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Everything posted by Frankie
lee stands there pleased with her new pokemon and she has her new ponyta return she goes to the side and exits the arena and meets josh josh: wow a ponyta thats pretty neat i like that so want to get something to eat .for all 5 of us. lee: sure i would like that and i bet ponyta and pichu would like that they head off to get something to eat --------------------------- this pic is lee...also known as jen in my fan fics or known as frankie in a few rpgs but right now its known as lee (me)
josh stands at one end of the arena as a kid was at the other end josh holding his pokeball he hopes he can make it farther then three matches lee walks up to the arena and watches as he stands there motionless ref: let the battle behin kid: weedle go weedle comes out of the pokeball and almost hisses josh: ekans goo ekans slithers out and hisses kid: weedle tackle weedle lunges at ekans josh: ekans wrap ekans wraps around weedle before he could ram into ekans weedle squirms and stings ekans with his stinger kid: poising sting weedle did poisin sting again as he rams his stinger into ekans again josh: ekans poisin sting him back ekans poising stings right back weedle just could not take the heat and fell to the ground kind of squirming but not realy moving josh: ya *leaps into the air* ekans slithers next to josh ref: josh is the winner the ref takes josh to the side and tells him to go and wait for his next match he meets up with lee josh: hay guess what lee: uhh i dont know you won? josh: you were watching wernt you lee: ya anouncer: will trainers # 6 and 79 please come to the arena for the 2 pokemon match lee: well now its my turn be back in a bit josh: can i watch you lee: ya sure lee enters the ring ref: the battle begin kid: go pidgey lee: pichu go kid: pidgey gust lee: pichu spark pichu sends a spark at pidgey as the spark hits pidgey the gust of wind hits pichu knoking them both out anouncer: wow what a start a tie still its amazing what power that little guy has and pidgey is powerfull too i wonder whats next kid: go voltorb lee: ' i hope this one works for me' pokeball goo a pony ta comes out and is already in a fighting pose ready to fight kid: voltorb tackle lee: ponyta flame thrower voltorb rolls at ponyta and rams into her side she stubles a bit but then turns and flares up and shoots fire at the ball pokemon rolling him back about 20 feet kid: voltorb get up i want you to do....sonic boom lee: ponyta stomp voltorb kicks up a twister thingy and it goes stright for ponyta lee: ponyta dodge it quick pnyta does a flip and a twist and gets around the twister and then stomps on voltorb ... voltorb rolls back into the wall eyes crossed a total knock out
after serious consideration i am gonna stay on if youy dont mind but how am i gonna get trough this general stuff if no one helps by putting me into there posts i have been doing that for others and my hands are getting tired --------------------------------------------------------------- frankie sits on a rock........ frankie : ya i want the job i will be your general flora: :D yaaaay about 20 digimon all rookies and champions martch out and salute her then file out of the room flora: well they are happy to have you for there leader frankie: i hope i can do this
i dont like it either sooo you can just kill me of or something i am out of this one because its seems to die after a while so ooooo i am out of this you can keep me in if you want but i wont post here anymore plus i cant thnk of anything else more stupider then me becomeing a general
TRM:i wont i dont have anything to prove to you..plus i am doing this for my oun protection and to let you know that did not hurt
one minute its peacfull the next its pure darkness the worlds colided and the inhabitants just wanna go home tammera walks next to a huge tree full of bugs not digimon bugs like what she was used of veemon walks next to her and wonders what they could be and then a kid leaps infromt of her with a digimon and a creature that was not a digimon " hay you wannna know what these things are dont ya they are pokemon creatures you can catch collect and battle agensdt otheres veemon:"ohhh kay well what happened here girl: dont know it looks like the worlds colided cause i have never seen creatures like u talk before pokemon dont talk but d-i-g-i-m-o-n do its so strange tammera sits there wondering to her slef about the pokemon and if she could catch them just like this girl
what a mouth full almighty (sp) warrocaceramon: ok i am angry now WARROCACERAMON TITAN WARP DIGIVOLVE TOO .... ?????: TITANIUMROCACERAMOn rawwwwwrrr frankie: stop it stop it stop it TRM:make me you lame poster you been here sence agest and you arent even a member yet how lame
lee walks into the park once more and meets josh lee: josh did you sign up yet josh: ya are you going to lee: i am still thinking about it and this strange pokemon expert guy gave me one of his pokemon josh: wow who did he give you lee: not sure i will enter the tornament and when its my turn i will find out dont you think its the best idea josh: i dont know what if you get ther wrong type like the presong trowns out pikachu and you end up with horsea lee: well i will just take my chances --------------------------------------------------- no one may put a pokemon in my part of the story ,..because i have my plans on who it is in my pokeball so no one may post up who it is ok ok
baemon: uhh i would rather not you are a mega i am a champion and i cant warp digivolve right noe i would destroy my home because i am too big ohhh welll ...warp digivolve too warrocaceramon: warrocaceramon..... is this better
frankie walks around the room thinking ' ahh why me now my champion level digimon hates me and i created him its not fair' baemon: all fics welcome if the want to take over the boards frankie: baemon get away from there right now or i will zap you with my rod
ginny you have way too much time on your hands ---------------------------------------------------------------- baemon: i am taking a stand and you can to do you want to be bossed around all the time do you want to get hurt just because of a puni human join us and we will rule the boards and world soon after that muhahahaqha
lee: i am not entering this turnament josh: why lee:because pichu is not ready for this type of matches josh:oohhh ok lee has pichu return and she sits on a park bench josh sits nex to her lee: well arent you going to enter josh: dont know lee: you should..it will give your ekans some practice for getting stronger josh: ya i guess your right....*leave to enter* lee gets up and walk in to the mart and uses the phone to call home....talks then hange up lee: i wonder when i will get to go and catch more pokemon pichu is to weak to help pokemon expert: well i just cant help over hearing your dilema and i would like to help here take this pokeball it has a stronger pokemon in it he will help you lee: really PE: ya here take it lee takes the :ball: and PE: dont open it yet leave it a suprise lee stands ther with the new pokeball wondering and hoping its a strong healthy pokemon
lee trips over a squrtle shell squirtles head pops out "squirtle" "wow pokemon are all over the place" lee says getting her balance josh had ekans return lee pulls out pichu "pichu" "hay quiet down a bit " lee says patting pichu on the head a bit pichu almost starts purring lee walks over to group of kids at a table... "hi how are you guys doing having a good day i hope" lee says waving at them a kid with purple hair says"hay you have pichu its kind of cute but my opinion is cute pokemon are not to strong thats why i have a machop he is superstrong lee sits on a chair next to the table and josh sits in another chair next to lee "so where are you headed after the cerimony" josh says....... a boy with a spinerak on his sholder says" probably oliven i like water pokemon and bug" the kids start to talk a bit then an anouncer speakes " i welcome you all to the pokemon trainer ceramony please take your seats trainers to the front please and we will begin the ceramonie" ----------------------- i cant speelll
lee steps into the light holding her poke ball... then she slips it back into her pocket lee walks over to a tree and sits on the bench next to it she sits alone and just then a buldge of gound moves under the bench lee jumps up "whats that" a boy comes over and explains" ohh sorry ekans come out of there he belongs with me he travles with me that way i just found this out i got him a while ago.. " i got my digimon from my father but two weeks later my dad died so its kind of sad my mom did not come she hates pokemon trainers now because of that fact that dad died in the middle of a pokemon battle..strangly he had a heart attack whil his charmeleon was attacking its sad i dont like talking about it much"lee replies josh"ohh i am so sorry" -------------------------------------------------------- the pic is named jen but its lee/jen/frankie in all the rpgs
floramon:you may not even want to ruls how about being a general...you can live here with us frankie: well here might not be around for much longer floramon:why? frankie:uhh well there are a few people out there that think destroying this world will get them home flora: but if they destroy this worlds all the worlds are destroyes because all worlds are linked so if destroyed they all get destroyed so their plan is to destroy all life even themselves are they crazy frankie: not to sure.and why do you want me to be a general. flora:well its asuramon he wants you to help him in a quest to return all good to this world and others...dont you too frankie: well yes flora: then help us..please. frankie: so why did you shoot me from the cliff you could have killed me flora: dolphmon what ..are you an ideot dolphmon:uhh guess soo i never thought about that frankie: oh never mind it i am ok now......*getting alittle spoile* a general?? flora: yes want the job frankie:i guess i have nothing else to do ------------------------------------------------- while back up on the cliff cera: give me her crest mabey we can find her ginny: i dont know its not respodnding taku: its because its not heres anymore its useless thats the last of rocaceramon i guess cera: ohh dont feel bad ginny: well we will find her some how taku: i hope before ...its to late --------------------------------------- roca[COLOR=deeppink]cera[/COLOR] mon i never know cera was in my digimon it took me till now to see that
ahhhhhhhhhhhh i fixed it i just got it mixed up and i am ready hopfully i dont start calling him pichumon
in my mind i was alive but also not there anymore visions of the past running and hiding from bears and wolfes that stole all of what i could find of food nothing really mattered anymore ..then a nother vision comes through a family in a home happy but frankie appeares in this vision..as a happy child in this home then one two three its all gone ashes and rubble i opened my eyes and relized that i dont live there any more there is no family... frankie wakes up from herdream about her past .. she is in a underwater cave on dry land next to the water..in the water was dolphmon.. frankie: who are you and why am i here dolph:ha like you really dont know this is where you belong with your kind............ frankie: what what is my kind dolph: a ruler of cours we have all heard of you and you seem to be a perfect ruler of all digimon master asuramon wants you to rule the world with him frankie: what????????? you must be crazy i cant rule the digital world floramon: yes but you might just like it here Frankie : why would i like ruling the digital world Floramon: because you have nothing to go home to
frankie goes under somethings under frankie frankie totaly surfaces dolphmon:is this yours ginny:uhh shes a friend cera:ya she fell dolphmon:no she dident ..i shot her down with my pulse blast attack she is mine now taku: what why..... dolphmon: i dont have to answer to you now do i so stay out of it i am taking her to my cave and i heard you that takururumon cant swin only float that will come in handy :demon: dolphmon goes under taking frankie with him
ohh all right name:lee age:14 discription: always wearing a blue vest with orange insides a t shirt with yellow sleeves but red every where else..a skateboarder logo on the front that says "rise above the rest" personality: sad that her pokemon is so young because he cant realy fight yet not offence anyway only defence starter digimon: pichu type:electric personality: likes geeting into trouble sometimes other: was given to me for my birthday by my fater who died two weeks later..
frankie walked up a hill over some rocks and by then the rain had stoped but she was still cold from all the water as she ran up on the top with every one behind her a ways she stoped at a cliff.... just as the kids get up there to talk some sence into her she goes limp cera goes to catch her but misseed and she falls head first about 100 feet then straight into some water she sinks a bit then bobs up but not consious... taku:guys i float but.. its not going to work in this case and i will not let you two go down there cera: uhhhhh ok ginny:then what do we do taku: i dont know i really dont know.............
taku: frankie come back frankie:go aaway taku: why should i i was put here to protect you frankie turns around giny cera and taku were right behind her frankie: protect ha i have lived with no home in the woods with the bug wolfes bears and lots of troubles for 2 years you lived in the village who need protection more..you do..thats why i am telling you protect the kids who need protecting ones who have meaning in their life ginnys digimon is not even here to protect her shiro went of in to a cave thats about to flood and cera well you know what i mean they all need protection not ME frankie turns away and continues in the water falling heavely from the sky. taku:..i was getting the idea you liked shiro..but now you you are just hearless frankie: mabey i am but i tryied to care for shiro it did not work so i gave up after the dreams started up again taku: why frankie:..*sigh* because my life has no meaning thats why i would not care for someone if it wont work out ginny: i dont understand frankie: good cera: i know you care whats wrong with you frankie: i dont have a heart anymore that whats wrong i dont care anymore ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i did this just to humor DBZChika... she is the one who said it was forming into a nother digi romance
i guess so go ahead NB
frankie gets up and walks toword the lake nad does not say a word taku: where are you going you are to weak to travle get back here right now frankie: *stumbles a bit* i am going ...going just away i dont need this right now. i have been through enough already....and after all these dreams about asuramon and chicoturamon i am about to burst cera: uhhhh what dreams frankie: * stumbles again and leans agenst a tree*ok one day a digimon came here named chicoturamon he was so hot headed he challenged asuramon to a battle over the world and its was to begin when the full moon hits its 1000 cycle over mount raha but it would brigh total destruction to three digi areas cera: and that would be when??? frankie: 3 days from yester day cera: and you think these dreams are rally going to happen? frankie:ohh you dont beleive me huh.... want me to prove it ginny: well ya frankie: in two minutes the sky will fill with clouds and it will rain enough to flood any cave in this vally... and you know what i have tried to be nice i have tried to be resonable here but no one ever listens so now i am don listining and trying to respect and be nice. i am on my oun i am going to higher ground with out any of your guyses help taku: ok lets go frankie frankie: no i am going with out you i need some time alone to think you can use this to find me later frankie throws her crest at ginnnys feet frankie: well if that crest is still mine you will find me franie walks off towords the mouintin...and like she said the sky grew dark and it began to rain... ginny:how did you know frankie: i had a dream long ago when we were first here that i would drown for someone else and my life would contribute to your work and help....but someone stoped it from happaning cera:...who??? taku:SHIRO frankie: yes shiro..and its because of his stuburn bravery that it did not happen..and i know you all have familys and homes and brohters and sisters but i dont i have non of that NON no home no family no brothers and sisters i saved shiro because i knew my power would help you better then if i was alive *sigh* i am going to the mountins becaus thats where i need to die at its the place where the two megas are going to fight hopefully i will get hit by a blast or two...you all have homes to go back to i dont frankie slowly turns away and heads for the path to the mountin alone and wet and ready to die
the worlds grew dark....the inhabitants all became confused about this sudden darkness..... then all worlds colided with a roar of thunder and the darkness went away revaling a large world with all different kinds of people ------------------------------------------------------------------- DBZ,Pokemon,Digimon,Cardcaptors,And All The Other Anime Charecter Worlds Get All MIxed UP...so there are pokemon and digimon and dbz charecters and others all mixed into one planet trying to figurer out what happened and how to get their planets back again sign up by doing this >> >> Anime show: example(dbz) name: exampl (davis) age: 1234567890 discription: looks and all dat personality: what you are like FOR DIGIMON digimon fresh... intraining rookie champion so on FOR POKEMON starter pokemon (must be in first stage and not to strong) type strength weakness lv... must be between 5 and 10 FOR DBZ well i dont now about this one but you should be able to figure it out CARDCAPTORS name and uhhh well you go from there And the others you name and tell who and what you are -------------------------------------------------------------------------- me anime: digimon name: tammera age: 14 personality: loner hates evil and never fights unless absalutly needed description:wears black shirt under blue vest and jeans yellow shoes digimon fresh:chibomon in training: demiveemon rookie:veemon champion: exveemon ultimate:pphieldramon mega:imperialdramon..(i know but i wont use wormmon unless ther is one in this rpg ,to digivolve to ultimate) digiegg: friendship ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i know this may seem real stupid but it just came to my mind i had to put it up i now i now its stupid ahh the worlds all clash gohan kills pikachu digitamamon kills gohan bla bla bla *sigh* i just thought this up and wanted to see how it would go
thank you babygirl for backing me up i was a newbie at "the digimon experiance and dude man are they mean to newbies i leaft and have never gone back