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Everything posted by MaxSonic

  1. I recently found out that James has unbanned all the members, so I want to know why you were banned in the first place. If you're new, I suggest you read this so you don't do the same. I got banned for making multiple accounts. First, I was MaxSonic, then I made ACW. After a bit, I mailed my MaxSonic account and could'nt find it, so I made SuperMaxSonic. Then I got cocky and made Pegasis. Charles found out and banned SuperMaxSonic and Pegasis. I found my MaxSonic account and admitted the whole thing. James forgave me, and decided he'd delete all the accounts I made but MaxSonic. I stayed on for a while until I started spamming in the PM's , which was the last straw, and I was banned. Then a few weeks later I came back as Mr.Sonic, who lasted a month and was banned. I made another called MechaSonic right after that, which was also banned. James got fed up and IP banned me. I was banned 6 times, which is bad. So the moral is, DO NOT MAKE MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS! Now, how were you banned?
  2. I got bad news for ya. Shadow is NOT in this one. You can play as Sonic, Tails, (from the start), Knuckles, Amy, Cream, and SuperSonic (must unlock). However, you get to play with ANY two characters at once like in Sonic 2 & 3. It should come out in June, which is my birthday. And yes, the robot dose look like Emerl. My computer is slow, and the game plays terribly on it, but from what I see, it's the best Sonic Advance yet, mabey the best 2D Sonic yet. BTW, I think Sonic Heros was an original Sonic game, and I think that it's a decent game. But I doubt SEGA or SonicTeam will give us what we want: Sonic Adventure 3.
  3. I'm back, and I'm going to take over the world! Bwahahaha! I'v been playing Sonic Advance three lately, and it fixes everything from SA1 and 2. Eggman has created a new robot that tries to help his take over the world (Screen3). The Chaos Emeralds are now gained by collecting all the Chao in the stages (Screen1). And the final boss (non super) looks like one tuff *** cookie (Screen2). Has anyone else played it?
  4. Oh god. You scared Doctor Eggman. Jesus, that's f-ing scary. I pissed myself when I saw that. Now I'm going to have nightmares. It's good, but scary as hell.
  5. I'v been playing Sonic Advance 3 lately, and I'v decided to rip some sprites. Here are a few Chao sprites ripped from SA3. I hope you like them.
  6. I am Doctor Eggman, the greatest scientific mind the world has ever known. I would have taken over the world if not for those meddling kids. Anywho, I, Doctor Eggman, am here to say that my favorite gaming system is the Game Boy Advance. It is portable, powerful, and most of all, it has hundreds of games! I'm even in a few of them! When I take over the world, I will praise Nintendo for this wonderous creation! BWAHAHAHA!!!
  7. MaxSonic

    Sonic X

    Hello, I am Dr.Eggman! I want to watch Sonic X, but I don't get it on my TV, even though I am Dr.Eggman! I want to know what's going on in Sonic X, becauce I am Dr.Eggman! If you tell me, I won't enslave you when I take over the world. Why am I going to take over the world? BECAUCE I AM DR. EGGMAN.
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