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Everything posted by r2vq
[color=#007520][quote name='Generic NPC #3']Where exactly is this global trading place? I figured out how to trade with my friends pretty quickly, but I have no idea how I can trade with people around the globe. Do I have to go to a specific city or something?[/quote]The Global Trading Station (GTS) is located in Jubilife city, and like Kirra said, you need at least one badge to use it. I actually use it every time I play (trying to win the lottery) so I can tell you a bit about it. There are two ways to trade your Pokemon at the GTS. 1. Put your Pokemon up for a trade. [indent]This is done by choosing a Pokemon in your party or PC that you want to give away. You specify what you want for it, and then you upload all that to the Nintendo WFC. You can check the status of this Pokemon whenever you come back to the GTS to see if anyone has traded for it.[/indent] 2. Search for a specific Pokemon you want to trade for. [indent]If you want a specific Pokemon then you can search for it using the alphabetical list. You can also narrow your search by level, and sex. When you search whoever has that Pokemon up for trade will appear on the touch screen. Touching them will give you their Pokemon's stats and the oppurtunity to trade.[/indent] You can only ask/search for Pokemon that you've seen. So you can't trade for a Dialga if you haven't seen one. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']Also, I have no idea how the Union Room works. Can I just meet people already on my friends list in there?[/quote]The Union Room is local wireless only. If anyone else is in the Union Room and is physically near you, you'll be able to see them. You can mix records, battle, chat, draw, and show each other your trainer cases. This is not limited to your Friend List only. ANYONE in the area in the Union Room will show up. Okay. Anyone know about Level Matching on Wi Fi? A friend told me you can Level 50 battles or Level 100 battles with the Pokemon you have in your party. I'm not exactly sure how this works, but it sounds like we could do online tournaments in that way. -r2[/color]
[color=#007520]I saw the first episode because it was available for free online at IGN or whatnot. I wasn't [i]too[/i] interested in the show. It starts off rather slow and (dare I say it) boring. Closer to the end, though, when the [spoiler]time-skip takes place[/spoiler] I found it to be a little more interesting, if not reminiscent of every GITS-style series out there. The plot twist at the end had me wondering about episode 2, but because of the rest of the episode, I probably wont continue the series. -r2[/color]
[color=#007520]Oh why can't I sleep?[/offtopic] Name: ArV Badges: 3 (Very soon to be 4) Pokedex Seen: 082 Pokedex Obtained: 040 [size=1]IDNo. 008878 Money: P108766 Score: 2653 (How is that calculated?) Time: 35:44 Adventure Started: Apr. 22 2007[/size] I haven't figured out what my team is going to be yet but for now... And I too nickname [i]all[/i] my Pokemon. [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimba_the_White_Lion]Kimbo[/url] the Lv. 31 [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/405.shtml]Luxray[/url] (f) [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abrakadabra]Avara[/url] the Lv. 29 [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/065.shtml]Alakazam[/url] (m) [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Delphiki]Bean[/url] the Lv. 26 [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/066.shtml]Machop[/url] (m) [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiwifruit]Kiwi[/url] the Lv. 26 [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/397.shtml]Staravia[/url] (f) [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pingu]Pingu[/url] the Lv. 29 [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/394.shtml]Prinplup[/url] (m) [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_norris]Norris[/url] the Lv. 26 [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/400.shtml]Bibarel[/url] (f) I also have a Lv. 18 [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/092.shtml]Gastly[/url] named "FAYCE" and a Lv. 20 [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/122.shtml]Mr Mime[/url] named "Mira" that I may eventually continue to level. -r2[/color]
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']I didn't think R2vq's captions were funny at all >_
[color=#007520]Is anyone else annoyed that although he has a really [i]sick[/i] power (even used by one of the X-Men) DL has practically [spoiler]no heroic storyline at all? We're stuck with seeing some guy who's down on his luck, trying to pay the bills, and be super dad.[/spoiler] What happenned to his [spoiler]connections with the mob[/spoiler]? When will we be able to see more [spoiler]phase fighting[/spoiler]? I'm not against having a character with a realistic view point on life (ie. earn money, try to live a decent life, raise your kid right) but it almost feels like a waste. :-/ -r2[/color]
[quote name='Volume 11']I have dl'd and had most of the Japanese TV airings... However, I like the series enough to where I want to own the DVDs. But with 120 episodes and counting I cant justify spending 20 bucks on each volume...[/quote][color=#007520]I really have just one question. Since you can't justify spending the asking price on licensed DVDs, how can you say you like the series enough to [i]own the DVDs[/i]? Owning bootlegs isn't really owning the Anime DVDs any more than owning fansubs is. I think it's fair for an Anime fan to say "Anime is [i]way[/i] too expensive" and opt out of purchasing official DVDs, but (as elitist as it sounds) if they aren't supporting the company that produces the material, more of what they like will most likely not be created. When it comes to the actual bootleg DVDs, I don't think it makes any sense to give money to a company that burns DVDs instead of the company that actually produces the Anime. But I guess that's because I'm a collector and I don't enjoy having fakes at all. :-/ -r2[/color]
[quote name='Kirra][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Sienna]Also in WiFi, I'm pretty sure you CAN battle random battles. I was reading the pamplet on the inside and it stated under the Battle Tower that you fight like 7 random people or something over WiFi and if you win you get BF points or something.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote][color=#007520]You're talking about Battle Tower's WiFi Room. You can download up to seven random teams that other trainers have uploaded, but they wont be WiFi battles. The battles will be controlled by the computer... er... your DS. Nintendo clamped down hard on Diamond and Pearl's WiFi capabilities. My guess is that it has to do with pleasing soccer moms who are afraid of their children meeting strange pokephiles online. [size=1][url=http://www.serebii.net/diamondpearl/wifi.shtml]Source[/url][/size] [quote name='The Heart']any tips on beating Maylene?[/quote]Eh? [i]Everyone[/i] is ahead of me in this game! I'm not even there yet... But yeah. Since she has all Fight type Pokémon, you may want to use Psychic types to counter them, or just stick with strong Elementals like Fire and Water. I'll probably use my Alakazam. :3 [i][size=1][color=#cccccc]White beat me to it...[/color][/size][/i] Has anyone else noticed that Pokemon are learning their moves slower? A friend of mine has a Psyduck at Level 16 but it hasn't learned Confusion yet... And my Alakazam seems to be taking a while to learn... just about anything. -r2[/color]
[quote name='The Heart]...and [I]Harry Potter 5[/I']. I've seen the rest of the movies in all three series and liked them, so why not? :catgirl:[/quote][color=#007520]I forgot about Harry Potter coming out. It will be the first time the movie has beat me to reading the book... What do OBers think, should I try to read the novel of this movie first... or test watching a Potter movie wtihout the novel as background information in my head? -r2[/color]
[color=#007520]The latest comic confirmed a theory I've been boiling over for a while. Peter isn't [spoiler]the bomb, Sylar is.[/spoiler] Though, the new question is whether or not this is changed because of [strike]Mirai Trunk[/strike]~ I mean Future Hiro* has going back to the past. Next season's Heroes has been confirmed to be [spoiler]full of all new Heroes around the world. It is supposed to have a totally new storyline, but some of this season's Heroes will make appearances.[/spoiler] :-/ I'm not sure how I feel about that... -r2 *[size=1]Darn, for some reason I keep making that mistake. ;)[/size][/color]
[quote name='MissWem][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]I'm 19 and am not ashamed to admit I'm pokemon fan, once you get past any initial weird looks people just don't care.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote][color=#007520]Hi, my name is Keane, I'm 19, and I play Pokémon on the bus. And I'm [b]proud[/b] of it too, you non-trainers you... Anyway. The first things you'll notice in the upgrade are the obvious: slightly improved graphics (including 3D architecture and landscapes), touch screen battle menus, rearranged menus to make things more accessable, and of course... 107 new little monsters for your pocket. The biggest changes, I've seen, make use of the DS' Wi-Fi capabilities, and an upgraded battle system. I'm not sure how the battle system has changed (I'm not really into game mechanics) so I'll just skip to the Wi-Fi portion. Locally you can... Battle with up to 3 others in the Pokémon Communication Club Colosseum. Meet up with people in the Union Room and trade records, mini-battle, trade Pokémon, draw, chat, or show off your badges. Meet up in the underground and play minigames like capture the flag. Via WiFi you can... Trade or Battle with your friends via Friend Code communication. (No random battles. :( ) In this mode, you can also chat with your friends via VoIP. Trade randomly with anyone around the world. Download the teams of people around the world and battle against a computer controlling them. -r2[/color]
[color=#007520]Considering we're debating the definition of the phrase "Anime Fan"... why not break it down? We all know what "Anime" means, and that leaves... [quote=Dictionary.com][size=1][size=2][b]fan[/b][/size]2 /fæn/ [fan] ?noun an [size=2][b]enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer[/b][/size] of a sport, pastime, celebrity, etc.: a baseball fan; a great fan of Charlie Chaplin. [Origin: 1885?90, Americanism; [size=2][b]short for fanatic[/b][/size]] ?Synonyms supporter, enthusiast, partisan, booster, addict. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006. [/size][/quote]Now that we have that in the air... although the word "fan" was originally short for "fanatic" and can be defined as "an enthusiastic devotee", the word has grown and changed since its humble beginnings and can now mean simply an admirer. And like Aaryanna_Mom, not all admirers are fanatically devoted to the pastime that they are admiring. They can still be called fans of a medium if they have an interest in it. [size=1]Yes, Aaryanna_Mom doesn't have an interest in searching for new Anime, but she has an interest in the Anime that has been brought to her attention already. Thus she is an Anime fan. Yes, the local Narutard doesn't have an interest in anything but Naruto, but they have an interest in Naruto, thus they are a fan of Naruto. A fan of [i]an[/i] Anime, even if not necessarily a fan of [i]all[/i] Anime.[/size] Now how do we judge if someone actually has an interest in something? We can't. It's a qualitative trait, not quantitative. It differs for each person. Thus, each person has to proclaim their interest one form or another. If you can proclaim your interest, you are therefore a fan of said pastime. ie If you say you're an Anime fan, you are. The same logic doesn't go for astronauts... [quote=Dictionary.com][b][size=2]as·tro·naut[/size][/b][size=1] /ˈæstrəˌnɔt, -ˌnɒt/ [as-truh-nawt, -not] ?noun a person [b]engaged in or trained for[/b] spaceflight.[/size][/quote]-r2[/color]
[color=#007520]Curse you White, and I thought I'd be the first to post a D/P friend code. (I guess I shouldn't have waited so long to post it though. XP) [b]Pokemon Diamond[/b] ArV - 2320 2616 9116 -r2[/color]
[color=#007520]:3 I love the Wifi aspect. My friend and I were trading my Kadabra back and forth when out of nowhere we realized we could talk to each other! The quality wasn't as good as a telephone's, but this feature will be pretty fun during battles. ...my friends are all so far ahead of me though... I'm at the Floaroma Town where the windmills are. All I can say is that Pokemon in top-down 3D is nothing less than stunning. -r2[/color]
[color=#007520]Well Season 2 will have [spoiler]some of the same characters[/spoiler] but I'm sure that some, if not most [spoiler]of the current main characters will die.[/spoiler] I think it's cool though. It kind of makes you look at the whole super powers mutation as a worldwide event, rather than an isolated one. Anyway, I'm hyped up for the last four episodes of this season. And I refuse to change my avatar and signature until they have aired. :3 ([color=#cccccc]or I get my copy of Photoshop working again... whichever comes first[/color]) [strike][i]Someone merge this thread already![/i][/strike] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Done. ~ indifference[/COLOR] :p [/SIZE] -r2[/color]
[color=#007520]I read about the re-licensing on VG Cats actually... The only thing is that they're only dubbing the last few episodes? That's going to be a little strange. But they said they might go back to the first hundred after. I think I'll wait for the DVDs of the first "season" to come out before I start actually watching this series. -r2[/color]
[color=#007520][b]Screenshot 1[/b] Oh SNAP!~ He got PWNED! [b]Screenshot 2[/b] And thus, Pikachu got pwned. [b]Screenshot 3[/b] Nobody would have guessed it, but it turns out fire demons think grandma cleavage is [i]hot[/i]. -r2[/color]
[color=#007520]I read the comics sometimes, and it's a great way to get my Heroes fix while the show is on hiatus. :3 But I can't wait for next week when it comes back. I love how much it reveals about the characters, just like Austin. But I didn't realise who Dallas was until [spoiler]they showed him with his wife[/spoiler]. >.< Oooh~ It explains so much. And there are only [spoiler]five[/spoiler] episodes left!!! -r2[/color]
[color=#007520]Admit it, you still play. [CENTER][URL=http://img409.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pkmndpre2.jpg][IMG]http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/6275/pkmndpre2.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] On April 22nd (June 1 for EUR) the first [i]real[/i] Pokémon games will come out for the Nintendo DS: Diamond and Pearl. And no, I don't mean [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telefang#Bootlegged_versions]the Gameboy Color versions[/url]. With 107 new Pokémon bringing the total to 493 species, Diamond and Pearl seem to want to make it harder to [i]Catch 'em All[/i], and all of it in glorious, semi-3D retro-Pokémon graphics. Gamefreak has improved on its original philosophy of social games with online battling (finally!) and online trading. They also seem to make use of the touch screen fairly well by using them in battles, rhythm competitions, and as a device that can be accessed by your character. The connectivity with the GBA games and the Wii game coming later this year is pretty impressive too. You'll be able to stick your GBA Pokémon RPGs into the GBA slot on your DS and will be able to catch up to 6 Pokémon that can not be found anyhwere else in the game. Pokémon Battle Revolution will allow you to use Wi-Fi to use the DS as a controller and you'll be able to use your party Pokémon in full 3D. Who else is getting this game? I've already preordered mine. :3 Edit: Oh double damn. I forgot Hardwired had a threads directory. >_> -r2[/color]
[color=#007520]I'm glad UDON is doing the new sprites, and it'll be pretty fun to see newer imagery for the game. HD is always good when it comes to fighting games. What I'd like to see, though, is a nicer gameplay engine. *readies self for bombardment from classic SFII fans* I'm not saying the SFII code was bad, but it is terribly outdated. Having the Street Fighter Anthology Collection on my PS2, I can barely play SFII more than a couple times before switching back to Third Strike. A similarly nice announcement would be Street Fighter IV. -r2[/color]
[quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']I see the Konata vs. Foreigner screen and I'm like, "Dude, that's Guile!"[/color][/quote][color=#007520]Hahaha. YES! I'm not the only one! I saw the flag on his arm and Guile immediately came to mind. When it comes down to the rest of the show, though, it was pretty slow and drawn out. The four-panel comic origins are very obvious, and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to watch the series because of how [i]sloow[/i] it is. The food discussion turned me off right away; they just spent so much time on it. But when they [spoiler]came back to it later in the episode,[/spoiler] I couldn't help but laugh. I'll see if I can continue the series, but it will probably be so I can find nerd references as often as I can. -r2[/color]
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']and what's more, the previews for the dubbing sounded like ***.[/COLOR][/quote][color=#007520]Usually I find myself defending dubs... but this time I'm hoping that they'll sound better than I think they do. They [i]were[/i] voted in by fans, though, if I'm not mistaken. -r2[/color]
[color=#007520]Heh Heh. I'll be shelling out for the Boxset too. I would have preordered it on rightstuf but I don't have a credit card. T_T What I'm looking forward too are the CDs. There should be one in each of the releases no? What really sucks for me is that the boxsets are coming out two or three days after Anime North, the convention I buy most of my Anime/Manga at. No convention discounts for that one unless I can convince a dealer to take my preorder. T_T -r2[/color]
Anime Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (A.K.A. When They Cry - Higurashi)
r2vq replied to pbfrontmanvdp's topic in Otaku Central
[color=#007520]If there's one thing I don't like about this series, it's the art style. I wasn't all too fond of the way the characters looked, and was almost turned off from it. What I do like for this series, though, is the buildup. Although (had the person watching with me not stopped me) I would have turned the first episode off, it was very fulfilling and lit an almost desperate fire in me to watch the rest of the arc. I'm still working my way through the series, but I love how all the mysteries intertwine here and there. And I'm still amazed that this series started from a Doujinshi Visual Novel. -r2[/color] -
[color=#007520]My friends will want to see PotC3. We were big fans of the other two. My girlfriend will definately see to it that I'm dragged to Shrek the Third, since she was in love with the first two... and Puss in Boots. She'll probably want to see Rush Hour 3 as well. And because I'm a fan of the series, I'm going to see Spider-Man 3. Fantastic Four doesn't look as appealing, but it DOES have the Silver Surfer. Transformers will definately be seen by me, and the Simpsons Movie as well, even if they bomb. A movie that I really want to see but isn't on the list is Hot Fuzz. It's a little too early a release for a Summer Movie though. Didn't Dead or Alive come out a year or two ago? I swear I saw it on the Pay Per View channel. -r2[/color]