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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. [quote=canislune_via_DaggerIX1][spoiler] I was a bit vague in my post, but what I meant is that I don't think that Yoshida was the killer at all. I think that he and the Choushuu were framed by someone who... 1) Fits the killer's physical profile 2) Recognized the name Ichimura when he first heard it and knew right away that Tetsu had joined the Shinsengumi in order to avenge his parents' murders. 3) Still has a heart and would take the younger son under his 'care' as a penance or form of absolution. in other words. Hijikata-san ._. [/spoiler][/quote] Well in the first Chapter of the Manga, Tetsu said "I wonder how he found out." [quote][spoiler] That's the first thing I thought of (and ignored, IGNORED I tell you) when I marathoned through the first 15 episodes when I first watched the show (Spoilers Herein): - Hijikata seemed startled at the mention of the name "Ichimura" in episode one; - Yoshida and Hijikata have been described as very similar - this is observed by Tetsu in his conversation with Suzu; - Okita, being the "child of a demon" has the same eyes as Yoshida, and Hijikata himself; [/spoiler][/quote]I recognised the second one the first time around. I recognised the first one after a few more times around.[quote][spoiler] As for motivation? Hijikata (as well as the Shinsengumi), as a supporter of the shogunate government, may very well have had anti-foreign sentiments. And this could have been well before the shinsengumi were formed - 2 years? Entirely possible - the political stances of people are rarely altered suddenly, so Hijikata and other sympathizers of the government may have, well, believed in what they believed in, and exacted justice as they saw fit. If Daddy Ichimura was of the group of intellectuals (like Sakamoto now) that wanted to open Japan to the world, they may very well have been seen as enemies of the government's political interests and stances. [/spoiler][/quote]This is where it throws me off. This statement is off the mark.[quote][spoiler] ... Maybe. But man, I wish not. It just screws with Tetsu's brain too much. Also, when Yoshida calls Tetsu "tainted" at the shimabara, I thought he was referring to the fact that he's of the Shinsengumi. On the other hand, one might also consider that this was a time period in Japan described as one where 100 men may have 100 political stances and ideals, and none of them could really be thought of as "wrong" - Yoshida may have objected to Ichimura's methods as well as the Shinsengumi's, but it doesn't mean he actually killed him (since frankly, I've seen no motive for Yoshida to do so... which makes me suspicious. very suspicious.) [/spoiler][/quote] The government would not have wanted a person dead because they wanted to open up Japan. The Shinsengumi and its Commander, would not have wanted it either. Shinsengumi was Kyoto's Police Force. The Dog's of the Bakufu Government. Most people in who've studied Japanese History should know of the government's stance foreigners at the at the time, but for those who haven't watch Peace Maker and ask yourself what the Choushuu are trying to do, and why they're called rebels. The Baku Matsu era was started because of the arrival of the Black Ships. The American Government wanted a treaty with the Japanese Government. The Japanese Government felt pressure to agree with the Captain Perry, the advocate for the Americans. This caused turmoil among the Samurai. Many, like the Choushuu, chose to live for the phrase "Revere the Emperor, expell the foreigners." The Shinsengumi, the Dog's of the Bakufu, of course, sided with the government. Ichimura's father was a Peace Maker, and if his role was the same as Sakamoto (who's usually referred to by his first name, Ryoma) he wanted to bring unity and peace to all of Japan. Hey, just like the Bakufu and the Shinsengumi! The only reason Ryoma was sought out for was because... he's sooo funny! :hippy: Er.. The only reason Ryoma was sought out by the Shinsengumi was because Ryoma believed the only way to true peace was through to get rid of the current government and to create a new government with national laws and a new economy. I have found no evidence saying Ichimura's father is the same way. All he's referred to as is a Peace Maker. The only evidence as to which side of this issue Ichimura was on is the fact that Yoshida stated that Ichimura's son was "tainted." Although this is a subject for yet another debate, the phrase can be explained simply as Yoshida recognising Ichimura's son being the continuation of the Ichimura's life and Ichimura's possible foreigner driven ideals, thus showing the conflict between Peace Maker Ichimura's and Yoshida's ideals. -ArV Post Script~ After the time it took me to write this, I started thinking from canisline's point of view. And I do find very little evidence pointing towards Yoshida... If Yoshida didn't kill the Peace Maker, he would never have met Tetsunosuke prior to Shimabara. Yoshida's only motive for pointing out Tetsu at Shimabara would've been his Shinsengumi uniform, and afterwards his attack would've been because of Tetsu's closeness with Suzu... But for this to happen... Why did Tetsunosuke react like so when Yoshida came about? Why did he not react like so when Toushizo was introduced? Note that in the anime flashbacks, a mouth could be seen on the killer, though in the manga, the perp. is wearing something over his face showing only his eyes.
  2. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1] EDIT: [spoiler]Wasn't Tetsu's father attacked because of his willingness to associate with/be influenced by foreigners?[/spoiler][/quote] Right, there we go. Thanks. I was unsure. [spoiler]The father of the Ichimura brothers was a well-known person in the underground. Ryoma tells us this. For this reason I doubt Yoshida forgot about killing him. I sincerely doubt there was any conspiracy set up by Hijikata, Tetsu would have realized this when he saw either Hijikata or Yoshida. Also, Yoshida knows who Tetsu is. Note when Yoshida saw Tetsu in Shimabara and the later Episode when they meet again. He knows that Tetsu is the son of the "Peace Maker." I just re-watched Episode 14 to make sure and according to Tetsu's flashback, the possiblity of Yoshida not knowing Tetsu was there is ruled out. Thus the "What are you talking about?" could not have been in referal to "What are you talking about? I didn't try to leave you alive!" The only explanation I can come up with for Yoshida's response comes after watching the exchange of words between the two. Yoshida seemed to try to shock Tetsu and distract him to try and win back the fight. Well~ that or... Tetsu asked Yoshida "Why are you trying to kill me now?!" Yoshida could have been going "Well, d'uh. You came and attacked us. What are you talking about?" But with the line Tetsu asks afterwards, it doesn't fit the flow of the conversation. Of course, who thinks of the flow of a conversation when you have a sword at your neck... But I've digressed. I guess I agree with Dagger-dono's second point. Yoshida must've been playing dumb to paralyze the boy.[/spoiler] -ArV
  3. I once preferred Dubbed Anime but now prefer Subbed. I agreed with those on this thread who pointed out your attention being diverted from the animation to the dialogue. (You should listen to dialogue, watch the animation) But after a few years of watching and learning (and the inovation of the internet :D ) I learned of Anime in its original form, (What? Nappa [i]did[/i] kill those people in the helicopters?) and was deeply insulted that American studios would change an original piece of work! Although Subtitless are how I go today (unless something good is on TV) I have noticed the action I am missing when I have to take time to read a subtitle, or when a subtitle is too long or not contrasted enough to read. Thus, like Godel-san, I am trying to feel my way around the Japanese Language. =) And I get a credit for it at school too. :D -ArV
  4. [quote name='Chii Ayumi']My favorites are : Chrno Crusade, Fruits Basket, Tales of Eternia, Ruroumi Kenshin[/quote] Those are anime shorts? These are anime series... I think you've posted in the wrong thread. As for Anime Shorts, I've racked my brain thinking of what I've seen, but like most can only come up with the Animatrix. You see, I'm not sure if suggesting a 15 minute OVA for the game Wind ~ A Breath of Heart counts as an Anime Short. It's the only episode and it's available with the game. It's tremendously funny ~ though most of the jokes some points in the story can only be understood from playing the game. From racking my mind for 3 days, these are the only results I can come up with. -ArV
  5. *sniff* I just saw it too... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I loved it~!! The fight between the Ninjas was OK, but if it ended any other way I would not have liked it at all. Hijikata and Okita? AWWW. [spoiler]I think my Y[/spoiler]a[spoiler]oi-rific best friend is getting to me -.-U.[/spoiler] My definate favourite part was when Suzu [spoiler]returned from being [/spoiler]r[spoiler]ejected from the other conservationists and found Yoshida's body.[/spoiler] That was nuts... My heart goes out to you Suzu. You can't not feel sorry for that kid! The way he starts [spoiler]talking to the dead body... "C'mon Sensei we ha[/spoiler]v[spoiler]e to go, the Mibu--ro are coming."[/spoiler] It was so sad... as well as [spoiler]psychotic... He even kept the head!!![/spoiler] And only one more episode left... *has to read the manga* -ArV Edit: [QUOTE=JazzLady22]EDIT #2: (I keep thinking of things to add!) [Spoiler] When Tetsu had beaten Yoshida, and was talking about him killing his parents, Yoshida answered, "What are you talking about?" That really confused me. Yoshida doesn't seem like the type who'd play dumb. There were two things that occured to me at the time: 1) He doesn't remember killing them. After all, killing off defenseless "foreigners" would be a pretty run-of-the-mill thing. 2) It wasn't Yoshida at all, but someone who framed the Choushuu for the whole affair. But there's only one person who might do that, and I refuse to believe it's him. What do you all think? [/spoiler][/QUOTE] I noticed that too. Initially, I brushed it off so I could finish the episode, but after rewatching the episode I have my own theories. First I'd like to say, why were Tetsu and Tatsu's parents killed? I spent the last... hour? Two hours? Skipping through the first 11 PMK episodes trying to remember or find a clue. But I can't remember... Anybody help? -ArV
  6. [QUOTE=Dan Rugh]I HATE SHINO! He is easily the worst character in the entire show. He has the worst character design: dumb glasses, ugly hair, stupid jacket, horrible personality. STOP TALKING ABOUT HIM! So... I've seen pictures of all the parents but I haven't seen them in the anime or manga yet. I'm just not that far yet. InoShikaChou!!![/QUOTE] They're cool (The parents). They come to [spoiler]protect Konoha from Sand[/spoiler]. Hinata was made weak. If she fights any of the guys, she'll lose. That sucks. If she gets stronger via her confidence and training later in the series that'll be cool. I'd like to see Hinata whoop ***. But I just don't see that situation arising. Hinata is physically weaker than the male characters, even if she's deserving to be stronger than any other character. Especially those in the Hyuuga clan. -ArV
  7. [QUOTE=0ber0n the Neko] Nobody is even reading [/QUOTE] Wow man~ Are wa daisuki desu yo. Fukai deshou. :wigout: I myself care very little about characters when it comes to choosing anime. Characters I hate can appear in series that I don't like. Characters I love can appear in animes I hate. Though it does seem that the characters I like are not so much characters I can [i]relate[/i] to, or say "Hey that's me!" but just people I could see myself looking up to. I'll take Naruto as an example. Naruto has lots of characters I love. Hinata ~ Strong, from a strong family, but shy and causing herself to be weak. She's not perfect, but she never gives up. That's why I love her. :) Lee ~ Would be perfect, if he weren't at first so ugly. He's a goof. Not "too cool" but still fighting, always fighting. Shikamaru ~ Lazy, dead beat, basic good-for-nothing. But in times of peril and in times of need, he's the one you can count on. He'll always have your back. These are people I can look up to and even if they aren't perfect, they have great endearing qualities that make you go "I wish I was just like them." Even if they have tons of qualities that make you feel the opposite. So I guess cool is good? XD I got lost. Dude, I really should start posting before my bed time. :sleepy: :sleep: -ArV
  8. [QUOTE=Dan Rugh]OMG I just watched episode 18 and 19... [spoiler]I wasn't expecting Ayu-nee to be killed at all. How depressing.[/spoiler] Is PMK really only going to be 24 episodes? It's just picking up finally.[/QUOTE] [Spoiler]It's alright... We all were. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH AYU-NEEEEEEEEEE[/Spoiler] And as for the episode number, 24 is what seems to be the opinion of this thread... Though I hope they extend it to 26. Even fourty minutes more is good for me. :D -ArV
  9. When I think about it... Shino would have so much potential as a main character. Yes, the bugs get on my nerves- the shivery way, not the annoying way- but Shino is cool. Gotta love the mysteriousness. Take a look at when Shino was pretty much introduced. [spoiler]He blocked Chouji from stepping on a bug.[/spoiler] Isn't that just noble and honourable in itself? The first battle we see him in. [spoiler]Shino basically stands there, letting his opponent attack until the plan and traps are set.[/spoiler] And that ending... Ow that's gotta hurt in the arms... The second battle we see him in. [spoiler]He gets poisened, but did you see? He was using bugs here, using bugs there. Same tactic, dodge the fatal attacks of the opponent to distract him from the bugs swarming towards him.[/spoiler] That fight, was style all the way... Though~ When I look back at the manga to compare. What I cannot wait for is not even the big fights coming up between [spoiler]Gaara and Naruto[/spoiler] or [spoiler]Hokage and Orochimaru[/spoiler]. What I want to see is the [spoiler]parents[/spoiler]!!!! Oh! They're so cool! XD I want to see!!! The Leaf's Shinobi are protecting the village... They fight with all their life! -ArV
  10. [quote name='JazzLady22][Spoiler'] What happened was, Yamanami tried to run away from the Shinsengumi. Hijikata-san sent Okita-san to go get him and bring him back, which he did. When Yamanami got back, Hijikata forced him to commit seppuku... *shudders*[/spoiler][/quote] Thanks JazzLady! ^-^ Though... I know what eventually happaned to Yamanami~ I meant what did he do in Shinsengumi? Pece Maker Kurogane says he was one of the commanders, but the sources I read only said he was [I]with[/I] the Shinsengumi since the beginning. Not being an actual commander. -ArV
  11. [QUOTE=JazzLady22]Oh Dagger... *faints* I'm saving that picture into my special folder. You are my hero! *Glomps insanely* You've made a fangirl happy today! Yes, I noticed that [spoiler]Tetsu panicking and screaming for Okita-san[/spoiler] was not there. Maybe in 23? *Shrug* Wow, I didn't even notice that thing with Sano... I'll have to watch episode 1 and 22 more closely and see if I can pick up on some of these things. And speaking of historical accuracy, I've been having some fun brushing up on my Shinsengumi knowledge. I think the coolest thing I've found so far was that Hijikata-san was a pretty secretive guy, and most of the stuff known about him is through his page... Ichimura Tetsunosuke. Cool, huh?[/QUOTE] Hm... First, Thanks for the warm welcome Dagger! I finally feel wanted. "I choose thee! ArV!" :ball: Second, I noticed the same thing after watching 1 and 22 a few times for comparison. [spoiler]Tetsu did say Okita-san, maybe? But definately did not scream it.[/spoiler] I was wondering if that was another discrepency (not mistake :p ) between the two episodes. But I completely forgot about [spoiler]Suzu's mumblings[/spoiler] from the first episode. He seems to say, 'yes, there will be more of what was promised from episode 1 in the next episode.' I worry not... JazzLady! I also have been reading on what I can from the Shinsengumi! So far I've only come accross Rurouni Kenshin fansites (some with such illegibility that Dagger-sama would scream) but I have learned a lot! It turns out that our local Ninja was an actual spy! Wow... To think, ninjas/spies would exist and have records of them! So sad what happens to many of them... Mainly Okita-san and Yamanami-san... (What DID Yamanami do anyway?) Anyway~ it would be fun to compare sources and research JazzLady! I just realised that it takes me a while to get to my points... Hmm... :tasty: -ArV
  12. [QUOTE=SasukeUchiha]Ahhh Godel Godel, you have much to learn about me. I absolutley cant stand Shino!!! [spoiler] I hope he never EVER becomes a chuunin[/spoiler] The bugs are just way to creepy for me. I want to squash them all and then tear off that stupid looking hair he has and shove it up...::getting to emotional:: [spoiler]The person I would LOVE to see become a Chuunin is Hinata, but sadly shes not even in the running....[/spoiler][/QUOTE] Shino is cool. Bishounen all the way. His one downer- the bugs. I don't really like the idea of having bugs living inside of you. One of my worst nightmares as a child. :wigout: But besides the bugs? Shino is cool all the way. Hinata? One of my favourite characters. Oh Hinata... Poor poor Hinata... She's great, she works hard, but she's shy. Don't we all have a little of Hinata inside of us? Makes you want to go out and hug her. Sucks they made her weak... :flaming: Godelsensei~ what is this dance you speak of? ArV wishes to see. :glasses: -ArV
  13. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade'](Death and Rebirth) was one of the worst done feature-length films I've ever seen in my life. The problem is it doesn't summarize anything at all and essentially gives the audience an information overload. It's okay as a "last time on Evangelion" if you've watched the show, but to someone who doesn't know what Evangelion is (like my g/f, who watched it without having seen the anime), it's nothing but totally incoherent B.S. Let's just hope that whoever did Death and Rebirth doesn't get near the upcoming film.[/quote] I don't totally agree with your points, I liked what Jackson did with the movies. The plot was intact, and the characters could be felt. It was way better in comparison to the former LoTR 'movies'. But I digress~ This is an anime forum. My reason for replying is I am one of the examples from above. I haven't seen EVA but I had an interest in it. I saw Death and Rebirth at AnimeNorth. A friend of mine seemed to love the film. My other friend and I were just staring confusedly as we wondered how one scene related to the next or.. Ugh the pain of it all... Right. I walked out decided not to watch EVA until I got my hands on the entire series. -_- Z4 P41N! -ArV
  14. I have projects in the running with groups of friends of mine. Although it's doubtful they'll ever finish, they are Anime and Manga projects created for, and because of, our love for Anime. The first is a Gundam Series called Gundam Miru. (It's a working title) The series came to mind when my girlfriend, noted the many anti-feminine themes in anime and Japanese games. (It IS part of the Japanese culture) So she decided that we should create an anime, espcially Gundam, that would have a strong lead character that is neither directed towards girls or deemed slutty. The second is group project between three friends to create a manga of Fei, Knights, and the end of the world. Full of magic and comedy, this series is the story currently in development. My partners wish to release it online someday.* Now that I think of it... I feel like creating my own manga... just by myself. Possibly a highschool manga involving Shinigami... hmm... -ArV * At the pace we're going? -_-* I wish us good luck. :)
  15. Alright~ I spent the last few minutes scanning this thread to see if anyone chose the same as me. XD NOPE. Firstly, I'd like to say I'm surprised no ecchi-fanboys admitted to wanting to live in a hentai XD. ... No that's not my choice. Secondly, I'd like to explain my choice before actually giving it to you. Anime is a place of imagination, creativity, unique creation of things you would never find in real life. That's why I'd like to live somewhere that could never exist in real life. Also, anime can bring out what's real in the world and what's real in human life. Usually happiness, sadness, pain and other such emotions. If I were to choose where to live, I'd like somewhere I can be happy. Finally, to sum it up, I'd like to be happy and different from real life. That leads me to the worlds of King of Bandits Jing and Full Metal Alchemist. Two different series' about young boys able to sustain themselves and live (somewhat) happy lives while having or living with distinctly impossible characterisitics. Now that would be fun. -ArV
  16. I'm a child at heart. I'll admit to that. But I have my mature side to. I like the stories offered in Anime that they don't, won't, or can't offer in other media. The mystery, romance, action and comedy in anime appeals to my more mature stable side. The child in me likes seeing the cool drawings. XD Do I watch other forms of media that have what I want in it? Yes, I'm not so picky as not to. (ie. Some N. American and European independent cartoons, N. American, European, Asian Movies) The reason I'm such a big fan of anime is because these themes which I adore come so very often in Anime, while so rarely in other forms of media. -ArV
  17. [QUOTE=SasukeUchiha]Better to put it int he tag, than suffer the wrath of us fanboys/girls for giving us a possible spoiler lol. As for episode 74....I was dissapointed kind of, and yet really exited about the next episode. It was sadly just one of those episodes that set up a bunch of stuff for the upcoming episodes...which is infuriating!!! I want action!!! I want story!!! I want plot!!![/QUOTE] [i]haaai~[/i] play it safe ^-^ As for Episode 74~ It held the entire fight between [spoiler]Aburame Shino and Kankurou![/spoiler] And what fun battle too! TACTICS. Tactics are the way to go!!! Don't read this if you haven't read past this part this part int he manga --> [spoiler]Ugh... I think he should have become a chuunin too. He's intelligent, strong, and can make a great leader. He just doesn't get much on-screen time. Shame.. he's so cool.[/spoiler] -ArV
  18. XD What I meant was not Naruto being his own Yondaime's father. What I meant in my theory, though badly phrased was [spoiler]Naruto, Yondaime... Same being?[/spoiler] Something tells me I shouldn't really put that in the quote tag... [I]edit: It turns out I should've put it in the spoiler tag... Though something still tells me I didn't have to do that... Did I?[/I] -ArV
  19. [QUOTE=haruno_sakura] And Godel, you bring up an excellent possiblity that I had not thought about ever, and that is that [spoiler]Yondaime might actually be sealed with Kyuubi within Naruto, but then my question would be, why hadn't Naruto seen or heard Yondaime when he had gone within himself to demand chakra from Kyuubi as he was falling from the cliff that Jiraiya had shoved him from? Wouldn't Naruto then have 3 different chakras instead of two, should Yondaime be within him? Naruto himself says he only feels two different kinds of chakra, and they are his own and Kyuubi's which would then mean that if Yondaime was sealed with Kyuubi within Naruto, he would have to be dormant which would then conflict with the supposed deal of the two sealed souls fighting each other for all eternity.[/spoiler]. And that brings me back to my original question. [spoiler]Where is Yondaime's soul, and is he just alone in some limbo all by himself? And because Sandaime is somewhat in the same position, will he, too, suffer the same fate of loneliness for all eternity? LOL, I actually wish that both Yondaime and Sandaime end up in the same limbo space so that at least they can keep each other company because the thought of both them alone within their own dimension is too depressing haha[/spoiler]. ~haruno_sakura[/QUOTE] Hmm... Theory Number One [spoiler]This plot hole is easily explainable when pointing out Naruto's mother. Wait a sec, [I]Naruto has a mother???[/I] He can't have... they never showed her... did she die? We know Naruto has a father, but we hear so little about his mother. Or wait... [I]do[/I] we know Naruto has a father? The relationship between Naruto and Yondaime has been hinted at, but what [I]is[/I] the true relationship? Father sonr? Or... Father Father? This theory would explain a lot of things. Including how Naruto is able to learn the Rasengan pretty quickly, and some might be able to argue, Naruto's almost obsession with becoming Hokage. Yes, he wants to be Hokage to be acknowledged, but he has become acknowledged by many people... Is there that internal voice saying "return... must return..." The reason Yondaime would not have died might have something to do with the Kyuubi not dying, only being sealed within Naruto's naval. But that leaves poor old Sarutobi-sensei... Where would he be? Orochimaru didn't die... He might be eternally be kept company by the first two Hokages, whose souls he also pulled out of bodies... But very speculative that is...[/spoiler] Theory Number Two [Spoiler]The Fourth Hokage lives in Naruto's naval. This little theory could create such a twist later on in the story. 'The release of the Kyuubi... and the fourth!' But alas, I see it holding very little water... Why has Yondaime's Chakra not been felt? The Kyuubi's chakra [i]may[/i] be surpressing it. I don't see this happening mainly due to the story's complete neglect of hints or clues that might support this theory, it'd be difficult to pull of later on no?[/spoiler] Theory Number Three [Spoiler]This theory has more to deal with the second paragraph from the above quote. Where do the signed over souls go after death's side of the bargain hasn't been kept? Well, held in limbo of course. That's where they were promised. But they will get their compensation when the soul they wanted to take with them [i]does[/i] die... Maybe a chance at the afterlife?[/Spoiler] Meh... I'm tired... it's almost 2 am... My girlfriend gonna kill me for staying up so late. :laugh: 'ing nervously, -ArV
  20. r2vq

    yughio maybe

    [quote name='ss3-brolly']This is just me just being me but don't you think they make yugioh out more then it is i mean it's a tight show but it seem to over rated it just a card game yet they act like it's life or death chosing betwwen a black skull dragon and a perfect great moth but this is just me in my choice dragonballZ,outlawstar,fist of the north star,tenchi,g gundam and flcl are the best and blue gender alone with all of adult swim anime but thats just me(but the cards are still tight for sure :cool: :D[/quote] Well, that shows you how popular the game is. XD It also adds drama. How could you be excited about watching people play cards when all they do is stare at each other looking bored? 'Sides, the show might be about the cards, but true Yu-Gi-Oh! about the King of Games and the Dark Games. Hopefully they don't screw it up with this new Yu-Gi-Oh! movie... Though somehow I think they will... -ArV
  21. Hajimemashite! I am new to the forum, but I've been loyal to Peace Maker Kurogane since Lunar started fansubbing it! SUCH A BEAUTIFUL SERIES! I love it love it love it love it! The characters, the animation, the historical ties, the battles scenes! They all surpass anything on my current viewing list! I give the series :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :ball: out of :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: . I cannot give a full mark until I am satisfied with the ending. Two things though... In reply to someone's comment on Susumu being harsh. I think it was the slap in the face that Tetsu needed to get going. He's been wallowing in himself allowing nobody to come near him. He's in his safe zone, but he needs to get his *** out of there! Comparing what Susumu says to a slap would be the best way to describe it. Harsh, painful, usually unnecessary, but in that case used to motivate a person. Though... Not the kind of thing I would ever say :D The other thing, I know I'm being anal retentive when I say this... but did anybody else notice the following... um... error? [spoiler]The bald man breaking through the wall during the seige didn't seem to be the Sanosuke promised to us in Episode 1!!![/spoiler] That's right! I DON'T know how to use this spoiler thing! :o Please... compare... I don't know how to use attachments yet... so if you can click the Screenshots I took... Please click [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/weird/r2vq/peace_maker.html]here[/URL]. It will take you to my Angelfire instead. Same thing... only in HTML format for easy comparison! :devil: -ArV
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