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If I had a portal gun I would either put one portal in a super awesome vacation location, and the other in my home, so that if I need a day off, or a get away I dont have to deal with customs, money, or travel of any kind and still get a vacation, because after all that vacation travel hubub, i need a break just from the vacation. So to pay for ONE vacation is worth a Lifetime of free ones Or... if i could change the SIZE of the portal I would put a small one in my laptop somewhere and the other by my wireless network at home so no matter where I go I can still fill my Computer and Internet addiction.
Just injoyed a homade bowl of peanut butter ice cream. Yum!
Peanut butter seems to be a common theme with you. I don't think I've ever had pure peanut butter flavored ice cream, but I do love some PB in my ice cream. xD
yeah vanilla ice cream with a huge glob of peanut butter mixed in completely, yum! I cant have any actual nuts so the butterized version is all i can have.
'Peanut, almond, and so on :)
Peanut Butter Popsicles
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twas something that popped out of my mouth randomly as a codeword to get someone to stop tickling me since stop wasnt working...
Haha, that's usually when wrestling ensues. I'm pretty passionate about not being tickled. :P
Hmm I think it did in the case as well.... But it happens often and this has become the "im serious and if you dont stop now ill rip your eyes out" code word.... it works now... :p their code word is Pineapples
My artist block is finally being broken down into a fine dust that I will mix into concrete and drop the new brick on my enemey's head. Well It sounds good to me anyways...
Lrb gave me permission to post this application late, so here it be..... the digidestined part is under going editing, i decided to change my age, to much teenage ness...... hehehe Sign-Up Sheet [b]Digidestined[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Airobeth -Airo for short- Torain [b]Age: [/b] 8 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.deviantart.com/download/236576912/digidestined_oc_airobeth_by_airobeth-d3wunww.jpg[/img] [b]Background: [/b] Airo is a strange little girl. She acts like a kid when she gets the chance but she aspires to do something great with her life, though that changes from month to month, January its a doctor, March its a lawyer, October its a Musician. A little girl with no idea of her dreams, she just wants it to be BIG. So with that she spends most of her time in the library reading, or in school getting top marks in her class. Her parents signed her up for camp this summer in hopes she would get to know some other kids, make some friends, and get her head out of the books for a few weeks. Upon hearing this she went on a rather long tantrum speech of how that is not what she wants. Once her speech was over her parents put her in summer classes as was her wish and pulled her from the camp list at the last second. Her classes were going well, untill things started going funky around her. [b]Supplies:[/b] Upon being abducted, she had her Backpack, Lunch that included chips, sandwich, large soda, and a baggie of veggies. Also she had her brothers old laptop and solar charger, a cell phone, and three rather large books and four extra large pepperoni pizzas. (yes im keeping the pizzas lol, i can make it work regardless of how old she is heh,) [b]Crest:[/b] Respect Digimon [b]In-Training:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Ploymon [b]Picture:[/b] OOps...... I didnt get that one. Its pretty much a red fur ball with two large ears, like renamon's with black tips, and a black diamond in its forehead. [b]Attacks: [/b] [i]Bubble Popper [/i]- Shoots a bubble that explodes into tiny bubbles that then pop like mini explosions. [i]Hot Goo[/i] - Spits up a steaming blob of goo that sticks to the target, and burns them. [b]Rookie: Name:[/b] Rraikmon [b]Picture: [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/194/d/4/d493f5c2dee137e5376b9e74ec38b2c9-d3o75vh.jpg[/img] Attacks:[/b] [i]Hot Steamer-[/i] Breaths out a stream of hot steam to burn the foe. [i]Ice Ribbons- [/i]Three spiraling jet of water shoot from her mouth and freeze on contact with whatever it hits. [i]Silent Mist-[/i] Her entire body turns into a very thin mist, making it nearly impossible to see her. While like this she encases her opponent and creates pressure, causing damage. [b]Personality:[/b] Always by Airo's Side. Quick thinking and always tells the truth when itâ??s needed. She isnt afraid to battle and is willing to die for those she cares about. Hot headed sometimes. I think itâ??s the steam. [b]Champion: Name:[/b] Rylonamon [b]Picture: [img]http://www.deviantart.com/download/83433236/Rampantmon__s_Champion_by_GinnyLyn2.png[/img] Attacks:[/b] [i]Tail Slam-[/i] Basic move, where she slams her tail into the ground or the foe. [i]Tiger Eye-[/i] A hypnotizing attack, causes mental confusion and she can control the weaker victims. [i]Sonic Horns-[/i] Sonic waves pulse from her horns and immobilize their enemy creating great pain in their heads. Androids and Machines are affected differently. They start to malfunction. [b]Ultimate: Name:[/b] Rampantmon [b]Picture: [img]http://www.deviantart.com/download/82489774/Rampant_by_GinnyLyn2.jpg[/img] Attacks:[/b] [i]Diamond Eye- [/i]The diamonds under his eye (Yes his) start to glow and send out large diamond shaped blasts that explode on contact. [i]Horn Rammer[/i]- Basic move where he rams his head, and horns, into the enemy. [i]Spike Slammer-[/i] Basic move of thrashing about and slamming things with his spiked tail. [b]Mega: Name:[/b] Ramrexmon [b]Picture: [img]http://www.deviantart.com/download/83433102/Rampantmon__s_Mega_by_GinnyLyn2.png[/img] Attacks:[/b] [i]Raging Rammer- [/i]Runs at full speed and rams his whole body into the enemy, then if he can, he picks them up and slams them into the ground. [i]Jaw Crusher- [/i]A crushing bite attack where he bites an enemy and holds on tight. There are few out there who can withstand the pressure, or break free. [i]Spike Slasher-[/i] He attacks by spinning and slashing his tail and claws around violently. [i]Asteroid Blaster-[/i] Kind of his only long distance attack and more of a finisher than anything. He creates a large rock like asteroid in the air, jumps up, and slams it towards his enemies with his tail, like a baseball. It explodes, and creates a large burning crater, upon contact.
Is feeling out of place... coming back to OB After such a long time.
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Great to see you back, I remember the last RPG we were in together, it was bad-ass! Make some more like it :D:D:D
Avian was showered and at work a little late, due to the traffic, AND being tailed so noticably by one of Agent Walters goons. She made it into the bar and saw Chance there almost wastedo ut of his mind, he strugled to open a bottle and finally got it to his lips. She smiled and walked up to him, "Perhaps the unlimited access to the bar wasnt such a great idea after all...-" She paused and saw the man on the ground that no one even cared to notice, "Uhm chance, Why is one of Agent Walter's Goos passed out?" She was talking quietly enough that if the agent on the floor was trying to listen (and not actually passed out) he still wouldnt hear over the noise of the club. He had glanced up at her, a little shocked but it took a while for it to kick in, "Oh him, he followed me here, they have been watching me since we met," Avian nodded, "I am well aware of that, Agent Walter has been on my case since i got her 9 months ago... He just KNOWS Im responsible for some of those...things that happend in town, and since the club issue the other night hes got a fresh start on me again, nice work with the agent though, did you have to foce feed him the shots or..." "I was very ... persuasive with Him..." He paused and glanced at her, those yellow eyes again... "About-" Avian cut him off, "I kinda have something to ask of you, a favor." "Go ahead..." She smiled, "Well I told Agent walter the reason we were talking in the alley is because I was interested in you and attracted to you and I wanted to privately get your information and stuff, and that you were invited to my first new home dinner so i could get to know you better if you catch my drift. Hope you dont mind..." He smiled, "Nah..." Taking another swig he flashed her a grin, "Any of it true?" She blushed and glanced at the ceiling, "Maybe..." In the way she said it was basicly the same as saying yes... "But anyways, You should take it easy you know, and if he or the goons approch you, go along with the attraction story, thought thecnically its not a story..." Avian trailed off again as the music seemed to beat loudly against her ears. "Dont worry, this whole thing will be finished soon and we wont have to worry about Agent Walter and his idiots, I plan on luring him there right before we leave, Id love to grab him by the shirt, tell him i did it, what i was, show him a part of my wild side, toss him aside and take off. Just the look on his face would be wonderful I think..." She cleaned up the bottles chance had lined up and went back behind the bar, "I do kinda have to work tonight though so, ... Oh an if you see another agent looking guy around, hes the one who followed ME to work today."
Avian woke the next day to three different noises going off. The first as Taylor using the blender to make a smoothie for breakfast, the second was her computer beeping at her about appointments, emails, and other info, and the third was a horrible cracking sound on her door. She pulled herself off the couch and made way for the door. She opened it and sighed at the sight of it. The man she had tried to shake for months was back, again. She thought for a moment about letting him in the house, letting him stray to far from the front door and just killing him there, but he was only doing his job, and killing him might put even more eyes on her than she needed. "Hello again Agent Walter... Let me guess, This is about my club right?" He glanced at her over his shades, his bright green eyes watched her for anything that could be a give away. "Of course..." He said as he entered without asking. She could break his arm in such a quick motion for that but she let it slide, she was used to it. He sat on the couch and set some pictures on her coffee table, "A lot of strange things happen around you Miss Torain. I mean your club iced over, Alot of people could have died if it didnt thaw out you know..." "Including myself thank you very much, and dont for a moment beleive i had anything to do with it because frankly sir, thats bull shit. I was running my club on its opening day, got frozen, and had a really bad night, You dont even want to know how much money I lost in that incident." He frowned, "True..." His dark blueish hair caught the light and avian felt like ripping it all out, if anyone on the planet could piss her off, it was this guy. "However, things of all wierdness happen, around you." "I beg to differ Walter, First off I wasnt anywhere near the three towns that had their own problems all at the same time... For example in there was three days straight of rain in the Sahara desert, at the same time hawaii suffered a lovely blizzard, and dont forget moscow and its severe heat wave... Yet I have never been to any of those places, so why do you think this iced up club has anything to do with me? I fail to see your logical reasoning..." He listened and remembered each incident, all did happen in places she had never been but he wasnt taking at as sure proof she was innocent. He knew these things revolved around her somehow, he just didnt know how. "you forgot to mention the fires in california..." She glared at him, "California ALWAYS has fires..." "Ahah!" He shouted as if she confessed to the whole thing, "You say that, but maybe you just dont like california..." "Iv never been there, cant really say id like it or not, I cannot beleive you think this is my doing, and surely some idiot with a camp fire in california or something isnt the best excuse to tell your boss but seriously I have no idea about any of these events... Blame Global Warming." "Not likely," He paused, "So who, may I ask is this man?" He pointed at a picture of her and chance in the alley way. She looked annoyed at the fact he thought she was this stupid, "I know you well enough to tell you, you already know who he is, But to humor you, his name is Chance. Rather fetching man I must say," She smiled blushed, "I wasnt really interested in people when i moved here, I mean the dating sort, but... When I saw him there at my club the other night, I was so drawn in by his mass and his- eh well you know, I wanted to get to know him, perhaps get his phone number, you know maybe go out on a date or two..." Taylor snuck down into the basement and locked the door, she couldnt help but snicker to herself about the look Agent Walter had on his face about this story. Avian continued, "So I took my break and hinted at him to follow... We talked for a bit and I scored his info, Well last night i invited him over, but you know that already since your watching me and such, We had dinner. I had just moved into this duplex you see, so to get to know my neighbors better I invited them over, and one of them had a date with a school mate so I invited her as well. It also gave me a sly way of getting to know chance better too, you know what I mean," Avian grinned and smiled, "Without making it seem to sudden and everything you know. And as for The girl your about to ask me about, Ira, yeah She had passed out at my bar after a while, and to make up for it I invited her and her boyfriend over as well, like a party, but her and her boyfriend got into this fight and only she showed up." "Then do explain why she left your house in such a manner last night..." He asked eyeing her suspiciously. She frowned, "Yeah, My fault really. It was a mix of i didnt know she was a vegitarian, and then as the night went on some things were said and she got quite offended, My neighbor, chuck, is quite the ass you know. Making remarks that ... should get him slapped by the opposite gender, Im quite surprised she left his face intact..." "Is that so..." He packed up all the pictures, jotted down some notes in a notebook and headed for the door. Avian followed him and once on the porch he turned around and took off his sunglasses. "I know your involved with something here, Beleive me nothing you say will make me think otherwise... Oh and by the way... Did you know that the girls boyfriend, the one who got into the fight with the Ira girl, did you know there was roumored to be a mass shoot out there the other night? Yeah many criminals are missing, including her boyfriend... I dont report such findings though, not my particular field If you know what I mean... You just better watch yourself... Ill have my eyes on you..." And with that he was in his black sedan and gone. Avian was surprised with him, he didnt pull his gun on her this time, and he confronted her openly instead of just trying to sneak up and corner her. This was a new thing for him. Avian shut the door and found taylor laughing in the kitchen, "What?" "Were you telling the truth about all that stuff about Chance?" Avian grinned, "Wouldnt You like to know..." With that avian headed for the shower.
ooc: Talk about avian has her work cut out for her now >_< not only does she have a scret agent of earth after her, she has an unknown enemy from her home planet, wonderful TT_TT lol, fun stuff, --------- Avian was surprised by Tetra's bursting in through the front door, and her quick reply, "I..." She was at a loss for words, she did not know what to say, and she could see in Tetra's eyes there was nothing she could say or do to change the girls mind. "Alright, but you should go home, Once I know when we leave, Zum will be the messenger...for now limit how much you are around me, next door with zum is fine." "Why Is that?" Tetra asked suddenly. "Well, I am sort of under investigation again by a Secret agent, human, who is dead set on finding out how i caused all the tings i did when i got here, the explosion, the fires and putting them out again, and the blackout... Since my club iced over because of Ira last night, he is back on my tail again. I dont want anyone harrased because of him. Agent Walter is just a wee bit obsessed, yet he is WAY off on what I really am, so ... Yeah anything I need to let you know, I will let zum be the one to tell you." Tetra understood, and her, Chuck, and Zum left again, to take Tetra back home. Avian slumped down in the couch and turned on the tv. The news went on about weather, small things, and a large murder at a big placein town. Avian could figure in her mind what it was about and flicked to another channel.. After surfing for a while she looked up to notice Taylor with another questioning look. "So... Whats this Zith guy like anyways, If we are gonna fight him, then we should know what he can do..." Avian paused, "nothing that great actually... He is plain human after all..." "Wait, Why doesnt someone just kill him then?" Taylor seemed mighty shocked that the guy in charge of all this bad stuff wasnt a unit as well. "Thats just it. He knows of the flaws of his own experiments, so he has chosen not to undergo the same process, He wants to live as LONG as possible for his desire's to come true, instead of the possibility of being drivin insane from some experimental flaw. We cant just up and kill him though, he can walk the facility halls with no body guards because he knows that the majority of the unit's there will come to his defense. So its more like we are going after some of his best, his brightests, exposing his facility and experiments to the world, getting a few more rebels and taking him down before he kills even more innocent people. Once we can actually get to him, and remove him from the picture, we may be able to stop this alltogether, since his units wont have anyone to follow, or missions to do, they could find their own way to live, if not, we will have to do something about them too. So many of them have a simple lust for blood, that I dont think is curable." Taylor nodded, "So basicly hes a human who wanted to fuck up everyone else, except himself because he knew of the side effects, and even though hes huma most of his units are still willing to follow him even though they could tear him to shreds in a matter of seconds. Did he breed their brains right out too?" "In a sense, he is trying to make them so they dont have a will of their own, they dont think except to kill, so they dont leave like I did. So they dont grow a heart and feel bad for the lives they have taken... Form a brainwash really. I heard of an attempt to kill him, but it only happend once, and that was before I was created. A unit not to different from myself actually, he decided enough was a enough. From what I heard he made it to Mr. Zith's office, however shortly after he entered, he left the office again, only dead. Mr Zith and his desk lady were in a discussion when the man decided to kill so I am assuming either he wasnt very skilled, or the secretary herself has abilities, and Mr Zith uses her as a personal guard when hes alone in his office, they say she was covered in blood when they dragged the units body out of the office. So... Its hard to get to him no matter what." "We got our work cut out for us then dont we..." Tay smiled, "Maybe its a good thing your taking along a few of us that have really small forms, we can spy the best you know." Avian smiled, "Indeed you can..."
Knowing Chance would be going was the biggest pick me up Avian could have gotten. He wa strong, knew his powers well, and this brought her confidence. It was getting late so Avian looked to chuck and Zum, "You should head home now its kinda late, Chuck take Tetra home... please?" Tetra had just come up the stairs, a bit lost in thought, "Uhm..." Avian frowned, "I am sorry Tetra, i shouldnt have brought you into this, your young you have a life ahead of you here, you can tell your parents about this, since they should already know, at least you know the truth of where our kind came from... but I am sure your parents will 100% reject the idea of their daughter going off into space to go fight the bad guys...so... Chuck will take you home, if you have any questions or anything you know where I live, and your welcome here any time... same for you zum and chuck, i can even train you guys between now and lift off." Avian trailled off into her own thoughts, and chuck gave Tetra a silent ride home, Later Avian heard Chuck and Zum return and go into their side. She was left in her own home with Taylor lounging on the recliner as if they had just watched TV or something, instead of talking about psycho mad men and space flight. Avian let her in on every detail about what was going on with the ship, the supplies, and everything else. Avian suddenly hungry again, mostly from stress, got up and headed to the fridge, she pulled out a completely raw steak, one she had not cooked before the little group meeting. She grabbed a plate, washed the stake off, and then just ripped into it like it was natural. Taylor frowned, for her she liked everything food wise, but she liked it cooked.
ooc: I expected you of everyone to be the rebelious "year right you psycho not happening!" So no worries :D ------- Avian stood in her living room, She sighed, She understood Ira's reasoning, The fact she killed people made sense, but so did avian, all her life shes killed people, not just people whos betrayed her, stolen her stuff, or were criminals against criminals.... they were innocent people, and she didnt want that to happen any more... She didnt want to do it alone... A small hand on her sholder shocked her, " Whaayy...." She was so distracted with thinking she didnt notice Taylor come up the stairs behind her. Taylor sat there, her deep purple eyes full of fear and yet acceptance. "What about me? You had planned on enrolling me into school... right, but, how will that work if you run off to another planet..." Avian paused, "I never did intend to take you along, you are young, and you just suffered a horrible loss, I didnt think it was fair to make you join me, so I had planned for you to go live with one of my closest human friends." Taylor shook her head, eyes full of determination, "No! I am going. I dont care if I am young or not! I dont have anything here, and I can be usefull to you! So count me in!" "Me too!" Chuck said from the stairway, "I can live without beer and... stuff for a while, no problem, but to be honest, i probably would have said no, but the way you put it, and the fact a girl several years younger than me has the balls to volenteer, I find myself unable to say no, I may be an Idiot sometimes but, I do have a heart you know..." Zum was still downstairs but he shouted up the staits that wherever chuck went he went so she was stuck with both of them. Avian sighed, how come it was all the underage kids ready for adventure, as she thought about it that part made more sense, they have less worries and are more open for those tv show adventures where as ones who have set food in their lives and taken control were less willing to give up their luxurious lives... She figured Chance would refuse too now that she got to thinking about it, his dreams were of the terrible things he had done in his past, or at least thats what avian thought, why would someone who escaped that, and forgot most of it, want to go back to the chaos. She slid down into her couch, resting her elbows on her knees she cried into her hands, this was such a pointless trip, She is crazy for wanting to go back but it was worse for her to come to earth thinking for one moment that any of the ones like her would want to give up their lives to go save a place they didnt even know exsisted, and chase down memories they would rather forget. What a fool she was being. Ira refused, Chance most likly will as well, and tetra, she had a choice but the final say was her parents, like they would ever want their little girl to fly off and get in danger. So that left her with the stoner, the vampire, and the emotionaly wrecked kid. This was a suicide mission for sure. ---- ooc: Even Avian has her issues lol, but again i had to put up HotShotGurl's stuff for now... Anyways...
Well people had finished their meals, and told their part of the story, some of them more so than others. Avian quickly cleared the table got everything running in the dish washer and took out her keys. She unlocked the basement and pushes the door aside. "Now everyone If you please, carefull down the stairs, I will turn the lights on once I am down there." Everyone seemed kinda wierd about that bit, but followed through and entered the basement, carefully using the railing and making sure they didnt step on anyone else. Once everyone was down there avian headed down and shut the door beind her, It sounded as if she locked it and didnt even come down the stairs. Most of them didnt think it was too dark down there, After all they could see somewhat in the dark. Avian was behind a wall that stuck out by what seemed to be a fridge, No one could see her though. She flicked the light switched and stepped out from behind the wall. Just then everyone noticed the basement's decoration. There was a fridge by the light switch and next to that was a punching bag. Just your normal punching bag that you would find at a gym. It was securley bolted into the ceiling and hung there. It looked severely beaten but still in one piece. Right next to that was a solid chunk of tree, bolted to the ceiling, and the wall to hold it in firm place, as ifthe tree gre through the basement all along. Deep scratch marks dug into the thich bark, and next to this extra large 'cratching post' was a tredmill. She had her own mini gym in the basement. On the opposite wall behind everyone was a large tv screen, a flat plasma screen that took up a majority of the wall. A couch across from it so people could sit. "Beleive me people, I know what it is like to keep secrets, just, well I have kept them alot less longer than yourselves. Where I came from everyone was like me, and we did terrible things..." Avian paused then smiled again, "This will be very hard for some of you to beleive, at least I think so, growing up here on earth all your lives and everything." "What do you mean... here on earth?" Chuck asked quickly, beating Chance and anyone else to the beat. Avian sighed, "There exsists a secret under ground facility, a man who's heart is as black and evil as possible built this facility in hopes of creating an army so he could take over the four continents of my home planet. Before you start saying anything look at the tv behind you." She had her hand held computer with her, who was keeping silent, and she pressed a few buttons. A large rotating picture came up on the big screen. It was of a planet very similar to earth. "That is Solkudor, A planet far from this solar system. There are four major continents each governed differently but all joined at the center, with trade routes and the such. However they have had some wars recently and that is when Mr Zith, This man..." She put up a picture of MR Zith on the bigt screen, "That is when he decided to start the facility. First he experimented with humans directly, it did not work to well, he created un contreolable beasts uncapable of rational thought or following orders, he killed all of them, or what the facility calls decommishioning. He then worked with unborn children but the mothers died before giving birth because their children had no control of their forms, even in the unborn state. Knowing it would work if the mothers were out of the picture he just worked with embryo's and such." She let a few more slides go by, pictures of early development, failures, scientists injecting a unit strapped down to a steel table. She went by this quickly, when she took the ship she got alot of information about the facility as well... Includding pictures, some of which she didnt like. She then resumed her story, "Eventually he had it, remove the egg from the mother, and basicly he had test tube babies. All growing into beastly monsters, This first group made it to adult hood, all able to take orders, fight, and sling around the elements. It was a success, but it took to long." She frowned and passed some more unimportant pictures, "Then came the breeding, this was slow and Mr Zith had no patience for it, so those units, although very useful to him, took to long to grew, even though the beast unit mother was able to handle full pregnency, with no tampering of the child to create yet another beast unit. He started experimenting with growth technology, he used it to speed up the aging process and returned it to normal once they were at adult hood, which explains your growth spurt at puberty Chuck, one of your parents was grown using that growth 'hormone' as ill call it. Anyways eventually he had enough strong, trained units that he started missions. Go get this information from this village, or go check out this city, or go kill this man because he is a menace to the world." She remembed every excused she heard, "Well all those missions involved killing innocent people, women children and hard working fathers. Some of the units began to not beleive in what we were doing, and they fled the planet. They came to earth, married either human's or one of their own and had chioldrem which in turn has created all of you guys, Except for you Chance, You seem old enough, and from those memories, You most likely came here the same method I did. By ship... and upon crash ladning the ship had to self destruct. You guys remember that fire outside of the city, that explosion that caused fires that were out before the fire department got there, that was me landing her 9 months ago... So you see, we are not human, and we originated far from earth. Some of you have parents, MOST all of you do actually, even chance probably had parental units, I however do not. I was completely created, Zith hoped that completely creating a unit from scratch would ... remove any sense of wrong or right in it, where our models would kill anyone without question, another failiure." She stopped the slide show on a picture of her chained facing a wall. Her shirt gone, her back exposed and ripped up, fresh deep wounds drained blood freely down her back and onto the floor. A Beast with the form of a bear stood nearbye, breathing heavily, Avian's blood on his claws. "That is me, OR any other unit that disobey's preders because they think the pointless killing is wrong, They are beaten into submission, the lesser case, whipped horribly, the medium case meaning more than once they dissobeyed, and my case, Multiple times i questioned what we were going, so i skipped both other levels and went straight the the shredding. My own team leader did this to me... It was his job whether i was under him or not. The last stag, before any of you ask, is euthinasia, death... They figure you arent worth trying to keep anymore so they just kill you off." The computer in her hand spoke up for the first time ever, "Yes indeed. Now Avian, Your bid on the nearest warehouse has won, all the staff you chose are now getting it cleared out cleaned up and ready for the building to begin." "Thanks computer. Now Chance has memories of death dying screams, which is what i share every night, You most likely came to earth to escape the horror's of that planet, either the crash or a real car accident removed those memories of the home world, except your animal form could not forget, It reminds you in the night when your mind is most likely to hear it,... As for what the computer just told me... Im building another ship, I planned to come here, find others like myself, and return. I dont want more innocent people to die because of one mans dreams to rule the world... So the real reason i sought you all out was, I cant do this alone, I need your help, but if you decide you do not want to go, then just know I AM going back, even if i have to do so alone... But if you do some with me, I can help train you while the ship is being built, train you to control your elements, and get the best use out of your animal side... I know this was alot of information all at once, the couch is open, sit down, freak out, question my sanity, whichever works for you... But I do need your answers some time...In the meantime, Ill be running..." She quickly changed forms like she did it all the time, so quick and fluid. She was standing there in animal form within a few seconds. Full body of a bengal tiger, bright orange with black stripes, long twitching tail, those back stripes even had some hints to the blonde and brown that was avian's human hair color. This odd coloration was blending into the large feathers on her head, and that ran down her neck, and into the two largest hawk wings ever. They had to be big enough to actually let her fly so if she had opened her wings, her wingspace could easily go from one wall to another if she stretched them properly. She got on the tredmill and started running. [I][Oh and just so you know, because we cant talk normally in full animal form, If your trained properly we can communicate through telepathy in full form.] [/I]She added that last bit, projecting her voice into everyone's minds. ------ ooc: Ok I Lied, this has got to be my longest post, but I had alot of info to throw out so yeah bare with it, YAY moving along! *is shot by you guys*
Avian had all kinds of food that was just about down. Pasta, steaks, potatoes, many kinds of vegetables, some wierd bottle with a wierd looking fluid in it, about the size of a mountain dew bottle, and salad with all kinds of fixings. She was going all out to make sure her guests had full stomaches and were comfortable. She knew they probably werent going to beleive her, or were so shocked they might just freak out, but she could handle herself. She smelled something and headed for the front door, the bell rang and she swung open the door. Ira and Chance both stood there hoping they had gotten the address right. Avian smiled, "Ah you both decided to come! Welcome to my home... Dinner will be done shortly so if you can just adjust yourselves around my dining table I can get things set up and started..." They came in, she shut the door, and everyone headed for the table. It had plates for each of them on it by now, she had expected them all to show up, even if they didnt, there was no harm in an extra plate or two sitting on a table. She got all the food out on the table, a feast if ever there was one. Everyone was sat down and zum had a wierd look on his face. "Oh I was prepared for you..." She grabbed the mountain dew sized bottle and sat it on Zum's plate. "I seriously hope you dont mind cow, it was the only closest thing I could find without harming someone's pet..." "Wait How did you uh..." Zum paused, wondering how she knew about his food issues. "Well... I could kind of sniff out what you were, The continous smell of flowers told me instantly that you were half skunk. We had a unit where i came from who was part skunk part lion, smelled of tulips ALL the time. And you smelled of blood, and i figured you hadnt been killing anyone lately so I put it together on my own. We also had units like you... " Avian paused, "No, not units, people like you...." "Why do you call what we are ... Units?" Chance was the first to ask a real question not food related. By now everyone had dug into the food they wanted most, there was plenty for everyone. She frowned, "That is a question to be answered after dinner. For now I want full details from you all of your abilities, forms, things like that. The last. mostly odd, memory you have, this goest especially for you chance since your the oldest out of the group." Ahe took a bite out of what everyone noticed to be a hardly cooked steak. Well below health standards thats for sure. If she were a buisness she could get shut down for raw food like that being served. She smiled and took a sip of the plain water she had, "I mean like memories related to your forms, strange occurences and such. Once dinner is over we will head into my basement where we will starte the real conversation, for now its just getting to know one another a little better." Taylor stayed silent and nibbled on her mix of pasta and salad. She seemed deep in thought. Chuck was the first to throw in some info. "Well me I am wolf, and Deer,.... that does seem kinda strange even for me. I got the deer from my mom's side of the family, or at least thats what my parents told me. My antlers grow first whenever I change, I have a HORRIBLE habit of changing in my sleep and wandering the house..." Zum coughed, "And eating all the pets iv ever had..." "Hey that cat was NOT my fault!" He barked back, almost literaly, "Anyways the most strange thing I can remember is when I hit puberty, Sounds kind of wierd but yeah, I grew instantly, all my height was gained over night, my voice suddenly different and everything, my parents didnt find it to odd, but the school kids did." Avian smiled, "Rapid Growth is a newer trait among those like us, one of your parents probably had the same thing." [I]ONLY way different... [/I]Avian thought. "And dude, If i concentrate hard enough I can play with fire, or like.... spit acid, its kinda bad but... really awesome at the same time." "Interesting combination. I myself have Energy, or what you call electricity, as one of my elemental abilities, water is my second one. I almost drown my trainer once, when I first got my abilities." Avian recalled a unit who trained her with her skills, she hadnt gotten her abilities yet and in a surge they came, and she had no control over them, almost killing her teacher. Zum went next, "Skunk and vampire bat! And... my elements as you put it arent to flashy, well one is, Lightness and Darkness, I blinded chuck once. Using a flash of light directed right into his eyes. There are times i can use kind of like a cloud of darkness to hover over peoples faces so they cant see either." He took a drink from the bottle, quite happy with his meal. Avian smiled, "See? We all may be different, but we are all the same in our own little ways. Anyone else?" Taylor looked up, "Yeah... Elements are Ice and Lava, not fire, Lava you know the boiling burny volcanoe stuff, yeah. And my form is a very tiny one, I dont change often because I am so small. The size of a rat, the feet of a rat, the rest of me is all raccoon. A RATCOON if you will. Im blue, like my hair though... As for memories, other than my parents being killed, I dont really have much in the way of strange memories. Well... I burned a hole in the floor when I got my powers but my father taught me how to control it so it wouldnt happen again." And that was all she had to say on the subject. Avian smiled and looked around the table, only a few more and they could focus on dinner, then the basement for the true discussion. ----- ooc: Prolonged, again!? NUUU, Anyway HotShotGurl couldnt post untill two days from now, maybe wendsday so she let me put in her characters stuff to keep it going... YOUR TURNS (Tetra, Ira, Chance) And then ill get to the whole details.
Great, what an ending to the first night of the club, how the hell was she supposed to explain this... But someone else did for her. Over the freaking out and wanting to know how it all happend a guy spoke up, "DUDE! This is so much like that explosion outside of town nine months ago! The cops and firefighters arrived to where there should have been a HUGE fire you know, except when they got there, The was evidence of a fire but someone had put them all out already, a 2 square miles of fires out in less than half an hour. Not a single person was found coming or going from the scene!" A few people mentioned he had probably had way to much to drink, but others knew of what he spoke of, "No It's true! I worked as one of the scientists on that project! It all happend as he described it." A lady picked up, "Like that one time about 6 months ago when we had that horrible energy surge and then blackout. All the transformers blew and we while they were fixing the problem the electricity came back on as if it hadnt happend..." A man nodded, "Strange things have been happening around here lately..." People began leaving, the band was pissed. So was the DJ. Their equipment was wet, ruined, and thang goodness avian thought on her feet and got the power off before anyone was hurt. She told smith to give everyone a refund if they asked for it, a tab, whatever, and to make sure the band and dj got paid WAY over what they had agreed on for the replacement of their equipment. She caught the scent again and was out the freaking door before smith could even reply. She picked up speed, that was always one thing she was good at, even in human form she was quick. She caught up to the scent, not longer lingering but strong, she was also on them. She had to do this quick, she wanted no one else hurt, and preffered to get this settled as soon as possible. She made an inhuman jump in an alley way onto a fire escape and up to the roof of a building, she followed along untill she found them a few alley's over, they had run at least a mile if not more, and the guy was needed some air. The girl didnt look to out of breath. This was her only opportunity. Avian jumped quietly and unnoticed down the fire escape and onto the ground behind the man. She didnt touch him this time, she just sent the shock strait from her finger. He collapsed, unable to move and at the right angle unable to see what was going. Ira was ready to bolt, but before she could Avian had numbed her entire body with an extra strong jolt of electricity. She was unable to move and kind of slumped to the ground. Avian tucked some super strong ear plugs, what she kept just in case the club music got to much for her ears, into the man's ears so he could not over hear the conversation she was just about to have with Ira. "That was not the smartest thing to do... Bringing attention to yourself like that Ira. Im the owner of that club, so I saw your ID, i knew you were there, I had happend when you woke up from your black out I could converse with you in the comforts of my breakroom but unfortunatly powers are powers and sometimes if you dont control them, they control you." She paused, Ira couldnt even speak so this was Avian's talking time, again. She was using this method a little more than she hoped. "Now Listen Ira. Leaving the club in a panic like that, was even more of a mistake, just because the club was effect, look around you, you didnt ice up more than a block, and running from a scene with a special agen on MY tail... You run out of a club that just recently had an elemental crisis. Not only does that put YOU in more danger than needed, It also puts the agent back on my train. He is very stubborn you see..." She paused, the agent had been after her for the longest time, so sure she had something to do with the explotion (which she did) and the black out (which she did) but he could never find the right evidence but he was sure it was her (which it was). He had givin her some slack lately but now that the club iced up, hed be the leading dude in charge of investigating that, and the moment he learns that she owned the club, it would be fresh stalking material for him. "Needless to say, I noticed you dont have much control over what you have right now. I have total control over my beast, and my elements, but it seems yours, even at your age, are still un refined. I can help with that, I can even explain to you what you are, what the powers were ment for, and why your even here. You are not alone. Please dont let your high attitude keep you from knowing the truth, oh dear god i sound like a preacher, someone shoot me. Gah anyways, " She wrote her address down on a scrap of paper, which wasnt wet, and her name, and shoved it into Ira's pocket. "Please come to my house tomorrow, You will even meet a few others like us there, We all have our own little secrets, and of course I would never tell anyone." She removed the plugs from Ira's date's ears and jumped up again onto the fire escape, up onto the roof and vanished. She knew they would recover soon, but she hoped that Ira would actually show up tomorrow. ----- OOC: Avian's just needing to get rough and tough with you people isnt she! lol she was trained for it, no worries! On a different note, wrap up the night, what you all did after the unfreeze whatever, and get tomorrow started. Ill post when its ok to start showing up at Avian's house (itll be after school hours, since we have school kids who are going to be dragged into this too :p)
ooc: Well that momentraily takes care of Ira i guess lol / AND i thought it a bit unlogical for a 20 year old to own a bar and serve alcohol so I edited my sign up real fast to at least make her 21... i cant remember now (a whole four seconds later) if i put 21 or 22, either way shes of age now >_
ooc: Ah wonders of wonders, she aint givin this up now not when his curiosity got him to take the bait the first time! ----------- Avian frowned as the man returned into the bar, but she had an idea it was far from logical. It was downright insane in a place like this but... It might get his attention. She returned to the bar, seeing as how her five minutes were up. She couldnt find him any where and asked smith about it. "Taken some real interest I see... He requesteda tab be started, I wasnt sure if I should authorize it, being the first night and all..." "Authorize it, Premium account even, let the guy upstairs-" She paused "No ill let the guy upstairs know. Be right back." She followed the scent she picked up and traveled up the stairs to the club lounge area, more mellow of an area for the drinker who wants a break for super loud music. She spotted Chance from across the room, so before she made herself visible she found one of her security men and kept their location in her mind before approching. This... COULD get ugly.... maybe. She was next to Chance in a flash. She placed a hand on the bar counter right next to him and leaned in real close to his ear, she was quick, so quick hedidnt notice her untill she placed her hand on his shoulder and whispered into his ear. "You know, Those memories of yours, I know exactly what they are, and I know what they are from... for I share the same ones, the only difference being I can remember them." Her eyes seemed to be glowing a fierce yellow and suddenly before he could even make a comment back an electric pulse went through his body. He was unable to move anything but his eyes. Avian took his drink and sat it on the bar. "He should be back once im done ... talking with him, if not I will cover his tab for today." She motioned for the large security guard to help move him to a back room, only for employees. it had a couch, a water cooler, and one door... A door that Avian locked the moment she got the security officer out of the room. It was her and chance all alone. Avian hoped that he would not freak out, change, and rip the place apart. "Now Mister Chance, that little shock treatment will only last a little while so Let me speak before you fight to get your muscles moving again." She saw his eyes follow her as she paced in the room. "Ok, You have memories but you dont know what they are from, memories of killing, memories of death. I lived those same memories, and when I questioned them, UNimaginable horrors were then commited against even myself." She lifted up the back of her shirt,not taking it all the way off, just giving him a good view of her back. You would imagine lash marks but at close inspection they were actually deep claw marks. Deep white scars. "They remind every day of the things I was forced to do. The innocent lives I was taking, and What would happen to me if I DIDNT do what I was told." She paused a moment. "I know what you are, I know of your ORIGINS... You might not like to hear it but I know your soul and your animal soul want to know. Since I shouldnt force it on you like this anyways, Ill leave this room unlocked and let other employees to leave this room alone. Once you can move again you are free to leave, or head back to the bar, either choice is fine." She pulled out a peice of paper and her pen, she started jotting information down and once she was finished she slipped it into his pocket. "That is my phone number, email, and address in case you want to learn more in a more private surriounding. Showing off my abilities in front of my own club wasnt even the smartest thing to do. Now ill end up sleeping like a rock tonight. That energy I pumped into doesnt come from nowhere." She stretched her arms. "Now should you even think of your past, or me and what I know, please call me... or if it just cannot wait, find me downstairs, but I figured you would think this was enough surprises for one night and might just want to get drunk out of your mind and sleep it off untill later. Whatever you do, dont let your past go unchecked. You deserve to know, and I am the only person on THIS PLANET that has those answers for you." She opened the door into the lounge, "I am sure I will be seeing you again Mister Chance, and please, try not to get too drunk." For a split second Chance could see her ears have an orange fuzz to them before her ears were as human as anyone elses, she shut the door behind her, and made sure it was unlocked, before she returned downstairs and resumed her usual work as though nothing had happend. Well at least she made som extra contact with one, maybe not the smartest way to do it, but it was done. Hopefully, with some time to cope with the idea, he would be curious enough to seek her knowledge. Of course if it was at home she would be able to give him all kinds of information from her computer but if not she had a compelling argument anyways. ----- ooc: OK! One has her info, the lucky guy! No one else has ever gotten that info! If smith knew.... HOO BUDDY! She was a bit tough, but I think she got the message across! Hmm contact with chance is pretty much set, I can get Zum and Tetra from Avian's home easily enough (and our secondary characts like chuck and taylor) the only mystery person left needs to make an apperance.
ooc: AHA A SHORT POST! YAY! Oh and thanks lol you dont play sims 2 for hours on end and not get a few ideas lol. AS for the contact, its perfect, nicely done... mwahah now its my turn. --- The moment the doors opened the place got crowded, maybe they needed a few more helpers for tomorrow, but that was for later. Avian started first, making the rounds, checking id's, the sound systems, and of course serving drinks. She heard there was a line for the underage side and smiled when she heard that many kids were showing up after their school dance so she expected even more kids by late tonight. What a start! The place was new but people knew what to do there, they got in, got drinks and hit the floor. Dancing maniacs with no care of who sees them acting like fools. It was perfect. Avian had served some people, taking note of their scent first and if it was abnormal she mentaly made note of them and investigated them while serving other people. She found a few people seemed quite odd but it turned out to be some strange perfume or cologne they were wearing. Untill that is... the one man sat down. She walked up to where he was, "Welcome to Untamed Beast, what can I get you to drink handsome?" "Just a water and a double shot of vodka on the rocks please." He faded off into the details and she went to the bar, "Smith double shot of vodka on the rocks please!" She said this as she leaned over the bar for the water. "Hey now thats my job!" He barked at her handing her what she had requested. "Oh please! You were busy! Now play nice!" She took the drinks and returned to the mans table and he seemed surprised that they were there already. Then he looked at her for the first time. She instantly could tell, and she sensed he did too because he seemed far more shocked than she was meeting Chuck and Zum. "Have......have we met before?" "I don't think so?" She played it cool, didnt want to lie but didnt want to make it obvious she could tell what he was. He turned away really fast to avoid eye contact and thats when she chose to grin. First night and she had alreayd located one. Things were looking up! "Thanks, another please" he said still turned away. She returned to the bar with a happy look on her face and the mans ID in her hand still. "Sweet!" Smith eyed her, "What get a phone number already? Sheesh and you want even give me yours..." Avian rolled her eyes, "Smith please, you are the brotherly figure right now, no one gets my number. And this isnt his number, Its his ID." "Gonna steal his identity?" He eyed the man shortly, "I dont think you can pull of that body, sorry..." "No, The reason I am happy is of no concern just enjoy the night." She made sure to write all his information down on a slip of paper and shove it in her pocket before he or anyone else noticed. It was just incase she couldnt make full contact that night. A lot of people around to be talking about such a subject. She returned to his table with his second round of drinks, It seemed he was concentrating on long looking at her... She gave him his drinks, and slid him his ID. She choose now to say something, while the music was loud and people were concentrated on other things. "Dont worry Chance... Your secret is safe with me..." She said this and he took a split moment to look at her. She was smiling, her golden eyes matched the expression. "SMITH! I'm takin a FIVE! Be out in the alley!" She took off for the back door. She moved past Freddy and went out to the side Alley. There she took a deep breath of fresh air and some silence. "I kinda hopin he takes the bait... I mean If not I can at least give my sesitive ears a break..." She sighed to herself, he smelled similar to Chuck, perhaps... they had the same traits.
Ok some details to be noted so far: The club and bar is all aged, It has two sides, the entrance leads to the all ages side, well so long as your 13 and up, serves food like pizza burgers whatever, and soda's and stuff like that. Then towards the back there is a door that leads to the adult club and bar where all the kids stuff is served, along with alcoholic beverages ranging from beer to jeack daniels and so on so forth. There are booths, tables, and a bar to sit at in each side (you just cant order alcohol on the kids side obviously. To get into the adults area you have to meed up with a hefty guy named Freddy, the bouncer, and he checks the ids... thats pretty basic... the club also plays music people can really get down and dance to, be wild and whatever As for the changing each person, when they change, has one or two traits that change first, for example, Avian's hair changes to form more feather like appearance, and her tail grows... and as stated in HotShotGurl's pose Zum's ears seem to appear first,... But no bloody roar looking peoples running around, once you start to change either you go all the way or you realize your in the subway station frowing furry tails and you stop yourself :D Either way works lol but hopefully your characters know well enough by now not to go changing in the subway station :) or any public place for that matter heh. Avian has alot of money, and powerful friends, for someone whos been on earth a tiny 9 months seems kinda odd, lets just say shes met her fair share of the wrong kind of crowd, maybe inhereited a bit of stuff, and using her knowledge of earth made something of herself in hopes of getting around and finding others like herself. :D her past, whether it be on Solkudor, or earth, is something she doesnt talk about alot... Youll see tidbits here and there.
It took hours to get things settled, The girl, silent from her loss, sat in Avian's care like a drone. Avian had to call in her lawyer and some other people just to get the hospital and child services OK with her taking the girl in. It was that or a foster home and silently the girl, Taylor, wanted avian to take her. It was really dark by the time they returned to the duplex. Avian had picked up on a familiar scent on the way back, The blood smell was gone and it was aparent this young girl was actually one like herself. "Man I am just a magnet suddenly!" She remarked to herself about how all of the sudden shes finding them left and right. She cleared some things out of her upstairs room, made a bed up for Taylor and the girl feel stright to sleep. Avian went downstairs and picked up the computer. "Good evening, I am picking up , Eh... You have two new messages." She silently dug through her inbox and pulled the first one up, a list of warehouses by the bay, a list of buildings in downtown that were up for rent and and a few stars next to ones that seemed like key ideas. She sent it to another folder for safe keeping and opened the other. "~Yo, Avian! Smith here! Took Into my own hands for you, You seemed pretty up for this so I been workin real late, I already got a lease with the biggest place in downtown, I left the warehouse to you since im not sure what you want to do with it, But the commercials, the radio spots, already up and running! Newspaper and mag stuff prints in the morning! The building used to be a resturant so it didnt take much fixing up! I had a team working on it all evening! I changed a thing though, Instead of a 21 and over only club and bar, I made it all ages above 13... It brings im more money you see... Plus i had the building sorta split up, theres the young peoples side, band dancing food NON alcohol drings and so on so forth, even a few video games. Then theres the adult section, more music, more food, more drinks of all kinds, specially the beer, and dance floor and band stage! The bouncer, Freddy, is a friend of mine, hes a good guy, and very good at his job, he dont let ANYONE slip past unchecked, So he starts tomorrow. As for the decorations well was not sure what you wanted so the kids are is kinda decorated like partial jungle you know, you said untamed beast and I thought of a jungle, You can change it later if its not what you like. We open tomorrow, and your schedualled, as you requested, to be a waitress there tomorrow. Much brother love ~Smith " Avian groaned, This was great that it got started already but... A JUNGLE theam for the kids area? A KIDS AREA? Oh well, he was right, more money that way, but she wasnt focused on the money this time round. She didnt care what it looked like, if she got there tomorrow and it looked like shit, she would fix it quick and be done with it. What was she going to do now that she had taylor, what made her take Taylor in the first place. She had no time for kids, she was looking for fighters not whiners. Avian sighed, "Reply to him for me would ya. Im going to sleep. Let Smith know ill be there at like.... early.... yeah. Ill be there to check things out , see if he did any of it legally, specially find enough booze over night.. I mean seriously, oh whatever, just tell him ill be there way before opening just so I can get things situated...goodnight." The computer beeped and did its job while avian passed out on her couch. She was woken up by Taylor glancing into the fridge. "You dont have any milk..." Avian was on her feet in no time, "Oh crap! Oh uh... Milk hold on, I have some, just not in that fridge." Avian yanked her keys from her pocket and sent to a door on the other side of the kitchen, she unlocked the door and went down the stairs into the basement. She didnt even turn the light on, she pulled a half gallon of milk out of the fridge and went back upstairs. Handing it to taylor she relocked the door. "You lock your basement? Ok... Iv seen stranger things." She made herself some cereal and sat at the coffee table by the couch. Avian crunched on a jerky stick. "Why talkin already? You were pretty silent last night..." "I just lost both of my parents, my only family, how would you feel." Avian frowned, "I never had parents, But I see what you mean. Sorry..." Taylor had no expression on her face, "Did you know..." She said between a mouthful of ceral, "What you sleep with your tail out... And your hair gets all wierd." Avian just about choked on the jerky... "Uh..." "Dont worry about it, I do it too, My dad used to change in his sleep and raid the fridge, it pissed mom off so much, she had to go grocery shopping way more often than usual. She finally bought a fridge that locks. When I change the first thing that changes no matter what are my ears, and the tail... I wonder if its like that for most of the others like me." Avian relaxed a bit, "Its actually normal to have one trait that changes before everything else, for me its the tail, and my hair stiffens into feathers... But its not the same for everyone." "Wow you know alot about this abnormality..." Avian laughed, "it is not abnormal... We were created this way, well... I was, you were born but that doesnt makeo ne bit of difference. You are different than normal people but ... thats a good thing. Now listen I cant enroll you into school today, we will do that tomorrow, for now you can play my computer, watch tv whatever, I have to go to work before it opens." A few arrangements were made and Avian was gone before Taylor had finished eating. Taylor was just so open with her own secret it was disturbing, but maybe that was a good thing. Once at the new club she found that the kids area didnt look all that bad, and the adults area had neat neon lights, a light up dance floor, jungle theam wasnt so bad after all, Smith didnt over do it like Avian had thought. Going in the back she met Freddy, and two other waitress's. One for the kids area to deal with food and soda, and the other one to assist avian in the adults club. "Ok, what about the bartender?" Smith appeared , "For the first night, thatll be me! I was a bartender all through college!" "Ok then, lets get the rest of the stuff set up and ready and we can open the doors this evening!" ----------- ooc: sorry again for a horridly long post, im trying, next time ill split it up into two if i have to, anyways for now its like mid day or something, club and stuff open soon, so be prepared, what it looks like inside are up to you, Its large and stuff, so be creative, there are booth's theres the bar, the light up dance floor, go wild from there (dont forget to include the band on the stage )
ooc: Perfectly fine :) No worries! Now i can get Ava's brain workin :D And lookie, a look at avians face, or faces in my banner mwahahahaah i mean...... wow i suck --------------- Avian left the window, what was going on outside was none of her buisness and now she had part of plan figured out. The only problem was finding the right supplies and not seeming suspicious about it. Planning to build a ship was one thing, but actually building it was another. They needed a building, a big building. She needed the meterials too but buying to much of a particular thing would seem suspicious to most people. Why would a young girl, just out of her teens, with all the money she needed, why would she need tons, literally tons, of metal and materials. She had to think of a reason, or perhaps a way of getting the supplies through many different people, and using different names and pay sourses. She had her work cut out for her. Opening her cell phone she dialed a number, It was time to check on her best source of income. It rang a few times and some girl answered, "Hello?" Avian sighed, The desk again... Always someone different answering the phones, she seriously needed to find reliable workers without attitudes. "Yes I need to speak with Smith..." "Im sorry.... Uhm.... Mr. Smith isnt available at the moment, I could route you to-" The girl clearly wasnt trained right. Avian sighed, "No, I must speak to Smith, as in now." The girl was getting impatient, Avian could invision her sitting there at the desk with a horridly bored look on her face while she filed her nails. "I'm very sorry but I cant do that." "Listen miss... -" "Listen miss, whoever you are, I know you want to speak with him but I JUST CANT do that, hes asked me to not send him any calls unless they were important buisness!" "If you want to keep your job, or you want Smith to keep his I reccomend you putting me through to him..." Avian was done playing games. "Excuse me?" "This is Avian Torain, Head honcho there where you are supposedly supposed to be working, now put me through to his office or I may rethink your paycheck!" There was a beep and click and the phone was ringing again. "Dear god angel I told you no calls, ugh whatever," he coughed as he brought the phone up to his ear, "Yello' Mr Smith speaking." "Denying me calls now are we?" Avian grinned as the dead silence let her imagine his shocked face... "My no! Miss Torain, I didnt know, I told her to give me the important calls, I figured she would actually ask what the caller needed..." "Yes well... I have an Idea and I need you to help me fix it. You know I just moved to the downtown area and I have a splendid Idea!" "Oh no...." "Oh yes! Send me the best list of what YOU think are the best places to open up a club..." She paused for a moment, "And im starting a new project so look into large warehouses that arent being used." "Dont you have internet access too?" "Of course I do, However I need your opinions on the best places to draw in a new crowd, and it wont have the same name. As for the warehouse i cant very well google it and find quality buildings. Plus you know how to get things cheap." After some details were shot back and forth Avian hung up. "What is this about a club?" Her computer piped up suddenly. "Im thinking, If I want to find other units like myself, that are not to young, I think Ill open up club and bar. Something that can please and draw in a veriety of people. With me playing a waitress ill be there when its open and scope out who is who... I might get lucky." "Think of any good names for it yet?" "Oh something with the word Beast in it... Subliminal messages help you know... If someone has an inner beast they might be drawn to place they can drink party and let off some steam, and ill be there to take note on who is who..." "Sounds fun, to bad my programming doesnt include minor emotions like that... Incoming email and phone call." Avian flipped open her phone before it could ring, "Hello? Torain speaking." "Avian... We have some unfortunate news. This is the hospital donw on Rocker street. That girl you brought in, You know the ones who's parents were shot..." "Taylor, Yes I remember..." "Both of her parents died , one last night, and the other this morning. She has no immediate family and requested we call you." Avian's face went white, The girl was too young for that... But then again avian had no parents so she wasnt quite sure what the girl would be feeling at the time either... but with nowhere to go... "I will come down there and see what we can arrange..." Once she hung up she told the computer to store the email for later. She headed out the back door into the shared yard which obviously had seen better days, at least the other half did. Her side was nice and detailed, something she spent well over 2000 dollars to have done. She went to the alley way off to the side. The rain was slow but she ignored it as she got into her car. With the turn of the key it roared to life and way she went. On her way down the road she remembered the girl, something seemed odd about her but it wasnt the smell, all Avian could smell on Taylor was blood, and lots of it... Maybe it was just her own shock and grief that Avian's animal traits picked up on, she wasnt sure... She pulled her cellphone out and dialed smith again. This time he answered, "Avian here, Smith I need you to get adds out, Tv internet busses benches magazines newspapers I dont care, that a new club is hitting the down town area. Make it hot alright, make it wild... Oh and mention the name of course..." "Which would be?" "Untamed Beasts. A bar and club where you can get wild! Something like that, I dont pay you rediculous amounts of money to write stupid ads so i know you will think of something." She hung up and kept driving. Hopefully getting the word out might perk up peoples attention. -------------- ooc: Again normal lives, i seem to make HUGE posts and ill knock it down a little, dont wanna kill your eyes to soon. Notice adds or something, I dont care, because with Avian's resources the club will be open in no time... I THINK itll work here, you know with a raging alcoholic, and a wild girl at night, A night club sounded like a good idea *evil grin* So yeah, anyways... oncei get everyone to meet maybe ill actually post a post thats KINDA shorter than this, and get the ball rolling :) upon posting this i realized just how horribly long it was, i promise ill try to never do it again.......