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Everything posted by r2vq

  1. [color=#007520][B]Extra (gum)[/B] > Categories: Gum > Categories: Confectionary > Heide Candy Company > Jujube (Confectionary) > [B]Jujube[/B] edit: [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Ward_Catholic_Secondary_School]Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School[/url] > (1) > (2) > (3) > [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Phil_%28TV_series%29]Dr. Phil (TV series)[/url] -r2[/color]
  2. r2vq

    Spider-man 3

    [color=#007520]It's a good thing I have two computers right now, otherwise I wouldn't be able to post this. [b][URL=http://www.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/spider-man_3/]The teaser trailer[/URL][/b] for Spider-man 3 just came out. The movie itself wont be coming out until May 4th 2007, but they've already revealed a few things that were "leaked" by Kirsten Dunst, apparently. Here's a rundown of what the trailer confirms, including things that were confirmed pre-trailer release. ENEMY 1 [spoiler]Spider-man will be in the symbiote suit.[/spoiler] ---[spoiler]He was doubled over in pain, and ripping off his costume by a church bell.[/spoiler] ---[spoiler]Topher Grace (I think) says "Parker" and doesn't seem very happy about it.[/spoiler] ---[spoiler]We can see a black ooze crawling up Spidey's arm.[/spoiler] ---[spoiler]Someone, (Grace? Maguire?), rips open his shirt to reveal a black spidey-suit.[/spoiler] ENEMY 2 [spoiler]This was already confirmed, but Sandman.[/spoiler] ---[spoiler]A shot of a giant sand person coming out of a wall looks really cool.[/spoiler] HARRY [spoiler]Harry don't look too happy with Peter in this one either.[/spoiler] ---[spoiler]We can see someone (presumably Harry) in a [b]partial[/b] Green Goblin suit fighting with Peter. Not Spidey, but Peter.[/spoiler] ---[spoiler]A shot of Mary Jane consoling Harry leads to a shot with Peter horrified/jealous.[/spoiler] ---[spoiler]A pumpkin bomb exploding mere inches from Harry's face.[/spoiler] MJ [spoiler]Yes, Peter was jealous or so, but that was already mentioned.[/spoiler] ---[spoiler]MJ and Peter kissing on a giant web. Means it'll either be a happy ending, or an interesting opening.[/spoiler] ---[spoiler]Peter is chasing after a ring... a symbol for wedding in trouble?[/spoiler] And finally... Say it with me now... [spoiler]GWEN STACY BABY~[/spoiler] -r2[/color]
  3. [color=#ff9920][quote name='Morpheus]Most of the powers here are just handicapped [B]Telekinesis[/B'], so I really don't understand why you would want to specify water or air.[/quote][/color][color=#007520]I disagree. I think specializing in water or air would make you a lot less versatile, but a lot stronger. It's true that telekinesis can help you lift water and move air, but have you ever tried lifting water with your hands? It would be a little difficult to control, especially with your mind. If someone specialized in one element, I think that the power would be more intuitive, and therefore more effective. It's so much more effective for a psychic to just use their telekinetic powers as an attack rather than use it to control elements. Personally, water has always been my favourite of the four/five elements. If I could control an element, I'd love to use the water element. Our air is full of water so I could gather water in most places on Earth. Of course, my real weakness would be extreme temperatures because of Water's tendency to change form. Other superpowers I've always had my eye on were superspeed, the ability to stop time, and the combination of telekinesis and telepathy. These were more practical than my water control, but the style that I've seen some waterbenders display has seduced me. -r2[/color]
  4. [color=#ff9920][quote name='athrunsgurl][FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkOrange]what does dattebayo mean anyway?[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote][/color][color=#007520]"Dattebayo" doesn't have a literal translation. "Datte" can mean "but" or "because". "yo" is used at the ends of sentences to emphasize. That's pretty much what Naruto uses "Dattebayo" for, emphasis. That's why in the English version the "Believe it!" phrase is used. It has the same purpose, and it's about the same length, and can be said with the same strength. -r2[/color]
  5. [color=#007520]I have to agree with [color=#ff9920]Hayabusa[/color] when it comes to the emotion conveyed by the voice actors. Naruto, I find, fits his character well. Sakura, I thought, was as annoying as she should be. But Kakashi was my main problem. As Hayabusa said, there didn't seem to be much shock in the voice regardless of the facial expressions. I don't know about Sasuke, I admittedly haven't seen enough of his dubbed self to actually place a verdict on him. -r2[/color]
  6. [color=#007520]I have a friend who thought the phrase used before commercials "Brought to you by..." was one word. I grew up in a Catholic School surrounded by a Catholic community and a Catholic family. From this I divised that the whole world was divided in two groups. The majority of the population, I thought to be Christian, or Catholic. The minority of the population I considered "Publics" due to the names of the schools near mine. [color=#ff9920][quote name='visualkei']I thought babies came from pooping.[/quote][/color]I thought babies were made when a male and a female [i]kissed[/i]. I remember seeing something on TV one day (probably about test tube babies) where they showed a couple enjoying themselves on a date at a fair. I remember telling my friends at school the next day, "You don't have to kiss to make babies anymore! I think you only have to hold hands now!" -r2[/color]
  7. [color=#007520][color=#ff9920][quote name='Ayi']As I'm sure you've noticed, some animes, when dubbed, translate the ending suffixes to "mr." "mrs." etc.[/quote][/color] "Mr." "Mrs." etc. are still honorifics. They're just English honorifics, and English honorifics are usually prefixes. [color=#ff9920]@Ikillion,[/color] an honorific is a title placed onto a person that denotes respect. I think a good example of this in English is when you call somebody "Doctor So-and-so" even if they're not a medical doctor by profession. -r2[/color]
  8. [color=#FF9920][quote name='Kichi]Personally I prefer Dattebayo. But thats probably because I like the Japanese version better. "Believe It" is rather annoying if you ask me.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=Ayi']Ironically, I only have a problem with "Believe It". ^^;[/quote][/color][color=#007520]My theory was always that "Believe it!" was annoying because it's in English dattebayo. You understand English and you understand that the phrase isn't natural. The phrase itself can be, and is, used but not as often as Naruto says it dattebayo. If you were Japanese and you watched the series in it's original form, the original phrase might be just as annoying. It too is unnatural because it shouldn't be used at all dattebayo. But I'm not a natural Japanese speaker so I can't really verify this. [i]Believe it![/i] -r2[/color]
  9. [color=#ff9920][quote name='indifference][COLOR=Sienna']If it was a matter of just recording it with the honorifics and then editing out the honorifics for the next track something that would not require the voice actors to do it twice, well then it might be feasible.[/COLOR][/quote][/color][color=#007520]The only problem is that most voice actors (the recent ones anyway) match what they say to the "mouth flaps" that are in the Animation. Removing even a syllable or two would screw up the timing and would require a totally new pacing of the voice actor's speech. -r2[/color]
  10. [color=#007520][quote name='Raina][COLOR=Blue']Even if no one would call their older brother "big brother" in English, it doesn't seem unnatural.[/COLOR][/quote]Actually, I'm one of those that don't like the use of honorifics in dubbed anime. I also have to disagree with Aaryanna and SunfallE about the triple-audio DVD idea. Even if technology can include the extra data, can the producers/actors handle the extra work? The main reason the quality of Anime dubs is distorted is time/money issue. I think that rather than adding that extra soundtrack to the DVD, the work and effort put into reading and re-reading that second script (which would pretty much be exactly the same as the first script sans honorifics) could go into improving the quality of the acting. As for (translated) honorifics themselves, I just don't think it matches with the level of formality found in English speech and is therefore unnatural. Maybe Aaryanna is right and North American society has slipped into a less formal pattern of speaking. In that case, when adapted, these formalities (or lack thereof) should be taken into account. "Mr. Piccolo" was always painful to hear because it felt unnatural. Even Alphonse's "big brother", though eventually felt acceptable, grated me at first too. The untranslated counterparts grate me even more than the translated versions. Otaku aside, it's difficult to believe in a character when they're constantly switching languages when referring to people. Although the "-[i]san[/i]" counterpart is already recognized in North American culture as a Japanese honorific (especially businessmen and martial artists in 1980s movies) these stand out even more than the English versions, and break the pattern and flow found in English speech. I think the lesser of two evils is translating honorifics when applicable, and leaving them out when not needed. The average American student doesn't call their classmate by their lastname with "-[i]san[/i]" attatched. -r2[/color]
  11. [quote name='Lost Lightbulb']Red Vs Blue > Comedy > Television Comedy > The Simpsons > Homer Simpson[/quote] [color=#007520]Should have realized that one. >_> Mine went through Greek Mythology. xD -r2[/color]
  12. [quote name='Ayi']...so I'd would have to remove it altogether. At least that way, he wouldn't be repeating a single phrase so repetitively in the dub such as "Believe it".[/quote] [color=#007520]Well he was repeating a single phrase so repetitively in the original; it went "Dattebayo!" Most fans would have been in an uproar if you removed the phrase altogether. It's an essential part of his character, blah blah blah. The only reason I'm saying this is that no matter [i]how[/i] they translated Naruto, there would have been complaints and people who wouldn't have agreed. I think that translating "dattebayo" to a similar (even if not exactly the same) phrase like "Believe it!" was the route with the least resistance for the dubbers. Though, now we're going off topic, if you want to continue talking about this, I'd be glad to in the Naruto thread. ^^ -r2[/color]
  13. [color=#007520]Thread Closed. -r2[/color]
  14. [quote name='BKstyles]Link [b]Renaissance[/b] with [b']The Second Boer War[/b][/quote] [color=#007520][b]Renaissance[/b] > Protestant Reformation > England > British Empire > [b]Second Boer War[/b] ...will edit. Edit: Connect [b]Red vs Blue[/b] to [b]Homer Simpson[/b] -r2[/color]
  15. [quote name='darkisMINE']but pirates have swords, ships, and puffy shirts.....[/quote] [color=#007520]How can [i]anyone[/i] resist the puffy shirts? Those shirts are the s3xy!!!11!!one! Maybe I could be a ninja with a puffy shirt, no? Just picture it. You're walking along in the middle of the night, minding your own business. Without a sound, a cool blade can suddenly be felt along your neck. My ninja stealth has you trapped. Nowhere to run, no way you can hide, you freeze. As sweat drips down your forehead, you ask what I want. I remove the blade, and you slowly turn around. Your eyes widen with fear, shock, and realization all at the same time as you notice... the Ninja-puffy-shirt-of-doom! -r2[/color]
  16. [quote name='Ayi']I find they really do them no justice, especially when they changed Naruto's tag line of "Dattebayo" (which has no real meaning) to "Believe it!"[/quote] [color=#007520]Just a curiosity, what would you have translated it to, or would you have removed it altogether? -r2[/color]
  17. [color=#007520][size=4][b]MODERATOR NOTE - PLEASE READ[/b][/size] As PaganAngel pointed out "Favourites threads" are generally frowned upon in Anime Lounge. Recently, though, there have been a few threads that, although primarily being favourites threads, were of decent quality. This thread has been given a chance, but so far six out of fifteen posts have been deleted for either being a list, or spam. If any more posts like this disregard that Otakuboards is a forum centered around conversation and more lists/spam are posted, [b]this thread will be closed.[/b] If you want to create a list, write your reasons for each anime out. Even if you just want to post the title of one Anime, an explanation is required. If anyone has any questions about this, PM me or any of the other moderators and we'll be happy to help you out. -r2[/color]
  18. [color=#007520][quote name='CoLoR_Me_EviL][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS]they wouldn't delete it, but I wouldn't blame them for locking it for having about 0% chance of a quality discussion.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Actually, I can't speak for any of the forums I don't moderate, but there are quite a few deleted posts in the Anime Lounge. When a post is an advertisement or offensive we'll delete the post right when we see it. If the poster, though, is new to the forums or haven't been an obvious rule breaker, we try to warn them by editing their post and leaving a little love note. Also, it's not often, but some threads can be deleted from the forum, usually for the advertisement/offensive material reason. [quote=liveinmybubble]3.) You received 2 out of 3 of the followin complaints: "You're reply does not add to the disscusion any more of replies like this and they will be deleted" You cannot post twice no double posting![/quote]What's the third complaint you wanted to include? 8) Speaking as a moderator, I don't edit/delete posts for personal reasons, so I hope you're not taking any of the efforts for moderation personally. We don't try to abuse members, but as SunfallE said, we want to give you a chance to learn the rules. If you don't like the forums or the rules, that's alright, but you have to follow them if you want to stay. ...or are you being sarcastic? 8) -r2[/color]
  19. [COLOR=#007520]#1. Regrettably, Duo's ploys to capture a [I]real[/I] Shinigami did little more than keep the doctor away. #2. "Hey Hilde, look! I like Apples! Get it? Me? Shinigami? Apple? Oh I give up." -r2[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#0E9F2A]kohryu26, We emphasize three things at OB: Quality; Content; and Conversation. Although your topic could incite decent conversation, the quality (ie. Grammar and spelling) of the post is not sufficient for a topic starter. Work on cleaning up your posts and you should be fine. Also, since this thread talks about Manga, not Anime, it should go in the Manga Workshop. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other members. Thread Closed. -r2[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=#0E9F2A]Well, there was no doubt this one would yield perverted responses. That, of course, is a good thing. ;) It was difficult enough choosing one of the bunch, so I decided not to put a top three this time. The Honourable Mention goes to [spoiler]this person[/spoiler] just because I never thought [spoiler]this person[/spoiler] could be the most perverted of the bunch. >: ) Honourable Mention - [spoiler]Aaryanna - Bubbles was shocked to learn that her new 'bubble wand' could be used for things besides fighting evil.[/spoiler] First Place [spoiler]ChibiHorsewoman - Oh my Gawd! I didn't think they got that big![/spoiler] Congratulations [spoiler]to the winner[/spoiler]! You are now responsible for the next picture! If no picture is posted in 3 days, [spoiler]hon. mention[/spoiler] is responsible for a picture! -r2[/COLOR]
  22. This is a tough one. [B]Sakurasuka[/B], the piece is definately easy on the eyes. The soft colours, and the beautiful model scale well together. My two favourite parts are "Art Studi~" written at the top, and the splatters. Especially since they're done by hand. The face in the corner is cute, but the text next to is hard to read because of the font/size/colour. I don't think the picture reflects the quote well (or vice versa), nor was it well placed. Other than that, I likes it. [B]Ezekiel[/B], I think your piece resembles vomit, but the text is much better. The little blurred versions (or is that a glow?) beneath your font receives a
  23. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Will it get repetitive? The cut scenes looked nothing short of amazing, but if you do a three-hit combo every time you hit X-X-X, it would be ridiculously dull after ten minutes. Will it be more of a command-punching game? Budokai felt cumbersome and slow - it was only a contest to see who could punch in the most combos.[/size][/QUOTE]Once again, I'm speaking in terms of the Ultimate Ninja series, since I've only played the sequels of the same mechanics. There is only one attack button, (circle) but since the screen is so large, and items are involved, strategy is a big part of the play. This is especially true because a lot of combos can be practically nullified with a well placed [i]kawarimi jutsu[/i]. [b]If you run out of chakra it will turn into an unfair combo fest[/b] but that's why chakra management is such a big part of the game. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Will there be a heavy tactical element to it? If not, it's just not staying true to the story of Naruto. [spoiler]Without having to seriously strategize around Shikamaru's shadow attack thing, or have to do trap someone to do the Chidori or Rasengan on them, it would be dull at best.[/spoiler] Basically, I'm just worried that the game won't maintain story fidelity -- the fluidity of combat, the intense and strategically involved nature of these banners, etc. Many games end up being interesting for a couple minutes, but go flat from repitition.[/size][/QUOTE]My friends and I usually play Soul Calibur 3. The reason we switch over to Ultimate Ninja 3 every so often is because UN has such quick and wild gameplay that games like Soul Calibur can feel slow and clunky. Also, strategy is really important in the game. A friend of mine uses Itachi and abuses the traps/items in the game (especially the caltropes) to take advantage of the opponent. Since Itachi, is fast, he's able to collect items on the stage before the opponent gets a chance to. I use Hinata and I'm particularly adept at draining my opponent's chakra, so they can't use jutsu/ougi/kawarimi. So my strategy usually relies on getting my Byakugan out, or smashing my opponent against walls or the ground. Specific characters also require different strategies. Shikamaru [spoiler]has his shadow jutsu, but it's not a strategic thing that you can control. He can, though, lay pretty heavy traps that I love to ambush my friends with. They're easy to avoid unless you place them in the proper locations and use them in combination with your throws/attacks to have your opponent trip them.[/spoiler] Chidori [spoiler]and Rasengan are charge attacks. You can charge them to make them stronger, or release them right away at their weakest point. This requires a lot of strategy to use because your opponent can easily predict your trajectory and dodge the oncoming attack when they see you charging.[/spoiler] Even the Ougi attacks (the ones that are cinematic) are triggered by a somewhat slow move that needs to be 'activated' first. So this would require fancy combo maneuvering, or at least a keen eye and quick thinking to catch your opponent. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']And as an interesting sidenote, I sort of wish it were something like a Super Smash Bros. fighting game. I think that way, you could move with more freedom, set up traps, etc.[/size][/quote]That's the game it's usually compared to. It's a wide open stage and you're not always facing your opponent. You can run back and forth, and set up traps and items. There are exploding tags, teleportation scrolls, poison bombs, caltropes, shuriken, and lots of other ninja goodies. -r2
  24. [b][size=4]MODERATOR WARNING[/size][/b] I'd like to point out, that even if this is a game thread, post quality is still an issue. Having posts that are little longer than a line can sometimes be overlooked during games, but an effort at Grammar, Spelling, and clean posts are still required. The overuse of punctuations and swearing, even if spoilered, are among things that are not permitted. Future posts like so will be deleted. If a post is very difficult to read, it will be deleted. If the quality of this thread continues to degrade without any sign of improvement, it will be closed. Dagger has already posted in response to the clutter, so no further warnings will be issued. -r2
  25. [INDENT][size=3][color=darkred]Any conversation that has to do with Grave of the Fireflies should be in the Grave of the Fireflies forum. I merged the two threads for you, but next time take a look at the Official Threads Directory before creating a thread that deals with only one anime.[/color][/size][/INDENT] As for the candies, I don't think it's as big a deal as you're placing it to be, though, of course that's always up to debate. As a fan of the movie, I wouldn't mind having a case full of those on my shelf. It'd be cute. As someone who enjoys eating... I'd probably eat all of the candy before the day went through. Though the site you linked had some amusing points. After all, if the can really was used as a container [spoiler]for the little girl's ashes[/spoiler] it'd be difficult to market it to mass audiences. You'd either have the crowd that have seen the film and would find it disturbing, or the crowd that hasn't, and don't care about it. The Otaku/collectors will always grab for it anyway. -r2
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