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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. I've only seen up to the first or second of Negotiator, so I can't comment as such, but I did find it an amazingly unique anime. One that I really liked. It seemed to take a lot of effort to stay away from common Japanese and Japanimation concepts and ideas. As for innovative? I found the series' done by Bee-Train were pretty unique. In the male-dominated society of Japan, there are few anime that enforce the strength of women, especially if the strength overpowers men. Usually this is only untrue when the situation is supposed to bring in laughs, or are female assassins (I'm not saying BeeTrain hasn't done its run of female assassin anime). A series I found very, very unique and innovative was "Macbeth" of Anime. That being nobody likes to talk about it. Serial Experiment Lain was a series that didn't make sense. I don't think it was supposed to. Normally in a series, if you watch the last episode everything makes sense. In this series the ending just throws you another foul ball. I thought this was innovative because of that was the first time I saw any series that would just spin you around and around and around with its story without trying the usual gimmicks found in other anime. If you want to go back to newer anime, watch Monster. I've seen the first episode, and I don't really want to continue the series, but from the whole of the first episode seems to deal with a doctor in Germany who's job politics conflicts with his morals. Rather different from the giant robots or chibi and/or long legged females that you'll find in most anime. Unique. Inovative. Risky. Dangerous. [spoiler]If you really want to watch something unique and different from most anime... And you're willing to shock and terrify yourself almost to the point of truama, watch Pugyuru.[/spoiler] -ArV
  2. Read... or Die. What a wonderful anime. The CG of the series blends with the drawn animation so well, it's beautiful. The way the detail was put into each character, like Yomiko's hair for example, it's beautiful. The way the story makes a Hollywood movie genre seem like it's always been Japanese, beautiful. What's not good about this OVA? The ending was kind of quick, as already mentioned. I agree with FlashLight on the subject of the antagonist having more [spoiler]screen time.[/spoiler] The other characters (except for the secretary, who I think could've had a better role) had great personalities and character designs you wouldn't find in an average OVA or anime. Yomiko Readman, although her story could've been a bit more developed, was definately a fun character to watch. What was inside her travelling case at the end of the first episode especially had me on the edge of my seat. The chase-scene and the way Yomiko handled it was pure greatness. As for Yomiko and Ms. Deep having shounen-ai connections? There's more hints to this in the second episode than any other in my opinion. Although, I'd rather assume that the two are just getting along like sisters! Gomen ne Dagger-dono. ^^ -ArV
  3. Yeah, you're right. Characters don't have to be totally perfect to be realistic and even when they so extravagent you just /know/ they'd never exist in real life, the characters can still be fun to watch. Though I found something about these characters that I just didn't like. I guess I'm not sure what it is... But it annoyed me to the point of not watching the series. My friends still watch the series and I know that many people do. Lots of people download it from people who fansub and release it online. [COLOR=DarkRed][i]link removed[/i][/COLOR] -ArV [COLOR=Navy]In the future, avoid posting links to illegal material. That sort of activity should be restricted to PMs. ^_~ ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
  4. Ah FMA. I read a few chapters of the Manga and I watched a few of the episodes. Although the series didn't appeal to me so much all my friends are addicted to it. The story is actually not that bad. Full of dark subplots and twists. The animation is of new style and the characters are really funny. The powes and the concept of renkin-jitsu(sp?) is great too! Love the Alchemy theme. :) What I think bothered me the most was the character designs. Yes, they were pretty funny and some were pretty cool, but I found them too extreme or unbelievable. But meh, that's just my opinion. Can't beat the hundreds of people downloading the newest episode every day. :) -ArV
  5. I kinda get upset at dubbies that think they know everything. Although it's a shame to say I was originally like that. My first anime like many here was only what was on television. Most probably was Sailor Moon. Oh, I still love that show... NO It'S NOT JUST FOR GIRLS! And I tried waking up really really really early for Dragon Ball and Samuri Pizza Cats... Wow, the spelling of "Samuri" annoys me now. XD I never really learned, though, that what I was watching was Anime (or even Japanese!) until around Grade Six or Seven. Then came the dubby years... This was around the Pokémon craze, where _everybody_ was into it. I didn't like PKMN too much but fell into Digimon and Akira Toriyama again, this time with DBZ. Then I met a Yu-Gi-Oh fanatic. Two or three years before Seto Kaiba was even *heard* of in the Western World I was into Yu-Gi-Oh and learned about dubbing, and the original content in the Japanese medium... That is when I crossed the threshehold... but that's a different story. -ArV
  6. Reading a lot of these posts, it seems that many people don't know much about the Gundam franchise. Every Gundam series has had to do with war. Every, single, one. G Gundam may be an exception, but a small one at that. Gundam Seed is just following that franchise, but is paying much more homage to the original Mobile Suit Gundam than New Mobile Report Gundam Wing. The original Gundam series was about a boy who lived in a neutral colony which was secretly siding with the Earth's side in a war between Earth and the colonies. The colony was destroyed and the boy and his friends had to get on a "Pegasus" shaped ship to escape. The boy of course was a natural at using the prototype mobile suit... Gundam. Sounds like Gundam SEED doesn't it? Not as close to Gundam W though. Gundam W is a story of politics and 5 pretty unrealistic bishounen during war. I love that series, especially the OVA. Gundam SEED, on the other hand, is about a war among REAL PEOPLE. That's what causes it to be so attractive to many people. You get to see a variety of characters and how they interact with each other, in a wartime situation. This series is more of a soap opera than any of the other Gundam series. SEED is a great series to get you into the Gundam franchise if you're new, and especially so for girls, who this series seems to be targetted towards. If characters or plots seem similar to Gundam W, be sure that Gundam W got them from the original series. -ArV
  7. It's been almost 2 weeks but I finally saw the first episode of Kyou Kara Maou. I have to say I am disappointed. I expected this series to be the really really bad. When I watched it, I found NONE of the jokes funny, and the story just got me bored. The characters have NO interesting points and the animation is one of the WORST I've EVER seen. I hate this series and I'm NOT going to watch it again. [spoiler]Now, read everything I said but this time know that I meant the OPPOSITE of _EVERYTHING_ said above. :)[/spoiler] -ArV
  8. [quote name='Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]The dude who VAs for Shikamaru (and, according to one source, Konohamaru, as well O_o), is definately one of my favourites.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] According to my sources, Shikamaru was played by Morikubo Shoutarou and Konohamaru was played by a female, Ikue Ohtani. I love both these voices. Shikamaru has to be so whiny and almost to the point of pathetic when the time is right, but so intelligent or stressed at other times. Konohamaru's voice is annoying at first but could be done no better by anybody else. Gai-sensei too, played by Masashi Ebara, is a genius voice. In fact, come to think of it, I liked a lot of voices found in the Naruto series. Count in Mayumi Asano for Haku's voice. ^^ Such a cool character, with such a cool... feminine voice. ^^ -ArV
  9. Ah, arrigatou. I did my best, and yet I can't stop singing praises for this series. ^^ So I move on towards... Kippei is definately a main character, and the relationship between Kippei and Yuzuyu-chan was easy to the point of predictable. So definately the surprise from this series seems to revolve around the female classmate, Kokoro. This can be noted by her attitude of being different from the other girls as well as her knowing things about Kippei that the other girls don't know. The ED also seems to flash her face. This would exokain the great seiyuu behind her face Dagger-dono. ^^ If she were to be a main character she would have to have one ne? I'm not sure if I like her character as of yet, but I'm quite sure that the writers for the series would be able make her as likable and believable as I found Kippei once they give her more screen time. :) Kippei: Onee-chan? (On thinking his sister turned into a 5 year old) XD Beats "hajimemashiite" any day. -ArV
  10. Zone of Enders... My Girlfriend had the game on Playstation 2 and I found it such a fun game with a creative way to view the mecha! After scanning the web for info on the game I came accross the movie! Being a n00b back then, I used KaZaA to download it but the movie blasted me away. The story brings a great background to characters from the PS2 game and was a great mecha anime! The characters were fun to watch until you note the pain they go through. You can't help but pity and have your emotions pulled by the story. And yes, the music is beautiful. I haven't seen any other parts of this series, save the GBA game. I played said game by way of ROM and Emulator. ^^ Fun and another great addition to the ZOE Franchise. -ArV Rating: 3.5/5 (PS2 Game) Rating: 4/5 (GBA Game) Rating: 4/5 (Anime movie)
  11. Mecha. Sexy girls wearing less cloth than what's on a belt. Super powers and evil creatures. The undead. Years into the future. The end of the world. Super giant boobs. The Japanese Mafia. And finally, obsene pointless nudity. These are things you wont find in Aishiteruze Baby. ^^ This wonderfully cute and quiet anime that stays away from the mainstream spotlight generally concerns the tidings of a young highschooler and a child that he's been sought to take care of. The animation of the series is Manga-styled and the music seems minimal, but the story is such a charming and affectionate piece that you just want to melt. The pacing of the story is relaxed and gives you time to enjoy the sheer cuteness of the children. The voice actors are either superb seiyuu or superb seiyuu at the age of five! This new series is a great wonder and surprise and I'd like to know what others think of it, and mostly who else watches it! I made this thread so that anybody who would like to talk about ANY aspect of this show can do so. ^^ -ArV
  12. I have two also. Voice Actor: Scott McNeil - So FUN! ^^ Scott played Duo Maxwell in the Gundam Dub, Wolverine in the X-Men Cartoon, and Piccolo(sp?) from some of the Dragon Ball Z episodes. He's a great voice actor and wonderful with the fans! His best show is arguably Beast Wars: Transformers because of the diversity among Rat Trap, Silverbolt, Dinobot and Waspinator. Imai Yuki - Definately a good voice actress. For the role of Suzu from Peace Maker Kurogane alone! Ah... What a wonderful scene during that second last episode... If done by any other voice actor it most probably have turned out to be corny. -ArV
  13. I haven't seen Shura no Toki, but Dagger-dono why trust others when you can rely on your own eyes and ears? ;) I have seen two Episodes of Aishiteruze Baby, and I officially love this anime. I don't consider myself too deep into Shoujo Anime, but the style of animation and the concept of this series is so great... I want to start a thread on it. T_T I also think that the wide variety of animation styles is a great attribute of this month's releases. From "manga-ish" in Aishiteruze Baby to "mononoke-ish" in Paranoia Agent and even the no holds barred sex sells "ish" style in shows like Bakuretsu Tenshi. It's a fun season to be an anime fan. ^^;; -ArV ps. Maybe I will create one... meh, tomorrow. :)
  14. [quote name='SasukeUchiha]I am guessing we will either see it in the upcoming manga, or [spoiler'] he wont have to perform it because of the arrival of Temari to help him [/spoiler][/quote] I dunno... He seemed pretty [spoiler]desperate saying how he need a plan.[/spoiler] Meh, they'll probably do something about it or leave it out of the anime. [quote]I didnt notice it before, but it seems as though [spoiler] Temari has had a costume change, as well as kankurous different face paint, gaara looks the same as far as I can tell so far though. [/spoiler][/QUOTE] Yes, I noticed this in Chapter 212 also. Even before Godel brought it up. XP And to be truthful, I first noticed it on [spoiler]Gaara. He now has longer sleeves and a collar. I never really paid attention to Kankuro's face paint so I didn't notice his difference, but I really noticed Temari's costume. I LOVE the VEST! I don't know why, but it's so cute on her! It's an ugly vest... BUT I LOVE IT TO DEATH. Tenmari looks so pretty ^^ The darker colour definately suits her, though I wonder at what the real colour will be... and the angled cut-off of the dress is more fashionable than the boring straight cut-off at the bottom. I still don't like her hair, but ^^ she's cool.[/spoiler] I'll never grow weary of paintpixel-dono's l33t colouring skillz. ^^ -ArV
  15. My apologies. The reference I spoke of was from Chapter 209. On the last page with [spoiler]Shikamaru, it says... (Inane translated) Shika: "It seems like I must use 'that' Jutsu" Shika: "GUUUU" SFX: DAtsu Tayu: "UGH" After that scene, Shikamaru is not mentioned again until the most recent chapter (212) where, as I mentioned, Shikamaru is out of ideas and Jutsu. I'm pretty sure, now that I've had some sleep, that this is a pretty bad discrepancy. Unless Shikamaru actually DID have a jutsu worthy of that line...[/spoiler] But I don't see how that could be possible considering how desperate he was. -ArV
  16. I shouldn't be here. But I can't sleep so. -_- [quote name='Godel']Would that be me? I, for the first time in an age, have downloaded from BakaSan. And Christ, that group sucks.[/quote] Nah, a friend of mine who does the same thing as you. ^^ She downloaded Baka-san's sub too. And also... If I remember correctly, Baka-sanis not a group... It's a person. A single person. And he doesn't really suck... He doesn't aim for the same quality as ANBU and AonE or Toriyama World aim for. Baka-san only started subbing Naruto because he got pissed at how long it took ANBU to come out with an episode every week. XD SO basically Baka-san's goal is to sub Naruto Fast and Efficiently. [quote]And I loved them. Love them. They are magnificent, though some people must hate the opening. Heheheh...>: )[/quote] I loved the OP and the ED was great. The OP had so many clips for us Manga readers to soak in, and the song [although not the best] was good too! I loved how this one was cut, very different from past OPs, name ROCKS. -_- What I especially loved were the Itachi shots, and the screen with the girls in Kimono. They looked so pretty! Especially Hinata. ^^ And Rock Lee being carried by Gai? ;_; Genius? Beautiful? There is no word to describe it. :) Meh~ JA EDIT: I forgot the main reason I posted this... Did anybody notice that in an earlier Chapter of the manga [spoiler](probably 208)[/spoiler] Shikamaru said [spoiler]I guess I'll have to use THAT jutsu![/spoiler] Right before cutting scene... Only returning in [spoiler]chapter 212 and suddenly not have having a plan or any Jutsu left up his sleeve? I wonder what he meant by "that" Jutsu. It could mean Shadow Neck Bind... But when I originally read the line I assumed he had another jutsu... Hm... I guess.. Maybe Kishimoto wanted the readers to think that?[/spoiler] Meh. Oyasumi nasai~ -ArV
  17. I've been watching too much of a crapload of anime lately. =.- So far, of the new series, I can note Yugo Negotiator, Aishiteruze Baby, Phantom, Bakuretsu Tenshi, Kenran Butoh Sai and Kono Minikukumo Utsukushii Sekai. [b]Yugo Negotiator[/b] has a great OP. I love it. And the show is such a change of pace from other Anime. It's fun to see people [i]without[/i] unexplainable mystic powers sometimes ^^. I really love the OP for this show. [b]Aishiteruze Baby[/b] might be one of my favourites listed. I've only seen the first episode, and there's a lack of music and at times a lack of any audio. The timing is quite different from other shows. It makes me feel like I'm watching a late night show. Though the two main characters are so cute together! I have a feeling the child is played by an actual child... I don't think this'll ever become mainstream, but I love it to death. ^^ The ED is good too. It's soooo cuuuute. *_* [b]Phantom[/b] reminded me of the old worn and done out topic of assassins... but the animation is refreshingly good. I definately don't like the story very much, but I love the eyes! If I watch this it will only be for the pretty pretty eyes. *_* (The guy has nicer eyes than the girl. Note how they change when he changes moods!) [b]Bakuretsu Tenshi[/b] instantly made me think "Cartoon Network!" when I watched. Now, don't hate me for this, but I didn't hate it. The concept is worn and tired, worn and tired, worn and tired, but... aren't all western's like that? I guess all it's got going for it is the smooth enough animation. *shrugs* [b]Kenran Butoh Sai[/b] instantly made me bored. I don't know why, I used to like mecha. *shrugs* The main character is OKAY, but the concept just has me yawning. I feel like I've watched this before. [b]Kono Minikukumo Utsukushii Sekai[/b] was a strange show... The girl seems evil, no doubt about that... But the guy, when he transforms is ugly. =.- Although the idea of this anime is not bad, I find it kind of... disappealing? I'll have to watch a few more episodes to be sure. -ArV Edit: So I just saw the first episode of the [b]Interlude[/b] OVA. Wow, that was scary. Nothing like Trailer made it seem like it would be. This is the first time I've been scared by anime in a looooong time. O.o I want more... -ArV
  18. [quote name='SasukeUchiha']Rv, how dare you not mention the manga more! The end made me crap my pants! It was sooo surprising! I could not belive it!!! It was phenominal! Never EVER expected that to happen![/quote] I didn't want to ruin it Sasuke-kun! ^-^ Such an amazing ending when I didn't expect one! Kishimoto-san seems to be changing his style! Almost every chapter is surprising me or giving me a newer more exciting angle than before! I think this writing has improved. One makes you think, has he planned this far ahead all the way back since the end of the Wave Country saga? [quote]As for the new episode, ANBU is apparently lagging behind. Its Sunday, and still no word!! Hopefully they will have it up today so I can see it![/quote] Yes, they seem to be lagging. But no frets. I saw the RAW. XD *shrugs* A friend of mine has resorted to watching a non-ANBU AonE release. Though I know she will delete it the moment she sees ANBU has come out with an episode. XD Though it was definately a great episode. =D One of the funniest, and action packed episodes ever. Plus the moves here, and there... *imitates Tatsunosuke in PMK - 01~ swish swishing at air* -ArV
  19. I just read 212. ;_; This series has so many twists turns and surprises now! It's soooo much better than how it started ;_; ^^ So amazing. Anyone who hasn't read that chapter, GET IT SOON! If you aren't reading the manga... *pats* it'll be a while... but be happy with what you got! Naruto 78 was such a great episode! ^-^ I really loved when Naruto pulled that great combo move! Now, FINALLY a use for all those [spoiler]Kage Bunshins[/spoiler]! And the ENDING to that move was just GENIUS. And the arise of [spoiler]Gama Bunta[/spoiler] and how we finally get to see him fight! *_* Ah, what a great episode. To top it off, we have a new OP and ED! The ED was a grateful arrival compared to the last. -.- And the OP was great too! ^-^ It took the best parts of all the other OPs, and put it together in a great animation! -ArV
  20. SakuraCon? Nah, I'm poor and I live in Toronto so the best I can do is a Toronto Convention ^^ I'll be going to AnimeNorth though. And I'll be cosplaying there. :) If anyone else is going, I'll see you there. -ArV post script. Maybe one day... I'd like to go to a biggggg convention.
  21. [quote name='Akiya Debisu']and I think Hikari no Go[/quote] *sweatdrop* Hikaru no Go. HikarU U U U U U Ahh~ such a wonderful manga... And it's in Shonen Jump USA now. Good Anime that is not known in America hm? Lots of new ones. [b]Paranoia Agent[/b] is great. It's new, but I love it already. [b]Peace Maker Kurgane[/b] was good too. Was my favourite series and is currently fighting with PA for that title. ^_^ [b]Card Captor Sakura[/b] is commonly known as Cardcaptors in the USA. So many things have changed that it might as well be a different series all together. Thus American fans would not know of Sakura's boyfriend, or that the events took place in Tokyo. *swt* Same goes for Yu-Gi-Oh! [b]Read or Die: OVA[/b] was a great three episodes. Similar to James Bond, but doubtful of the release in the USA seeing that it makes fun of the American president so badly. [b]King of Bandits Jing[/b] has a manga translated, but I'm not sure if the Anime Series is... Funny, creative, unique. Hm... that's all I can think of for now. -ArV
  22. [QUOTE=bachiboy402] BTW, ArV, [spoiler]510 is reference to two things. First, it's the room number that Sagi Tsukiko is stays in. Second, it's her apartment number [/spoiler] [/quote] Very Good Eye there Bachiboy! You're looking in places I'd never search in! I'm sure you'd be great at escaping the Takagism red room! ^-^ (look it up on google if you don't know what I'm talking about, you seem like you'd enjoy it) [quote] Also, research the names [i]in detail[/i], they do a lot to reveal the connections between the people involved (at least according to my analysis). And [i]DON'T[/i] ignore the Dream Gazing at the end. The old man's words are more than they seem.[/QUOTE] Yes, I realized this when in a later episode the pointed out the relation between a character and the man's ramblings. I started to go back to the older episodes just to watch the Previews of episodes I've already seen! Fox, Cow, Butterfly... With knowledge of which term relates to which character, the old man's jargon actually starts to make sense! Kinda scary... o.O If anyone hasn't seen Episodes 5 and 6 yet, I suggest you watch out... Those two really play with your mind. o.O -ArV
  23. [quote name='SuperSJ3][COLOR=RoyalBlue']Personally I agree with dposse, Goku is the most important character in DB/Z/GT. Simple because everyone who comes to earth wants to either fight Goku, blow up the planet, or get the dragon balls...[/COLOR][/quote] Well, d'uh. The whole series was made FOR Goku. Just like PkMn, the whole series was made for Satoshi. All the events take place around Goku, everything was written with him in mind as the hero. Goku just wont allow anyone else to stand in the spotlight. Remember when Gohan had the chance to defeat Cell? The authors wouldn't even let Gohan have at least a LITTLE bit of glory without Goku hogging acknowledgement by boosting the powerblast! Goku is the main character. The series was made for him to be important. [quote name='SuperSJ3][COLOR=RoyalBlue']...the main reason Frieza, King Piccalo, and may others came to earth; if Goku was there to stop them there would be no Earth, DB/Z/GT, or many thing else who would safe the world. Hercule? Seriously.[/COLOR][/quote] Wow, that was hard to understand. [quote name='edited'](Goku is) the main reason Frieza, King Piccolo, and many others came to Earth; if Gokue wasn't there to stop them there would be no Earth, DB, Z, GT or many other things. Who else would save the world? Hercule? Seriously.[/quote] -_- Now that it's comprehendable, didn't King Piccolo come to Earth after the Dragon Balls were made? In fact I thought they were made by Kami-sama, who of course co-existed at the same time as King Piccolo or Piccolo, with rememberance of his old planet Namek. *shrugs* I think the most important character is Mr. Popo for his cool vest. If Goku did not exist, who would be the leading character? -_- I can't think of anyone, Goku influenced too many people in this series. So second to Goku it'd have to be Roshi in Dragon Ball, Vegeta in Dragon Ball Z and Trunks in Dragon Ball GT. -ArV
  24. A mix between Japanese and American animation isn't as uncommon as you'd think. The examples given above were great examples and explanations. Other western series' you can take into account usually have a main artist who is a fan of eastern styles, or an executive who sees money making ideas. Totally spies, I agree, is apparently an example of the latter. It takes Japanese-style anime art and places it in a western 'cartoon' storyline. A horrible show if you ask me. There are also series that have started in the western world and been adapted in Japan. There are Manga for Batman in Japan, and even Spiderman! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Transformers were American ideas initially but have series' done in Japan (It might be the other way around?). In fact, the original Anime itself, Astro Boy was created as a copy of western cartoons. The large eyes, disporportionate heads and simplistic style apparently originated from Disney cartoons copied and altered. This is an interesting topic, which probably surprises most. -ArV
  25. Dagger-dono, I believe this would've been the best episode to make a Joke Chapter with. XD It was hillarious. But I still want a special. *sniff* As for the manga? That is... strange, to say the least. Peace Maker Kurogane relies heavily on information from Shinsengumi Imon Peacemaker (like I said earlier) so if people are thrown in, it will make very little sense. -_- Though... There is a chance... Unless I'm mistaken, Peace Maker Kurogane and Shinsengumi Imon Peacemaker were of the same artist but different manga company. What if the same thing happens in North America? With Shinsengumi being release first of course, that wouldn't be so bad. Though the only reason I could see for this would be the company holding the rights of Shinsengumi wouldn't want to sell to ADV. Problem with that theory is if they don't want to sell the manga to ADV they might not want to sell at all... -ArV Post Script - I just checked and the cover for Shinsengumi says "GanGan Comics" and the cover for Peace Maker says "Blade Comics"
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