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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. Well Squiggles has told me to post and tell you all that she has a few rl problems that are keeping her occupied and that she must put this RPG ON HOLD. She did say, however, that she will possibly come back and try to revive the rpg. I hope this is possible because i liked it. Anyways thought you all should know.
  2. I added Finneamon's description prolly full of typos but meh im tired. I will get a picture up as soon as I can but i have so many other things going at the moment. Anyways meh
  3. No im taking Wood! My orginal made up beast was wind but the human spirit is more earthy but if you look at grumblemon and his forms (earth) its more rock... so ill go more plantish which would be wood (petaldramon) So yeah. Wood. Ill get beast forms and the even higher form here soon. Name: Nyoka Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [will edit soon] Personality: Smart and very outgoing. Likes pretty much everybody but has a temper too. She can be snitty sometimes but only when she is offended or one of her friends is being hurt or harrassed. Name: Akialoamon Gender: Female Forms: Akialoamon {Human Spirit Of Wood}, Finneamon {Beast Spirit of Wood} Binary Coding: Is this the same for the spirits as with regular digimon? Attacks: Akialoamon= [b][i](Flower Petal, Earth's Cry, Wood Break), [/i][/b]Finneamon= [b][i](LeafWing Cutter, Thorny Tail, Supreme Flower Canoon)[/i][/b] Appearance: [img]http://www.boomspeed.com/thunderblast/Akialoamon.jpg[/img] [b]Finneamon:[/b] I wil;l put a decription up for now untill i can get a decent (and by decent i mean at least recognisable as snothing not scribbles) picture up. Long body like a reptile but instead of scales her body is completely made out of flexible wood. She has a norrow snout and two sharp teeth that show (they hang down). Four arms... She has two legs that are made mroe for walking on like a human than anything else. She has four arms very thick muscles and very sharp claws at the end. Her tail splits into two long thorny whips and she has four wings. Two on each side. They are made completely out of sturdy leaves. On hor head like hair are small curly purple things (like whats on yokomon's head) and then all around her head are large pink petals. These petals can close around her head and she can almost look like a simple log. This may be kinda hard to picture but ill draw it out. i did kinda scetch it but it needs some neatening up.
  4. [color=darkorange]Candy slowly openend her eyes and triedto scream but had no ability to. No sound. She was hundreds of feet in the air flying over the forest. She couldnt get any noiseto come out untill she realized it wasnt her in the air. She slightly relaxed because she knew she had no control.[/color] [color=darkorange][/color] [color=darkorange]What she saw below was horrifying... to her. But for some reason she could feel that the one she was seeing thorugh felt only sad... as if he had seen this kind of thing before. She realized she could tell it was A he. She didnt even question how she knew and prefered not to know.[/color] [color=darkorange][/color] [color=darkorange]With his superior eyesigh she could almost see bugs on leaves many feet below. They flew over a clearing and the horror was worse. The dead bodies just left laying around in the forest below was nothing compared to the clearing. The stench of burning flesh seered her hosts nose and he shook his head. She then noticed he had rather large wings and yet arms as well. His skin was scaley and she realized a moment later it looked similar to the creature in her dream.[/color] [color=darkorange][/color] [color=darkorange]Several bodies were piled up and set ablaze.It smelled horrible. She could tell the dream creature had hightened senses because she could hear and see well and the smell was far worse than she ever expected such a thing to smell like. Suddenly she felt as though her stomach was left behind as the creature closed his wings and dove. He went soaring zipping towards the ground and opeened his wings and began flying quickly between the tress on the outskirt of the clearing. [/color] [color=darkorange][/color] [color=darkorange]She could see huts scattered through the forest and most were in shambles. The creature zipped from one side to the other and avoided trees as he investigated everything. He landed suddenly by a hut and looked at the remains of what was once a home. He looked into the forest and saw a black figure and a black horse. They were leaving the scene and she could feel the creature's sadness asshe felt it too.[/color] [i][color=darkorange][b]Why were so many killed?[/b][/color][/i] [color=darkorange]She asked herself.[/color] [b]"There is evil afoot"[/b] [color=darkorange]The creature said to himself as if to answer her question... It almost seemed that he knew she was seeing through him but she figured it impossible. Suddenly she was shouded in darkness. No longer able to see hear smell or feel anything she waited.[/color]
  5. [color=darkorange]Her sleep was quiet for the most part untill it began to flooded with odd clips of dreams she had before.[/color] [color=darkorange]It was all normal and she didnt mind it and barely moved. Untill things got odd.[/color] [i][color=darkorange]She was walking down a large stone hallway that led down to two huge solid wooden doors. The giant doors swung open on their own and she was blinded by daylight. Her eyes soon re-adjusted and she was standing in a huge garden. The trees filtering light down onto the many strange unknown flowers and plants. A strange fountain stood in the center spreying water into its bowl. Some water sprinkled down on some of the flowers that seemed to constantly soak it up as though they were wade to drink constantly.[/color][/i] [i][color=darkorange]The statues on the fountains were of dragons that looked much different from the ones she had seen before. More human like they stood on their hind legs with wings spread wide. She also noticed they had hands like humans only sharper and feelt like humans with large claw like toes. Three stood in a circle, their wings touching, around an even larger dragon figure who looked more like a normal dragon. Its wings were folded in and water flowed from its mouth and hort tips. Water sprinkled out of the more humanish dragon figures palms and small horns.[/color][/i] [i][color=darkorange]She stared at this fountain and then looked at her reflection in the pool of water. It seemed normal untill an orange dragonish figure appeared almost exactly behind her. She whirled around to come face to face with one of the humanish dragon figures she was just looking at on the fountain. This one was real though. It stared at her silently for a moment and she had no more ability in any muscle to move.[/color][/i] [i][b]"I would say welcome but i didnt invite you in here."[/b] [color=darkorange]It said, clearly male by the voice. That was the only way she could tell for the body looked completely genderless. Although the chest pointed towards male but she could hardly tell with the very odd armor it wore.[/color][/i] [i][color=darkorange]She tried to back up but was stopped by the fountain. It just stared at her as if he had never seen a human before. Perhaps it was her hair though. His amber eyes with thin slits just stared at her. Occsaionally glancing at her bubblegum pink hair.[/color][/i] [i][b][color=darkorange]"I uh... Am sorry to intrude. I was walking down a hallway and the only way out was through those big doors."[/color][/b][/i] [i][color=darkorange]The dragonoid looked behind him and nodded,[/color][b] "Indeed. The hall of confusion will do that to a person. There are many doorways but sometimes the hall itself wishes you not to find them."[/b][/i] [i][b][color=darkorange]"The... Hall itself?"[/color][/b][/i] [i][b]"Oh yes. It has a mind of its own. Spells of the wizards I might add."[/b][/i] [i][color=darkorange]She nodded, [b]"Ok next question. What are you?"[/b][/color][/i] [i][color=darkorange]He looked downright offended,[/color] [b]"What kind of question is that? I beleive you should no exactly what I am!"[/b][/i] [i][color=darkorange]She again began feeling fear, [b]"Well I have just only seen you. The fountain behind me... thats the first I've ever seen of your kind. I dont think I am from this world. Its far to beautiful to be my own[/b]."[/color][/i] [i][b]"Aye. We have a very complicated name, my kind, so I will just have you call me by my name."[/b][/i] [i][b][color=darkorange]"Which...is?"[/color][/b][/i] [i][b]"I must know the name of who I am talk to first?"[/b][/i] [i][color=darkorange][b]"Why?"[/b] She asked. Watching his very sharp claws twitch at her question. She figured he was getting rather annoyed by how little she knew.[/color][/i] [i][b][color=black]"Our kind cannot speak our name unless we know the name of the one who wishes to know. it isnt a concious choice. It is something we have no say in."[/color][/b][/i] [i][color=darkorange]She nodded and for some odd reason she seemed to understand, [b]"Right. My name is Candice but most people call me Candy."[/b][/color][/i] [i][color=darkorange]He nodded, [color=black][b]"Because iv never heard my own name in your tongue before ill speak it in my own. You wont understand it and most likely wont be able to pronounce it evene but at least you will know."[/b][/color] After that he made this very strange growl like noise that had an echo that resembled words of some sort. He was right. She never in a thousand years could even try to pronounce what she just heard.[/color][/i] [i][b]"[color=darkorange]Uh... Is there something... easier I could call you?"[/color][/b][/i] [i][color=darkorange]He thought for a moment. A sharp shiny finger scratched under his chin,[/color] [b]"Yes... Call me Nogard."[/b][/i] [i][color=darkorange]She instantly laughed and he seemed offended. She saw this and shut up, [b]"I am sorry about laughing. Its just that... isnt Nogard just... Dragon spelled backwards?"[/b][/color][/i] [i][color=darkorange]He laughed in his own way,[/color][b] "Indeed it is kid. But it is also my 'human' name. People like you cant say my real name so they dubbed me Nogard. Apparently they werent creative enough to give me a name like candy..."[/b][/i] [i][color=darkorange]Candy snickered, [b]"I doubt you would want a name like candy anyways."[/b][/color][/i] [i][color=darkorange]He looked at her hair and frowned[/color], [b]"I have never seen a human with KaRain flower colored hair before."[/b][/i] [i][b][color=darkorange]"That might be because it isnt real."[/color][/b][/i] [i][color=darkorange]Before she could say or do anything he reached a claw out and touched her hair,[/color] [b]"It feels real..."[/b][/i] [i][b][color=darkorange]"Well... Yeah the hair is real the color is not!"[/color][/b][/i] [i][color=darkorange]He spread out his wings as if to stretch them,[/color] [b]"Some kind of... spell?"[/b][/i] [i][color=darkorange]Candy smiled, "[b]No its a simple thing called hair dye."[/b][/color][/i] [color=darkorange]Suddenly candy awaoke. The thought of her natural hair color showing if she was stuck here to long... Seemed more frighting than a dragon man.[/color] [b][color=darkorange]"What if I am stuck here so long my hair grows out... Ill look even freakier than i do now! I mean ugh not funny! Black hair with pink ends is fine but goodness iv never liked the blak hair..."[/color][/b] [color=darkorange]Her thought was broken by hearing people walk by her door. She heard Maria and Drew but thought nothing of it. She put her head back on her pillow and closed her eyes. Hopefully this time she would dream a little more normaly.[/color] ---- Ooc: Me and a friend one day started talking backwards.. every word was backassward and so I said NOGARD! because i have several dragon things in my room (its like a shrine i tell ya) and Nogard has stuck ever since. I decided to incorperate that into her odd dream which i just completely madeup off the top of my head to pass time. Not only that but iv been imagining human looking dragons lately and decided what better dreaming meterial than a dragonish dude. Nothing to really do wit hte story except the worry about her hair...
  6. After a few more moments of silence Drew stood up, "Aw so my face is funny huh?" "Well not like 'oh my got thats the funniest face iv ever seen... does anyone have an eraser?' funny but nore like 'you should have seen the look on your face' kind of funny. Shock... kinda." "Hah" He laughed, "Well at least your in better hurmor now. Ill leave now so you can get some rest." "Ok" Once he was gone she noticed what the room actually looked like. She realized she had missed all details when she came in. The bed's pillows were full of feathers. She could feel them as she clutched it. The mattress was almost the same. The bed itself was dark grey stone with very odd designes carved in the legs and headboard. The walls were a lighter stone and had different decorations. A picture of a tree, a weird mask of something she didnt recognise and then she saw something she did recognise. A dream catcher like thing with very bright colored feathers hanging from it. No bird she ever knew had feathers that had each color on it. The red was at th base and black ended at the tip. Orange, green, blue, yellow, and purple were inbetween the others. There was one window but it was huge and the glass wasnt clear. It let light in but you couldnt see out. She figured if you could see out what you would see was mostly trees. She fell back into the bed and shut her eyes. ---- ooc: we need plot.... We need the story to move alongy.... give us details squig...gles...
  7. COOL COOL. and as for your parents... parents were put on this earth to question and hate every choice we make. And every thing we say. Well not really but it always seems that way in my case. All i have is PSP8 (Paint Shop Pro 8) And like I said... I havnt mastered it yet.
  8. Like i told you on MSN Messenger... I am not to good a making banners and that picture proved difficult (WITH the programs that i have) But i made two. One normal and one buttonized like mine. I kinda erased part of her arms to make it like she has her arms high in the air above her. It kinda looks ... Well I am not sure really but I tried just because i could tell you wanted me to. They are kinda plain im afraid. i dont have many cool effects that i have perfected yet... *sigh* i thought about adding a bubble or two but wasnt sure.
  9. She thought for a moment and smiled, "I am ust stressed and tired. No need to put the tiara on to make me smile I would if I wasnt so tired." "Ti... Ok." Drew looked around, "Seriously though." "There is nothing to worry about. Actually..." He waited but she just sat there with an odd look on her face, "What?" He asked quickly. She gave him a playful evil grin, "The one thing you should worry about is what the others will think with you being in here with me." She paused and before he could ask what she meant she grined even more, "Alone..." He sat there for a moment, "They dont have to worry about me." Her grin didnt fade, "I never said you would be the one they needed to worry about." "Yikes..." Shesmiled and looked at the ceiling, "I am kidding of course. I wouldnt do anything. Just wanted to see the look on your face."
  10. ooc: Right oh! ------------ [color=darkorange]Candy lifted her head off the bed and groaned, [b]"Come in..."[/b][/color] [color=darkorange]Drew opened the door and stepped in. [/color][color=red][b]"What is wrong?"[/b][/color] [color=darkorange]Candy glanced at him without moving,[b] "What makes you think something is wrong?"[/b][/color] [color=darkorange]Drew gave her one of thosel ooks that told her she wasnt fooling him ONE BIT. [/color][color=red][b]"Because I know you. Good food doesnt stand a chance when you are near. Yet you hardly ate five bites before insisitng you were full. Honestly I dont beleive it."[/b][/color] [color=darkorange][b]"Well... Neither do I."[/b] Candy sighed.[/color] [color=darkorange][color=red][b]"Now this might be a stupid question but again I will ask. What is wrong?"[/b][/color] He said sitting down in a nearby chair.[/color] [color=darkorange][b]"Well. I liked my dream theory so much better. I mean i felt fine but the moment everyone seemed to heartlessly slash my hopes i felt something strange come over me. Not just depression but also a physicle thing too. I just dont feel good."[/b][/color] [b][color=red]"Do you think something here made you sick?"[/color][/b] [color=darkorange][b]"I am unsure. The food was good but the more I ate the worse it got."[/b][/color] [color=darkorange][b][color=red]"You should have told Cissa about it."[/color][/b] He said shifing in his chair.[/color] [color=darkorange]Candy laughed slightly, [/color][b][color=darkorange]"Nah. I doubt it is serious. I think I am just stressed over the whole not in my world thing. And then the Maria off to space thing too. Yet you dont seem bothered by it at all. If there is a reason we are here I think something got lost in the translation. There is nothng special about me... Nothing that could help."[/color][/b] [color=darkorange][b][color=red]"Candice...."[/color][/b] His deep growl and thefact he used her real name so seriously told her he disapproved of the attitude she had.[/color] [color=darkorange][b]"Sorry..."[/b] She leaned up and clutched at a wierd pillow as she rested her back against the headboard[b], "I just dont see why We have to be here. Or at least why I am here. You guys have talents of different sorts. All I got going for me is my super cute pink hair!" [/b]She sounded better than before but it still wasnt normal.[/color] ----------------- OOC: Enter Negative candy pink haired, happy looking part time negative girl. More like miss unsure
  11. [color=darkorange]Candy however did not care whyshe was here now. It wasnt a dream, she was here, and that was enough said for her. She dipped a piece of the bread into the stew and soaked it a bit. A few seconds later she pulled up the bread and bit into it taking every soggy piece. The flavor was overwhelming. It was far better than school's food and better than her mothers cooking which was almost at the same level as the school.[/color] [color=darkorange][/color] [color=darkorange][b]"This... I have to say."[/b] She said between a bite, [b]"Is delicious!"[/b] [/color] [color=darkorange][/color] [color=darkorange]She looked at Mike and Maria who were opposite of her and drew was to her right and andy was to her left.[/color] [color=darkorange][/color] [color=darkorange]After a bit though Candy realized she had made a mistake.[b] "Wow... That bread is quite filling!"[/b] She took a bite of sme unknown thing that was in her stwe and smiled. It was all quite good. She was getting full though. She had a bit more and pushed herself farther from the table.[/color] [color=darkorange][/color] [color=darkorange][b][color=red]"What is wrong?"[/color][/b] Drew asked her after looking down at her barely eaten slice of bread and bowl of stew.[/color] [color=darkorange][/color] [b][color=darkorange]"Oh... I ate to much of that bread with my stew and I am simply full."[/color][/b] [color=darkorange][/color] [color=darkorange][b][color=red]"You sure didnt eat much of the bread though..."[/color][/b] He pointed out that her first piece wasnt even completely finished.[/color] [color=darkorange][/color] [color=darkorange]Candy's smile faded slightly and she sighed, [b]"Well uh... It is like rice. It expands. I guess the bread is the same."[/b][/color] [color=darkorange][/color] [color=darkorange]Everyone glanced at her slightly and Cissa noticed the tired and uncomfortable look on Candy's face. [/color][color=black][b]"Come child Ill take you to your room where you can rest now."[/b][/color] [b][color=darkorange][/color][/b] [color=darkorange]Candy nodded and left her barely eaten meal and confused friends behind. Cissa led her through the door between the stairs. Candy didnt feel like taking in the area she was in though and kept her eyes on the floor mostly. Once she stoppped because Cissa stopped she looked up.[/color] [b][color=black]"I suppose I am to say if you need anything dont hesitate to ask."[/color][/b] [color=darkorange][/color] [color=darkorange]Candy frowned, [b]"Dont worry I wont be needing anything for now."[/b] With that said Cissa left the room and without even looking around Candy fell face first onto the nearest bed.[/color] --------- ooc: Figured id leave waht the resting area looked like up to someone more creative... I keep wanting to describe the cottage in finding neverland *cough* so someone else can have at it.
  12. Candy coughed, "Now that, You cannot deny, is something I have only seen in dreams...." She said watching the whole Maria Mike scene unfold. "Its not a dream but I do say that was quite odd." Andy said. Maria seemed quite shaken and Mike seemed to be in slight pain from the landing but was saying nothing of it. Candy just watched for a few minutes and waited. "So uh... Are we going to like be getting anywhere anytime soon?" She asked no one in particular. She was impatient at the moment and just wanted to go home. ----- ooc short but candy had to say something lol
  13. "So really what are you thinking about?" Candy smiled at drew with one of her perfected childish smiles, "This is all very neat for a dream. When I wake up this is the first thing going in my journal." "You seriously think this is a dream?" Drew asked as if she was nuts. Candy nodded, "Yup!" Drew pinched himself and pinched her too. "Iiv been hurt in dreams before so the whole pinch me thing doesnt work. I broke my arm in my dream once and it hurt like hell. Woke up and I realized I fell of the bunkbed and broke my arm. It hurt like hell. Dream pain and real pain... Same difference to me!" "I seriously think that you had a dream of breaking your arm after you broke your arm then because this is no dream. I am no dream." "That is what dreams are supposed to say!"
  14. Yay. I am glad it started and all but why hasnt anyone else posted but me? *sigh* I dont it to die right off the bat!
  15. Candy had less words than andy did. This place seemed unreal specially for the foot tall person and horse. Candy decided it must have been the earlier day's leftover breakfast that had messed with her head but when she saw Andy scrammble to follow the little lady Candy felt she needed to as well. She leapt up and followed behind. [i]What is this place? Who is this 'friend'? And why are we here? I want to be back... you know... Home. The lake... where ever that is normal for me. This is offically NOT normal in Candy's book of normalness.[/i] She thought to herself as she stayed a few feet behind Andy who was walking a bit slow because eve if it was a horse it wasa still small and a few large steps and andy could have been ahead of them. Though the little horse was quite fast for its own size and Candy thought about that. [i]Again... This isnt normal. I GOT IT! We were in a car crash or something... This is just a dream somehow. I mean... Could I be in some kinda wierd coma? Of course how does that explain the others being here as well... They dont seem like figments of my imagination... I guess I will have to wait and see...[/i]
  16. When will this start? I am already starting to forget details about my character and the story. I have to keep coming back here to re-read. Not only that but im anxious to play this rpg. Its been a long while since iv found an rpg to get me excited.
  17. so um.... When is this going to start? I am anxious to start and play. It has been a while after allsince iv been in an rpg that got me excited..
  18. A nose poked into the tree. It was Kyuubimon. She looked at Neo and smiled, "Its over...for now." Neo nodded nad smiled at Fladramon, "I guess Ill see you around sometime." Fladramon nodded, "Perhaps so." With that he leapt and vanished out of the tree. Neo left the tree by simply walking out and quickly got back on Kyuubimon's back. Kyuubimon then walked slowly out of the trees and into a clearing. It looked quite mangled from the battle. All the blasts and such tearing into the enviroment. Neo looked around and noticed the girl from earlier. She was with a large black and purple digimon and there was also a male there too. He had a three headed black dog for a partner. "Beelzemon and Cerberumon" Kyuubimon pointed out. "Cool. Mega and an Ultimate." Neo looked around and wondered where to go first. Kyuubimon also looked around, "Hmm. There is alot to explore. A lot to see." "You are in control of the direction. Choose one and go. I dont care... I just want to look around. Where doesnt matter." "As you wish..."
  19. Neo looked around and noticed some comotion. "I wonder what is over there..." Kyubimon halted and refused to move any farther, "I wont take you over there Neo." Neo sighed and glanced a little harder... she sould see, even with the sunglasses on, that some digimon was approching another and yet another one was driving around on a bike. "Why not?" "You might not notice it but most of those digimon fighting are ultimate levels and there are a few champion levels. The one on the bike is a mega. It isnt safe." "I guess you are right... Where do you suggest we hide?" "Well... I am yellow so it will be difficult to hide me but you can be hid easily because of your small size. I suggest you climb into that tree up there. Once up in the tree dont move or make noises. Only move when I return. I will be deeper into the trees hidden by teee cover and bushes." Neo nodded, "Well ok then. Take care of yourself. We only just met after all and Id like to stay around for a while." "Right." Neo climbed the tree rathereasily because of its many branches and odd shapes in its trunk. She got to a part where the branches came together and the tee made a dome of space. She was out of sign here. She sat on a brance and wondered what was going on outside. She could hear a roar of a motor and knew it was the bike but everything else seemed to be parts of explosions and attacks missing their target. Neo moved her sunglasses carefully and looked up farther into the tree. A ways up the trunk she saw something sparkle on the trunk. She quietly climbed up and sat on the branch closest. She reached out and her hand instead of touching the tunk where it was sparkleing... heR hand went right through. She got closer and leaned in more but lost her balance. She fell through the spot and into the trunk of the tree. As she fell she noticed hte inside of the tree looked nothing like the outside. It was smooth and colorful. Plenty of light for a place with no lights or sunlight. Something flashed in the corner of her eye and she felt something grab ahold of her. She didnt care the a moment because she was going to slam into the ground if she the whatever it was didnt catch her. One safely on the ground she noticed what it was. It had armored legs, claws, and head. It also wore a shirt with fire marks on it. The armor had the same marks in yellow red and orange. Its skin was blue and there was a blade coming out of its head. He stood on both hind legs and looked down at her. "I take it you are new to the digital world?" It asked. Neo nodded, "Yeah. Didnt know this was one of them... hiding tree things." "Thats why its for hiding. It is like every other tree." It said looking around. "Then why is the trunk at the top sparkling?" He put a claw to his chin and though, "Hmm not quite sure on that. Anyways I am called Fladramon. Who might you be?" She smiled, "My name is Nyoka but just call me Neo." "Ok Neo. Nice to meet you." "Likewise..." She stared at the ground for a moment, "The only problem I have now is I cant see Kyuubimon from here. I was supposed to come out of the tree when I saw here. In here i cant see anything from out there." "Hmm. A kyuubimon eh? Ill be right back." Fladramon then leapt out of the tree. He went through the wall as if it wasnt even there. A few moments later he came back, "I found your yellow friend and told her where you were. She seemed pelased that this tree was what it was. She will stick her head in when the fight is over." Neo nodded, "Thanks... But what IS going on out there?" "Well a bunch of megadramon following another ultimate gigadramon and a few others... they have been like terrorists. Hard to explain but A couple agents are working out their plan and fighting them now." Fladramon said a little slowly, "Dont worry... You are safe here. I wont hurt you," He grinned and looked at her oddly, "Yet." Neo just stared for a moment, shrugged, and looked around. "Ok... That joke didnt go over like I had hoped." He said sitting down. "Of course not... Those kinds of jokes dont phase me." ------ ooc: I am using Flamedramons original name which is FLAdramon so dont think it was just a typo.
  20. Then pm me when you got the sign up ... up! Dont worry I wont be like some "go back home trespassers of evil!" She will be a little more like "Well... I guess I could help... We all benefit... i guess" She can be the unsure helper if thats ok. If not run some ideas by me in a pm so i can put together a character that can suit the RPG well.
  21. She was pointed the way and walked down a blank hallway. The air was stale and she disliked the whole idea of staying here any longer than she had to. She turned thecorner sharply and looked down the hall through her black sunglasses. She glared silently at the desk and kept walking. She reached the desk and dug for the DigiDisk that she had just aquired. She was wearing A tight red t shirt with a black vest over that. Her very well fit blue jeans had a fire mark on one of the legs. And of course very sleek black sunglasses seemed to be permanently glued to her face. She never took them off. She had long blonde hair that was pulled back with a large device. Then there were three long braids that had red beads in the middle and on the ends ans fasteners. She waited. She stared at the girl who glanced up at her. "State-" She saw the disk, "Oh... Right. Fine just a moment." "Right..." She said quietly staring at the silly agumon bobblehead. "Name?" "Nyoka." "Right..." She looked near here and saw something start up. It was a circle. The circle began to glow and spin and small waves of energy pulsated out of it. A bright beam of light shot out of the center of the circle and a Digital Field formed. "Digimon Download complete. Identity Confirmed. Kyubimon... Data Kitsune. Champion level. Decent." She girl said in a manner quite rude. Nyoka knew it was most likely because she had seen so many different digimon emerge that a mere champion was nothing special. Neo however didnt care. She watched the field and two white flaming paws appeared. Out of the field came a large yellow nine tailed fox with Yinyans on her shoulders and flaming tips on her tails. She had a long white and red thing around her neck with crystals in front of her chest. She looked at the fox and stared for a moment and then nodded. "Kyubimon... I am Nyoka but call me Neo for short. I am glad we are partners." "As am I." The kyubimon said with a bow. The girl at the desk coughed, "Ehem. Anyways lets get you outta here." The circle started reacting again as the girl did some thigns and a device meterialized and flew into Neo's hand. She looked at it... It was black and white. She clipped it to her pants and waited. "Yeah... Its ready. Get on through." Neo nodded and turned to Kyubimon, "Mind if I?" "Not at all!" Kyubimon said turning slightly. Neo leapt up as if Kyubimon was a simple horse. Kyubimon leapt forward and the vanished through the portal. OOC: This probably is horrible compared to what I can do but I just ate a lot of ginger snaps... My head is on fire from dinners hot mustard mayhem and I wasnt sure how to do this... so i just guessed as I went.
  22. So instead of the sexy six its the sexy two... (*Dies horrible deaths for saying something so stupid*) Anyways so cool. No one signing up for cissa though... They most likely dont want to be one foot tall...
  23. Cool. Funny I kinda hit your idea of candy. Because like i said she will say what she wants and wont care how mean or rude it is... Though she isnt like that all the time. I will always be in the rpg... I like this idea so I wont just vanish on you... Hopefully the right combination of people joined so we will al be active enough to keeo you and it going!
  24. So ... Wow all kinds of creatures. Can i perhaps use alot i found on a *cough* harry potter site? Questing Beast is neat and so are a few other HP creatures. Anyways Like iv said before I cant wait till this thing starts. If i still get to play candy by then ill be extreamly happy! I normally never use... PINK... it being on of my least favorite colors a few months ago but now i dont know why but its one of my favorites (top being orange of coursE) How did you picture candice/Candy when thinking up this rpg?
  25. four of us and two left over... heh As for my ob oldnes... indeed I have been here a long time. As a matter of fact I joined originaly in Version2 but then they went to 3 and i had to get a new account like everyone else. And that one was this one. (I at a time had forgotten about OB and returned a while later and learned my original account no longer existed so I made Blanko_el_miez ... Which i realized is all messed up. First of all Blanko needs to be spelled blanco (to mean white) and the order was messed up. So i cnaged it to just plain Blanko (not wanting it to mean white... just a strange name lol) an after a year or couple more than that I beleive most people who knew me by blanko had left so... I changed it to Frankie just recently because that IS my real name after all. (Yes i am a girl) Though i dislike the name I needed a change in obnames so i just used what came to mind first. So what kind of other characters will there be? (question to kinda keep this post about the rpg itself lol streying off into memory land) edit: It says you joined [b]03-06-2004[/b] in your profile. And i made this account on... [b]08-26-2001[/b]
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