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Everything posted by Frankie
[color=green]Rain looked around and when Tj appeared she seemd more quiet again. Especially when his Inferno decided to curl up at Reza's Feet. Rain back up a bit and looked up into the sky mindlessly. She saw a small figure in the sky and nodded.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b]"Rayquaza boy lived too."[/b] She said looking back at Reza. [b]"Hes kinda in the air at the moment..."[/b][/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b][color=deepskyblue]"At least he survived..."[/color][/b] Reza said with a smile.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain growled when Inferno got closer wanting attention. She took another step away and she felt her pocket shake. She pulled out a green and yellow pokeball and released Celebi. [color=purple][i][b]"Calm down Rain. It is just a fire pokemon and It is being friendly."[/b][/i][/color] Celebi said floating around Inferno's head.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b]"Right..."[/b] Rain said, [b]"Sorry..."[/b] She frowned for a second and then reached a hand out and carefully petted its soft fur. She was being extra careful to keep her hands away from where the fire erupts from. [b]"Hmm"[/b] She said slightly.[/color]
Nait dropped her sword and sighed, "Now im just as low as some of these brutes..." James frowned, "No your not." Nait didnt want to argue the point but she still felt she was. They silently made hteir way back to the campgrounds and soon were back among the other people. She noticed ashwin and approched. "So um... Did you learn anything?" "First off... Where did you and James run off to?" Nait looked away, "It is best not to speak of it right now." James looked around, "So did anyone figure anything out about the dragons or anything?"
OOC: Awesome... No one had to play me while I was gone. Ok my turn. ----------------- [color=seagreen]Rain remembered having a good conversation for the first time in years and suddenly being interupted. Something huge floated in the sky above the island they seemed to float towards. All of the sudden things got dark and she found herself in the water.[/color] [color=seagreen][/color] [color=seagreen]She sank quite a ways but was able to swim towards the surface. She felt heavy and she remembered her bag was still on her shoulder. She did not want to drop it so she swam extra hard to keep herself afloat.[/color] [color=seagreen][/color] [color=seagreen]She saw some shore after a bit but felt to weak to swim to it. She suddenly felt light as a feather. She saw the outline of her body glow blue and she was lifted from the water. She floated above the water and landed safely up on shore. Suddenly Celebi burst from below the water surface. He never had to worry about breathing.[/color] [color=seagreen][/color] [b][color=seagreen]"If you were down there..."[/color][/b] [b][i][color=darkorchid]"Why didnt I help you before? Because I knew you did not want it."[/color][/i][/b] [color=seagreen]He answered quickly.[/color] [color=seagreen][/color] [color=seagreen]Rain smiled. Celebi knew when she wanted or didnt want something and she liked the fact that he wasnt always willing to help if the person didnt want it. She smiled and shook herself off.[/color] [color=seagreen][/color] [color=seagreen][b]"Well pal... Looks like we made it to shore, but where?"[/b] Rain looked around and noticed something she figured was a town. In her mind however she was thinking [i][b]whats left of it...[/b][/i][/color]
Nait turned to him and for the longest moment she stared at him. A moment later she nods, "I thank you for that." She paused, "I just want to scream, cry, throw a fit, and hurt things but i was raised learning that that is not always the healthy thing to do. Understand that I am not heartless... Its just that i feel blank and empty right now. " "I already know you are not heartless..." He replied, remembering all those things she did during all that trouble. Almost knocking herself out to keep everyone else healed. It was amazing what she had done and with energy to stand up to what she just saw... It all amazed him. "Lets get outta here..." She said quietly. ----------- OOC: i will be gone till tuesday...so leave nait and return to her later or something... control her if you like outlaw... I cant get on very often to post. I can occasionally but because this computer is odd AND this chair is hell to sit in i cant get here often enoiugh to post each day, so think of something
Silently nodding to his question she turned and looked around. She knew where she was but it still looked strange from the rooftops. She knew they had a bit of walking but she was fine with that. She took off running accross the crooftops. She was quite fast for someone who was tired and in a dress but james kept up and quiet. After a bit of ducking and being quiet to avoid a few people they had reached the Algorin Inn. Nait leaned over the edge of their roof and looked for the closest window. Frowning at the fact it was closed she moved on till she found her window. She remembered leaving it unlatched and partially open to let air in. She pushed at it and it swung open. She swung down and landed on her feet next to her bed. She quickly called James to join her and once he was in she closed the window quietly. "I dont need to say this but i suggest we be quite." Nait entered the hall and opened each bedroom door but found each one empty. She headed towards the stairs and went downwards toward the bar. James had lingered in the hallway to look at the many pictures that were on the walls. Paintings from all over. "No..." He heard Nait say quietly. As he went down the stairs to join her he laughed, "I wasnt going to steal anythi-" He stopped before he ran right into Nait and realized she had said no not because of him but because of what she saw. The bar was in decent condition but a few kegs had been emptied and broken. Beer seemed to flood part of the floor and a few tables were broken. Laying at the Inn's door was an older man who was not moving. It was visible from their position that he did not make it. A few random men lay on the floor around him. It was clear that her father fought to protect the bar and anything else in the Inn but in his older age was unable to deal with it. There were most likely a few more than he could handle. Nait stared all around the room and her eyes stopped at her mother who also wasnt moving. It was clear that whoever it was they didnt care who they disposed of. Nait felt suddenly empty. She figured it could have been those bandit guys searching for Tesera... or just some random guys who beleived with the dragons running loose they didnt have to pay. She had seen those kinds of people before but she couldnt figure out exactly what happend. There was silence for a while but soon Nait turned to face james. Her face was quite blank and pale. She didnt know how to feel. The fact she wanted to be angry and sad and confused all at once seemed to create this empty space in her mind. She couldnt even think much. She looked up at James who was a few steps above her and sighed. "Somehow I already knew this was what I was going to find... Lets go."
Nait felt a little better and had energy enough to move around a bit without feeling weak. She turned over and stood up. Some protested against this action but she ignored them. Once outside James stood up and stared at her, "Hey now... you should be resting." "Do I hear a bit of concern on your voice?" She smiled. Even though he could tellshe was still quite tired he could see she was in much better mood. She smiled and everything. "Well sure. You were pretty beat..." "I'm to nice..." She said with a slight smile. "So I have been told that you have been told." He replied. "As I have been told..." She smiled, "I wonder if we kept that going ho many people we could confuse? Anyways I need to go somewhere." "What for?" James asked, "Your weak. Why not rest?" Nait frowned and shook her head, "No... I must find my parents. I knoew they dont like leaving the Inn so thats the first place im checking. With all the people needing aid im sure i can get back into the city without being noticed all that much. If they are anywhere they would be in my Inn." "Well if that is the case iv been around town enough... I can help you sneak around. As long as you tell me where the Inn is." "Near where Tesera's stage and near Ashwin's shop... Kinda inbetween. You think we can hurry in and not get 'escorted' back out?"
Nait shook her head slowly and moved a little. She was being carried along. She growled in her mind and firmly planted her feet on the ground. She pulled away from both guys carrying her. "Im fine now. I... I just feel tired. I can walk though." "Are you sure?" Eso asked as though suddenly brought out of deep thought. "Yes. I am fine. Dont worry about me. Lets just get to where we are going... " ---- OOC: and get moving alone... dont want this thing past page one now do we
[size=2][color=green][b][u]DAY 1[/u][/b][/color][/size] [color=green]Rain frowned, [b]"I dont like him much..."[/b][/color] [b][color=royalblue]"Why not?"[/color][/b] [color=green]Reza asked.[/color] [color=green][b]"Well for one he was kind of negative about Lugia and what it is known for. I might have a great dislike for pokemon but I do know some about pokemon. Lugia is known as the Guardian of the Sea... That should be a positive note but mister big, famous, and cocky thinks that its some disaster pokemon like his."[/b] Rain griped.[/color] [color=green]Celebi made a few circles around both Reza and Rain's heads. It cried quietly and floated about with energy.[/color] [color=green]Rain shook her head, [b]"Lugia can calm storms as well as start them but alot of pokemon can alter the wather. Castform, Dragonair, and any pokemon able to use rain dance, hail, and sunny day. Not only that but Lugia spends most of its time below the surface of the ocean because its powers are too great... or at least thats what they say. I think disaster boy has had to much disaster on his mind or in his life to see that pokemon can..."[/b][/color] [color=green]She realized what she was about to say went against even what she thought about pokemon. [i][b]I cant beleive I almost said that pokemon can be very kind dispite what others think... what on earth is wrong with me.[/b][/i] She thought to herself.[/color] [color=#008000][i][b][color=darkorchid]Perhaps its because you believe that we are good...[/color][/b][/i] Celebi interupted her thoughts with one of his own that only she could hear.[/color] [color=#008000][i][b]No afraid not... Remember... Naia[/b][/i] Rain answered silently.[/color] [color=#008000]Rain nodded silently and then went on with her thoughts, [b]"Anyways I just dont quite like this ro ro...row your boat guy. Thankfully I am not required to like him."[/b][/color] [center][b][color=#008000][/color][/b] [/center] [center][b][color=black]-------[/color][/b][/center] [center] [/center] [left][b]OOC: Remember Takuya... This isnt towards you lol... I have just decided there are a few people rain will not like. Like she said... its not a requirement lol. Anyways hope this is all ok... night all.[/b][/left]
[b][color=black]OOC: If the conversation with Reza is not acceptable Tell me. I will edit it.[/color][/b] [center][b][color=black]---------[/color][/b][/center] [b][size=2][color=green][u]DAY 1[/u][/color][/size][/b] [b][color=green][/color][/b] [color=green]Rain followed everyone else onto the boat. She had stashed her gear in her small napsack which was hanging on her shoulder. She had grabbed it on the way to the boat. She had seen no reason to cart it around so she left it near the docks. She wasnt worried it would be stolen due to the fact that there wasnt really anything in it she cared about.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]She found a stop towards the front and sat down. She let her legs hand over the edge as she just watched the waves slosh against the boats sides. She sea breeze brushed over her and she smiled slightly. She always liked the wind.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Celebi hovered over her right shoulder and kept silent. Suddenly though an Idea popped into his head. [/color][color=darkorchid][i][b]"Use your pokedex on me! You could use my entrie! Plus Id love to see what the creaters of the device think of me."[/b][/i][/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain frowned because this ment digging in her bag but she agreed with him. She dug in it and found the dex. She pointed it at Celebi and it worked like the professor had shown them before. A holographic projection of Celebi appeared.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][i]-Celebi: The psychic grass pokemon. It has been said that Celebi is the vioice of the forest. A guardian of sorts. Celebi is rumored to have time travel abilities and boundless energy. Said to be quite care free.-[/i] [/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]The pokedex's holographic projection then spun a bit and vanished. Celebi frowned.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][i][b][color=darkorchid]"Well that stunk."[/color][/b][/i] It said flatly to rain.[/color] [color=green][/color] [b][color=green]"Why?"[/color][/b] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b][i][color=darkorchid]"It's no rumor!"[/color][/i][/b] It seemed rather dissapointed.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b]"Well the people who wrote this stuff most likely have never seen a Celebi or at least experianced its ability to travel through time. You cant blame them for getting some things wrong..."[/b] Rain explained as she put everything back in her bag.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][i][b][color=darkorchid]"It made me... look fat!"[/color][/b][/i] Celebi joked.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b]"Har har..."[/b] Rain sat the bag down but as she did a wave hit the boat and shook it a bit. The movement made the back slip over the edge and rain reached for it but it was out of her reach. Luckily it turned blue and hovered a few feet above the water's surface. Rain looked at celebi and smiled, [b]"Thanks..."[/b][/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]A few moments later sheheard someone approching. She looked up to come face to knee with Reza. Reza sat down next to her so they were even.[/color] [color=green][/color] [b][color=royalblue]"So... How have you been? I havn't seen you around much for the past several years."[/color][/b] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b]"Yeah. I found myself not exactly on the same page as everyone else."[/b] Rain replied.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]A second later Storm came over and looked at the three sitting there. With a few moments of silence it asked, [/color][i][b][color=royalblue]"Why exactly? Did somethng happen?"[/color][/b][/i] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain glared at the lugia and looked away. She stared hard into the waves and frowned, [b]"Rather not talk about it."[/b][/color] [b][color=green][/color][/b] [color=green][color=royalblue][b][i]"I beleive she might not like [/i][/b][b][i]me..."[/i][/b][/color]The lugia spoke quietly to Celebi and Reza.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Celebi patted lugia on the head, [/color][color=darkorchid][b][i]"Oh she surely does not like you. It's not just you... She doesnt like any pokemon."[/i][/b][/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain frowned again, [b]"Celebi..."[/b][/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b][i][color=darkorchid]"Oh fine."[/color][/i][/b] He sighed.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b][color=royalblue]"Doesn't like pokemon. But then why Celebi..."[/color][/b] Reza asked quietly.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain sighed, [b]"Its part of that thing I don't talk about."[/b][/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b][color=royalblue]"Oh. Alright. So hmm. What have you been up to lately?"[/color][/b] Reza asked tryintg to find something non pokemon related to talk about.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain was no longer frowning but was looking a little sad. She smiled obviously a fake one but no one said anything. [b]"Well I have been drawing alot..."[/b][/color]
ooc: You are correct on his name. Man its been so long since iv used my old character Hope... Sheesh i feel even more old now *sigh* Funny how Hope also had a celebi *thinks*rain now has one... i didnt do that intentionaly. Aurora had moltres... Man back in the day *shakes head* Crazy... anyways ------------ [color=green]Rain noticed more people arrived and so did their pokemon. Rain tried to ignore them as best she could but couldnt help eying each of ther pokemon for a second or two. As she looked around she noticed someone watching them from far off. He was a newcommer and she could tell. The fact he was unfamilliar was what gave it away. She never did see many visitors around. Then again she spent most of her time in the forest so she decided to not do anymore thinking on the subject.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]She stood upright from leaning on the tree and let the cool ocean breeze blow over her. It was rather calming and dispite the urge to scream and walk away from all the other pokemon she kept her cool. She was instantly poked by Celebi.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b][i]"Yay friends!"[/i][/b] It said to her only,[b] "Bee biii!"[/b] It cried to the whole group. It was happy and Rain looked at it oddly. That was the only thing about celebi she didnt like. Its neverending energy and happiness. But aside from that everything between them was cool.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b]"Tree..."[/b] Rain said flatly and waited a moment. Celebi touched Rain and she began to glow blue. Celebi flew up into the tree and Rain followed by floating through the air behind it. [b]"Thank you."[/b] Rain said as she situated herself in a comfy brance.[/color]
[color=green]Deep within the forest near the village a girl sat at the base of an old tree. The tree itself was small and skinny while most of the trees around it were thick and tall. The light filtered down through the treetops. The wind blew calmly causing the branches to move slightly. This movement made the shadows dance across the forest floor. The girl stared up at the sky through a space in treetops. She was trying to ignore the movement she heard behind her.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]She glanced across the floor with her bright crystal blue eyes and waited for it. A few seconds later a green creature flew into the clearing. It zoomed around enthusiasticly and cheered loudly which echoed through the trees. It was dark green from its waist down and on the tip of what one might call its hair. The rest was a lighter green. It had thing rings around its clear blue eyes. It smiled happily as it floated in front of her. It's little anntenna things twitched anxiously.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]She waited for a moment and when it cheered again she rolled her eyes and stood up. She wore a white tshirt that stopped a ways above her bellybutton. Draped loosly over that was a dark red vest with a black stripe along the bottom. She wore a shirt that matched the vest in color and also had ablack stripe along the bottom.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]She quickly put on her sandles. She slipped on her red headband to keep her short hair out of her face. She took an object out of her pocket and glanced at it. It was a bright blue peice of shell that had been made into a necklace. She clutched it tight for a moment and then tied it around her neck. After a few moments of silently staring at the tree she let out a long sigh.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b]"Good Bye Naia."[/b] She said as she turned to the creature waiting for her. This was the last time she could visit this tree for a long while.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b][i]"Can we go now? Huh huh huh?" [/i][/b] It flew in circles and then a couple times upside down.[/color] [color=green][/color] [b][color=green]"Yeah Celebi lets go. And before we get there..."[/color][/b] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b][i]"Yes Rain?"[/i][/b] It smiled and flew around her head.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]To Rain it was more like an annoying stuffed toy and about the size of one. She could easily carry it but she never really held it. She glanced at it with a frown, [b]"Calm down."[/b][/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]It slowed to a stop and seemed to get sad, [b][i]"Aww you take the fun out of everything."[/i][/b][/color] [color=green][/color] [b][color=green]"Ok then... Go ahead and act crazy..."[/color][/b] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b][i]"Yayayaya!"[/i][/b] It began to spin around again causing Rain to sigh. [i][b]"We better go before we are late."[/b][/i][/color] [b][i][color=green][/color][/i][/b] [color=green]A bit of walking later they approched the old Oak where she remembered everyone used to play. She sighed knowing she wasnt going to feel all that well. Soon everyone and their pokemon would be there... She didnt like pokemon. She shook her head. Only Celebi did she like or understand. These other kids she didnt hang out with much.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][b]"This is going to be one very interesting day..."[/b] She muttered to herself as she leaned against the tree.[/color] [color=#008000][/color] [color=black]-------------------------[/color] [color=black]OOC: Did i do the "day 1" thing ok? Or should I have put it somewhere else?[/color]
There seemed to only be a few men left most of the others were dead or running away. Nait fell to her knees. At this point she didnt care if she died or not she was just so tired. She normally used healing powers once every other day or less. The same with her water magic and yet she had used it several times in a row in one day. Magically speaking she was out of shape... She stared at the battle and realied now that Alno'dra was right... they could handle it. She shut her eyes and began to meditate. To most it looked like she was just sitting there with her eyes closed but inside she was doing a bit more than that. She heard the footsteps of others nearby and even though she felt like sleeping she payed attention to how close they were. The lighter footsteps had to be lynn and some others she could notice as some of the men. She opened her eyes slowly to see two men with daggers coming at her. They were sneaking untill they noticed she saw them. They both noticed though that her sword was no longer in her hand. They ran at her. With the last bit of energy she had she held both hands up at them a large spear of water formed and they stared at it for a second. The next thing they knew it had split into two snake like spirals and each one flew into their mouths and down their throats. One drown a few moments later the other however had managed to cought up what she put down. She had lost control of the water past the throat so the man just gasped and coughed it all back up. Nait took this moment and grabbed the sword next to her. The man lept at her and she thrust her borrowed blade right into the mans mouth. The blade shot through the back and she dropped the sword and his body onto the ground next to her. She crawled a bit away and lay down. "Happy Birthday my ass, mom..." She muttered. She closed her eyes and hoped no one bothered her but partially didnt care if they did. With her eyes closed and barely able to move she figured they would either take her for dead or passed out. She felt both. She just hoped the ones she was with didnt just think she was dead and leave her behind. [i]Wake me up when its over[/i]. She thought.
[center][b][color=red]Name: [/color][/b][/center] [center][color=red]Rain[/color][color=red][/center] [center][b]Age:[/b] [/color][/center] [center][color=red]17[/center] [center][b]Gender: [/b][/color][/center] [center][color=red]Female[/center] [center][b]Appearance:[/b] [/color][/center] [center][color=red]Attachment... She has crystal blue eyes. Same clothes except her shirt is a tshirt. Her skirt is longer too. (the shirt covers her shoulders a bit lol... randomly found the picture on the net)[/center] [center][b]Personality:[/b] [/color][/center] [center][color=red]She is rather different at times. She can be quite nice or rather mean depending on the day and her overall mood. She, when normal, is just avarage. Unlike the other kids she dislikes pokemon for some reason and doesnt exactly like having them around. This has brought her problems with making friends and after a while she just decided to just get used to it. She has a few friends among the village but she feels left out anyways due to how little she has in common with everyone. Most of them love pokemon and so they spend most of their time playing with the some what tame ones neareby or their own. She spends her time in the forest either drawing what she sees or resting in the branches of trees. She is warming up to the idea of pokemon though. No one is quite sure why she doesnt like them though. Some suspect something happend when she was younger but none have heard of it. No one in her family will speak of it so no one knows.[/color][/center] [center][color=red][b]Bio:[/b] [/color][/center] [center][color=#ff0000]Her parents had twins. It was Rain and Naia. These two girls were identicle twins except for one thing. Rain had red hair and Naia had blue hair. If they covered their hair you might have confused one for the other. However they never played with peoples heads. They were always together and playing in the forest. On their 7th birthday their father gave them a Skitty to share as a pet. They loved the skitty very much but it seemed to like Naia a little more. Rain didnt mind though. She always did prefer her sister to enjoy things more.[/color][/center] [center][color=#ff0000]One day her mother and father decided to split them up and spend a day with them alone. So the father took Rain and they hiked along the beach gathering shells and such to make necklaces. Naia and the mother went hiking in the forest for a while.[/color][/center] [center][color=#ff0000]They did not return for hours so Rain and her father began to worry untill late that evening her mother came into the house with a look of pure shock on her face. She sat down and did nothing but mumble about Naia, pack of raging pokemon, and an old tree. [/color][/center] [center][color=#ff0000]The father of course rushed into the forest to find his other daughter and soon found what his wife was talking about. Needless to say Rain never saw her twin again. When her mother finally recovered she explained that they must have steered off the trail a bit when skitty ran into the bushes after something. They were in some pokemons territory and the pokemon didnt seem very understanding. The mother could never remember what pokemon it was. Her skitty ran away after Naia's death. Rain felt like she lost half of her self and would be found each day sitting at the base of the tree where her sister had died. Her parents decided to not speak of it because it bothered Rain to much. Rain is now older and has a dislike for every type of pokemon. She draws the things she sees in the forest except the pokemon and adds people to the picture later.[/color][/center] [center][color=#ff0000]She one day was drawing a bush by some water and something wasnt right. She went over to investigate and it moved. She instantly knew it was a pokemon and when the young celebi rose its head from its nap and looked at her it seemed very happy. Rain was not. She glared at it and told it to go away. The celebi did quite the opposite. It follows her around now. Over time she has gotten used to it and likes it. So farthis is the only pokemon she has liked. She still has dislike for all the others. Celebi and her seem to have come to an understanding and even thought it might not look it at times they care alot about each other.[/color][/center] [center][color=red][b]Starting [/b][b]pokémon:[/b] [/color][/center] [center][color=red]Celebi[/color][/center] [center][color=red][b]Eventual party (final evolutions):[/b] [/color][/center] [center][color=red]Delcatty (Moonlight)[/color][/center] [center][color=red]Sneasel[/color][/center] [center][color=red]Dragonite[/color][/center] [center][color=red]Ninetales[/color][/center] [center][color=red]Blastoise[/color][/center] [center][color=red]Scyther (Doesnt trade it to get scizor)[/color][/center] [center][color=#ff0000](Tell me if I should change anything... I'm sure there is something here somewhere in need of changing)[/color][/center] [center][color=#ff0000]This attachment is what she looks like... Sitting at the base of the tree where her sister died. Ignore the wound. The necklace she wears is the one she made the day her sister died. She was going to give it to her sister when her sister returned but that never happend.[/color][/center] [center][color=#ff0000](Read appearance for what differences there are.)[/color][/center]
Nait felt very tired and watched silently as everyone fought. She also watched james and Tesera run towards the back to rid them of the archers. She seemed to be drained by just standing there. She did seem to releive some of the pressure she was feeling when she had drown the man but she didnt understand why. She knew it took two different kinds of her energy to do the healing and the water magic and she figured it must be that. She shook her head as another man saw her weakness and came at her. She sighed and wished she was skilled enough to work her water into ice. Then she could freeze his feet or solidify a sphear of water around his sword but because she couldnt she fell to her knees and did the last thing she was able to. Soon this man also had the same reaction to her that the other had. She sat there on the ground barely able to catch her breath and just waited for a moment. Each time someone came they suffered the same fate. After a dew men drown in their own bodily fluids they got the idea to either kill her fast or leave her alone and they chose the later. If they eliminated all the others she wouldnt be a problem. After a bit of sitting she felt a wierd thought creep through her mind. She felt so selfish for just sitting there and defending herself... one voice said she was resting so she could help the others and another argued back telling her to get off her lazy behind. She groaned as she stood up. Terrible pain shot through her aching body but she soon got going. She picked up her sword again and went in to help the others.
Nait stayed farther back and one ofthe men decided she was an easy target. James leapt in front of her and sliced at the man with his dagger. This didnt do all that much however due to the other mans large sword. Nait lifted hers a swung it but for some reason that part of her brain had decided she was to tired to know how to use it properly. So instead of slashing at him she smacked him along side the head with the flat edge of the blade. He growled and swung at her fiercely. Nait sighed and jumped backwards to avoid the man and dropped her sword. Her hands seemed to fail when holding it so she decided there was only one thing left to do. She stared at the man while dodging him. She was quick each time even though she was tired. This was also something interesting due to the dress she wore but she moved quite well. She dodged once again and the mans sword slammed into the dirt sending small rocks and a clump of grass into the air as he removed it. Nait was staring at him carefully and soon he slowed down and stopped. He grasped his neck and gasped for air. After a bith he was coughing but soon he stoped.. Soon however he was on his knees and soon he hit the ground dead. James with a moment to spare stood next to her, "Nice but what did you do?" Nait smiled slightly, "Drowned him of course. I Just used his own body's water and focused it all into one spot... Easier than changing the water in the air into some bubble." She said breathing heavily. She was really getting tired now.
Nait was farther back than in the middle really and this was because she herself was now feeling so tired she didnt have much ability to walk very fast. She did notice James's dagger and smiled to herself. She wondered if he was really ready if anything came up from behind. "I sure hope you dont have to use that." She said keeping up the pace even though it caused her to be a bit wobbly and light headed. "Same here." He muttered. "Yeah you dont look quite ready for a sneak attack from behind by some monster." "Me? Eh I am not worried about that really." She gave hima curious look, "So why did you agree with me if you are not worried?" "I am worried. Just not so much about that. You worry me." "Me?" "Yeah. You look so tired. If we did get attacked I think we could partially fend off whatever might get us. Sure I have my doubts but we have curses fire earth and physical strength but..." "Yes?" He shook his head, "You dont look like you could handle another healing... You also look as though if you made one drop of water you might pass out." She nodded at him, "Heh no drowning anyone right now..." She joked mainly to herself. "Its ok. I am alright. I will do what I can to help... No matter what it may cost me."
Nait sat her new sword down on the ground and sighed. She looked around at all the people to decide which was first. She noticed that the one who had joined them during the run was the one who had told her to get out of danger and he looked rather bad. Most would not be able to see it but her still young healer eyes were learning to detect injuries inside the body and where they were. "Goodness your first." She said real quickly pointing to him. He sat down where she told him too, which happend to be a small rock, and pulled back her dresses bloodstained and torn sleeves. She was tired from running but now her actual energy had charged up again. To help everyone she knew once done she would be rather weak but to keep people alive she was willing. She put her palms together and her lips to her thumbs. It looked as though shewas about to prey and in a way most would consider it that. She spoke quietly and softly a few words no one knew the meaning to. A slight glow pulsed as though she was holding it. She put one hand on each side of his chest and waited. He felt a slight tingle and the pain as his ribs mended. "I hope your friend is alright." Nait said as she waited for the process to finish. She hardly mended bones but these werent leg bones so they were a bit easier. "Huh?" "The one from yesterday.. The rather early drunken one." "Oh..yeah." He sat quite still and soon the glow on Nait's hands died down and vanished. She removed them and took a breath. "That should handle those ribs and anything else that might have been in pain." She said turning to the others. Some were perfectly fine and she noticed that Vincent had appeared from under the dirt used to collapse the tunnel. He mocked the familiar and hugged her. Nait nodded mainly to herself and put both index fingers together. She again said something no one understood and put one finger on his chest and another on his forehead. "Odd greeting dont you think?" He said after she removed them. "Not really." She said flatly, "I knew that if i asked to heal even the bruises you got from the dirt falling on your head you might say no and that they were minor so i did it without asking. I do beleive everyone here wants to escape alive and the best way to do that is to have everyone at full strength and energy." "Right" He said turning to look at everyone. Nait turned to the others again., "Anyone else need some help? I am not sure about all of your injuries or aches... I for some odd reason lost all vision on it." "Vision?" James was curious. "Well I am begging to see inner problems. Like with Alno'dra's ribs. But its a new developing skill. Apparently after using it a bit it i lose the ability for a while. At least I hope it comes back." "Right." Eso nodded, "Alright then. Who else wants or needs Nait's help?"
Nait rolled her eyes and she easily kept up with James. She could have just quickly mended the wounds of the woman and he wouldnt have to carry her but she decided not to say anything. "That was a neat trick you did there with the water and stuff you think you can actually drown people? I mean what if they move out of the water hmmm?" The Energetic familiar. Nait nodded as the thing flew by her, "Yes they do move but if you just concentrate you can seep the water into their lungs anyways. I have never done it myself to be honest. No real need to drown anyone when you run an Inn." Ashwin called his friend back to him and the fimiliar was dissapointed but went back to him. Nait shook her head with a slight smile. After a bit more running and turning and dodging around corners Nair caught sight of one of the city gates. Beyond that was the outskirt lands and they were almost there... Unfortunatly the dragon was fast as well... Nait growled, "I'll be very angry if my birthday ends up my death day as well..."
Nait nodded, "Sure I will help. I can heal to a point and my powers are getting better the more i use them so if anyone gets injured i can help." Ashwin nodded, "Yes that could be useful." Nait grinned, "And I can fight well enough with a sword. Blame my father for that." Ashwin looked at her, "I guess you can 'borrow' one from our 'friends' here eh." He said pointing at one of the brutes laying on the ground. "And what about James?" Nait smiled, "Well it seems wherever i go he goes... Or so he told me a while back. Whether he coems with us though is up to him or not." She pulled a sword from one of the dead brutes grip and swung it around a bit. "Somethign wrong?" Ashwin asked. "No no... It is just far lighter than I am used to. It will take some adjusting." "Well hopefully you adjust quickly." Nait grinned, "Oh dont worry..." She created a small sphear of water and put it around the head of one of the dead brutes. She made it vanish a few seconds later, "If push comes to shove I can just drown any jerks we come across." She said with a grin.
I agree with Circéus on that note. There are over 800 digimon (from baby to mega) And I find it rather confusing when a ton of people join as superfroggydoggymon and other fictional digimon. Sure I have a fig digimon line myself but I hardly use her. She is mainly for ideas when I wanna do fanfiction however right now im doing a pokemon one so digimon is out in all areas of my life except Rpgs. I personally have several already made digimon (from the shows to manga) that I like and can easily use. I go to this site often that has a picture for mostly each and every digimon their names attacks and such so Its not to hard to find something. Anywaysid join one, If the storyline and plot was put together well.
I of course would join if the storyline was good and there were some orginal ideas instead of like bringing back the idiot myotismon who died and came back how many times? Yeah to many. So yeah if it doesnt copy the games or the tv shows and its a completely new and original idea i would go for it.
Nait and the others headed discretely through streets and such. They all noticed this rather large dragon hovering over the city in search of something and they all ageed staying out of view was the best way to go. Lynn, Ashwin, and his familliar got ahead of Nait and James and Nait stopped for a moment. James did as well slightly confused. "Listen James. I am sorry about earlier. When I am tired I get cranky and I am sorry. You see I helped you because I beleive no matter who you are there is good in you. Sure there are exceptions and in your case I can see what i just said is true. Now I will say there are most likely some things you have done that I would disagree with but in a way I would also say a person has to survive." He listened to her carefully and looked around for any dangers. "What I am basicly trying to say is that in reality I have nothing against thieves and this is why I helped you. I help almost everyone. I dont always judge people by their actions before iv met them so really so far I have seen nothing bad." "Well I... Uhm..." "So we are starting with a clean slate. Oh and by the way... You dont have to pay me back. I have never charged people for the work I do. I guess Vincent and my parents were right by calling me too nice." He stood there for a second and blinked. Ashwin turned around, "Are you two coming?" Nait nodded, "Yes!" Before the moved she turned to James again, "Oh and you need not even think of stealing from me. I never have anything on me worth stealing. I am an Inn Keeper I have little to nothing of value." She said just in case he was just being nice to give himself time to find anything he could possibly take. She trusted him but only to a point. She was however, willing to give him a chance. "Now uh. Lets go. I need to locate my parents. This is been one hell of a birthday..." She muttered.
Nait was again resting in a sheltered place. She felt very tired but her energy came back slowly. She heard the battle around her but did not look. She could tell by everyone's reactions that something large and dangerous had approched and she prefered not to be in the way or even within eyesight. As she looked around her she saw a man limping into the square. She narowed her eyes at his leggs and frowned. He looked very tired and extreamly weak. She just could not stand to see it. She had been called to nice before and she figured she always would be. He approched some people and asked for a healer but most people weren ot healers and one in the area took one look at him and turned him away. Told him that she was busy. Nait frowned at this and stood up again. She approched the man and smiled. "It appears you need a healer. I am available..." She said looking at him kindly. He smiled tiredly at her, "Yeah me and this large guard back over by the uh..." Nait nodded, "Jail... Ya I understand. Lead the way..." "You dont mi- Hmm yes could you help me out first though? I am about to pass out." Nait nodded, "Of course... Sit down." After he did she waited for a few moments and rubbed her hands together untill they were hot. She pressed her palms against his chest near his heart and lungs and whispered to herself. He felt a warm sensation cruise through his body to all the tired or injured areas. Soon he didnt feel so tired anymore. He waited for her to remove her hands and realized she already had but the pressure and warmth of her hands remained. "Thanks..." He said standing up. "So uh... Lead me to the guard..."
Nait watched as the man from last night struggled to keep up so he could protect the people still fleeing in every direction. Nait took a deep breath and leaped up to her feet. She ran out from under the balcony and watched as dragons ripped into each other and some sending more blasts of elemental energy into other dragons and buildings. Nait gasped as another fireball hit a home. She quickly forced both hands out in front of her and focused on the fire. A large sphear of water began to appear slowly. The larger it got the more Nait strained to keep it above ground. She moved her right hand farther from her and the sphear began to move in that direction. She used her left hand and moved it horizontally back and forth. This motion made the sphear flatten out. She made the water the size of the area in need of help. She then balled up both fists and released the water. It came splashing down onto the fire and the hissing of a fire dying was all she could hear. Tons of steam rippled off the burnt wood and into the sky. "It may be dangerous but I can handle it..." She muttered to herself... Though she did appreciate the fact he at least said something that had shown concern. She watched as water began to soak her feet as it ran off the shop. A small shelf on a far wall was still lit up in a small fire but Nait quickly moved her hand in one swift wave and the water turned around and went like a wave right into the shelf getting rid of the last bit of flames. "Well... shoot. At this rate ill have no more energy to help the injured."
Nait just stared at the war overhead. She noticed light bursts and looked over to where they had come from. It was Vincent and someo f the dragons were coming towards him. She nodded but thought his light bursts were a bad idea. "What if he had angered them enought to start attacking humans... Oh well" As she stood there staring into the sky a dragon that came falling to the ground almost hit her. She turned around to see what was its problem and noticed a nice sized gash in its neck. Most likely from another dragon's fangs or horns. She liked dragons to much to just stand there and watch it bleed to death. When she tried to get close to the wound thought the dragon would try to thrash and bite at her. This movement made its wound worse and soon it lay still. She placed her hands on the bleeding gash and covered in blood in no time. She didnt care thought and began to concentrate. What seemed like forever was just a minute or two. As she slowly mended the gash more blood would spill out onto her arms and dress. She didnt care about the dress though... It could be cleaned. After a bit more time the wound was sealed. The dragon was still in pain and Nait pulled out a small jar of white gel. She spread it on its beautiful scales where the cut was. The cooling effect started instantly and the dragon reacted violently from being startled. It thrashed a bit and Nait found herself onthe ground in the pool of the dragon's blood with a slight cut in her left arm. The sleeve of the dress torn ast hought it was not even there. She leapt up quickly and backed away from the dragon. It looked at its now gone wound, snorts at Nait and then flies into the air. Nait sighes, "Ungreatful but I understand." She placed her right hand on her left arm's wound and soon it was gone as well. She felt extreamly tired and it seemed as though sheh ad any muscle energy to move. It took her a bit to get under an a balcony from a random nearby shop. She sat down and closed her eyes for a bit. Rest up and she would be ready to help. "If any fireballs miss their mark and hit these shops... I hope I have enough energy to drown the flames..." She muttered to herself.