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This is a banner advertising my game, Sonic Chi-Force. The banner show 2 "new" characters on the sides. Tell me what you think.
What do you find attractive? [Threads merged]
MaxSonic replied to MaxSonic's topic in General Discussion
I like either blonde or burnette hair. Above average breasts are good, but not required. I like blue eyes the best, but green and brown are good too. I think peircing and tatoos are okay, don't really care if they are there or not. I love a great bottom, don't care too much about jiggle, but I do like firmness. I like nice legs, and a sleek body. Tall is good, but also not required. However, the personality is the most improtant aspect for me. The most beautiful person in the world to me has only a few of these qualities, yet I still love her to death. -
I want to know what you guys find physically attractive in a girl. Is it a certain hair color, or do you like girls with a tan? Do you like tall girls or short ones. Do you care about her eye color? Do you like girls with tattoos and peircings. Oh, and let's try and keep this topic clean.
It's pretty good, but the bg is blurry. Try fixing that. Oh, and snow becomes poo when it melts.
I AM THE ULTIMATE SONIC FAN, BWAHAHA! My favorite Sonic used to be Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but now it's Sonic Adventure 2. You can fix the voice acting by changing the voices to Japanese. The Japanese voices are excellent. My favorite Sonic game may be Sonic Advance 3 soon. My favorite Sonic character is Sonic, then Eggman, then Tails. PH33R M1 S0N1C P0W4H!
Writing OtakuBoards members doing stupid stuff.
MaxSonic replied to MaxSonic's topic in Creative Works
Wow, thanks for your replies. While I may have received some influence from Dragon Warrior, this is actually a continuation of something original I did earlier on OtakuBoards. Do any of you remember the OtakuBoards sprite comics I used to do. Basicly, I'd have sprite characters of OtakuBoards memebers doing... STUPID STUFF! One was a parody of Power Rangers, and in another Michael Jackson attacks OtakuBoards. I think I may re-start that. Or not. I'v been wanting to make fun of Bill Cosby for a while now, so I used him. It was either him, Cartman, or Big Gay Al. If you want, I can do another story. The James VS MaxSonic story was the best one I did, but Charles closed it. Basicly it was me and James fighting each other anime style. First it was G-Gundam, then YuGiOh!, then Pocket Monsters, after that samurai battling, and finnaly, DRAGON BALL Z! -
[B]Otaku Planeteers[/B] : It was a sunny day. The sky was blue, the birds were singing, and the bees were trying to have sex with them. I think that's what it was. Anywho, Charles was outside in his lawn, spying on his sexa neighbor, DragonWarrior. Actually, everyone was spying on DragonWarrior. That's cauce he's teh sexa beast. The only one who was'nt was the evil Doctor Eggman! He was in his lab, preparing another attack. --Eggman: BWAHAHA! I have completed my most evil plan yet. It's so genius! : Doctor Eggman's evil assistant, Syk3, walked out. --Syk3: What is your genius plan? --Eggman: I will...build a giant robot and attack OtakuBoards! Bwahaha! --Syk3: That's not genius! It's the same thing you always do. --Eggman: It's genius becauce I made it up, and I am DOCTOR EGGMAN! BWAHAHAHA! : Syk3 remains silent. --Eggman: Laugh Syk3. --Syk3: It's not funny. --Eggman: I'll give you a dollar if you laugh. --Syk3: HAHAHAHAHA! --Eggman: Bwahaha! : Later that day, OtakuBoards is under attack by...a giant robot! MaxSonic, Dragon Warrior, James, Charles, and Solo Tremain run out to see what the commotion is. --Charles: Oh my god! It's a giant robot that looks just like Doctor Eggman! --James: Who could have created such a machine? --Dragon Warrior: Mabey Adam made it. --Giant EggMech: NO YOU STUPID IDIOTS! I MADE IT! I AM DOCTOR EGGMAN! --Solo Tremain: Oh no! : The EggMech scratches it's butt. --Eggman: I created this EggMech to destroy OtakuBoards! Why? Becauce I am Doctor Eggman! --MaxSonic: Actually, the mech you are in was first introduced in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, and then used in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It was not created to destroy OtakuBoards, it was made to kill Sonic. --Eggman: Damnit, he's right. But that's not going to stop me from destroying OtakuBoards! : Syk3 runs in with a bag in his hand. --Syk3: Eggman! I got you chilli-cheese dog! --Eggman: Oh good. You can wait behind my mech while I destroy OtakuBoards. --James: We can't let him do this. Let our powers combine! --Charles: Cheese! --Dragon Warrior: Teh Sexaness! --MaxSonic: Gerbles! --Solo Tremain: Wolves! --James: Kangaroos! : A big light appears in the air. --Light: By your powers combined, I am... Bill Cosby, with the powers combining, and the Jello, and the big robot thingey. : Everyone is silent for a moment. --Charles: Why the hell did we make Bill Cosby? --James: I don't know, MaxSonic made the rings. --MaxSonic: It seemed a good idea at the time. --Bill Cosby: You kids want some Jello? --Solo Tremain: No... go kill that robot. : Bill Cosby runs up to the robot. He kicks it in the foot. --Eggman: What the hell? --Bill Cosby: I hurt my foot, with the kicking of the robot and the metal foot. --James: Godamnit, we're doomed. --DragonWarrior: Yes but I'm still teh sexa beast. : Bill Cosby sets down a Jello cup. --Cosby: You want some Jello? It's good for you, with the fruit flavor and the sugar. --Eggman: No, I don't want any godamn Jello. : Cosby raises his spoon up. --Cosby: Make my Jello grow! : Suddenly, the Jello begins to flow out of the cup. It begins to grow, and grow, and grow, until it's even bigger than the robot. --Eggman: Oh ****. --MaxSonic: I knew he'd be good for something. : The Jello blob charges at the EggMech, and slams into it. It begins to fall over. --Eggman: Ohh Noo! : The EggMech falls directly on top of Syk3, splattering all over the ground. --Charles: Oh my god! You killed Syk3! You bastard! : Bill Cosby walks up to everyone and hands each of them a spoon. --Cosby: Now you all have to eat the Jello! --James: How do we get him to go back into these rings?
: Meanwhile, someone else is watching. The Geminass is crowching down, watching Tyoko decend towards the earth. --Axe: I won't let the Earth's government get a Gundam. I'd rather have it be destroyed. Okay Geminass, let's see what you can do. : Geminass' eyes flash, and the suit stands up. Axe thrusts forward, and the Gundam bursts into the air, strait towards Tyoko's suit. --Axe: TIME TO DIE!!! [I]Hey Jagan. I'm sorry I did'nt write too much, I did'nt really understand your post too well. One moment you just got out of a lake in a forest, the next you're decending towards the Earth. But thanks for posting.[/I] PS: For no apparent reason, everything that belonged to Novus/Junyi exploded, and his head flew out of the rubble and landed in Xiao Frost's lap, who now uses it a a paperweight. :devil:
Prequel: [I]I don't know what that word means, but I think it goes at the begining. I'm not sure. I had this idea for a while, and I thought you would like it. Um, this is the start.[/I] : Deep in Australia, James the administrator, no, Crocidile Hunter of OtakuBoards is on his computer. --James: Krikey! That bloke MaxSonic is making fun of meh again. I better go have a word with im. : So James gets in his kangaroo and hops down to the airport to fly to the US. He sees a taxi and gets in. --Taxi Man: Where to? --James: G day mate! Krikey! It's time to put another shrimp on the barby! --Taxi Man: What the hell did you just say? --James: This stupid bloke MaxSonic is making me talk funny. I'm going to go kick his arse. --Taxi Man: MAXSONIC! He's the one molesting my chickens! I'll let you ride for free! : So James and Taxi Man set of to find MaxSonic. --James: I'm not a bloodey homosexual, but I must admit you are one sexy beast. What's your name? : The Taxi Man turns around. --Dragon Warrior: Why, I'm DragonWarrior, teh sexy beast. Ah! Here we are! I'v got to go tend to my chickens. See ya! : Dragon Warrior drives off, leaving James standing in front of a blue building. James walks up and rings the doorbell. The door opens, and out walks a tall guy with spikey hair. --James: G-Day, bloke! Would you happen to be MaxSonic? --MaxSonic: The one and only! --James: It's me, James! I'v come to put your shrimp on the barby! : MaxSonic stands there for a secound. --James: First, stop making me talk this bloodey way. Not all people in Australia talk this way. --MaxSonic: Okay, now what do you want again? Oh! You want to play my game!? --James: No! You've made fun of me for the last time! I want to battle you in a tournament! It's called: Otaku Battle! : MaxSonic thinks about it. --MaxSonic: What are the rules? --James: We battle each other 5 times, each time with a different anime theme. --MaxSonic: Sure, let's go! --James: Good, then let's start. The first battle will be... G GUNDAM! [I]Tune in next time for Part 1: Go Otaku Gundams![/I]
: Axe, a mobile suit pilot who attacked the carrier and stole the Gundam, is sitting at his computer, asleep. It's dark in the room. Suddenly, the computer begins to make a rythamic beep. Axe opens his eyes, and examines the screen. He then sits upright in his chair. He begins typing on his keyboard. --Axe: It's another one. For some reason, and egg is entering the Earth's atmosphere. But what about the reports of the Earth's military knowing the location of another Gundam. : He scans through reports before making a conclusion. --Axe: I can guarantee the Earth military will see the one entering the atmosphere. I can't with the other one. There's a good chance that the Earth military dose not know another Egg's location. I'm going after the one that just entered the Earth's atmosphere. : Axe gets up from his desk and runs down the hallway. He opens the door to the mobile suit hangar. There are 4 mobile suits there: a Tauros, his GM Custom, and the Gundam he stole. There was also another suit. It was as large as the Gundam, but seemed incomplete. Axe looks over at his GM Custom. --Axe: My GM still needs repairs. I'll take my new Gundam. : And Axe sets off to find the Gundam Egg. Little dose he realize that another pilot by the name of Tyoko was looking for the same egg...
I'v finnaly started the RPG. People, remember the rules when you post.
: A three-part carrier was moving through the desert. The carrier was a faded blue, and stood out easily. The driver did'nt care though. He was just doing his job. There were 4 Zakus aboard the first carrier, just in case something happened. The cargo was two mobile suits, neither of which he got a good look at. The 4 pilots sat behind him, chatting away. --Pilot 1: Well, we know the first suit is a new mobile armor built by the colonies. Of course, it's useless while on Earth. Now the other one is the mystery. It's covered in some sort of armor. --Pilot 2: It's called a mobile egg. It's used when a suit is being stored for a long while. --Pilot 3: But what's in it? --Pilot 2: We don't know. Besides, we're just soldiers. Our job is to protect it. : The 4th pilot remained quiet. And it was quiet for a while, with the exception of the hum of the carrier. Everything seemed to them to be going okay. They did'nt know about the person watching them. They did'nt know that the GM Custom was about to attack. And it did. It lunged out of the sand, and fired three blasts at each of the carrier parts. A few explosions followed, and the GM Custom began to charge at the carrier. The pilots in the carrier were all right, and they rushed to their Zakus. When the first Zaku exited the carrier, it was met with a blast to it's left arm. The Zaku fired back, missing it's shots. The GM Custom drew it's geo-blade, which slided out to form a thin sword. The GM Custom sliced thru the third carrier, forming a large gash. --Axe: Okay, I'v got to set the heavy mine before I get to the egg. : Axe's mobile suit launches a disk from it's shoulder. Ax then opens the cockpit of his GM Custom and uses his grapling cord to swing to the gash in the third carrier. As the damaged Zaku approaches, he sees the GM Custom kneeling behind the carrier. The Zaku charges, only to step on the heavy mine, and the Zaku is shattered like glass. : Meanwhile, Axe is standing in front of the large mobile egg. It's hard to make out the egg in the dark. Axe uses his grapling cord to reach a walkway leading to the egg's entrance. He pulls out a small device and hacks into the door. It slowly opens. He runs into the egg. Outside, the other three Zakus are destroying the GM Custom. --Pilot 2: Wait! I don't think the pilot is in it! --Pilot 3: Where is he? --Pilot 2: Damnit, he must have gone inside the carrier. : A thick fog pours out of the carrier. Inside the new cockpit, Axe is activating the suit. --Pilot 2: What the hell is- : Suddenly, the back of the carrier is blown off, and the Zaku is blasted three times before it explodes. In it's place stands a large white mobile suit. It also colored with red and blue, and it holds a large rifel in one hand. In it's other is holds a gigantic geo-blade. In a quick motion, it lunges at another Zaku, slicing it into oblivion with one slash. Before the last Zaku can react, the large suit fires vulcan cannons at the Zaku, sending it to the ground. --Pilot 4: I SURRENDER! I SURRENDER! : As quickly as it appeared, the giant suit flies off, sending a gust of sand over the damaged Zaku. That suit was the first Gundam to be awakined. It's name is Geminass.
We have enough people now. We can start soon. Thank you all for joining. I'll edit this post soon.
[SIZE=10]JESSICA TALKED TO ME!!![/SIZE] Today, I decided to take a chance and say something to her. So I said she looked nice, (it was picture day and she was all dressed up) and she said "Thank You" like it was no big deal. Then I said hi to her later, and she said hi back. I'm going to try to apologize tommorow.
Thank you for joining, but there are a few errors. Remember how I said if you have a Gundam, you must pick another suit also. That's becauce you will start the RPG with the 2nd suit, and you will find your Gundam during the RPG. Domon, you can only have one Gundam. Cyriel, I reccomend the following suits to you: JMF1336R Rising Gundam RGM-109 Heavygun [img]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/g/jmf1336r.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/f91/rgm-109.jpg[/img]
Thanks for joining Spike and Jagan. I'm going to see if I can get Botosai to join too. Then the three main members of the Ultimate Gundam RPG will be back. Mabey we can also get a few more members, too. There's still plenty of time to join.
I came here to annoy the **** out of people, mainly James. I'm basicly waiting until someone least suspects it, and then attack them viciously. I eventually plan to take over the entire boards this way. Wait...oh ****, I just told you all my evil plans.
Thank you for your comments. Actually, I was obsessed with her. I'll be the first to admit that. I mean, I used to wait for her to get off the bus and then sing the "Jessica's getting off the bus" theme song. If that's not an obsession, I don't know what is. But it's no longer an obsession. What I feel for her is no longer a danger to her or me. I think I'll wait for a chance to apoligize. Probably some time during my Senior year.
Hey Jagan. I'v got a minor thing I may have forgot to mention. You have to use already existing mobile weapons. Sorry. If you need to find one, go on [url]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam[/url] to find one. Thanks for joining!
I'v always wanted to be a porn star. I think that would be fun. Or a stripper. Or a male prostitute. Wait, I don't like people looking at me when I'm naked. Damnit. I guess I'll just stick to making Video Games.
Thank you all for your comments. I must apologize, once again I have left out some information. We were always good friends, and I was nice to her. I never touched her, I always kept my hands to myself. I opened doors for her, and sometimes brought her food. Whenever she was in need of someone, such as when her boyfriend started yelling at her, I was there by her side. To me, she's not just a girl I care about. She's my sister, my best friend, my concler, and my protector. That is why the seperation hurts so much. Whenever I do stare at her, which so far has only been once, she could not see me. Whenever she is around I try to pretend I don't notice her. When this first happened, I thought I was innocent, that I had done nothing wrong. But after a while, it hit me. I did hurt her. I followed her around. I talked about suicide (but only was serious once). I'd cut myself. I was doing this all to get her attention. And all the while I must have been upseting her so much. She did'nt deserve to be treated the way I treated her. And in the end, when she finnaly told her mother, it was not becauce she was fed up, it was becauce she was worried about me. And [b]that[/b] is why I cannot move on. That is why I cannot sleep at night. That is why I cry. Not just becauce I miss her, but becauce I hurt her. I'll easily be able to get on without a relationship with her. It will be extremly difficult to get on without her as my friend and companion. But it is impossible for me to go any furthur without me doing one thing. I have to apologize. I have to let her know that she did'nt make me feel like hurting myself. She did'nt make me feel depressed. I just wanted her attention. I want to tell her that all I wanted to do is be there when she needed me. I wanted her to know that I did'nt mean to hurt her, and I'd give anything to take it all back. I want to tell her how I realy felt about her. That I truely love her. That she did nothing wrong, that it was all me. I have to tell her this. I have to.
Year 2500 The Earth sphear is not what it used to be. The planet was once beautiful and bright, where people lived their happy lives. The moon was also inhabited, with many men and women. And finnaly, the space colonies, artificial homes that float in space. They were once peacful. Then it happened. A war broke out. It was the bloodiest war mankind had ever seen. It lasted 102 years. At first it was just between the supernations of the Earth. Then Luna and the Colonies got involved. New weapons were quickly developed, and eventually came the most destructive weapon of this war: The Mobile Suit. It was a giant mechanical suit controlled by a single pilot. There were at first only a few, called GM's, sent to the battlefeild. Then the colonies began making Zakus, and Luna made Leos and Aires. Soon, the tanks were all replaced with Mobile Weapons, and different forms started coming out. There was the space only Mobile Armors, the high-speed Mobile Jets, and heavy firing Mobile Tanks. But as Mobile Weapons appeared more and more on the battlefeild, new Mobile Weapons were being developed. They used the top secret alloid called Gundanium. Therefore, these suits were called Gundams. Not much information is present about the Gundams. Each was a one-of-a-kind suit, although there were rumors of a mass-produced Gundam. The Gundams were like an army of one. When used properly, they could destroy entire armies. The war raged on, and the sides became unclear. Eventually, the reason the war was started was forgotton. However, a few armies formed aliances with each other, and the alliances began to chain together. This alliance eventually swept the battlfeilds, and was victorious in this hopeless war. The war was called "The War of Blood and Oil", and it left recorces to a minimum and the Earth spear in ruins. Much of the world had been converted to wasteland. However, the Mobile Suits still existed. The Gundams were erased from history, and were never seen again... Until Now, the year 2650. This is an Alternate Universe Gundam RPG. That means that the story has nothing to do with any other Gundam series so far. However, some of the mobile suits from other series are present. However, there are a few differences: -No thermal weapons. All thermal weapons have been replaced by a big-***** blade. -No Mass-Destruction weapons. That means Wing Zero could'nt blow up a city. -The mobile suits are more rugged in design. The vast amount of this sereis takes place on Earth. The Gundams will be present in this series. Here are the stats you need: Name: Age: Gender: Mobile Suit: (pick an allready existing suit, not everyone can have Gundams! If you do have a Gundam, pick another suit also) Bio: EDIT: I'v changed my Gundam Name: Axe Age: 18 Gender: Male Mobile Suit: OZX-GU01A Gundam Geminass [b]&[/b] GM Custom Bio: A wanderer who has a taste for adventure. He knows more than he lets on. Also the main character. [IMG]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/g-unit/ozx-gu01a.jpg[/IMG]
First, let me fill you in on the story. I copied and pasted this from MyOtaku. [i]This is a short story that really happened to me. Some of you heard in on OtakuBoards, but most of you have'nt. A while back, in 8th grade, I met a girl named Jessica. I fell in love with her, and we became friends. Then in 9th grade, I told a friend (who was also a close friend of her's) how I felt about her, and he said I should tell her, and that he did'nt like her. Well, I wrote her a letter and got him to deliver it to her. She was neutral about it. However, not long after that, I found out that they were in a relationship. I decided to kill myself, but then my friend talked me out of it. So I decided to remain friends with Jessica for now... Six months later, they had broken up. I decided to go after her again. But I was so determined, that I did'nt see things clearly. I began to follow her around and right her numerous letters. I started to talke about suicide, and I even got to the point where I'd cut myself with a staple to get her attention. Eventually, she got worried about it and told her mother. Her mother said not to go near me or talk to me. I tried sending Jessica and even her mom some letters, but they just made things worse. That was the end of my life as I knew it. 9 months have passed since she last talked to me. I cry all the time, and I hate myself. I have only one friend now, who is nowhere near as close as Jessica was to me. I'm seeing a psyciatrist, who dose'nt help. I'm on medications which do nothing. I can't stop thinking about Jessica. I just want to be her friend again.[/i] A couple of months ago, it all but stopped hurting. I daydream about her all the time, which helps ease the pain. In fact, on April 1st, I returned to school. I saw her the first day, and I was fine. But then the secound day, while on the bus, I sat there staring at her. I started to feel the pain again. I just wanted to go up to her and put my arms around her. I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I love her. But I could'nt. I can't talk to her or go near her. I stared to cry. I, a 6 1/2 foot tall 17 year old Junior, was curled up in a little ball on the bus crying. Now it won't go away. No matter how hard I try. I want to here your advice on this. I also want you to answer the poll, and tell me why you chose that as your answer.
JAGAN! Have'nt seen you in a long time! [I]The story starts in Mobile Age 80, on Side 2 colony number 3, or Colony 2-3. This colony was primarily inhabited by Asian families, who believed in the traditions of their ancestors. On this day, a trio of men from the Earth Military Alliance have come to this colony.[/I] The men have walked into town. They are all wearing the EMA uniforms. The uniforms are dark blue with red collars. The first one is tall. He has dark hair and a mustache. He hasn?t shaved in a while, and it shows. His name is James. He is the head of the group. There is also a shorter man with blonde hair. He has no facial hair, and keeps his hand on his gun. His name is Leon. The last man is short, but bulky. He has a shaved head, and large arms. He walks like a penguin. His name is Rex. ?Now explain this mission again James.? Rex says. James sighs. ?The EMA has reason to believe that there is a top-secret weapon stored on this colony, probably designed by the Judges. We got an anonymous tip that a group called the Samura know where the weapon is. Any questions?? Rex shakes his head no, while Leon laughs. ?So, we get to kill anyone?? Leon asks. James smiles and replies, ?Depends on whether or not they tell us what we want to know.? The three stop in front of a temple. A man in a robe stands outside the temple, who has a sword at his waist.. ?Hey ninja guy! Is this the Samura temple?? asks James, rather rudely. The man opens his eyes. ?Yes. Is someone expecting you?? Leon laughs again. ?No, but we?re looking for the man in charge. Where the hell is he?? The man stands up. He moves his hand to his sword. ?You are not welcome here unless you have been invited.? James is becoming a little agitated now. ?Listen you, we?re with the EMA. Do you understand that? That means we can do whatever the hell we want.? James steps towards the man, who quickly unsheathes his sword. Just as quickly, Leon draws his gun and fires two shots, both landing in the man?s chest. The man falls to the ground. A few men run out from the temple, all dressed like the man before. One kneels before the man lying on the ground, checking his pulse. He stands up slowly. ?You have killed one of our men. What do you have to say for yourselves?? the man asks. Leon responds, ?He was pissing us off, then he pulled out his little stick. And whom might you be?? The man glares at Leon. ?I am Kitano, head of the Samura. Who are you people?? James steps forward. ?We are with the Earth Military Alliance, and we?re here to see you. We have reason to believe that the Samura are holding a top-secret weapon. We are here to claim it for the EMA. If you don?t?well, you?ll end up like the ninja dude.? A younger member of the group steps forward. He has long dark hair, tied up in a ponytail. He is wearing a white robe like the others. He?s very tall, and looks about 18. He has a sword at his waist. His name is Shoen. ?You people must leave before I have to defend this temple. If you do not, you will regret it indeed.? The EMA group laughs. Leon replies, ?You?re a cocky one, especially considering you don?t have one of these?? Leon pulls out his gun and puts his left hand on the back of it, about to cock it. Suddenly, in a lightning fast motion, Shoen draws his sword, dashes forward, and stabs it thru the back of Leon?s left hand and into the lower half of his right arm. Leon drops the gun, as Shoen withdraws the sword from Leon?s arm. As James and Rex draw their weapons, Shoen slashes at the guns, knocking them from James and Rex?s hands. This all happens within five seconds. ?My hand! You cut my damn hand!? Leon screams. James stand in awe of what just took place. ?You?ve done it now, boy. You?ve pissed us off.? James steps back, and withdraws what looks like a small black remote. He slams his thumb down on a button. He laughs. ?Wait until you see our new toys.? A few seconds later, three large aerial objects come forward. They are tree mobile suits. They land, and the EMA soldiers run to them. Once inside his cockpit, Leon wraps up his hand and arm. ?Now you?re gonna tell us where the damn weapon is!? Rex shouts thru his mobile suit?s speakers. Rex is in a Virgo II mobile suit. The mobile suit is green and has a screen type camera for a head. It has two large thrusters on it?s back. On it?s shoulders, it has large armored plates, each shoulder with 4 planet defensor shields on them. The mobile suit was designed by OZ. Leon has a purple Gera Doga mobile suit. This mobile suit is bulky and has spiked shoulder panels. It has a cycloptic eye camera, meaning it was designed by Zeon. The suit is holding a beam rifle. And last of all, James has red Jagd Doga mobile suit, also built by Zeon. This suit has white panels on it?s shoulders with 3 missile launchers attached. The cycloptic head is designed similar to the beak of a bird. This is the most powerful of the three suits. ?Now, ninja boy, tell us where the weapon is, and we?ll go easy on this town?, James offers. Shoen smiles. He lifts up his sword, blade facing down. He slams it into the ground. ?I will defeat you with this sword.? James laughs. Shoen slams his hand down on the end of his sword. Suddenly, the ground begins to rumble. ?What the hell?? Leon stammers. ?Something?s coming out from behind that temple.? Rex says. Just as he says, a large object begins to rise out of the ground. Shoen lifts his sword. ?Nice mobile suits. Let me show you mine.? The suit is much larger than any of the others, but is not bulky. It?s shoulders, legs, and waist are covered with armor, similar to those worn in feudal Japan. The head of the mobile suit has two eyes, and is designed like a samurai?s helmet. Shoen runs to the suit, and uses his grappling hook to enter the cockpit. The eyes of the mobile suit flash. The arm of the suit pops out a beam saber, which lights up. The beam saber is a long blade of light, similar to a light saber from Star Wars. The mobile suit steps forward. ?How do you like it?? Shoen asks. James remains silent. Then he responds, ?It?s still three against one. No matter how powerful that damn suit is.? James thrusts forward in his Jagd Doga, and slashes at the large suit with a beam saber. However, the suit easily dodges the attack, and counters with a Vulcan cannon shot from it?s head. While most of the shots miss, a few connect to the opponent?s leg. Rex flips a switch in his Virgo II, and the defensor shields float into position in front of the suit. The defensor shields create a barrier of energy in front of the suit, which is almost impenetrable. ?You want a swordfight, let?s go!? shouts Shoen. He thrust forward at James? suit, who holds off the slash from the large suit with a block from his beam saber. ?Damnit, his saber?s stronger.? Suddenly, the Jagd Doga withdraws a second beam saber, and slashes at the large suit, missing is just by a hair. ?I?m tired of playing these games.? Shoen responds angrily. His suit twists the handle on the beam saber, which seems to focus into more of a blade. Surprisingly, the beam from the other suit is unable to block the blade, and the large suit slices the Jagd Doga?s arm off. ?What is that thing!?? Leon shouts. Leon?s Gera Doga begins to shoot it?s beam rifle at the large suit, who backs off and sways out of the way. Shoen fires his Vulcan cannons again, but they are blocked by Virgo II?s defender shields. ?You can?t defeat us boy!? Rex calls. The large suit charges, and slashes at the defender shields. Rex laughs out loud. However, his laugh is cut short when his shield falls apart and drops. ?HE CUT THROUGH IT!? Rex says, bewildered by what just took place. The large suit slams it?s fist into the Virgo II, sending it to the ground. ?I?m getting outa here!? yells Leon, and his Gera Doga takes off. The large suit draws a strange instrument from it?s back, which attaches to his arm, and folds open to create a bow. Shoen attaches his beam saber to the bow and pulls back. The bow begins to light up. The suit releases the handle, and a large beam of energy burst forward at the Gera Doga. It connects, and the Gera Doga explodes in a flash of light. ?LEON! YOU IDIOT!? yells Rex. The large mobile suit walks towards James?s ruined suit. ?He killed an innocent man, I killed the murderer. Get your friend and leave.? Shoen commands. The Jagd Doga stands up, it?s leg screeching as it dose so. ?You will not get away with this. You cannot go around, disrespecting the EMA.? James says bitterly. Shoen replies, ?And the EMA cannot go around the colonies, imposing it?s will. The EMA is a power hungry military force. It will collapse again like it once did before. Now get out of here.? James remains silent. He then coms Rex. ?Are you okay?? Rex replies, ?Yeah, but what the hell is that thing?? Shoen stops the large mobile suit to reply. ?It?s Gundam Samurai.?
[B]Prequel[/B] The year is BM.200, or 200 years before the Mobile Age. Earth has become severely overpopulated. The countries of Earth decide to colonize Luna (aka the Moon). In BM 150, the Lunar Colonization project is complete. Luna?s population grows slowly. In order to further the balance of population and go deeper into space, Earth starts the space colony project. Each space colony is a floating city in space, were people can live their everyday lives like they did on Earth. Colonies are grouped together as fives, called Sides. In BM 115, the first two colonies are complete and launched from Luna. By BM 95, Side one is complete. In BM 90, tension rises once again on Earth. The vast majority of nations become part of one of two super nations: Earth Alpha and Earth Beta. Any nation that did not join was quickly conquered by the nearest of the 2 nations. In BM 88, the Neo War starts between Alpha and Beta. For four months, nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons were used to the extreme. The war ended with a truce, and 28 years later in BM 60, Side 2 is completed. In BM 35, Side 3 is completed, and Earth abandons the colony project to focus their funds on military weaponry. However, in BM 25, a pact between the 2 nations banned nuclear, chemical, and biological weaponry. This was fortunate, because in BM 20, the greatest and bloodiest war of all times starts. Both sides focused everything into this war, because it would determine the ruler of the entire Earth. Because of this, it was originally called the Supreme War. However, in BM 17, a new weapon was developed that would change the course of history. It was the mobile suit. It was based on the human form, with arms and legs, and for that reason it was extremely mobile. The first company to develop the MS was the Earth Corporation. One year later, it was introduced into the battlefield. The mobile suit became so essential, that in BM 15 the war?s name was changed to the Mobile War. While the war raged on Earth, the colonies and citizens of Luna suffered. In hopes of peace, the citizens of space formed a group called the Judges. The Judges were highly intelligent people from different origins. The first set of Judges originally had 20 Judges. The Judges became leaders of Luna and Space. However, when the Judges were recruited, morality was not looked at. Tension grew between two ideas of how to end the war: work out a peace treaty with Earth, or using the superior technology of the Judges to crush the Earth military. In BM 05 the Judges separated into two factions: The Yen (peace) and the Yang (war). The Yang Judges formed the first Gundam, called Ghost Gundam. A Gundam was a powerful Mobile Suit built by the Judges, and was made of a material called Gundanium. Ghost was sent to Earth in BM 03. Within three months, it had wiped out over 15 cities. On BM 01, Earth Alpha and Earth Beta formed joined together to form the Earth Military Alliance. The Yen Judges built their own Gundam: Wing Gundam. With the combined might of Wing Gundam and the EMA, the Yang Judges were defeated. The Judges became leaders of all of Earth and space, and had a colony built just for them. This was the start of the Mobile Age. In MA 05, the Judges restarted the colony project. A company called Zeon started in space to develop mobile suits. By MA 20, Side 4 was complete. And by MA 50, Side 5 was complete. Luna decided to start developing Mobile Suits also, and a company called OZ started there in MA 65. In MA 68, a terrorist group takes a Side 2 colony hostage. The Colonial Military Force is unable to reach the colony in time, and the Judges order the EMA to take care of it. The EMA responds by using a laser cannon to wipe out the colony. Two ships escape the colony before it explodes. One was captured, which was said to be piloted by members of the terrorist group. The other escaped. In MA 70, the Judges built two new Gundams: Excalibur and Inferno. They are launched to Earth. A boy named Arthur finds the Excalibur Gundam, and a boy named Pyro finds the Inferno Gundam. Pyro decides to use his Gundam to attack Earth, but the reason is unknown. Arthur tries to stop him, and they become rivals. The current leader of the EMA, Commander Kishin, decided to destroy the Gundams, stating that they were terrorists. OZ built him a mobile suit called the Anti-Gundam: Talgese. In Kishin?s hands, it was even more powerful than the present Gundams. However, Arthur managed to defeat it, also killing Kishin. Commander Creon becomes leader of the EMA. Both Excalibur and Inferno were dealt heavy damage from Talgese, and the Judges secretly repaired and upgraded them, even better than before. The Judges then launched a second batch of Gundams in MA 73. The number is unknown. However, Pyro rallied up many of these Gundams and their pilots, and declared war on the EMA. His army of Gundams was called the Gundam Total Takeover Force. Pyro enlisted the aid of any pilots who would help him, and created the Gundam Resistance Force, in order to stop Pyro?s plan. Oz gives Creon a new suit, Anti-Gundam 2: Mercurius, and in return the EMA has Oz supply their weapons. An unknown group gives a GTTF pilot a new Gundam, Epyon. Soon after, a colony is attacked by the same group. A gigantic mobile suit emerges from the colony, having similar design to the Gundams. This mobile suit is known as the Devil Suit. A battle ensues, and Mercurius is destroyed, only to be replaced by the Anti-Gundam 3: Veyate. The colony is destroyed by the Devil Suit, and the Veyate uses it?s anti-gundam cannon to obliterate the Devil Suit. A few days later, the EMA launches it?s new battleship, Satalius. The Judges then deliver 2 new Gundams to the GRF, Heavyarms and Shining Gundam. All sides of the war prepare for the final battle. In a twist of events, while Creon is at Luna, the GTTF uses the Inferno?s Psyphrame system to take over Satalius. A battle ensues, and during the battle, the Epyon suit merges with another Devil Suit. In order to defeat the GTTF, Arthur and Creon join forces. With the combined strength of Veyate and Excalibur, the Devil Epyon is destroyed. Pyro sends the battleship in a crash course towards Earth. Pyro then reveals that he was in the second ship launched from the colony, and claims he is taking his revenge on the EMA. Before the battleship enters the atmosphere, Arthur manages to activate it?s self-destruct sequence, and the remains fall into the ocean. Defeated, the GTTF retreats into the shadows. A year later, the Judge colony is attacked by the creators of the Epyon and Devil Suit. The creators reveal themselves as the last of the Yang Judges. They unveil their newest mobile suit, Ghost Custom. A battle ensues, and after days of combat, the Judges are defeated. The Yang Judges take control of the Judge colony, and assassinate the Judges. They begin to build a new Gundam, called Doomsday Gundam. The GRF and EMA launch an attack on the Yang Judges, but the Ghost Custom appears, and the heroes retreat. The GTTF remains decide to join forces with the other heroes, in order to stop the Yang Judges. They launch another attack, and when the Ghost Custom attacks, it is destroyed by the Burning Gundam. However, the Doomsday Gundam is then revealed, and it launches an amazing attack on the heroes. They retreat, and when they return to Earth, they are met by Neo, a young boy who pilots SD Gundam, a third generation Gundam. According to a message on the SD Gundam, it is the core of a 5 part Gundam, called Hybird Gundam. Hybird Gundam is the most powerful Gundam ever built by the Judges. Creon unveils his third generation Gundam, Talgese II. The heroes work together to find the other pieces of Hybird Gundam. The final piece is on Luna, and when the 5 pieces are combined, the Hybird Gundam takes flight, going after Doomsday Gundam. A battle ensues, and the Hybrid Gundam is the clear victor. Neo then destroys the Doomsday Gundam. The Gundams then launch another attack on the Yang Judges, and a bloody battle ensues. The Yang Judges unveil their last Gundam, Armageddon. The Armageddon was based on the design of the Hybird Gundam, and the two mobile suits begin a battle to the death. The result? both Gundams destroyed by the other one. The EMA storms the Judge colony, and eradicates the Yang Judges. The remaining Gundam pilots, including Pyro and Arthur, become the new Judges. In order to hunt out the last remains of the Yang, they build a new Gundam, Gundam Sandrock. The story starts in Mobile Age 80?