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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25859&stc=1[/img] [color=#007520]This used to be my signature. I wonder if anyone saw it. 8) -r2[/color]
  2. [color=#007520]Argh~ computer crashed as I was writing up my conclusion. That means you'll have to settle for points guys. >_> [B]Retribution[/B]: -Your piece reminded me of the way I set my work up. Angles, colour themes, the way you do text. -I like the panels you used in the background. They show Naruto gaining "strength" even if you don't know the story. -I don't like the font used in the first set of words though. Nor do I like the way the "e" or "s" in "me" and "is" look, since they're covered. [b]Katana[/b]: -I like your use of texture. It looks great. -The piece reminds me of traditional ukiyo-e painted scrolls. -The style is so different, that it really stands out. -The lack of text is striking. My vote goes for [b]Katana[/b]. The unique style is something that really puts an impression on me. ...or maybe I want to play Okami too much. Now I'm going to grumble off and find out what crashed my computer and ruined my previous entry with actual paragraphs. >_> -r2[/color]
  3. [color=#007520]Charles, is that official information or your logical conclusion? [quote name='White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma][spoiler]At the part where you controlled the guy being sucked in by the energy, my friend and I managed to get all the way to the girl laying down but it wouldn't let us go further. lol[/spoiler][/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] My friend and I did that too. It took us a good fifteen to twenty minutes to work our way through the wind, but we eventually managed to get as far as it would let us. If I remember correctly, we didn't [spoiler]see anyone lying on the stone table! After seeing the 'bed' empty, we gave up and let the wind pull us away. And amazingly, in the cinematic that followed, the girl [i]wakes up[/i] from the place that was previously empty![/spoiler] Now... did this happen to you too, or did we just not notice? -r2[/color]
  4. r2vq


    [color=#007520]*sigh* I've been looking forward to this game since they mentioned it on the 1upShow. Honestly, it is beautiful, and it looks amazing. The only problem is, I haven't had a chance to play it yet! T_T I was supposed to play it last night at a friend's house. But because I had to work late, she played it ahead of me. Like you three, she's had nothing but good things to say about it. For those who played the game, tell me. The brush feature looks like it would work well on the DS. Do you think this game would work better with a control interface like the DS or is it pretty natural with the PS2 controller? I know the graphics for the game are way too intense for the handheld, in an interview someone from CLOVER said the graphics pushed the PS2 to the limit, but how can you not be reminded of a DS Stylus when you use the brush? -r2[/color]
  5. [color=#007520]REGAMER-X First allow me to say, welcome to Otakuboards, Next I have to close this thread since it's a Favourites Thread. Favourites Threads aren't usually permitted for reasons that can be found in your first post. People often post lists with very little [b]actual[/b] discussion. We let them slip by if the posts in the thread show promise, but the first post is very important in this decision, and your first post shows little promise. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  6. [color=#007520]I've had a similar theory for a while now, actually. My main concern is when people criticize the English voice of a character because of the differences the voice has to its Japanese version. Hardly ever do I hear a valid complaint with a voice without the comparison. Can't a voice just be good or bad? Although Husse67 and grinner117 aren't a great example of this theory, they are great examples of the exceptions. This theory only, really, applies to those who enjoy the Japanese version of an Anime more. xP A good example of this would be those who complained that the English version of Naruto sounded like a girl. ..as opposed to the Japanese version of Naruto. I believe that those who argue this -r2[/color]
  7. [color=#007520]Thanks for private messaging us like Charles suggested. ;)[/sarcasm] If you [i]did[/i] private message me, I might have told you that a thread in Anime Lounge would require a little more content than what you have now. Private Message me and we can talk about what can go in your thread when you try again. xP Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  8. [color=#007520]I'm going to let this poll run for a few days, and then I'm going to merge it with the [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45870]already existing Zatch Bell thread[/url]. -r2[/color]
  9. r2vq

    New job

    [quote name='Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Ino. I have not had a job that has changed me because i'm 14 and I don't have a job^^[/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote][color=#007520]Then what's the point in answering at all, really? ^^ Congratulations on your new job Chef. I'm glad it's in the field you're interested in. Though, I thought I heard somewhere that Game Testers usually start out as people who answered the hotline phones for hints and tips. 8) Though, somehow I got the idea that you cooked for a living. *cough* Swedish Chef *cough* I've been working as a server in a restaurant for almost a year now. It's difficult, but it [i]has[/i] changed me for the better. There really is a lot you can only learn by experience. The biggest lesson, customer relations, was the hardest thing to learn. I can smile as I deal with people now, no matter how difficult a particular individual can be. Though, the face you put on for the customers is often the same face you put on for your fellow employees. Somtimes they're just difficult to work with. :animesigh And although it isn't the biggest, what I believe to be the most important lesson is endurance. I've learned to work longer, and harder shifts that can span all day. Often my day can consist of waking up, going to work, then going home to sleep. Although this pattern may be a little depressing at times, endurance is definately something I want to have in the future. The only thing I really got from my previous job, other than learning to mop/sweep properly, was how to open a box without using a sharp object. 8) -r2[/color]
  10. r2vq


    [color=#007520][quote name='John']you just have to buy a broadband adapter, and I can't see how cost could really be a big issue in the long run with something like that lol. And the browser is just an optional thing, for using the "normal" 'net.[/quote]Yes, the browser is just an optional thing. In fact, unless there's some promotion or a way I can get it for free, I don't plan on buying the browser at all. Though, I think that the broadband adapter is an issue. Nintendo is trying to get as many people playing as possible, making the Wii more accessable to the vast population that is generally ignorant of video games. That's why the who Wii-Channels and remote-shaped controllers were created. If a lot of people can't get a lot of the Wii-Channels, the virtual console, or even use the Connect24 feature without shelling out another $50 for a wireless router, I don't think it will be very good for Nintendo's plan. From what I hear, Nintendo wants people to use the Wii every day for things like checking the weather. And from there it's a simple jump to playing the video games that the gamers in the house would have purchased for the console. My point is similar to those who argue that the controller is too expensive. -r2[/color]
  11. r2vq


    [color=#007520]Nintendo Wifi will, apparently, be free to access, but to download the browser you'll have to use Wii-points. ie. Pay. Also, you have to already have a wifi accessable connection, like a wireless router. ...unless, do you guys think they'll have a network plug in the back of the Wii? Either way, you wont get the free online service unless you already have online access. 8) Kurayama Oji, although PS3 and x360 have better engines under the hoods, it doesn't mean they will get better games. Personally, I find Nintendo games to have the most replay value and the most fun over a longer period of time. Heh~ I'm looking forward to Mario Galaxy and SSBB. 8) -r2[/color]
  12. [color=#007520]And so Zorro taught Usopp and Chopper that to quit smoking really would be better for their health. -r2[/color]
  13. [quote=aoi_hikari]ex. 1 Wakouji-sensei (Full Moon wo Sagashite). In the dub, they pronounce his name "Wa-ka-o-ji" in 2 syllables, seperated instead of "Wa-kao-ji", unseperated. This irritates me to no end. ex. 2. Ritsu (Fruits Basket) They pronounce "Ree-tsu" as "Rit-tsu'".[/quote][color=#007520]Hm... From my experience with Japanese, you're supposed to pronounce every vowel sound as its own syllable. The only exceptions would be the letters "u" and sometimes "i". Those are soft and can sometimes appear omitted. So, for Wakaoji, it seems they were pronouncing it correctly. When you listen to Japanese, the syllables are sometimes slurred, but I'm pretty sure they're still supposed to be seperate. Also, the Japanese "i" should sound like the vowel sounds in "eat" or "meet". ie. The Japanese "shi" would sound like the English word "she". So the "ri" in "Ritsu" should be pronounced like the "ree" in "reel" (as in movie reel). The second syllable, containing the aforementioned soft "u" would probably be pronounce "ts". But other than that, it seems like they were pronouncing it correctly too. 8) Of course, I've never seen the dubs for either of these shows so I'm going by the way you described them. -r2[/color]
  14. [color=#007520]What you say about Bradley is true, I felt the same emotions, but as far as I'm concerned that only has to do with the Anime. He's cute in the manga though. Take the following for example... [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25836&stc=1[/img] -r2[/color]
  15. [color=#007520]All Dragonball Z discussion should go in the Dragonball Z thread, but since I think this has merit for a more general discussion, I'm changing the title of your thread. As for the question itself, I think it depends on your definition of "bishounen'. In the literal sense, I don't think Vegeta would fit the title 'pretty boy'. He has that large forehead caused by what appears to be hair loss (though I know Saiya-jin never lose their hair) and he almost has a unibrow. He does, though, appear to fit with the whole misunderstood, "badass" type with a troubled past bishounen cliché. I think there should be two general types of bishounen and beneath those, many subtypes. The first would be those who actually look pretty. The second would be those who don't look pretty but fit the character descriptions of classic/popular bishounen clichés. As for the subtypes, I think those are covered pretty well in the first episode of Ouran High School Host Club. 8) -r2[/color]
  16. [quote name='Astraea]I never would have guessed [spoiler']his actual identity[/spoiler][/quote][color=#007520]I enjoyed the film. I'm surprised you didn't. It actually felt like a conclusion to the series. Granted, I didn't like the beginning flashback/story-telling part to it, but when Al fought those suits of armour [spoiler]dressed like his brother[/spoiler] I had to release a fanboy squee. Though, of course, Bradley is the best. Ever. Who wouldn't worship a guy called "[I]Führer President King[/I] Bradley". You definately know who's in charge there. I added spoiler tags to your post, btw. You can click "Edit" to see how I did them. -r2[/color]
  17. [color=#007520]AnimeHeroX, Although I can understand the basic premise of what you're saying, the details are muddled up. Your grammar is so confusing, it's difficult to make heads or tails of what you're saying. Although this thread could have conversation value, the opening post is an example for those who reply. So, you'll need to clean up your grammar and coherency before you try again. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  18. [color=#007520]Clever. They do seem to remind me of the personalities of the two machines in the same way the Mac vs PC tv spots do. I think, though, that the TV Spots are a lot more original. I do like the line about the vibrator feature though. 8) I feel like I'm watching a fanboy argument as I watch this. Where the Sony fanboys are talking about all the features of a Playstation 3, while Nintendo fanboys are saying "wii are still better." Though, honsetly, I've never really seen a fanboy argument so I have no basis for comparison. -r2[/color]
  19. [quote name='black rurouni']the price on manga is too high why buy of the rurouni kenshin manga for $67 went you can get all the whole seris on dvd for $34[/quote][color=#007520] Because the DVDs you're buying are illegal, immoral, and unofficial. It's hard to believe that you can get the whole series of Rurouni Kenshin for that low of a price unless what you're buying is bootlegs. And once you start talking about bootlegs, price can not even be brought into the debate. -r2[/color]
  20. [color=#007520]hey wassup! My name's r2vq, an anime fan and a moderator of the Anime Lounge! I'm not a fan of this thread... (read the rules for why) Have you read the [url=http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?]rules[/url] yet? Take a look around at the other posts if you're confused and try to bring your post quality up. We expect a certain level of conversation, post quality, and content in all the posts. There's also a structure that should be followed when posting in the Anime Lounge. ie. If you want to talk about Eureka 7, there's a thread for that. If you want to talk about FLCL, there's a thread for that. Check the Official Threads Directory (sticky in the Anime Lounge) to find the thread you want. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. -r2[/color]
  21. [color=#ff7520][QUOTE=jakewise]I don't know how you can so strongly say that it is the solution. It sounds that you are just saying "Don't like it? Get used to it!" in a long sentence.[/QUOTE][color=#007520]Don't worry, 'twas mostly a joke. But there was some truth in there. The point I was trying to make was that a lot of people don't like a certain voice because it doesn't sound faithful to the original. The problem with that is there times when the original voice doesn't match as well as the new voice. For the fans in question, the new voice will be lacking because of its differences, even if it actually surpasses the original in talent and performance.[/color] [QUOTE=jakewise]The localization part, I get your point but I have a bit different stance. Ex, If Mickey has low manly voice, I'm sure people say "That's not Mickey!" I'm just saying the same. :animesmil :animesmil[/quote][color=#007520]That is also true. There are some qualities of a voice, even when being reproduced in a new region and language, that should stay the same. This is why the English crew for Naruto took great pains to find that childish, raspy voice for its lead. Sometimes, though, the rechoosing of voices is essential. Take Goku's case for example...[/color] [QUOTE=jakewise]I'm sure you know why it sounds like a girl in the original. The voice is originally done by a woman. They did it because Goku was a little kid when the series started out, and it is difficult for grown-up man to voice a little kid. ;)[/QUOTE][color=#007520]Yes, I do know that it's done by a woman. Though, the way it was explained to me was that even as Goku grew up he kept that childish demeanor and personality. It was personafied through his childish voice. The point I was trying to make, though, was that his voice (or voices, since the actor was switched more than once) was intentionally deeper, manlier if you will, in the English versions of Dragonball Z. This is because producers find it difficult for Americans to accept the lead role in such a machismo series to have such a feminine voice. ie > Localization. -r2[/color][/color]
  22. [color=#ff7520][quote name='jakewise']one reason that I don't like dubbed ones is that the new voices are too different from the original voices.[/quote][color=#007520]Solution: Watch the dub first. After you finish the entire series with a dub you will become accustomed to those voices. Of course there will be some voices that you can not agree with, but in those cases you can honestly say that you didn't like the choice of actor for their talent/performance.[/color] [quote name='jakewise']but coundn't they try to find a person with similar tone of voice?[/quote][color=#007520]There are a few reasons the original voices don't match the English dubbed voices. The first reason has to do with money and budget; they may not have had the time/money to find the right people and have to settle for someone not as good. The second reason has to do with localization. In this instance, the directors/producers try to find a voice they believe will be better accepted in the United States. This is why Goku didn't sound like a girl in the American version of Dragonball Z. Before anyone goes on a classic "save-my-anime" rant, it should be noted that it may be as often as not the Japanese producers who decide to change the voice for the American audience. Also keep in mind that the way we emphasize things in English aren't always the way we emphasize things in other languages. Sometimes something will be said in English in the same tone as the original without a similar impact. Also keep in mind that when you listen to a language in another language, you're not familiar with how it [i]should[/i] sound and aren't an expert on how well an actor performs. -r2[/color][/color]
  23. r2vq


    [quote]Piano: The Melody of a Young Girl's Heart torrent(full name) [/quote][color=#007520]Firstly, Torrent isn't in the name of the Anime. It's a file that's used in its distribution. Second, the illegal distribution of copyrighted materials (mp3s, anime torrents, etc.) aren't permitted on Otakuboards. Any replies with links to, or information on downloading the Piano Soundtrack will be deleted. This includes IRC channel/bot information. ;) Make sure to read the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]rules[/url] before you continue to post Atomsk00. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. -r2[/color]
  24. r2vq

    TMNT (2007)

    [color=#007520]With Pirates 3, Spider-man 3, Transformers, and finally TMNT next year will be a great one for movie nerds. TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) is the one that I'll be nerd drooling over today. So far all that's out is the teaser trailer, which is full CG and has the familiar dark, almost scary atmosphere. Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael are all present and accounted along with some some pretty impressive ninja rooftop action. Interestingly enough, it never actually says "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" anywhere in the Teaser, but it shows "TMNT" on the manhole cover at the end. This could imply that the movie will be referred to by its initials. I think this is a good move since it will make it easier to say, type, and distinguish from the Ninja Turtle movies from the nineties. If anyone has seen the trailer, please comment. I know they have to have some sort of audience with the members at OB. If you have seen the trailer yet, check [url=http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/teenagemutantninjaturtles/][b]here[/b][/url] for the QT versions. [SIZE=1]QuickTime (or some sort of QuickTime Alternative) is required to view the videos.[/SIZE] -r2[/color]
  25. [color=#007520]Even though the point is valid, the thread doesn't belong in Anime Lounge. Nor does it yield much conversation value, save for d0rk`bashing. You have my sympathies and complete understanding, but the thread has to go. Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
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