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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. [color=green]Rain was walking towards the city. Lopmon was riding carefully on her head. Rain did not mind because Lopmon had short legs and was a good shade. They were no longer in the village and walking a wide dirt and sand path. Rain hummed a song as she walked and lopmon after hearing it a few times decided to join in.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Heheh"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain looked around and then shifted her eyes to where she could see part of Lopmon. "Did you say something Lopmon?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Nope but I heard it..." Lopmon used an ear to cover his eyes and look around carefully.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"You should have just helped my brother." A strange voice came again but it sounded muffled.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"I am not ready to pick a side so I refused. Get over it." Rain said stiffining up.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Oh we will. Once we teach you that lesson."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"What can a bunch of Pagu-..." Rain was about to say Pagumon when three dog sized purple digimon leapt from the dirt sending sand rocks and dirt into the air. The dusty digimon glared at her. They were clearly not Pagumon.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"You were saying what missy?" The one on the left said. He was larger and had a scar of sorts.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"I will repeat myself. What can two Gazimon do?" Rain asked keeping her cool. She could sense Lopmon was a bit aggitated and ready to fight if he needed to.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"What? There are three of us and you have a single partner of little power. What we can do is hurt you." One on the right said. This one was the smallest.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]The middle one held out a clawed paw. He was standing on his hind legs while the other two remained on all fours, "Enough chatter. Just go."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]With that Lopmon leapt down and landed in front of Rain. He prepared for an attack. The two Gazimon on the sides leapt at him and one tackled him.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Tiny Twister!" Lopmon began to spin extreamly fast sending one Gazimon flying into the other. "Blazing Ice!" [/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]He opened his mouth and sent a blast of ice at them. They both leapt in different directions to dodge but one of the Gazimon was not fast enough. His tail was frozen in a small ball of ice. He growled and flung his tail into the ground which broke the ice.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]The one that was just watching decided to join in but before he could slam a clawed fist into Lopmon he found a shoe in his side and it hurt. He looked at Rain who had just kicked him so hard he fell over. He leapt up and the three of them attacked Lopmon at the same time. After knocking the bunny to the ground the largest one opened its mouth. "Electric Stun Blast!"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]The electricity hit Lopmon who flipped and landedo n his back. His left eat twitched slightly. The leader opened his mouth to attack as well but felt something grab its tail.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain yanked at its tail and swung him backwards away from Lopmon.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Leave Lopmon alone! I know which button to push!"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Ohhhh Im scared! Why would be scared of some bunny?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Because of this." Rain took the Digivice she had put in her pocket and held it out to Lopmon. Lopmon was encased in a glass sphere of pink energy.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Oooh. Little bunny changing. Let see to what? Whimpy Bunnymon?" The small one joked.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Lopmon digivolve too..."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]The glast ball grew in size untill it was larger than a car. It exploded showering pink glass all over that vanished after a few seconds. A huge brown digimon landed on the ground in front of Rain. It stood taller than a house. He was brown and dark red. His greenish tanish ears twitched a little. He had three spikes on his head and a spike on each shoulder. His arms were so long they could easily touch the ground by his feet. [/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Endigomon..." He growled in a very low voice.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Wu-oh..." The three Gazimon said together.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"I chose this Digivolution instead of Turuiemon mainly because of size. he is no weakling!" Rain shouted.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Cable Crusher!" Endigomon flung one of his arms down into the ground where the gazimon were. They all managed to dodge.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain glared, "Bother me again and I will let him smash you and your pagumon friends. I want to enjoy this game you little bits of programming. Now scram!"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]The three all nodded and ran off.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Do you think they might find you a goody by doing that?" Edigomon looked down at her.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Meh who cares what those pipsqueekes think. Now since your... larger. Mind giving ME the ride?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Edigomon nodded and scooped her up into the palm of his hand where she sat comfortable. He began to run towards the city.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Yeah this is great." Rain said with a grin.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Edigomon smiled, "I prefered it when I was on your head so speak for yourself."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"I was."[/color] [color=#008000][/color] [color=#008000]----[/color] [color=black]ooc: Is this ok Takuya? Not goody yet.... not baddy yet...[/color]
  2. [color=green]Rain looked around. The small village she was in had several little digimon bouncing from here to there or playing. A few larger digimon took care of them and made sure none ran to far off or got into any trouble.[/color] [color=green]Lopmon leapt off of Rain's head and scratched his cheek, "Unsure about what to do first?"[/color] [color=green]"Well yeah, I mean I know i just started so i know i am not strong enough to do many things yet. So what exactly is there to do."[/color] [color=green]"Well... Perhaps-" Lopmon began but as intterupted.[/color] [color=green]"Perhaps she can help me then. You see what i need done does not need alot of power, just a little more power than me and my friends have." A little light purple head bounced over. It had two small ears sticking out and narrow red eyes.[/color] [color=green]"Oh really?" Rain said clearly noticing that it was a Pagumon.[/color] [color=green]"Yes. There is a place that used to be our home in the woods untill two Puroromon came to claim it. Of course me and my other Pagumon friend defended it quite nicelt. That is untill they returned with a Fanbeemon. Me and my Pagumon friend can beat the puroromon just fine but not have enough energy to fight off Fanbeemon. We lost our home and would like it back. Your partner looks capable."[/color] [color=green]Lopmon was pleased to here that he looked capable enough to fight another rookie. Being just new himself he didnt want to seem weak in any way.[/color] [color=green]Rain thought about this for a while. She wasnt sure she wanted to chose sides so early in. She knew that it was more likely insect digimon like in woods and she also knew of another detail. [/color] [color=green]"Umm. Im afraid I will have to take a Rain check on that one." Rain laughed in her mind about what she just said but kept a stright face.[/color] [color=green]"What? Why?" The pagumon narrowed its eyes even more.[/color] [color=green]Rain smiled, "I just started. I do not want to get pinned as disturber of the peace so early."[/color] [color=green]"What? Dont you beleive my story?"[/color] [color=green]Rain shook her head, "Not really. You see Pagumon, known to be vicious, dont exactly turn into guardian angels when they digivolve."[/color] [color=green]The pagumon growled, "Well then I guess me and my friends will have to teach you a lesson. One where its better to help the ones who ask instead of questioning it."[/color] [color=green]A few moments later there were two other Pagumon sitting with the original that started this conversation. Rain did not feel any different about the matter.[/color] [color=green]As one was about to leap a zap of electricity smacked it and it bounced on the ground and turned to see who attacked. A pinkish red digimon on all fours came over. "Seriously leave the human alone. Or me and the Lopmon will be the ones teaching you guys a lesson."[/color] [color=green]"I never said I would fight Elecmon... But if I had to I guess I would." Lopmon spun in place for no real reson other than to sho off.[/color] [color=green]The electric digimon nodded, "Yeah. Anyways Pagumon you better behave. Some of us are getting a little fed up with you guys."[/color] [color=green]"Aww we want to live in the woods thats all. You guys would be rid of us then."[/color] [color=green]Elecmon shook its head, "Yeah, right. You just want the Fanbeemon's honey. You greedy sweet tooth."[/color] [color=green]Before another word was said the three bounced off towards a small hut. All grumbling unhappily. Elecmon sighed, "Young ones are a handful these days."[/color] [color=green]Rain nodded, "Yeah I know. I have a little sister. Annoying brat. Anyways Thanks though I am sure Lopmon could have defended me if it was needed."[/color] [color=green]"Yeah I know but its partially my responsability to keep those intraining digimon under control. So what is your name newcomer?"[/color] [color=green]"Rain."[/color] [color=green]Lopmon nodded, "Odd name but I like it."[/color] [color=green]Elecmon turned and pointed towards a city that was a ways away. "If you are new and such you might want to try going there. Perhaps you will find players who can help you with a few tips or perhaps fine a digimon in need of help but not the overkill kind. Something simple to start you off. Something that isnt so... questionable."[/color] [color=green]Rain nodded and Lopmon leapt back onto her head, "Thank you. I guess our first stop will be that city."[/color] [color=#008000]--------[/color] [color=black]ooc: Takuya my character hasnt chosen a side yet. Pm me if you need more of good or bad and i can do either one. I tried counting and it seemed even but who knows if everyone will play. So if you need another bad guy i can do that. if you need another good guy i can do that too.[/color]
  3. Nait was more happy about this than she looked. She looked quite run down and tired but inside she was glad there was going to be no more action today. Atleast for now. She especially did not like the idea of James going off alone with people who already knew he was HELPING tesera in the first. She said that in her head and she was just glad he wasnt going to leave her alone there. She knew there were others around but for some reason she felt more comfortable with him around. She stretched her back and then walked around a bit. She was extreamly tired. All the things she did today she was surprised she had not collapsed yet even though she felt like it. She was still extreamly messed up over her experiance but was calming down. She just felt like she needed rest but didnt know how to properly do that when she was not home. "You seem tired." James said mainly for conversation, he knew she was tired. "I am... Risking ones life so many times in the day can be a little stressing" She muttered through a yawn. She found a comfortable bench and sad down on it. She leaned back and placed her head on the wall behind it. She shut her eyes. It was not the most comfortable of places but for now it would have to do.
  4. Rain was patiently waiting in the machine that would, for the first time, send her into the VR world of digimon. She re-thought all the times she wished to play since its release but she had lived far from any facilities to actually be able to register. Once she turned eighteen though she decided to move out and find an apparetment closer to a place where she could play and today she had finally done it. We was finally there in the machine about to embark on a new type of adventure. She had spend almsot an hour scrolling through the possible starting partner choices looking for the one she wanted. Once she was happy with her choice she was ushered with digivice in hand to a room where her game would start. As instructed she inserted the digivice into the machine. She felt things change quickly. [color=green]Suddenly her vision went black and changed. She looked around and realized what had been done. She smiled brightly. She was finally in! Her deep brown eyes scanned the area. She seemed to be in a small village of sorts. She wondered if everyone started in a place like this but soon her thoughts were interupted.[/color] [color=#008000][/color] [color=#008000]The digivice in her hand began to beep. She glanced at the screen but was not used to looking at something like that and wondered what was going to happen. She heard a strange digital like noise. Suddenly the form of something began to appear above her.[/color] [color=#008000][/color] [color=#008000]Within a few seconds the form was complete and the Digital creature floated down and landed on the ground. Being only about two feet tall and with brown fur it looked rather odd. It had two very long ears with two pink sripes on each one. The ends of the ears had three little points and the end was also pink. She had a pink mark on her chest and on the top of each hand and foot. Small black eyes stared up at Rain as she stared back down. This little digimon had three horns on its forehead. One of the main reasons she chose this digimon was because it looked kinda cute and because she liked horns.[/color] [color=#008000][/color] [color=#008000]"Download complete" The digivice beeped and then went silent.[/color] [color=#008000][/color] [color=#008000]"Hmm. You need to grow into those ears..." She said to the digimon.[/color] [color=#008000][/color] [color=#008000]The digimon leaped up into the air and landed on Rain's head where she sat comfortably. "You need to grow into your hair." The digimon said in a sweet child like male voice.[/color] [color=#008000][/color] [color=#008000]Indeed, her hair was long. Going down to a little past her butt it was quite long. It was light blue in color as well. A wind blew calmly and Rain's pink button up shirt moved slightly. She was wearing shin high tan pants and brown and pink sneakers. She also chose this particular digimon because of its colors. Rain liked Brown and Pink.[/color] [color=#008000][/color] [color=#008000]"So I read on the thing your name was Lopmon. You looked kinda girly." Rain said.[/color] [color=#008000][/color] [color=#008000]"Well yeah... But uhh Im not so no mushy nicknames alright?"[/color]
  5. The sight of Tj and his pokemon eating made Rain hungry so she headed on in to look for something. She found a carrot and went with that. Now back outside with her feet hanging over the edge of the small fishing boats side she crunched slowly on the carrot. Celebi frowned, "Is that all you are going to eat?" Rain nodded, "Yeah. I figure once we get to RazorSurf i will purchase something better that I wont puke up on the way there." "Get sea sick?" He asked. "No. I just... Death and the fact Ill be in large place with other pokemon and a gym and so on ... nerves dont like it." Celebi floated down and landed on her shoulder, "You are a strange human." "YOu... are a strange pokemon." ---- ooc: filler kinda... i just havnt posted because well *shrug* not much to post. Oh and uh.. the link in my signature leads to my pokemon fanfic. if your interested in a pokemon story that is less kid friendly go and take a look. I would love some feedback.
  6. [b][font=Verdana][size=2]What is your [/size][/font]Name?[/b]: Hello. Well my name is Ruby. I hope no one forgets. [b]Do you have a Picture?[/b]: Well ok.[[url="http://www.rpgamer.com/games/darkcloud/darkcloud/art/ch08.gif"]Here[/url]]Is a picture of me. Is that to small? Well ok...[[url="http://www.rpgclassics.com/shrines/ps2/dcloud/Pics/rubywink.jpg"]Here[/url]] is a picture of me a little closer. Sorry its not a complete picture. [b] And you are from what Game?[/b]: I am from a game called Dark Cloud. I heard there was a second one but it could not possibly be cool. I mean I wasnt in it right? So it had to be lame. [b]What Genre would you say that is?[/b]: I guess you could call it Roleplaying and Adventuring. Going to different places and kicking monster butt. [b]How would you describe your Personality?[/b]: Well let me see here. I guess I am the kind of person who... Well hmmm. I am very sweet but I like getting what I want. What girl doesnt? If my friends do something and dont get a reward I am the first one to step forward and demand we get payed for putting someones lousy shop back together. I mean after all that monster slaying and trecking through dark damp gross places why shouldnt we get payed? I am nice though dont get me wrong. I just like rewards too. [b]Do you have any Talents?[/b]: Well I can float or fly i guess but I dont do that. I did it a bit when i first met Toan but naw I prefer walking. How would I keep this body if i floated everywhere? I can use some magic such as fire ice thunder wind and holy. Though it drains me sometimes. [b]What is your Motive for coming here?[/b]: Well I love rewards and I love winning. I do like fun though and this looked like the most fun one could have.
  7. Nait and james finally went inside. It was busy and people were everywhere. Nait frowned a bit as she felt a little wozy but said nothing. She now felt rather silent and when james asked her what was wrong she answered by simply shaking her head as if to say nothing. Her knew she wasnt telling the truth but he figured she did not want to talk about it. If that were the case he knew what was wrong. She had done something she had never done before. She had killed people... several people in one day. Sure they were attacking first but he knew that kind of stress could easily cause pain and confusion in any normal persons mind. Nait felt weak but not any different. She could not understand why she did what she did or how she couldnt seem to get her own body under control when she was doing it. It was as though her want to keep james safe took over or maybe it was just anger. She wasnt sure but it worried her that at that moment she had no control. Not to mention she was still bothered by the sight of the dried out man curled up on the floor. She saw eso and they approched. "Ah I see you two made it as well." He said quickly. Nait nodded, "Yeah but I am afraid that soldier you sent after me uh..." She frowned and turned her glance to the floor. James nodded, "See I was sitting well i guess it doesnt matter what i was doing but i was abducted and she and the soldier figuredo ut where they could have been hiding me. They found me and the solider was fighting one of the hired bad guys i guess. Anyways we were downstairs." Nait didnt want him to go any further with the story of them downstairs. She couldnt stand to hear what she had done again, "He was killed I am afraid... Im sorry..." Eso frowned. He didnt exactly have time to deal with this on his own but he seemedto understand. "Well if you could giv the details to someone here we can get things cleaned up and taken care of. I just sent Ashwin to find Tesera and I need o meet with someone." Nait nodded, "I understand. Well except for the fact that Tesera is missing but if Ashwin is after her I dont doubt they will be back soon." Nait was controlling herself rather well she thought. She didnt want to break down or freak out in the middle of a public place. Surrounded by many people. It replayed in her head again. His body slowly drying. Becoming shrivled and stiff. His face had sunken in. She shut her eyes and shook her head. She wished for something different to replay in her brain. Something less horrifying. All she really got werre flashes of the day. The guys on the roof, the sigh she saw in her Inn. The whole dragon thing and even the underground thing. After replaying that all through her head she nodded. "Something wrong?" James asked again though he knew something was. "A bit. But I have a few good things to keep my mind occupied and to keep myself from going completely insane." She wasnt quite serious about the insane part and so she said this in a more sarcastic tone but she knew he got what she ment. After all he was the one there. He saw her fling herself in front of him to keep him from getting hit by the sword. only to see a wall of water protecting them instead. She had planned to die if she had to at that moment but was saved by her wall of water. Even at this moment she still could not figure out how she did that but she was thankful she did. --- ooc: just something to get us... INSIDE the building. By the way my brain has fried so if i dont post for a day or so just blame all the rpgs i have signed up for... lol I will recover soon i swear.
  8. [color=green][b]Name:[/b] Flygon (Fly) [b]Age: [/b]About 4 Years [b]Species:[/b] Flygon [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Type:[/b] Ground/ Dragon [b]Attacks: [/b]Sandstorm, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam [b]Affiliation:[/b] N/A [/color] [color=green][b]Appearance:[/b] The picture below Except that she is a little larger than the avarage flygon and instead of red her markings are sky blue.[/color] [color=green][img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/v2dex118.gif[/img][/color] [color=green][b]Personality:[/b] Fly is one of those pokemon who enjoys being around humans. She likes to people watch and enjoys just sitting near a town and watching people come in and out. She likes humans enough to let them come near but any closer than five feet and she gets nervous. So she tends to take flight and distance herself if they get to close or seem to interested in her. She is basicly cheerful and curious. Fly likes all kinds of pokemon too and is generally very kind and cheery around them. Though she does tend to be a little to "happy" for some pokemon.[/color] [color=green][b]Biography: [/b]Fly was born on a small island. As a trapinch she couldnt get very far but because of there not being many humans she didnt mind all that much. She had a brother and a mother to keep her company. One day however a group of humans came to the island for rest, relaxation, and pokemon. Back then she looked like an ordinarry trapinch and for some reason these humans didnt seem to be very interested in her. She didnt mind due to the fact she was not quite sure what the humans were and was quite distant. Her brother who had evolved into a vibrava by then was a little more interesting to the humans and so was her mother flygon. One of the trainers quickly battled and caught her brother and her mother was able to flee untill the humans were gone.[/color] [color=green]Eventually they left and her mother returned. Her mother said humans were just another type of creature on the planet and to get used to them. She also mentioned how those trainers looked rather nice and her brother would be safe. It was a feeling she had and she seemed quite confident. She taught Fly about how humans catch pokemon to battle them. This type of life seemed so exciting to Fly she got more and more curious about the outside world. Once she finally evolved to a Vibrava she realized she was different. She could fly. So her mother pointed her in the correct direction towards a bigger area of land where many humans were said to live. After her mother showed her how to fly properly she headed off.[/color] [color=green]Now Fly lives as a Flygon flying from place to place to human watch. She senses when to back off or when to approach. Because of her rare color of blue instead of red there have been many trainers that have tried to capture her but she always has a way of escaping. She would fly out and float in the ocean for a while and if that didnt work she would summon a sandstorm and flee while the people cannot see. She does not cause anyone any harm though. She has no real interest in becoming someone elses pet or battle instrument. Though she figures one day she might. She doesnt mind being alone sometimes but with her wings she can go almost anywhere so she is never really alone with pokemon to visit and humans to see.[/color]
  9. [b]Name:[/b] Rain Anne Hawthorn [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Username:[/b] Rain [b]Appearance:[/b] Attached... [b]Partner:[/b] Lopmon [b]Digivolutions:[/b] Endigomon [i](The one from the movie.)[/i] Antylamon [i](The one from the movie. Not season 3.)[/i] Kerpymon [i](The dark purple one.)[/i] As for appearance everything says the same with the attachment except for two things. She has no tail and she has no cat ears. Her hair is that long but more blue color but everything else is the same.
  10. [quote name='lilkid']good,but whats up with the head it looks weird[/quote] Well she has her head down. My dog did this once and it looked similar to this. So her head wouldnt be normally like that. She is just holding it that way. As for shape itself i dunno. This was a 2 in the morning picture lol who knows what my mind was really thinking. I am working on another creature picture but with other thingsgoing on during the day it may take a while before I post it.
  11. Yeah. I know it looks pokemonish... Oh well. Yeah it took 2 hours. It was 2 am when i sytarted and i did three to four different steps. It was a bunch of shapes at first just to see if i liked the pose. then i took a mechanical pencil and drew lightly the moire details. After that i went back and darkend all the details i liked. Then i inked in with an inking pen and after what where it didnt go dark enough i used a normal gel pen. Anyways yeah 2 hours long or short it could of been longer or shorter time depending on what time i started. I will admit this is the first time i have done this kind of pose. Most of the art i used to draw would be directly from the side or front. I tried an angle this time and am quite pleased. (aside from the pokemon part) I do join digimon an pokemon rpgs dometimes here on the boards so i can use her forthat. By the way she has a name. "Snarks" (Thought it up randomly for no real reason)
  12. Well It has been ages since i posted in this area of the boards but that is because all the stuff i have drawn I never thought about posting up here. Suddenly i have drawn something I want opinions on. I would like comments good or bad. Note: This is NOT a digimon or pokemon. It was just some random thing i drew. Though i guess it could be used as a fictional creation for either pokemon or digimon. That is not how i drew it though. (A little poem thingy because I always rhyme unintentionally so I decided to do this one intentionally :) ) It was 2 in the morning and I could not sleep I felt depressed but could not weep So I picked up a pencil and began to draw And in two long hours this is what I saw.
  13. Sign-up sheet: [b]Name[/b]: Nait Tormeld [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Personality:[/b] She is quite open and is most of the time a very cheerful person to be around. However she is also very sensative to certain thingsthat can make her emotional as well. She is strong in heart and wont give up if she starts something. [b]Kingdom:[/b] Tsunita [b]Position in the Kingdom:[/b] She owns a shop that sells different objects. From fruit in the tress near her home to shells she finds on the beach and polishes up. She makes different things with some shells. [b]Other:[/b] She has a little brother that she cares for but he is old enough to do on his own just fine. She is just to kind to kick him out. [b]Bio:[/b] When she was about 3 she got a little brother and they were always close. When she turned 15 her father died and a few years later her mother got sick. She now takes care of her brother and runs a small shop. She gets by and doesnt mind not being one of the well known people. She likes her quiet life. She does not like water. When she was young she fell into a river and almost drown. Shen ow wont go near water such as large lakes deep rivers or oceans. Which makes collecting her shells somewhat difficult. She is almost over her fear of it but it still bothers her a bit. [b]Appearance: [/b]Pretty much the same except she has green eyes and wears a shirt that covers more. She also wears longer plain pants. [b][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24549[/img][/b]
  14. Nait smiled and left the room silently. Leaving james wondering if he was going to be able to eat or not. She returned a few moments later with a bowl of soup. He smiled and began to eat. "This is oddly rather good and rather bad at the same time." "It would NORMALLY be good..." Nait replied. He glanced at her nervously, "What Did you do to it?" Nait smiled, "Gave something to help the pain and stress your body has endured. Beleive me it was alot. So much in fact i couldnt heal you properly back there but medicine always works." He nodded, "Yes but it never does taste good does it." "That means It will work!" Nait said in a happy manner though nothing abouth ow she felt was happy. "Now you eat rest and In a bit we will go greet Eso. He sent for us and Now i have to tell him his soldier pal didnt even make it. I feel responsible. Anyways I need to go change. Im still in this bloody dress from since the dragons attacked." She stood and left the room again leaving him with his good yet bad soup. She went a few steps down the hall and into her room. She shut the door and latched it shut. She quickly dressed into something a little more less bloddy. The same type of dress. Velvety and Purple. A new belt without her handy blade spot and new boots. She knew never to have one of something if she liked wearing it enough she would have extras. Soon she looked much better. Her hair was a mess so she quickly brushed it and re-wrapped it with black ribbons. She sighed and sat down on the bed. "I cant beleive I sucked the man dry... I had no control over myself. This happend to father when he first started using his powers alot. He was 25 at the time but still. I remember the stories of the flooded room. Hmm I guess the usage of so much energy just made my body lose something and I kinda went crazy. " She stoped thinking aloud and returned to James's room. He had finished the soup. She wondered if he actually just dumped it in a nearby plant or not but she didnt care either way. "We should get going. I know you want rest but Im sure if we get there you can do that there. The medicine works well and quick."
  15. [b]Name:[/b] Tina Anne Kelly [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nationality:[/b] Australian-American. *Dad is Aussie while mum is American.* [b]Occupation:[/b] She works Part Time in a Local Arcade. She hes fix money jams in machines and even works behind the counter serving drinks and snacks when she needs to. She does this later after school. [b]Personality:[/b] She is quite open and speaks her mind most of the time. However when things look bad or just uncomfortable she finds it very good to just keep quiet. She likes most people but hasnt socialized as much as she wanted to. With her job she is sometimes forced to wear costumes from the different games or her bosses favorite shows and games even if they arent playable in his arcade. She doesnt mind this and enjoys the whole dress up part. She seems to always have a cheery face one no matter how uncomfortable a costume may be. She loves Halloween and so this particular part of her job is like the fun part of the holiday without the cavities. Overall bright person. Quite different from her brother. [b]Appearance:[/b] (she wears similar to this except a t shirt instead of the one in pic. And there are shorts under the skirt.) [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24549[/img]
  16. ooc: Well since you didnt post ill finish outlaw lol ---- Nait wasnt tired yet which surprised her. Perhaps all the work from earlier and then the rest got her a little more used to her powers. She smiled at this but frowned when turning down the flight of stairs to come face to face with three men. All armed and not so happy. The soldier with her frowned as well but was ready. Leaping he kicked one of the men in the face and slashed him while he was down. The man grasped his bleeding arm while the soldier landed on him. Nait used a small ball of water to knocke one ofthe man down the rest of the stairs and there was a loud snap and the man lay still. Nait frowned. She didnt like killing people much but for some reason she didnt care about this particular group of men. The soldier got rid of the other man and they made their way down the stairs. They came to a small circular room that could fit three people very uncomfortably. Three doors were there. She wondered which one to try and heard heavy breathing behind one door. It also sounded like painful whines but she couldnt be sure. She opened the door and inside it was almost completely dark. A few barrels sat in a corner and in the center of the room lay a heap of someone. Nait recognized the heap as James and walked over to him. He was pretty beat up. "Wake up!" She whispered. "MEH" He said. Nait frowned and placed both her hands upon his chest and closed her eyes. She felt his pain and was surprised at how much he had endured. She felt extreamly sad and yet very angry that someone would do this. She healed him a bit and he slowly opened his eyes. "Nait? Wait did they get you too?" He barely whispered. Nait smiled, "No. I found you. How about you stand up and we get you out of here." "I... It hurts. How did you?" "I figured some things out. Come on." "That lump wont be going anywhere." A voice from behind a different door said. A second later three really LARGE men came from behind a door and one of them engaged in battle with the soldier who slowly backed up the stairs as he fought. He was out of sigh but Nait could still hear some clashing and clanging of metal and fists. The other two men slowly walked towards them. The one man who was the largest seemed to be in charge. He frowned and pushed Nait out of the way. "I guess We will be killing both of you. You arent much use to us now." Nait dispite the pain in her side flung herself in front of james just as the man's sword was starting down at him. Her eyes were closed but she didnt feel anything. A few moments went by and still nothing. She slowly opened one eye and saw her hands streatched out in front of her. A thin wall of water was spread from wall to wall floor to ceiling between Nait and James and the two thugs. The man's sword had hid the water and gone no further. She studdied this a moment and noticed the water was constantly moving in one direction then circleing back. The current was strong enough to keepthe sword from coming through. Nait wasnt sure how she was doing this but she figured it bought her a bit of time. A few moments and she got James to his feet. He seemed quite tired and still in pain. Though she could heal wonds some pain cant be removed. She then looked at the wall and wondered how to remove it. About that time it splashed onto the floor and the water evaporated. "Oops" She said realizing she shouldnt have done that. The one man now frustrated about not being able to kill them lifted his sword again. This man wasnt the one that was the larges. He seemed to just want to watch. Nait frowned and two tiny bubbles of water splasheds into his eyes from out of nowhere. She kicked the sword out of his hand and then sent a bubble of watter down his throat. The man coughed and gasped for air untill soon he was on the floor but unfortunatly for him he failed at removing the bubble from his lungs. Nait turned to the other man who just smirked. She Quickly did the same to him. However this seemed different. He managed to cough up all the water. "Clever missy..." He was breathing heavy, "But i almost drowned a while back and I dont plan on doing that now." Nait was fuming angry now. She didnt seem in control anymore and this frightened her. She watched as she held out her left hand and suddenly water seemed to just seep from the man's body. Soon the orb of water got large and the man seemed to change. In seconds he hit the ground... The water vanished and Nait stared in disbeleife as she had just drained the man from almost all body fluids. He looked rather horrible and she turned away from the sucked dry figure curled up on the floor. "How could I do such an aweful thing?" She said to herself. ---- ooc: Outlaw's turn. IF there is something that needs changing please pm me... but i sorta thought this would be interesting and decided to try it.
  17. Rain had awoken early on their second day. She didnt feel like sleeping. They would soon be at another city and a gym from what she knew. She frowned slightly but suddenly Reza sat next to her and chatted a bit. When Reza mentioned loss Rain kept silent. No one KNEW of her loss so how could one compare. Rain thought this but said nothing. Once Reza left Rain sighed and muttered to herself. "What makes her think I lost someone?" "Perhaps because you have?" Celebi answered. "Well no one knows of it. It was long ago and not spoken off. How could see tell?" Celebi nodded, "You hide things well but for some they can see through it no matter how thick your wall is. Your hate for pokemon is strong I will admit but some people can figure things out. Humans arent stupid. If you hate pokemon there is a reason for it. And your outburst earlier yesterday about pokemon killing people just added a bit more of detail. She most likely pieced it all together." "Thank you for your glorious insight..." Rain grummbled sarcasticly, "Anyways. I guess i shouldnt be such a jerk eh?" "It might help..." "Yeah... well get ready.. we will be there soon."
  18. "What do you mean?" The soldier Asked. Nait smiled, "A long while back there was this tavern... The owner was chea and bought old beer and other beverages that made people sick. He fled and his tavern was closed up. Because of the tavern location it wasnt needed so simply borded up." "Ok..." He was confused but listened. "I have been around beer for almost my entire life. I know what different kinds smell like. When I say bad beer I mean bad beer. I have a few cellers under my Inn. We kept the kegs down there because it stays cooler. It would be a good place to hide out. Even if the tavern was borded up." "That could explain how they seem to appear even though we watched everyone that came in. Yet people have still tried to take Tesera's life." "So... I beleive if they are hiding they could be at the old tavern. If they took James they could easily hold him there. All unseen and no one checks there." "It is worth a look." After some long walking they came to the almost well hidden tavern in an area of town where people didnt wander to much. This was the shadier area and more broken down and old looking. Nait glanced around and approched the door. It was still boarded up and looked untouched. "Well oh well." He said real quitly. "Oh please. This building has been used recently. Dont ask me how I can tell cause I will tell you now. The dust around the door is disturbed and the door LOOKS boarded up but cracks in the wood say otherwise." "I dont even want to know how you can see these things." "Someone Important to me is Missing. He is a friend and I dont think for one second he deserves what they might do to him even IF his past is questionable. So if you wanna play stupid then be my guest." This didnt make the man to happy but he readied himself. "So what? You want me to break down this door here?" She smiled but as he got ready to kick it in she grabbed the handle and pushed it open with ease. He glanced inside and noticed where the edges of the door were the boards had been sawed rather neatly and looked almost untouched. He frowned. "Its empty." "Maybe up here it is. But Eso did show use the catacombs under the ground. I doubt they are being used by them but it is a possability. Not only that but i have an upstairs a kitchen and a few cellers. So...wait" He must have heard it too because suddenly his sword was out and he was ready to fight. A dusty door towards the back slowly opened and three men came out but the moment they saw Nait and the Soldier they stopped talking and pulled out their own weapons. "You... It doesnt matter. Hec... go warn the others." One of the men nodded and ran back through the door. "I just realized you have no weapon Nait." "I do... Not all weapons are steel and wood." When the two men ran at them she stepped inside and out of the Soliders way. He defended against the first bash from one of the men and quickly countered to stab him in the stomach. The man hit the floor and blood poured from hsi wound. The other man had taken that moment to strick at the soldier but was instantly still. The soldier stared at him confused and unsure of what to do. "Strick him down already." Nait said as the man started to gasp and cough like the others before. "I am going to continue forward without you if you dont hurry." He slashed at the man and he joined his friend on the floor. "What did you do?" "When people say a little water never hurt anyone... they never met a water elementalist." "Ah..." The man said suddenly understanding it. They went through the door and came to a stairway. "There will be more waiting for us down there..." The soldier said frowning. "Yes but not many. I am sure that they have different spots through out the city. It would be stupid to have everyone gather together. --- ooc: It was getting long. James can hear ruckus and such but dont have Nait burst in just yet. I wanted to do something.
  19. Nait was still a bit unsure what to think of James being out so long and had just finished her own bowl of soup when someone entered the Inn. She was eating in the kitchen and heard the foot steps. She grabbed the empty but still hot pot the soup was in and snuck to the door. She swung the door open when the footstpes were close and almost brought it right into a soldiers head but he luckily grabbed her arm ahead of time. "Oh terribly sorry... I am a bit on edge. What is it you want sir?" Nait quickly put the pot on the counter and apologized again. "Oh It is fine. I can understand why. I have been sent by Sako who was informed of danger by Eso. I beleive it would be wise to come with me. More bandits might appear. They might want information so everyone involved in fighting them with Tesera are being escorted." "Oh well Umm. Of course but uh..." "Yes?" "Well I was with another. He was with me during the ordeal with the hired killers. He went out a bit ago though. You dont think he was taken do you." The soldier thought for a moment and frowned, "If he was out about the town it is most likely. Some have already tried to kill Tesera already. Hired of course. Eso is going to question one man later. So if there is one there are more... And with all the confusing with the evacuation and such I would not be surprised if several were able to slip in." Nait frowned, "Alright.. Lets go." As the left the inn Nait locked it up and as they were walking by the bench out front she stopped. She sniffed and a look of disgust was on her face. "What is it?" "It reeks of sweat and Beer here. Bad beer." "Um... Your Inn is a bar ma'am." "My drunks never collapse on the bench. They do that inside. And I serve good beer." He thought of this for a moment and nodded "There are other taverns. Perhaps a tired traveler took a rest here." Nait frowned, "Come now seriously you call yourself a soldier. The smell doesnt last long. The person must have just been here. I wonder if ..." She looked around and saw under the bench a small glint of something. She looked farther under and found a dagger. "This was belonged to James." The soldier nodded, "So if he was abducted here..." "They most likely found his knife and discarded it. Or he lost it in the struggle if there was one." "Ok so if he was taken from here... Its not like we can sniff our way to his location..." Nait grinned, "But what if we could?" ------- ooc : outlaw reply to my pm before posting... i have an idea
  20. [font=Verdana][size=2]Rain frowned. It seemed that Andy, Alex, And Saio didnt even noticed she was there. She was used to this but it was still a little odd. Then when Alex admited to being a Team Magma member she felt a little more distant than before.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]She, instead of following them, sighed and turned back towards the others she was originaly with. After abit of walking she located Reza and TJ.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Well Rorohiko, Alex, Andy and some kid named Saio are alrive as well. They were helping survivors onto some boats." She glanced away for a moment.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"It seems that there is more. Is something the matter?" TJ asked.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Rain nodded, "Uh... Yeah. I realize now why I had such bad vibes from Alex."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"What?" Reza asked.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Uh. I missed the most of it. Some kid accused him of being with team magma and accused him of murder. This kid almost killed alex and his pokemon were willing to do so. At least thats what Rorohiko told me when i approched."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"What the-"[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"A little later while i was still there Andy asked out of curiosity and Alex said he was a member of team magma. That he did small things. His uncle was a member as well but belived they had been corrupt or something like that. Anyways I figured id let you in on what I heard..."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"We should keep an eye out on this. If he is or was a member then we cannot turn our backs or take our eyes off him for long."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"We cant trust him all that much anyways... At least I dont." Rain replied adjusting her headband. This was going to be an interesting journey. She could tell. With that monster loose again and other things causing trouble she could tell this wasnt going to be normal.[/size][/font]
  21. After a long while she finally seemed tired so Nait got up and dried her face. She walked into the hall and knocked on James's door but got not answer. She went downstairs otthe bar. He wasnt there either. She snick through a back door in the wall and he wasnt in the kitchen either. "Hmm. I guess he went out for a while." She said out loud. [i]I wonder if he is out stealing stuff...[/i] She thought. [i]Oh quit that Nait. You trust him. Quit thinking like that. [/i] She wandered to the back of the kitchen and grabbed some assorted vegtables. She got a pot and poured some clear water from a small container on a counter. She lit the fire inside her old stove and let every thing heat up. After a bit of chopping and such she set the greens aside. She got some seasoning and mixed it into the warming water. After a while she had a pot full of boiling soup. She smelled it and it smelled sweet and tangy. She smiled and tasted it. It needed some salt but aside from that it was quite good. [i]Hmm I figured he would be back inthat amount of time. I wonder what happend... [/i]She thought.
  22. Rain wandered through the urbble and came around the remains of a building and noticed Rorohiko. [i]Oh no... well I guess he is ok... [/i]she thought. She approched, "Your alive." "As are you." He replied. "Thats good. So um... Need any help?" As she asked this a calm sea breeze blew across them and she could hear the waves nearby. She figured even if she didnt like the guy all that much she could help him.
  23. Rain was flaming angry but did not look it. She didnt even look unhappy. She had a slightly bland look on her face. She nodded sielntly when the boy in the air didnt realize he has been spotted and come down. She looked around and walked through the ruins of the town. She searched for others that needed help. Celebi stayed in its pokeball. He knew it was not wise even IF the people living there didnt mind. He knew how Rain was feeling and did not want to anger her further. "So much destruction." She said to herself. "This is why I hate pokemon so much... THEY KILL PEOPLE!" She shouted suddenly. After the shouting she stood up straight and ignored the stares. She sighed and continued to look around while she waited for Reza and the others to decide what they were going to do.
  24. Nait stood there for a moment. She stared at him. For all this time the only things she could see were his dark redish brown eyes and now she saw the whole face. She had visioned something a little more harsh but what she saw had a soft kind look to it. He had a nervous smile. She continued to stare and then her mind processed what he had said. She paused a moment and smiled. "Checkered past or no... You are welcome here. You may stay" she nodded with another smile, "as long as you like." She waved for him to follow her upstairs and down the hall and he did silently. She opened a door with a black horse painted on it. The door creaked open and she stepped inside the doorway a bit. It had a desk next to the window and a couple comfortable chairs by the door. The large bed had soft dark green blankets folded at its foot and a large shield above the oak headboard. "You may use this room." She stopped for a moment as he looked around, "It was my parents. They have gone to a better place now. They wont be needing it." "Nait..." James started. "I will be in my room for a while. I need to think for a while. I need to plan out the repairs..." She turned around and walked a few steps down the hall and turned into her room. She shut the door behind her but did not latch it. She sat at the edge of her bad and stared at the floor. Soon though she was leaning against her headboard curled up on the bed. Her face in the pillow and tears silently flowed from her eyes. This was all just so much. First destruction then all of the things that happend through the day and then finding her parents. The feeling of helplessness was overwhelming but the tears were mixed. She was sad about her loss yet she couldnt help feel better knowing someone cared enough to stick around to help. She knew she wasnt all alone. ----- ooc: You know sometimes its interesting to do this kind of thing. I dont want my character to seem like the one whos always got problems boo hoo... yet i didnt want her to seem heartless about her loss... Kinda complicated... Anyways its someone elses turn now.
  25. Nait walked on quietly and james folloowed as well. After they said their goodbyes to Kira, Lynn and Ashwin she continued on. She had several things go through her mind as she walked. Her parents, how she was going to keep the Inn going now that they were gone. Things were hard enough with only the three of them. Now there was only herself and little money to hire helpers. She needed what she had for repairs and restocking. She figured now that things had quieted down James would soon move on. Mostly to avoid the guards and to get back to thieving. She shook her head when she thought this and remembered she did not judge people like that. She arrived in front of her Inn. Some of the beer was draining out onto the sidewalk. She remembered this was the beer that flooded part of her floor. It would take a bit of cleaning but she would get it done eventually. She stared in and noticed the bodies were missing. She knew they were probabbly collected by the guards and taken out to a spot where all the fallen were most likely going to burried or burned. She sighed and stepped in. She turned to james. "I guess now that everthing is calm again you no onger need to protect me or anything like that." He listened and noticed she sounded even more down than before. She turned and headed for the stairs that led up to her room and all the other rooms, "Thank you James."
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