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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. [quote name='Nerdsy][color=deeppink']That being said, a lot of the characters really need better development. At the moment, I really only like Hiro, Nathan, Sylar, and Claude. Everyone else I tolerate at best.[/color][/quote][color=#007520]It's funny how you left out Claire Bennet, since she and Hiro Nakamura are the only characters that's been in every episode. And even then, Masi Oka wasn't in one episode; his character was played by a younger boy. Do you think perhaps, she's [i]over[/i]developed? Personally, I go crazy everytime an episode comes out. My friends and I watch it together. In fact, I don't work Mondays anymore so I can watch the series. -r2[/color]
  2. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']Christians are supposed to accept persecution for their faith openly.[/size][/quote][color=#007520]And here I thought that was just Catholics. What grinds my gears are people who take more than offered and then become offended when you cut them off. I said you could stay the night. Why were you here three weeks later? Go find a job and pay me back that loan. >_> -r2[/color]
  3. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']Care for more maple syrup, eh?[/size][/quote][color=#007520]I don't even like Maple Syrup, eh. :( I do believe, though, that french fries aren't as bad as Farto may have one believe. With a little bit of gravy and some cheese curds we haver the greatest reason for a heart attack. The heat issue is mainly a problem when french fries are cut in the shoestring fashion, but this can be counter-acted by proper plating (ie, standing up in a paper cup, or in a bowl as opposed to a plate) to keep heat in, or by a hot dressing on top of fries, ie. gravy. As for looking better on a plate? Please. The fact that french fries are smaller make them more versital to work with and easier to plate. A baked potato, for example, would not look as good on a plate next to a steak as french fries spread out around the steak. The same would go for waffle fries. Try placing a whole carrot nicely next to a dish, as opposed to chopped or sliced carrots. :) Being a server, what grinds my gears are people who say one thing, but do another, wasting the time of those around them. Take for example the conversation held between myself and more guests than I should have this conversation with. r2vq: "I'll be right back to take your order" Undecided: "I'm ready to order. um... um... um... um..." r2vq: "A few more minutes sir?" Undecided: "No, no I'm ready. um... um... um.." Also grinding on my gears are people who overreact and become extremely emotional without realising how childish they are being. This is especially true at my old workplace where a number of staff would visibly whine, complain, and yell about frustrating situations that could otherwise be handled professionally and with a proper demeanor. Yes, a party of 20 walked in without a reservation and it will be a challenge to bring their food out at a reasonable time and all at the [i]same[/i] time, but the proper attitude isn't to curse and throw a pot or pan around, especially since they're paying money to eat here. And of course... parties of 20 who walk in without reservations grind my gears. Though, not as badly as parties of 40 who walk in and complain about everything... Finally, the big one. Customers suck. There are exceptions. Some people are a [i]pleasure[/i] to serve, and I tell them this. But some people... grr... -r2[/color]
  4. [color=#007520]Because of my unhealthy amount of information my new job requires me to learn, in the past two weeks or so, times been drained away from me... I didn't even realize it was April Fools until this came up. [b][url=http://www.wii.tv/2007/03/31/wiitv-exclusive-new-title-announcement/]Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Future[/url][/b] Although a lot of people didn't seem to think so, I thought it was pretty well put together and it had me shouting "Ohmygawd" a few times while I was still fooled. Though a lot of things were in there that show it was a prank... -r2[/color]
  5. [color=#007520]I just had to ask, Inuyasha7271, what you meant by "realistic" when you described Prince of Tennis. PoT isn't that realistic when it comes to art, (ie. the main character's eyes are evidence of this) or when it comes to physics (ie. their Shaolin Soccer tennis matches). The same would go for similar exagerated sports Anime like Eyeshield 21, Hikaru no Go, and Captain Tsubasa. -r2[/color]
  6. r2vq

    Spider Man 3

    [color=#007520][quote name='Boo][size=1']You're right. He only has the nerdy aspect.[/size][/quote]I'm going to have to disagree with that, on the grounds that when I'm watching a Spidey fight scene I don't think "That was a good dodge, but I think Spidey seems a bid nerdy." For more evidence of Maguire not being just the nerd in our favourite wall crawler, check out his audition tape for Spider-man. Most of the Sony execs were actually reluctant to give him the suit until they saw the tape of topless Toby tossing thugs in the alley. Now, when it comes to [/color][font=Arial Black]Black Cat[/font][color=#007520], she has to be shapely, and she has to be blonde. In this case, I'm going to have to point towards Elisha Cuthbert. She even has that mischevious look that Black Cat should have. -r2[/color]
  7. [color=#007520]FlobeeShinobi, being a member for almost a month, you should have gathered that post quality is pretty important at Otakuboard. Try reading [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=55649]How to Post in Anime Lounge[/url] before continuing. Then try to improve your post quality by working a little harder on your spelling and putting a little effort into making what you're saying coherent. PM me if you have any questions. Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  8. [color=#007520]Drugs and blue-collar crime are only a problem in an environment that allows drugs and blue collar crime to occur. Having the proper screening for drugs (in the same way that professional athletes should be screened) solves the problem of drugs. Having a professionally run brothel that takes care of the safety of their women would prevent any form of violence or crime that wouldn't be found in any other professional establishment. What sort of crimes are you worried about exactly? Street walkers, like BlueMoon mentioned, create problems like the ones we see today. They open up opportunities for slave trading and drug use. This should be illegal because it's unprofessional. Legal prostitution shouldn't be as unregulated as these street walkers allow. Having a prostitute on the corner of your street will bring down land value and diminish any hope of having a clean neighborhood appearance. But having strict laws that allow prostitution without allowing street walkers would help prevent that. Drugs, should they be legalized? Your argument is that since it's not harming anybody but the consenting adult and regulating it would make it much safer, which are our arguments for prostitution. The difference is that in our arguments of monitoring prostitution wouldn't allow for as much harm as the allowing drugs would. As Nerdsy said, there's a [i]very high[/i] success rate for preventing any sort of harm for the consenting adults in question. Keep in mind that STD prevention comes not only from weekly doctor visits, but from properly practiced safe sex. Allowing somebody to do drugs means a hundred percent chance of letting them get hurt. This is where the two arguments differ. On a similar note... If I remember correctly, there are a few places in my city that allow the practice of monitored drug practice and will often give sterilized needles in exchange for dirty ones. Their argument is "They're going to do it anyway, it's best to prevent the spread of diseases by making sure they do it cleanly." These places also coach the users off the drugs to help them become less addicted. Of course... that's a totally different conversation altogether. :) -r2[/color]
  9. [color=#007520][quote name='Raiyuu']Just a couple more differences to add to your 'only' one. And I suppose it's fair to assume that a lot of those unpleasant side-effects of prostitution could be ironed out with close monitoring.[/quote]That's my point. :) If the sex trade were regulated, you wouldn't have to worry about those problems that are currently haunting the industry. Okay, so legalizing it isn't enough. It needs to be regulated. It needs to be watched over as closely (hopefully more closely) than our water systems or spinnach farmers. :P [quote name='Raiyuu]But then, if it were a legal trade, with government watchdogs, health and safety posters, etc., it would probably fold for lack of 'raw materials'. Prostitutes are often forced into that line of 'work' through debt, or because they're forced to by pimps. Make it a recognised trade sector and how many women do you think are going to actively [i]volunteer[/i'] to sell themselves?[/quote]There are legal brothels in Nevada. The women there have safety regulations they have to follow, are regularly checked up for STDs by doctors, and are not 'owned' by pimps or the like. They clock in and out like a regular job... because it [i]is[/i] a regular job, their regular job. You also have to keep in mind strippers/exotic dancers and porn stars. As far as I know, these are both legalized jobs with regulations. Actors and actresses in the porn industry have their health checked by a doctor very regularly unless they wish to leave the industry. Not [i]everyone[/i]'s first choice is the sex industry, but that doesn't mean [i]nobody[/i] has that as their first choice. Even if it's immoral in some religious and social views (as is pornography, alcohal, and Harry Potter) they should still have the right to do as they will, and keeping it monitored and regulated will make it safer for those who do consent. -r2[/color]
  10. r2vq

    Spider Man 3

    [color=#007520]Black Cat would definately be smexy, but her costume reminds me so much of the X-Men movie costumes and I worry about association. Carnage is without a doubt the one that would follow Venom, but you can't have a Carnage movie without a Venom plot first. And I think putting them into the same movie would be rushing the storyline way too much. The original comic was really, really slow and scary when introducing the Venom character, even the 90s animated cartoon (which moves too fast for me to enjoy these days) drew it out to at least feature length. Now, when it comes to Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus, you have to keep in mind that they are, were, and always will be Spider-man's [b]arch[/b]-enemies. I don't deny Venom's resemblance and lineage with Spider-man (whether by Promethium X or Secret Wars replicator) but this all came later, around when Todd McFarlane was working with Spidey. Ock and Gobbie were villains first and have survived (so to speak) to this day. While Octavius is the evil version of the scientist that Parker is, Osborn is a personal family friend that uses Parker's personal life against him. I think Goblin made a logical choice for the first film, and Octopus was a wonderful choice for the second film. If it wasn't justified enough, watch the train fight between Ock and Spidey again, or the fight on the side of the building. You just can't do that sort of fight with any other villain and that's what made Ock so perfect. Venom will be sick though. I hope the trailers don't spoil his appearance, and I'm shocked they've shown so little about him yet. -r2[/color]
  11. [color=#007520]I don't see the point of criminalizing (or not uncriminalizing, rather) prostitution. So contrary to what The13thMan would have you believe, there is at least one person on this board who wishes to legalize prostitution. Sex trade can be considered indecent and immoral, but so can eating pigs. It's all a matter of perspective, and I thought Democracy was supposed to be about being tolerant of others with different opinions in order to prevent one class or belief or person from gaining too much power. Yes, democracy fails in this aspect, prostitution being a perfect example of this, but that was the original intent, no? Prostitution is selling ones services in the same way being a maid or garbage man would be. The only difference is that prostitution involves sexual stimulation, something that's taboo amongst many of the religious in the States. Although it is true that diseases and sicknesses can be caught from prostitution practised without safety in mind, the same can be said for the food industry. The alternative? [b]A legalized, systemized, and monitored industry that can be regulated in the same way that food is.[/b] Prostitution can be dangerous, but if it is done professionally and were legalized, it would be no more dangerous than any other job out there. Keep in mind that I'm not saying I am personally for or against prostitution itself. I am for the [b]legalization[/b] of prostitution. :) There be a difference matey. But if people want to have sex, they should be free to. And if people want to give people money, they should be free to. And if people want to have sex and give each other money, they should be free to. Call me a libertarian if you will. -r2[/color]
  12. r2vq

    Spider Man 3

    [quote name='Kenshin DX']That's because he sucks and Marvel scooped up the bottom of the bag of villains lol.[/quote][color=#007520]I'm going to have to disagree there. Sandman was a pretty cool villain, and in the 60s cartoon was even more fun to watch than ol' Doc Ock. Imagine a fight with the webslinger against a villain that absorbs Spidey's blows right before transforming their own hand into a mallet as hard as diamond to smack our favourite wall crawler across the room. This guy can use the sand around him as an extension of his own body, and hide in the sand whenever he feels like it. This'll be a great eye villain, if anything. [quote name='desertphoenix']even though i don't remember Sandman at all. He reminds me a lot of hydro though.[/quote]I'd say the reason he's not as memorable is because he wasn't in the 90s cartoon very much. Though, interestingly enough, he apparently worked (and merged) with Hydroman once to create an unintelligent mud monster... -r2[/color]
  13. [color=#007520]There are a lot of Japanese movies based off Manga/Anime. As Ayokano mentioned, [b]Deathnote[/b] has 2 Live Action movies. [b]Azumi[/b] and its sequel is based off the Manga of the same name. There's the ever popular [b]Nana[/b]. And the gruesomely disturbing [b]Uzumaki[/b] by horror genius Junji Ito. But I do agree that I can't think of any Hollywood versions of Manga/Anime except for movies that have not yet been made. [b]Speed Racer[/b] is coming out in May 2008, and it'll be directed by the Wachowski Brothers of [b]The Matrix[/b] fame. And of course there are the two rumours that Ayokano mentioned. [/color]Edit: After clicking "Submit" I realized that [b]The Ring[/b] also had a Manga series with the same stories, though I'm not sure if the movie was based off the Manga at all. And of course there's [b]Battle Royale[/b] and its remake (ripoff?) [b]The Condemned[/b].[color=#007520] I'd consider the DBZ movie that to be a dead/non-existent project. [url=http://www.myfavoritegames.com/dragonball-z/Info/LiveActionMovie.htm]Otherworld Steve[/url] has made the necessary calls to make sure of this. EVA, though, was officially announced by WETA studios. They seem to be stuck in the "collecting money" stage though. Even if they only have concept art for now, I have hope that Peter Jackson's company will bring EVA candy to my eye. I agree with Ayokano when it comes to Norrington and tLoEG. It was a flop, and although I'd be looking forward to this movie, having the League's team attatched is a downer. It would be fun, though, to watch a Hollywood movie based on a Japanese Manga or Anime. Waitaminute...does Stealth count? xD -r2[/color]
  14. r2vq

    Last Movie

    [color=#007520][quote name='Dagger']If the older Bond movies are that different from this, I'm not sure that I really want to go back and watch them.[/quote]Sean Connery's Bond movies are slower moving than Pierce Brosnan's but I find they have a more interesting, albeit dated, story. Now, I compare this to a movie you haven't fully seen yet, only to point out what I believe to be two extremes. While Connery's Bond is a spy flick with gadgets, Brosnan's Bond is an action movie with invisible cars and high speed chases. If you're going to watch an older Bond movie, go with the classic ones because I felt Daniel Craig's Bond story to follow a similar pace, (with less crazy action) like [i]From Russia With Love[/i] and [i]You Only Live Twice[/i]. Of course, I might not know what I'm talking about and you might disagree with me. xD Anyway, [i]Casino Royale[/i] was the most recent movie I've seen. I enjoyed it thoroughly and thought Craig made an amazing Bond. He was more down-to-Earth than I've ever seen Bond, was grittier than any of the others, and seemed to inject the most machismo in the character since Connery. I've decided that Craig's gift is being able to play Bond as this tough assassin one moment and switch to the classy tuxedo wearing Martini drinking Bond the next. If you're a Bond fan, go watch this film, it does the character justice. If you're not a Bond fan, go watch this film, it might change your mind about Bond. [INDENT]Vesper - [size=1][i]Once you taste it, you don't want to taste anything else.[/i][indent]Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon-peel.[/indent][/size][/INDENT] -r2[/color]
  15. [quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkOrchid']It?s definitely going to be one of the first games I get when I finally get a DS Lite. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/quote][color=#007520]That's actually what I said... Now I can't find any stores in my area that sell Phoenix Wright or Trauma Center. -[i]sigh[/i]- -r2[/color]
  16. r2vq

    PlayStation 3

    [color=#007520]Camping? It's a legitimate tactic! There's a few tents outside the Best Buy by my restaurant, but one of the other servers was saying that Best Buy is only going to have five consoles on the first day. Any truth in this? -r2[/color]
  17. [quote name='Dagger']what keeps me watching is the complexity of the language, the different types of speech patterns used by different characters (I have no idea how difficult this show must be to translate)[/quote][color=#007520]First off, yes, I have been watching Deathnote. I just haven't had the chance to post in that thread yet. ;) Second, I've had this series in my download folder for a while now, but only last night watched an episode. I don't know if there's something about samurai anime that make me giddy, but I haven't felt this way about a series since Peace Maker Kurogane. Third, how can anyone disagree with what is quoted? I watched the episode to help me relax after a long day at work, but with the formal introductions, the blunt samurai tongue, and the [b][i]English[/i][/b] (not Engrish!) my brain couldn't rest. I'm just glad I didn't watch this as a RAW. =) I really like the costumes in the series. Particularly Yuuyama's and Akidzuki's with their mix of Eastern and Western styles. I think I'll try to cosplay the latter's... hmm -r2[/color]
  18. [color=#007520]Since this is technically not Anime, I'm moving it to Movies, Music and TV. -r2[/color]
  19. r2vq

    Dgray Man

    [color=#007520]Welcome to Otakuboards LadySesshoumaru, Anime Lounge has a pretty specific method when it comes to creating new threads. This thread seems to be about series, but isn't really specific. If you want to create a thread about a specific Anime, use the one that's in the Official Threads Directory. In this case, where there is no thread about D.Gray-Man, I encourage you to create one that's specifically about the series, but try not to go off topic, especially in the first post. If the thread is about D.Gray-Man, keep it about D.Gray-Man. To avoid confusion from later posters. We don't want a sudden Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru discussion in the D.Gray-Man thread. ;) Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  20. [quote name='Ikillion][color=#56995e][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]As for the other on I had just though of I think that Star Fox would be a wonderful one. //snip// the storyline could be countinues but may be repetitive after a while.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote][color=#007520]I haven't played much Star Fox before I got the DS version, and I wasn't very impressed with the story. It seemed very shallow at best. I don't think I'd like to see an anime version of this [b]because[/b] of the story, even if the dog fight scenes would be amazing. Though, if they changed the story, I would probably watch. xD -r2[/color]
  21. [color=#007520]Welcome to Otakuboards God's Bane, Try not to necromance threads. Unless the thread is an official anime thread (listed in the threads directory) try not to dig them up from 2005. :) Also, you might want to try to improve your post quality. Fix the spelling here. Clean the broken tags there. Stop abusing the emoticons. Remember that OB emphasizes post quality and content. Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  22. [color=#007520]When I first saw this thread, I hesitated, thinking that I would probably only put in my favourite games. But then I realized that neither Mario Bros., Tetris, or Super Smash Bros. wouldn't interest me as a movie, series, or OVA. What would intrigue me are the games that already have good storylines but leave lots of questions unanswered. For example, wouldn't we all benefit from a movie based off of [b]Shadow of the Colosus[/b], and then a sequel based off [b]Ico[/b]? This series already has a compelling story with the added bonus of being so different that we wouldn't come across any of the regular video game stereotypes. The only drawback would be the lack of diologue in the feature, but that is something that might actually work for the film. [quote name='Ikillion][color=#56995e][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Heh, The only title that I know which would have a very succesful adaptation would have to be any of the Zelda series.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]There was a Zelda series already. Link had brown hair and talked like a surfer. It wasn't very good. I wouldn't mind a Zelda series if it were done in the style of the upcoming [b]Twilight Princess[/b]. Otherwise, I'd be worried that the series would be too campy and self depricating. The darkness of Twilight Princess intrigues me and is one of the draws it has on me. Though, would you ever hear Link talk in the show? Or just "hu!" and "ha!" and "ahhhhhhhhhh!" heh.... heh... You know what would be a good game to turn into an Anime? Pocket Monsters. 8) -r2[/color]
  23. [color=#007520]Welcome to Otakuboards musiQ_Q, Keep in mind when posting that we want to enforce both post quality, and conversation (ie. content). Although your post was written pretty well and the topic can encourage a decent conversation, the little content in your post has little anyone can really reply to specifically. Why not tell us what makes Haruhi maddening? What makes her like a candied apple with no apple? Explain your reasons, and you'll have easy content. If you want to recreate this topic, I encourage you to do so but with a little more stuffing for your post. PM me or any of the other moderators if you have any questions about this or any other part of the boards. Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  24. [color=#007520][QUOTE=r2vq][color=#007520][B]R2's Episode 3 Thoughts/Theories[/B] 1. D.L. [spoiler]didn't kill his men. Niki's doppleganger did. That's why she knew where they were buried.[/spoiler][/color][/QUOTE]Verified? [spoiler]Although, not yet verified, I believe that Episode 5 (and the webcomic released with it) have backed my argument.[/spoiler] The most recent webcomic shows [spoiler]that the gun which killed DL's men was in his and Niki's dresser. And he phases! That explains how he appears out of nowhere all the time.[/spoiler] [quote name='r2vq][color=#007520]5. Peter is trying to [spoiler]activate the wrong power. That's why he hasn't been able to fly yet.[/spoiler'] Damn wikipedia. I wouldn't have thought of this if I hadn't read their Character Descriptions. >_>[/color][/quote]Verified? [spoiler]Well, as White and Deadseraphim noted, it's pretty obvious from episodes 4. Yes, verified. Gotta love those white contacts.[/spoiler] I have to agree with Shinmaru when it comes to the election. I think, considering Nathan's attitude so far, it seems to be the only logical conclusion. Of those who [spoiler]know about the powers, he's the least interested in using them because of his devotion to the campaign. His giving up the campaign for the 'greater cause' would be a way to redeem himself of this.[/spoiler] On a similar note, wasn't that [spoiler]flying scene shway? Dude, he just exploded in the air![/spoiler] -r2[/color]
  25. [color=#007520][quote name='theiceisfrozen']I love anime becuase the quality of Amercian cartoons has just been demolished. What ever happened to actual animation style and content?[/quote]I have to disagree wholeheartedly. There are cartoons in the West that have as much, if not more, content than most of the cartoons from the East, this includes Anime. [quote name='theiceisfrozen']There is a certain characteristic about anime that is a far cry from Ed, Edd and Eddy, and Spongebob Squarepants![/quote]The main problem may be that you are comparing the serious attempts at storytelling in Japan with the attempts at humour in the United States. The two shows you mentioned are perfect examples of animated comedies in the West, that target a younger age group. I don't think it's fair to compare the content presented in Orson Scott Card's Speaker series to Gillian Rubinstein's earlier works and decide that since Card's Speaker books are more adult than Rubinstein's set, that all books from Australia are for children. You'd miss out on Sara Douglass, who writes a set of whacked out novels not for children, and even Rubinstein's own later work "Tales of the Otori". [quote name='theiceisfrozen']Most animes have story lines that are cohesive, not something that is meant to stimulate the viewer for the first 15 minutes and then become froth![/quote]Try Kogepan, Doraemon, Hello Kitty and Friends. These would be the a better comparison to childrens cartoons. Yes, there are Anime that have storylines and they try to keep you watching for 20 minutes+commercial breaks, but to say that there are no Western cartoons that try to keep you entertained in a similar manner is hogwash. There are few television shows with a social/political satiric commentary as heavy as South Park. It's story may not run continuously throughout the series, but that's a conscious choice by the creators while keeping the satire strong. Gargoyles was popular when it ran because people put effort into the story. Complex arcs were woven into the plot, with ties to mythology and even Shakespeare's plays. Mainframe was good at producing continuous series with an overarching plot. Beast Wars was enjoyed by an adult fanbase, as well as a younger one. Beast Machines took the story to a further level of depth and darkness that lost its younger fanbase. Reboot, although easily breakable into seperate episodes, had an overarching story that could only really be enjoyed in order. This was especially true for the later seasons and the last few "movies". [quote name='theiceisfrozen']Even just the style is completely different.[/quote]It's not fair to judge something on style. Style, like beauty, is something that you can say "one is better than the other" so simply. You may have your preferences, but saying one style is simply better than another isn't fair, unbiased judgement. [quote name='theiceisfrozen']I mean, you tend to hear about those manga and anime sweatshop style animators working and slaving away for one episode or one chapter. However, that is not the case with American cartoons. They pump them out day by day, just meaningless poorly animated cartoons.[/quote]Production quality, and animation quality is actually higher in the States than it is in Japan. I've said this before, and I'll say it again: Americans spend more money and more time on their Cartoons. This is why there's a lot of still frames in Anime (especially the older ones) and a lot of dramatic poses. It's a technique called limited animation. In fact, the sweatshop style of drawing seems to fit more closely to Japanese Manga artists than it does to anything American.American comic book artists are expected to draw one page per day. If they spend longer than one day on a certain page, they would typically spend less time on another page. This is seven pages per week. Take a look at a weekly released Manga chapter, ie. Naruto, and you'll find that there are more than seven pages in each chapter. This is because contrary to American comic books who spread the work out between writers, pencillers, inkers, and colouring artists, a typical Mangaka will write and draw their manga with a few assisstants. Japanese artists are more rushed to finish their work. They're under more pressure to have their work published on time. They're under more pressure to make sure their characters are the favourites in the magazine that publishes their comic. This is why, many people argue, that Destiny was so much worse than SEED. [quote name='theiceisfrozen']I think this is why we don't refer to anime as cartoons and in fact some of us shudder to hear someone refer to anime as cartoons. There is a big difference in the quality of a cartoon and the quality of anime. It would be like comparing a fine wine to a soft drink.[/quote]Anime is short for the Japanese word "animeshyon" which means "Animation". A lot of elitists in the West refuse to relate cartoons and Anime because of the stigma that is attatched to cartoons. But even in Japan they are considered one in the same. Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny are anime. Ed, Edd, and Eddy and Spongebob are Anime. Japanese cartoons are called "Japanimation" but that's the same thing as calling it "Japanese animation" or "Japanese cartoons". [quote name='theiceisfrozen']I love anime because someone actually took the time to think out a plot and character stories and weave a story line that is enchanting and thoughtfully interesting. Most anime has that ephemeral quality to it and in the end I think that is what draws people the most![/quote]If you're willing to look past the stigma, there are cartoons in the West that can blow your mind. I'm not saying that your reasons for liking Anime are bad. I'm saying is that your reasons for not liking Western cartoons are based off stereotypes and aren't fully researched. -r2[/color]
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