [b]Fushigi Yuugi[/b] one of the first series that I've seen all the way through. Such a hillarious show with great action and plot, I loved it. The characters were great no da. But I didn't like the continuations so much. I watched this show in a group of mostly guys who get together to watch Anime at school. Usually they are rowdy and make jokes, but Fushu made us all choked up and teary eyed when the sad scenes came around, namely the [spoiler]death of Nuriko[/spoiler]. [b]X/1999[/b] was OKAaaaaaaaaaay.... I wouldn't call it the best in Shoujo Anime though. I found a lot of the anime to be taken up with boring fillers. Though I do like the concept of the angels and the seals. Each with a cool l33t pawa. My favourite character is Nataku. I have a wallscroll of him and there's a picture of him in my agenda. ^^ If you like Shoujo anime you should watch Aishiteruze Baby (I can't help by advertise this everywhere I go ^^) a wonderful shoujo anime, though not mainstream. There's a thread about it here that I started ^^ (coughshamlessplugcough) Other new series that I've noticed are Mahou Shoutai, and Kyou Kara Maou. Take a look into these series if you'd like something new to munch on. ^^ -ArV
Godel: What do you mean "doko ni iru ka?". I come here every day [spoiler]even though i'm failing my courses because of it[/spoiler]. So NYAH XP. I hate greyness. It's so drab and dreary and makes you want to cry. That's why I loved it for this episode. So great. ^^. I agree with you, the characters were drawn much nicer and I think it was a great [spoiler]memorial episode for San-daime.[/spoiler] Hey Alias Jones! I got a slap on the wrists the last time I posted a link to illegal material here, but I still don't want to do anything against the rules, so I'll contact you by other means! ^^ (check your Private Messages) We love Naruto too! I'm sure you'll be happy to know that after Episode 80, the plot is going to drastically change. :) People, we have ended one arc and entered another. An arc with a great story and a wonderful set of characters and surprises. I believe Kishimoto wrote his best in the upcoming arc. Which leads me to... The manga. I think Kishimoto's kinda getting tired or at least writer's block. The incident with [spoiler]Shikamaru having a jutsu up his sleeve one minute and out of ideas the next[/spoiler] coupled with no Naruto (with no explanation) last week, and no Naruto next week has me kinda worried... demo daijoubu desu ne? Naruto ga zettai ni arimasu ne? -ArV
Don't get me wrong, I like Anime. I like it a lot. But I don't like EVA. I don't like it a lot. Although like I said I like anime a lot and I've gotten crap for that. Although I've never been called wapanese (urbandictionary.com if you want to look it up) I've gotten "Oh, is that that Pokeymon crap?" or "It's Dragon Ball Z isn't it," most of the time. I honestly don't know why people do this, but my guess is that the only way these people feel good is by putting others down. Do I care if people ask me this? Not really. Whenever a person asks if what I'm watching is Pokémon or Japanese crap, I'm enjoy doing what I like no less. I like anime, and I will until I choose not to like it, not what they choose. For every Pokémon episode or picture of Pikachu they might have considered to be the average Japanese television show, I have Peace Maker Kurogane and Naruto and Paranoia Agent at my finger tips. I'm happy. If they have this sort of tension or discomfort with themselves enough that they have to go around insulting others unjustly, I pity them. For I'm content and they're not. It's simple as that. Also, I usually think the same way when someone says "Get a room!" when kissing my girlfriend. -ArV
[COLOR=Navy]This is a mod-approved double post. ~Dagger~[/COLOR] Well Gendou, I think I agree with you on most parts. [b]Gundam 0079[/b] was an original anime of epic proportions. Now with over 17 (I think?) reincarnations, the series is what I consider to be the father of all anime with giant human shaped robots. If it weren't for the original Gundam, anime would be very, very different today. But Gundam can not only be considered innovative for its use of machine. Gundam's primary antagonist (primary meaning first in this case) is a step to consider. In all other series before this, disincluding comedies of course, the antagonists were "bad" or "evil" or stupid. This is one of the first series to fledge a character who broods in turmoil and fights for his morals. If you don't know who I'm talking about, pretend I'm talking about his tribute with shampoo, Zechs Marquise(sp?). Char Aznable, the man with an impossible to pronounce last name, was neither good, nor was he on the side of the bad guys. He didn't fight or cause mischief because he was "evil" and this was a first in anime. A revolution if you will. [b]Rurouni Kenshin[/b] (with a u as the first vowel) had an epic fanbase and following, but I would not say it was a revolution for Samurai anime. If I am wrong, I will humbly apologize, but you didn't speak much on how it revolutionized the genre. If you could expand, that would be great. :) [b]Evangellion[/b] is another series with a large fanbase, but not necessarily an original. Using mecha, like in Gundam, young children, like in Gundam, fight to save the world. Sound familiar? There may be more, but like the last one, you didn't really expand, and I don't know much on the series. How was it original? If you want original, I suggest studio Ghibli and Miyazaki. I especially like the series Sen To Chihiro, or Spirited Away. It had great "realistic" drawings compared to other mainstream television shows and movies, and the story was charming and fun as a young child was basically in a theme park full of ghouls and creatures. Another suggestion I could make is Spriggan, which created a secret agent or protection agency to protect biblical artifacts. An original concept I'm sure. ^^ Although... I guess you could say the most original anime was Astro Boy... ^-^ -ArV edit: I agree with densuke (next post). I had the same impression when reading the title.
Dagger-dono. The ED for this series is much more gracious and beautiful than the OP. The OP, [I]Stray[/I] is an... [i]interesting[/i] song to say the least. It has great visuals, but the lyrics just throw me out the window whenever I watch it. It's sung in English, and the singer repeats the word "Stray" at least 30 times at my last count, once it was six times in a row. Don't get my wrong, it's a nice song, but it's just soooo annoying... stray... stray... stray... stray... stray... etc. The series I found a great series. ^^ I've seen the whole thing on FanSub before it was licensed, but don't worry, I wont give away any spoilers. Although, the series just makes me want to know more about the story and the wolves. I'd say Wolf's Rain even did a better job at that than Peace Maker Kurogane did. -ArV