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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. OOC: uhh i just did to even befor that i came upon them from the bushes cause i saw them on my d power plus ginny is in the darkness world thingy mabober ======================= ginny did you draw this cause i downloaded it into my computer (the only way to see it of course) i would love to know if you drew it its kitamon(i colored it) i was board and i am sorry this is totaly off topic but i cant pm pics (i am comuter impared and dont know how) i was board you have to understand why i colored it i just would like to know who drew it its driving me crazy
  2. the two josh and lee are looking at whats going on cassidy and butch were stealing peoples pokemon from the tournament it was chaos little kid: whaaaaaa thoses big bad kids took my pidgey mypoor poor pidgey lee: dude i have had enough of this josh get your pokemon out i am ready to take these two lame ones on i cant take all the chaos i want to get those pokemon back josh: ya ekans , totadile go the two come out of their :ball: and growl lee: ponyta meowth pichu go the three leap out and are ready to fight even pichu raticate jumps in front of the kids and screams his oun name ponyta flames him and he sits there stunned butch and cassidy: you cant stop us u are to weak we have more pokemon now meowth: meeeeowthhh rrrrrr" lee: calm ribbons calm josh: ekans poisin sting ekans hits raticate with a bunch of needles raticate fals back as pichu shocks him and meowth+totadile scratch him hard the raticate lays ther nocked out the two team rocket ppl returned him and grab another pokeball but not fast enough for pichu shocks their hands and the drop it B&C: you have not beaten us yet the two run off and leave the chaos where it is anouncer: hay all who can hear this even in the forest the tornament is over cause uhh team rocke it it,are stealing all the pokemon so peace and have a nice day josh: whats up with that lee: i dont know but we need to find them and save thoses poor unforunet pokemon
  3. 1:name: trish 2:oke: growlithe(poppyseed),vulpix(trixy),totadile(jaws),poliwrath(swirly),jolteon(sparks), lugia (tremor) 3:syther, gravler,and houndour if thats ok 4:1.....plain i dont go to gyms much i just train and my pokes are quite power full even though they have not eveloved
  4. frankie snaps her fingers and a birdramon picks her up she flys over to bari and andamon before they got to far frankie leaps off briedramon lands and waits " i did not call you a peeping tom i am just worried cause some digimon have been spying i cant trust anyone i may have said peeping tom in the sentance but i was not refering to you plus i knew you are new here" "how" bari asks "sir look at your digimon he has not digivolved yet so i was not angry that much at you just at the fact that you were watching us train..a few digimon we have captured have been spying and want to find out our secret and i had to put them in our under ground jail...uhh could you do a favor for me???" " uhh like what" "well could you go find shiro,ginny,cera,and their digimon and tell them i am ok but dont tell them where i am tell them that they themselves have to find me not find out from someone else ok and tell takururumon i still care and that i did not mean all that stuff i said before" "uhh ya ok sure come on bari lets go" andamon says as they head off into the bushes frankie hops back on birdramon and fly into their underground base place
  5. died hardly anybody knows me but i would like to know what would happen if i died and..or leaft not that i am going to but i would love to know what you all would think
  6. josh: around and around she goes where she stops only ponyta knows pichu: pi pi pi cu cu *laughs* lee: oh really *snaps fingers* ponyta stops suddenly but not to fast to throw her off lee hops down and takes pichu LEE: uhh shouldent we go to the side forest now and train a bit i mean i have so many potions i dont even need to worry about being hurt josh:how many do you have?? lee: ohh about 50 my mom gets worried sometimes and pouts so many in to my pack josh: well then sure lets go they return all their pokemon and head off to the forest when they get there they split up but not to far unless someone needs help lee wals along the path and sees something move in the trees she looks up and its a meowth lee: wow what a perrrfect pokemon go pichu pichu leaps out of her arms and and uses spark and the meowth falls from the tree and hits the ground turns and gets into an attack poseittion lee: go ponyta... ponyta jumps out and stands there as meowth figures where to hit lee: ponyta stomp ponyta stoms the ground and shakes up meowth lee: ponyta ember ponyta reres up and sends a flame at meowth makeing him fall back on to the ground lee trows the pokeball and waits ---------------------- back on the other path josh was in the middle of a battle with a real mad todadile that was in the middle of eating josh: ekans poisin sting ekans hits the totadile hard and he hits the ground hard and josh throws a pokeball and somehow he causht it right away the two meet back in the main path lee: did you sucseed josh: ya i caught a totadlie i am nameing him jaws what do you think lee: i like it i caught a meowth i am naming him ribbons i dont know its just a cool name to me the two head back to the town to find total chaos lee: whats going on here kid: uhh two ppl went totaly belistic and they are stealing peoples pokemon after the battle i am not losing my magikarp its all i have....ahhhhhhhhh josh: well this is new lets check it out the two go to look at things
  7. ok you have to follow these rules you must have only one pokemon to start off with no evolved forms exept from ones that have baby forms exept for togepie and it can not be moltres zapdose or ony big legendary birds dogs or even ayrodactle no no no it has to be like pidgey,pikachu, totadile,and so on.....no super strong big pokemon to start off with like ayrodactyl and snorlax...and no levels no " ohh your at level 5 lets get that level higher" you must start out at a pokemon lab with the professer getting your FIRST NOT TO STRONG POKEMON so you sign up like this: name: pokemon: gender: type: nickname: color: other(like specil features like richies pokemon ,sparkys, hair on the tv show): professer: (oak elm ivy or make up your oun) color pokedex: heres mine name: roswell (my pearents are strange) pokemon: eevee gender: female type: normal nickname:poppy color:dark brown (darker then normal) other: has a black stripe on the end of her tail professor: professor element ( her parents were strange too) colorpokedex: orange not red so please join i think i am getting into to many rpgs but hay a few i am in are dying some are not to interesting and hay i wanted to start my own so here it is
  8. a digimon apperaes in the clearing a huge digimon that looked just like TRM exept pure white and has wings ?????: i am angelrocaceramon here to protect titaniumrocaceramon so prepare to.... get hurt not destroyed be hurt really hurt i agree with those who are wanting to save the boards but i will not let TRM get hurt she lunges into the air and yells "GOLDEN HOLY AIRROW BLASTER" she throws a gient arrow at the huge omni digivolved digimon reverting him beck in to his rookie form and more arrows hit every one eles reverting them back into their rookie forms the clearing was filled with rookies exept TRM she turns to TRM and says this " you know what you have been bad taking over the boards then the world was a stupid idea and i am ready to stop you TRM: but you just said you dont want me hurt " yes but there is no room for what i think its what all think and most ppl here want to save the world and if i have to destroy you to do it then so be it.........MAGNA HOLY ARROW" She shoots a huge arrow at the gient dino as it hits him he then falls to the ground and disentigrates... then the holy flying dino then started to glow and grew smaller and smaller then to human size then fell to the ground it was frankie.... she then stood up and said this " to all who think its not fair that i turned all of you beck into rookies but this is rediculess and for thoses who still think i cant be that powerfull i was not that powerfull i had the help from the good in titanium rocaceramon we used our power and had to stop this fight from begining i know it sounds stupid but its what happens when you think your stronger then someone else its not in size or in looks its whats in the heart and not the body...so those of you who would like to take over because humans are degrating or puni or putrid its because you dont care for yourself i tell you its wrong to think highly of yourself with out friends or anyone to back you up....and dont forget you like someone or hate them by whats in their heatrs not thjeir bodys now i must go and if none of you believe me go look where my body landed" some kids whent to look no body nothing there "so all who think that we are all stupid that meand you are stupid" an egg appered on the ground by frankies feet she picks it up and just disapperes ----------------------------------- i know this sounds soooo stupid but its what i would like to put here(and the airrow can go through armor cause armor does not exist to the airrow it can go through armor straight to the heart) arnt i a stupid thinker
  9. TRM: she leaft a note it says to thoses of you who dont believe that this happened it really did and you know what its all TRMs fault TMR: my fault............what a bunch of crap she did it her self matt: but its you that made her do it.. you had forgoten the fun you used to have and how much she cared for you but now you turn on her she could not take the mental and phisical abuse so she killed her self nothing leaft to live for you big jerk
  10. jes walks out into the clearing and walks straight up to liam and geo jes: hi my name is jes whats yours and meet my partner renamon nick: my name is nick and my partners are patamon and terriermon but patamon is in an egg form he got hurt geo: oh k so i am geo and my partner is gomamon liam: i am liam my partner is graalmon(sp) jes: nice to met you
  11. frankie stands impatiently waiting for the two speechles ones to talk "well??" "my name is bari and this is andamon" "i could have introduced myself but thank you" "what were you doing" she says tapping her foot "well i was explaining the ways of the digital world" andamon says " well why were you explaining it here" she says tapping faster "well i was explaining about the ones that were trying to fight the bad evilness" "well then be on your way i have no ned for peeping toms and *sigh* explanitory digis so be on your way to where ever you were going" frankie walks off back to the clearing where the digis were training frankie stands there and watches untill its time to go back in she relives the troops and goes on a walk inthe moon light floramon"uhh miss i could not find them" frankie" ohh fine it does not matter anymore to me if they care or not no one ever cared for me sure they took care of me and made me better from sicness or being weak like shiro but no one ever has actually cared for me so i dont see why they would i mean ginny and cera its not like i am going to force them to like me or care so i dont care if you could not find them...they probably dont even want to find me...so i wont hold it agenst you if you did not find them go take a good shower and get some rest i have something new instore for the troops training so make sure they are ready as floramon walks off she starts to glow floramon" floramon digivolve too" kiwimon" kiwimon" frankie" wow you digivolved its about time now you can help in the training and fight i was wondering when you would digivolve" kiwimon" well it took me months to do it but i finaly made it and i would be glad to help in the fight now that i am stronger" the bird ran off as frankie walked in the moon light
  12. sitting at a small table the 5 ate and ate and the pokemon ate some more and a litttle more untill they were ballons lee: jezz ya think they ate enough josh: well i hope they can at least bettle more lee: ya i agree with that josh: lets go work off that great food at the track lee: sure i bet ponyta would love that i am not to sure about pichu what about ekans josh: well he can dig underground so he will be happyer then a clam lee: good lets go when they get there the track was empty josh: i guess everyones at the compatition so its all ours they let out all their pokemon lee hopes on ponyta lee: so far so good she has not burned me yet is that a good sign josh: i guess so it seem like she is happy with you lee: good ponyta lets go for a few rounds ponyta jets off around the track as josh holds pichu and ekans is under the ground following the ponyta
  13. frankie backs away from titaniumrocaceramon and grabs a hand gun backs up to a cliff and holds the gun up to her head and puls the trigger BOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRM: what now oh good now i dont need to worry about her anymore *turns back to what he was doing* frankie lies dead at the bottom of the cliff cause this "i am taking over cause the puin humans " thing drove her crazy she could no longer take it she lays there with a hole trough her head
  14. ok uhh its not garbumon ok its gargomon(the champion of terriermon) ------------------------------------- jes walks over to nick jes: hi my name is jes whats yours ???: my name is nick the two silently shake hands in politeness jes: darn its to warm here nick: :therock: what to warm?? jes : i lived in antarctica and its always cold there its not cold here and its to warm for my frozzen blood nick: ohhh ok jes : so you have tow digimon it looks like gargomon is preatty strong and your egg will grow back into the digimon it used to be dont worry about it nick: how come you know so much jes: uhh because me and renamon were talking for a while i learned a bunch are you the only one here?? nick: actually i dont know?? renamon: yes there are others they just have not gotten around to finding us yet or we have not got around to finding them nick : ok..... jes looks at her d power jes: uhh there are a few over in that direction need a ride there nick nick: uhh ya gargomon cant cary me and an egg deffenitly cant jes: well ok then *swipes some card out of the ones she got when she got here* digimodify ...digivolution activate renamon: renamon digivolve to. kyubimon: kyubimon..hop on guys lets go the two hop on and kyubimon takes off..a bit to slow though because of carriing two kids jes: ohh i am sorry kyubimon...digimodify hyper speed activate kyubimon speeds up and they hit a clearing where two kids are conversing and a purple tiger thing and a small fish looking thing
  15. uhhh ok... ----------------- ???: *flips hair* my name is tammera tam for short ??2: my name is veemon tam: well i have to say digimon disintegrate when we attack with much force this was not even a hard blow liam: still you killed it and what the hell is a digimon veemon: i am a digimon we are digital monsters we live inthe digital world and we protect the chosen tamers oh and by the way we always and forevr will talk..and all digimons names end in mon tam: nice to meet you liam liam: uhhh ya you too the two sort of shake hands
  16. sorry again but its the only way i can show you ppl my gif things here is angewomon see if you saw the entire pic it would be angewomon putting lipstick on angemon
  17. i am apoligizing ahead of time for triple posting but i have three avatar gifs i kinda just messed around with actually they were pics and i just took out the head and for those who hates digimon dont look they are all digimon here is angemon wearing lipstick
  18. tam stands where the beedrill used to be "man these things are not to strong" "no they are not" veeemon replies just then some one aproches them
  19. cool thanks ----------------------------------------- floramon martches back in " uhh miss i have an idea for you" "what is it" frankie says "well miss whould it be great if you went out and traine the troops it would be good if you got some hands on work with them sence you will be working with them in the future" floramon says looking at her uhh " feet " "uuh good idea i will go out and train you go find takururumon now" frankie says relieving the floramon outside the troops all go through a obstical course and they fought each other and ran around a bit frankie walks and leans agenst a tree for a bit reliving the troops for a bit of a brake only 10 stayed training "well we know what ones are worth the time" frankie says to her self in a nearby tree she heard voices but ignored them untill they got a bit louder so she quietly sliped next to a tree where the noise was loudest she then heard this " andamon whats going on here" bari asks " ohh this is a training ground for digimon who join the "digimon army" the leaders of course want to stop the evil so the train but they dont exeactly know how to beat the evil but training and digivolving is their short term goal untill its time to fight" andamon replies to baris question frankie at hearing this signals a rinomon to knok the tree around a bit rinomon knocks the two out of the tree and they land at frankies feet " well what have we here " frankie says staring down at the two " i think we have peepers mabey spys from the evil shall i destroy them" rinomon says snorting "no go back to training i would like to talk to our visetors alone" frankie says commanding him to leave as he stomps off frankie asks the two who were now picking themselves up and dusting the dirt off " so who are you " frankie says glaring at the two they looked at each other and looked back at frankie( now dressed like a female general) " well i dont have all day to wait for you guys to come up with an answer so stop dodaling and tell me who you are and what you are doing here" frankie demands the two stare thinking of whast to say
  20. i signed up even look i am jes ------------------------------------ in this cold almost not livable place jes writes a letter that wrote " dear phil, ever sence i moved here to antartica because of me "crocadile dundee mom and "super nerd" dad though it would be nice to move here for poler bear reserch dang its cold here i am wrapped up like a stupid doll i can hardly move but whats even worse is its to cold here to have a computer and whats worse then that no friend no kids only hukeys that can bearly live here either this really sucks but at least i have you to write to... ohh crud must go my stupid pen is freezing and i wont be able to write for a while. so bye bye phil your frezzing friend jes she trew the pen in the trash which had a dozen of pens that would still be workin in america but no here in antarctica..she curls up on here bed and just sat there watching here own breath form into almost solid ice drops.....she decides to go to the photo shoot site where her parents are shooting pictures of the polerbears she hooks up the team of dogs and puts a extra coat on..of course her parents had the car so she could not really drive down there in a nice hardly working heater but she was fine driving the team of dogs half way there she came upon the lake she stoped the team "i wonder if i could go right across it would be a lot less harder on the team if i could just cut across instead of going all the way around" the decided that it would be for the best she starts the team across and they slowly start across the ice half way there she hears the ice crack a bit ...getting worried she made the team go faster then ever befor because here if the ice cracks you better get moving because the ice will crack right behind you all the way to the other side from all the waight they make it across but before the part where she was standing could get off the ice ..the ice broke and the team kept going faster yet jes lost her griping and the team jets forward making jes fall into the ice cold water as her sight began to fade she gets all warm like the sun was hitting her..she tought 'i wonder if this is what it feels like when you are dyieing' she opens her eyes and it is the sun and trees and grass!!!!! its been weeks before she has seen grass!! she leans up "is this what heaven looks like cause its gourgous here" a fox on two legs walks up and answers her question " no this is not "heaven" but it is gourgous here this is the digital world home to all digimon and..." the confussed girls inturpts the foxes speach " uhhh who and what are digimon and by the way who are you and why am i here" "i am renamon a digimon aka digital monsters and you are here well actually i dont know why you are here but you will find out sooner or later" the fox replies jes stares and then climbes to her feet " so you are renamon wow what a pretty name... and you are gourgeous your self i am jes" " well nice to meet you jes ..my what a nice name you have and we are partners"renamon says "partners??? wow i never had a partner before" the head off into the trees ------------------------------------ i dont care if dogs cant live in antarctica its my part of the story i can be creative cant i ??
  21. may i join*shivers waiting to get hit and rejected..nothing happens* name:jes (its close to jen is'ent it) DD : rika( ruki) digimon: renamon...sence veemons gone already :( :bawl: crest: reson/respect
  22. frankie paces as floramon comes into her room "the troops are ready for inspection" floramon says while saluting "ok bring them in i would at least like to see some improvement"frankie says standing in the middle of the room ready to watch all champions martch in and saluted " i would like to see some improvment next time but you did very well this time but lets keep getting better" frankie says and releases the troops "floramon stay" she says making floramon stay where she is "yes maam" floramon says standing perfectly still " i want you to go find a lizerd digimon named takururumon he belongs here with me he will be with a few kids so please go find him" floramon runs off to finish her mission
  23. tammewra walks quietly along the forests path and veemon trotted beside her wondering why they were here and what these pokemon are saposed to be just then a beedrill flys infront of them and shoots a huge stinger at them Veemon: watch out veemon pushes tam out of the way and leaps out of the way too tam: you better digivolve armor energize veemon: veemon armor digivolve too raidramon: raidramon the strom of friendship Thunder blast the blast hits beedrill shoking a bit to far over done....more like black well done the beedrill lays there motionless
  24. titaniumrocaceramon: you guys are so puni and pathetic why should i fight you this was all rondomon and shymons idea inthe first place they are my friends and i will stick with them.... and plus they have a good point why listen or fight for someone who needs your protection that means they are so weak and puni they should not have a digimon no one should we should fend for our selfes not thoses puni little humans who always need protection.....for goodness sake why protect or be friends with such a insugnifagent puni worthless humans frankie: ... why do you have to be like this is there a virus in you or am not your friend anymore TRM: shut up you stupid insect you have no rule over me so just shut up before i destroy you before its time
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