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So I've just finished watching the first four episodes of the series and [i]wow[/i] what a cliiffhanger. These are my theories and attempts to understand the series so far. 1. All the victims in this series are [spoiler]crazy. Schizophrenia, multiple personalities, delleusions, paranoia, you name it one of the victim's have got it.[/spoiler] 2. All the victims in this series are [spoiler]being relieved form something when attacked by Shounen Bat. This is probably the most obvious. Even one of the police have said it. Something like... 'These victims all seem to be relieved that they were attacked.'[/spoiler] 3. The little pink doll is [spoiler]evil. Her master noticed the boy on television and tried to remember where she knew him. The doll turned the terebi off and insisted that she didn't try. Hmm... I wonder why... The doll always [i]seems[/i] supportive. Notice how she was encouraging her in Episode 1 (listen to how the voice actor is talking) but how manipulative is she? Especially that last shot in the ending is very suspicious... [/spoiler] 4. Hm~ still wondering what [spoiler]510 has to do with the first victim. 1 can relate to the young boy because his nickname was 'Ichi" meaning 'one'. But 510? gohyakujuu... What were the two characters written before 510 during the first episode? They could be "7=" or "A(Katakana) Ni(Katakana)[/spoiler] *shrugs* That's just what I could think of. I'd like to see the opinions of whoever else saw this series. :) -ArV
Hm... My Post got Deleted. Damn "Back" Button. -_- I'm not surprised that the Peace Maker Kurogane anime is being dubbed. But I don't know if it'll be the same if they don't make Tetsu energetic enough at the right times and mellow at others. I'll also miss Shinpachi's voice. I can't picture a voice that'll match with his in english. :-s I hope they cast a female voice for Okita. That's the only way it'll sound right. As for the manga? One can only dream that they'll translate it well. This is definately one of my favourite manga. It has great art, and at times it takes breaks when it needs to be funny. So detailed... So funny XD. If they screw it up... -_- *sighs* I guess I'll buy it anyway. The Manga Series they bring to the west can definately not be Peace Maker Kurogane if they're not bringing over Shinsengumi Imon Peace Maker because the former is a sequel of the latter. You can't read PMK without SIPM unless, like JazzLady-san said, people will be confused. If that ADV company is translating it, I will be scared. *wonders what they will put instead of the Star Spangled Banner* NO. NO SPANISH IN ANCIENT JAPAN!!! AHHHHHHH~~ -ArV Edit: I just found a "Peace Maker Kurogane: Special" It's downloading but it just started. Anyone know anything about it? Edit 2: -_-U I just found out it was a joke episode. Take an episode and translate it wrong. Ugh... I was hoping for a real one. *tear*
[QUOTE=Fushigi Rockna]Do you think all of the characters will be in it, or will characters like Malik be left out? I think Shaadi's gonna be in it for sure. Don't know about Malik and Isis, but I think Shaadi defiantely. Kaiba BETTER be in it, or else there will be a very MAD FR around for them to deal with. :flaming: (well of course he's gonna be in it... I hope...)[/QUOTE] Well, the Press Release said it would be after Battle City. I don't know what that means. If Malik is in there, he would have a very small role in the movie, I would think. Kaiba would have a bigger chance at making a dent. I'm curious.. Why do you say Shaadi would be there for sure? [quote]They said the loser was killed by some way and I hate the fact that 4KIDS kills any anime it gets its hand on influencing it with the feeble minds of American adults and populos.[/quote] Something like that... There was no "shadow realm" in the original. Just the Yami no Yugi, Game of Darkness. I guess they changed it because kids would wonder what this Game of Darkness is and the smart ones might ask why it only affects Duel Monsters. XD *shrugs* or not. -_- -ArV
[QUOTE=JazzLady22] Like, for instance, the reappearing black cat (malevolent Kuroneko... I love you, Dagger.) According to a popular myth, just before his death, Okita was trying to kill a black cat. I don't know much more about the myth, but I do know that one time, the cat shows up when [spoiler]Okita seems sick.[/spoiler] Not only that, but he shows up at several other parts in the show, all of them rather dark situations [spoiler](that last scene with Suzu, anyone?)[/spoiler] [/QUOTE] I thought I remember reading somewhere how Suzu was associated with Black Cats. I could be wrong... In the Manga Peace Maker Kurogane, after Ikeda-Ya Toudou Heisuke came accross [spoiler]a bunch of black cats and a little boy dressed and acting like one.[/spoiler] Since the site has not release the next scanlated chapter I don't really know what that plot is about... hmm... But it seems mysterious no? takusan no kuroi neko -ArV
I saw the whole Anime Series. Sucks that they cut it off. I hear the Manga gets more gory, gruesome, and sexual but also better story afterwards. I liked how they put a late scene as the first episode and started all over again. Great anime it was. Too short. -ArV
[quote]Don't kill me okay? ^^; I mean no harm, and it's not like I'm a new fan of YGO. I'm pretty much obssessed with it. I didn't mean to offend you if I did. [/quote] *shrugs* The dub is aimed for children. The original preteens and teenagers. The manga, teenagers. I wonder how that new Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga will be like... I hope the movie will be aimed at a higher age level.. -_- -ArV
[QUOTE=Fushigi Rockna]Oh boy.... Frankly I could care less if a movie came out. YGO is one of the most popular CHILDREN'S show out there at the moment, just like Pokemon and Digimon were. It's only about time they make a movie for it. Whether or not it does good or not will be decided when it comes out.[/QUOTE] Oh Gee... This is exactly why I didn't want the series to become a dubbed show. Yes, the 4Kids version is for CHILDREN. Was the original? NO! The show revolved around a boy with dark powers who would do malicious things to evil people who lost at his game of darkness. The second series is a bit more tame but still aimed towards 14+ audience. THE DAMN DUBBIES RUINED THE SERIES. RUINED THE ********** *goes on rampage* And the movie.. argh.. -_- *must.. wait.. towatch...before...complaining* -ArV
[QUOTE=Godelsensei][Color=Gray] [FONT=Courier New]What the hell are you talking about? o.o Naruto's character development and relationship-development is brilliant, for the most part. The only dull part of the show is Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry. *yawn* They're just...dull. Blah. [/font][/color] [/quote] Naruto is a fun series to watch. Fun battles, funny jokes. And at times, edge of seat battles. But the biggest complaints I've gotten from friends (none of these are my own) are that: 1. It suffered the same over suspensful 20 episode=2 minute fight scenes. Though Naruto for sure was much better than Dragonball Z in this area, I do recall watching an episode where the first 10 minutes was a flashback. -_- 2. A lot of long/drawn out/boring fights. This complaint was actually given by someone who liked the series. Around the episodes of the Chuunin Test 3'rd Preliminaries (wow that was a long breath...) they found a lot of the matches to be too repetitive and well.. boring. 3. Then comes the complaints about artwork. Naruto isn't the best artwork in the business to begin with, and at times during the Anime it just gets sloppy. Keep in mind that I do like Naruto, and I am patiently waiting for the scanlation of the newest manga. You should know that Godel-san XP [quote][color=gray] [font=courier new] Something that never appealed to me was the concept of sport-based anime and manga. I've never read any, but they don't seem very alluring. The strangest thing I've ever heard of was a twenty volume manga about golf. GOLF.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well, great manga and anime have been created from the most unlikely sources. I never actually watched/read Sports Anime/Manga, but I hear lots of great reviews about these series, which I probably will never watch. Who would've thought though, that a manga/anime created from a "boring" game would come up with such a great and fan-loved series such as Hikaru no Go? Though I have to agree with you again. -_- I naturally turn away from Sports Anime. [quote name='ReFlux']Dragon Ball Z: It got me into anime, but then I saw that it was just a drop in an ocean.[/quote] Dragonball Z was what made me into a fanatic. I used to be a dubby. But please, now I love to make fun of it. Freiza: No way you can get me Goku! The planet will blow up in 2 minutes! *wind blows~* Goku: ... *wind blows~* Goku: I will destroy you Frieza! *charges* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *becomes Super Saya-jin. *wind blows~* ~Next Time on Dragonball Z~ Frieza: The planet will blow up in 1 more minute Goku! BWAHAHAHA! *wind blows~* Goku: ... *wind blows~* Goku: ... Your Evil will Never Continue Frieza!! *wind blows~* [quote]Gundam Wing: Sell out to the Gundam series, filled with pretty boys who are monotonous and bland. And the Gundams are indestructible and unreaslistic.[/quote] I think Gundam Wing was more of a trade off. The reason it was the first Gundam Series to become dubbed and extremely marketed was because it was one of the first steps taken by the Gundam franchises to try to attract female fans to the series. The franchise made a better attempt with Seed, a very soap opera-ish Series focusing much on emotional aspect of the victims of war where Gundam W focused on politics. I liked Gundam W, but I found some scenes to be dull. Though at the time it was released on TV I thought the duller an anime the better it was as long as it had mecha. XD I still like Gundam W, but find it difficult to watch some of the episodes again. I liked the g-boys!!! *wind blows~* er. yah. -ArV
Alright, I finally saw the Last Episode! (note to self, if I don't want to destroy computer again, stay away from registry) Wow. This Episode had very [spoiler]little fighting[/spoiler] for a [spoiler]samurai animep[/spoiler] finale. But I loved it. Every minute of it. My definate favourite part was the ending where they [spoiler]played the Hey Jimmy song while still showing shots from the anime.[/spoiler] It suited it very well. A scene that didn't surprise me, but physically shocked me when I saw it was when [spoiler]Suzu was holding the wrapped up head of Yoshida. I saw him holding that last episode, but.. wow. Poor kid.[/spoiler] I agree that this ending a) made it very open to a sequel. b) give it a great closure and finale. c) makes you want to scream, SEQUEL!!! BRING ON THE SEQUEL!!! As for re-examining the series, first I'd like to watch it again. XD Maybe I can marathon with some of my friends... NEW RECRUITS!!! Make them fight Souji! XD -ArV
I can't wait for Issue 210. Taking a while. I hope in that Issue [spoiler]we'll see what really did happen to Lee-kun. :) My theory > He went through the surgery, but he hasn't recovered yet. OR he HAS recovered. :) Maybe he can do Jutsu!!! OR HE'S STRONGER THAN EVER!!! *calms down* anyawy...[/spoiler] As for the anime, I agree. The voice of that Sand-nin seems very masculine. Strange. I wonder why they did this? Was [spoiler]Yashamaru Gaara's Aunt or Uncle in the Manga? I can't seem to remember...[/spoiler] -ArV
Godel-san: A lot of people did not like PMK because of the very slow pace it took to complete the story. To be honest, at around Episode 7, my attention on PMK was weak. Dagger-dono: Naruto is not as deep as many would like. Fact is, it's aimed at young boys and based with the creator of the Dragon Ball series in mind. The first arc reminds lots of people I know of Dragon Ball Z. That's what turns them away most of the time. Me? The following aren't necessarily 'bad' anime, just anime I could not watch. Escaflowne. I fell asleep during Escaflowne. Mind you, I've only seen the first episode of the original, the rest was watched on FoxKids, but I couldn't keep awake, no matter how bright it was outside. The series seemed episodic, and each episode seemed to slow moving to actually be interesting. The characters were pretty, even if unfashionable, but I couldn't find an appeal for the mecha very much. Digimon. Digimon was a series I liked during Series 1, the original DigiDestined. That was original. That was fun. That was interesting. Series 2 seemed to try and milk off of Series 1. The third Series I found boring, lacking the same appeal as the first. The fourth, I couldn't bear to watch. I liked Digimon initially, but as Seasons went by, I drifted away. Just like... Pokémon. Fun Anime for kids at first. Great craze many people went wild for. Long quest with good friends. Very long quest. Lots of gyms. Lots and lots of gyms. Geez, does that guy's feet ever get tired? Every episode it's the same. Ash makes friends, Team Rocket tries to steal Pokémon, Team Rocket blasts off again. I think what I found to be the most entertaining part of the anime would be during the Pokémon League arc where Team Rocket quit trying to be "bad guys" and set up a kiosk and tried to sell things. Metropolis. Intersting concept. Strange animation.. Confusing story... The movie just wasn't entertaining for me. It didn't really make me think either. I tried to visualize what the anime was about, but in the end I just gave up. .hack//sign. My friends loved .hack//sign but I just found the series boring. The story is so complex and twisted that you can't understand what's going on. My friends say "They don't want you to understand. It's supposed to be confusing." Which I never really got. It was just so confusing and so much work to watch, I didn't find it interesting enough to warrent enough energy to my brain to try to untangle the knots the authors give. Godannar. It seemed the anime was an excuse to show tits, a** and mecha together. -_- I found it degrading, insulting, and boring. -ArV
DeathBug you've convinced me to stop. No more ragging on the movie. The movie may be a flaw, the movie may be great, the whole reason I was ranting and raving was because 4Kids changes the original product. You don't like it, I don't like it, but the fact is if they change it to make money. There goal is to make money, but with more money comes more Yu-Gi-Oh! Though the quality of the product... I tend to feel cheated. I feel I want the original anime like t he creator wanted it. A sacrafice we have to make I guess. I was originally against bring the series to the American shores. If they hadn't, there wouldn't be enough people in the school who actually knew what a Black Magician is (heck I wonder how many do [i]now[/i]). Though I'd probably still be playing the game... I have a few things I must reply to your post though... Call me Anal Retentive. [quote]Takashi-san is still the owner of the property.[/quote] It's Takahashi. With a ha. [quote]Again, how can the Japanese companies change the product they release?[/quote] My point was that the Japanese Television and Movie Makers often kept to the original story without changing things for money as often as American Companies do. Although this is definately up for debate, especially among those who compare manga with anime. (This is why I don't debate anymore. -_- I find flaws in myself.) [quote]And taking over the world? Can we ask Yami Bakura, both Mariks, or Gozoboro Kaiba about that?[/quote] I didn't mean to say that the very common theme of revenge and "Taking over the world bwahaha~" is not found in anime. The list of western examples of such were in reply to your phrase saying... we've never seen the themes of revenge or 'taking over the world with a millenium item' in your previous post. But I digress, I'm not here to continue a now stale argument. -_- I tire quickly. [quote name='Solo Tremaine']I'm not denying that it could be bad. I just don't know yet.[/quote] Solo-san is correct in saying, I cannot judge the movie until I see it. For now, I find a better use of my time. -ArV
DeathBug you pretty much proved my point. I don't know where you're from or what you do but you might as well be a conglomorate corporation. Are you a loyal Yu-Gi-Oh! fan? I wouldn't know. I don't know you. But from your post you seem to be more inclined to be in favour of making money than making or protecting anime. That and "Takashi". Why did Takahashi write the Yu-Gi-Oh original manga? Why do ANY manga artists become manga artists? Because that's what they are, artists. Do they sell their work? YES. Does that make any of their work any less valuable emotionally to them? NO. If you've actually taken the time to create something, even if it wasn't for yourself, you will feel pretty attached to it and proud if it has matured into something that you can be proud of. A series practically a decade in the making especially. Yes, Takahashi is probably getting more money from the American Franchise. Yes, the Japanese companies are probably earning profits also. Takahashi might not watch his characters becoming "Americanized" but when you know someone is destroying something you created, something you poured your heart into, it's kind of hard to ignore. And if you say he did not work hard or care about his manga, you have not seen his more recent volumes. Takahashi will be earning money. But what is this? Money over matter? Why must money be the object that destroys everything? It destroys lives, people, why must it now take over Anime? If your rebuttal will resemble anything near "Money is the world baby," then I must ask, why do the Japanese Companies need not destroy the series? Why must the American Companies that kill everything when the Japanese are [i]obviously[/i] creating a success from the phenomenon. Is it the Japanese are better at making money? Or maybe they hold a priority over artistic and original work over a profit. No, few people will make things for free. There are not many people who like being a starving artist. But if the Japanese Companies don't have to change anything, why must the Americans? If they don't like something, don't change it. If they wont make money from that, DON'T BUY INTO IT. Especially don't buy into something if you're going to just change it into another american stereotypical [i]cartoon[/i]. The plot of this 'anime' [i]is[/i] laughable. Has it been done in Yu-Gi-Oh! before? No. Has it been done before? YES. Revenge? Taking over the world? Please. If I can't go to a blockbuster and pull 10 movies off the new releases or cartoon shelves I will eat my hat. Hey I have an idea, let's compare this plot with American Comics! Revenge? The Joker fell in a vat of acid and came back for [COLOR=DarkRed]revenge[/color]. The Riddler was fired by Wayne Enterprises. Came back for [COLOR=DarkRed]revenge[/color]. Posion Ivy's lab was *something* by Wayne Enterprises. Came back for [COLOR=DarkRed]revenge[/color]. The Penguin was raised by birds. :drunk: On to Spiderman. The Green Goblin lost his company's project to another company. Came back for [COLOR=DarkRed]revenge[/color]. The Green Goblin was killed by Spiderman. His son came back for [COLOR=DarkRed]revenge[/color]. And that' s just from two comics... OH! And Taking over the world??? That is a joke. No, really, it's a running gag on Kim Possible that takes advantage of that age old stereotype that villains want to "TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" If the s*itload of villains in that series aren't enough to show how corny that topic is, we could always ask Mojo Jojo from the Powerpuff girls to help us with examples. -_- The point is, that theme is worn out. Do we know much about the plot? No, I'll give you that, but what more do we need to know? I'll keep an open mind and watch the movie, but I can not lie about what is truth. The American corporation changed an original and fun manga concept, a boy playing games with a dark spirit inside of him, to another stereotypical sell-out. Does money run the world? Maybe. That would mean that it's money that is destroying this work that so many have loved for years. That's enough to make a fuss about. -ArV
Ugh... I spent a half hour with this stupid keyboard with a malfunctioning S key typing something and it got deleted. Stupid errors. =_= This Yu-Gi-Oh! movie is an abomination. It is a corporate cashcow created by 4Kids Entertainment to milk the rewards of Kazuki Takahashi's piece of art without thought or care to the original form. The plot is unthinkable and the concept laughable. The American Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie is a slap in the face of Kazuki Takahashi and LOYAL fans of the series. 4Kids Entertainment Incorperated created this whole concept with the goal of making as much as possible, at all costs. The press release itself almost proves it itself. [quote name='Press Release']This press release contains forward-looking statements. Due to the fact that 4Kids Entertainment, Inc., faces competition from toy companies, television networks, motion picture studios and other licensing companies, and the uncertainty of public response to the Company's properties, actual results or outcomes may differ materially from any such forward-looking statements.[/quote] 4Kids feals pressure from other Companies in the United States and is taking the Yu-Gi-Oh! series big screen as a venture to stay competitive. Any other thoughts, like ruining the story, warping an original concept around for a capalitic notion, are out of mind. This movie, takes characters from Kazuki Takahashi's original series and puts them in a movie with a theme so familiar and western, the series would be all but ruined. [quote]In YU-GI-OH!: The Movie, after the conclusion of the Battle City Tournament, deep below the sands of Egypt, an ancient evil has awakened. Anubis, who was defeated centuries ago by Yugi?s mysterious alter ego ? the ancient Pharaoh ? has returned for revenge. Wielding the power of the Eighth Millennium Item, Anubis is determined to destroy Yugi and take over the world![/quote] The concept is so out of [i]whack[/i] with the original series that any [i]true[/i] Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan could not fail to note the holes this movie puts in the story and destruction it brings from within. [INDENT]Eight Millennium Item? Not. Possible. Can be discussed in future reference if requested. Returned for revenge? Take over the world? Would you like me to call Kim Possible? I'm sure she's had enough experience with the vengeful-villain-who-wants-to-take-over-the-world type.[/INDENT] This outrageous movie will spread, and already is, a pure wave of repulse among true Yu-Gi-Oh! fans and is worthy only for the intended audience of Soccer Moms and 8 Year Olds they dumbed the series down for. After Kazuki Takahashi spent years of work on a manga and card game that people loathe, love and learn from (like all pieces of art) 4Kids is tearing the work down for every penny, every dollar that can be sucked out of it as the American franchise it has become. The movie will be released in the United States first, and for that I am glad. If this movie were to be shown to the fanbase in Japan that has followed the series since its infancy to Atem-sama's wicked-*** goodbye, I would expect little more than :eek: :flaming: :sleep: :D :ball: :sick: :fart: :sweat: what I, and all those opposed to this movie feel. If this movie will become a success, 4Kids can be sure to thank those Soccer Moms and 8 year olds that go for the free cards because the true Yu-Gi-Oh fans, the ones the series was originally intended for, will only be able to wonder what went wrong. -ArV
[quote name='Darius_Stomu']It's so that dedicated WotC fans don't think that they're going chibi-ish on us.[/quote] Um... I thought this game was from the Manga, Duel Masters? They started off in the manga playing Magic: The Gathering, and then switched to a more "original" game. Duel Masters. That's why the game is so similar. I hardly believe that the creaters of Magic: The Gathering expect people to just drop the M:TG decks they've held onto and worked hard on for years and years to play a new game which is so similar. Rather, I believe that the target audience of Wizards of the Coast's Duel Masters would be better spent with younger or newer card players who would play because of the anime on TV. [quote]They WANT the gameing to remain difficult. Unlike Yu-gi-oh which can make it so you're invincible (God cards...phht!).[/quote] As DeathBug stated, God Cards are not allowed in gameplay, they were release as collector's items. The game play in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters is actually mroe complicated than Duel Masters. There are simple rules in YGO-DM to attack and defend, but at the moment there are so many phases, card types, card modes, and cards basically that the newer game Duel Masters seems very simple and plain compared to YGO-DM! As for "invincible" in YGO-DM? Any deck created in YGO-DM can be countered and destroyed by another deck. That deck in turn can be defeated by another sort of deck. Each deck has its weakness, just like in M:TG and Duel Masters. It's pretty naive of you to say those ethings. [quote]I'm sure that if Konami, the makers of YGO Trading Card Game, make another card game, they would have nearly the same things as YGO has: Sacking monsters for monsters, traps, magic, stuff like that.[/QUOTE] The original game for YGO-DM was based off the Manga's card game: Magic and Wizards. The game consisted of you putting Monster cards down on a field and using those monsters to attack your opponent's army of monsters. Special power ups can be created from different cards. The traits you speak of only evolved into the game after time. Even now in Japan and the western world the game is evolving and changing. You cannot generalize and say [i]Konami did this once, I'm sure they'll do it again,[/i] when there has been no evidence of such but rather more of an inclination to show how Konami and Kazuki Takahashi [b]works[/b] at their projects whole heartedly, trying to please all the fans who play while remaining true and original to the game itself. I think your post was unresearched, biased and just out to slander Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters and Duelists everywhere. Don't put words together and assume they're correct just because you said so. If you put a little more effort into what you wrote it might even be easier to take you seriously. -ArV
I created this thread because I'm curious as to how many people actually watch Opening Themes and/or Ending Themes to different Anime. This question is mostly directed to those who can fast-forward through OPs, but can be applied to anyone. Who watches OPs and EDs? I myself tend to watch an Opening Theme if it will add clues and/or suggestions to the plot (ie. Gundam Seed - Pretty Much all of them) or is just cool and fun to watch (ie. Naruto - Haruka Kanata)! I noticed I ddin't watch EDs for shows when they were too slow... and put me to sleep (ie. Yu-Gi-Oh! - Rakuen). Another question is, do people prefer to listen to an OP or watch? I like to listen to the OP or ED of a song seperately, but when I'm watching, I tend to rate an OP because of the Video and what's happening visually. Favourite OPs Cowboy Bebop Movie - ASK DNA Naruto - Haruka Kanata (PS2 Version) Card Captor Sakura - Purachina Samuri Pizza Cats - Same Title! Read or Die - OVA -ArV Edit: This thread was originally supposed to contain a poll, but the process crashed my computer somewhat, so I aporogize.
Hmm.. I felt the same way as you did DaggerIX1-san, that's why I have tried to go through my Peace Maker anime, and I've read what's scanlated by Mangacity to find any info on the [spoiler]female ninja[/spoiler]. Although I can't seem to find much stating how she [spoiler]is a foreign ninja[/spoiler], I did see a few things. In the Anime there were [spoiler]3 Ninjas[/spoiler] on the Choshuu payroll. In the manga Shinsengumi Imon Peace Maker, there are only [spoiler]3 Ninjas including Susume and Ayunee. The two other female Ninjas (which I found pretty useless in the anime) seemed to have been made for the anime.[/spoiler] Except maybe to give [spoiler]Akesato-san[/spoiler] a bit of character and personality by giving [spoiler]her someone to talk to?[/spoiler] It seems that there was another character too, [spoiler]Hana-chan[/spoiler] that wasn't in the manga itself. I have a question to you guys. What do you think they'll be doing in the final episode? A confrontation between [spoiler]Tetsu[/spoiler] and [spoiler]Suzu[/spoiler] maybe? Something to do with [spoiler]Ryouma[/spoiler] perhaps? Maybe we'll be given enough room for a [spoiler]sequal[/spoiler] like the [spoiler]original manga?[/spoiler] I'd like to hear some of your ideas. ^-^
From the great review the two of you have been giving this series, I decided to try my hand at downloading it. I have to say... wow. :eek: This is the first time in a long time that I have viewed anime like this. ^-^ The animation, though simple compared to the popular bishounen or even bishoujo style reminds me of something I'd expect out of a full length movie. The characters are deep and mysterious, the story is unnerving, and although at first I thought the music to be kind of corny I found it totally freaky! I can't wait to see the next episodes, but I have to watch this again first... -ArV ps. That big guy (frog eyed DaggerIX1 called him?) really scares me... Though he [i]seems[/i] like a good guy...
[quote name='rata']Actually, that game is a bit more like Magic the gathering and as a TCG it is way better than Yugi, just the fact that it is from wizards of the coast says inuff about this series, and about copies thats the same they said about Digimon when pokemon was popular so in a while the whole copy thing will be over.[/quote] 1. Duel Monsters was from Konami Japan. Don't even [i]think[/i] of comparing the American Duel Monsters to the original. 2. Duel Masters is KIND of an obvious give away in the copying department. Digimon did NOT copy Pocket Monsters. Where does it seem similar? Duel Masters (let's call it DM), just from the name, is so similar to Duel Monsters (let's call it DM) that you can't compare this comparison to the former comparison, Pocket Monsters and Digimon. 3. I will look more into this game and post edit this post. -ArV [i]addendum[/i] I looked into the card game of Duel Masters. Frankly, the main character scares me... Anyway, the game play is simple, as is the animation, which leads me to believe the target audience is of a younger stature than Yu-Gi-Oh! and Duel Monsters was in Japan. For all I care it could be an older target audience than Yu-Gi-Oh! in the west... But I digress. As others in this thread have stated, it's similar to MTG as well as YGO-DM. You use monsters to attack, called Creature Cards, and you can use Spell cards to affect the game, and you use Mana to summon Creatures or Spells. An twist I found interesting is that instead of using Lands like in Magic, any card can become a Mana card when you turn it upside down. Another interesting point in this game is that you don't use LP like the other two games. The game is won after you are attacked directly, though a direct attack can only be made after 5 counter cards, called shield cards, are attacked and destroyed. What's interesting to note about these Shield Cards, to make them unique, is that one the cards are destroyed (as shield cards) they resume their previous form (be it spell or creature) and return to your hand and you can use them later in the game (unless it's a special blah blah card) Although the gameplay is interesting at a glance, something I could not credit YGO~DM or MTG for, the game seems to lack a certain excitement factor that I found in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters from Trap Cards that can be activated on your opponents turn. Also the amount of cards you have seems to be very limited as in, creatures, spells, blah. This and the simpleness of the rules lead me to believe (without a doubt) that the game will become infinately more complicated with many more changes. Being such a simple game, I rate this game 2 out of 5. To improve, I'd say, show me a way to counter an opponents attack with spells, rather than Shield and Defender cards. Show me some diversity in the rules, the way there's diversity in the cards. -ArV
Hm. Sorry about that Sasuke-kun. Sorry about that Godel-san. I was pretty excited. Although Sasuke-kun, how could you have been angry about the episode? That episode was about [spoiler]Sasuke[/spoiler] vs [spoiler]Gaara[/spoiler] and the [i]next[/i] episode will be the [spoiler]Naruto fight[/spoiler]. Unless you're right and it's a [spoiler]flashback[/spoiler] episode. Though, if it is one of those, the manga took up a whole chapter for that. The anime might take up half of an episode? This'll be a [spoiler]big fight though. [/spoiler] ^-^ Definately can't wait to see it. There's action enough in this episode though... It's a good fight, it surprised even me. (Advantage to such a long delay between anime and manga release is you forget details.) I might have said this... bad memory... -ArV
Ninetails390, this kind of talk disgusts me. It disgusts me that more people dont think like that. We already assured in this debate, the problem is not the [I]population[/I], but what the popularion is doing! In fact, our population could be considered a strong point! We have over 6 billion people at our disposal. Do we have means to feed them? Ask the obese in North America. Do we have a place to house them? Take a look at Canadian wilderness. Do we really need them? Yes! If everybody took heart, if everybody [i]cared[/i], if nobody took more than needed, if nobody was [i]greedy[/i], we could make a world that [i]everybody[/i] would love, and [i]nobody[/i] would be able to turn away. But most people don't care. Of course not. The world will may be destroyed by us humans, but I'll be dead by then. The human race might kill itself, but I wont be involved, it's past my time. Why should I care if the pollution will kill my great-great-great-great-grandchildren? Why [i]should[/i] you care? Why should [i]I[/i] care so much if it's so far away? [b]It's not far away.[/b] What the human race is doing isn't affecting the Earth and its Ecozones in the future, it's affecting us NOW. [b]A river caught fire.[/b] Not even by today's pollution, which is worse than anybody at the time could think of, but by the pollution created by a city 30 years ago. 30 years ago!! A river caught fire!! River, water, giver of life, and it got so polluted, so contaminated with our junk, it caught fire! What humans are doing and the way they're acting is affecting us all. It's not his caused by over-population. And it's definately some other guy's problem but not yours. This is a problem that concerns ALL OF US. This is a problem that will kill YOU, and every single of your overpopulating crowd unless [b]everyone[/b] takes concern, and [b]everyone[/b] works. And the more people there are supporting, the easier it will be to get more people involved. Become involved, join the army. :whoops: The more people involved... Ah just care. If enough of you stop being narrow-minded and cynical, things can change, in our lifetime. -ArV
[QUOTE=Godelsensei] [Spoiler]AIYA!!!!! Lee-kun!!! *jumps around* I was so worried he was gonna die!! T_T He better whup Kimimaro's ***.[/Spoiler] [/QUOTE] Refering to the manga - If you haven't read the most recent chapter don't read -> [spoiler]He's BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! YEEEEEEEES! I thought Lee was going to be forgotten or left behind or died or... HE'S BACK!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY! Naruto is about to be killed and then I'm thinking "Naruto how are you going to get out of this?" All I see on the next page is "Konoha Whirlwind!!!" And I'm all :eek: Then next is the... COOL POSE LEE!!! BWAHAHAHAHA~!~~ He's BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!! YES!!!![/spoiler] Take that, Gaara. XD [spoiler]
[quote name='sarah3099']It's some show Japan made in the late 80's or so, but they took it off after a while. They're putting it back on and they've apperently revised the anime because the last time I saw anything 'astroboy' it looked like anime from beforeI was born.[/quote] 1980s? Astroboy originated in the early 60s! The new one is the 2003 version. -ArV
It's been a while since I've seen this show... But I remember forcing my girlfriend to watch it at Anime North because I loved it so much. She, like everyone else in the room, could not find room to breath between our laughs. After showing my sister the first episode (or one of the first episodes... I seem to have noticed different versions) they couldn't stop replaying the commercial breaks where, I think, Chiyo-chan is mixing something in a bow singing her song... "Tsukurimashou Tsukurimashou Sate Sate Nani Ga dekiru ka na..." -ArV
[quote name='JazzLady22']Either way, there's a question I have. If Ryouma was so dilligently opposed to any foreigners, why does he spout random English like a fountain in PMK? Just lack of research on the creators' part, or they needed comic relief?[/quote] DaggerIX1-dono explained this in her second and third last paragraphs. [QUOTE=DaggerIX1]Unlike Ryoma, (Katsu) had visited the United States and thus knew exactly how powerful the American military truly was. When Ryoma came to execute him, he stayed calm, explaining his main reason for supporting openness: Japan could not resist the foreigners unless it was capable of emulating their strength. Ryoma became an instant convert to Katsu's ideology.[/QUOTE] As for who do I think killed father Ichimura? I hate to say it, but I now have to agree. [spoiler]There is so much evidence pointing towards Hijikata and the Shinsengumi. My arguments... - Ichimura was a Peace Maker and loyal to the government who wanted to open up Japan. Basically the Shinsengumi's best friend. Counter - There is no evidence to say he wanted to open up Japan. He was like Ryoma in acceptance of learning other cultures to make Japan stronger. For all we know, he might have been a Loyalist like the Choshuu who wanted the borders closed. Far from being Shinsengumi's best friend... - The Ichimura joined the Shinsengumi for revenge. Why would they join their father's nemesis, even to avenge their death? Counter - The Ichimura brothers joined the Shinsengumi because they assumed the killer of their father was of the Choshuu clan. Had the brothers known that the Shinsengumi murdered their parents, they would have joined the Choshuu clan. That being said, Ryoma seemed to think that since the Ichimura brothers were the sons of Father Ichimura, they would have the same motives as him, revolutionising the government. Why would he think this unless said father shared his ideas with Ryoma? Also note that Tatsunosuke seemed to have the same opinions and reactions for Ryoma's ideals as he did with his fathers... hmm...[/spoiler] -ArV I seem to write a lot of long posts on this. Sorry guys.