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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. [quote name='xredxeclipsex']I don't know were you can go to to see if they are going to come out with any dvds[/quote][color=#007520]Check out [url=http://amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/104-3880484-7725536?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=naruto]Amazon[/url] or [url=http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp;jsessionid=LSACYFYQXI3C1KC4D3EVAFI?_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&id=pcat17071&type=page&st=naruto&sc=Global&cp=1&nrp=15&sp=&qp=&list=n&iht=y&usc=All+Categories]Best Buy[/url] (for starters) if you're looking to purchase the DVDs. Check out [url=http://www.animeondvd.com/]AnimeOnDVD.com[/url] and [url=http://animenewsnetwork.com/]AnimeNewsNetwork[/url] for news on Anime that's being licensed. Naruto, though, has come out with DVDs. There's no more 'if' about it. ;) There are the uncensored boxsets with dual audio, and the individual DVD releases with the censored dub only. -r2[/color]
  2. [color=#007520][quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkOrchid']I?ve seen everything from stationary to a series to wall scrolls, snacks, T-shirts, caps, key chains, accessories, bag and wallet sets, calendars, phone cards, stickers, patches, pins, buttons, lighters, pens, necklaces, rings. Etc. The list goes on and on.[/COLOR][/quote]Don't forget... pencil boards, cosplay items, tissues, things that hang from backpacks and cellphones, plushies, models kits, action figures, art books, video games, DVDs, OSTs, animation cels, trading cards, plastic/paper fans, prophylactics, posters, pencil cases, watches, aaand that's all I can think of at the moment. 8) I think that there's often a misconception when it comes to Anime and art. From what I've seen, although (or possibly because) there's a lot of cartoons in the west aimed at a younger audience, there's also a lot more freedom when you [i]do[/i] see the artistic sides. The Japanese, too, have a lot of pure garbage animations, you just don't get to see them here since they're garbage. -r2[/color]
  3. r2vq

    Red Vs. Blue

    [color=#007520]My favourite season, [color=#cccccc]or ark, or whatever...[/color] was the bit where Church went back in time. The way they wrote it to make him [spoiler]cause everything in the first and second seasons[/spoiler] was nothing short of inspired. On another note, I'm actually a pretty big fan of [color=#ff0000]R[/color][color=#000000]v[/color][color=#0000ff]B[/color]. I have the four DVDs and the soundtrack signed by whoever I can meet at conventions. Sometimes I even wear my "I like me" shirt at work. 8) I also have to disagree with what Tex said earlier. I felt that Caboose went on a pretty steady decline in intelligence while Donut, although steadily declining in heterosexuality, didn't drop as far in intelligence points. Even the commentaries of the DVDs noted this at one point with something along the lines of "and here starts the fall of Donut". (
  4. [color=#007520]I remember seeing an AMV with an Angel type girl with (I believe) blue hair and a hammer. She kept hitting the boy with the hammer, and apparently killing him. It seemed very perverted, and all the characters looked young~ish styled. Does this description match the one you're looking for? (I don't know the title, but maybe if it is, this will help others who read the thread.) -r2[/color]
  5. [color=#007520][quote name='Kamui']I have watch a sports anime called Hikaru no Go.[/quote]I was waiting for someone to mention this series. Although Go is as much a sport as Chess is, the portrayal of the game within the series is very similar to the way sports are displayed in sports-themed Anime. The intensity of a match, the difficulty of training, the challenge of rivals, the agony of defeat, and even the emotions of the onlooking crowd are all in this series. The way the movements of the characters are stylized to have dramatic poses in a similar way Anime-ted athletes are. This is definately a sports Anime if I've seen one. [quote name='Kamui']The main character will always win against the Go challengers and will struggle to win the game. //snip// You never see them in class learning, doing classwork and it seem they have no homework to do.They spend there free time to play Go. Go seem to be the main sorce of their lives. :animesmil[/quote]I'm not sure of the Anime, but I know in the Manga (which I hear is very, very close story wise to the Anime) the main character regularly loses, especially against more experienced competitors. The series is about becoming stronger and to portray this the writer had to have the characters lose every so often, even if he won most of the time. About the life (or lack thereof) thing, they did spend all their free time playing Go, but they're saying that's how dedicated you have to be if you want to be the best. 8) And the lack of homework was explained in the series. Professional Go players that are still in High School are forgiven for missing assignments or classes when their professional schedule creates a conflict. As for other sports related Anime, I've never really been interested. I have a lot of friends who love the Captain Tsubasa Manga, Prince of Tennis is of course popular, and Ashita no Joe is a classic, but I've never been interested enough to watch/read any of these for very long. I find the plot points similar, if not the same. A weak, underdog-ish character works his hardest to become the best in the his respective sport. He makes friends, and rivals along the way. I can only watch one of a repetative genre without feeling deja vu, and for the sports genre it was Hikaru no Go. The worst/least intersting sports-related Anime I've ever seen was Monkey Turn. Dear god I thought that script was bad. -r2[/color]
  6. [color=#ff7520][list=1][*][color=#0075ff]Simple Plan[/color] - [color=#007520]Untitled[/color] [*][color=#0075ff]ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION[/color] - [color=#007520]Kimi no Machi Made[/color] [*][color=#0075ff]Sakamoto Kyu[/color] - [color=#007520]Sukiyaki[/color] [*][color=#0075ff]Tamaki Nami[/color] - [color=#007520]Realize[/color] [I][SIZE=1](GUNDAM SEED OPENING Ver.)[/SIZE][/I] [*][color=#0075ff]Aya Ueto[/color] - [color=#007520]Kaze[/color] [I][SIZE=1]~minami kaze vers.~[/SIZE][/I] [*][color=#0075ff]Takeshi Watanabe[/color] - [color=#007520]Hotto Suru Theme[/color] [*][color=#0075ff]ORANGE RANGE[/color] - [color=#007520]Viva Rock[/color] [*][color=#0075ff]Daft punk[/color] - [color=#007520]One More Time[/color] [*][color=#0075ff]Alizee[/color] - [color=#007520]La Isla Bonita[/color] [*][color=#0075ff]Junko Takeuchi[/color] - [color=#007520]GYU-RU-RU[/color] [*][color=#0075ff]Hitomi[/color] - [color=#007520]I Am[/color] [*][color=#0075ff]Initial D[/color] - [color=#007520]Speedy Speed Boy[/color] [*][color=#0075ff]Two Mix[/color] - [color=#007520]Just Communication[/color] [*][color=#0075ff]Arimachi Masahiko[/color] - [color=#007520]Through the Night[/color] [*][color=#0075ff]Digimon Soundtrack[/color] - [color=#007520]Run Around[/color][/list][/color][color=#007520]R2 likes his rock. I have a full Simple Plan album dropped in there somewhere, as well as the full AKFG album. Random guitar sounds are driven in there because I don't follow artists; I find songs I like and I keep them. 8) That explains Sakamoto Kyu's Sukiyaki. I'm looking to expand into the classical and instrumental genres... I'm going to start with video game music. I already have The Legond of Zelda's overworld theme, as well as the London Symphony Orchestra version of the Mario Bros theme. I hear the Final Fantasy series has good music too. -r2[/color]
  7. [color=#007520]emma-o There exists an [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]Official Threads Directory[/url] where you can find the Official Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles thread. You can ask your questions there. There also exists a rule which states that a post by one user, shall not be followed by a post of the same user. ie. If you double post, you'll die by the blade of my rusty ice skate. If you have any questions about the rules, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  8. r2vq


    [color=#007520]hoji, Every post you make, you've been warned about your lack of content, and your grammar. Unless you make an effort to improve, a nice big "ban" mark on your forehead isn't out of the question. Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  9. [color=#007520]First off, I highly enjoyed Episode 3. I think this series is continuing well. [quote name='Obesepanda][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]When you get out of bed and your foot noly hovers for a moment are you really going to think you can fly?[/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote]The problem here is that Peter has had the most trouble with his powers since then. In fact, we don't even know if his foot was even hovering at all. Even he said that [spoiler]he [i]thinks[/i] it was.[/spoiler] [quote name='Obesepanda][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Hiro was able to teleport to new york after one day, he hasnt even had his power that long and he was able to bend the space time contuim, What is with that?[/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote]Like I said before, Hiro is proof that only nerds would know what to do with superpowers if they had them. He noticed something was strange, he put two and two together, and he decided to try something out. And you'll see in the second episode [spoiler]he wasn't in total control of his power when that happenned.[/spoiler] [QUOTE=Obesepanda][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]they could have made it alittle more clean, and not seem rushed. It could take several shows [10+] for the characters to even notice their abilties and then start pondering them, maybe after the tenth episode jump from a building if you have seem signs or somthing, not just hover for a moment, Thats just bollocks.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]I disagree with this. Although it might work for a series that focuses on one character learning how to use super abilities, ie. Smallville, I don't think it would work with the larger cast that Heroes has. We would eventually get bored, and the plot would never grow because we're spending too much time growing the characters. [quote name='Obesepanda][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Take Hiro for instance, he is in for a meeting or something, and he is counting down the hours, he is tired from some affair at home and is really trying to get home to take a rest, maybe he was on the computer all night and came in, after several seconds after taking a fair amount of glances at the clock he keeps his mind set on it, waiting for this to end and go home, and a second goes back. He wonders what happened but shrugs it off and decides to keep interest in the meeting.[/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote]Imagine we did that with every character. I actually like the way they did this because not everyone is discovering their powers at the same rate. Yes, Hiro discovered his pretty quickly, but he's a nerd. He's thinking about things like this all the time. His life is always mundane and he's looking for any exit he can get. He's a clock puncher, and he wants to stop the cycle. The moment anything different comes along, he'll ride the excitement. Look at Claire. She [spoiler]refuses to deal with her powers. Instead of using them, she's trying to just live her life.[/spoiler] Look at Nathan. He [spoiler]doesn't use his powers at all. He focuses on his election, and the producers only know if he's going to develop his powers at all.[/spoiler] Peter is another good example. He [spoiler]can't seem to get his powers working at all.[/spoiler] [B]R2's Episode 3 Thoughts/Theories[/B] [INDENT]1. D.L. [spoiler]didn't kill his men. Niki's doppleganger did. That's why she knew where they were buried.[/spoiler] 2. Sylar [spoiler]steals the powers of others. He does this by taking their brains. He stole Isaac's right? He also seems to have more than just a few powers like the others.[/spoiler] This leads me to 3 and 4. 3. The girl that Matt found [spoiler]has powers and Sylar is after them. He pinpointed the one with the powers, but he mistakenly believed it to be the father. That's why the father's brain was sliced.[/spoiler] 4. The powers are [spoiler]found in the brain. This is why Niki couldn't regenerate until the wood was pulled from her skull.[/spoiler] 5. Peter is trying to [spoiler]activate the wrong power. That's why he hasn't been able to fly yet.[/spoiler] Damn wikipedia. I wouldn't have thought of this if I hadn't read their Character Descriptions. >_>[/INDENT] -r2[/color]
  10. [color=#007520]The twins warned him, but it seems Tamaki forgot to put sunscreen on his face again. -r2[/color]
  11. [color=#007520]First try [url=http://animelyrics.com/anime/ghostshell/]here[/url] and [url=http://animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=910]here[/url]. -sigh- Since (1) Otakuboards isn't a search engine, (2) this thread has no discussion value, and (3) this isn't in [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]the Official Ghost in the Shell thread[/url], this thread has to be closed. PM me or any of the other moderators if you have any questions. -r2[/color]
  12. [color=#007520]lol @ visualkei. Worry not, we all have our 'cute' moments. Has anyone seen [B]Captain Star[/B]? That show was amazing. I have one nerdy friend at work that loves to talk about it, but nobody else seems to have known about it. A blatant spoof of Star Trek, but brings a tear to my eye. There was also [b]Rocko's Modern Life[/b]. That show is the essence of "trippy". Have you ever seen the OP for that show? His brain gets squished out and [b]eaten by his dog![/b] He has toads for neighbours, and a cow for a best friend. Duuude.... Then there was that MTV show for a while, [b]The Maxx[/b]. The insanity in that show kept drawing me back. So gritty, so dirty, so unpredictable... Very different from the other shows I had access to at the time. It brings back fond memories... Heh~ I less than three cartoons. T_T -r2[/color]
  13. [color=#007520]If you have a linksys router, access it from your web browser by typing in "". Type in your password (default is "admin"). Click "Wireless" then "Wireless Security". If the security mode is WEP, you're in luck. If it isn't, then you'll have to get your sister to change it for you (unless it says disabled). In the boxes below there should be 4 keys, the first one is the one you'll be using in your NDS. -r2[/color]
  14. [color=#007520]Although Mewprincess did an acceptable job of replying to the opening question, Venus Kitty, the opening post of this thread is not strong enough to validate the existence of the thread. Venus Kitty, having been a member since August, you should know by now that posts should be made with considerable content and with reasonable quality. Using proper sentences, grammar, spelling, helps in readability and post quality. Backing up your answers with reasons, facts, and arguments is a great way to fill up on content and help move the conversation forward. I'm closing this thread due to its poor content and quality, if you have any questions about this, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  15. [color=#007520]I don't even use the MAC address when hooking up my DS to the net. As long as you have the right WEP it should be okay. Check it out when you play a DS game that's Wifi capable. In the Wifi section there should be an option that says "Settings". Just create a new profile from there. If you still need help, the link Debreko mentioned is helpful too. -r2[/color]
  16. [color=#007520]You like Naruto. Why? Any specific reason? Anything you can [i]discuss[/i]? hoji, welcome to Otakuboards. You'll need to keep in mind that we try to keep the boards spam-free and full of discussion. So threads have to be a little more specific than what you've given us. Thread starting posts, especially have to be of higher quality. Read the board [url=http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?]rules[/url] before continuing to post. We also have a pretty strict set of regulations in place when talking about specific Anime. Each Anime has a specific thread that you need to post in. If you want to talk about Naruto, head over to the Naruto thread. If you don't know where that is, check out the [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]Official Threads Directory[/url]. If you have any questions about posting in Anime Lounge, or anywhere on OB, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  17. r2vq

    Otaku Unite!

    [color=#007520]Although relating to Anime, I'm moving this to the Music, Movies, & TV forum since it's a Trailer for a documentary that isn't specifically about Anime, but more about an American sub-culture. -r2[/color]
  18. r2vq

    catch phrase

    [color=#007520]If you can't find it [url=http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?]here[/url] try [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]here[/url]. Because this Naruto specific question isn't in the Naruto specific thread, it will (specifically) be closed. Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  19. [color=#007520]LilyBebeboo, Unfortunately, threads devoted solely to advertising are to be immediately deleted and usually result in an automatic ban. Since you aren't exactly an spam advertiser, I'm not going to insist on something that drastic, but I will have to close this thread. The conversation value is minimal, and it still is primarily, a thread advertising the contest. I invite you to, instead, place the link and information in your signature to attract attention to the event. I wish you good luck in the contest, and hope you'll be accepted. It looks like pretty tough to enter though. [B]Thread Closed[/B]. -r2[/color]
  20. [color=#007520]I was annoyed by the inconsistancies with the first episode. Some were explained, some were not. The cop was cool. He's like a little boy cute. I wasn't as keen on the trunk thing though. Maybe I'm just not as into [spoiler]blood and gore[/spoiler] as you two. xP My favourite part, like White, was the ending. When Hiro's friend says "[spoiler]We've been looking for him for five weeks![/spoiler]" I had to scream in the fanboy fashion of "OMGWTFBBQ" as well as "So that explains the ending on the train of Episode 1!". I'm glad the nurse boy got his [spoiler]flying power working. It would have sucked if his power was simply to feel through his brother... who could fly.[/spoiler] -r2[/color]
  21. [color=#007520]I'm getting the Wii as soon as I gots the cashes. And Zelda is a staple, so there's no way I can skip it... even if the only Zelda game I enjoyed previously was the Minish Cap. My girlfriend will be getting the GCN version, though, because she feels Nintendo ripped her off, since she was promised the game for the GCN. Am I the only one that was surprised from this line? [quote] The interesting thing is, on the GameCube Link is still left-handed; because of the mirror mode [B]the game map is reversed[/B].[/quote]It would be strange to try to compare walkthroughs, screenshots, and play experience between the Wii and the GCN if the maps are reversed... -r2[/color]
  22. [color=#007520]Probably, but this is the wrong way to ask it. Qualitative discussion is expected in the Anime Lounge. Step 1. [url=http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Read this[/url]. Step 2. PM me if you have any questions. Thread closed. -r2[/color]
  23. [quote name='visualkei][B']Does anyone know if they're going to show the first episode again or if I can find it on the internet? [/B][/quote][color=#007520]Normally, that would be against the rules. You're lucky that it's not the case this time around though. The first episode is fully downloadable from the NBC website. I think you have to be in the States, though, it wont let me stream from Canada. Edit: Forgot to add this [url=http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/][B]link[/B][/url]. -r2[/color]
  24. [color=#007520]I'd pick mod powers from Otakuboards! Oh wait. I have those. 8) More content is required from posts in Anime Lounge, especially posts that open threads. Remember that we emphasize discussion. So... LilyBebeboo, you could explain why you'd like to do alchemy, or what you would do with it. Not only that, Mei Mei's response didn't even seem to answer the qusetion. I didn't realize Inuyasha from Inuyasha was an 'anime power'. All sarcasm aside, if you wanted to answer the question with multiple answers, you would still be required to post reasons for each response. Why would you want to be Horohoro? Why would being a soul reaper be cool? [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Read the rules[/url] before you continue to post. If you have any questions, please PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  25. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']My only real complaint is when the teacher in the beginning goes on about "they say humans only use 10% of their brains". Sometimes I wonder if writers even really research things because most people should know by now that that's just a load of crap pushed by psychics and other weirdos to explain their non-existant abilities and potential.[/quote][color=#007520]As long as they don't continue to push that as the cause for the rest of the series, it should be okay. It just seemed like that's how he was trying to get the kids interested. Honestly, I've been looking forward to this series, ever since I saw the commercial for the first time. The first episode did not disappoint me. In fact, it even surprised me. I don't disagree that not everything was presented perfectly, but I'm a sucker for eye candy. After the cheerleader jumped and [spoiler]still had her ribs sticking out[/spoiler] how could you not fall in love with that? I have to honestly say that I was surprised by the ending. Though, really, I guess I shouldn't have been. Nobody else seems to have [spoiler]two powers[/spoiler]. My favourite character so far is Hiro. Was anyone else reminded of the Yatta Yatta song? 8) Hiro is proof that if super powers suddenly appeared on the planet, only us nerds would know how to deal with them. Hey spock! Use your death grip! Death grip!! -r2[/color]
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